
2020年08月02日 02:06











→ 商务英语重点词汇·新译通翻译公司-专业商务类翻译


一、business and businesses商业和公司
A business,company,or firm is an organization that sells goods or
services .A business may also be referred to formally as a
ss is the production,buying,and selling of goods and
A business may be referred to approvingly as an enterprise to
emphasize its adventurous, risk-taking qualities, and business in
general may be referred to in the same way, for example in
combinations such as free enterprise and private enterprise.
Business is also referred to as commerce. This word, and its related
adjective commercial, are often used to distinguish the business
sphere from other areas such as government or the arts, or to
distinguish it from nonmoney-making activities.
Business 商业;生意;公司 Company 公司;商号
Firm (合伙的)商号;商行 Concern 康采恩(垄断企业形式之一)
Commerce 商业; 商务 Commercial 商业的;商务的;商用的
Enterprise 企事业单位 Free Enterprise 自由企业
Private Enterprise 私人企业
二、From multinationals to small firms 从跨国公司到小型企业
Large companies are referred to as corporations, especially in the
United States. Corporate is used to describe things relating to a
corporation, or to corporations in general, in expressions like the
ones in the next exercise. Large companies operating in many
countries are multinationals.
Big business can refer to large business organizations or to any
business activity that makes a lot of money. Small companies are
referred to as small businesses or small firms.
Unlike some languages, English does not have an everyday term for
small and medium-sized companies, apart from this rather clumsy
Corporation 大公司;股份有限公司 Corporate 法人;团体
Multinational 跨国的;多国的 Big business 大型企业;大公司
Small and medium sized companies中小规
is done by the personnel department(人事部), although this expression
is now sometimes rejected. Companies talk instead about their human
resources(人力资源)or HR and human resource management(人力资源管理) or HRM.
二、Hiring and firing 雇佣和解雇
Personnel departments are usually involved in finding new staff and
recruiting(招聘)them, hiring(雇佣)them, or taking them on, in a process
of recruitment. Someone recruited is a recruit(新进人员), or in American
English only, a hire. They are also involved when people are made to
leave the organization, or fired(被解雇). These responsibilities are
referred to, relatively informally, as hiring and firing(雇佣和解雇). If
you leave a job voluntarily, you quit(辞职).
三、 Delayering and downsizing 延缓和精简编制
Middle managers(中程主管)are those in the hierarchy between senior
management and front-line managers(基层管理人员) or line
managers(生产线管理人员), the people managing employees.
Middle managers are now most often mentioned in the context of
re-engineering(流程再造), delayering(延缓), downsizing(精简编制), or
rightsizing: all these expressions describe the recent trend for
companies to reduce the numbers of people they employ, often by
getting rid of layers of managers from the middle of the hierarchy.
An organization that has undergone this process is lean(精干的)and its
hierarchy flat(扁平的)
四、Empowerment 授权
Organizations say that they are eliminating middle levels of their
hierarchies so as to empower(授权)ordinary workers and employees.
This process of empowerment is designed to give them the authority
to make decisions that were previously taken by middle managers.
五、Getting the sack 解雇
When people lose their jobs, they are dismissed(被开除) or made
redundant(被解雇). When people are laid off(被辞退)like this, commentators
talk about the number of dismissals(裁员)or
六、Stress 工作压力
The people left in an organisation after it has been downsized often
have more to do. Stress is a combination of tension and anxiety
often caused by overwork(工作过度). working too much. People say that
they are under stress, stressed, or stressed out when they are
overworked. People who have been under so much stress that they are
unlikely to recover enough to
do their jobs properly again are
described as burned out(筋疲力尽), or in British English only, burnt
七、 Outplacement 获任新职(公司为其被解雇员工在另一公司找到工作)
Outplacement is when a company helps people it is making redundant
find new jobs in other organizations
■ 笔译翻译报价
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