
2020年08月02日 01:53


<1>demonstrate |vt.t|1. show or prove sth. clearly |表明;证明
|t|t |t|2. show and explain how to do sth. or how sth. works |演示;示范
|t|tt|vi.t|take part in a march to protest or support sth. |示威;游行

|@t|<2>integrity t|n.t|1. [U] the quality of being honest |诚实;正直
|t|t t|t|2. [U] the state of being complete |完整;完全

|t|<3>moralityt|n.t|[U] beliefs about what is right and wrong |道德;道德观

|@t|<4>boundaryt|n.t|1. [C] the farthest limit of sth. |界限;局限
|t|tt|t|2. [C] the dividing line, esp. between two areas of land |边界

|t|<5>convenience |n.t|[U] a condition that makes it easier to do sth. |方便;便利

|t|<6>inner |a.t|1. personal or secret |内心的;隐秘的
|t|t |t|2. inside |内部的;里面的

|t|<7>compass |n.t|1. [C] a tool for showing direction, with a needle pointing north |指南针
|t|t |t|2. [C] (also ~es) a tool used for drawing a circle |圆规

|@t|<8>scarcet|a.t|not much or many compared with what is wanted |不足的;缺乏的

|t|<9>triangle |n. t|[C] a figure or shape with three straight sides and three corners |三角(形)

|@t|<10>consist |vi.t|(of) be made up of |由...组成

|t|<11>firm t|a.t|strong or steady and not likely to change |坚定的;稳定的

|t|<12><em>firmly</em> |ad. |strongly; steadily |坚定地;稳定地

|★t|<13>surgical t|a.t|of or used for surgery |外科(手术)的

|t|<14>assistance |n.t|[U] help or support |帮助;援助

|@t|<15>ensure |vt. |make sure that sth. will happen properly |确保;保证

|t|<16>instrument |n.t|1. [C] a tool that is used for doing a particular job |工具,器具
|t|tt|t|2. [C] sth. used for making music |乐器

|t|<17>sponget|n.t|[C] |海绵

|@t|<18>assure |vt. t|1. tell sb. that sth. will definitely happen or is definitely true |使确信
|t|t | t|2. make certain sth. will happen |确保

|@t|<19>protestt|v. |strongly disagree with sth. |反对;抗议
|t|tt|vt. |state very firmly that sth. is true |申明;断言
|t|tt|n. |[C, U] a strong complaint or disagreement |抗议

|t|<20>concede |v.t|yield; admit defeat |让步;认输
|t|t |vt.t|admit sth. is true, often unwillingly |承认

|@t|<21>intelligent|a. t|smart or bright |聪明的

|@t|<22>clarify |vt. |make clear; explain |澄清;解释

|@t|<23>appoint t|vt.t|choose sb. for a position or job |任命

|t|<24>progressive|a.t|1. happening or developing gradually |逐渐发展的
|t|tt|t|2. improving or changing according to new ideas |进步的,先进的

|t|<25><em>progressively</em> |ad. |gradually and steadily |逐渐

|@t|<26>dwarft|n. |[C] a person who is much smaller than usual size |侏儒

|t|<27>giant |n.t|1. [C] a person who is much bigger than usual size |巨人
|t|t |t|2. [C] a person of great abilit
y |伟人
|t|t |a.t|extremely large |巨大的

|t|<28>genuine |a. t|real; true |真的;真实的

|t|<29>core |a.t|most important or most basic |核心的
|t|t |n.t|[C] the central or most important part |核心

|@t|<30>rely |vi.t|(on) depend on; trust in |依赖;信赖

|t|<31>external |a.t|1. easily seen but not essential; on the surface |外在的,表面的
|t|tt|t|2. outside |外部的,外面的

|@t|<32>inevitable |a. |certain to happen or cannot be avoided |不可避免的

|t|<33><em>inevitably</em> |ad. |unavoidably; certainly |不可避免地

|@t|<34>preservet|vt. t|1. keep; protect |保存;保护
|t|tt|t|2. store |储存

|@t|<35>tough t|a.t|1. hard; difficult |艰难的;困难的
|t|tt|t|2. strong and able to deal with difficult situations |坚强的;强壮的

|@t|<36>mature |a. t|1. behaving in a sensible way, like an adult |成熟的
|t|t |t|2. fully grown and developed |长熟的,成熟的

|@t|<37>conscience |n.t|[C, U] the sense of right and wrong |良心;良知

|@t|<38>component |n.t|[C] a necessary or essential part |成分;部件

|t|<39>enrich |vt. t|1. improve |改善,改进
|t|tt|t|2. make rich or richer |使丰富

|@t|<40>fashionable|a.t|popular; following the fashion |时髦的,时尚的

|@t|<41>yield |vi.t|(to) agree to do sth. that one does not want to do |屈服;屈从
|t|tt|vt.t|produce |出产;生产

|@★t|<42>tempt |vt.t|make sb. want to have or do sth.|引诱;诱惑

|t|<43>attraction |n. t|1. [C] sth. that attracts sb.|有吸引力的事物
|t|t |t|2. [C, U] a quality that makes sth. attractive |吸引;吸引力

|t|<44>rear |a.t|at or in the back |后面的
|t|t |n.t|[sing.] the back part; back |后面;背后

|t|<45><em>rear-view</em> |n. t |[C] a sight of what is behind |后视

<TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
|t|<46>middle ground |t|a position which is between two very different ones |中间道路;折中

|t|<47>sell out (to) |t|do sth. that is disloyal to one's principles or beliefs |出卖(原则或信念等)

|t|<48>at hand |t|1. being considered |在考虑中
|t|tt|t|2. near in time or place |即将到来;近在手边

|t|<49>in short supply |t|lacking; not quite available |缺货;短缺

|t|<50>the bottom line |t|the most important factor; the main or essential point |重要因素;关键的东西

|t|<51>demand of |t|expect sth.
from sb. or sth. |期待;要求

|t|<52>stand for |t|1. support a set of aims or principles |主张;支持
|t|tt|t|2. represent |代表;象征

|t|<53>confront with |t|bring face to face with; force to deal with or accept the truth of |面对;对质

|t|<54>think of |t|1. consider sb. and their needs or situation |考虑;为...设想
|t|tt|t|2. remember sb. or sth. |想起;回忆起

|t|<55>do fine |t|do a good job |干得好

56>give sb. credit |t|give sb. praise |赞扬

|t|<57>in other words |t|that is (to say); put in a different way |换言之

|t|<58>win the day |t|be successful |获胜;成功

<1>website |n.t|[C] a place on the Internet where information is available |网站

|@t|<2>cheat t|v.t|act dishonestly for one's own benefit |欺骗;作弊
|t|t t|n.t|[C] a person who cheats |骗子

|t|<3>nervet|n.t|1. (~s) the state of being nervous or worried |神经过敏;紧张不安
|t|t t|t|2. [C] |神经

|@t|<4>ultimatet|a.t|1. greatest |最大的
|t|tt|t|2. being at the end or happening in the end |最终的,最后的

|t|<5>nightmare |n.t|1. [C] a terrible experience or event |恐怖的经历;可怕的事情
|t|t t|t|2. [C] an unpleasant and terrible dream |恶梦

|★t|<6>illicit |a.t|not allowed by laws or rules |非法的;违规的

|@t|<7>link |n.t|[C] a tie or connection |纽带
|t|t |vt.t|join or connect |连接

|@t|<8>contemporary|a.t|1. of the present time |当代的
|t|t t|t|2. of the same time |同时代的
|t|t t|n.t|[C] a person who belongs to the same period of time |同时代的人

|t|<9>fake |vt. t|make or copy sth. to trick people |伪造;造假
|t|t t|n.t|[C] a copy of sth. that is intended to trick people |假货,赝品
|t|t t|a.t|made to look like sth. real in order to trick people; unreal |假的;伪造的

|@t|<10>appropriate|a.t|proper or suitable |合适的,适当的

|@t|<11>purchase t|vt. t|buy |购买
|t|t t|n.t|[C] sth. that one buys |购买物

|@t|<12>download t|vt.t|transfer information from a network to a computer |下载

|@t|<13>reconcilet|v.t| make peace or find agreement between two parties |和解;调和

|t|<14><em>irreconcilable</em> |a. |impossible to bring into agreement |不可调和的

|@t|<15>moral |a. |relating to right and wrong and the way people should behave |道德的,道义的

|t|<16>dilemma |n.t|[C] a difficult choice between two things |进退两难;难处

|@t|<17>expense |n.t|[C] an amount of money sb. spends on sth. |花费,费用

|■t|<18>on-filet|a.t|recorded or kept in a file or in a database |存档的

|@t|<19>per |prep.t|for each |每,每一

gt;consumer |n.t|[C] a person who buys and uses goods or services |消费者

|t|<21>readily |ad.t|1. easily |容易地
|t|tt|t|2. willingly |乐意地

|t|<22>semester |n. |[C] (AmE) a term |学期

|■t|<23>emporium |n.t|[C] a large store selling many different things |商场

|@t|<24>presst|vt.t|push firmly |压;按
|t|tt|n.t|[sing.] newspapers and the journalists who work for them |报界;新闻界

|t|<25>hail |vt. |1. say how good or important sb. or sth. is |向...欢呼;拥戴
|t|t t|t|2. call out to sb. by name or in greeting |招呼

|t|<26><em>authorship</em> |n. |[U] the fact of being the person who has written a
book, play, poem, etc. |作者身份

|t|<27>authentic |a.t|real; not false or copied |真的;非复制的

|t|<28>perception |n.t|1.[U] the ability to notice or understand sth. |洞察力;理解力
|t|t t|t|2.[C] a particular way of looking at or understanding sth. |看法;领悟

|t|<29><em>perceptive</em> |a.t |quick to notice or understand things |洞察力强的;理解力强的

|▲t|<30>twitch |vi.t|move with a quick sharp pull of a muscle |抽动,抽搐
|t|tt|n.t|[C] a sudden slight movement of the body |抽动,抽搐

|t|<31>intellectual |a.t|1. concerning the ability to think in an intelligent way and to understand things |智力的;理解力的
|t|tt |t|2. well educated |有知识的
|t|tt |n. t|[C] a person who is well educated and interested in art, science, literature, etc. |知识分子

|@t|<32>property |n. |1. [U] the thing or things sb. owns |财产;所有物
|t|tt|t|2. [C, U] land, buildings, or both |地产;房地产
|t|tt|t|3. [C] (usu. pl.) a quality or feature of sth. |属性;特性

|@t|<33>issue |n.t|1. [C] a subject that people discuss |问题;议题
|t|tt|t|2. [C] a newspaper or magazine printed at a particular time |(杂志、报纸等)期;号
|t|tt|vt.t|officially make a statement, give an order, warning, etc. |颁布;发表

|@t|<34>inclinet|vi. t|tend to |倾向于

|t|<35>cynical t|a.t|not believing people are sincere or honest | 愤世嫉俗的;玩世不恭的

|@t|<36>notion |n. t|[C] an idea, belief, or opinion |概念;观念;看法

|t|<37>incidence |n.t|[sing.] the number of times sth. happens |发生率

|@t|<38>honesty |n. t|[U] the quality of being honest |诚实,正直

|t|<39><em>inventive</em> |n. t |able to think of new and original ideas |善于发明的,有创造能力的

|@t|<40>proof |a. t|(usu. used in compounds) having or giving protection |能防...的
|t|t |n. t|[C, U] evidence that shows sth. is true |证据

|t|<41><em>cheat-proof</em> |a.t |pr
otected against cheating |防止作弊的

|@t|<42>structure |vt.t|plan or organize sth. |组织;构造;安排
|t|t |n.t|[C, U] the way that the parts of sth. are put together or organized |结构;组织

|@t|<43>transform |vt. t|change sb. or sth. completely |改变,改造

|■t|<44>handout |n. t|1. [C] a paper containing information which will be dealt with in a lecture or talk |印发的讲稿
|t|tt| t|2. [C] sth. given to people for free |施舍物;救济物

|t|<45>drama |n. t|[C] a play |戏剧

|t|<46>narrative |n. t|1. [U] the process or methods of telling a story |叙述;叙述手法
|t|tt| t|2. [C] a story or an account of sth. that has happened |故事;记叙文

|@t|<47>curb |vt. t|control or limit sth. that is harmful |抑制;控制
|t|tt|n. t|[C] a rule or control that limits sth. |抑制;控制

|@t|<48>strategy |n. t|1. [C]
a plan or method that sb. uses to achieve sth. |对策;策略;计划
|t|tt| t|2. [U] the art of planning movements of armies in war |战略;兵法

|t|<49>basically |ad. t|simply; essentially |基本地

<50>for free免费<51>hand over递交<52>do the trick 达到目的<53>hail as 称赞为<54>a little bit 有点<55>be inclined to |倾向于;容易(做)<56>sort of有几分;近似<57>be a question of sth. (重要的)是...的问题<58>make the most of sth.充分利用某物







