新概念英语第三册的课文 (52)
2020年08月02日 02:08
come into the possession of sth.获得的过程
eg. ----How Harry married his beautiful wife makes an interesting story.
he is fond of relating=he is fond of talking about
furthermore=what is more=more over
furthermore……. (承接上文)这个瓶子的获得,还治好了他的一个坏毛病。
own habits by heart 积习难改,本性难移
Harry used to consider it a great joke to go into expensive cosmetic shops and make outrageous requires for goods that do not exist.
consider is a great joke to do sth. 把做某事看作是巨大的乐趣,是件开心的事.
consider it great fun
consider it great amusement
consider it a great joy
He would invent fanciful names on the spot. On entering a shop, he would ask for a new perfume called "Scented Shadow' or for 'insoluble bath cubes'.
He would/used to invent names imaginable on the spot.
on the spot 当场,当时
on entering a shop=as soon as he enters a shop
pretend to do装做...
on doing sth.
If a shop girl told him she had not heard of it, he would pretend to be considerably put out.
pretend to do….
put out=upset=annoy 经常用在被动语态当中
eg. --He was put out by my rude words. 我的粗鲁的话语使他非常的生气/恼怒。
He loved to be told that one of his imaginary products was temporarily out of stock and he would faithfully promise to call again at some future date, but of course he never did.
out of stock 脱销,没有货
faithfully promise信誓旦旦地说
at some future date=some day=one day
How Harry managed to keep a straight face during these performances is quite beyond me.
keep a straight face=keep serious 板起面孔
is quite beyond me=is quite beyond my understanding
=is quite beyond my imagination
Harry does not need to be prompted to explain how he bought his precious bottle of mud.
keep sth. on permanent display 永远展示,陈列
----We don't know how he came into (the) possession of the farm.
----You needn't encourage him to explain his story.
of his own accord自然而然地,相当于willingly
One day, he went to an exclusive shop in London and asked for ' Myrolite '.
exclusive shop:only wealthy people can visit such expensive shop
exclusive right to publish their stories
exclusive 1独家的,独占的2不相容的
The school is exclusive.