
2020年08月02日 00:37


Bene ---good;Mal---evil贝内---好;玛---邪恶
Before beginning his difficult jouney,the young man visited his parents to receive their benediction.在开始他的困难jouney,年轻人去他的父母接受他们的祝福。
With her dying breath,Queen Dido pronounced a malediction on Aeneas and all his descendants.在她的奄奄一息,女王狄多宣告对埃涅阿斯的后代诅咒和他的所有。
The museum could not have been built without the gift of a million dollars by a wealthy benefactor.该博物馆已建成不能没有礼物的恩人一百万美元,由一个富有的。
Shortly after the crime,the malefactor was apprehanded and turned over to the police.不久后,犯罪,罪人是apprehanded并移交给警方。
The sick and the needy will be the beneficiaries of your gift to the community fund.病人和有需要将社区基金的受益人为你的礼物。
I suspect Ronnie tripped me so that I wouldn’t be able to play did it not as a joke but out of malice.我怀疑罗尼绊倒我,让我无法发挥不是没有恶意的玩笑,但作为一个出来。
The lack of milk and fresh vegetables in the child’s diet was responsible for his malnutrition.饮食中缺乏奶孩子的和新鲜蔬菜的是他的营养不良负责。
Two news photographers were attacked by the mob,and their camers were is disgraceful that they were so maltreated.两个新闻摄影记者遭到袭击的暴徒,他们的camers被是可耻,他们是如此的虐待。
Rest is usually beneficial to a person suffering from a bad cold.通常是有益的休息不好的人患了感冒。
A benevolent employer has a sincere interest in the welfare of his employees.仁慈的雇主有他的真诚关心员工的福利中。
I have heard some malevolent misrepresentation of her.我听到了一些她的恶意歪曲。
Carlo was maladjusted in the early grades,not because of poor inteloligence but because he couldn’t speak English.卡罗是在低年级失调,不是因为穷,而是因为他inteloligence不会说英语。
De---down,opposite of德---下来,对面
A wrecking crew is demolishing the old builiding.一个破坏船员拆除旧栋。
For eing absent without leave,the corporal was demoted to private.对于高英擅离职守没有,下士被降职为私人。
The building superintendent feels depreciated if you refer to him as the “janitou”该建筑总监认为,如果你指的janitou贬值“,以他为”
Students who tell lies are despised by their classmates.学生谁说谎是他们的同学所不齿。
always notifies the parents when a student neglects his homework,and he will not deviate from this rule in your 总是通知家长当学生玩忽职守做作业,他也不会偏离这种情况下,在你的规则。
The children must have been strved when they came in for dinner because they devoured their food.孩子们必须有strved当他们来
The decadent downtown section was once a flourishing business district.市中心的腐朽部分曾经是一个繁华的商业区。
Maple,elm,birch,and other deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall.枫树,榆树,白桦,落叶乔木等失去了秋天落叶英寸
Whoever did this must have been demented;no sane person would have acted in such a way.无论谁做这一定是疯狂的,没有理智的人都会有这样的方式行事。
Children are dependent on their parents until they are able to earn their own living.孩子是父母供养他们,直到他们能够自食其力。
Dis---opposite of---对面派息
Jack should hae had $$8 in his wallet,but he had only $$6. He could not account for the discrepancy.杰克应海曾在他的钱包8元,但他只有6美元。?他无法解释这种差异。
The bicycle I lent tom had been good condition,but he returned it in disrepair.汤姆的自行车借给了我良好的状态,但他回到年久失修它了。
The parents discredited the child’s story,since he was in the habit of telling falsehoods.声名狼藉的父母对孩子的故事,因为他说的谎言是习惯。
The explosion disintegrated an entire wing of the factory.爆炸解体一工厂整个翼。
When the matter ws put to a vote,29 agreed and 4 dissented.当此事付诸表决,29同意,4表示异议。
Passengers should do nothing to distract the drver’s attention from the road.乘客应做什么来转移注意力从道路drver的。
Dan was discontent with his Spanish mark;he had expected at least 10 point more.丹马克与他的西班牙不满,他预计至少有10点多。
For a dispssionate account of how the fight started,ask a neutral observer not a participant.对于战斗开始dispssionate帐户如何,问一个中立的观察员不是一个参与者。
The compromise was welcomed by all the strikers except a small dissident group who felt that the raises were too small.妥协表示欢迎所有的前锋,除了一小谁持不同政见的集团认为,提高太小了。
South Carolina’s secession was imitated by ten other states and led to the formation of the confederacy.南卡罗来纳州的分裂是由十个其他国家效仿,并导致形成邦联的。
The signers of the Declaration of Independence, if captured by the enemy,would probably have been tried for sedition.独立宣言的签名者,如果敌人抓获的,可能会被煽动受审。
When Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860,South Carolina seceded from the Union.当亚伯拉罕林肯当选1860总统,南卡罗来纳州脱离联邦。
Ann was so upset by her failure in math that she secluded herself and refused to see anyone.安是不高兴看到她的人在数学上的失败,她自己和僻静拒绝。
In most high schools,boys and girls attend the same classes,except in health education,where they are segregated.在大多数高中,
Are you worried about passing the midterm exam,or do you feel secure?你是否担心考试及格中期,还是你觉得安全吗?
Land in a growing city is a secure investment.城市土地在不断增长是一个安全的投资。
The circumference of a circle equals πtimes the diameter.圆周的直径等于?π?倍。
The circumbocution”the game ended with a score that was not in our favor” should be replaced by “we lost the gme.”该circumbocution“我们赞成在比赛结束时没有进球,这是”应改为“我们失去了吉密。”
Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition was the first to circumnavigte the globe.费迪南德麦哲伦的探险队是第一个circumnavigte全球。
The principal has requested all teachers to circumscribe failures in red on the report cards.校长有限定要求所有教师在红色卡故障的报告。
The patient was placed on a very circumscribed diet;he was forbidden to have coffee,spices,or raw fruits or vegetables.病人被放置在一个非常切的饮食,他被禁止喝咖啡,香料,或生水果或蔬菜。
To circumvent local sales taxes,shoppers often buy in neighboring communities that do not have such taxes.为了规避当地的销售税,消费者经常购买邻近社区没有这样的税收。
Don’t jump to a conclusion before considering all the circumspect.不要跳慎重作出结论,然后才考虑的。
It was not known whether the price increases resulted from higher costs or from collusion among the producers.目前还不清楚是否生产者价格上涨造成的成本上升,或从勾结中。
Neighbors cannot live in concord if their children keep fighting with one another.邻居不能生活在和谐,如果他们的子女继续战斗的另一之一。
During the Revolutionary War,the thirteen colonies coalesced into one nation.在革命战争中,13个殖民地合并为一个国家。
Tom is collaborating on the work with his friend.汤姆是合作的朋友与他的工作。
The House and the Senate will convene at noon to hear an address by the President.众议院和参议院将召开中午听取总统的讲话的。
Jack’s account of how the fight started did not correspond with the other boy’s version.杰克的开始考虑如何打不符合与其他男孩的版本。
In coherent writing,every sentence is connected in thought to the previous sentence.在连贯性写作,每一句话是连接思想对前面的句子。
Helen keller’s deafness and blindness were not congenital defects but were acquired after birth.海伦凯勒的耳聋,失明并非先天缺陷,但出生后获得的。
If we beat Central High tomottow,we shall have removed the last obstacle us and the championship.如果我们击败中央高中明
Today’s rain has completely obliterated yesterday’s snow;not a trace remains.今天的雨已经完全抹去昨日的雪,没有一丝遗迹。
The notion that she had forgotten to lock the front door obsessed mother all through the movie.这部电影的概念,她忘了痴迷的母亲都通过了锁前门。
The disabled vehicles obstructed traffic until removed by a tow truck.残疾人士车辆交通受阻,直至去除拖车的卡车。
It is unwise for an outsider to obtrude his opinions into a family quarrel.这是不明智的外人obtrude家庭争吵到他的意见。
By removing her hat,the lady in front obviated the need for me to change my seat.通过脱下帽子,省却了前面的小姐需要我改变我的座位。
The surgeon said the tack had gone through Betty’s shoe and sock without perforating her skin.外科医生说,袜子粘已经历了贝蒂的鞋,没有穿她的皮肤。
At breakfast the aroma of freshly brewed coffee permeates the kitchen and dining room.在早餐现煮咖啡的香气弥漫的厨房和餐厅。
I need help with the fourth problem;it perplexes me.我需要帮助的第四个问题,它困扰我。
The teacher told Eric to stop he persisted she sent him to the dean.老师告诉埃里克停止他坚持她把他送到院长。
The rain was supposed to end in the morning,but it persisted through the afternoon and evening.雨本来应该在上午结束,但整个下午晚上坚持和。
Maggie’s parents were perturbed when they learned she had failed two 的摄动时,他们的父母得知她失败了两科。
Authors have come and gone,but Shakespeare has remained a perennial favorite.作者们来去匆匆,但仍然是一个常年莎士比亚的最爱。
Perennials like theazalea and forsythia bloom year after year.多年生植物如theazalea,年复一年连翘盛开。
Stick to the point;don’t give information that is not pertinent.坚持这一点,不要给信息不恰当的。
The preface usually provides information that the reder should know before the book.前言通常提供的信息之前应了解的订货量大的书。
Last night my parents attended a preview of a play scheduled to open next Tuesday.昨晚我的父母参加了一个星期二预览打开下一个播放计划。
Did your report follow or precede Jane’s?a prior engagement precludes my coming to your party.您的报告是否遵循或先简氏?有约在先,排除了我来参加你的派对。
My preconceived dislike for the book disappeared when I read a few chapters.我的书先入为主的厌恶消失,当我读了几章。
Prefabricated homes are quickly erected by putting together large sections previously constructed at a factory.预制房屋很快通过把工厂建在一大片先前一起建造。
The jury dec
ided that the blow was struck in a moment of panic and had not been premeditated.陪审团决定,在打击感到震惊和恐慌的时刻尚未有预谋的。
Nineteen of the sailors have is missing and presumed dead.在有19个水手失踪,推测死亡。
If Nancy’s three-year-old brother can read,he must be a precocious child.如果南希的三十岁的弟弟可以阅读,他一定是一个早熟的孩子。
At the budget hearing,both the proponents and the opponents of the tax increase will be able to present their views.在预算听证会上,无论是支持者和反对者加税的意愿能够提出自己的看法。
To a freshman,graduation is a distant but pleasant prospect.对于一个新生,毕业是一个遥远而愉快的前景。
Start working on the assignment without doesn’t pay to procrastinate.开始工作的任务,不拖延不付。
The apparatus projects missiles into space.该仪器项目导弹进入太空。
Jet-propelled planes travel at very high speeds.喷气飞机的速度旅行非常高。
Our cousins stayed with us only for the weekend bu tpromised to return in July for a protracted visit.我们的兄弟与我们一起在较长的访问只有在周末将布鲁tpromised七月返回。
Keep your feet under your desk;do not let them protrude into the aisle.保持你的脚在你的办公桌,不要让他们到过道突出。
Jeff’s account of his experiences on a farm provoked much laughter.杰夫的农场帐户的经验引起了他的大笑。
There would have been no fight if you hadn’t provoked your brother by calling him names.有就没有打,如果你没有引起他的名字你哥哥的呼唤。
When I fell behind in French,the teacher asked one of the more proficient students to help me.当我在法国落后,老师问一个学生较熟练来帮助我。
Despite a large income,the actor hads saved very little because he is profuse spender.尽管有很高的收入,演员操保存很少花钱,因为他是丰富的。
The Mayor,the Governor,and several other prominent citizens attended the preview.市长,省长,和其他一些知名人士出席了预览。
The performance was staged by a group of amateurs who have been studying dramatics as a hobby.这场表演是一个爱好小组举办的业余学习谁一直是戏剧的。
When it comes to baking a cake,Mother’s the expert;I’m only an amateur.当涉及到烘烤蛋糕,母亲的专家;我只是一个业余爱好者。
We must look ahead to the time when the dispute is over and amity is restored.我们必须向前看的时候已经过去,和睦争端恢复。
Cindy is an amiable child;everybody likes her.辛迪是一个可亲的孩子,每个人都喜欢她。
Let us try to settle our differences in an amicable manner.让我们试着友好方式解决我们的分歧在。
In the famous balcony scene,the a
morous Romeo expreses undying love for Juliet.在著名的阳台场景,多情的罗密欧朱丽叶expreses不朽的爱。
John Rolfe,an English settler,became enamored of the Indian princess Pocahontas and married her.约恩罗尔夫,英国定居,成为迷恋印度公主宝嘉康蒂和她结婚。
Someday the animosity that led to the war will be replaced by amity.有一天,仇恨导致战争将取代和睦。
Thought david defeated me in the election I bear no animus toward hkm;we are good friends.思想大卫击败hkm我在这次选举中我对承担任何敌意,我们是好朋友。
If you become extremely upset when you lose a game,it is a sign that you lack equanimity.如果你变得非常开心,当你输掉一场比赛,这是一个迹象,表明你缺乏冷静。
In almost every discussion there is bound to be some disagreement,Don’t expect unanimity.几乎在每次讨论有难免出现一些分歧,不要期望一致。
The first time I was late,Miss O’Neill excused me with the warning that she would not be so magnanimous the next time.我第一次迟到了,奥尼尔小姐原谅我的警告时,她不会这么大度下。
Except for one student,who voted”no”the class was unanimous in wanting the party.除了 ??一个学生,谁投“不”,学生们在希望的党一致。
Because they share the same language and ideals,Americans and Englishmen have an affinity for one another.因为它们共享相同的语言和理想,美国人和英国人有另外一种亲和力之一。
Every skit in our class show was loudly applauded,from the opening scene to the finale.在我们的每场演出短剧类是大声叫好,从开业现场的压轴。
The story is far from complete because the finis is not yet written.这个故事是完整的,因为菲尼什远远还没有写。
I will confine my remarks to the causes of the War of 1812;the next speaker will discuss its results.我的发言,我会集中到1812年战争中的原因,下一个发言者将讨论的结果。
Remember that your anwer will be treated as will not be permitted to change it.请记住,你前面回答将被视为将不得更改。
Air,water,molasses,and milk are all fluids.空气,水,糖浆和牛奶都是液体。
During November,the military situation situation remained fluid,with advances and retreats by both sides.在十一月,军事形势的局势仍然液体,进步和双方都后退。
When prices are in a state of flux,many buyers delay purchases until conditions are more settled.当价格通量是一个国家,许多买家推迟购买,直到条件较为稳定。
The discovery of gold in California in 1848 caused a large influx of settles from the East.1848年在加利福尼亚州发现金矿引起了东大,从涌入落户。
Recently the price of a pound of tom
atoes has fluctuated from a high of 45 cents to low of 2 cents.最近,西红柿价格的波动,从一英镑高45美分低2美分。
Do you have to grope for words,or are you a fluent speaker?你一定要摸索的话,还是你能说一口流利英语吗?
Gen,Gener,Genit---birth,class根,根儿,Genit ---出生,类
Poe was the originator of a genre of detective story.爱伦坡是侦探故事发端的一个流派。
The bible states that Adam was the progenitor of the human race.在圣经中亚当国说比赛的祖人。
But for the skill of the presiding officer,the debate would he degenerated into an exchange of insults.但对于人员技能的主持,辩论他会堕落成一个侮辱交流。
Name-calling engenders hatred.骂人滋生仇恨。
The new manager regenerated the losing team and made it a strong contender for first place.新经理再生失败的队伍,并使它成为第一名的有力竞争者。
Greg --- gather格雷格---收集
At the airport,the homecoming champions were welcomed by a huge aggregation of admirers.在机场,欢迎回家的冠军分别为巨大的崇拜者聚集。
The minister addressed the congregation on the meaning of brotherhood.这位部长在谈到众兄弟的意思。
The warden believes in segregation of first offenders from hardened criminals.监狱长相信犯罪分子偏析硬化的初犯者。
The aggregate strength of the allies was imprssive,though individually some were quite weak.综合国力的盟国的是imprssive,虽然个别有些人相当薄弱。
Except for hermits and recluses,who shun company,most people are gregarious.除隐士和隐士,谁信公司,大多数人是群居。
If the relationship between the first sentence and what follows is not clear,the paragraph lacks coherence.如果遵循第一句之间的关系,什么是不明确的,该段缺乏连贯性。
There can be no real cohesion in an alliance if the parties have little in common.可以有在联盟中没有真正的凝聚力,如果双方有共同的一点研究。
Apply the sticker according to the directions,or it will not adhere.应用贴纸根据指示,否则它不会坚持。
I glued together the fragments of the vase,but they did not cohere.我粘合在一起的花瓶碎片,但他们没有凝聚。
Because of her inherent carlessness,I doubt my sister can ever be a good driver.由于她的内在carlessness,我怀疑我的姐姐都不能成为一个好司机。
A square is a quadrilateral.正方形是一个四边形。
After voting for the rod building program,the legislature took up the collateral issue of how to raise the necessary funds.经过投票程序杆建设,立法机关采取了必要的资金担保问题,如何提高。
If one side of an equilateral triangle measures three feet,the other two must also be three feet each.如果一个等边三角形边长的一个措施三尺,另外两个也必须
The building plan shows both a front and a lateral view of the proposed structure.建筑图则同时显示一前一拟议结构侧面的。
A mother has to be a nurse,housekeeper,shopper,cook,teacher, plays a multilateral role.一个母亲是一个护士,管家,购物者,厨师,教师,发挥多边作用。
Don’t judge the mattter by my opponent’s unilateral statement.你们不要论断人的发言mattter我的对手的单方面的。
Note the alliteration in the line “Sing a song of sixpence.”请注意行头韵的“唱一首六便士之歌。”
When registering as a new voter,take along your diploma as proof of literacy.当选民登记为一个新的,带着你的证明扫盲文凭作为。
We translate “laissez-faire”as “absence of government interference,” but its literal meaning is “let do.”我们翻译“自由放任”的“政府干预的情况下”,但它的字面意思是“让我们做的。”
Mark Twain is one of the greatest figures in our literary history.马克吐温是一个在我国文学史上最伟大的人物。
The school’s main goal in working with adults who can neither read nor write is to make them literate.学校的读,写的主要工作目标,与成年人谁可以既不是为了让他们识字。
A number of luminaries,including a Novel prize winner and two leding authors,will be present.一个作家数量的灯具,其中包括小说奖得主,二leding,将出席会议。
I asked the teacher to elucidate a point that was not clear to me.我问老师澄清一个点,我不清楚。
To obviate misunderstanding,state the directions in the most lucid way possible.为了避免误解,国家可能方向的最清晰的方式。
With this watch you can tell time in the dark because its hads and dial are luminous.有了这个看你能告诉黑暗的一段时光,因为它在操和拨号都发光。
Lamp shades are translucent bu tnot transparent.灯罩是半透明的布tnot透明。
The manacles were removed from the prisoner’s wrists.被免职的手铐囚犯的手腕。
After World War I,Syria became a French mandate.第一次世界大战后,叙利亚成为法国托管。
The walkout ws a clear violation of the court’s mandate against a strike.这次罢工是一个明显违反了罢工对法院的任务。
Each student has a learner’s permit and a copy of the “Driver’s manual.”每个学生都有学习的许可证及副本的“驾驶员手册”。
Miling,fomerly a manual operation,is now done by machine.米林,fomerly手工操作,现在可以通过机。
The uthor’s manuscript is now at the printer.该uthor的手稿现在打印机。
The washing machine has emancipated housewives from a great deal of drudgery.洗衣机有很大的苦差事解放家庭主妇从。
In today’s lesson I learned how to manipulate the steering wheel.在今天
The law prescribes that aliens may not vote.该法规定,外国人也可以不投票。
Her physician prescribed some pills,a light diet,and plenty of rest.她的医生开了一些药,一清淡饮食,休息充足的。







