新视野大学英语第二版第二册单词unit8 A部分

2020年08月02日 02:10


New Words
|@t|<1>formalt|a. t|following accepted rules of behavior |正式的

|t|<2>informalt|a. t|not formal |不正式的

|t|<3>pollt|n. t|[C] a survey of public opinion |民意测验;民意调查

|t|<4>residentt|a. t|living in a particular place |居住(在某地)的
|t|tt|n.t|[C] sb. who lives or stays in a particular place |居民

|@ t|<5>computet|v. t|calculate a number or amount |计算;算出

|t|<6>consumeristic |a. |believing in spending money and buying goods |消费主义的

|t|<7>accordinglyt|ad. t|1. as a result of sth. |因此,所以
|t|tt|t|2. in a way that is suitable for a particular situation |相应地

|@ t|<8>populart|a. t|1. liked by many people |受欢迎的
|t|tt|t|2. suited for ordinary people |通俗的;大众的

|★t|<9>accountingt|n.t|[U] the work of accountants or the methods they use |会计;会计学

|t|<10>humanityt|n. t|1. (the ~ties) subjects of study such as literature, history, or art |人文学科
|t|tt|t|2. [U] human beings as a whole |人类
|t|tt|t|3. [U] a kind attitude toward other people |仁爱;人道

|@ t|<11>ethnict|a.t|of a national or racial group that has a common cultural tradition |民族的;种族的

|@ t|<12>enrollt|v. t|(BrE enrol) become or make sb. a member of an organization |登记;注册

|★t|<13>enrollmentt|n.t|(BrE enrolment) 1. [C] the number of people enrolled |注册(或登记)人数
|t|tt|t|2. [U] the process of enrolling or being enrolled |登记;注册

|t|<14>elementaryt|a. t|1. relating to the first years of school |初级的;小学的
|t|tt|t|2. simple or basic |基本的;基础的

|t|<15>secondaryt|a. t|1. (of education) above the elementary level |(教育)中等的
|t|tt|t|2. less important |次要的

|★t|<16>specialization |n. |(BrE specialisation) [U] the study of a particular subject |专门研究;专修

|★t|<17>maturityt|n. t|[U] the state of being mature |成熟

|t|<18>corporation |n. t |[C] a company |公司

|t|<19>agencyt|n. t|1. [C] an organization |机构
|t|tt|t|2. [C] a business providing a service for people |代理机构

|@ t|<20>confinet|n. |(~s) limits or borders |界限;范围
|t|tt|vt.t|keep sb. or sth. within certain limits |把...限制于

|t|<21>occupationt|n.t|[C] a job or profession |工作;职业

|@ t|<22>rendert|vt. t|1. give help, assistance, service, etc. to sb. |给予;提供
|t|tt|t|2. cause sb. or sth. to be in a particular condition |使得;使成为

|@t|<23>institution |n. t |[C] a large organization that has a particular kind of work or purpose |机构

|★ t|<24>revelationt|n. t|1. [U] the act of making known sth. that was secret or hidden |泄露;揭示
|t|tt|t|2. [C] sth. that is revealed |所揭露的事

|★t|<25>deductiont|n.t|[C, U] the process of taking away an amount from a total, or the amount t
hat is taken away |扣除;扣除额

|t|<26>preferablet|a. t|better or more suitable |更好的;更合适的

|t|<27>preferably |ad. |used for saying what sb. likes or prefers |更可取地;更好地

|t|<28>civilization |n. t |(BrE civilisation) [U] the state of having developed an advanced culture |文明

|t|<29>incrediblet|a. t|very difficult to believe |难以置信的

|@ t|<30>contribution |n. t |1. [C] sth. one does that helps to achieve sth. or to make it successful |贡献
|t|tt|t|2. [C] an amount of money or sth. else that helps to achieve sth. or to make it successful |捐助;捐款

|t|<31>artistict|a. t|relating to art or culture |艺术的;与艺术有关的

|@ t|<32>diverset|a. t|very different from each other |不同的;多样的

|@ t|<33>wisdomt|n. t|[U] the ability to make good decisions based on knowledge or experience |智慧;睿智

|@t|<34>uniont|n.t|1. [C] an organization formed by workers to protect their rights |工会;联合会
|t|tt|t|2. [sing., U] the process of uniting or being united |联合;合并

|t|<35>short-sighted |a. |1. failing to consider the possible effects in the future of sth. that is happening now |目光短浅的;缺乏远见的
|t|ttt |t |2. unable to see things clearly if they are far away |近视的

|@ t|<36>accumulate |vt. t|get more and more of sth. over a period of time |积累

|t|<37>depict t|vt.t|describe sb. or sth. using words or pictures |描绘;描述

|@ t|<38>puzzle t|vt. |confuse sb. or make them worried |使迷惑;使费解
|t|tt|n.t|[C] sth. that is difficult to understand or explain |难题;谜

|& t|<39>intercom t|n. t|[C] |内部通话系统

|@ t|<40>distinguish |v. t |recognize the difference between people or things |辨别;区分

|t|<41>roommate |n. t |[C] a person with whom one shares a bedroom |室友;住同室的人

|t|<42>classicalt|a. t|(of music or art) serious and traditional in style |古典的

|■t|<43>FM t|n.t|[U] |调频

Phrases and Expressions
|t|<44>be wasted on sb. t|not understand sth. or not realize how valuable sth. is |被浪费在某人身上

|t|<45>if only t|used to express a strong wish, esp. when one knows that what they want cannot happen |但愿;要是...就好了

|t|<46>well off t|rich or having enough money to live well |富裕的

|t|<47>at a low t|at a low level or degree |处于低水平

|t|<48>be meant to do sth. |should do sth. or have a responsibility to do sth. |应该做某事

|t|<49>read of t|get information from books, newspapers, etc. |读到;从...得知

|t|<50>only to do sth.t|used for saying that what happens next is disappointing or unpleasant |不料;反而;结果却

|t|<51>in the long run t|not immediately but at a time in the future |从长远来看

|t|<52>send int|arrange for sb. to go to a place |派(人)去

Proper Names

|t|<53>Macontt| |梅肯(美国乔治亚州中部城市)

|t|<54>Robins Resident Center | |罗宾斯住宿中心

|t|<55>Baxtertt| |巴克斯特(人名)

|t|<56>Oscar Wildet| |奥斯卡·王尔德(1854-1900,爱尔兰作家、诗人,19世纪末英国唯美主义的主要代表)







