
2020年08月02日 02:08


中华人民共和国海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第45期)2008-07-05 22:51科目:航海英语 试卷代号:903

适用对象:无限航区、近洋航区二/ 三副

relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the _____
A mariner"s B tidal current tables tables C nautical almanac D tide tables
2 light lists for coastal waters are_________
A published every year and require no corrections
B published everd second year and must be corrected
c published every five year and require no correction
D accurare thru NM and must be corrted
3 The light vessel is repored______
A to be destroyed B to be demolished C to be ruined D to be spoiled
4 The buoy symbod printed on your chart is leaning to the northeast . This indicates___
A you should stay to the north or east of the buoy
B you shoule stay to the weast or south of the buoy
C the buoy is a major linghted buouy
D nothing special for navigational purposes
5 When should voyaye planning be done?
A during the sailing B prior to sailing
C after sailing Dbefore the pilot is leaving
rebision date of a chart is printed on which area of the chart?
A top center B lower-left corner
C part of the chart title B lower-left corner
green arrows on the main body of a pilot chart in dicate______
ling wind directions B prevailing ocean current directions
ie surface current flow D shortest great circle routes
8._______are pubished for the correction of Admiralty Charts
A admiralty sailing directions B admiralty list of signals
C mariner"s handbook D admiralty notices to mariners
to old data of the surney the positions ang number of the beacons shown on thischart are
not to be______
A considered B insured C relied upon D suspected
proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to________
A erase the entry and rewrite
B draw several lines through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction
C completely black out the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction
D draw one line through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction
"s______that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.
A bright B distinct Cpiain Devident
(said) accident was caused by your ship.
A sailing B darnaged C sounded D abovernentioned
ntal escape of oil out of a tank when it gets too full because
pumping was not stopped in time defines________.
A overloading B over discharging Coverflow D overtaking
regard to the opening and closing of watertight integrity apphances not fitted with a remote
operating control or alarm system, what must the master or person in charge of a ship enthe in the
A the time required to close the applianees
B the reas
on for opening or closing eaeh appliance
C the name of the person performing the opening and closing of such appliances
D the fact that the hull indicators functioned or not
test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,______
the abandon ship drill.
A combining with Bcombined with C combining to D combined to
must be ______duly qualified officers and crew.
A supplied with B equipped by C manned with Dfitted with
port of registry is ________.
A not required to be marked anywhere on the vesse
B required to be marked on both bows and on the keel
C required to be marked on the stern with the name of the vessel marked on both bows
D required to be marked on the keel, stern. and both bows
accordance with solas, the batteries that power interior lighting in inflatable liferafts can be
madetolasr longer by_______.
A unscrewing the bulb during the daylight
B switching the light on only when necessary
C taking no action as there is no way on saving power
D taking no action as they shut off automatically in daylight
operating your oceangoing vessel you must keep a record of any discharge or disposal of
garbage these entries shall be made_______.
A before the end of the voyage
B before arriving at your next port
C no later than 24 hours after disposal of the gerdage
D at the time the garbage was disposed of
oceangoing vessel is requird to have a wasrte management plan. this plan must be in writing and describe procedures for________.
A collecting and discharging garbage
B disposing waste from marine sanitation devices
C reducing the amount of shipboard waste
D segregating the different types of shipboard waste
a river subject to tidal currents, the best time to dock a ship without the assistance of tugs is
A at high water B when there is a following current
C at slack water D at flood
y do not use more than_______complete rope turns around the drum.
A 1-2 B 3-4 C 5-6 D 7-8
are docking a vessel. wing and current are most favoreble when they are______
A crossing your course in the same direction B crossing your course in opposite directions
C parallel to the pier from ahead D setting you on the piet
s are required to notify port authorities of anchorage bearings after_______.
A departure B leabing C anchored D anchoring
25.a look-out should report objects sighted using_______
A true bearings B magnetic bearings C gyro bearings D relative bearings
nt wind speed biowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n)____
A barometer B magnetic bearings C anemometer D thermometer
27.a lighe signal consisting of three flashes means________.
A i am in doubt as to your actions B my engines are full speed asterm
C i desire to o
vertake you D i am operating astem propulsion
rules state that vessels may depart from the requirements of the rules when______
A there are no other vessels around B operating in a narrow channel
C the master ertwrs it in the ship"s log D necessary to avoid immediate danger
g vessels are the stand-on over power-driven vessels except_______.
A in a crossing situation B in a meeting situation
C when they are the overtaking vessel D on the inland waters of the PR china
there is sufficient sea room, alteration of______may be the most effective action to avoid
close-quarters situation.
A traffic separation schemes B recommended tracks
C precautionary areas D inshore traffic zones
routing system which aimed at reducing the risk of called as _________.
A traffic separation schemes B recomended tracks
C precautionary areas D inshore traffic zones
period of a lighted aid to navigation refers to the _______.
A date of construction or establishment
B length of time between flashes of the light
C time required for the longest flash of each cycle
D time required for the light to complete each cycle
33.______refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the ship.
A true position B true meridian C true course D true bearing
34.a dead reckoning(DR)plot______
A ignores the effect of surface currents B is most useful when in sight of land
C muse be plottect using magnetic courses D may be started at anaassumed position
high water is the average height of______
A the higher high waters B the lower high waters
C the lower of the two daily tides D all high waters
does the term tide refer to?
A horizontal movent of the water B the lower high waters
C mixing tendency of the water D salinity content of the water
transferring a weight forward on avessel the draft at the center of flotation will_______
A change depending on the location of the LCG B increase
C decrease D remain constant
le equilibrium exists at small angles of inclination when_____
A G is zbove M B G is off the centerline
C B is off the centerline D B is above G
ng the liquid free surfaces in avessel reduces the_______
A roll period B metacentric height C waterplane area D vessel"s draft
stowage must be reduced to______
A the minimum B metacentric height C the maximum D togreat amount
chief officer_________told the stevedores to stow the cargo lot by lot.
A onto the wharf B moved adtem C into the dock D moored alongside
43 The neccssity of the segregation cargo is determinged by____
Aecperience from practice B varous types of cargoes
C different types of ships C personala abilities
44 The agent promised to keep me ____of how our business was going on
g B sea conditions C seasons D the vessel's position
tic identification systerm (AIS) are expected to broakeast all of the following information except____
A port of origin B name of vessel
C course and speed over ground D draft of vessel
own ships posotion input to ecdis wrong. what is the resuit?
A nothing
B ECDIS will give warning
C ECDIS will automatically be switched off
D positions range and bearings taken on the ECDIS will be wrong
is the main purppose of DGPS?
A to improve positioning accuracy B to decrease positioning accuracy
C to reduce operational cost D to simplify operation proeess
"urgent"priority should be used for me sages______
A conceming the safety of life at sea (SOLAS)
B detailing important navigational warnings
C containing information coneerning the safety off a mobile unit or person
D concerning on-scene communications
statement concerning locating signals in the GMDSS is FALSE?
A loeating signals are transmitted by survival craft VHF transeeivers
B loeating signals are transmitted by SARTs
C loeating signals are intended to facilitate the finding of a distressd vessel or its survivors
D loeating signals are not ransmitted by autoalarm generators
is the meaning of the word ROGER when used in radio communication?
A please repeat your message B not readable
C correet D i have received your transmission satisfactorily
ship is slow in going astern please_______
A be careful B be kind enough nice D be looked after
71.i have steerage way it is said that______.
A i am underway
B i am out of control
C i am not making way through the water
D i have the amount of movement forward which the ship needs to be steed properly
is a CORRECT reply to a pilot"s request, how"s your heading?
A steady B eased to 10* rudder C checked D passing 50*
73.A bollard is found on the ________
A beach B deck C pier D towed vessel
74In order to help protect a natural fiber rope from rotting the line must be _
A dried and stowed in a place with adequate ventilation
B stowed in a hot moist compartment
C stowed on deck at all times
D stowed in any compartment
75 In order to detect rot in manila lines you should____
A feel the surface of the line for broken fibers
B measure the reduction in circumference of the line
D open the steands and examine the innet fibers
76 A long pole with a hook at one end used to reach for line is known as a________
A pike pole B jack staff C line rod Dhooker
77 Paints and solvents on a vessel should be___
A stored safely at the work site until work is completed
B returned to the paint locker after each use
C covered at all times to protect from ignition sources
D stored id a suitable gear locker
78 You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry man overb
oard starboard side you
shoud instinctively___
A give full right rudder B give full left rudder C pull the rudder amidships D throw a life ring to mark the sport
79 A situation has occurred where it becomes neccessary for you to be towed What action shoould be take to prevent your vessel from yawing?
A Shift weight to the bow B Shift weiht to the center of the boat C Shift weight to the stern
D Throw excess weight overboard
80 Lifejackets should be stowed in___________
A the forepeaks B the pumproom Cesdily accessible splaces D locked watertight containers
81 After using a CO2 portable extinguinter it should be________
A put back in serivice if some CO2 remains B hydrostaically tested
C retagged D recharged
82 Fire aces required on ship must be stored in the enclosure for fire house with the location marked
A Fire Axe Location B Hose Station No
C Fire Sration NO D Firefighting Equipment
help has not arrived in 10-12 hours afours after you abandon a vessel in a suruival craft you should_______
A go in one direction until the fuel runs out
B plot a course for the nearest land
C take a vote on which direction you should go
D shut down the engine(s) and set the sea anchor
water rapidly in all holds all passengers ang crew were ordered on deck_____ and all boats were lowere to rai
A in life jackets B with life jackets Cwith life jackets on D putting on life jackets
the engine of a surval craft does not start check to see ______
A that the fuel valve is open B if the air supply systm is open
C if the water sprinkler system is open D if the limit switeh is on
86 Which od the follow ing may be used in cleaning up an oil spill without the permission of
Governebtak authorities ?
A Straw and Skinmers only B Skimmers and Chemical dispersants only
C Sreaw and Chermical dispersants only D Steaw Skimmers and Chemical dispersants
87 A craw memer suffering from hupothermia shoule be given____
A a small dose of alcohol Bteatment for shock C a large meal D a brisk rub down
88 When a rescuert finds an electrical burn wietim in the vicintity of live clectrical equipment or wiring .his first step is to________
A flush water over any burned aarea of the patient B apply ointment to the burned areas on the patient
C get assistance to shut down clectrical power in the area
D remove the patient from the viciny of the live clectrical equipment







