
2020年08月02日 07:22



Mother’s Day

学 校:马龙小学
姓 名:金毓玲
电 话:

《Mother’s Day》教案设计

1,面向学生: □中学

小学 2,学科:英语
① 听录音,尝试跟读课文。
② 预习课文,了解文章主题及大概内容。


传统的教学模式早已不适合现代教学理念,英语教学不 再是词句的反复操练,不再是语法的枯燥讲解,
英语教学真正的把英语当成了一门语言,一种交际工具。 英语课堂生活化是最能体现的新的教学模式,所
以贯穿整个课堂的需要一个主题。该课的主题是Moth er’s Day (母亲节),课堂上我采用了情景教学法,直
接把生活中的真实的各片段模仿到课堂 上,让学生在实践中感受语言,学习语言,运用语言。本课时由猜
猜人心跳的声音的游戏及一个婴儿出生 的啼哭声引入,通过视频、图片等直观教学,让学生感受伟大的母
爱,同时创设四个不同情境培养学生表 达对母亲的爱,由此学习语言知识,达到下列目标:
1. Knowledge Aims
Students can master all the expressions about the flowers, about shopping and expressions the love to mother.
2. Skill Aims
Students can go shopping and expressions the love to mother freely.
3. Intelligence Aims:
To train the students the ability of analysis,observation,judgment,thinking and develop learning strategies.
4. Attitude Aims:
To inspire the students’ love to their mothers.
三、 教材分析
本课时选自小学综合英语教材2A 第四单元Celebrating Mother’s Day。本课为第二课时,在第一课时学习如何
谈论母亲节的时间,各国家庆祝母亲 节的方式的基础上进一步学习如何用英语为母亲选购礼物及赠送礼物,
1. The expressions of the flowers: roses, lilies, carnations, sunflowers
2. The sentence patterns:
--What can you do for your mother?
-- I can do the cooking for my mother.
-- I want to buy a bunch of carnations for my mother.
--I will send a card for my mother.
1. Can read the expressions of the flowers correctly, especially the word “carnation”.
2. Can use the sentences properly and freely.
1. The flash of the birth of a baby.
2. The flowers.
3. PowerPoint

Audiovisual-aids method, situational teaching method, real objects- use method, and communicative

Teaching Procedure
Warm-up (2 minutes)
Free talk:How are you? What day is it today? How is the weather? What’s the date?
Lead-in (2 minutes)
Teacher shows the sound and the flash to bring the title that Mother’s Day is coming:
T: Listen, what’s this? (Show the Students the sound of heart beating and crying of a baby)
Students: Baby (is crying).
T: Yes, a baby was born. (Show the flash of the birth of a baby).

Teaching Presentation and Practice (31 minutes)
Scene 1. Mother loves me so much
Teacher goes around the students, talks to the students and organizes the students to talk about
mother’s love. Encourage the students talk about their mothers, inspire the students to
understand mother’s love.
T: What a lovely baby! You are the also your mother’s baby. I’m my mother’s baby, too. Mothers
are so great. My mother loves me very much. Mother washes the clothes for me every day. How about
your mothers?
Students: Mother loves me so much, she does the cooking for me, she washes the clothes for me,
she combs my hair makes the bed puts on my clothes makes the bed buys the toys buys new clothes
buys books for me, she sends me to the school she takes me home„
Scene 2. I love mother
After students realize the love from their mothers, teacher guides the students to think about
what they can do for their mothers.
Activity 1. Doing the housework for my mother
T: How great our mothers are! Mothers love us so much. Do you love your mother?Mother’s Day
is coming (PPT shows a picture of Mother’s Day), what can we do for our mothers? I love my mother.
I will do the cooking for my mother. What about you?
Teacher asks two or three students to talk.
Group Competition:Students have a competition between groups to talk about what they can do for
mother, one student say one sentence, the group who says the most, he is the winner. (Do the
housework, buy gifts for mother)
【百度图片】ct= 503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=moter%
Activity 2.Buying the flowers for mother
1. Teacher guides the students to say that we can also buy some flowers for mother, then presents
the new expression of the flowers, students learn them by PPT. (rose, lily, sunflower,

T: We can do so much for our mothers, we can send gifts for our mothers.
Oh, my mother loves flowers very much, I will send some flowers for my mother. Does your mother
love flowers? What flowers does your mother love?
Students: My mother loves„
T (shows pictures PPT): Look, there are so many flowers. What are these? (Present lily, rose,
carnation and sunflower by mouthing games)
http:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=bai duimagedetail&word=roses&in=11205&cl=2&lm=-1&s
t=-1&pn=27&rn=1&di=39050931390&ln=1999&fr=&fm=res ult&fmq=133_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&t
ab=&width= &height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn27&-1&di39050931390 &objURLhttp%3A%2F%%2
Fupload%2F2010%2F08%2F15% &fromURLhttp%3A%2F%%2Fpicture.
php%3F%2F1549%2 Ftags%2F282-rose&W2560&H1600&T7550&S692&TPjpg
http:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimage detail&word=%D2%BB%CA%F8%B0%D9%BA%CF&in=
562&c l=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=24&rn=1&di=5&ln=1962&fr=&fm=res ult&fmq=133_R&ic=0&s
=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width= &height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn24&-1&di5&objURLhtt p%3A%2F%2
%2FProductImage%2F34%2Fb_&fromURLhtt p%3A%2F%%2F
http:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimage detail&word=%CF%F2%C8%D5%BF%FB&in=
12566&cl=2& lm=-1&st=-1&pn=0&rn=1&di=44069673180&ln=1991&fr=&f m=result&fmq=133_
R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&w idth=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn0&-1&di4406967 3180&objURL
http%3A%2F%%2F20090925%2F3468797__ &fromURLhttp%3A%2F%2F
http:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimage detail&word=%BF%B5%C4%CB%DC%B0&in=31403&cl=2&lm=-
1&st=-1&pn=12&rn=1&di=98757371355&ln=1999&fr=& fm=result&fmq=133_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&wid < br>th=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn12&-1&di98757 371355&objURLhttp%3A%2F%%2Fimg%2F96%2Fb
Chant the flowers
Flowers, flowers, flowers are beautiful
Roses, roses, roses are for lovers
Lilies, lilies, lilies are for couples
Sunflowers, sunflowers, sunflowers are for children
Carnations, carnations, carnations are for mothers
Mothers, mothers, Mother, I love you.
2. Buying the flowers for mother. Teacher acts like a flower seller, brings the students to buy
flowers for mother.

T:Flowers, flowers, beautiful flowers. I want to buy some, do you want to buy? (Ask one student
to come to buy, then bring the dialogue.)
T (acts like the flower seller): flowers, beautiful flowers, buy my flowers. Do you want to buy
some flowers?
T: Good morning. What can I do for you?
S: I want to buy some carnations for my mother.
T: One carnation or a bunch of carnations?
S: A bunch of carnations, please.
T: How about the yellow carnations?
S: Ok, I like them. How much are they?
T: 8 yuan, please.
S: Here’s the money, ten yuan.
T: This is your change, two yuan.
S: Bye-Bye.
Then teacher asks one student to act like the seller, and takes two students to buy flowers
T: Am I a good seller? Who wants to sell the flowers? (Student A acts)
Students: I want to!
T: I want to buy a bunch of carnations for mother, how about you? (Ask Students B& C to go together)
A: Hello, what can I do for you.
T: I want to buy a bunch of carnations for my mother.
A: How about the pink one?
T: That’s beautiful.
B: I want to buy the red carnations for my mother.
C: I want to buy the purple carnations for my mother.
T, B, C: How much are they?
A: 24 yuan please.
T, B, C: Here’s the money.
A: OK, thank you.
Then teacher asks one group to act.
Group work: Students practice the dialog in groups, then two groups show it.
T: (Acting like the mother) I am your teacher, I love you, my students. I am your mother, too.
I love you, my dear children. Oh, what beautiful flowers! Are they for me? (Guides the students
to send the flowers)
Students: Yes, the flowers are for you. I love you.
T: thank you, my dear children. I love you too.
Activity 3. Making cards for mother
Students make cards for mothers to send the best wishes.
T: Thank you, my dear children. Mother is very happy. Thank you for your beautiful flowers. Maybe
we can send other things to our mothers. I will send a new dress for my mother. What about you?

Students: I will send „ for my mother.
(If students refer cards to their mothers, it would be a good idea.)
T shows the card: Look, What does it look like?
Students: it looks like the moon.
T: what color is it?
Students: it’s yellow.
T: Yes, this is my card for my mother. It looks like the moon, it’s red, it is the love for my
mother. How about your cards? Show us your cards.
S shows the cards: Look, this is my card for my mother. It is yellow, it looks like a star. It’s
my love for my mother. (Two or three students to show and talk about their cards)
T: We all love our mothers. What do you want to say to your mother?
Students express the love for mothers, teacher writes down the best wishes on the blackboard and
guides Students to write it down on the cards. Teacher gives a model.
Dear Mother,
I love you!
I miss you!
Thank you for your love!
How great you are!
Yours, ***
http:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimage detail&word=%C4%B8%C7%D7%BD%DA%BA%
D8%BF%A8&in =21306&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=17&rn=1&di=0&ln=1999&fr =&fm=result&fmq=
133_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab =&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn17&-1&di112
068041730&objURLhttp%3A%2F%%2FEditor%2Fuploadf ile%2F20110510%2F201105100
ht tp:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%C4%B 8%C7%D7%BD%DA%BA%D
8%BF%A8&in=20622&cl=2&lm=-1 &st=-1&pn=3&rn=1&di=0&ln=1999&fr=&fm=result&fmq=13
3_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&fa ce=0&is=&istype=2#pn3&-1&di118502
904900&objUR Lhttp%3A%2F%%2Fuploads%2Fnewpic%2F201005%&fromURLh ttp%3
A%2F%%2Fphoto%2Fyinpintupian%2F201005%2F 07-288692_&W750&H499&T8125&S

Teaching Extension (2 minutes)
The whole class stand up, put the card on the chest and sing out the love to mother.
T: Hold your cards, let’s sing a song for our mother. Stand up, please.
Send your cards for your mothers.

Mother’s Day

roses A: What can you do for your mother?
lilies B: I can do the cooking for my mother.
carnations A: I want to buy a bunch of carnations for my mother.
sunflowers B:I will send a card for my mother.

省份:广东省 学校:顺德区北滘镇马龙小学 姓名: 金毓玲
职称:小教高级 电子邮件:yljin26@
个人简介: 金毓玲 女,小学高级教师,本科学历,学士学位。自参加 工作以来,一直从事英语科教学工
作,学生求知的眼光激励着我不断前进。在参与综合英语课题工作中, 曾先后承担第九届综合英语年会研
讨课及与澳门澳门圣约瑟教区学校交流研讨课等多次研讨课。在工作中 ,百度等互联网搜索一直陪伴着我,


Mother’s Day

学 校:马龙小学
姓 名:金毓玲
电 话:

《Mother’s Day》教案设计

1,面向学生: □中学

小学 2,学科:英语
① 听录音,尝试跟读课文。
② 预习课文,了解文章主题及大概内容。


传统的教学模式早已不适合现代教学理念,英语教学不 再是词句的反复操练,不再是语法的枯燥讲解,
英语教学真正的把英语当成了一门语言,一种交际工具。 英语课堂生活化是最能体现的新的教学模式,所
以贯穿整个课堂的需要一个主题。该课的主题是Moth er’s Day (母亲节),课堂上我采用了情景教学法,直
接把生活中的真实的各片段模仿到课堂 上,让学生在实践中感受语言,学习语言,运用语言。本课时由猜
猜人心跳的声音的游戏及一个婴儿出生 的啼哭声引入,通过视频、图片等直观教学,让学生感受伟大的母
爱,同时创设四个不同情境培养学生表 达对母亲的爱,由此学习语言知识,达到下列目标:
1. Knowledge Aims
Students can master all the expressions about the flowers, about shopping and expressions the love to mother.
2. Skill Aims
Students can go shopping and expressions the love to mother freely.
3. Intelligence Aims:
To train the students the ability of analysis,observation,judgment,thinking and develop learning strategies.
4. Attitude Aims:
To inspire the students’ love to their mothers.
三、 教材分析
本课时选自小学综合英语教材2A 第四单元Celebrating Mother’s Day。本课为第二课时,在第一课时学习如何
谈论母亲节的时间,各国家庆祝母亲 节的方式的基础上进一步学习如何用英语为母亲选购礼物及赠送礼物,
1. The expressions of the flowers: roses, lilies, carnations, sunflowers
2. The sentence patterns:
--What can you do for your mother?
-- I can do the cooking for my mother.
-- I want to buy a bunch of carnations for my mother.
--I will send a card for my mother.
1. Can read the expressions of the flowers correctly, especially the word “carnation”.
2. Can use the sentences properly and freely.
1. The flash of the birth of a baby.
2. The flowers.
3. PowerPoint

Audiovisual-aids method, situational teaching method, real objects- use method, and communicative

Teaching Procedure
Warm-up (2 minutes)
Free talk:How are you? What day is it today? How is the weather? What’s the date?
Lead-in (2 minutes)
Teacher shows the sound and the flash to bring the title that Mother’s Day is coming:
T: Listen, what’s this? (Show the Students the sound of heart beating and crying of a baby)
Students: Baby (is crying).
T: Yes, a baby was born. (Show the flash of the birth of a baby).

Teaching Presentation and Practice (31 minutes)
Scene 1. Mother loves me so much
Teacher goes around the students, talks to the students and organizes the students to talk about
mother’s love. Encourage the students talk about their mothers, inspire the students to
understand mother’s love.
T: What a lovely baby! You are the also your mother’s baby. I’m my mother’s baby, too. Mothers
are so great. My mother loves me very much. Mother washes the clothes for me every day. How about
your mothers?
Students: Mother loves me so much, she does the cooking for me, she washes the clothes for me,
she combs my hair makes the bed puts on my clothes makes the bed buys the toys buys new clothes
buys books for me, she sends me to the school she takes me home„
Scene 2. I love mother
After students realize the love from their mothers, teacher guides the students to think about
what they can do for their mothers.
Activity 1. Doing the housework for my mother
T: How great our mothers are! Mothers love us so much. Do you love your mother?Mother’s Day
is coming (PPT shows a picture of Mother’s Day), what can we do for our mothers? I love my mother.
I will do the cooking for my mother. What about you?
Teacher asks two or three students to talk.
Group Competition:Students have a competition between groups to talk about what they can do for
mother, one student say one sentence, the group who says the most, he is the winner. (Do the
housework, buy gifts for mother)
【百度图片】ct= 503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=moter%
Activity 2.Buying the flowers for mother
1. Teacher guides the students to say that we can also buy some flowers for mother, then presents
the new expression of the flowers, students learn them by PPT. (rose, lily, sunflower,

T: We can do so much for our mothers, we can send gifts for our mothers.
Oh, my mother loves flowers very much, I will send some flowers for my mother. Does your mother
love flowers? What flowers does your mother love?
Students: My mother loves„
T (shows pictures PPT): Look, there are so many flowers. What are these? (Present lily, rose,
carnation and sunflower by mouthing games)
http:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=bai duimagedetail&word=roses&in=11205&cl=2&lm=-1&s
t=-1&pn=27&rn=1&di=39050931390&ln=1999&fr=&fm=res ult&fmq=133_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&t
ab=&width= &height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn27&-1&di39050931390 &objURLhttp%3A%2F%%2
Fupload%2F2010%2F08%2F15% &fromURLhttp%3A%2F%%2Fpicture.
php%3F%2F1549%2 Ftags%2F282-rose&W2560&H1600&T7550&S692&TPjpg
http:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimage detail&word=%D2%BB%CA%F8%B0%D9%BA%CF&in=
562&c l=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=24&rn=1&di=5&ln=1962&fr=&fm=res ult&fmq=133_R&ic=0&s
=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width= &height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn24&-1&di5&objURLhtt p%3A%2F%2
%2FProductImage%2F34%2Fb_&fromURLhtt p%3A%2F%%2F
http:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimage detail&word=%CF%F2%C8%D5%BF%FB&in=
12566&cl=2& lm=-1&st=-1&pn=0&rn=1&di=44069673180&ln=1991&fr=&f m=result&fmq=133_
R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&w idth=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn0&-1&di4406967 3180&objURL
http%3A%2F%%2F20090925%2F3468797__ &fromURLhttp%3A%2F%2F
http:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimage detail&word=%BF%B5%C4%CB%DC%B0&in=31403&cl=2&lm=-
1&st=-1&pn=12&rn=1&di=98757371355&ln=1999&fr=& fm=result&fmq=133_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&wid < br>th=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn12&-1&di98757 371355&objURLhttp%3A%2F%%2Fimg%2F96%2Fb
Chant the flowers
Flowers, flowers, flowers are beautiful
Roses, roses, roses are for lovers
Lilies, lilies, lilies are for couples
Sunflowers, sunflowers, sunflowers are for children
Carnations, carnations, carnations are for mothers
Mothers, mothers, Mother, I love you.
2. Buying the flowers for mother. Teacher acts like a flower seller, brings the students to buy
flowers for mother.

T:Flowers, flowers, beautiful flowers. I want to buy some, do you want to buy? (Ask one student
to come to buy, then bring the dialogue.)
T (acts like the flower seller): flowers, beautiful flowers, buy my flowers. Do you want to buy
some flowers?
T: Good morning. What can I do for you?
S: I want to buy some carnations for my mother.
T: One carnation or a bunch of carnations?
S: A bunch of carnations, please.
T: How about the yellow carnations?
S: Ok, I like them. How much are they?
T: 8 yuan, please.
S: Here’s the money, ten yuan.
T: This is your change, two yuan.
S: Bye-Bye.
Then teacher asks one student to act like the seller, and takes two students to buy flowers
T: Am I a good seller? Who wants to sell the flowers? (Student A acts)
Students: I want to!
T: I want to buy a bunch of carnations for mother, how about you? (Ask Students B& C to go together)
A: Hello, what can I do for you.
T: I want to buy a bunch of carnations for my mother.
A: How about the pink one?
T: That’s beautiful.
B: I want to buy the red carnations for my mother.
C: I want to buy the purple carnations for my mother.
T, B, C: How much are they?
A: 24 yuan please.
T, B, C: Here’s the money.
A: OK, thank you.
Then teacher asks one group to act.
Group work: Students practice the dialog in groups, then two groups show it.
T: (Acting like the mother) I am your teacher, I love you, my students. I am your mother, too.
I love you, my dear children. Oh, what beautiful flowers! Are they for me? (Guides the students
to send the flowers)
Students: Yes, the flowers are for you. I love you.
T: thank you, my dear children. I love you too.
Activity 3. Making cards for mother
Students make cards for mothers to send the best wishes.
T: Thank you, my dear children. Mother is very happy. Thank you for your beautiful flowers. Maybe
we can send other things to our mothers. I will send a new dress for my mother. What about you?

Students: I will send „ for my mother.
(If students refer cards to their mothers, it would be a good idea.)
T shows the card: Look, What does it look like?
Students: it looks like the moon.
T: what color is it?
Students: it’s yellow.
T: Yes, this is my card for my mother. It looks like the moon, it’s red, it is the love for my
mother. How about your cards? Show us your cards.
S shows the cards: Look, this is my card for my mother. It is yellow, it looks like a star. It’s
my love for my mother. (Two or three students to show and talk about their cards)
T: We all love our mothers. What do you want to say to your mother?
Students express the love for mothers, teacher writes down the best wishes on the blackboard and
guides Students to write it down on the cards. Teacher gives a model.
Dear Mother,
I love you!
I miss you!
Thank you for your love!
How great you are!
Yours, ***
http:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimage detail&word=%C4%B8%C7%D7%BD%DA%BA%
D8%BF%A8&in =21306&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=17&rn=1&di=0&ln=1999&fr =&fm=result&fmq=
133_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab =&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn17&-1&di112
068041730&objURLhttp%3A%2F%%2FEditor%2Fuploadf ile%2F20110510%2F201105100
ht tp:?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%C4%B 8%C7%D7%BD%DA%BA%D
8%BF%A8&in=20622&cl=2&lm=-1 &st=-1&pn=3&rn=1&di=0&ln=1999&fr=&fm=result&fmq=13
3_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&fa ce=0&is=&istype=2#pn3&-1&di118502
904900&objUR Lhttp%3A%2F%%2Fuploads%2Fnewpic%2F201005%&fromURLh ttp%3
A%2F%%2Fphoto%2Fyinpintupian%2F201005%2F 07-288692_&W750&H499&T8125&S

Teaching Extension (2 minutes)
The whole class stand up, put the card on the chest and sing out the love to mother.
T: Hold your cards, let’s sing a song for our mother. Stand up, please.
Send your cards for your mothers.

Mother’s Day

roses A: What can you do for your mother?
lilies B: I can do the cooking for my mother.
carnations A: I want to buy a bunch of carnations for my mother.
sunflowers B:I will send a card for my mother.

省份:广东省 学校:顺德区北滘镇马龙小学 姓名: 金毓玲
职称:小教高级 电子邮件:yljin26@
个人简介: 金毓玲 女,小学高级教师,本科学历,学士学位。自参加 工作以来,一直从事英语科教学工
作,学生求知的眼光激励着我不断前进。在参与综合英语课题工作中, 曾先后承担第九届综合英语年会研
讨课及与澳门澳门圣约瑟教区学校交流研讨课等多次研讨课。在工作中 ,百度等互联网搜索一直陪伴着我,







