2020年08月02日 00:49
标准 standard
品质控制 quality control
品质检查 quality check
品质保证 quality assurance
全面品质管理 total quality control
全面品质保证 company-wide quality assurance
允许接受品质水平 accept quality level
批量 lot size
抽量 sample
检验水平 inspection level
验货/检验 inspection
检查员/验货员 inspector
安全缺陷 safety defect
严重缺陷 critical defect
大缺陷 major defect
小缺陷 minor defect
合格/接受 passed/accept
退货/不接受 rejected
MRB接受 material review board
A.0.D接受 accepted on deviation
翻工/翻箱 reworked
签板 sign sample
成品 product
半成品 half-finished product/semi-product
英寸 inch
英尺 foot/feet(复数)
面积 area
利边 sharp edge
利角 sharp point
小零件 small part
注塑 injection
起泡/气泡 bubble/blister/air bubble
缺料 short-shots / undershot
浇不足 under-pounding
多料 superfluities/superfluous material
顶针痕 ejector(pins)mark
花纹 flow mark / flow line
冷纹 cold mark / cold streak
油纹 oil streak
走水纹 splash mark
银纹 silver streaks
霜纹 splay mark
夹水纹 silver streaks/flow line/weld line
扣模/粘模 sprue sticking
砂眼/气眼 air hole
弯曲/变形 warping / wappage
扭曲 twist
翘曲 warp/warped
材料错误 using wrong plastic material
凸痕 convex mark
凹位/凹陷 sink mark / dent mark
批锋 flashing
批损 pare-mark/cut mark
批凹 pare off
锉纹 trim-mark / file-mark
黑点/黑纹 black spots / black streak
顶白 stress mark / ejector mark
发白 white mark
烧焦 burn marks
刮花/刮痕 scratch mark
擦痕/擦伤 rub-mark / brush-burn
裂缝 cracking
裂纹 cracking line
碰损 stress mark
起皮 chip
错位(合模线) part line misalign mend
孔位尺寸改变 dimension various
哑色 dull color
水印 water mark
表面变光滑 glossy finishing
表面 surface / outside
镶件 inset / insert word
缩水/收缩 sink mark / shrinkage / shrink mark
偏差 color deviation
色粉 colour ment
颜色 colour/color
零件污垢 dir
ty mark part
静电 elecirical-painting/elbctrostatic spraying
手喷 spray / handspray
移印 tampo / iempo
丝印 silk screen printing
熟烫/烫金 hot stamp
真空电镀 vacuum plating
颜色 colour / color
色差 colour deviation
不够油/不够 underpaint/underspray/undertampo
聚油 paint tear/paint accumulation
渗油 base colour visible
喷油不均匀 unevenpaint
橙皮 orange peel paint
沙粒/起粒 dust paint
飞油 overpaint / overspray / overhandspray
不对边 poor finishing paint
哑色 dull paint
颜色光亮 shine colour
碰花/擦花 paint abrase
刮花 scratch paint
(碰撞)掉油 paint peel off
油泡 paint bubble
漏喷/漏印 wising paint / missing spray / missing stamp
水点 blister / water stain mark / bubble
补油不良 poor repainted / touch up
喷油不良 poor paint / poor spray
移印不良 poor tampo
移印移位 tampo off position
套色不准 poor multiple-printing
图案变形 drawing deformation
图案起皱皮 drawing wrinkle
图案不清 drawing illegible
拉丝/起丝 over tempo
不上油(移印) uneven pad print
掉电镀 electro plating peel off
电镀擦花 electro plating abrade
熟烫不良 poor hot stamp
熟烫过多 poor hot stamp
喷油件污糟 dust / dirty / paint smear
卡通箱/纸皮箱 carton / matser carton / shipping carton
箱唛 carton marking
图案 graphic / drawing
箱唛模糊不清 carton marking illegible
错误的箱唛/电脑纹 wrong carton marking / ups code
封箱胶纸开启 unsealed master carton
箱唛被不透明的封箱胶纸遮掩 carton marking covered by non-transparent sealing tape
漏封箱 missing sealed
封箱不紧,可看见内装成品 installed master carton individual packing easily visible
卡通箱损坏/撕烂 carrion damage / tear
卡通箱污糟 soiled on carton
卡通箱内少装成品 less than individual packing in carton
混装比例错误 incorrect packing patio
漏打生产日期 missing date code
漏打箱号 missing carton number
生产日期/箱号不清 sate code / carton number illegible
包装 packing
独立包装 solid pack
散件 bulk pack
胶袋包装 polybag pack
蛋格包装 egg crate pack
彩合烂/损坏 assortment pack
展销合烂/损坏 colour box / print box damage
摺合烂/损坏 display box damage
礼合烂/损坏 gift box damage
邮包合烂/损坏 mail box damage
天地合烂/损坏 top and botiom box damage
坏 retail box damage
批发合烂/损坏 wholesale box damage
窗合烂/损坏 window box damage
内合烂/损坏 iinner box damage
彩卡烂/损坏 colour card damage
吸塑卡/吸塑咭 blister card / clamshell card
内卡/内咭烂/损坏 insert card damage
吸塑罩 blister
彩合压烂/压皱 colour box crushed / crumple
漏零件/配件 missing packing part
附件 component
彩合漏封口 colour box unseal / missing sealing
玻璃纸烂 window box film damage
玻璃纸顶白 window box film stress
玻璃纸有凹痕 dent mark on window box film
玻璃纸有分开/粘合不良 window box film detach / poor sealing
玻璃纸透明度差 window box film poor transparent
彩合有摺痕 fold mark on box
彩卡有摺痕 fold mark on blister card
摺痕/摺纹 fold mark / fold line
吸塑卡皱 blister card wrinkle
卡纸内层分离 card delaminating
胶纸粘不好 tape poor sticking
印刷不清 illegible printing
印刷不良 poor printing
生产日期编码 date code
漏坑条 missing flute card
说明书/说明卡 instructions booklet / sheet
故事书/故事卡 story book / story sheet
铁线扎带 wire tire / cable tire
丁挂钩 j-hook
蝴蝶孔 butterfly hook
丁钩片/粘性 j-hook sticker
挂钩胶贴移位 j-hook sticker dislocate
挂钩胶贴凸出 j-hook sticker expose
用错吸嗦罩 incorrect blister
用错吸嗦咭 incorrect blister card
用错胶袋 inc correct polybag
刀刻不良 poor die-cut
刀刻错误 wrong die-cut
吸塑罩爆裂 blister cracked / broken
损坏/撕烂 damage / torn
吸嗦熟烫不良/不紧 blister poor heat sealing
吸嗦开启 blister unseal
吸嗦熟烫边分离 blister detach
吸嗦熟烫边焦 burn mark on blister
吸嗦变形 blister deform
吸嗦罩湿 blister wet
吸嗦罩与彩卡倒吸 blister up-side down on card
使用错误厚度的吸塑罩 incorrect thickness of blister used
昆虫 insect
人发及杂物 human hair /foreign material
外观 general aesthetic
颜色偏差 color deviation
颜色不相配 color mismatched
颜色由----移到----上 color migration
离隙 gap(on)
装配不良 poor assembly
零件分离 part detach
零件落出 part come off
零件断裂 part broken
零件生锈 part rust
零件装配不对称 halves misalignment
螺丝末上紧 screw unfasten
超声波不良 poor sonic weld
超声压花 nest mark on part of sonic weld
零件装配松 part loosen
装错零件 using wrong
零件方向错误 wrong direction / disorients
胶水迹 glue mark
胶水过多 over glue
胶水过少 under glue
热溶不良 poor hot melting
热贴不良 poor heat sticking
热封不良 poor heat sealing
油迹/油污/污糟 oil mark / paint smear / dirty
功能试验 function testing
掷车/抛掷 drop testing
介油/附着力试验 adhesion testing
拉力 pull test / tension test
压力 push test / pressure test
扭力 torque test
掷箱/抛箱 drop carton test
震箱 vibration test
破坏性试验 abuse test
环境试验/老化试验 environmental test
漆膜湿擦试验 wet rub test
寿命试验 life test
重金属试验 heavy metals test
屈力试验 bent test / flexure test
褪色试验 fade resistance test
口咬力试验 bite test
外箱冲击试验 burst strength test
安全试验 safety test
辘不转 wheel stuck / wheel permanent jammed
辘转动不良 wheel intermittently jammed
辘摇摆 wheel wobble / wobble
有声音 sound
细小声 small sound
大声 sound too loud
无声 no sound
离声 abnormal sound
不能自由滚动 cannot free roll
不能移动/转动 cannot move / rotate
辘不能转动 cannot free wheel
车辘不能落地 wheel does not land on flat surface
无功能 non-function
间竭功能 intermittent(int)-function
间竭性无功能 into non-function
某一功能不良 mal-function
功能不良 poor function
不能保持位置 cannot hold position
不能打开 cannot open
不能开闭 cannot close
开关不良 poor switching
开关无功能 poor switching
开关间竭无功能 switch int non-function
电池弹簧松 battery spring loosen
接触不良 poor contact
灯不着 light bulb without light
电池片生锈 contact plate rust
电池片外露 contact plate expose
电池片掉出 contact plate came off
电池片松 contact plate loosen
电线秃出 wire expose
电线掉出 wire detach
电线焊接不良 wire poor wilding
断电线 short circuit
漏电 electric leakage
电路板坏 circuit board damage
电路板无功能 circuit board non-function
电路板松 circuit board loosen
焊锡不良 poor soldering
活动件 movable part
老化 aging
坠地试验 toy drop(impact)
擦油 abrasion
积油 adhesion
冲沙 sand abrasion
干磨 dry crocking
湿磨 wet crockin
表面洗 surface wash
手洗 hand wash
机洗 machine wash
超载 overload
捆邦 over winding
利角 sharp point std
利边 sharp edge std
小物件 small item std
胶袋 poly bag std
绳长度 string std
扭力,拉力 torque and tension
压力 compression
屈曲 Flexner
易燃性 flammability
化学 chemical
燃烧 flame
试验之前 as received
运输 transit
温度处理 pre-conditioning
棉料外露 stuffing expose
磨术贴掉下 Velcro detach
漏电 electric leakage
电池线圈发热 battery coil overheat
布公仔 soft toy
毛公仔 plush
毛公仔衫湿 outfit wet
毛公仔衫缩水 outfit shrinkage
毛公仔褪色 outfit fade
钉缝形状不良 poor sketching
裁剪不良 poor cutting
车缝不良 poor sewing
缝合不良 poor stitching
形状不对称 uneven shape
车缝太密 high dense stitch
车缝太疏 low dense stitch
车缝口子外露 seam allowance expose
车缝爆开 seam open
车骨不良 poor mar rowing
漏车骨 missing mar rowing
跳针 jumping stitches
针孔 stitching hole
缝边皱起 pucker
公仔衫不合身 outfit unfit
衣车靴痕 sewing machinery mark
织花不良 poor embroidery
线未剪 untrimmed thread
长线 long loose thread
魔术贴掉出 Velcro detach
唛头掉出 sewing label loosen
物料走纱 materials run
物料烂 materials torn
入棉过多 over stuffing
入棉不足 under stuffing
入棉形状不良 poor stuffing
入棉比例不对称 stuffing disproportion
入棉不平衡 uneven stuffing
棉料外露 stuffing expose
长毛夹于缝口 pile trapped by seam
长线夹于缝口 thread trapped by seam
长毛脱落露底 bald spot on plush
掉色 colour migration
不配色 color mismatch
不对称色泽 color misalignment
颜色有差异 color deviation
短袋公仔 bean bag toy
布料组织不对 fabric texture mismatch
丝带散口 ribbon fray
物料散口 materials fray
织维散口 fabric fray
织毛不良 poor pulsing
梳发不良 poor brushing
头发剪裁不良 hair poor cutting
发型不良 poor hair styling
胶贴不良 label peel off
烫不良 poor hot stamping
机油 grease mark
胶水露气 gassing
牙松 gear loose
滑牙 gear smooth
塑料不纯 impure plastic
胶渣未清 plastic remnant
水口未清 gate remnant
胶丝胶渣 plastic residue
琅胶不良 poor poto castin
沙梨皮 pear skin
太软 too soft
太硬 too hard
钳痕 clamp mark
琅胶植毛不良 poor flocking
摇模胶件不对称 uneven wall thickness
穿孔 wooed
冠冷凝胶不足 under epoxy
毛公仔 plush
电动玩具 electronic toy
塑胶玩具 hard toy
布类玩具 soft toy
子口位 allowance
灯泡 bulb
脆 brittleness