
2020年08月02日 08:44


所谓物资管理,是指企业在生产过程中,对本企业所需物资的采购、使用、储备等行为进行计划、组织和控制。物资管理的目的是,通过对物资进行有效管理,以降低企业生产成本,加速资金周转,进而促进企业盈利,提升企业的市场竞争能力。企业的物资管理,包括物资计划制订、物资采购、物资使用和物资储备等几个重要环节,这些环节环环相扣、相互影响,任何一个环节出现问题,都将对企业的物资供应链造成不良影响。因此,在市场异常活跃的今天,物资管理已不能用“计划”、“配额”、“定量”等几个简单概念进行诠释, 它已经成为现代企业管理的重要组成部分,成为企业成本控制的利器,成为企业生产经营正常运作的重要保证,成为企业发展与壮大的重要基础。 众所周知, 由于受传统计划经济的影响,在很长一段时期里,我国企业的物资管理模式被深深地烙上了“计划”的印记,按产量指标粗略制定物资计划、仅向少量指定供货商采购物资、无限量加大物资库存等现象屡见不鲜。因此,创新企业物资管理模式并使其顺应现代企业的发展潮流, 已经显得愈发重要了。我国企业经过近三十年的改革与探索,在企业物资的计划、采购、使用、储备等管理环节上取得了诸多进展和成果。

So-called materials management, it is to show the enterprise in the production process, the purchase, use needed supplies such conduct, plan, organize, and control. Material management objective is to materials, through effective management, to reduce production costs, accelerate the capital turnover, promote enterprise profit, the promotion enterprise market competition ability. Enterprise of materials management, including material plan and material procurement, materials and supplies reserves several important link, these links linked, mutual influence, and any link will appear problem, for the goods supply chain enterprises adverse effects. Therefore, in the market today, the active material management has not using "plan", "quota" and "quantitative" wait a few simple concept, it has become a modern enterprise management, and become an important part of enterprise cost control of production and operation of enterprises, become the important guarantee of normal operation, become the enterprise development and expansion of the important basis. As is known to all, due to the influence of the traditional planned economy, in a very long period of time, the our country business enterprise management mode is deeply materials on "plan" mark according to the production index, formulate plans, only a rough materials to a designated supplier supplies, unlimited increase phenomenon such as stock material. Ther
efore, the innovation enterprise management mode and make it conform to the trend of the mod
ern enterprise, has been more important. Our enterprise after nearly three years of reform and exploration in the enterprise, the planning, procurement, materials management, use the link has many progress and achievements.

摘 要


我们使用Microsoft公司的Visual Basic 开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,用SQL Server 2000作为数据库管理系统。简单介绍了该系统的编程环境和实现关系型数据库。在可行性研究和需求分析的基础上,对系统的设计方案、功能模块、数据库设计和系统的测试等进行了较详细的论述。

本系统主要由系统管理、客户管理、货物资料管理、库存管理模块构成,采用SQL Server 2000大型数据库,具备强大的数据存储、查询功能,既能充分满足数据量和用户数的增长需要,又为不同管理层用户提供了多角度数据查询,使企业管理人员可以随时掌握企业的经营状况。

关键词: 物资管理、Visual Basic 6.0、SQL Server 2000、面向对象、系统开发、数据库


During this information times , combining computer with enterprise usual events management has become an emergent task that every enterprise must accomplish as soon as possible. Material management system is a typical information management system ( MIS ), which development includes the two aspects of the establishment of the database of backstage supporter and maintenance as well as the development of front application program mainly, for the former asking establishment, which takes data consistency with integrity the storehouse of good, strong, data safety, and for the latter asking application program function perfect, the characteristics such as use are easy. Via analysis.

We use Visual Basic developing instruments of Microsoft Company, utilize its various kinds of target-oriented developing instruments of offered, Regard as the data base management system with SQL Server 2000. Have introduced the programming environment of this system and realize the relevant database briefly. On the basis of analyzing in feasibility study and demand, have carried on more detailed argumentation to plan of design, function module, data design of storehouse and systematic test,
etc. Of the system.

This system is mainly managed by system management customer management, goods data management, stock management mo
del, it adopt the SQL Server 2000 large database, with a function of saving and searching data. It also satisfy the increasing demands of the customer and the date. It provides the function of data searching to different customers, so the managers of the company can control the condition of operating the business enterprise at any time.

Key Words: Material management system 、Visual Basic6.0 and SQL server2000、Face to the object、System development、Database


物资管理系统为企事业单位管理人员日常工作的调度、安排、计划。分为计划管理、物资管理、资金管理等各部门提供充足的信息和快捷的查询手段.其开发内容主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。利用DELPHI 6.0软件及其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,建立完整性强、安全性好的数据库,开发出功能完备,易使用的应用程序。经过调试、编译与实现,该程序界面友好、程序设计风格朴素,使用起来美观大方、方便易用。尤其是系统的“报表生成模块”的功能极大的减轻工作人员的工作量,并以快速、准确等优点取代人工操作,提高了管理工作效率。

关键词 : DELPHI 6.0 管理信息系统 数据库 模块 物资管理系统

Utilities Management System for management of day-to-day work of the utility meter-reading fee, statements generated, the cost of the provision of adequate means of information and quick enquiries. Its development mainly to the establishment and maintenance of databases including background and the development of two front-end applications. Delphi 6.0 and the use of object-oriented software development tools, the establishment of strong integrity, good safety database developed functions, easy to use applications. After debugging, Translation and the realization that the process friendly interface, simple programming style, using up aesthetic generous, convenient user-friendly. In particular system "statements generated module" function greatly reduce the workload of staff, and to the rapid, accurate, and other advantages replace manually operated, and enhanced power management efficiency.

Keyword : Delphi 6.0 Information Management System database module utilities management system







