
2020年08月03日 01:58


Unit 1
Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that they
are remarkably similar to the rest of us. You may have even heard them
object to people saying there is anything different about them.
just a normal guy,
spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period while they are
popular when they actually start to believe they are as great as their
worshipping fans suggests. They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if
everyone should hear what they have to say. This period, however, does
not often last long. They fall back to reality as fast as they had originally
risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look
down like an eagle from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel
like to have flown so high only to wake from your dream and realize you
are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losing something they had
gained. They often make desperate attempts to regain what they lost.
Often these efforts result in even greater pain. Some become bankrupt
financially and emotionally. The only real winners are those who are
happy to be back on the ground with the rest of us.

Unit 5
How do you spend your time when you're alone? Do you turn up your
music as loud as you can and listen to your own entertainment? Do you
buy yourself the biggest steak you could find and sit down to a good meal?
It has been my observation that these activities can be the best type of
therapy for a troubled mind. It is crucial for humans to find some solitude
in life. They must find some time to let the universe go spinning on
without others' interruption. The portion of this world that belongs to one
person is increasingly becoming smaller. And whatever we do have we
must share with others. Therefore, our ability to maintain a healthy
balance between social interaction and personal pursuits is being
challenged. Inspiration in solitude is a major commodity not only for
poets and philosophers but for ordinary people as well. A healthy adult
needs time to reflect on what is truly important to them.
When you are alone, you can stretch out your soul until it fills up the


whole room, and use your freedom, moving at your own pace. However,
it's important to stay rational. Don't forget that in order to be a healthy
part of others' lives, you must yourself be healthy.

Unit 8
To look at me, you would never guess I am in my late sixties. Most people
suspect that. I just smile and say,
are good reasons why a lady doesn't. Older women get ignored in our
society. We are undervalued and left to grow old without the company of
others. I understood from a very young age our society discriminates
against the old. Our society is prejudiced against women. And, our
society makes judgments based on the color of a person's skin. I am an
old black woman. I have to use my every advantage in order to remain a
vital part of my community. I have managed to stay fit, to maintain my
looks while my wisdom increases. Often younger men underestimate my
abilities. However, I should tell you that I am very skilled in the art of
politics. I was for many years the mayor of a large urban center in the
Southern United States. After that I was selected by my district to
represent them in Congress. I advise other women over sixty not to give
up! Old as we are, we have experience and know more about life. Let's
not let our knowledge and experience go to waste.

Unit 10
As a boss, I have dealt with all types of employees. The ones that are the
least productive are those who are not adaptive. They may have high IQ
points, but they just don't understand how to apply their theories to reality.
I recently read a book by Daniel Goleman, which suggested that the true
measure of intelligence was not IQ, but rather EQ or Emotional
Intelligence. This made a lot of sense to me. I have never been at the top
of my class, but I have always been efficient and worked well with other
people. I have always taken good communication skills my number one
priority. I think only testing how well a person solves complicated
academic problems fails to take into account other abilities, which can be
just as crucial and even more so to a person's accomplishments. In fact,


many of the
They simply don't have the skills to demonstrate how valuable their idea
might be. Sure, the world would be lost without these
I'd rather hire someone with superior EQ. The higher a person's EQ is,
the better they will be able to implement the great ideas they have. The
real trick is finding someone who combines both.

Unit 1
Takeshi and Roberto walk by a construction site and start talking about
all the buildings that are being built in New i then talks about
how much he admires the skyscrapers .Suddenly, Takeshi starts taking
pictures of the site, but Roberto can’t understand why because nothing
has been built i explains that he thinks something has been may
be there someday, like a hotel where the rich and famous stay, and he
wants to be the only one with pictures of it before it was built. The funny
part is when Roberto asks one of the construction workers what’s hotel on
the site----it being it’s going to be a parking garage!

Unit 2
Professor Morgan is helping Tara with her term paper .They start to talk
about technology and Professor Morgan tells Tara about the old
typewriters and computers she used to use. She says that they were not as
fast or as reliable as the current models. Then Professor Morgan explains
that when she was in college, students didn’t use to have their own
computers, so they used to use computer labs .She then tells Tara a story
about a day when everyone lost their term papers because the electricity
went out! But it wasn’t a problem for Professor Morgan. She went back to
the good, old-fashioned way to write her assignment ----a paper and

Unit 3
Mike reads about a cool concert in the newspaper. He and Takeshi want
to go, but the show is sold out. Then Takeshi sees a woman with long hair
who’s wearing a blue jacket and glasses .He realizes it’s Anna, a music


reviewer who lives in their apartment building .Mike tells Takeshi to see if
she can get them concert tickets .Takeshi goes over and tells Anna that he
and his roommate were just talking about the concert. Anna says she has
two tickets and invites him to go with her .Takeshi can’t believe it. He has
a concert ticket and a date with Anna doesn’t mind
Takeshi going without him, though. He says he has more important things
to do ----- like reading the newspaper!

Unit 4
Claudia has an interview with for a software- sales
position .Claudia talks about her experience and mentions that she has
trained people to use software for two years at her current job. She also
says that she has been in her present position since last year and has won
many sales awards, thinks Claudia’s experience is impressive
and that Claudia is right for the job .That evening, calls to offer
Claudia the position, but she can’t come to the phone, so leaves a
message with Tara. Later, Tara mentions the message as they are leaving
for the gym, and Claudia gets so excited, she almost falls over the sofa
trying to get to the phone!

Unit 5
Mike is helping Takeshi shoot a TV commercial for a store called
Furniture Showroom. The president of Furniture Showroom,
is starring in the commercial. First Mr. Howard talks about the company,
which was founded in Mike helps show off the furniture while
Mr. Howard describes it and tells how each piece is made very well.
However, while Mr. Howard is describing one of the sofas, Mike lies
down on it and falls asleep! Later, Takeshi is telling Tara about the
commercial when the phone rings and it’s Mr. Howard! Mr. Howard says
that his company loves the commercial, so they have decided to hire
Takeshi to make five more commercials!


Unit 1
Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that they
are remarkably similar to the rest of us. You may have even heard them
object to people saying there is anything different about them.
just a normal guy,
spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period while they are
popular when they actually start to believe they are as great as their
worshipping fans suggests. They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if
everyone should hear what they have to say. This period, however, does
not often last long. They fall back to reality as fast as they had originally
risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look
down like an eagle from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel
like to have flown so high only to wake from your dream and realize you
are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losing something they had
gained. They often make desperate attempts to regain what they lost.
Often these efforts result in even greater pain. Some become bankrupt
financially and emotionally. The only real winners are those who are
happy to be back on the ground with the rest of us.

Unit 5
How do you spend your time when you're alone? Do you turn up your
music as loud as you can and listen to your own entertainment? Do you
buy yourself the biggest steak you could find and sit down to a good meal?
It has been my observation that these activities can be the best type of
therapy for a troubled mind. It is crucial for humans to find some solitude
in life. They must find some time to let the universe go spinning on
without others' interruption. The portion of this world that belongs to one
person is increasingly becoming smaller. And whatever we do have we
must share with others. Therefore, our ability to maintain a healthy
balance between social interaction and personal pursuits is being
challenged. Inspiration in solitude is a major commodity not only for
poets and philosophers but for ordinary people as well. A healthy adult
needs time to reflect on what is truly important to them.
When you are alone, you can stretch out your soul until it fills up the


whole room, and use your freedom, moving at your own pace. However,
it's important to stay rational. Don't forget that in order to be a healthy
part of others' lives, you must yourself be healthy.

Unit 8
To look at me, you would never guess I am in my late sixties. Most people
suspect that. I just smile and say,
are good reasons why a lady doesn't. Older women get ignored in our
society. We are undervalued and left to grow old without the company of
others. I understood from a very young age our society discriminates
against the old. Our society is prejudiced against women. And, our
society makes judgments based on the color of a person's skin. I am an
old black woman. I have to use my every advantage in order to remain a
vital part of my community. I have managed to stay fit, to maintain my
looks while my wisdom increases. Often younger men underestimate my
abilities. However, I should tell you that I am very skilled in the art of
politics. I was for many years the mayor of a large urban center in the
Southern United States. After that I was selected by my district to
represent them in Congress. I advise other women over sixty not to give
up! Old as we are, we have experience and know more about life. Let's
not let our knowledge and experience go to waste.

Unit 10
As a boss, I have dealt with all types of employees. The ones that are the
least productive are those who are not adaptive. They may have high IQ
points, but they just don't understand how to apply their theories to reality.
I recently read a book by Daniel Goleman, which suggested that the true
measure of intelligence was not IQ, but rather EQ or Emotional
Intelligence. This made a lot of sense to me. I have never been at the top
of my class, but I have always been efficient and worked well with other
people. I have always taken good communication skills my number one
priority. I think only testing how well a person solves complicated
academic problems fails to take into account other abilities, which can be
just as crucial and even more so to a person's accomplishments. In fact,


many of the
They simply don't have the skills to demonstrate how valuable their idea
might be. Sure, the world would be lost without these
I'd rather hire someone with superior EQ. The higher a person's EQ is,
the better they will be able to implement the great ideas they have. The
real trick is finding someone who combines both.

Unit 1
Takeshi and Roberto walk by a construction site and start talking about
all the buildings that are being built in New i then talks about
how much he admires the skyscrapers .Suddenly, Takeshi starts taking
pictures of the site, but Roberto can’t understand why because nothing
has been built i explains that he thinks something has been may
be there someday, like a hotel where the rich and famous stay, and he
wants to be the only one with pictures of it before it was built. The funny
part is when Roberto asks one of the construction workers what’s hotel on
the site----it being it’s going to be a parking garage!

Unit 2
Professor Morgan is helping Tara with her term paper .They start to talk
about technology and Professor Morgan tells Tara about the old
typewriters and computers she used to use. She says that they were not as
fast or as reliable as the current models. Then Professor Morgan explains
that when she was in college, students didn’t use to have their own
computers, so they used to use computer labs .She then tells Tara a story
about a day when everyone lost their term papers because the electricity
went out! But it wasn’t a problem for Professor Morgan. She went back to
the good, old-fashioned way to write her assignment ----a paper and

Unit 3
Mike reads about a cool concert in the newspaper. He and Takeshi want
to go, but the show is sold out. Then Takeshi sees a woman with long hair
who’s wearing a blue jacket and glasses .He realizes it’s Anna, a music


reviewer who lives in their apartment building .Mike tells Takeshi to see if
she can get them concert tickets .Takeshi goes over and tells Anna that he
and his roommate were just talking about the concert. Anna says she has
two tickets and invites him to go with her .Takeshi can’t believe it. He has
a concert ticket and a date with Anna doesn’t mind
Takeshi going without him, though. He says he has more important things
to do ----- like reading the newspaper!

Unit 4
Claudia has an interview with for a software- sales
position .Claudia talks about her experience and mentions that she has
trained people to use software for two years at her current job. She also
says that she has been in her present position since last year and has won
many sales awards, thinks Claudia’s experience is impressive
and that Claudia is right for the job .That evening, calls to offer
Claudia the position, but she can’t come to the phone, so leaves a
message with Tara. Later, Tara mentions the message as they are leaving
for the gym, and Claudia gets so excited, she almost falls over the sofa
trying to get to the phone!

Unit 5
Mike is helping Takeshi shoot a TV commercial for a store called
Furniture Showroom. The president of Furniture Showroom,
is starring in the commercial. First Mr. Howard talks about the company,
which was founded in Mike helps show off the furniture while
Mr. Howard describes it and tells how each piece is made very well.
However, while Mr. Howard is describing one of the sofas, Mike lies
down on it and falls asleep! Later, Takeshi is telling Tara about the
commercial when the phone rings and it’s Mr. Howard! Mr. Howard says
that his company loves the commercial, so they have decided to hire
Takeshi to make five more commercials!








