
2020年08月03日 07:03



I. 语言和文学 (Language and Literature)
三年纪学生的读、写 (Reading, Writing, and Your Third Grader)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
文学 (Literature)
引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
诗歌 (Poetry)
依萨贝尔的奇遇 (Adventures of Isabel)
靠我自己 (By Myself)
捕捉一点韵文 (Catch a Little Rhyme)
梦的变奏 (Dream Variations)
诺克斯维尔·田纳西 (Knowville, Tennessee)
鳄鱼 (The Crocodile)
树 (Trees)
因小失大 (For Want of a Nail)
吉米·杰特和他的电视机 (Jimmy Jet and His TV Set)
所有人的第一次感恩节 (First Thanksgiving of All)
打电话的大象 (Eletelephony)
威廉爸爸 (Father William)
故事 (Stories)
爱丽丝梦游仙境 (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
阿拉丁和神灯 (Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp)
阿里巴巴和四十大盗 (Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves)
狩猎大熊 (The Hunting of the Great Bear)
想做家务的男人的故事 (Gone Is Gone)
卖火柴的小女孩 (The Little Match Girl)
那些黑人会飞 (The People Could Fly)
三字箴言 (Three Words of Wisdom)
威廉·退尔 (William Tell)
河岸 (The River Bank)
神话 (Mythology)
众神,英雄和魔术师 (Gods, Heroes, and Tricksters from Scandinavia)
纳维亚神和女神 (Norse Gods and Goddesses)
世界树和世界末日 (The World Tree and the End of the World)
洛基和给神的礼物 (Loki and Gifts for the Gods)
古希腊和古罗马的神话 (Myths from the Ancient Greece and Rome)
伊阿宋和金羊毛 (Jason and the Golden Fleece)
珀耳修斯和美杜莎 (Perseus and Medusa)
丘比特和普赛克 (Cupid and Psyche)
达摩克里斯之剑 (The Sword of Damocles)

戴孟与皮西亚斯 (Damon and Pythias)
安德鲁克里斯和狮子 (Androcles and the Lion)
桥边的霍雷休斯 (Horatius at the Bridge)
学习文学 (Learning About Literature)
传记和自转 (Biography and Autobiography)
小说和非小说 (Fiction and Nonfiction)
谚语 (Sayings and Phrases)
行动比言语响亮 (Actions speak louder than words.)
他的脾气坏,但不害人 (His bark is worse than his bite.)
拐弯抹角 (Beat around the bush)
有求于人的人不能讲条件 (Beggars can't be choosers.)
完美无缺 (Clean bill of health)
冷淡地对待 (Cold shoulder)
值得自豪的成就 (A feather in your cap)
压断骆驼脊背的稻草 (Last straw)
过去的事让它过去 (Let bygones be bygones.)
一只烂苹果, 糟蹋一整箩 (One rotten apple spoil the whole barrel.)
奄奄一息 (On its last legs)
当家作主 (Rule the roost)
表演必须继续 (The show must go on.)
极危险 (Touch and go)
入乡随俗 (When in Rome, do as the Romans do.)
学习语言 (Learning About Language)
让我们写一个报告 (Let's Write a Report)
让我们写一封信 (Let's Write a Letter)
句子是什么? (What's a sentence?)
这是什么样的句子? (What Kind of Sentence Is It?)
讲话中的各个部分 (Parts of Speech)
名词 (Nouns)
形容词 (Adjectives)
动词 (Verbs)
副词 (Adverbs)
代词 (Pronouns)
助动词 (More About Verbs)
断句 (Let's Runctuate!)
只说一次不 (Just Say No Once)
前缀和后缀 (Prefixes and Suffixes)
它们发音相似但是不同的 (They Sound Alike, but They're Different)
使用缩写 (Shorten Up with Abbreviations)
II. 历史和地理 (History and Geography)
引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
世界地理 (World Geography)
看看图例 (Look at the Legend)

世界大河 (Great Rivers of the World)

(Rivers of Asia)
(Rivers of Afriaca)
(Rivers of Europe)
(Rivers of Australia)
南美的河流 (Rivers of South America)
北美的河流 (Rivers of North America)
世界历史 (World History)
古罗马 (Ancient Rome)
罗马起源的传说 (The Legend of How Rome Began)
罗马式宗教 (Religion, Roman Style)
罗马的强有力的位置 (Romes' Powerful Location)
罗马的早期共和制 (Romes' Early Republic)
人的等级 (Who's Got Class?)
罗马和它的各省 (Rome and Its Provinces)
活着的拉丁语 (Latin Lives!)
征服迦太基 (Conquering Carthage)
汉尼拔信守了他的诺言 (Hannibal Keeps His Promise)
最终打败迦太基 (The Final Defeat of Carthage)
条条大路通罗马 (All Roads Lead to Rome)
朱利尤斯·恺撒让海盗知道谁是主人 (Julius Caesar Shows the Pirates Who's Boss)

庞培,朱利尤斯·恺撒的对手 (Pompey, Julius Caesar's Rival)
越过卢比孔河 (Crossing the Rubicon)
朱利尤斯·恺撒遇见克利奥帕特拉 (Julius Caesar Meets Cleopatra)
骄兵必败 (Pride Comes Before a Fall)
一切为了爱- 和权力 (All for Love - and Power)
屋大维成为了罗马和平时期的奥古斯都·恺撒 (Octavian Becomes Augustus Caesar Pax
罗马帝国的市中心 (Downtown in the Roman Empire)
意大利式面条在哪里? (Where's the Spaghetti?)
罗马人的运动:拿生命去玩 (Roman Sports: Play at Your Own Risk)
我们去看赛马 (Let's Go to the Races!)
庞贝:一个时间凝固了的城市 (Pompeii: A City Frozen in Time)
一长串的皇帝 (A Long Line of Emperors)
尼禄:不是一个英雄 (Nero: Not a Hero)
古罗马时期的基督徒 (Christians During the Days of Ancient Rome)
帝国末日的开始 (The Beginning of the End for the Empire)
君士坦丁看到了燃烧的十字架 (Constantine Sees a Burning Cross)
君士坦丁堡:一个充满艺术的城市 (Constantinople: A City Full of Art)
罗马帝国的倒塌 (The Fall of the Roman Empire)
民法大全:一个来自拜占庭帝国的礼物 (Justinian's Code: A Gift from the Byzantine Empire)
维京人:来自北边的入侵者和贸易者 (The Vikings: Raiders and Traders from the North)
漫长黑暗的冬夜 ( The Long, Dark Winter Night)
维京人是谁? (Who Were the Vikings?)

好人还是坏人? (Good Guys or Bad Guys?)
海洋之人 (Men of the Sea)
红胡子埃里克 (Eric the Red)
幸运儿莱夫 (Leif the Lucky)
美洲历史 (American History)
跨越陆桥 (Crossing the Land Bridge)
因纽特人 (The Inuits)
美国原始印第安人 (The Mound Builders)
峭壁居民:阿纳萨兹人 (Cliff Dwellers: The Anasazi)
普埃布洛印地安人 (The Pueblo People)
阿帕奇族和纳瓦霍族 (The Apaches and the Navajos)
东部林地印第安人 (Eastern Woodland Peoples)
和小桑德在一起的一天 (A Day with Little Thunder)
早上 (Early Morning)
一天的劳动 (The Day's Work)
游戏开始 (Let the Games Begin)
大酋长讲话 (The Chief Sachem Speaks)
北美的早期探索者 (Early Explorers in North America)
欧洲人的新大陆 (A
一个永保青春的源泉? (A Fountain of Youth?)
迪·索托的悲惨探险 (De Soto's Cruel Quest)
第一个欧洲人的永久移民点 (The First Lasting European Settlement)
寻找黄金城 (In Search of the Cities of Gold)
西班牙人的传教使命 (Spanish Missions)
到北部 (Up North)
寻找西北航道 (Seeking a Northwest Passage)
亨利·哈德逊 (THe Sad Story of Henry Hudson)
新法兰西的兽皮交易 (Fur Trade in New France)
英国在北美的殖民地 (English Colonies in North America)
十三个殖民地 (Thirteen Colonies)
詹姆斯镇:梦想之大 (Jamestown: Dreaming Big)
史密斯定下规矩 (Smith Lays Down the Law)
波瓦坦人和英国人 (The Powhatans and the English)
大饥荒时期 (The Starving Time)
经济作物 (A Cash Crop)
妇女和法律 (Ladies and Laws)
非洲人的到来 (The Arrival of the Africans)
普利茅斯的朝圣者 (The Pilgrims at Plymouth)
五月花号公约 (The Mayflower Compact)
一个“荒野”之地 (A
朝圣者和瓦婆浓人 (The Pilgrims and the Wampanoags)
和平与充足 (Peace and Plenty: Thanksgiving)
马萨诸塞湾:清教徒 (Massachusetts Bay: The Puritans)
有经者 (People of the Book)

罗杰和罗得岛 (Roger Williams and Rhode Island)
安妮·哈钦森 (Anne Hutchinson)
一个民族的富裕,另一个的黄祸 (One People's Prosperity, Another's Peril)
其它宗教的避难所:马里兰和宾夕法尼亚 (Refuge for Other Religions: Maryland and
一个天主教徒的避难所 (A Refuge for Catholics)
新尼德兰 (New Netherland)
查理斯的卡罗来纳 (Charles's Carolina)
一个债务人的故事 (A Debtor's Tale)
奴隶交易 (The Slave Trade)
III. 视觉艺术 (Visual Arts) 引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
光线的感觉 (Caught in the Light)
出自阴影 (Out of the Shadows)
一堵充满光线的墙 (A Wall Filled with Light)
充满空间 (Filling a Space)
说说空间 (Speaking of Space)
设计 (Design)
用直线设计 (Using Line to Design)
直线、形状和颜色动起来 (Lines, Shapes, and Colors Move)
用剪子作画 (Drawing with Scissors)
一间很正式的房间 (A Very Formal Room)
把一个想法画出来 (Picturing an Idea)
你能感受到它吗? (Can You Feel It?)
一块缝制的被子告诉一个故事 (A Quilt That Tells a Story)
用羊毛线织布 (Over and Under with Wool and Thread)
一幅不用刷子和颜料的画 (A Painting Made Without Brushes or Paint)
IV. 音乐 (Music)
引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
音乐要素 (Elements of Music)
读写音符 (Reading and Writing Musical Notes)
读写节奏 (Reading and Writing Rhythm)
记音阶 (Keeping Time)
休止符 (Rests)
强声和弱声 (Loud and Soft)
咱们来加入管弦乐团 (Let's Join the Orchestra)
打击乐器和弓弦乐器 (Percussion and Strings)
铜管乐器 (The Brass Family)
木管乐器 (The Woodwind Family)
现在放到一起 (All Together Now)
作曲家和他们的音乐 (Composers and Their Music)
音乐的连接 (Musical Connections)
柴可夫斯基:带有强烈感受的音乐 (Tchaikovsky: Music That Brings Strong Feeling)

天鹅湖的故事 (The Story of Swan Lake)
约翰·菲利普·苏萨:进行曲之王 (John Philip Sousa: The March King)
阿隆·科普兰:创作美国音乐 (Aaron Copland: Making American Music)
给三年纪的一些歌 (Some Songs for Third Graders)
云雀 (Alouette)
嘿,没人在家 (Hey-Ho, Nobody Home)
小丽萨·简 (Li'l Liza Jane)
在山谷中 (Down in the Valley)
道理真巧妙 (Polly Wolly Doodle)
简单的礼物 (Simple Gifts)
我是主微光 (This Little Light)
世界在他手上 (He's Got the Whole World in His Hands)
我的洋娃娃 (My Bonnie)
纽约人行道 (The Sidewalks of New York)
秋千上的男人 (The Man on the Flying Trapeze)
美好的夏天 (In the Good Old Summertime)
双人自行车 (A Bicycle Built for Two)
你是一面古老而绚丽的旗帜 (You're a Grand Old Flag)
美国 (America)
V. 数学 (Mathematics)
引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
乘法 ── 第一部分 (Multiplication -- Part One)
乘法用语 (Multiplication Words)
竖式乘法 (Multiplication Vertically)
乘法的表达 (Showing Multiplication)
乘法表 (The Multiplication Table)
平方和平方根 (Square Numbers and Square Roots)
括号,三个数的乘法 (Parentheses, Multiplying Three Numbers)
除法 ── 第一部分 (Division -- Part One)
运算 (Operations)
除法一例 (An Example of Division)
解决除法问题 (Solving Division Problems)
除法名词 (Division Words)
除法的性质 (Division Facts)
除法中0和1的规则 (Division Rules for 0 and 1)
除法应用题 (Division Word Problems)
图解乘除法的性质 (Picturing Multiplcation and Division Facts)
带空格的乘除法的图解 (Picturing Multiplication and Division Facts with Blank Spaces)
除法和分数 (Division and Fractions)
十万位以内的数 (Numbers Through Hundred Thousands)
千位数 (Thousands)
读写四位数 (Reading and Writing Four-Digit Numbers)
万和十万 (Ten Thousands and Hundred Thousands)

展开形式 (Expanded Form)
千位数计数 (Counting with Thousands)
千位数间隔计数 (Skip- Counting with Thousands)
四舍五入 (Rounding Numbers)
千位数的比较和排列 (Comparing and Ordering Thousands)
(Working with Numbers)
等式和不等式 (Equations and Inequalities)
百以内的序数 (Ordinal Numbers Through One-Hundredth)
使用数轴 (Using Number Lines)
加法和减法 (Addition and Subtraction)
竖式加法 (Column Addition)
心算加法 (Mental Addition)
更多的心算加法技巧 (More Mental Addition Techniques)
估计合与差 (Estimating Sums and Differences)
多于一个运算 (More Than One Operation)
心算减法 (Mental Subtraction)
四位数的和与差 (Sums and Differences of Four-Digit Numbers)
千位数加法 (Adding with Thousands)
减法:多于一次借位 (Subtraction: Regrouping More Than Once)
高位是零时的借位 (Subtracting Across Zeros)
四位数减法 (Four-Digit Subtraction)
加减钱数 (Adding and Subtracting Amounts of Money)
时间,钱和图 (Time, Money, and Graphs)
到分钟的时间 (Time to the Minute)
以分钟计的时间段 (Elapsed Time in Minutes)
用日历 (Working with the Calendar)
写日期 (Writing Dates)
钱 (Money)
图像的读和写 (Reading and Writing Graphs)
几何 (Geometry)
多边形 (Polygons)
角度 (Angles)
全等和对称图形 (Congruent and Symmetric Figures)
周长 (Perimeter)
面积 (Area)
立体 (Solids)
度量 (Measurement)
美国习惯系统和公制系统 (The U.S. Customary System and the Metric System)
度量应用题 (Measurement Word Problems)
度量和画线段 (Measure and Draw Line Segments)
估计线性度量 (Estimating Linear Measurements)
测量重量 (Measuring Weight)
测量体积 (Measuring Volume)
测量温度 (Measuring Temperature)

乘法 ── 第二部分 (Multiplication -- Part Two)
乘以十、百和千 (Multiplying Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands)
乘法的一个方法 (A Way to Multiply)
乘法的简便算法 (The Short Way to Multiply)
乘以三位数和四位数 (Multiplying Three-Digit and Four- Digit Numbers)
乘法的检验 (Checking Multiplication)
另一种展开形式 (Another Way to Write Expanded Form)
用乘法解应用题 (Solving Word Problems Using Multiplication)
除法 ── 第二部分 (Division -- Part Two)
余数 (Remainders)
除以十、百和千 (Dividing Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands)
两位数商 (Two-Digit Quotients)
检查除法 (Checking Division)
除以三位数 (Dividing Three-Digit Numbers)
罗马数字 (Roman Numerals)
分数 (Fractions)
分子和分母 (Numerator and Denominator)
从12和110认识分数 (Recognizing Fractions from 12 and 110)
等价分数 (Equivalent Fractions)
比较分数 (Comparing Fractions)
带分数和整数 (Mixed Numbers and Whole Numbers)
小数:十位小数 (Decimals: Tenths)
小数和百位小数 (Decimals and Hundredths)
钱的乘法和除法 (Multiplying and Dividing Amounts of Money)
应用题 (Word Problems)
两步走应用题 (A Two-Step Word Problem)
一个估计问题 (An Estimation Problem)
一个你需要猜测的问题 (A Problem Where You need to Guess)
VI. 科学 (Science)
引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
动物的分类 (Classifying Animals)
它们有什么共同点 (What Do They Have in Common?)
它有脊椎吗? (Does It Have a Backbone?)
脊椎动物分类 (Classifying the Vertebrates)
鱼类 (Fish)
两粞动物 (Amphibians)
爬行动物 (Reptiles)
鸟类 (Birds)
哺乳动物 (Mammals)
人体:骨架和肌肉系统 (The Human Body: The Skeletal and Muscular Systems)
肌肉和骨骼 (Muscle and Bone)
骨骼和连接 (Bones and Connections)
头骨 (The Skull)

脊髓 (The Spinal Column)
肋骨 (The Ribs)
肩胛骨 (The Scapula)
髋 (The Pelvis)
你将穿进我的石膏吗? (Will You Sign My Cast?)
很多肌肉 (Many Muscles)
骨骼肌和不随意肌 (Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles)
肌肉和骨骼的连接 (Connecting Muscles and Bones)
人体:脑和神经系统 (The Human Body: The Brain and Nervous System)
你的强大的脑 (Your Powerful Brain)
你有神经 (You've Got Nerves)
反射性反应 (Reflex Responses)
光和视觉 (Light and Vision)
快和直 (Fast and Straight)
平镜和弯镜 (Mirrors Flat and Curved)
透镜 (Lenses)
光的颜色是什么? (What Color Is Light?)
你的眼睛是怎样看到的? (How Your Eyes See)
声和听力 (Sound and Hearing)
两性震动 (Good Vibrations)
声音是通过什么传播的? (What Does Sound Travel Through?)
声音的速度 (The Speed of Sound)
大声和安静 (Loud and Quiet)
高声和低声 (High and Low)
耳朵是如何工作的 (How the Ear Works)
天文 (Astronomy)
宇宙:大并且在扩大 (The Universe: Big and Getting Bigger!)
我们是如何了解宇宙的? (How Do We Learn About Outer Space?)
我们的太阳系 (Our Solar System)
运动中德行星:轨道和旋转 (Planets in Motion: Orbit and Rotation)
地球的卫星:月亮 (Earth's Satellite: The Moon)
引力 (The Force of Gravity)
当白天变成黑夜:日食 (When Day Becomes Night: A Solar Eclipse)
内行星 (The Inner Planets)
水星 (Mercury)
金星 (Venus)
地球 (Earth)
火星 (Mars)
小行星带 (The Asteroid Belt)
外行星 (The Outer Planets)
木星 (Jupiter)
土星 (Saturn)
天王星 (Uranus)
海王星 (Neptune)

冥王星 (Pluto)
葬雪球和流星 (Dirty Snowballs and Shooting Stars)
星系:星星组成的形状 (Constellations: Shapes in the Stars)
航天飞机 (The Space Shuttle)
生态学 (Ecology)
自然界 (The Natural World)
生活的东西相互依靠 (Living Things Depend on Each Other)
自然界的循环是如何进行的 (How Natural Cycles Work)
互相依靠 (Depending on Each Other)
一个生命之网 (A Web of Living Things)
屏住呼吸 (Hold Your Breath!)
你应该喝这个水吗? (Should You Drink the Water?)
环保和回收 (Conservation and Recycling)
著名科学家的生活 (The Lives of Famous Scienties)
哥白尼 (Nicolaus Copernicus)
约翰·缪尔 (John Muir)
亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔 (Alexander Graham Bell)
创历史的妇女 (Women on the Final Frontier)
插图和照片引用 (Illustration and Photo Credits)
课文引用和出处 (Text Credits and Sources


I. 语言和文学 (Language and Literature)
三年纪学生的读、写 (Reading, Writing, and Your Third Grader)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
文学 (Literature)
引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
诗歌 (Poetry)
依萨贝尔的奇遇 (Adventures of Isabel)
靠我自己 (By Myself)
捕捉一点韵文 (Catch a Little Rhyme)
梦的变奏 (Dream Variations)
诺克斯维尔·田纳西 (Knowville, Tennessee)
鳄鱼 (The Crocodile)
树 (Trees)
因小失大 (For Want of a Nail)
吉米·杰特和他的电视机 (Jimmy Jet and His TV Set)
所有人的第一次感恩节 (First Thanksgiving of All)
打电话的大象 (Eletelephony)
威廉爸爸 (Father William)
故事 (Stories)
爱丽丝梦游仙境 (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
阿拉丁和神灯 (Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp)
阿里巴巴和四十大盗 (Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves)
狩猎大熊 (The Hunting of the Great Bear)
想做家务的男人的故事 (Gone Is Gone)
卖火柴的小女孩 (The Little Match Girl)
那些黑人会飞 (The People Could Fly)
三字箴言 (Three Words of Wisdom)
威廉·退尔 (William Tell)
河岸 (The River Bank)
神话 (Mythology)
众神,英雄和魔术师 (Gods, Heroes, and Tricksters from Scandinavia)
纳维亚神和女神 (Norse Gods and Goddesses)
世界树和世界末日 (The World Tree and the End of the World)
洛基和给神的礼物 (Loki and Gifts for the Gods)
古希腊和古罗马的神话 (Myths from the Ancient Greece and Rome)
伊阿宋和金羊毛 (Jason and the Golden Fleece)
珀耳修斯和美杜莎 (Perseus and Medusa)
丘比特和普赛克 (Cupid and Psyche)
达摩克里斯之剑 (The Sword of Damocles)

戴孟与皮西亚斯 (Damon and Pythias)
安德鲁克里斯和狮子 (Androcles and the Lion)
桥边的霍雷休斯 (Horatius at the Bridge)
学习文学 (Learning About Literature)
传记和自转 (Biography and Autobiography)
小说和非小说 (Fiction and Nonfiction)
谚语 (Sayings and Phrases)
行动比言语响亮 (Actions speak louder than words.)
他的脾气坏,但不害人 (His bark is worse than his bite.)
拐弯抹角 (Beat around the bush)
有求于人的人不能讲条件 (Beggars can't be choosers.)
完美无缺 (Clean bill of health)
冷淡地对待 (Cold shoulder)
值得自豪的成就 (A feather in your cap)
压断骆驼脊背的稻草 (Last straw)
过去的事让它过去 (Let bygones be bygones.)
一只烂苹果, 糟蹋一整箩 (One rotten apple spoil the whole barrel.)
奄奄一息 (On its last legs)
当家作主 (Rule the roost)
表演必须继续 (The show must go on.)
极危险 (Touch and go)
入乡随俗 (When in Rome, do as the Romans do.)
学习语言 (Learning About Language)
让我们写一个报告 (Let's Write a Report)
让我们写一封信 (Let's Write a Letter)
句子是什么? (What's a sentence?)
这是什么样的句子? (What Kind of Sentence Is It?)
讲话中的各个部分 (Parts of Speech)
名词 (Nouns)
形容词 (Adjectives)
动词 (Verbs)
副词 (Adverbs)
代词 (Pronouns)
助动词 (More About Verbs)
断句 (Let's Runctuate!)
只说一次不 (Just Say No Once)
前缀和后缀 (Prefixes and Suffixes)
它们发音相似但是不同的 (They Sound Alike, but They're Different)
使用缩写 (Shorten Up with Abbreviations)
II. 历史和地理 (History and Geography)
引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
世界地理 (World Geography)
看看图例 (Look at the Legend)

世界大河 (Great Rivers of the World)

(Rivers of Asia)
(Rivers of Afriaca)
(Rivers of Europe)
(Rivers of Australia)
南美的河流 (Rivers of South America)
北美的河流 (Rivers of North America)
世界历史 (World History)
古罗马 (Ancient Rome)
罗马起源的传说 (The Legend of How Rome Began)
罗马式宗教 (Religion, Roman Style)
罗马的强有力的位置 (Romes' Powerful Location)
罗马的早期共和制 (Romes' Early Republic)
人的等级 (Who's Got Class?)
罗马和它的各省 (Rome and Its Provinces)
活着的拉丁语 (Latin Lives!)
征服迦太基 (Conquering Carthage)
汉尼拔信守了他的诺言 (Hannibal Keeps His Promise)
最终打败迦太基 (The Final Defeat of Carthage)
条条大路通罗马 (All Roads Lead to Rome)
朱利尤斯·恺撒让海盗知道谁是主人 (Julius Caesar Shows the Pirates Who's Boss)

庞培,朱利尤斯·恺撒的对手 (Pompey, Julius Caesar's Rival)
越过卢比孔河 (Crossing the Rubicon)
朱利尤斯·恺撒遇见克利奥帕特拉 (Julius Caesar Meets Cleopatra)
骄兵必败 (Pride Comes Before a Fall)
一切为了爱- 和权力 (All for Love - and Power)
屋大维成为了罗马和平时期的奥古斯都·恺撒 (Octavian Becomes Augustus Caesar Pax
罗马帝国的市中心 (Downtown in the Roman Empire)
意大利式面条在哪里? (Where's the Spaghetti?)
罗马人的运动:拿生命去玩 (Roman Sports: Play at Your Own Risk)
我们去看赛马 (Let's Go to the Races!)
庞贝:一个时间凝固了的城市 (Pompeii: A City Frozen in Time)
一长串的皇帝 (A Long Line of Emperors)
尼禄:不是一个英雄 (Nero: Not a Hero)
古罗马时期的基督徒 (Christians During the Days of Ancient Rome)
帝国末日的开始 (The Beginning of the End for the Empire)
君士坦丁看到了燃烧的十字架 (Constantine Sees a Burning Cross)
君士坦丁堡:一个充满艺术的城市 (Constantinople: A City Full of Art)
罗马帝国的倒塌 (The Fall of the Roman Empire)
民法大全:一个来自拜占庭帝国的礼物 (Justinian's Code: A Gift from the Byzantine Empire)
维京人:来自北边的入侵者和贸易者 (The Vikings: Raiders and Traders from the North)
漫长黑暗的冬夜 ( The Long, Dark Winter Night)
维京人是谁? (Who Were the Vikings?)

好人还是坏人? (Good Guys or Bad Guys?)
海洋之人 (Men of the Sea)
红胡子埃里克 (Eric the Red)
幸运儿莱夫 (Leif the Lucky)
美洲历史 (American History)
跨越陆桥 (Crossing the Land Bridge)
因纽特人 (The Inuits)
美国原始印第安人 (The Mound Builders)
峭壁居民:阿纳萨兹人 (Cliff Dwellers: The Anasazi)
普埃布洛印地安人 (The Pueblo People)
阿帕奇族和纳瓦霍族 (The Apaches and the Navajos)
东部林地印第安人 (Eastern Woodland Peoples)
和小桑德在一起的一天 (A Day with Little Thunder)
早上 (Early Morning)
一天的劳动 (The Day's Work)
游戏开始 (Let the Games Begin)
大酋长讲话 (The Chief Sachem Speaks)
北美的早期探索者 (Early Explorers in North America)
欧洲人的新大陆 (A
一个永保青春的源泉? (A Fountain of Youth?)
迪·索托的悲惨探险 (De Soto's Cruel Quest)
第一个欧洲人的永久移民点 (The First Lasting European Settlement)
寻找黄金城 (In Search of the Cities of Gold)
西班牙人的传教使命 (Spanish Missions)
到北部 (Up North)
寻找西北航道 (Seeking a Northwest Passage)
亨利·哈德逊 (THe Sad Story of Henry Hudson)
新法兰西的兽皮交易 (Fur Trade in New France)
英国在北美的殖民地 (English Colonies in North America)
十三个殖民地 (Thirteen Colonies)
詹姆斯镇:梦想之大 (Jamestown: Dreaming Big)
史密斯定下规矩 (Smith Lays Down the Law)
波瓦坦人和英国人 (The Powhatans and the English)
大饥荒时期 (The Starving Time)
经济作物 (A Cash Crop)
妇女和法律 (Ladies and Laws)
非洲人的到来 (The Arrival of the Africans)
普利茅斯的朝圣者 (The Pilgrims at Plymouth)
五月花号公约 (The Mayflower Compact)
一个“荒野”之地 (A
朝圣者和瓦婆浓人 (The Pilgrims and the Wampanoags)
和平与充足 (Peace and Plenty: Thanksgiving)
马萨诸塞湾:清教徒 (Massachusetts Bay: The Puritans)
有经者 (People of the Book)

罗杰和罗得岛 (Roger Williams and Rhode Island)
安妮·哈钦森 (Anne Hutchinson)
一个民族的富裕,另一个的黄祸 (One People's Prosperity, Another's Peril)
其它宗教的避难所:马里兰和宾夕法尼亚 (Refuge for Other Religions: Maryland and
一个天主教徒的避难所 (A Refuge for Catholics)
新尼德兰 (New Netherland)
查理斯的卡罗来纳 (Charles's Carolina)
一个债务人的故事 (A Debtor's Tale)
奴隶交易 (The Slave Trade)
III. 视觉艺术 (Visual Arts) 引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
光线的感觉 (Caught in the Light)
出自阴影 (Out of the Shadows)
一堵充满光线的墙 (A Wall Filled with Light)
充满空间 (Filling a Space)
说说空间 (Speaking of Space)
设计 (Design)
用直线设计 (Using Line to Design)
直线、形状和颜色动起来 (Lines, Shapes, and Colors Move)
用剪子作画 (Drawing with Scissors)
一间很正式的房间 (A Very Formal Room)
把一个想法画出来 (Picturing an Idea)
你能感受到它吗? (Can You Feel It?)
一块缝制的被子告诉一个故事 (A Quilt That Tells a Story)
用羊毛线织布 (Over and Under with Wool and Thread)
一幅不用刷子和颜料的画 (A Painting Made Without Brushes or Paint)
IV. 音乐 (Music)
引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
音乐要素 (Elements of Music)
读写音符 (Reading and Writing Musical Notes)
读写节奏 (Reading and Writing Rhythm)
记音阶 (Keeping Time)
休止符 (Rests)
强声和弱声 (Loud and Soft)
咱们来加入管弦乐团 (Let's Join the Orchestra)
打击乐器和弓弦乐器 (Percussion and Strings)
铜管乐器 (The Brass Family)
木管乐器 (The Woodwind Family)
现在放到一起 (All Together Now)
作曲家和他们的音乐 (Composers and Their Music)
音乐的连接 (Musical Connections)
柴可夫斯基:带有强烈感受的音乐 (Tchaikovsky: Music That Brings Strong Feeling)

天鹅湖的故事 (The Story of Swan Lake)
约翰·菲利普·苏萨:进行曲之王 (John Philip Sousa: The March King)
阿隆·科普兰:创作美国音乐 (Aaron Copland: Making American Music)
给三年纪的一些歌 (Some Songs for Third Graders)
云雀 (Alouette)
嘿,没人在家 (Hey-Ho, Nobody Home)
小丽萨·简 (Li'l Liza Jane)
在山谷中 (Down in the Valley)
道理真巧妙 (Polly Wolly Doodle)
简单的礼物 (Simple Gifts)
我是主微光 (This Little Light)
世界在他手上 (He's Got the Whole World in His Hands)
我的洋娃娃 (My Bonnie)
纽约人行道 (The Sidewalks of New York)
秋千上的男人 (The Man on the Flying Trapeze)
美好的夏天 (In the Good Old Summertime)
双人自行车 (A Bicycle Built for Two)
你是一面古老而绚丽的旗帜 (You're a Grand Old Flag)
美国 (America)
V. 数学 (Mathematics)
引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
乘法 ── 第一部分 (Multiplication -- Part One)
乘法用语 (Multiplication Words)
竖式乘法 (Multiplication Vertically)
乘法的表达 (Showing Multiplication)
乘法表 (The Multiplication Table)
平方和平方根 (Square Numbers and Square Roots)
括号,三个数的乘法 (Parentheses, Multiplying Three Numbers)
除法 ── 第一部分 (Division -- Part One)
运算 (Operations)
除法一例 (An Example of Division)
解决除法问题 (Solving Division Problems)
除法名词 (Division Words)
除法的性质 (Division Facts)
除法中0和1的规则 (Division Rules for 0 and 1)
除法应用题 (Division Word Problems)
图解乘除法的性质 (Picturing Multiplcation and Division Facts)
带空格的乘除法的图解 (Picturing Multiplication and Division Facts with Blank Spaces)
除法和分数 (Division and Fractions)
十万位以内的数 (Numbers Through Hundred Thousands)
千位数 (Thousands)
读写四位数 (Reading and Writing Four-Digit Numbers)
万和十万 (Ten Thousands and Hundred Thousands)

展开形式 (Expanded Form)
千位数计数 (Counting with Thousands)
千位数间隔计数 (Skip- Counting with Thousands)
四舍五入 (Rounding Numbers)
千位数的比较和排列 (Comparing and Ordering Thousands)
(Working with Numbers)
等式和不等式 (Equations and Inequalities)
百以内的序数 (Ordinal Numbers Through One-Hundredth)
使用数轴 (Using Number Lines)
加法和减法 (Addition and Subtraction)
竖式加法 (Column Addition)
心算加法 (Mental Addition)
更多的心算加法技巧 (More Mental Addition Techniques)
估计合与差 (Estimating Sums and Differences)
多于一个运算 (More Than One Operation)
心算减法 (Mental Subtraction)
四位数的和与差 (Sums and Differences of Four-Digit Numbers)
千位数加法 (Adding with Thousands)
减法:多于一次借位 (Subtraction: Regrouping More Than Once)
高位是零时的借位 (Subtracting Across Zeros)
四位数减法 (Four-Digit Subtraction)
加减钱数 (Adding and Subtracting Amounts of Money)
时间,钱和图 (Time, Money, and Graphs)
到分钟的时间 (Time to the Minute)
以分钟计的时间段 (Elapsed Time in Minutes)
用日历 (Working with the Calendar)
写日期 (Writing Dates)
钱 (Money)
图像的读和写 (Reading and Writing Graphs)
几何 (Geometry)
多边形 (Polygons)
角度 (Angles)
全等和对称图形 (Congruent and Symmetric Figures)
周长 (Perimeter)
面积 (Area)
立体 (Solids)
度量 (Measurement)
美国习惯系统和公制系统 (The U.S. Customary System and the Metric System)
度量应用题 (Measurement Word Problems)
度量和画线段 (Measure and Draw Line Segments)
估计线性度量 (Estimating Linear Measurements)
测量重量 (Measuring Weight)
测量体积 (Measuring Volume)
测量温度 (Measuring Temperature)

乘法 ── 第二部分 (Multiplication -- Part Two)
乘以十、百和千 (Multiplying Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands)
乘法的一个方法 (A Way to Multiply)
乘法的简便算法 (The Short Way to Multiply)
乘以三位数和四位数 (Multiplying Three-Digit and Four- Digit Numbers)
乘法的检验 (Checking Multiplication)
另一种展开形式 (Another Way to Write Expanded Form)
用乘法解应用题 (Solving Word Problems Using Multiplication)
除法 ── 第二部分 (Division -- Part Two)
余数 (Remainders)
除以十、百和千 (Dividing Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands)
两位数商 (Two-Digit Quotients)
检查除法 (Checking Division)
除以三位数 (Dividing Three-Digit Numbers)
罗马数字 (Roman Numerals)
分数 (Fractions)
分子和分母 (Numerator and Denominator)
从12和110认识分数 (Recognizing Fractions from 12 and 110)
等价分数 (Equivalent Fractions)
比较分数 (Comparing Fractions)
带分数和整数 (Mixed Numbers and Whole Numbers)
小数:十位小数 (Decimals: Tenths)
小数和百位小数 (Decimals and Hundredths)
钱的乘法和除法 (Multiplying and Dividing Amounts of Money)
应用题 (Word Problems)
两步走应用题 (A Two-Step Word Problem)
一个估计问题 (An Estimation Problem)
一个你需要猜测的问题 (A Problem Where You need to Guess)
VI. 科学 (Science)
引言 (Introduction)
推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources)
动物的分类 (Classifying Animals)
它们有什么共同点 (What Do They Have in Common?)
它有脊椎吗? (Does It Have a Backbone?)
脊椎动物分类 (Classifying the Vertebrates)
鱼类 (Fish)
两粞动物 (Amphibians)
爬行动物 (Reptiles)
鸟类 (Birds)
哺乳动物 (Mammals)
人体:骨架和肌肉系统 (The Human Body: The Skeletal and Muscular Systems)
肌肉和骨骼 (Muscle and Bone)
骨骼和连接 (Bones and Connections)
头骨 (The Skull)

脊髓 (The Spinal Column)
肋骨 (The Ribs)
肩胛骨 (The Scapula)
髋 (The Pelvis)
你将穿进我的石膏吗? (Will You Sign My Cast?)
很多肌肉 (Many Muscles)
骨骼肌和不随意肌 (Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles)
肌肉和骨骼的连接 (Connecting Muscles and Bones)
人体:脑和神经系统 (The Human Body: The Brain and Nervous System)
你的强大的脑 (Your Powerful Brain)
你有神经 (You've Got Nerves)
反射性反应 (Reflex Responses)
光和视觉 (Light and Vision)
快和直 (Fast and Straight)
平镜和弯镜 (Mirrors Flat and Curved)
透镜 (Lenses)
光的颜色是什么? (What Color Is Light?)
你的眼睛是怎样看到的? (How Your Eyes See)
声和听力 (Sound and Hearing)
两性震动 (Good Vibrations)
声音是通过什么传播的? (What Does Sound Travel Through?)
声音的速度 (The Speed of Sound)
大声和安静 (Loud and Quiet)
高声和低声 (High and Low)
耳朵是如何工作的 (How the Ear Works)
天文 (Astronomy)
宇宙:大并且在扩大 (The Universe: Big and Getting Bigger!)
我们是如何了解宇宙的? (How Do We Learn About Outer Space?)
我们的太阳系 (Our Solar System)
运动中德行星:轨道和旋转 (Planets in Motion: Orbit and Rotation)
地球的卫星:月亮 (Earth's Satellite: The Moon)
引力 (The Force of Gravity)
当白天变成黑夜:日食 (When Day Becomes Night: A Solar Eclipse)
内行星 (The Inner Planets)
水星 (Mercury)
金星 (Venus)
地球 (Earth)
火星 (Mars)
小行星带 (The Asteroid Belt)
外行星 (The Outer Planets)
木星 (Jupiter)
土星 (Saturn)
天王星 (Uranus)
海王星 (Neptune)

冥王星 (Pluto)
葬雪球和流星 (Dirty Snowballs and Shooting Stars)
星系:星星组成的形状 (Constellations: Shapes in the Stars)
航天飞机 (The Space Shuttle)
生态学 (Ecology)
自然界 (The Natural World)
生活的东西相互依靠 (Living Things Depend on Each Other)
自然界的循环是如何进行的 (How Natural Cycles Work)
互相依靠 (Depending on Each Other)
一个生命之网 (A Web of Living Things)
屏住呼吸 (Hold Your Breath!)
你应该喝这个水吗? (Should You Drink the Water?)
环保和回收 (Conservation and Recycling)
著名科学家的生活 (The Lives of Famous Scienties)
哥白尼 (Nicolaus Copernicus)
约翰·缪尔 (John Muir)
亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔 (Alexander Graham Bell)
创历史的妇女 (Women on the Final Frontier)
插图和照片引用 (Illustration and Photo Credits)
课文引用和出处 (Text Credits and Sources







