说明文Expository Essay
2020年08月02日 06:03
2006-11-23 20:57
说明文是阐述或解释某一事物的发生、发展、结果、特征、性质、状态、功能等的文体,主要用于介绍某些操作程序,解释抽象概念,说明客观事物的特点,或阐明自然现象等,能提供事物的 What, Why, How方面的知识,使读者明白事理。除了一般课堂作文外,多用于研究报告及实验结果的文章。 说明可分为两种:
(III)说明与议论:说明是为了让读者了解情况、明白事理、知道真伪,一般不确立什么论点;议论是对事物或问题进行推断、论证、发表评论、提出作者的论点及主张。 说明的方法:(这部分是主体,相当于议论文用各种方法论证论点的那部分)(I)定义说明法:对某种事物的本质特征或概念作准确而简要的说明。 (i)简短定义 Short Definition:
“Pardon” is an action of a court or ruler forgiving a person for an illegal act and giving freedom from punishment.
“Excuse”is the reason, whether true or untrue, given when asking to be forgiven for absence, wrong behavior, a fault, etc.
( Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English )
(ii)延伸定义 Extended Definition:
(5)先分明别类,再逐一说明每类之差异; Example:
One-upmanship is the art of impressing other people.∥You are “one up” on someone if you have said something impressive, something that makes the other person feel inferior(a.劣于…). ∥At the beginning of this year, I met three new students who all knew the art of one-upmanship. One said that his brother was a lieutenant in the Marine Corps. The other told me that he had been at a school that had its own fully equipped television studio. The third had just com
e from an exclusive prep() school in New England. ∥To play the game, I should have thought of an answer that would put me “one up” in turn. To the first, I should have replied that my uncle is the adjutant() to the Commanding General of the Corps(). To the second, I should have said that our school has an electronically operated language lab. To the third, I should have said that my father is a professor at Harvard. Unfortunately, none of those things is true.
本文向读者说明一个单词 - One-upmanship,并运用了简短定义法,对 One-upmanship 下了扼要定义,跟着以举例方法延伸这词的解释,用作者见到的 three new students 如何运用 one-upmanship的例子来说明,以及他欲反败为胜的方法,将抽象的定义演绎成具体生动的事例。阅读亦是如此,文章由段落组成,段落之间逻辑上相互联系,为说明同一主题----即文章的主题。段落又句子组成,句子如同段落的有机构成组成文章一样,也是紧密,有条理地按内在关系(解释说明、因果分析、)组合在一起形成好的段落。所以阅读要想提高,也要在有条理地思考,注重阅读材料内在逻辑关系做起。注意关联词,因为正是这些词把句子和段落按照一定的逻辑关系连接在一起的。象上面这段话里我划底线的部分,使这段话的脉络非常清晰。读写不分家,阅读如此,写作如此。
Part-time Jobs
There are many part-time jobs for college students who need money to help pay their bills. ∥ For students who enjoy talking to customers, sales jobs are ideal. / Some people like to find their own customers, so they choose door-to-door sales of products ranging(v.范围从……到……) from beauty aids and encyclopedias(n.百科字典) to vacuum cleaners(真空吸尘器). / Other people prefer working in department stores(百货商店), where customer finds them. / Students who like being around people, but do not want to persuade them to buy anything, might prefer clerking in a grocery or discount store(折扣店). / Those who enjoy providing service to the public might prefer office jobs as secretaries, file clerks, or bookkeepers. / And those who like to keep their surroundings clean and neat might find that being dishwashers, stockroom(n.储藏室) persons, or janitors(n.门卫,看门人) fills their need for both money and job satis
本文虽未列小段,但读完后对大学生的兼职工作已有大致了解,因为采用了分类说明法。兼职工作分为:door-to-door sales; sales in department stores; clerking in a grocery or discount store; office jobs; keeping clean and neat jobs。
(iv)说明两者的相同及相异之处。 写段落要点:
主要内容:详细说明比较事物的异同,可以 subject-by-subject,先用一段落说明一事物,跟着一段说明另一事物,如此类推;亦可以用 point-by-point,就某一方面比较两事物的异或同,在同一段落中出现,下一段则比较两者的其它方面,如此类推。
这是比较说明法的结构,但首尾呼应,全文贯穿一致是大多数文章写作的方法。 (IV)举例说明法:一般有两种情形:
说明文中的举例与议论文中的举例有所不同,前者是为了印证所要说明的情况属实,使人有所知;后者是为了印证观点的正确,使人有所信。 总之,说明文就是要做到把事情说明白,让人家懂了解就行了。
Exercises:Choose one of the titles and write a composition of about 120 words.
1. True Love (using extended definition)
2. Varieties of Friendship (using classification)
3. American movies and Chinese movies (using comparison)
4. Greed (using examples) 后两个写主要是练方法,前两个也练方法,但爱与友谊是永恒的主题(死亡虽也是,但还没有人喜欢拿这个命题)有备无患。注意做到清楚明白,语言方面避免在基础用法上犯错。加油!