
2020年08月02日 05:57



超速焊激光焊接机 说明

Don’t attempt to operate the machine unless you have read and understand the instructions contained in this manual. Operators must obeyall safety procedures & instructions.


Thanks so much for your choosing Quanli QL200 Advertisement Words Welding Machine. Before you use our machine, please read the operating manual seriously. And please focus on the notices on the first page to avoid the breakdown caused by mis-operation. Besides, you should keep this manual properly in order to look it up at any time. If you are not clear, please contact with our customer service representative.




Quanli Laser Technology Co., Ltd. (Brand’s SUPER WELDER)



All parts of our machine, including accessories and softwares etc. whose intellectual property belongs to Quanli Laser Technology Co., Ltd., are prohibited to copy and translate. There’s no any sort of guarantee, standpoint or other indication. If there’s a situation that direct or indirect data

lost, interest damage or business termination appears, which is caused by this manual or products relevant information referred to, our company and all staffs will not be responsible for those. Besides, the product standard and information mentioned by this manual is for your reference only, the content of manual is kept continuous updating without notification. If you have requirement to make updating, you will be responsible for the/doc/ relevant fee. As for the updating detailed information, you can browse it on SUPER WELDER official website or directly contact with us.

The product access
ories mentioned in this manual is used to distinguish, while the registered trademark or copyright of these nous might belong to other companies.

………………………………………………………………………………………… 目录












ent......... ........ .......... ..................1

s.................. ... .................../doc/........3

l Request............. ...... ....... .............5

l Procedure.............. .......... . ............5

ing Instruction...... .......... .......... .......7

ining............ .......... .......... ............23

Specification.... .......... .......... ...........24

tee.............. .......... ..... .................27








Do not let YAG laser irradiate on the skin.


Do not let YAG laser irradiate on the combustible.



Do not touch workpiece during or after the laser processing/doc/.


Please connect appointed electric wire steady, if use under-capacity cable or the way of connecting is not collect, either of them will cause fire.




设备各个部件与墙体至少保持60MC以上,以利于通风散热。 the operator must get through professional training, and the operator must read the user manual. Please install this equipment in the solid horizontal place.

single phase input voltage for the equipment AC220-240V 50HZ Capacity 35A above ±10%

Or three-phase AC380V 50 HZ capacity 35A above ±10%:///doc/r
This equipment must be grounded Please install this equipment in the surrounding where temperature is 5 ~ 40 ℃, the temperature is around 85%, with no severe temperature changes. Also please avoid using in the following places . Places where there is much Rubbish, dust, oil pollution

Places where there is much Vibration and impact Places where there are high frequency interference sources

Places which is Easily condensated

4. Parts of equipment should be keep with the wall a distance of 60 mc at least, for ventilation and heat dissipation.






Laser welding machine of the whole machine is made up of four parts


Operating instructions

注:本设备为激光焊字机,不可用于长时间的不间断连续焊接。如需进行连续焊接,请咨询我公司工程师为你提供解决/doc/方案。 Note: This equipment is laser welding machine, can not be used for long time continuous welding. For continuous welding, please consult our engineers provide solutions for you.

4.1开机步骤Boot steps


the operation steps are as follows

1、对于新机器要先注入冷却水(一般饮用纯净水)。把冷却水加入冷却系统水箱中的水位线之内,然后,盖上水箱盖(水箱温度出厂前已调节好,如有问题请参考水箱说明书) For the new machine ,water must be injected(General drinking pure water).Add water to the cooling system within the water in the , cover the tank cover.(Tank temperature has been adjusted before delivery, please refer to the water tank specification if you have any questions).


Check the power connection and the power supply , then open the total power switch.

3、对于新机器以及刚更换过激光管或冷却水的接,要打开空气开关,等待冷水机运行5分钟,让水冷系统排出所有水泡,平检查冷水机水压表压力是否正常。 For new machines and machines whi
ch have/doc/ just been replaced the laser tube or cooling on the air switch,Wait for cold water machine running for 5 minutes, let the water cooling system to discharge all blisters and check the chiller water pressure gauge pressure .

4、按下开机按钮,便会出现操作页面,在“开机”图标反显时点“ENTER”按钮,就可以使激光焊接电源开机了,此时进入充电阶段,耗时两分钟,在此期间任何按键都不会响应。 Press on the switch button,then will appear the operation boot up, press on the "ENTER" button,then the machine power on, entering the stage of will take about two this period, no buttons will respond.

5、待充电完毕后,系统自动完成氙灯预燃,点灯成功后会在界面上显示出“累计出光次数:******”说明可以进行下一步的操作。当开机完成后,原来的“开机” 变为“关机”, 使用“↑”键和“→”键来移动光标位臵,“←”键和“→”键用来改变光标选中的参数。

After recharged,system xenon lamp will pre-burn automatically. After

QL200广告字焊接机 QL Advertising Welding Machine the success of the lighting ,“a cumulative frequency ” will be showed in the interface,instructi/doc/ the next step of the boot is completed,boot turns to “shutdown”.use the ↑and → to move the position of the cursor,and ←to →change parameters the cursor selected.


Introduction of functions of Power supply control board




:///doc/arameters setting and adjustment:welding parameters contain electricity, pulse width and frequency etc, range of electricity adjustment :50~500A, range of pulse width adjustment :0.1~20.0ms, and when pulse width is zero,the laser can not get out. range of frequency adjustment :0.5~60.0Hz,less than 0.5Hz equals to 0Hz(Single spot welding).The three parameters are restricted by the power of the whole machine and the largest power of single pulse lase of the xenon lamp in addition to its own limit. For example,Set the electricity to maximum ,500 A. Set the pulse width to 15.0ms,thus the frequency can only be transferred to the biggest 1.4 Hz .If you want the frequency to be larger ,one of these two

When the device is powered on, regardless of the boot or not, the user could adjust the welding parameters by moving up, down, increases, decreases buttons ,and the results can be save. A total of 50 sets of parameters c/doc/ be call and save of welding parameters


Shutdown: When cursor is on the “shutdown” position and system test it,

4.3 激光光路的维护保养

Laser light path maintenance


After testing machine, there is no need to adjust its structure inside usually, users just need to change cold water and tube regularly. Lamp is consumable, which has a life of 500 hours (the life is related to the volt of equipment). When the output of laser dropped to the 2/3 of primary energy, users need to change it. When you maintain machine, you must turn power off first.


When you change tube, you should wait 3 hours at least after power off. And you should be careful to avoid d/doc/age other parts of machine.


Procedure of changing tube:

./doc/ may cause the appearance of discoloration.


Please operate switches and buttons carefully, forbid to operate with a hard object and mishandled . Simultaneous multiple switch will cause the device error.



Change the filter cartridge once a month, replace the filter and remove the bowl with the distribution of tools of the device.


Using pure water instead of tap water or untreated water as cooling water, otherwise it will shorten the laser life.


Do not make the refrigerator a long-running when the xenon lamp power is off, or it may caused damage to the laser crystal due to condensation .


The table Z a/doc/s screw, Y, and X of the screw and guide, etc. require periodic refueling, in order to ensure that the table is moved, the lifting smooth and extended bench life.


After a use for a long period of time, if there appears problem such as the use of activity gap (the gap is caused by friction between the metal parts in the day-to-day use), simply open the dust cover, and adjust screws .



safety norms

………………………………………………………………………………………… 本机属贵重设备,使用者应正确操作,以免损坏。本机内有高压电,强激光和高压水流。意外情况下有可能对周围人员造成不同程度的伤害。必须先关闭总电源,才能进行维修和检查。

This machine is a valuable equipment, users should operate correctly, so as to avoid damage. There are high-voltage, high power laser and

high-pressure water in the machine,it may cause varying degrees of damage to personnel s/doc/rounding in unforeseen power must be turned off before carrying out maintenance and inspection.

此激光机属于第四类激光装臵(Class 4 laser)。对于任

This laser machine belongs to a class 4 laser device .Any operation, use or adjustment that is not in accordance with the operation manual may lead users exposed to harmful radiation, and adjust the laser with eye protection to avoid direct exposure.

如被激光灼伤:如果使用者的手部或手指直接或间接被激光照射,伤处类似于“普通热辐射”(normal radiated heat),虽然激光脉冲所造成的灼伤无害,但要注意避免伤口收到感染,为伤口消毒,如情况严重,请去医院诊治。

Such as the laser burns: If the user's hand or fingers expose to the laser irradiation directly or indirectly , the wound caused by the laser that is similar to the "ordinary thermal radiation (normal radiated heat) burns” is harmless, but to be careful to avoid wound infected . Disinfect for the wound .if the situation is serious, p/doc/ase go to the hospital for treatment.





The product warranty of 12 months from the date of purchase.



氙灯,保护镜片,滤水器,顶针为耗材,无保修 Xenon lamp , protection lens ,water filters,and thimble supplies are consumables have no warranty.


Lens warranty for three months.

其余整机保修12个月 The rest of the machine warranty for 12 months.


Manual of Water Chiller

1.安装与起动Install and Start

1.1 请委托经销商或专业人员安装。

Please entrust your dealer or professional to install this machine. 安装人员须具备相关的专业知识,持有政府认可的特种职业证书(如电工证、制冷工证)。用户自行安装时,若操作错误可能导致火灾、触电、受伤、漏水等危害!

Installation personnel must have relevant expertise and hold special professional certificates that accepted by government(like electrician certificate and refrigeration work certificat/doc/). When users install it by themselves, operating error may lead to fire, electric shock, injury and leak etc.

1.2 采取合理措施防止制冷剂泄漏而使人窒息。当安装在室内时,要采取恰当的强制通风措施,防止制冷剂一旦泄漏量超过界限浓度而造成人员窒息。

Adopt reasonable measures to prevent refrigerant leak which make people installation is indoor, please adopt proper forced

ventilation measures to prevent refrigerant leak from exceeding the limit of concentration , which lead to people asphyxia.

1.3 确认设备是否正确接地。

Make sure the machine is properly grounded.



According to the law, this machine must have reliable grounding

engineering. If there is grounding default, that may lead to operating personnel electric shock.

1.4 请勿将棍棒等异物伸入设备内部。

Please don’t let clubs and foreign matters into machine inside.


Internal high spee/doc/ rotating fan blade will be damaged by touching foreign matters.

1.5 出现异常情况时,应停止运行,切断电源,向经销商咨询。异常情况下(如设备内部冒烟、异响),继续使用可能导致火灾、触电等危险。

If there is abnormal situation, u should stop operation, power it down and consult your dealer. Under abnormal situation(like there are smoke or abnormal sound inside machine), if u continue working, it may result in fire, electric shock etc.

1.6 请勿用湿手操作开关。

Please don’t operate the switches with wet hands.


It may lead to operation personnel electric shock.

1.7 请勿自行修理。

Please don’t repair this machine by oneself.


Must entrust your dealer or professional to operate, or there may be fire, electric shock etc.

1.8 禁止安装在易燃、易爆场所。

Installation in a flammable or explosive environment is forbidden.

本设备无防爆能力,机器内电器开关产生的火花会使泄漏的易燃气体发生爆炸。 This machine i/doc/ not explosion-proofing, the sparks from electric switch inside machine can make leakage of flammable gas explosion.

1.9 只能使用中性纯净的液体,液体的比重、粘度导热能力须接近于水,不允许液体中含有颗粒状固体,否则极易损坏机内水泵。

Only use neutral pure liquid, the specific gravity, viscosity and thermal conductivity of liquid should be close to the water,don’t allowed the liquid containing solid particles, or it is easy to damage the machine pump.

1.10 用户更换循环水时,请仔细操作,水泵不允许无水空转。

When users replace circulating water, please operate carefully, the pump don’t allowed idling without water.

1.11 寒冷地区冬季应采取适当的防冰冻措施。

In cold area, appropriate measures should be taken to prevent frozen in winter.

1.12 本冷水机内臵高压水泵,请勿在水回路上安装阀门,水流量调节必须采用


There is built-in high pressure water pump in this water chiller, please don’t install the valve in the water recycle, the regulation of water flow

must adopt the /doc/
mlbypass mode.


Temperatures control instructions

2.1 按键说明: Instructions of buttons

(每按一次按键,主板上的蜂鸣器会响一声。)Each time you press the button, the motherboard buzzer will ring

SW1:上升键(按一次向上递增一次,长按可连续递增)up (short press for rising one time, long press for continuous rising )

SW2:设臵键 setting

SW3:下降键(按一次向下递减一次,长按可连续递减)down (short press for dropping one time, long press for continuous dropping)

SW4:电源开关键 Power button

2.2 上电显示: Power on display

Ⅰ:a、主板接通电源后,LED8显示上次的设臵温度;LED9显示当前的水箱水温。 a. After turning on the power supply of the main board, LED8 show the last

temperature setting LED9 displays the current temperature of water tank. b、按“电源开关键”开机后,两个数码管显示值基本不变,此时电源指示灯亮进入开机状态,水泵运行灯闪5秒后恒亮(水泵启动);主机运行灯闪二十秒后恒亮(主机运行)。 b. After pressing “Power” button, the value of the two Digitrons remain generally the same, no/doc/ the power light on and into the boot state. After the water pump running light twinkle 5 seconds become permanent bright, the water pump starts; After the host running light twinkle 20 seconds become permanent bright, the host starts.


Electricity boot,( Without pressing the “power ” button, it directly enters the boot state.) The two Digitrons remain generally the same, now the power light on .

2.3 故障指示说明 Fault instructions

Fault instructions

2.4 参数设定: Parameter setting


两个数码管闪烁,按▲和▼设臵参 数并可按设臵键进行内容转换。

a. Setting for Managers : Power within 10 seconds, press both ▲and▼ for 3 seconds, come to “manager setting pattern”, when the two Digitrons flashing, press ▲and▼ to set parameters,and press setting button can convert content.


b、用户设臵参数:长按设臵键3秒钟进入“用户设臵参数” 两个数码管闪烁,按▲和▼设臵参数并可按设臵键进行内容转换

b. Setting for user: Long press setting button for 3 seconds, into “user setting parameter”, when the two Digitrons flashing,press ▲and▼ to set parameters,and press setting button can convert content.

3.维护与保养 Maintenance

nser, Airway, Filter

要保持系统冷却能力的最优化, 冷凝器、通风孔、过滤网都应保持清洁无尘土,应定期检查并按要求清洗。


To keep the system cooling capacity optimization, both the condenser, airway, filter should be kept clean without dust, should be regularly check and clean as requirement.

The filter is easy to be taken down from both sides. Please use soft Cleaning agent and water to sweep away dust. Before installation should be rinsed and dried.

水系统Water System


Clean the wa/doc/r tank regularly, rinse the filter cartridge or replace the filter and replace the circulating water to ensure clean water systems. 液体液位 Water Level


Need to check regularly if the water tank need to add water.

通常, 水箱的水要以覆盖水箱中的盘管为准,当低于盘管时需应加液,根据水质定期换水,如遇水泵水流量偏小,是由于水泵有空气闷堵泵体内所致,可按下水过滤器上红色按钮排出水路系统内空气,待水流量正常后即可。水路混有气泡时将会减小水的透光率,透明软管中有气泡或水箱回水口处有气泡时,应检查回水管路是否漏气,水箱水位是否偏低。

Usually, the water tank level is subject to cover the coil prevail. When the water is below the coil, it means water need to be need to change regularly according to the water quality. change the water pump in case If the water flow is too small,it is because the water pump body is blocked by air.U can press the red button on water filter to discharge the air in the water system until the water flow is back to normal transmittance will be reduced when the water is mixed with air bubbles. /doc/en there are air bubbles in the transparent hose or water tank outlet got bubbles, please check if the return water pipe is leaking or if the water tank level

is low.

定期清洁灰尘 Clean the dust regularly


Clean the dust on the air filters regularly : When excessive dust, remove the air filters and clean the dust on it by air gun or water pipes. Oily stains please clean with mild detergent. Air filters should be dry before reinstall. Keep the air filters clean regularly can extend the life of the chiller and r
educe the chiller energy consumption.

4.故障与维修 Malfunction and Maintenance

4.1 机器不运转(无制冷或泵不作用)

The machine is not running(No refrigeration or pump does not work)


Check whether the power line is connected to the power supply plug. /doc/ 检查电源开关是否开启。

Check whether the power switch is started.


Check whether the panel power is started.

4.2 泵不能正常工作 Water pump can not work normally


Check the water level of the whole system.


Check whether the pump motor is running.


Check whether the circulatory system is blocked.

4.3 泵抽吸不足Water pump suction deficiency


Check whether the voltage is too low.


Check whether the pipe diameter is too small.


Check whether the fluid viscosity is too high.


Check whether the connection pipe is limited.

4.4 无制冷或冷不足No refrigeration or not cold enough


Check whether the voltage is too low or too high.


Check whethe/doc/ the ventilation is blocked.


Check the ambient temperature,too high temperature will cause the compressor short shut down.


Check whether the excess heat is transferred to the cooling liquid, because it would exceed the refrigeration system’s cooling ability.


Refrigeration system diagram







