2020年08月02日 02:07
转载自: 水的谜底 转载于:今天 19:09 | 分类:学习库 阅读:(0) 评论:(0)
I Explain the meaning of the following terms: (10%,2×5)1. function
2. notion
3. motivation
4. all-round training
5. autonomy
II. Match A with B: (5%,1×5)A B
1. 文化移入说 a.. Approximative System Model
2. 渐进体系说 b. Interlanguage Hypothesis
3.过渡语言说 c. Cognitive theory
4.认知学说 d. Associative theory
5.联结学说 e. Acculturation Model
III True or False statement. Write “T” for the true statement and “F” for the false on the answer sheet. (20%,1×10)1. Associative learning theory takes place in the human organism through a meaningful process of relating new events or items to already existing cognitive concepts or propositions…. ( )
2. Cognitive learning theory is similar to associative learning theory. ( )
3. S-R theory or Reinforcement Theory is a learning theory associated particularly with the American psychologist B.F. Skinner, which explains learning as the formation of associations between responses. ( )
4. Learning theories are regarded as a source of creation, a discerning mirror, a basis for research and a principle of application to English teaching. ( )
5. Innate Theory or Innatist Hypothesis held by Chomsky and Miller holds that children’s acquisition embodies an interaction between their innate capacity of acquisition and direct experience of environment depend and interact on each other. ( )
6. Interlanguage Hypothesis, put up by L. Selinker and others maintains that students use an interlanguage before they have had a good demand of a second language. ( )
7. It is S. Krashen who proposed a hypothesis called Output Theory, which states that in second or foreign language learning, for language acquisition to occur, it is necessary for the learners to understand input language which is in large quantities. ( )
8. Error analysis can be applied to classroom teaching and the systematic analysis of error and the student’s whole speech act help the learner to recognize the essence of learning. ( )
9. General English is the foundation of special English which records scientific and technological literature. ( )
10. Needs analysis is widely used to write syllabus and textbooks. A syllabus based on needs analysis consist of two categories, namely, language form and the function of language. ( )
IV Fill in the blanks with proper word which best complete the statement. (20% 1×20,)
1. There are _____ and _____ need to be considered in selecting material. The former refers to students’ actual needs when they enter society, the latter deals with students
’ life-long career development.
2. The _____ content refers to the content of the course such as the portrayed figures, stories, activities and situations which are not real. They are purposely _____ by textbook writers.
3. Though the original material is _____ than the translated version, it is more difficulty for ______ to understand.
4. With ______ characteristics, the chief consideration for compiling rules of the material must include: linguistic environment, ______ of the target language, mutual co-operation between knowledge and speech act and timely effect.
5. The system of English teaching ______, as a subsidiary one to a multilevel system of teaching principles, is not isolated. It involves at least ______ aspects.
6. One of the seven relations we have to handle skillfully is the _____ between general English and English for ____ purposes.
7. ______ refers to the simplified original. It is necessary and essential way toward the _______ original, though unlike the original, it is not genuine, not natural.
8. “Doing things through _______” is just latest proposition about the Communicative Approach. However, the exact connotation of the _____ Approach has a strong version and a weak one.
9. Hymes and his colleagues believed that language could not exist without social context. According to this belief, _____ proposed a theory of communicative competence, which included ____ respects in terms of both knowledge and ability to use language.
10. There are mainly five basic research methods as follows: observation method, survey method, ______method, data reading method, and the method of ____ a research paper.
V. Multiple Choice ( 10%, 2×5)
Directions: Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement, five answers marked A, B, C, D and E are given. Choose not less than one answer that you think best completes the statement and write them on the answer sheet.
1. When teachers use experimental method to do research, they must be clear about the following variables:
A. stimulating variable
B. responsive variable
C. causal factor
D. controlled variable
E. testing variable
2. Which of the following are included in the Communicative Competence?
A. Linguistic/Grammar competence
B. Sociollinguistic competence
C. Discourse competence
D. Performing competence
E. Strategic competence
3. Linguistic competence includes the ability ______.
A. to tell whether a sentence is grammatical or not
B. to understand the internal structure of sentences
C. to understand and produce an infinite number of sentences
D. to detect procedures of teaching
E. to detect ambiguity contained in the sentences
4. From the viewpoint of teaching methodology, what method ideas were not originated from Noam Chomsky’s theory on language competence an
d language performance.
A. Cognitive Approach
B. Audiolingual Method
C. Translation Method
D. Direct Method
E. Functional Approach
5. The characteristics of the Communicative Approach are _______.
A. Meaning is of primary importance and contextualization is a basic principle.
B. Attempts by learners to communicate with the language are encouraged from the beginning of instruction.
C. The new language system will be learned best by struggling to communicate one’s own meaning and by negotiation of meaning through learning from others.
D. Activities and strategies for learning are varied according to learner preferences and needs.
E. Sequencing of materials is determined by the content, function and meaning that will maintain students’ interest.
VI Answer the questions (15%, 3×5)
Directions: Give a brief account on each of the following questions and write your answers on the answer sheet.
1. What are the common things that successful teachers have? Try to explain the points respectively.
2. What are the four basic steps for error analysis?
3. What is English textbook?
4. What is learner’s affective factor? How should teachers treat it?
5. What should be considered when compiling textbooks?
VII. Translate the following into Chinese. ( 10%, 2×5)
1. In Chinese schools, students in the first place are supposed to have spelling and reading skills trained, with which students are able to pronounce and spell the words according to the symbols of IPA. Four reasons account for this principle.
2. The Chinese advocates of IPA notation have proved that those learners who have mastered such notation serving as a guide to accurate pronunciation at early stage can learn faster and better instead of being puzzled by difficult pronunciation while learning.
3. None of the FLT methodological schools abroad deny the important role played by the skills of spelling and reading.
4. As the spelling system is very irregular with too many expectations in English pronunciation, it is a must to take a certain length of time to be trained in it.
5. Language is speech based on a sound system. It demands students to articulate and spell it right on hearing or seeing it.
VIII. Writing (10%,10×1)
Directions: Nowadays, mother tongue can not be found in some new coursebooks. It has become a trend in composing new coursebooks. What’s your opinion about it? Please write an article of about 150 words to express your point of view as an in-service English teacher in China. Do remember to write a title for your article.
英语教学论考试与答案1: [判断题] In principle, any grammatical structure or vocabulary item maybe used within a variety of notions, functions,topics and situations.
A : Yes B : No
2: [判断题] Fluency activitiesmake for linguistic
competence and accurcy activities make for communicative competence.
A : Yes B : No
3: [判断题] English is more difficult to learn than Chinese.
A : Yes B : No
4: [判断题] In a long run, cognitive learning is effective. Learning with thinking improves ability.
A : Yes B : No
5: [判断题] The spoken form of language is more basic than the written form.
A : Yes B : No
6: [判断题] The number of possible topics and communicative situations is infinite,whereas the number of functions and notions is in principle finite.
A : Yes B : No
7: [判断题] The cognitive psychology believes that language learning is a process of habit formation.
A : Yes B : No
8: [判断题] A good score of words is not crucial for understanding and communication.
A : Yes B : No
9: [判断题] A general assumption is that the learning that takes place in natural and educational settings are the same in nature.
A : Yes B : No
10: [判断题] The input hypothesis means " humans acquire language in only one way --- by understanding messages or by receiving comprehensible input.
A : Yes B : No
11: [判断题] Learning English should be a mechanical practice. It does not require active involvement, reasoning and thinking.
A : Yes B : No
12: [判断题] It is generally considered that the behaviorist theory is better than the cognitive theory.
A : Yes B : No
13: [判断题] In a cognitive approach, the learner is seen as an active participant in the learning process, using various stategies in order to sort out the system of language to be learned.
A : Yes B : No
14: [判断题] Accuracy and fluency are equally important in language learning.
A : Yes B : No
15: [判断题] Fluency comes naturally after accurcy.
A : Yes B : No
16: [判断题] The structural view of language views language as a system of struturally related elements for the coding of meaning.
17: [判断题] 教师不仅是教材的使用者,还是教材的研制者和开发者。对于中学而言,教材就是全部课程资源。
A : Yes B : No
18: [判断题] It is generally accepted that the role of coursebook is to be at the service of teachers and learners but not to be their masters.
A : Yes B : No
19: [判断题] When a person recalls the early experience of being taught in his later years, he often remembers what he did rather than what the teacher did.
20: [判断题] Different teachers have different styles of teaching. But it is generally agreed that most successful teachers move around the classroom to some extent.
A : Yes B : No
21: [单项选择题] Behaviorist theory emphasied the importance of _____.
A :
acquisition B : learning C : reinforcement D : language function
22: [单项选择题] Practising on the key words and grammatical items chosen from the dialogs embodies the _____ view of language.
A : Structural B : Functional C : interactive D : transformational-generative
23: [单项选择题] L2 learners construct a linguistic system that draws, in part, on the learners L1 but is also different from it and also from the target language. This linguistic system is referred to as ______.
A : interlanguage B : mother tongue C : target language D : native language
24: [单项选择题] Behaviorist theory emphasied the importance of ______ exercises in language learning.
A : mechanical
B : meaningful
C : communicative
D : written
25: [单项选择题] 综合语言运用能力中,情感态度是影响学生学习发展的重要因素,_______ 是得体运用语言的保障。
A : 语言知识
B : 语言技能
C : 学习策略
D : 文化意识
26: [单项选择题] 教师在使用教材过程中,如果遇到教材内容有文化偏见时应该如何对教材进行处理?
A : 保留
B : 删减
C : 替换
D : 改编
27: [单项选择题] Repeating, imitaing and recitation are considered to be ______ learning activities.
A : structuralist
B : cognitive
C : communicative
D : behaviorist
28: [单项选择题] The productive language skills refer to ______.
A : listening and speaking
B : reading and writing
C : listening and reading
D : speaking and writing
29: [单项选择题] The receptive language skills refer to ______.
A : listening and speaking
B : reading and writing
C : listening and reading
D : speaking and writing
30: [单项选择题] The term "interlanguage" was first coined by the American linguist, _______.
A : Noam Chomsky
B : Bloomfield
C : B.F. Skinner
D : Larry,Selinker
31: [单项选择题] 选出下列教育活动的不属于课程标准涉及范围的一项。
A : organization of content
B : employing teacher
C : creating materials
D : provide teaching training
32: [单项选择题] 语言知识包括语音、词汇、语法、 ______ 等方面的内容。
A : 听力和口语
B : 阅读和理解
C : 功能和话题
D : 文化和语篇
33: [单项选择题] 基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。语言知识和_________ 是综合语言运用能力的基础。
A : 情感态度
B : 学习策略
C : 语言技能
D : 文化意识
34: [单项选择题] 课堂教学评价的最主要标准是:
A : 教材内容是否完成
B : 教学目标是否达到
C : 学生考试成绩如何
D : 教学方法是否得当
35: [单项选择题] CALL stands for _______ .
A : 计算机辅助学习
B : 计算机辅助教学
C : 计算机辅助英语教学
D : 计算机辅助语言学习
36: [多项选择题] My friends and fellow Americans, I speak to tonight on one of the gravest issues our greatest nation, and at the time I want to make one thing perfectly clear…这段话语体现的语言要素包括:
A : 身份 (status)
B : 话题 (topic)
C : 方式 (mode)
D : 语体 (register)
E : 媒介 (medium)
37: [多项选择题] The cognitive language learning activities may include:
A : thinking about grammar
B : reading for meaning
C : writing compositions
D : reading aloud
E : listening for ideas
38: [多项选择题] Typical group tasks include:
A : listening to a story
B : role play
C : games
D : interview
E : opinion exchange
39: [多项选择题] Before pair work or group work, the teacher must ______.
A : introduce the technique
B : model the technique
C : punish those who do not want to participate
D : establish a time frame
E : make clear the rules to follow
40: [多项选择题] When the students are engaged in group work, the teacher should not:
A : sit at the desk and grade papers
B : leave the room and take a break
C : correct the students mistakes
D : spend all the time with one group
E : walking about and helping students
41: [多项选择题] Some of the advantages of pair work and group work in FLT are:
A : Students can use their native language
B : students are more involved
C : more language practice
D : developing cooperative learning
E : the teacher is free
42: [多项选择题] After pair work or group work, there are three things the teacher must do. They are ______.
A : asking representatives to report
B : choosing some students to demonstrate
C : working on the points which need improving
D : making clear the winning places by giving scores
E : giving punishment to those who did not do well
43: [多项选择题] 教师正确的教材观包括:
A : 教师不必完成教材中的全部知识和内容
B : 完成教材就等于达到课程标准要求
C : 教材是提供学习活动的材料
D : 教师有选择教材的权利
E : 教学即教教材
44: [多项选择题] Krashens five hypotheses include: .
A : The Input Hypothesis
B : The Acquisition/Learning Hypothesis
C : The Monitor Hypothesis
D : The Natural Order Hypothesis
E : The Affective Filter Hypothesis
45: [多项选择题] 教师在使用教材过程中,如果遇到教材语言的编排过高或
A : 保留
B : 删减
C : 替换
D : 改编
E : 补充
46: [多项选择题] 新课标中的情感态度目标主要指 _______ 。
A : 兴趣
B : 动机
C : 学习方法
D : 意志、信心
E : 合作精神
47: [多项选择题] How can you let the studentts see what you want to write on the blackboard without turning your back on the students?
A : prepare cards
B : use tape recorder
C : invite students to write instead
D : use PPT
E : use gestures
48. 用教材教的主要特点包括:
A : 灌输式
B : 建构式
C : 学大于教
D : 灵活运用
E : 教大于学
49: [多项选择题] What functions does gesture and mime of the teacher have in the classroom:
A : physical exercise
B : manage the class
C : add visual interest
D : cut down on the amount of verbal explanation
E : save time
50: [多项选择题] Some of the problems of pair work and group work in FLT are:
A : the class is noisy
B : not enough time to practise fully or finish the task
C : the teacher has nothing to do
D : The teacher can not monitor all the groups at once
E : The students will be relaxed.