
2020年08月02日 08:10


英语词汇学复习题 (一)

I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Circle T or F as you see fit on your answer sheet. (10%)

1. The basic word stock of a language is changing rapidly all the time.
2. A free morpheme is a word in the traditional sense.
3. The total number of functional words is very limited in English.
4. Every English word has its motivation.
5. All the affixes in English are very productive.
6. The meaning of a word, especially that of a polysemous word, is often determined by the context in which it appears.
7. Some synonyms are connected with euphemisms and vulgarisms.
8. The interaction between American English and British English is largely from west to east nowadays.
9. If a native word has a borrowed synonym, the foreign word is always more literary than the native one.
10. A synchronic dictionary is a dictionary of contemporary words.

II. The following are multiple-choice questions. Mark your answer by circling A,B, C or D on your answer sheet. (20%)

11. The history of the English language began with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the _________.
(A) Romans
(B) Danish
(C) Angles, Saxons and Jutes
(D) Normans

12. The sentence “Feeling fatigued, Tom retired early” is stylistically __________.
(A) colloquial
(B) slangy
(C) literary
(D) neutral

13. A morpheme is a two-facet language unit, which possesses both ________.
(A) function and meaning
(B) letters and meaning
(C) syllable and meaning
(D) sound and meaning

14. A hybrid is a word made up of elements belonging to two or more _________.
(A) foreign languages
(B) different languages
(C) Germanic languages
(D) Romance languages

15. In English the most productive type of conversion is conversion __________.
(A) from verb to adjective
(B) from adjective to noun
(C) from noun to adjective
(D) from noun to verb

16. The majority of back-formed words are ___________.
(A) nouns
(B) adjectives
(C) verbs
(D) adverbs

17. “Statesman” is an appreciative word whereas “politician” is a _________.
(A) colloquial word
(B) derogatory word
(C) purr word
(D) neutral word

18. “Happy” and “unhappy” are ____________.
(A) non-gradable antonyms
(B) root antonyms
(C) derivational antonyms
(D) conversives

19. The language brought to North America by the British explorers in the seventeenth century belongs to the early stage of _______.
(A) Old English
(B) Middle English
(C) Modern English
(D) Contemporary English

20. “Corpse” originally meant the human body. Now it means a dead body. This is a case of _______.
(A) restriction of meaning
(B) extension of meaning
(C) degeneration of meaning
(D) elevation of meaning

III. Decide whether each of the following words is a A)simple
word, B) compound word, C) derived word or D) shortened form. Mark your answer on the answer sheet.

21. taxi 22. lady
23. modernize 24. eager
25. friendship 26. warship
27. German 28. Frenchman
29. crocodile 30. photo

IV. Explain the following terms with appropriate examples. Do it on the answer sheet. (10%)
31. allomorph
32. derivation

V. Give a short answer to the following questions. Do it on the answer sheet. (30%)
33. The meaning of a ploysemous word is often determined by the linguistic context in which it appears. Illustrate this point with examples.
34. What are the four commonest tendencies of the change of word meaning?

VI. Give a longer answer (150-200 words) to the following question. Do it on the answer sheet. (20%)
35. How are antonyms classified in English?

英语词汇学复习题 (二)

I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Circle T or F as you see fit on your answer sheet. (10%)
1. All the words in a language together constitute what is known as its basic word stock.
2. Greek borrowings in English are mostly words about things in daily life.
3. The English vocabulary is extremely homogeneous.
4. Content words as a class are used more frequently than function words.
5. Inflectional affixes have only grammatical meanings.
6. Root, stem and base refer to the same thing.
7. The prefix “de-“ is polysemic.
8. There is an intrinsic connection between the sound symbol and the sense of all English words.
9. “Impossible” expresses a stronger negation than “not possible”.
10. When an idiom is reworded, its sense is usually destroyed.

II. Choose the correct answer. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. (20%)
11. Middle English began with the _________ conquest of England in 1066.
a. Greek b. Norman
c. Danish d. Roman

12. New words in a language are also referred to as __________.
a. archaisms b. neologisms
c. colloquialisms d. euphemisms

13. The word “stretched” is made up of two __________.
a. vowels b. morphemes
c. syllables d. phonemes

14. The suffix “-ling” as in “hireling” and “weakling” has a _______ shade of meaning.
a. poetic b. euphemistic
c. commendatory d. derogatory

15. Which of the following is an acronym?
a. OPEC b. CIA
c. ISBN d. FBI

16. “Bank” has the meaning of “land
along the side of a river” and “a place in which money is kept and paid out”. This is an example of ___________.
a. polysemy b. homonymy
c. hyponymy d. homophony

17. “Sow” (put seeds in soil) and “sow” (a fully grown female pig) are _________.
a. homophones b. homographs
c. hyponyms d. perfect synonyms

18. “Journey” originally meant “a day’s walk”. Now it means “distance traveled”. This is a case of _________.
a. generalization b. specialization
c. pejoration d. amelioration

19. The branch of linguistics treating of word origins is called _______.
a. grammatology b. phraseology
c. lexicology d. etymology
20. The root “-tain” as in maintain, “retain” and “detain” means ___________.
a. to hold b. to give
c. to get d. to put

III. Examines the following words and decide whether each of them is a: (A) simple word, (B) derived word, (C) compound word or, (D) shortened word. (10%)
21. memo 26. radish
22. lady 27. tiger
23. workman 28. childhood
24. worker 29. teapot
25. reddish 30. uglify

IV. Explain the following terms, giving appropriate examples. Write your answer on the answer sheet. (15%)
31. conversion
32. bound morpheme
33. elevation of meaning

V. Give a brief answer to the following questions. Write it on your answer sheet. (20%)
34. What is the difference between polysemy and homonymy?
35. Say something about the motivation of English words.

VI. Expound the following question in about 200 words. Write it in the space provided on your answer sheet. (25%)
Grammatical Meaning and Lexical Meaning

英语词汇学复习题 (三)
I. Some of the following statements are true, and the others false. Mark your answer by writing T or F on your answer sheet. (10%)
1. The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is known as Middle English (1100-1500), which is characterized by the strong influence of French.
2. Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are loan words.
3. An allomorph is the minimal meaningful unit of the English language.
4. Today the largest number of new words are formed by compounding.
5. Acronymy and derivation are all processes of shortening words or word groups.
6. Genuine coinage is not rare.
7. Componential analysis enables us to have an ex
act knowledge of the conceptual meaning of words.
8. Polysemy is an essential feature of a language’s economy and efficiency.
9. Homophones are words identical in spelling but different in meaning.
10. All words have antonyms.

II. The following are multiple-choice questions. Mark your answer by writing A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet. (20%)
11. A _____ of sheep is grazing in the fields.
(A) flock (B) herd
(C) shoal (D) swarm

12. When you have a problem in your study, you may ask the teacher for help. “Ask” here means _______.
(A) invite (B) demand
(C) require (D) request

13. He is one of my fast friends. “Fast” here means __________.
(A) rapid (B) steadfast
(C) secure (D) sensitive

14. “Married” and “single” form a pair of _________.
(A) conversives (B) complementary antonyms
(C) gradable antonyms (D) marked antonyms

15. ___________ is not a pair of homophones.
(A) air, heir (B) dear, deer
(C) son, sun (D) tear, tear

16. The idiomatic expression in “my old man has kicked the bucket” means _______.
(A) my daddy has struck a pail with his feet
(B) my old buddy has gone to get the bucket
(C) my old father has passed away
(D) my old pail has been damaged

17. ________ is not a British expression.
(A) tube (B) pub
(C) railroad (D) taxi

18. The prefix in the word ______ does not change it to a different word-class.
(A) endanger (B) unearth
(C) antiwar (D) unfair

19. “Donate” resulting from “donation” is an example of _________.
(A) clipping (B) compounding
(C) reduplication (D) back-formation

20. ________ is not a pair of contrasting words.
(A) High, bright (B) Empty, full
(C) Rough, gentle (D) Fair, dark

III. Decide whether each of the following words is a A)simple word, B) compound word, C) derived word or D) shortened form. Mark your answer on the answer sheet.
21. handwriting 26. microwave
22. ordinary 27. plane
23. defrost
28. airline
24. retire 29. blackboard
25. exam 30. unable

IV. Explain the following terms with appropriate examples. Do it on the answer sheet. (10%)
31. polysemy
32. neoclassical formation

V. Give a short answer to the following questions. Do it on the answer sheet. (30%)
33. What is the difference between a free root and a bound root?
34. Explain compounding and derivation and the difference between them.

VI. Give a longer answer (150-200 words) to the following question. Do it on the answer sheet. (20%)
35. What are the causes of the rapid growth of present-day English vocabulary?

英语词汇学参考答案 (三)

I. Some of the following statements are true, and the others false. Mark your answer by writing T or F on your answer sheet. (10%)
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8.T 9. F 10. F

II. The following are multiple-choice questions. Mark your answer by writing A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet. (20%)
11. A 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. D
16. C 17. C 18. D 19. D 20. A

III. Decide whether each of the following words is a A)simple word, B) compound word, C) derived word or D) shortened form. Mark your answer on the answer sheet.
21. B 26. C
22. A 27. D
23. C 28. B
24. A 29. B
25. D 30. C

IV. Explain the following terms with appropriate examples. Do it on the answer sheet. (10%)
31. Polysemy is a common feature peculiar to all natural languages. There are words that have two or three senses, and the most commonly used ones can have as many as over a hundred. However, when a word is first coined, it is always monosemic. But in the course of development, the same symbol must be used to express more meanings, the result is polysemy. For example, the word “fair” has various meanings; (of results) average, quite good”; (of attitude, behaviour) just and honest; impartial”; (of the weather) clear and sunny”; ( of amount) satisfactory, abundant”, etc.

32. Neoclassical formation denotes the process by which new words are formed from elements derived from Latin and Greek. For example, the word “telephone”.

V. Give a short answer to the following questions. Do it on the answer sheet. (30%)
33. What is the difference between a free root and a bound root?
Free roots can stand alone as words and provide the language with a basis for the formation of new words. E.g. the word work can form words like workable, worker, etc. Hence, it is a free root; Bound roots cannot appear as words in modern English, although they were once words, nor can they be used to form new words. E.g. the morpheme –tain- (meaning to hold) as in words like contain, detain, retain and maintain, was once a word in Latin, but in modern English it is not a word itself and cannot be used to form new words any more.

34. Explain compounding and derivation and the difference between them.
Compounding or composition is a word formation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new word. e.g. airtight, airmail, air force, air raid, etc.
Derivation or affixation is a process of forming new words by addition of a word element, such as a prefix, suffix or combining form to an already existing word. E.g. predict, contradiction, rewrite, etc.
Compounding consists of combining two or more separate words (free morphemes) into one which now expresses a single idea and functions as a separate lexical unit. It is the most productive word-formation process in contemporary English.
Derivation forms new words by adding one or more bound morphemes instead of separate words to an already existing word, when divided, at least one part of the new word is not a word by itself. For example. in the derivative predict, neither pre- nor –dict is a separate word when divided.

VI. Give a longer answer (150-200 words) to the following question. Do it on the answer sheet. (20%)

35. What are the causes of the rapid growth of present-day English vocabulary?
Generally, the main reasons for the rapid growth of present-day English vocabulary are three: marked progress of science and technology; socio-economic, political and cultural changes and the influence of other cultures and languages.
1) Marked progress of science and technology: since the end of World War II, tremendous new advances in all fields of science and technology have given rise to the creation in the English language of tens of thousands of new words. E.g. chain reaction, radioactivity, fall-out, neutron bomb, etc.
2) Socio-economic, political and cultural changes: New social habits and new living conditions necessitate the introduction of new words, of which the following are but a few: hire purchase, credit card, fringe benefit, high-rise, and condo.

3) The influence of other cultures and languages: English is characterized by a marked tendency to go outside her own linguistic resources and borrow from other languages. It is quite receptive to foreign linguistic influence. English keeps on borrowing words from other major languages. E.g. cosmonaut and sputnik from Russian, apartheid from South Africa and mao tai from Chinese.
The development of science, the rapid changes in society, the receptive and flexible nature of English with regard to the influence of other cultures and languages----all these have resulted in a dramatic increase in vocabulary.

英语词汇学复习题 (四)
I. Some of the following statements are true, and the others false. Mark your answer by writing T or F on your answer sheet. (10%)

1. The history of the English language begins with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes from about 450 AD.
2. The allomorphs of a morpheme show a slight difference in sound and meaning.

3. The three major processes of word-formation are compounding, blending and conversion.
4. Acronyms differ from initialisms in that they are pronounced as words.
5. The denotative meaning of a word is its definition given in a dictionary.
6. Polysemy is the exception and monosemy is the rule.
7. Homonyms are words different in meaning but identical in spelling or sound.
8. When a word has several meanings, it will demand a separate antonym in each sense.
9. When we say context determines the word sense, we mean that it gives a sense to the word.
10. Idioms are usually semantically opaque.

II. The following are multiple-choice questions. Mark your answer by writing A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet. (20%)

11. The English language has vast debts. The majority of English words are borrowed from _________.
(A) Italian, Spanish and Portuguese (B) Anglo-Saxon and Celtic
(C) Latin, French and Greek (D) Hebrew, Indian and Japanese

12. “tain” in “contain” is _________.
(A) a free root (B) a bound root
(C) an inflectional affix (D) a derivational affix

13. ____________ is not a compound.
(A) Airmail (B) Headache
(C) Housekeeping (D) Telephone

14. Among the words in brackets, __________ is a noun converted from a verb.
(A) It is a good (buy). (B) Tom went (home) early.
(C) The workers (canned) apples. (D) The book is a (must) for students.

15. “TOEFL” is an example of ___________.
(A) initialism (B) blending
(C) acronym (D) clipping

16. The group of words _______ are not synonyms.
(A) “agony, pain, twinge” (B) “holy, sacred, consecrated”
(C) “rage, fury, indignation” (D) “doubt, suspect, distrust”

17. “Lend” and “borrow” form a pair of ___________.
(A) conversives (B) complementary antonyms
(C) gradable antonyms (D) marked antonyms

18. The word “silly” used to mean “blessed and happy”; now it means “foolish”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.
(A) extension (B) degeneration
(C) restriction (D) elevation
19. The group of words _______ do not make up a semantic field.
(A) “train, plate, taxi” (B) “spinach, celery, cabbage”
(C) “walk, trudge, saunter” (D) “rose, olive, purple”

20. The great lexicographer Samuel Johnson compiled __________ in 1755.
(A) “The American Dictionary of the English Language”
(B) “A Dictionary of the English Language”
“Longman Modern English Dictionary”
(D) “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary”

III. Decide whether each of the following words is a A) simple word, B) compound word, C) derived word or D) shortened form. Mark your answers on the answer sheet. (10%)
21. fax 26. exam
22. recycle 27. culture
23. dropout 28. fridge
24. morning 29. setback
25. lighter 30. science

IV. Explain the following terms with appropriate examples. Do it on the answer sheet. (10%)
31. synonymy
32. prefixation

V. Give a short answer to the following questions. Do it on the answer sheet. (30%)
33. What is the difference between an inflectional affix and a derivational affix? Illustrate your points with examples.
34. Explain clipping and blending and the difference between them.

VI. Give a longer answer (150-200 words) to the following question. Do it on the answer sheet. (20%)
35. What are the characteristics of the American English and how is it different from British English?

英语词汇学参考答案 (四)

Some of the following statements are true, and the others false. Mark you answer by circling T or F on your answer sheet. (10%,每题1分)
1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 T 9 F 10 T
Ⅱ. The following are multiple-choice questions. Mark your answer by circling A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet. (20%)
11 C 12 B 13 D 14 A 15 C 16 D 17 A 18 B 19 A 20 B
Decide whether each of the following words is a A) simple word, B) compound word, C) derived word or D) shortened form. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. (10%)
21 D 22 C 23 B 24 A 25 C 26 D 27 A 28 D 29 B 30 A
IV. Explain the following terms with appropriate examples. Do it on the answer sheet. (10%)
31. Synonymy is the semantic relation of similarity. For example, the pair of words “beautiful” and “pretty”.

32. Prefixation is the addition of a prefix to the base. Prefixes modify the meaning of the base, but they do not generally change its word-class. “re-“ in “rewrite” is a typical example.

V. Give a short answer to the following questions. Do it on the answer sheet. (30%)
33. What is the difference between an inflectional affix and a derivational affix? Illustrate your points with examples.
An inflectional affix serves to express such grammatical meanings as plurality, tense, and the comparative degree. It does not form a new word when it is added to another word, nor does it change the word-class. The past tense –ed or their variants are an example. The number of inflectional affixes is small and fixed. However, when a derivational affix is added to another morpheme, it derives a new word. A few examples are super+market, mini+car and de+value. Many deriv
ational affixes have special lexical meanings and their number is much larger than that of inflectional affixes.

34. Explain clipping and blending and the difference between them.
Clipping means the deletion of one or more syllables from a word (usually a noun), which is also available in its full form. Examples are plane from airplane, phone from telephone and taxi from taxicab. While blending means a new word is formed by combining the meanings and the sounds of two words, one of which is not in full form or both of which are not in full forms: for example, brunch (breakfast + lunch).

VI. Give a longer answer (150-200 words) to the following question. Do it on the answer sheet. (20%)
35. What are the characteristics of the American English and how is it different from British English?
The characteristics of American English are marked by apparent contradictions: creativeness in enriching the language versus conservativeness in preserving a number of archaic features; the use of short and poignant expressions, including slang, versus fondness of big words, heterogeneity manifested by heavy borrowings from other tongues versus relative uniformity in speech, and the use of verbose style in official papers versus plain language in popular writing.
Differences can be found between American and British English in pronunciation, spelling, grammar and vocabulary. But the similarities between the two variants are more than the differences, since the structures of the two varieties are basically the same.

英语词汇学复习题 (五)
I. Some of the following statements are true, and the others false. Mark your answer by writing T or F on your answer sheet. (10%)
1. The great majority of the basic word stock of the English language are native words, that is, words of Anglo-Saxon origin.
2. Suffixation is different from conversion in that it does not change the word-class of the base.
3. Words of a semantic field are synonymous.
4. Clipping involves the deletion of one or more syllables from a word, which is also available in its full form.
5. Content words have lexical meaning but no grammatical meaning.
6. A particular characteristic of componential analysis is that it attempts to treat components in terms of binary opposites.
7. A root is the basic unchangeable part of a word.
8. Many English words cannot be analyzed in terms of semantic features.
9. All words have antonyms.
10. The impact of context on meaning differs from one word to another and from one instance or passage to another.

II. The following are multiple-choice questions. Mark your answer by writing A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet. (20%)
11. The English language from ______ to the present is called Modern English.
(A) 450 (B) 1100
(C) 1500 (D) 1800

12. The sentence “John was fired for petty thi
eving.” Is stylistically ________.
(A) literal (B) colloquial
(C) archaic (D) neutral

13. Of the following words, _____ is an acronym.
(C) stylistic (D) affective
14. The definition of a word given in the dictionary is called its _____ meaning.
(A) connotative (B) denotative
(C) stylistic (D) affective

15. In terms of oppositeness of meaning, ________ is a pair of conversives.
(A) “deep” and “shallow”
(B) “present” and “absent”
(C) “love” and “hate”
(D) “above” and “below”

16. In the group of words “ride, run, walk, go, fly”, “go” is a ________.
(A) superordinate term (B) hyponym
(C) subordinate term (D) hyponymy

17. The word “success” used to mean “result, outcome”, now it means “a favorable outcome or result”. This is an example of __________ of meaning.
(A) elevation (B) degeneration
(C) extension (D) restriction

18. The language the early immigrants brought them to America was different from present English; the greatest difference lies in ________.
(A) spelling (B) pronunciation
(C) grammar (D) vocabulary

19. _________ serves as a typical example of euphemism.
(A) “Pious” meaning “hypocritically virtuous”
(B) “A mental hospital” referring to “a madhouse”
(C) “A landscape architect” meaning “a gardener”
(D) “Slow learners” referring to “underachievers”

20. Oxford English Dictionary is a ___________ dictionary.
(A) pocket (B) medium-size
(C) descriptive (D) prescriptive

III. Decide whether each of the following words is a A) simple word, B) compound word, C) derived word or D) shortened form. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. (10%)
21. acidhead 26. fashion
22. formal 27. recycle
23. preplant 28. honesty
24. lab 29. phone
25. ready 30. ashtray

IV. Explain the following terms with appropriate examples. Do it on the answer sheet. (10%)
31. back-formation
32. polysemy

V. Give a short answer to the following questions. Do it on the answer sheet. (30%)
33. What is the difference between a morpheme and a syllable? Illustrate your points with examples.
34. Explain conventionality and motivation. Give examples.

VI. Give a longer answer (150-200 words) to th
e following question. Do it on the answer sheet. (20%)
35. Context is very important for the understanding of word meaning. How is context classified?

英语词汇学参考答案 (五)

I. Some of the following statements are true, and the others false. Mark your answer by writing T or F on your answer sheet. (10%)
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. T
II. The following are multiple-choice questions. Mark your answer by writing A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet. (20%)
11. C 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. D
16. A 17. D 18. D 19.B 20. C
III. Decide whether each of the following words is a A) simple word, B) compound word, C) derived word or D) shortened form. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. (10%)
21. B 26. A
22. C 27. C
23. C 28. C
24. D 29. D
25. A 30. B
IV. Explain the following terms with appropriate examples. Do it on the answer sheet. (10%)
31. Back-formation is a term used to refer to a type of word-formation by which a shorter word is coined by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present in the language. For example, the verb “resurrect” was formed from the noun “resurrection” by removing the supposed derivative suffix “-ion”.

32. Polysemy is a common feature peculiar to all natural languages. There are words that have two or three senses, and the most commonly used ones can have as many as over a hundred. However, when a word is first coined, it is always monosemic. But in the course of development, the same symbol must be used to express more meanings, the result is polysemy. For example, the word “fair” has various meanings; (of results) average, quite good”; (of attitude, behaviour) just and honest; impartial”; (of the weather) clear and sunny”; ( of amount) satisfactory, abundant”, etc.

V. Give a short answer to the following questions. Do it on the answer sheet. (30%)
33. What is the difference between a morpheme and a syllable? Illustrate your points with examples.
A morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of a language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms.
A morpheme is not identical with a syllable, since the latter had nothing to do with meaning. A morpheme may be represented by one syllable, like boy and child, or by two or more syllables, as in la·dy, croc·o·dile, and sal·a·man·der. Often the syllabic structure of a word and its morphemic structure do not correspond, as shown in the above examples where a morpheme is represented by more than one syllable. Another good example is the word disagreeable, which consists of five syllables as against three morphemes(dis+agree+able).
34. Explain conventionality and motivation. Give examples.
Most English words are conventional, arbitrary symbols; consequently, there is no intrinsic relation between the sound symbol and its sense. E.g. the thing called “house” in English, is calle
d maison in French, 房子(fang zi) in Chinese, dom in Russian, and casa in Spanish. A more convincing evidence of conventional and arbitrary nature of the connection between sound symbol and meaning can be illustrated by a set of homophones, write, right and rite. They are pronounced the same but convey entirely different meanings.
Motivation refers to the connection between word symbol and its sense. The great majority of English words are nonmotivated, since they are conventional, arbitrary symbols. However, there is a small group of words that can be described as motivated.
Motivation can arise in three major ways: 1. Phonetic motivation: words phonetically motivated are called echoic or onomatopoeic words, whose pronunciation suggests the meaning. E.g. woof of a dog, miaow of a cat; 2. Morphological motivation: A word is morphologically motivated when a direct connection can be observed between the morphemic structure of the word and its meaning. E.g. readable means “that can be read”, modernize means “ to make sth modern”; 3. Semantic motivation: refers to motivation based on semantic factors, it is a kind of mental association. E.g. a stony heart, the leg of a table, etc.
VI. Give a longer answer (150-200 words) to the following question. Do it on the answer sheet. (20%) welcome to
35. Context is very important for the understanding of word meaning. How is context classified?
Context can be classified into two major types: linguistic context and extra-linguistic context/context of situation.
A. Linguistic context, which can further be divided into three types:
1) Lexical context: lexical context refers to the lexical items combined with a given polysemous word. For instance, the verb make can be used in many different senses when it is combined with different lexical items, e.g.:
The regulations were made (enacted) to protect children.
We made (had) a good lunch before leaving.
The train was making(traveling at a speed of) 70 miles an hour.
2) Grammatical context: In grammatical context, the syntactic structure of the context determines various individual meanings of a polysemous word. Take the verb get for example; its meaning varies in different syntactical structures:
get+n.(meaning “to receive”): I got a letter today.
Get+adj. (meaning “to become”): He’s getting better.
Get+infinitive(meaning “to succeed in doing”): If I get to see him, I’ll tell him.
3) Verbal context in its broad sense: the verbal context, in its braodest sense, may cover an entire passage, or even an entire book, and in some cases even the entire social or cultural setting.
B. Extra-linguistic context/Context of situation
Besides linguistic context, extra-linguistic context or context of situation also exerts a considerable influence on word meaning. It includes:
1) The actual speech situation in which a word (or an utterance, or a speech event) occurs. E.g. the word operation may mean “a surgical
operation” in the situation of a hospital, a strategic movement in the situation of military actions, or the way a machine works when related to mechanics.
2) The entire cultural background against which a word, or an utterance or a speech event has to be set. E.g. the word peasant means totally different ideas in the western and Chinese cultures.

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