
2020年08月02日 00:39




Add - Additional mob (when you're already fighting and new enemies run up to you) 刚没拉上


AFK - Away from keyboard 离开电脑中

Aggro - Aggression of an enemy 仇恨

AoP - Aura of Peace (Priest/Oracle buff) 祝福(祭祀或牧师的技能)

AoE - Area of Effect 群攻

AN - Aidion Neckria

AR - Agrilla Ruin 某废墟

Auto - Double click on a player to auto follow them 自动(跟随某人,双击鼠标到某人头上)

ASY - Asylum Guild

AoL - Alliance of Light 光之同盟

AZ - Absolute Zero (guild on Teos UoF) AZ,Teos愤怒阵营一个行会


B - Back/ gold 10亿

BRB - Be right back 马上回来

BRT - Be right there 马上到那里

BTW - By the way 顺便说下

BB - ByeBye 再见

BDC - Blue Dragon Charm 蓝龙石

BD - Bad Luck 坏运气

Bro - Brother 兄弟

Bk - Back 回来


CL - Cloron's Lair 巢穴

CF - Cornwell Forest 科威尔丛林

Corr - Corruption Guild

CR - Cornwell Ruins 科威尔废墟

CT - CrypticOne Throne 王座

Cuz - Short for 'cause (because). 因为 (because 的简写)

CK - Crazy Kids (Guild) 疯狂的小孩【行会名?!】


D1 - D-water dungeon 1 a.k.a. Travos Cavum (pvp 1-60) 战3小副本

D2 - D-water dungeon 2 (pvp 1-60) 战3大副本

Darkies - Union of Fury Characters 愤怒阵营的玩家

Def - Defender 骑士

Dex - Dexterity 敏捷

Dinos - 3rd borderland "Stable Erde" accessible from 1-60 stronghold portal 绿洲

Dmg - Damage 伤害

DoT - Damage over time, e.g. when a monster gets poisoned 持续伤害

DoW - Dogs of War (Dark Guild on Lailah) lailah服的一个愤怒阵营行会名

Debuff - An attack that reduces your stat points for certain periods of time 损益状态

DING - A way of telling your friends you have leveled 升级时的声音

DR - Dragon Reign lailah一个光明行会名

DK - Dark Knights (fury guild on lailah) lailah一个愤怒行会名


EC/E-Cave - Elemental cave. Alliance of Light dungeon, accessible from Willieoseu 元素

ED - Ethereal Darkness (guild on Lailah UoF) lailah愤怒1行会

EM - Easy Mode 简单模式

EXP - Experience Points 经验

Ele Lapis - A special type of lapis that adds an element to the player i.e: Wind, Earth, Fire,

Water 属性石

ET - Eternity (guild on Teos AoL) teos 1 光明行会名


FL - Fantasma's Lair 幻想巢穴

FTL - For the lose 为了失去的

FTW - For the win 为了胜利的

FYI - For Your Information 为了你的消息

FM - Freezing Mirage (Boss) 蓝龙

FW - Frost Woods 结冰的木材


GG - Good Game. 好游戏

GTG/G2G - Got to go. 得走了

GL&HF - Good luck and have fun. 祝好运。。+玩的开心

GM - Game Master. 游戏管理者

Grind - Constantly killing to gain Experience Points. 升级

GS - Game Sages. 游戏管理者的助手

atz/GZ - Congratulations. 恭喜

GvG - Guild versus Guild. 行会pk

GRB - Guild Ranking Battles. (Held every Saturday) 行会排名赛


HM - Hard Mode character. 困难模式

HP - Health Points. Health Potions 生命值

I 我

IDC - I don't care. 我不在乎

IDK - I don't know. 我不知道

Inc - Incoming mob, or in pvp, someone of the opposing faction. 马上要来的敌人或者马上刷出


Int - Intelligence 智力

Immo - Immortals guild (AoL Teos) teos的一个光明行会


K - 1,000 gold. Example: 123k = 123,000 gold. 千

KH - Kalamus's House (dungeon) 卡屋

Kite - A tactic of running circles, usually to increase distance for extra damage (Archer) or
less cast interruptions (Mage). 边拉怪边围着它跑和跳

Kite tank - A player who uses a tactic of running circles after using a skill to gain aggression

in order to tank strong monsters. 做上述行为的骑士们

KK - Okay; sometimes: a million. 好

KS - Kill stealer, kill steal. 抢怪


LF - Looking for... Example: "LF Defender". 求找。。

LFG - Looking for group; sometimes: looking for guild. 求找行会

LFP - looking for party; sometimes: looking for players (when in a party). 求找组队

LFPP - looking for Perfect Party 求找完美队【7人组】

Light - common reference to Alliance of Light 光明

Lighties - Alliance of Light characters 光明的玩家

LMAO - Laughing my a*s off 笑破肚皮

LM/LFM - Looking for members 求找成员

LOL - Laughing out loud. 呵呵

Lvl - Level. 等级

Lapis - A sepcial type of gem that adds to a certain stat (sometimes Lapis can add to two
stats called a Dual lapis, Also there are Elemental and Sonic Lapis, See E and S Sections for
more details) 石头

Luc - Luck 幸运


M - 1,000,000 gold. 百万

Mil - Same as "m", represents 1,000,000 gold. Example: 4Mill = 4,000,000 gold. 百万

Mob - A group of enemies/monsters, sometimes also short for mobile object; sometimes:
single monster. 小怪

MP - Mana Points. Mana Potions 魔法值【蓝】


Newbie - New Player (not rude). 新人

N00b - (sometimes) New Player, derogatory. 菜鸟

NM - Normal Mode. 普通模式

NPC - Non-player character or non-playable character.

NP - No problem. 没问题

NT - Nice Try 尝试的不错

Nos - Nostrum, various types of enhancements bought through the item mall or other players.

Nosser - A player using Nostrums. 吃人民币药的人


OMG - Oh my God/gosh. 天哪

OMW - On my way. 在来的路上

OOC - Out of character (used for roleplaying).

OOM - Out of Mana Points. 没蓝了

OOP - Out of party, used when a group is being helped by someone outside of their party. 没


OOS - Out of Stamina Points. 没黄了

ORC - Short for Oracle 祭祀


PK - Player killer/killing, used for battles. 打架

PP - Perfect Party 7人

PLF - Party looking for... Example: "PLF Priest!" 组队需要。。

Pull (Lure) - Standing near an enemy, just so far away that it notices you and runs towards
you, effectively being lured away from a pack of other monsters. 拉怪

PvE - Player versus environment (same as PvM).

PvM - Player versus monsters (same as PvE). 打怪

PvP - Player versus player. 打架

pl0x/pls/plz - Please 请

Pag - Short for Pagan 巫师

PI - Primal Instinct lailah1 愤怒行会

Plvl - Stands for Power Leveling. Often players ask/pay a guard/defender for a powerlevel to
help them level faster (A Guard/Defender can pull the monsters in one area while the other
person kills the monsters) 带人

Pot(s) - Potions 药


RC - Ruber Chaos

Re - Back; return. 回来了

ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing. 捧腹大笑

RvR - Realm versus realm (includes PvP). 区域对战

Res - Ressurect 救赎

ROFLMAO - Rolling on floor, laughing my a*s off.

REC - Recovery Stat(1 defense and 5 hp per 'Rec') 体质


SP - Stamina Points. Stamina Points 活力

STFU - Shut the F*ck up. 给我他妈的闭嘴

Str - Strength 力量

Sin - Short for Assassin 潜行

Sis - Sister 姐妹

SOD - Symphony of Destruction Guild


Tank - Defender (Alliance of Light)/Guardian (Union of Fury). 坦克

TL - The Legendary (Guild AoL on Teos) teos 1 行会

TTYL - Talk to you later 回头再说

TY - Thank you. 谢谢你

TYVM - Thank you very much 非常感谢你

TOD - Templars of Destruction Guild


UM - Ultimate Mode. 死亡模式

UoF - Union of Fury. 愤怒阵营


WB - Welcome back.

WC - Wrong chat. For when you accidentally type in the wrong chat channel. 说错频道了

WFC- WarForceClan (Guild).1 行会

WTB - Want to buy. 想买

WTF - What the F*ck. 操

WTH - What the hell. 地狱啊。。。

WTS - Want to sell. 想卖

WTT - Want to trade. 想交易

WTP - Want To Party. 我想入组

Warr/War - Short for Warrior. 斗士

Wis - Wisdom. 精神


XP - Short for Experience Points 经验


YW - You're welcome 不客气

y? - Why? 为什么







