2020年08月02日 05:28
兵马俑Terra cotta army of the Qin Dynasty
青花瓷Blue and white porcelain
儒道佛Confucianism Daoism Buddhism
诸子百家the hundred schools of thought
《论语》The Analects of Confucius
《道德经》Classic of the way and virtuet
四大发明Paper Making Printing Gunpowder Compass
四大名著 )三国:romance of the three kingdoms
水浒:water margin 西游:pilgrim to the west红楼:a dream of red mansions
文房四宝writing brush/ink stick/paper/ink stone
望闻问切observe (望 ), hear and smell (闻), ask about background (问) and read the pulse (切).
Spring Festival 、tThe first day of the first lunar month
Lantern Festival the 15th day of the first Lunar Calendar month
Qingming Festival on April 4-6 each year.
Dragon Boat Festival at the fifth of the fifth lunar calendar.
Double Seventh Festival on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month
Mid-Autumn Festival tThe 15th day of every 8th lunar month
Double Ninth Festival on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.
中央电视台春节联欢晚会 tThe CCTV New Year’s Gala
梨园弟子 disciples of the pear garden
Subjects:【 Manners, Music, Calligraphy, Charioteering, Archery and Mathematics (礼,乐,书,御,射,数)】
Purpose of his teaching: to help his students acquire necessary skill to get into politics.因人施教
四书五经【The “Four Books”:
The Great Learning
The Doctrine of the Mean
The Analects
The Mencius 】
【The “Five Classics”:
Classic of Changes
Classic of History
Classic of Poetry
Classic of Rites
Spring and Autumn Annals】
仁:Love all men 礼:The moral ways of conduct
义:Righteousness 孝Filial piety 忠:Loyalty 和:peace and harmony
the three obediences and four virtues (三从四德)】
three basic rules and five constant virtues (三纲五常)】
The five constant virtues: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and fidelity (仁、义、礼、智、信)
【【Confucius said, “Isn’t it a pleasure to learn and then practice what you’ve learned from time to time? Isn’t it a joy to meet friends from afar? Isn’t he a man of virtue, who doesn’t feel annoyed when others do not understand him?”
[原文] 子曰:“学而时习之, 不亦说乎? 有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎? 人不知而不愠, 不亦君子乎?”】】
【People are on the top of priority, with state following, then comes the monarch.
【The Humane man has no one to oppose him.(仁者无敌)】
【Thrive in calamity and perish in soft living.(生于忧患,死于安乐)】
【Dao produced the one,one produced the two,two produced the three,and three produced the ten thousand things."道生一一生二。。。】
释迦摩尼Sakymuni samsara (轮回)
CORE : Dao 道
Dao nourishes everything
Dao is the wa
y of universe and the way of harmony, integration and cooperation.
Dao is the way man should order his life to keep it in line with the natural order of the universe.
e 德
Virtue,a power of morality, a power of good
The active expression of Dao. De is the active living, or cultivation, of Dao.
The ingrain quality of human being.
Wuwei 无为(无妄为)【No Zuo【泥垢!!!
Respecting and following the way of nature without destroying natural harmony.A state of mind to gain spiritual peace and tranquility.
Dao De Jing / Classic of the Way and Virtue 《道德经》
Zhuang Zi / Nan Hua Jing 《庄子》/《南华真经》
Buddha佛the awaken or enlightened one觉悟的人Bodhisattva菩萨
Sin业(All life is suffering众生皆苦)
samsara轮回six shperes of heaven, hell and earth六道轮回
Changing, transient and unreal.无常&虚幻
Emptiness空the condition of existence of everything.
The doctrine of Four Noble Truths (四谛): life is suffering, the cause of suffering is sin, sin can be exterminated, and suffering can be alleviated by the right path of understanding, meditation and endeavour (following the Eight Right Ways八正道).
【四大发明【Astronomy天文 【Traditional Chinese Medicine中医
1,造纸:In the Eastern Han Dynasty, a court official named Cai Lun (蔡伦) used inexpensive materials such as bark, hemp (麻头), rags, fishnet, wheat stalks (麦杆) and other materials to make paper, known as Cai lun Paper (蔡侯纸).
2,block printing雕版印刷type printing活字印刷In the Song Dynasty, Bi Sheng(毕升/毕昇), a printing carver, invented typography(凸版印刷术) or Movable Type Printing.
3,Gunpowder was invented in China, not by people seeking better weapons or even explosives, but by alchemists (炼金术士) seeking the elixir of immortality(长生不老药).
The gunpowder is made by three kinds of ancient folk medicine: saltpeter硝石, sulfur硫磺 and charcoal木炭.
4,指南针The natural magnet was discovered early in the Spring and Autumn period.【“South-pointer”司南(the Warring States period)
The compass was introduced to the Arab world and Europe by trading ships during the Northern South Dynasty。
基本造字法The main 4 principles for Chinese characters construction:Pictograms (≈4%) 象形Ideographs (≈1%) 指事Logical Aggregates (≈13%) 会意Pictophonetic Compounds (≈82%) 形声
The Simplified Chinese Character System 简体字
The Traditional Chinese Character System繁体字
The best of each of these items is represented by: 文房四宝
Hu brush (湖笔), Hui ink stick (徽墨), Xuan paper (宣纸) , and Duan ink stone (端砚).
【The Seal Script (篆书)pictography (象形文字)The Clerical Script (隶书)The Standard Script(楷书)The Cursive Script(草书)The Running Script (
声调:First tone, or high-level tone (阴平)
Second tone, or rising tone (阳平)
Third tone, low tone, or low-falling-raising(上声)
Fourth tone, falling tone (去声)
色香味:complete presence of color, aroma and taste
Stir-Frying 炒Boiling 煮Deep-Frying 炸Braising 炖 Roasting 烤Steaming 蒸Smoking 熏 Cold Mixing 凉拌Red Stewing (Red Cooking)红烧
【八大菜系:鲁 (山东), 川 (四川),粤(月) (广东), 闽 (福建), 苏 (江苏), 湘 (湖南), 徽 (安徽) and 浙江 (Zhejiang)
1,Lu Cuisine 鲁菜:(济南胶东山东)emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness.
2,川菜:hot and spicy flavor.
3,Yue Cuisine 粤菜:广东 people favor light, delicious refreshing and slippery tastes.
4,Su Cuisine 苏菜:南京苏州扬州fresh taste, with moderate saltiness and sweetness
5,Xiang Cuisine 湘菜:湖南aroma, shiny and strong colours, hot and spicy tastes, and smoked and pickled flavors
6Hui Cuisine 徽菜:Yangtze River region(沿江), Huai River region(沿淮), and southern Anhui region(皖南)
7,Zhe Cuisine 浙菜
【【茶匙 teaspoon 茶挟 tea clamp茶荷 tea holder 茶巾 tea cloth 煮水器 water boiler 茶漏 tea funnel茶壶 teapot 茶船 tea plate 茶海 tea sea 茶杯 teacup 盖碗 tureen 茶盘 tea tray
金玉满堂Treasures fill the home
生意兴隆Business flourishes
岁岁平安Peace all year round
恭喜发财Wishing you prosperity
一帆风顺Wishing you every success
心想事成May all your wishes come true
吉祥如意Everything goes well
国泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace
扫墓: sweep the tombs of the deceased.
【【Most families hang calamus菖蒲 and artemisia艾蒿 above their doors, both as a decoration and as a preventive against pestilence.
Realgar 雄黄 is added to the food eaten on the Festival day. This is believed to prevent disease and to promote a healthy digestive system. T
Chinese girls prepare fruits and incense(熏香) as offerings to Zhi Nu, the Weaver Maid, praying to acquire high skills in needlecraft(裁缝), as well as hoping to find satisfactory husbands.
【【kickboxing跆拳道, karate空手道, aikido合气道, and judo柔道.
taijiquan太极拳, xingyiquan形意拳, baguazhang八卦掌, (清朝
The north school is represented by the Shaolin 少林Sect, while the south school by the Wudang Sect武当
Shaolin Sect, with its boxing called as Waijiaquan外家拳, originated from Shaolin Temple of Mount Songshan, the Holy Land of Buddhism.
The Wudang Sect, with its boxing called as Neijiaquan内家拳, originated from Wudang Mountain, the Holy Land of Daoism
【【四大戏班“Mei” (Mei Lanfang 1894-1961), “Shang” (Shang Xiaoyun 1900-1976), “Cheng” (Cheng Yanqiu 1904-1958), and “Xun” (Xun Huisheng 1900-1968).
?tThe music of Beijing opera can be divided into the Xipi西皮 and Erhuang二黄 styles.
1、夏朝The Xia Dynasty(-2070~-1600)
the system of hereditary dynastic rule 世袭制
developed farming and stockbreeding 农业与畜牧业发展
got familiar with the phenomena of the changes of seasons对季节的认识
2、商朝The Shang Dynasty(-1600~-1046)
high development of bronze techniques青铜冶炼技术
inscriptions on oracle and tortoise & beginning of language 甲骨文
3、周朝The Zhou Dynasty(-1046~-256)
the Western Zhou and the Eastern Zhou(the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period)
morality, humanity and righteousness仁义道德
from a slave system to a feudal one 从奴隶制转变为封建制
Hundred Schools of Thought诸子百家
4、秦朝The Qin Dynasty(-221~-206)
the first centralized, unified, multi-ethnic feudal state in Chinese history中国历史上第一个中央集权的统一的多民族封建国家
simplified and uniform language.统一文字
standardized weights, measures and coinage 统一度量衡和货币
“Burning books and burying Confucian scholars”焚书坑儒(这真是文化成就么不管了先写着= =|||)
The Silk Road 丝绸之路
the Great Wall长城
5、汉朝The Han Dynasty(-206~220)
Confucianism became the core of the civil service。儒家思想成为国家思想。
Historical Records 史记
remarkable achievements in science and technology. Paper, compass and seismograph造纸术,指南针,地动仪。。。
6、三国时期Three Kingdoms(220-280)晋朝Jin(265-420)南北朝Southern and Northern Dynasties(420-589)
Development of wise political and military thoughts. 政治与军事的发展(三国时期)
Spreading of Buddhism 佛教传播(南北朝)
the flourishing in poetry, music, calligraphy and painting诗歌音乐书法绘画的繁荣(南北朝)
the computation of pi(the calculation of the relation of the circle’s circumference to its diameter)圆周率的计算·祖冲之·南北朝
Daming Calendar 大明历·祖冲之·南北朝
7、隋朝The Sui Dynasty(581-618)
Three Departments and Six Ministries三省六部制
the Grand Canal 大运河
Zhaozhou Bridge 赵州桥
Dunhuang Mogao Caves 敦煌莫高窟
Imperial Examination科举考试【这么重要一个内容书上居然不讲真是垢了【泥垢
8、唐朝Tang(618-907)A prime time in ancient China
flourishing of culture, high development of agriculture, commerce and handicrafts.
A great contribution to the localization and development of Chinese Buddhism by Xuan Zang. 佛教的本地化和发展·玄奘法师·唐
the golden age of literature and art. Hundreds of poets. 李白杜甫白居易
Tang Sancai 唐三彩
Tang Poem 唐诗
Perfected Imperial Examination 完善的科举考试
the length of the meridian line 子午线的长度·僧一行·唐
Gunpowder火药 用作军事目的
Song p
oetry(Ci) 宋词Long and short-line verses 长短句
Along the River During the Qing Ming Festival 清明上河图·张择端·北宋
Yuan-drama 元曲
The Injustice Suffered by Dou E 《窦娥冤》·关汉卿·元
Autumn in the Palace of Han 《汉宫秋》·马致远·元
A Beautiful Girl Lose Her Soul 《倩女幽魂》·郑光祖·元
The Parasol Tree and the Rain 《梧桐雨》·白朴·元
Romance of the Western Chamber 《西厢记》·王实甫·元
Zheng He’s Visiting【不造可不可以酱说= =|||】
《Travel Diaries》 by Xu Xiaka 徐霞客游记
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《三国演义》·罗贯中·明
Water Margin《水浒传》·施耐庵·明
Pilgrim to the West / Journey to the West《西游记》·吴承恩·明
the Golden Lotus(Jin Ping Mei)金瓶梅·兰陵笑笑生·明
Yongle Encyclopedia /Yongle Dadian永乐大典
the Forbidden City in Beijing 紫禁城
Ben Cao Gang Mu(Compendium of Materia Medica)《本草纲目》·李时珍·明
Exploitation of the Works of Nature《天工开物》·宋应星·明
Complete Treatise on Agriculture 《农政全书》·徐光启·明
Kang Qian Sheng Shi 康乾盛世
The Blue-and-White Porcelain青花瓷
The Imperial Collection of Four四库全书
A Dream of Red Mansions《红楼梦》·曹雪芹·清
The Scholars《儒林外史》·吴敬梓·清
13、近现代中国The Mordern Period(1840-present)
Taiping Revolution太平天国起义
the Yihetuan Movement 义和团运动
he Revolution of 1911 辛亥革命
Three Principles of the People三民主义
nationalism, democracy, people’s livelihood 民族民主民生
the May 4th Movement 五四运动
Astronomical Observation}天文观测
Solar and lunar eclipses日食&月蚀
Meteor Shower流星雨
Four Symbols and Twenty-eight mansions (四象二十八宿)
Azure Dragon (Qing Long) of the East 青龙
Vermilion Sparrow (Zhu Que) of the South 朱雀
White Tiger (Bai Hu) of the West 白虎
Black Tortoise (Xuan Wu) of the North玄武
{Astronomical Instruments}天文仪器
The sundial 日晷
The Gnomon 圭表 (part of a sundial)
Hydraulic Armillary Sphere漏水转浑天仪by张衡(东汉)
Abridged Armilla 简仪by郭守敬(元朝)
Agricultural Calendar / Yin Calendar / Old Calendar农历 / 阴历 / 旧历
Gregorian Calendar / Common Calendar / Yang Calendar / New Calendar格里历 / 公历 / 阳历 / 新历
Solar Term 节气
zhou Bi Suan Jing《周髀算经》(西汉)
Gougu Theorem / Pythagorean Theorem 勾股定理
Jiu Zhang Suan Shu (The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art) 《九章算术》(东汉)
Yang Hui’s Triangle / Pascal’s Triangle 杨辉三角
Suanxue Qimeng 《算学启蒙》·朱世杰·元
Siyuan Yujian 《四元玉鉴》
ques 基本功
There are four basic performing techniques in Beijing opera: singing, reciting, acting and martial arts performing.
4、Facial Painting 脸谱
There are certain formats of the facial painting in the aspect of color, type and shape. 在色彩,类型和形状上有一定格式
Usually, eyes, foreheads and cheeks are painted like wings of butterflies, swallows and bats. 通常眼睛额头和廉价画的像蝴蝶翅膀燕子和蝙蝠。
Colors of the facial painting are varied with each representing a characteristic. 颜色也有代表性
【Red faces have the positive meaning symbolizing the brave, upright and wise men, such as Guan Yu. Another positive color is purple.
Black faces usually have neutral meaning, representing the just, upright but impulsive men.
Blue and green also have neutral meanings that symbolize the hero from the bushes.
The yellow and white represent the crafty men with negative meaning.
The gold or silver facial make-up stands for the monsters or Gods.
金或银 神or妖
5、Costumes of Beijing Opera戏服
The costumes of Beijing Opera are based mainly on the court and civil costumes of the Ming Dynasty style.
The magnificent embroideries, the gorgeous headdresses, the jeweled girdles for the men, the hair ornaments for the women, and the high court shoes which help to increase the height of the performers are the most attractive features.
The rules for costumes are strictly based on rank, occupation and life style, and there are costumes with different colors and designs specific to different roles.