
2020年08月02日 02:00



1. Define the following terms(20 points)

1) langue

2) parole

3) allophone

4) semantic field

5) cohesion

2. Try to identify the possible paradigmatic relation between any items in the following poem by Lu Xun (i.e. tell if there is such a relation between which and which items): (10 points)



3. Give some lexical items to illustrate social dialects. Try to explain their connotations. (20 points)

4. What can this rule mean in English grammar? (10 points)

{D}→ [-id]/[t] ─

5. Define the following sounds in terms of articulatory feature: (10 points)

1) ε

2) α

3) ν

4) ɡ


6. Try to tell some of the similarities and differences between English and Chinese nominal constructions. Supply some example. (Large units like relative constructions might also be considered.) (10 points)

7. We can use the pattern “it is …” (the cleft construction) to emphasize any part of a sentence except the predicate. What can we do if we must emphasize it? Please give examples to highlight your emphasis of any part of this sentence: (15 points)

I bought a book in the city yesterday.

8. Try to discuss as many as possible the design features of human language. (15 points)

9. Observe the following sentences:


老王找到老张, 才找到他自己的儿子。

老王找到老张, 才找到自己的儿子

老王找到老张, 才找到儿子。

Which is clear in its meaning? Which one is unclear? Try to explain why. (You can use such jargons as reference or anaphor in your explication.) Point out some features of the Chinese language. (10 points)

10. Discuss the following two sentences, and tell why we can assign different values (meanings) to the year of fifteen: (10 points)

She is already fifteen, and yet she is crying over such a small thing.

She has done it very well; she is only fifteen, you know.

11. What can linguistics do for language learning and teaching? (10 points)

12. Determiner phrase (DP) is the name newly given to the NP in generative grammar. A DP can be a form like

1) a book; 2) the book; 3) books;4) Ф book

This name may be better than the old name of NP in that it reminds us of something when we (Chinese speakers) learn or teach English. Do you agree to this? Try to tell anything significant here. (10 points)




专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学与应用语言学 科目代码:443

研究方向:语言学、语法学、 考试科目:英语语言学

1. Define the following terms (20 points)

1) langue

2) parole

3) allophone

4) semantic field

5) cohesion

1) Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. Langue is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by. It is abstract and relatively stable.

2) Parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use. It is the concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules. It varies from person to person, and from situation to situation.

3) The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of that phoneme.

4) Semantic field is aloes lexical field. It refers to the organization of related words and expressions into a system which shows their relationship to one another.

5) Cohesion refers to the grammatical and/or lexical relationship between the different elements of a text. This may be the relationship between different sentences or between different parts of a sentence.

2. Try to identify the possible paradigmatic relation between any items in the following poem by Lu Xun (i.e. tell if there is such a relation between which and which items): (10 points)



The paradigmatic relationship exist between “开” and “落” (both function as non-transitive verb),“岂” and “何期”( both function as interrogative adverbs) , “豪情” and “泪”( both function as inanimate noun, relating to people) .

3. Give some lexical items to illustrate social dialects. Try to explain their connotations. (20 points)

Social dialects are varieties of language used by groups defined according to class, education, age, sex, and a number of other social parameters. Social class and education are two obvious factors in the investigation of social dialects. The linguistic features of the language used by people of different social background reveal their identities. For example, speaker A usually says I did it yesterday, while speaker B often says I done it yesterday. From their respective use of the verb we can see speaker A is better educated than speaker B. even within groups of the same social class, other differences can be found which seem to correlate with factors such as the age or gender of speakers. Variation according to age is most noticeable across the grandparent-grandchild time span. For example, grandparents may still talk about the icebox and the wireless. He is unlikely to use fridge and boombox as their grandchildren do. Moreover, variation according to the gender of the speaker is also obvious. Women are more status-conscious than men in English-speaking world so Female speakers tend to use more prestigious forms than male speakers with the same general social background. Thus, forms as I done it, it gowed and he ain’t can be found more often in the speech of males, and I did it, it grew and he isn’t in the speech of female.

4. W
hat can this rule mean in English grammar? (10 points)

{D} →[-id]/[t] ─

This is a phonological rule. The slash specifies the environment in which the change takes place. The bar indicates the position of the target segment. So the rule reads: the phoneme {D} is realized as the phone [-id] when it appears before a final [t] sound.

5. Define the following sounds in terms of articulatory feature: (10 points)

1) ε: mid-low front lax unrounded vowel

2) α: low/open front lax rounded vowel

3) ν: voiced labiodental fricative

4) ɡ:voiced velar stop

5)∫: voiceless postalveolar fricative

6. Try to tell some of the similarities and differences between English and Chinese nominal constructions. Supply some example. (Large units like relative constructions might also be considered.) (10 points)

In English the nominal construction is mainly composed of several elements: Deixis, numerative, 修饰语,classifier, noun and occasionally post-modifier. For example, 系统功能语法例子

In Chinese, the nominal construction mainly consists of numeral, quantifier and noun. The noun can either be countable or uncountable. For example, 一支笔,一群羊, and 一碗水。

7. We can use the pattern “it is …” (the cleft construction) to emphasize any part of a sentence except the predicate. What can we do if we must emphasize it? Please give examples to highlight your emphasis of any part of this sentence: (15 points)

I bought a book in the city yesterday.

We can emphasize the predicate by indicating it as the auxiliary with its proper tense and the verb’s original form.

1) It is I who bought a book in the city yesterday.

2) I did buy a book in the city yesterday.

3) It is a book that I bought in the city yesterday.

4) It is in the city that I bought a book yesterday.

5) It is yesterday that I bought a book in the city.

8. Try to discuss as many as possible the design features of human language. (15 points)

1) Arbitrariness. Language is arbitrary. It means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. Different sounds are used to refer to the same object in different languages.

2) Productivity. Language is productive or creative in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. They can produce and understand an infinitively large number of sentences, including sentences they have never heard before.

3) Duality. Langue is a system, which consists of two sets of structure, or two levels. At the lower or the basic level there is a structure of sounds, which are meaningless by themselves. But the sounds of language can be grouped and regrouped into a larger number of units of meaning, which are found at the higher level of the system.

4) Displacement. Language can be used to refer to things which are present or not present, real or imagined matters in the past, present, or future, or in far-awa
y places. In other words, language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situation of the speaker. This property provides speakers with an opportunity to talk about a wide range of things, free from barriers caused by separation in time and space.

5) Cultural transmission. While human capacity for language has a genetic basis, i.e. we were all born with the ability to acquire language, the details of any language system are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned. This shows that language is culturally transmitted. It is passed on from one generation to the next through teaching and learning.

9. Observe the following sentences:


老王找到老张, 才找到他自己的儿子。

老王找到老张, 才找到自己的儿子

老王找到老张, 才找到儿子。

Which sentence is clear in its meaning? Which one is unclear? Try to explain why. (You can use such jargons as reference or anaphor in your explication.) Point out some features of the Chinese language. (10 points)

The second and the third sentence are clear in it meaning. The first and the last one are unclear. The term anaphor is used in a narrow sense to include only the reflexives and reciprocals. “To be bound” refers to the relation between an anaphor and its accessible subject. The former will be coreferential with the latter. A pronominal reference refers to pronouns other than reflexives and reciprocals. “ To be free” means that it is not coreferential with the subject, not locally bound. In the first sentence , the pronominal reference “他” can refer to either “老王” or “老张”. In the third and the fourth sentence, there is no pronominal reference “他”,only reflexive “自己”,and the reflexive is bound to the accessible subject “老王”。 In the last sentence, there is no anaphor or reference. “儿子” is a referential-expression which is free in all domains. Thus here it has no relationship with either

10. Discuss the following two sentences, and tell why we can assign different values (meanings) to the year of fifteen: (10 points)

She is already fifteen, and yet she is crying over such a small thing.

She has done it very well; she is only fifteen, you know.

The meanings of the year of fifteen are different in these two sentences because they separately co-exist with two different sentences, which cause a different context and then different inference of their meaning. In the first sentence, the second part is the main information of the sentence. From this part, the reader can infer that the speaker of the sentence implies a certain complaint, e.g.: she is not young and should not fuss over the little things. In the second sentence, the focus is on the year of fifteen. From the preceding part of this sentence, the reader can infer that the second speaker implies certain praise: considering
that she is not old yet, what she has done is good enough.

11. What can linguistics do for language learning and teaching? (10 points)

Since linguistics is defined as the scientific study of language, it seems obvious that such a study would help a lot in language teaching and learning. Applied linguistics serves as a mediating area that interprets the results of linguistic theories and makes them user-friendly to the language teacher and leaner. Applied linguistics is conductive to foreign language teaching in two major aspects. Firstly, applied linguistics extends theoretical linguistics in the direction of language learning and teaching, so that the teacher is enabled to make better decisions on the goal and content of the teaching. The teacher can make more informed decisions on what approach to take, hence what to teach. Secondly, applied linguistics states that the insights and implications that linguistics theories have on the language teaching methodology. Once the goal and content of the teaching are settled, the teacher has to consider questions of how to teach. Since applied linguistics defines the nature of language learning in connection with various linguistic theories, it helps the teacher to choose teaching methods and techniques.

12. Determiner phrase (DP) is the name newly given to the NP in generative grammar. A DP can be a form like

1) a book; 2) the book; 3) books;4) Ф book

This name may be better than the old name of NP in that it reminds us of something when we (Chinese speakers) learn or teach English. Do you agree to this? Try to tell anything significant here. (10 points)

It indicates that in English, when there is the single noun, the nominal group is usually composed of the determiner and the noun. When there is a plural form noun, it can exist independently without any determiner. Still there can be null determiner in a nominal group, which usually occur in a rare case.

The name of DP shows the significance of a determiner in the nominal group, thus Chinese speakers can consciously remember the construction of English nominal group and pay much attention in their writing.








