英文剧本对白The Nativity Story耶稣诞生记

2020年08月02日 00:01


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基督诞生记 The Nativity Story Script 英文剧本对白
影萍发表于2009-03-12 13:41
来源:130影萍网 标签:英文剧本对白The Nativity Story耶稣诞生记
基督诞生记 The Nativity Story Script


The Nativity Story script

The prophecy will end tonight, Father.

The sons of Bethlehem shall be no more.

A child.

For the lowest of men to the highest of kings.

Carry out the orders of King Herod!



Aah! Not my son!



Aaaaah! Aaah!

Pigeons for sacrifice!

For the temple! For the temple!

- One half shekel for a pigeon! - Four for sacrifice! Four.

- No blemishes! - One shekel!

This honor is for you, Zechariah, and your village.




Your wife will bear you a son.

You will call him John.

M-my wife is too old to bear a child.

And he will be the prophet of the most high...

for he will make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

But I am an old man.

You will be struck dumb and not be able to speak...

because you believest not my words.

God bless you.

God be with you.

Bless you.

- Aaah! - Elizabeth.

What's wrong, Zechariah?

He has seen a vision.

- A vision from God! - Oh!



Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Stop looking at him.

You'll get us in trouble.

I'm not looking at him.

Yes, you are.

- No, I'm not. - Ha!


Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Aaah!

Ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha!


Ruth is waiting for you.

But I was working.

She pays you to help her. You can't be late.

Here, take this with you. Hurry up.

Shalom, Mary.

Joseph. Ha ha ha!

That's all?

- It's burning. - I know.

- Mary, you are late. - Sorry.

You're not sorry.

Mary, the cheese.

Ask if she'll buy two today.

It will help us.

The word of the Lord came to Elijah and God said...

"Stand on the sacred mountain."

And behold, the Lord passed by...

and a great wind rent the mountains...

and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord.

But the Lord was not in the wind.

And after the wind, an earthquake!

But the Lord was not in the earthquake.

And after the earthquake, a fire!

But the Lord was not in the fire.

And after the fire?

A still, small voice.

- Aaaaah! Mmmm! - Look!



We made it just this morning.

Oh, thank you. I needed more.

Herod's tax collectors will be here tomorrow.

I know.

Does your father have enough?

I pray that he's strong.

Men have had their own children taken to satisfy their debt.

My father would never allow that.

Of course.

God will deliver us, Mary.

Even the words I spoke to the children tell of a new king...

for those who have nothing.

How much will you give me?

Mary, let's go.


Prepare to pay your taxes.

Two lines. Now.

Move, now.

No talking. Move.

One half shekel for the temple, two shekels for Caesar...

by order of King Herod.

You cannot pay your tax and you have no more land to offer.

The harvest will be strong a few months from now.

Yes, but we are not here for that harvest, are we?

The agreement was for you...

to hand over one-third of your land...

to satisfy your debt.

If I could have the land for one more year...

What do you bring, huh?

What do you bring in the hope I will grant your request?

Is that your animal?

You must pay one half shekel for Caesar.

That's all I have!

To be different than the others.

The girl, take her.

No, no, no, please... Ali... I pay next time twice.

She will work to pay your debt. Next.

No! No!

Aaah! Not my daughter!

- Help! - Please, no, no!

- Ali... Aliyah! - Aaaah!

- Aaaaah! - Aliyah!


- No, please. - Next.

- Step in line! - No, please, no.

- No! No! Aliyah! - Aaaaah! Help me!

Help! Aaaah!

No! Help me!

Help me!


Aaah! Aaah!

Aaah! Aaah! Aaah!

Come here, Mary.

Aaron! Aaron!

Aaron! Aaah!

Back in line, all of you!

Take this man's animal...

and one-third of his land to be seized...

for the continued good of Herod's kingdom.

Please, if I don't have enough land, my...

What? What, you and your family will die?

Ha ha ha! All of us must die.

Some sooner than others. Move.

Kill it, we have enough.


One half shekel for the temple.


How did you...

The soldiers, their thirst for blood...

is matched only by their thirst for money.

Thank you.

Tell your father that they left her behind.

He needs his pride.


Aaah! Aaah!

- Oooooh! - Aaah!



Your Excellency, Masada will be as glorious...

as your palace in Jerusalem.

- Oooooh! - Aaah!

The bathing pool, fed by the water from the aqueducts.

- Oooooh! - Aaah!

Have them stop.

Build another pool up there...

and have it spill into the pool below as a waterfall...

and cover the walls with golden tiles.

To reflect the light.

To reflect the light.

Your Excellency knows, to acquire this much gold...

Is why I have loyal subjects.

The tax collection in Galilee, any sign of rebellion?

None that remain.

"None that remain" means there was.

And what of the prophecy?

The awaited Messiah?

Is this the cause of their dissension?

The prophecy is a myth, Your Excellency...

embraced by those unwise enough to worship their true king.

What is unwise, Tero, is to take such a pro
phecy too lightly.

Try, Gaspar.

Any clue we find may be the final piece.

"A star...

"shall come forth...

"from the land of...

Of Israel?


But, Melchior...

The words speak to the very pattern I have been watching.

Balthasar, if what the prophet says here is true...

a new Messiah could come within our own lifetimes.

There is a star that has been moving...

toward what the Romans call Jupiter.

If the two of them draw close to each other...

How many years from now?

It will not be years.

Ha ha ha!


You know Joseph.

You will be his wife.

"Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God, king of the world...

"who sanctified Israel by huppah and betrothal."

Take it.

The law says you will stay with us for another year...

then you will go into his house.

You will consider him your husband now...

in all manner except that which leads to family.

On that, you must wait.

I'm building a house.

Enough for a family.


I'll talk to her.

Shalom, Mary.

Mary, come.

Come with us, Mary. Ha ha ha!

- Mary. - Ha ha ha!

- Come. - Aaah! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Why do they force me to marry a man I hardly know?

A man I do not love.

Why is Father doing this? Why now?

We have barely enough to feed all of us.

Your grandfather, your cousins.

He did this for you.

Joseph is a good man.

Strong man.

I was married even younger than you.

So was my mother.

There is always hope, Mary.

Even in Nazareth?

Even in Nazareth.

Hail, O favored one.

The Lord is with you.

Do not be afraid, Mary...

for you have found favor with God.

Come, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son.

And you will call his name Jesus.

How can this be, since I've been with no man?

The Holy Spirit will come upon you.

And the power from the most high will overshadow you.

And the holy offspring shall be called the Son of God.

Son of God?


Even your cousin Elizabeth has conceived a son in her old age.

For nothing said by God can be impossible.

Let it be done to me, according to your word.

How is anyone to believe me?

How are they to understand?

"Even your own cousin...

"has conceived a son in her old age."


This is foolish talk.

Elizabeth is not expecting you now.

She says I am always welcome.

So does Zechariah.

You said you wished to visit in the summer.

That's what you told us a season ago.

Much has changed since then.

And what of Joseph?

Is he to expect your return?

He is.

Jacob and his family are going south in the morning.

I've told Sarah I can help with the children.

Then make certain Zechariah...

finds a good family for you to return with.

Thank you.

I'll be here for the harvest.

I promise.

Hey! Stop it!


Herod's soldiers are coming!

Get down! Get back!

Help us! Herod took his land!

Block the road!

- Hur
ry! - Block the road!

- Stop them! - Hurry!

- Hurry! - Quickly!

The soldiers are behind us. Stop their horses.

Death to Herod!

Herod's rule will end!

The Messiah will save us!

Herod is... He'll deliver us!

A Messiah...

to deliver my people.

Please, Lord, let Elizabeth be with child as the angel spoke.

- Ha ha ha! - Ah ha ha ha!





Ha ha ha!

- Elizabeth. - Oh, child.

Oh, child!

Blessed are you among women...

and blessed is the fruit of your womb.

But... how could you know?

Who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

The moment I heard your voice...

my child leapt in my womb for joy.

Blessed is she who believes the Lord's words.

- Oh! Oh! - Oh.


The star is here.

Jupiter is here.

But look.

Another star!

No. Venus.

If I am correct, and I usually am...

all 3 will appear to touch...

for the first time in 3,000 years.

Venus is called the mother planet.

Jupiter, the shining father.

Don't you see?

Mother and father aligned in the heavens as one.

And the star itself?

It is called Sharu.


For "king."

He's been silent since he came out of the temple.

Not a word?

He writes.

He writes of who our son will be.

What he will become.

God will lift his burden.

I have told him the same, but he feels unworthy.

Are you frightened?


A husband has been chosen for me.

The law says I was to remain pure for a year.

How is he to believe this?

Stay with us, then. We will pray for guidance.


why is it me God has asked?

I am nothing.

Oh, child.


What is it, child?

He is moving.

Ah! Mine too.


- Ah! - Oh!

Ha ha ha!

Barren desert.

Inhospitable plains.

Rugged mountain ranges.

Then Jerusalem.

Surely you speak of a spiritual journey, Melchior.

Not one that would actually take you there.

You wish to travel to the land of Judea?


I wish for all of us to go.

Melchior, this land you speak of...

it will take months to journey there.

We know nothing of the dangers we may find.

And you're following a star?

Only because it burns bright?

Balthasar, surely you will join me.

The star will be as bright here as anywhere.

You said yourself it would be a star over Judea!

But, Melchior...

Yes, but I would need my instruments, my charts.

- Take them. - But what about my cushions?

My pillows? Wh...?

What about the food I'm accustomed to?

Huh. Very accustomed to.

Yes. I need my dates, my nuts, my spices.

What about my wine, Melchior?

If you need another camel, I'll bring it for you!

Join me.

Both of you.

They will be wasted months.

I'm sorry, but I cannot join you.

Only one more camel?

Ah! Ah! Ah!


Now breathe.


Aah! Aaah!



Aaaah! Aah! Aah!



Elizabeth has a husband!

Women have been put to death for this.

They could stone you in the street.

Do you understand?

You should have stayed with Elizabeth.


Father, I have broken no vow.

Oh, you have broken every vow, Mary.

Was it one of Herod's soldiers?

Was it?

I have told the truth.

Whether you believe is your choice.

Not mine.

And what of Joseph?

He's a good man, Mary, but this?

- This is too... - Let me speak!


Let me speak.

Come, Anna.



Do you know...

Do you know the reason I chose you, Mary?

I believed you were a woman of great virtue.

I have lived my life seeking honor.


Mary, so how am I to answer this?

If I claim this child is mine, I will be lying.

I will have broken a law laid down by God.

I would never ask you to lie.

If I say this child is not mine, they will ask what I want to do.

And if I accuse you...

There is a will for this child...

greater than my fear of what they may do.

I will make no accusation.

Without that, there can be no trial.

You have shown great mercy, Joseph.

For that I will be thankful.

Thank you.

- It is the law! - The law!

Stone her!

- The law! - Stone her!

- Stone her! - Let Joseph cast the first stone!

- Joseph! - Throw the first stone.

- She must die. - She must die.

It is the law!

Let Joseph through!

Now, Joseph.


Fear not.

For that which is conceived in Mary is of the Holy Spirit.

And she shall be...

Aah! Aah!


"And you shall call his name Jesus.

"For it is he who will save his people from their sins."

I know.

Mary, God showed me.

An angel came to me in my dream.

You believe me.

I believe you.

Your child will need a father.

I will declare him as my own.

People, they will not look at you the same.

They will not look at us the same.

You are my wife.

I am your husband. That is all anyone need know.

And after this...

there shall arise a star from Jacob.

And a man shall arise like the sun...

walking with the sons of men in gentleness and righteousness.

This is the shoot of God most high.

This is the fountain of life, of all humanity.

You see, Gaspar...

that's why we follow the star.

Rome is requesting a census.

Each man to return to the place of his birth.

Such an order will lead to unrest.

The people whisper of rebellion even now.

It is the will of Caesar.

My father lost his life...

because he failed to see the threat...

that was mounting against him.

From his own people.

Now, all it will take is one man.

One man to convince the people he is their Messiah.

The prophet said this man will rise from the house of David.

This census would bring him back home.

Have your soldiers and your spies...

keep watch for a man returning to Bethlehem.

A man of power.

A man the people will follow.

ur king is coming to you. He is...

- Help, help! Soldiers! - Soldiers!

And his dominion will be...

- From sea to sea... - Silence!

In the name of King Herod...

And from the river to the ends of the Earth.


I will end this threat to my rule, as I will all threats.

Pass your sins onto the animal.


Their animal is weak.

For the first time in 3,000 years...

all 3 will appear to touch.



Whoa, whoa, whoa. Shh-shh.

What? More?

No, no, no.

I am the hungry one, not you.

If I am doing your will, I pray you'll give me a sign.

Hm. Come on.


Come on. Come.

Come on.

- Aaah! - Aah!


- Joseph! - Mary!




My child, you will have a good and decent man to raise you.

A man who will give of himself before anyone else.

Ha ha ha!


The holy city.

Almonds here!

Fresh-picked almonds!

Some jewelry for your beautiful wife.

That's a good animal.

Would your husband be willing to sell him?


What belongs to us stays with us.

Almonds. Almonds.

For sacrifice.

Doves! Golden doves! No blemishes.

For you. Good for sacrifice.

- Herod, Herod! - Herod's here!

It is the king!

The king. The king is here!

- Shh. It is him. - The king.

No, no. No.

Pigeons. Pigeons for sacrifice.

Good pigeons!

- Pigeons! - Pigeons for sacrifice.

No blemishes!

No. Enough! No.

This was meant to be a holy place.

Bethlehem. This way.

These shepherds...

they live alone most of their lives.

Your woman looks cold.

Just for a moment.

I will tell our child about you.

About your kindness.

My father told me a long time ago...

that we are all given something.

A gift.

Your gift is what you carry inside.

What was your gift?


Nothing but the hope of waiting for one.

We must go if we're to reach Bethlehem by dark.

We thank you.

- Good for sacrifice. - Good pigeons.

- Good pigeons for sacrifice. - One half shekel.

One half shekel!

What brings you here?

We are visitors from the East.

We follow the star.

The star of the prophecy.

The prophecy of the Messiah?

- The Messiah! - Messiah!

Come. All of you.

Magi. The wisest of the wise.

Tell me what they claim.

They believe that a new king awaits them now in Judea.

Father, we must send your soldiers to follow them...

until they find the man we seek.

And raise their suspicions?

Then we risk not finding this king at all.

Invite them to dine with us.

Your arrival is by the hand of Providence.

For years I have studied the words of the prophets.

"Out of Bethlehem shall come a ruler...

"who shall shepherd my people, Israel."

Your Excellency, I, too, have studied these words.

I have waited a lifetime for the signs I now see.

As have many.

This star, the one that you have followed...

tell me, what does it mean?

The proph
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