2020年08月02日 02:11
CircuitStudio 2004 / nVisage 2004 / Protel 2004 / Nexar 2004 / CAMtastic 2004
file 5-FEB-2004
1. Getting Started
2. Product Feature Set Summary
3. On-Line Help
4. System Navigation Support Pages
5. Setting up the NanoBoard
6. Examples
7. Moving from a previous version of the software
8. Unlocking Your DXP Product
9. Updates and Enhancements in Service Packs
ght Notice
1. Getting Started
All the Alitum products run on the common DXP platform, when you install and
activate the software you will have access to the features included in the
product you have licensed.
Activation is performed from within the software, the first time you run DXP 2004
you will be prompted to either activate, or to connect to a network license
The activation wizard presents web pages directly within DXP. If you have internet
protection programs that block page-from-page loading you may not see all the
wizard pages correctly. If this occurs you may still receive the license file
email, follow the instructions in the email to complete the activation process.
If you do not receive the license file email use the email activation option.
Each product includes one or more introductory documents that take you through
the design process. It is highly recommended that you do the appropriate
introductory tutorial(s) to get a sense of the overall design process. For a
general overview of how the software can be used in the various key areas of
design from conceptual design to generation of output files refer to the
following article:
- AR0101 Making Electronics Design
The relevant introductory documents for CircuitStudio 2004 are:
- AR0109 Introduction to the Query
- TU0105 Customizing DXP
- TU0106 Defining & Running Circuit Simulation
- TU0113 Performing Signal Integrity
- TU0121 Getting Started with
- AP0109 Object Placement and
The relevant introductory documents for nVisage 2004 are:
- AR0109 Introduction to the Query
- TU0105 Customizing DXP
- TU0106 Defining & Running Circuit Simulation
- TU0111 Building an Integrated
- TU0112 Creating a Multi-channel
- TU0113 Performing Signal Integrity
- TU0117 Getting Started with PCB
- TU0121 Getting Started with
- AP0109 Object Placement and
The relevant introductory documents for Protel 2004 are:
- AR0109 Introduction to the Query
- TU0105 Customizing DXP
- TU0106 Defining & Running Circuit Simulat
- TU0110 Board Shape & Sheet
- TU0111 Building an Integrated
- TU0112 Creating a Multi-channel
- TU0113 Performing Signal Integrity
- TU0117 Getting Started with PCB
- TU0121 Getting Started with
- AP0101 Polygon Planes & Copper
- AP0109 Object Placement and
The relevant introductory documents for Nexar 2004 are:
- GU0101 FPGA Designers Quickstart
- TU0116 Getting Started with FPGA
- TU0118 Implementing a Simple Processor-Based Design in an
- TU0122 Getting Started with Embedded
- TU0123 Creating a Core
- TU0105 Customizing DXP
- TU0117 Getting Started with PCB
- TU0121 Getting Started with
- AP0109 Object Placement and
The relevant introductory documents for CAMtastic 2004 are:
- AR0119 CAMtastic
- TU0101 CAMtastic Data
- TU0102 CAMtastic Imports and
- TU0105 Customizing DXP
All PDF files are available in the Altium2004Help folder.
2. Product Feature Set Summary
The Online Help System contains a range of documents in PDF format. These
documents are written to cover various design processes that can be performed
in the DXP-based design environment. Not every step described in each document
may be available in the product you have purchased. Please refer to the
following document in the Online Help, for information about the features
available in the various products:
Product Feature Set
This document can be accessed from the Contents tab when the Help System is
active or, alternatively, can be found in the Altium2004Help folder.
3. On-Line Help
The Online Help system provides a range of documentation, spanning the various,
key areas of design. It also includes a dedicated Command Reference.
The system can be launched in one of the following two modes:
External Viewer Mode - the help appears in the separate tri-pane HTML Help
Integrated Mode - the help appears in a Task view within DXP itself and
navigation is controlled through the use of a DXP-based panel.
The mode is determined by the Integrate Help System option, in the General tab
of the Design Explorer Preferences dialog (accessed by choosing the System
Preferences command from the DXP menu). By default, the Help system will appear
in the Integrated Mode. When changing between modes, the application must be
closed down and restarted.
Once the Online Help system has been launched, you can browse through the
information it contains using its available navigation tools - the Contents,
Index, Search and Smart Search tabs.
The documentation contai
ned within the system appears in a number of different
forms, ranging from high-level articles, to detailed technical references. The
following is a summary of the main document types available:
- Articles: providing higher level, conceptual information, outlining how the
technology provided by the application can be used to aid you in your designs
- Tutorials: providing hands-on, "how to" information, helping you to learn the
features of the software by example
- Application Notes: providing information and useful tips about various
specific features of the application
- Guides: providing a mixture of detailed technical reference information and
step-by-step, tutorial-like assistance
- White Papers: providing detailed information relating to the introduction of a
new technical feature or concept
- Technical References: providing detailed reference information with respect to
a variety of features used in the software, including support for the various
design and scripting languages
- Core References: providing detailed reference information specifically related
to FPGA-based core devices, including Processors, Peripherals and Instruments.
The Command Reference contains help topics for each of the available, predefined
commands, across the entire application. Each help topic addresses the function
of a command - what happens when you click on a menu entry or press a toolbar
button for example.
The following sections outline how you can also access information directly and
in context with the action you are currently performing - providing you with
help, right when and where you need it:
F1 Help
Press F1 over a menu entry or toolbar button, to directly open the help topic
pertaining to that command.
Press F1 over a dialog to obtain (where available) detailed information about
that dialog.
Press F1 over a panel to obtain detailed help specific to that panel.
What's This Help
Use the dialog What's This Help ? to gain detailed information about each of the
individual options available in a dialog
Smart Search
The Smart Search feature provides a Natural Language Search Facility. Use the
Smart Search tab to interrogate all areas of the Online Help system simply by
typing a question, structured as though you were asking a colleague. Double-
clicking on a search result will take you directly to the topic in the
associated area of the system. Using sentences or multiple keywords will give
the best results.
4. System Navigation Support Pages
When the software is first started, the Home view will be active in the main
design window. This is the starting point of a system of navigation pages,
integral to the DXP environment. These pages offer support for
various areas of design, giving quick access to commonly used features of the
software, as well as links to document
ation that is most appropriate with
respect to the area of design that you are looking at. The Home view can be
easily accessed through the use of navigation tools, located to the top-right of
the main application window.
5. Setting up the NanoBoard
For information on setting up the NanoBoard refer to the following document,
available in the Altium2004Help folder or in a printed form in the NanoBoard
- TR0102 NanoBoard Technical Reference Manual -
6. Examples
There is a comprehensive range of example designs demonstrating some of the
capabilities of the software. There are numerous examples of PCB projects and
FPGA projects, as well as projects that demonstrate circuit simulation, and CAM
source files for CAMtastic.
nVisage, Protel and Nexar are project-centric design environments, when you open
an example you will open either the *.PrjPCB file for a PCB project, or the
*.PrjFpg file for an FPGA project.
CAMtastic can be used either as a standalone editor, where CAM documents are
loaded, verified and edited; or a PCB project can be created and all source CAM
files, such as Gerber and NC drill, are included in it.
All examples are in the Altium2004Examples folder.
Notes about specific examples:
4 Port Serial Interface
Demonstrates defining design rules on the schematic, using parameters. Look for
the red Parameter Set objects on the schematic, the parameters in these define
net scope routing rules.
Multi-Channel Mixer and Peak Detector
These projects demonstrate the multi-channel design capabilities, where a
channel is drawn once then instantiated the required number of times, without
flattening or copying and pasting. Compile the project to view the instantiated
channels, use the Tabs at the bottom of the schematic window to switch between
channels. The component annotation scheme is defined in the Multi-Channel Tab
of the Project Options dialog. To observe the behavior when the design is
transferred to PCB, select Tools Update Mixer_.
FPGA Examples
Many example FPGA design projects are included in the installation. The
following folder of examples is particularly useful when demonstrating the power
of the Nexar software and the use of the NanoBoard:
Altium2004ExamplesFPGA Processors
This directory provides examples of FPGA projects demonstrating the use of
various microprocessor cores provided with the software (TSK165x, TSK51x and
TSK80x), as well as peripheral core devices and the use of virtual instruments,
such as Logic Analyzers, Frequency Generators and Digital I/O Modules.
Several real-world design examples are included that have been developed using
the software, where both FPGA and PCB design projects have been created and
ist of updates and enhancements in service
packs, as and when they are made available. Go to:
then click on the Service Pack link for the required product.
10. Copyright Notice
Software, documentation and related materials:
Copyright (c) 1992-2004 Altium Limited All rights reserved.