
2020年08月03日 11:49


Unit 1
Inside View
Conversation 1
Janet: Hi, it’s me again, Janet Li. I’m still a student at the University of
Oxford in England. But I’m not in Oxford right now. And I haven’t
gone back home to China either. It’s the long vacation now, and
believe it or not, it’s the middle of summer. I’m spending my
summer in one of the world’s greatest cities. I’m in London, home
to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge…and the
double-decker bus. I want to find out what it’s like to live in this
busy, lively city. So I’m working for London Time Off, a website
about what’s on in London. This is Joe…, he’s my boss, and this is
Andy, who is a reporter. And what’s my job? Well, I don’t know yet,
because it’s my first day. But I’m meant to be shadowing Andy, oh,
what I mean is, I’m going to be helping him. So can you tell me
something about London, Andy?
Andy: It’s the greatest city in the world. .
Joe: Except for New York!
Andy: New York? Don’t make me laugh!
Joe: And your point is…?
Andy: Look, if you want my opinion, London is greater than New York…
Joe: No, I don’t want your opinion, thank you very much. It’s a fact.

Andy: A fact! Are you serious?
Janet: And here we are in London, probably the greatest city in the
Andy: What? Probably? Excuse me, I prefer to deal with this myself…
Joe: Ah, dream on, Andy………

学生,但我现在不在牛津,也还没有 回中国的家。现在在放
世界上最棒的 城市之一里度过我的夏天。我在伦敦,它是英
在在为伦敦下班网效劳。它是一个报 道伦敦时事的网站。这
什么呢?这个 我也不知道,因为今天是我的第一天,但我会
安 迪: 伦敦是世界上最棒的城市。
乔 : 除了纽约以外!
安 迪: 纽约?别逗我笑了!
乔 : 那你的观点是… ?
安 迪: 注意,如果你真的需要我的观点,伦敦确实比纽约棒…

乔 : 不,我不需要你的观点,非常感谢!这是事实!
安 迪: 事实!你是当真的吗?
安 迪: 什么?或许?对不起,我宁可自己处理这个…
乔 : 啊,安迪,继续做你的美梦吧...

Conversation 2
Janet:So when did you start working at London Time Off?
Andy: About a year ago.
Janet: And I hope you don’t mind my asking ,but do you like working
Andy: Yes, I love it. I mean, Joe and I get along quite well. He drives me
crazy sometimes, because he’s my boss, and I wish I earned a bit
more money, but…I think my job is really cool, because I get to
see everything that’s happening in London. And I didn’t want to
join the rat race.
Janet: What do you mean by the rat race?
Andy: You know, doing the same thing day in day out, and not doing
anything creative, or having any time to enjoy life. It’s the last
thing I want to do.
Janet: So do you mind telling me what you do exactly?
Andy: Basically, we check out new events on the London music scene,

you know, new clubs, the latest plays and films, as well as
exhibitions in galleries and museums. Then we go and film
interviews with the musicians or the actors, or anyone who has
anything to do with the event.
Janet: Ok, then what happens?
Andy: We edit the interviews, and then we upload it all onto the website.
We get 200,000 hits a week. We’re London’s biggest listings site.
Janet: Can I ask you something else?
Andy: Fire away.
Janet: What are we going to do now?
Andy: I need to go back to my flat, and get my research. Then we’ve got
an interview to do. Let’s get the tube back to my place.
Janet: And what about Joe?
Andy: Well, he’s supposed to be on his way to the National Theatre, to do
an interview with the director of a new play. But I kind of hope he
gets lost on the way. Then he’ll discover what a great place
London is.
Janet: I don’t understand.
Andy: I’m joking! Come on, let’s go!


安 迪: 大约一年前。
安 迪: 是,我非常喜欢。我 的意思是,乔跟我相处得挺好的。虽然
看到伦敦正在发生的事情。再说,我不愿意 自己处在商业中
安 迪: 你知道,日复一日地做着同样的事情并且不做任何有创意的
事或拥有任何可以享受生 活的时间。这是我最不想做的事
安 迪: 基本上,除了新的俱乐部、最新的戏剧和电影,还有美术馆
和博物馆里的展览,你知 道,我们会关注伦敦乐坛的新动向。
安 迪: 我们编辑这些采访然后将 它们全部都上传到网站上。我们一
点 。
安 迪: 尽管问吧。

安 迪: 我需要回到我的公寓去拿我的研究调查。然后,我们得去做
安 迪: 他现在应该在去国家剧院的路上。他要去给一位新戏剧的导
安 迪: 我是在开玩笑!快点,我们走吧!

Outside view
Happiness is not what most students have in mind when they
think of school. Yet a school in Germany has developed a novel way to
raise the morale of its students, by teaching happiness in classes. Students
at Heidelberg’s Willy Hellpach School of Economics are learning how to
achieve happiness as an official subject, alongside mathematics and
languages. This is the first school in Germany to develop a happiness
course, intended for 17- to 19-year-olds preparing for university entrance
Ernst Fritz- Schubert, the school’s principal, is on a mission to
change things.
Ernst Fritz-Schubert: It was my idea-I’ve been at this school for

31 years, and I feel that school and happiness have to be reunited. These
are two terms which are not considered together, because one does not
connect school with happiness. In some cases school comes behind the
dentists on the popularity scale and we should try to push schools’
popularity a bit.
It has been proved by science that a happy student can learn more
than an unhappy one, Unhappy students can concentrate for a while but
do not use all their potential. The happiness classes are intended to help
students fulfill their potential. They will help the students live happy and
prosperous lives.
The classes aim to help students in achieving a positive state of
mind, by using all their own resources and boosting their self-esteem. In
addition, they hope classes will increase self-awareness and physical
comfort. Happiness classes are also intended to make students more
aware about their environment and society as a whole. During classes
students are encouraged to express themselves and observe their peers’
behavior. The classes are taught by Bjoern Bonn, an actor and visiting
Bjoern Bonn: One of the exercises I do is to have one of the
students walk across the classroom, with the others copying his walk.
Through this exercise, I hope they learn something about themselves.
Why do I move like this? How do others see my way of walking? I hope

that with a higher body awareness they ideally –of course it will take
time-achieve a higher self-consciousness which could lead to happiness.
Wolfgang Lang: We give these classes to students to help them
find happiness. Now the question is: How do I define happiness?
Happiness is for example a strengthening of the personality. We are
providing helpful suggestions to make stronger people. People that ask
“Who am I as a person? Am I really happy?”
Pascal Gemble: It takes time and everybody has to find happiness
for themselves. You cannot go into a coaching lesson and say teach me
happiness. One can only get indications from teachers or the visiting
lecturers. There are also happiness scientists, if we could talk to one of
those, I am sure he would have some hints.
Yosma Pinar Cetinkaya: You would think that the teachers are
writing definitions on the board. Not true. Those who want happiness
have to find it for themselves, you cannot really learn that.
So what does it take to be happy and can you learn it at school?

当学生想起学校,快乐不是多数人想到 的。目前,德国一所学校
们的 精神面貌。 Heidelberg ‘s Willy Hellpach School of Economics 正
一 家开设快乐课程的学校,意欲为17至19岁的学生作高考的准备。

Ernst Fritz-Schubert,学校的校长,肩负着变革的使命。
Ernst Fritz-Schubert:“这是我的想法—我已经在这所学校呆了31
年,我认为 学校和快乐必须被重组,这是不被认为该在一起的两部分,
因为学生不把学校与快乐联系起来。在某些情 况下,学校在受欢迎程
科学 已经证明一个快乐的学生能比一个不快乐的学生学到更
多。不快乐的学生能在一段时间内集中注意力,但 不能发挥他们所有
活在快乐 繁荣的生活中。”
尊来达到思 想的积极状态。另外,他们希望课程会增加自觉意识和身
体素质,快乐课程还致力于让学生意识到环境与 社会是作为一个整体
和客座 讲师 Bjoern Bonn讲授。
Bjoern Bonn:“我做的其中一个练习是让 学生走过教室,其他学
西‘ 为什么我像这样行动?其他人怎样评价我走路的方式?’我希望
伴随着更高的身体意识他们原则上——当 然这需要时间——实现更
Wolfgang Lang:“我 们为学生们开设这些课程来帮助他们找寻快
乐,现在问题是:我该如何给快乐下定义?比如快乐是个性的 加强。

的人 ?我真的高兴吗?”
Pascal Gembe:“这需要花时间,每个人必须为自己找寻快乐,< br>你不可能去一个训练课说:‘教给我快乐’。一个学生只能从教师或客
座讲师那得到暗示,另外也 有研究快乐的科学家,如果我们能与他们
Yosma Pinar Cetinkaya:“你会认为老师在黑板上写下快乐的定
义,那不正确。 哪些想得到快乐的学生必须为他们自己寻找,你不能

Listening in
Passage one
Interviewer: Can you tell me…how do you think you have changed as
you have matured?What things have had a major influence
on you?
Speaker 1 : Well, let me think…I suppose going to university had a
big impact on my life. It made me much more open-minded.
I met so many different types of people there with weird and
wonderful ideas and it changed the way I see the world. I’m
much more tolerant now… It made me a more rounded
Interviewer: Great, and had any particular person had a central role in

forming your character?
Speaker 1: I guess that’d have to be my grandfather. I was very close to
him, and he taught me to stand up for my beliefs. He was
always telling me about this…
Interviewer: So what people or events have had an impact on your life?
Speaker 2: I think that traveling my gap year made me grow up and see
both the beauty of the world and, well…just the generosity of
ordinary people. I traveled a lot around Asia and you know, I
found that in some of the poorest countries, like Cambodia
and Laos, people share whatever little they have, and they
possess a real joy for life. It’s probably made me a less
selfish person.
Interviewer: Interesting…so you would recommend that young people
take a gap year to discover themselves and the world?
Speaker 2: Definitely. It gives you an opportunity o learn about the
world beyond the one you grew up in and I found it really…
Interviewer: Could you tell me what things in your life have had the
greatest influence in forming your personality?
Speaker 3: Well…a couple of years ago I was on a reality TV show where
a group of young people all lived in a house together. Each
week some one was voted off by the audience. I got down to
the final three! I suppose being on the show and seeing how

the other contestants behaved made me realize how selfish
and spiteful some people can be just to get what they want. I
also realized it’s best to just be yourself in life. If you pretend
to be someone different people will eventually see through
the lies.
Interviewer: Right…And how did you feel when you were eventually
voted off?
Speaker 3: Relieved, to be honest with you. But you know, a slight
regret that I didn’t win because I kind of…
Interviewer: So you can tell me, what one thing do you think that has
had the biggest impact on your life?
Speaker 4: Hmm, that’s a difficult question. But I think helping
victims of the tsunami in 2004 had a very great impact on me.
I’m half Thai and I’d just arrived in Thailand for a family
Christmas holiday. When I heard the news I knew I had to
help-you couldn’t not. I ended up acting as an interpreter for
a group of volunteer doctors. It was an incredibly difficult
time but you know, even in the middle of such a horrific
tragedy there is still a huge amount of g kindness.
Interviewer: That’s amazing! And has it changed the way you view your
采访者 你能不能告诉我…你认为在你渐渐成熟的过程中产生了怎

样的变化呢 ?什么事情对你产生了主要的影响?
发言人1 嗯,让我想想… 我认为上大学对我的生活产生了重大 的影
类型的人,他们有着奇特而又令 人称赞的想法。这让我改变
了我看世界的方式。我现在宽容多了… 上大学让我成为了一
采访者 太棒了…那有没有一些特殊的人在你的性格塑造上产生主
受访者1 我觉得这个人应该是我的祖父。我和他非常亲近,是他教
采访者 那什么人或事对你的生活产生了重要的影响呢?
受访者2 我认为在我的空档年旅 行让我逐渐成长,让我同时看见了
地 方,你知道的,我发现在一些最贫困的国家,像柬埔寨和
老挝,人们会分享他们所拥有的一切,无论多少 。因此他们

起了最重要 的影响么?
在同一个房子 里。每一个星期,都会有人根据观众的投票而
目的,可以多么的自私与居心叵测。 同时我也认识到了在生
别人最终会看 穿这个谎言。
受 访者4:恩,这是个很难回答的问题。但是我想在2004年的时候
帮助海啸受难者给我了巨大的影响。 我有一半的泰国血统,
消息的时候, 我知道我必须去帮助他们——你不可能什么都

Passage two
Tony: Talking to us today in our Life Choices series is Joan Robinson, an
academic counselor at Manchester University. She gives advice to
school students on choosing the right subject to study at university.
Joan, welcome to the show.
Joan: Thanks Tony.
Tony: So Joan, what do our listeners need to think about when choosing a
course? It’s a huge, potentially life-changing decision, isn’t it?
Joan: Yes. I generally give students advice in two areas. Firstly, know
yourself, and secondly, think to the future.
Tony: When you say “know yourself” what do you mean?
Joan: Basically, I mean evaluate your own personal strengths and
weaknesses, your personality traits and the things you like.
Tony: I see…So how can our listeners do this?
Joan: Well, start by asking yourself questions to help reflect on your life
so far. For example, what subjects are you good at? Are you an
organized and self-disciplined person? Are you confident and
outgoing? Do you like working with others in a team or do you
prefer working alone? These kinds of questions will help you
discover more about yourself.
Tony: Sounds like good advice. How about your second point regarding
the future?

Joan: Well, your choice of major subject is likely to have a significant
impact on your future career so it’s important to look into this
carefully. I recommend you check not only which academic
subjects will help you get into a particular area of work, but also
look carefully at what universities offer. Each university has its
strengths so try to choose one that is the best in your chosen field.
Find out what links the department has to related industries and
leading companies in it.
Tony: Good point. Now I’d like to take some calls from our listeners.
First up we have James on the line. Hi, James! How can we help?
James: Hi. I’m interested in career in IT and I’d like to ask Joan whether
she thinks it’s better to go to a highly respected university, like
Oxford, or to study somewhere that has more of a vocational focus?
Joan: Well, James, you know it really depends on what you expect to get
out of a university and how you see your future. Basically a
handful of the brightest graduates are picked from the top
universities around the world to join the leading IT companies. So
I’d say if you’re a high-flyer then this is the route that might be for
you. But if you are looking for a more mainstream career then you
should consider a course that helps you acquire practical,
transferable skills that you can use in the workplace…and look at
which universities have the best levels of graduate recruitment for

the kind of job you are aiming for.
James: I see! Thanks a lot. That really helps me out…

学科的建议。乔恩,欢迎来到我们的节 目。
Joan: 谢谢,托尼。
Tony:那么乔恩,我们的听众在选择课程时需要考虑些 什么?这是一
Joan:是的。我一般给学生们两个 方面的建议。第一,要了解自己;
Joan:目前,要从自我反思开始 。例如,你擅长哪一科?你是不是一
Joan:你选择的主修 课程很有可能对你以后的工作有重大的影响,所
以,仔细地对专业进行调查是很重要的。我要求的不仅仅 是调

提供的资源。 每一所大学都有自己的特色,所以要试着选择在
你选择范围内的最好的一所。并且要找到那一所大学与相 关工
Tony:好主意。现在我们进入到听众热线的环节。第一个 连接上的听
James:你好。我对IT 行业很感兴趣,我想问一下乔恩,她认为进入
一所受到尊重的学校,例如牛津大学好,还是选择一所更加 注
Joan:很好,詹姆斯,你知道这完全决定于你想要从大学里得到 什么
校中被挑选出来进入到领先世 界的IT公司工作。我想说,如
果 你正在寻找主流行业,那么你应该考虑一门能帮助你锻炼在
工作中有用处的实践能力与可传递能力的课程 ,和比较一下在

Unit 2
Inside view
Conversion 1
Janet Hey, look at that! It’s just like I’ve seen it in the films!
Andy Welcome to London, my hometown. We are in Shoutwark,
south of the river. there’s London bridge off to your left, and
there’s Tower Bridge.
Janet I’m really impressed. How old is it?
Andy It’s only about 120 years old.
Janet well, that’s quite old.

Andy the London Docks used to be around this area. What happened
was that about three or four times a day, they raised Tower
Bridge, so the bigger ships could come right into London. But
because they couldn’t go under London bridge, they had to
stop and unload here.
Janet Does Tower Bridge still open?
Andy well, not so often. When I was a kid, I think I saw tower
bridge go up fairy often, all the traffic had to wait for the ships
to pass through the bridge. Anyway, just this side of London
bridge were lots of warehouses, where they kept their cargo.
But during the second world war, there was lots of bombing
over London…
Janet yes, I read about that…the Blitz?
Andy that’s right. And even when I was a kid, I remember that
many of the buildings were still damaged. But in the late
1980s and 90s, this whole area was redeveloped, you can see
for yourself, it’s a trendy place to live now.
Janet is the river thames still polluted?
Andy well, it certainly used to be polluted. I remember it had a very
distinctive smell, if you fell in, they used to take you to
Janet that’s sounds revolting!

Andy yes, but in the 1960s, they cleaned it up, and in fact it’s now
one of the cleanest city rivers in the world.

珍妮特 嘿,看那!和我在电影里看到的一样啊 !
安迪 欢迎来到我的故乡伦敦。我们现在是在河的 南边
珍妮特 真让人叹为观止啊!他有多长的历史了?
安迪 只有大概120年吧。
珍妮特 已经很久了。
安迪 轮的码头以前就在这附近,他们以前每天都会吧塔桥升起
来三四 次,以便让大船进入伦敦,但船又不能通过伦敦大
珍妮特 塔桥现在还会开放吗?
安迪 嗯,偶尔吧。我小的时候经常看到塔桥升起来,当时所有
们用来存放货物的仓库,但伦敦在二战期间遭 到了许多轰
珍妮特 是的,我在书上看到过,德国空袭,对吧?
安迪 没 错,甚至在我小的时候,还有许多遗留下来的被毁建筑,
但在80年代后期到90年代,这边整个区域都 重建了。你

珍妮特 泰晤士河现在还是污染的吗?
安迪 以前是,记得以前这有股很特别的味道,你一旦掉下去,
珍妮特 听起来有点恶心。
安迪 是的,但60年代已经被清理干净了,实际上它现在已经是

Conversion 2
Janet It is very different from the parts of London I know.
Andy The thing about Southwark is that it’s a typical suburb of London,
full of old buildings and shops. And this is where I grew up. I
used to live in that building there.
Janet It’s amazing. It looks very old.
Andy Yes, it’s about 80 years old
Janet And where did you go to school?
Andy Let me see. Yes , it was about a mile away from here. From
about the age of eight, I used to go by bike. We all made our way
to school on our own, meeting up with friends along the way
until there was a large gang of us kids as we got closer to school.
These days parents are much more protective and take their kids
to school by car. It’s safer, but it’s not as much fun.
Anyway …where was I?

Janet You were telling me about your schooldays.
Andy That’s right. Anyway, I stayed at school until I was 16,and then I
went to a college of further education, and did my A levels. And
after that, I decided to go to university.
Janet Your parents must have been proud of you.
Andy Yes, I think so. I was the first person in my family to go to uni.
Janet That’s fascinating.
Andy And what about you?
Janet Oh, it was a typical childhood in Anshan, nothing much to tell.
Andy But I have no idea what a typical childhood is like in China.
Janet OK, I will tell you. Let me think…
Andy Oh, hang on! Do you mind waiting here for a minute? Let me go
up to my flat and get my research, and then you can tell me
about it while we’re on our way back to the studio.
Janet OK
Andy Back in a minute…
珍妮特 这和我看到的伦敦的其他地方很不一样啊。
安迪 守特瓦是一个很典型的伦敦郊区,这有许多古老的建筑和商
场。这是我长大的地方 ,我以前就住在那栋楼里。
珍妮特 哇!看起来很古老。
安迪 是的,有大概80年了吧。
珍妮特 对了,你去哪上学的?

安迪 让我想想… 对了,离这大概一里远。八岁起我就开始骑车
上学,我们都是自己去的。一路上我们会碰到 很多同学,到
己的孩子,每天送他们 上学,这当然安全些,不过没有趣。
珍妮特 你在讲你的学生时代。
安迪 对了,而且我在学校呆到16岁后又进了进修学校,并且参
珍妮特 你父母一定为你感到骄傲吧!
安迪 我想是吧,在家里我是第一个上大学的。
珍妮特 你太棒了。
安迪 你呢?你怎么样?
珍妮特 噢,那是在鞍山一个很典型的童年,没什么太多可讲。
安迪 但还不知道在中国典型的童年是什么样的啊!
珍妮特 好吧,我来告诉你,让我想想……
安迪 噢,你先停下,在这等我一下好吗?我先回宿舍拿下调研资
料,然后在回录音室的 路上你再慢慢讲给我听。
珍妮特 好吧。
安迪 我马上回来。

Outside view

Around the world,many children are living in children
live in countries where there's children do not get enough to
of these children are suffering from malnutrition.
Many children in the world can’t go to agency that is helping
these children is means the United Nations Children's
has more than seven thousand people working and one
hundred and fifty_seven countries around the world to help
country where they are doing a great deal of work is Afghanistan.A whole
generation of children in Afghanistan has never known peace,until
UNICEF is bringing food for malnourished
're bringing A medical team travels on
horseback to bring medicine to a remote mountain UNICEF
is helping the children get an education.
have made a survey among 40000 ,they all say that the first
thing they want is peace,and the second thing that they want is ,was
n destroyed almost 2000 the
Taliban ,girls weren't allowed to attend school at all.
of the school has been destroyed completely,in the rest of the 50 percent
schools which,eh,eh,needs are trying to accommodate all the
children in the schools.
is a home school in teacher,Habiba Kilwati,has been running
the school for 12 supervises 26 other schools like it.

to learn,so wo can become teachers,doctors,or engineers,and be like
normal students.
Taliban,police punished families whose children went to
,children are happy to be in g I had
some tea and an egg,and came to school.I have
notebooks ,pencils,erasers,and friends,and fun here.“UNICEF is helping
rebuild the educational system in Afghanistan in many is
helping to train 're rebuilding schools,they're printing
textbooks,and delivering books and other supplies to girls
school was closed under the ,it's opening has room
for 960 girls are happy to be back to
disappointed and sad that I wasted six was no education
then.I tried to study then with my parents,but it's not the wasn't so
bad,but now I'm much happier because the schools are reopening.
plan to open the schools,and get these children enrolled,and back in
school,and to give them back their education so they can read and
Taliban came to power and closed the schools,girls
stayed at there's an opportunity for them to continue their
are very happy about can be proud of our girls,our
young can go back to is working on its
mission to bring food,medinine and education to the children of
the process,they're also bringing hope.

很 多孩子食不果腹。他们中的一些人甚至营养不良。他们不能上学。
UNICEF是一个帮助这些孩子们的 组织,是各个国家联合帮助儿童的
机构。现有700人在这里工作,157个国家联合帮助这些儿童。 其
平,直到不久前。现在UN ICEF为营养不良的儿童们带来了食物和药。
医疗队骑马为遥远山村里的人们送去药物。并且,他们还 帮助孩子们
说最渴望的 事情是和平,然后是教育。”塔利班摧毁了将近2000个校
园。在这形式下,女孩们根本不允许上学。 “多于一半的学校被完全
些 学校设在人们家里。这是一个在喀布尔的家庭学校。这位教师
Habiba Kilwati,已经管理 这家学校12年了。她像这样同时主管其他
26所学校。“我们想学习,这样我们可以成为教师,医生, 或者工程
利班控制下,警方 会惩罚那些有孩子上学的家庭。现在,孩子们因为
”今天早上我喝了一些茶吃 了一个鸡蛋,然后来上学。我有笔记本,
铅笔,橡皮和伙伴们,而且还有快乐!”在阿富汗UNICEF 正通过许

学校。现在,它又开放了。它可容纳 960个学生。女孩们因可以重返
校园而开心。“我因浪费了6年时光而感到沮丧和伤心。那时没有教< br>育,我只能向我父母学习,但现在不一样。虽然跟父母学习不是非常
糟糕,因为现在学校重新开放 我非常开心。”“我们打算开放校园,让
孩子们入学,重返校园,并给他们教育使他们可以读书和写字。 ”当
会去继续学业。我们因 此而非常欣慰。我为我们年经的女孩,年轻的
孩子们感到骄傲,他们可以重返学校。UNICEF不断尽 职负责的工作,

Listening in
One of the strangest feelings I’ve ever had was when I returned by
chance to a place where I’d been happy as a child. My husband and I
were visiting some friends for the weekend-----they lived about 200
kilometers away. We were driving along when I suddenly saw a church in
the distance that I recognized. My favorite aunt had lived very near it on a
farm that my brother and I used to visit once a year with our parents.
We were city kids, brought up in the middle of London, and this was a
working farm -----the real thing-----with cows in cowsheds, fields with

ponds and a muddy yard full of smelly pigs-----we had the run of the
whole place-----it was just paradise for us.
And then-----there was the food-----home-made jam and bread and
cakes, milk fresh from the cow. And my aunt Lottie-----a farmer’s
wife-----and her husband, uncle George and their kids, Katie and Ben, our
two cousins who my brother and I really got on with. It was heaven that
week we used to spend there. They moved from the farm when I was…
how old? ----- about 14. So I’d never been back or seen it again.
Anyway, there we were, and I’d just seen the church-----, so we
turned off and drove down this really narrow lane. And before I knew it
we were in front of Aunt Lottie’s farm. The extraordinary thing was that it
hadn’t changed------ not one tiny bit.
It was a lovely old place with a typical country cottage garden, full of
flowers. There were lots of barns and sheds-----they were next to -----next
to the farm. And you know, I can’t even begin to describe the feeling I
had standing there. It was-----oh, what was it? an incredibly powerful
feeling of longing----- nostalgia for the past-----for times I’d been very
very happy. But it was the past. I hadn’t been there for 20 years and I
couldn’t go back, so also I had a feeling of huge sadness, that I couldn’t
have those times again. And-----at the same time-----great sweetness,
because those times had been so happy, so innocent----- because I was a
child. So there was this extraordinary mix-----of longing, sadness and

sweetness, all at the same time. It was the strangest feeling I’ve ever had.

的地方。当时我和丈夫在周末去 看望朋友们,他们都住在200公里外
的地方。就在我们沿路开车的时候,我突然看见了在远处有个熟悉 的
我们我 无法再拥有曾经的那段时光。但同时,我心中又如此甜蜜,
只因那时的我是那样开在伦敦市中心长大,是 城里的孩子,而这个农
地, 满是臭猪的泥院子。我们在整个农场里疯跑,那里就像是我们的
然后,就是吃的,有自 制的果酱、面包、蛋糕和刚挤出的新鲜的
牛奶。我的婶婶Lottie和她的丈夫,也就是我的叔叔,以 及他们的孩
那 里是我们曾经渡过每一天的天堂。但是,他们从农场搬走了,当我,
呃,多大的时候?呃….大概是14 岁的时候吧。所以我再也没回去过
无论怎样,我们来了,我又看见了那个教堂, 于是我们转弯开进
加 奇妙的是它没有变,一点儿也没有。

那是一个可爱的有着满是鲜花的旧式传统乡村别墅 花园。很多很
何描述我站在 那里的心情。那种心情,哦,是什么心情?一种难以置
信的强烈的留恋-----对过去的留恋 ------对曾经美好时光的留恋。然而,
那已成为过往,我已经离开那里20年了,我之后也从没回 去过,所
子。所以我心中同 时拥有了一种及其奇妙的情感的混合,留恋,失落,

Interviewer: So what's your first memory of school, Kevin?
Kevin: I was really looking forward to school, I remember that, I just
couldn't wait. Yeah, Johnny, my brother, was a year older than
me and he seemed so grown-up, with his red blazer and smart
shoes. And I wanted to go to school and be grown-up too. I don't
remember much of the first day actually, apart from this little boy
lying on the floor and screaming and screaming and me thinking
what a baby he was.
Interviewer: Right! What about you, Eva?
Eva: I just have this one memory of this coat rack with all our coats.
And I was looking for my peg which had a little picture of an

elephant next to it. I remember I was crying because I wanted to
go home and I couldn't get my coat on. I was crying so much and
then the teacher came and helped me.
Interviewer: OK, so what about your first best friend at school?
Kevin: Oh, yeah, well, Steve, I remember him, because he's still my best
Interviewer: Still your best friend!
Eva: That's so great!
Kevin: Yeah, we didn't know each other before we started school but we
became really good friends and so did our mums. Our families
ended up going on holiday together and that kind of thing. But we
used to fight a lot, Steve and I, and the teachers used to get very
cross with us. But we were just having fun.
Interviewer: Cool! And what about you, Eva?
Eva: My best friend was a girl called Robina. She had short blond hair, I
remember I thought she looks like an angel. We sat next to each
other and held hands and played fairies in the playground. She left
in Year 3 and I cried for days.
Interviewer: Oh, how sad! So what about the day you left school? How
was that?
Eva: I had a lot of mixed feelings, I remember walking home with this
amazing feeling of freedom, you know, no more rules, no more

bossy teachers. But I also felt pretty sad, because I'd had some
good times. I was in a group of girls who were so supportive of
each other.
Kevin: I couldn't wait to leave, I was counting the days.I just wanted to
get a job, get a life, earn some cash. The day I left, I went out to
celebrate with a couple of my mates and --had a very good time!

凯文:我真的很期待去学校,我记得当时 我都等不及了。是的,我哥
子,看上 去那么成熟。于是我也想去学校,然后变得成熟起来。
事实上我对开学第一天的印象不是很深,只记得有 个小男孩躺
的桩,它的旁边有一张大象 的小图片。我记得当时我因为想回

凯文:是呀!我们 在开学前并不认识,但无论我们俩还是我们的妈妈
都成了好朋友。我们两家常常一起度假什么的。但以前 史蒂夫
伊娃:我最好的朋友是一个叫罗比娜的女孩。她有一头金黄色短 发。
举手回答老师的问题,一起在 操场上玩耍。可是她在3年级的
伊娃:我 当时百感交集。我记得我走在回家路上时有一种惊人的自由
感。你知道的,再也没有规矩,再也没有专横 的老师们。但我
支援的女孩群体之 内。
作,好好生活,赚点 钱。在我离开学校的那天,我和我的一群

Inside view
Janet: So where are we now?
Andy: This is the West End. It’s famous for cinemas and theatres. I used
to work in a theatre near here.
Janet: Really? What did you do?
Andy: I moved the scenery between acts in the play. If I’m not mistaken,
I worked on Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
Janet: If I remember correctly. That was made into a musical film, wasn’t
it? My Fair Lady? I remember seeing it on TV.
(Phone ringing)
Andy: Oh, oh, it’s Joe.
(Andy picked up the phone)
Andy: Hey!... Yes, we’re on our way…I don’t think we’re that late. Chill

out Joe, we’ll be there.
(Andy hung up the phone)
Andy: Anyway, come on, we’d better get a move on.
Janet: How far is it from here?
Andy: It’s not far. Maybe five minutes’ walk. Joe gets cross if I’m late.
Joe: Hello Janet, hello Andy. Late as usual.
Andy: Actually, by my watch, I’m bang on time.
Joe: Well let’s get on with it. This is Toby Jenkins, the theatre critic.
Toby: Nice to meet you, are you ready to start?
Andy: Hang on a minute! Janet, can you check the sound level? Can you
hear me ok ,Janet?Janet?
Janet: Hi Andy, I can’t hear you. What’s up?
Andy: Can you hear me now?
Janet: Ouch! Yes, that’s much louder.
Joe: Let’s stop wasting time please. Just get on with the interview, will
Janet: 那么,我们现在在哪?
Andy: 这是伦敦西区, 他因影院、戏院而出名.。我曾在这附近的一家
Janet: 真的?你当时做什么?
Andy: 我在一出剧中的幕间移动布景,如果我没搞错的话,我参与的是皮革马利翁这出戏的工作,剧本是由萧伯纳写的。

Janet: 如果我没记错的话。它被改编成了一部歌舞片,不是吗?——
Andy: 噢,Joe打来的。
(Andy 接起电话)
Andy: 嗨…对,我们已经在路上了。我不觉得我们真的像你说的那么
晚.。别紧张Joe, 我们会到那的。
Andy: 不管怎样,快点把,我们最好动身了。
Janet: 这里离目的地多远?
Andy: 不远,可能走五分钟就到了,我们迟到的话,Joe会生气的。
Joe: Janet、Andy你们好啊,你们还是像往常一样迟到了。
Andy: 事实上,照我的表来看,我们到的正准时。
Joe: 算了,我们别说这个了。这位是剧评家Toby Jenkin
Toby: 很高兴见到你,你准备好开始采访了吗?
Andy: 等一下,Janet,你能检查一下音量吗?你听得请我说话吗
Janet: 嗨Andy, 我听不见你说话,怎么回事?
Andy: 现在听得见吗?
Janet: 哎呀…听见了,清楚多了
Joe: 拜托,咱们别浪费时间了。快点开始采访,行不?

Andy: And we’ve got Toby Jenkins here with us today, who has just been
to see the latest show at The Hippodrome La Clique. So La
Clique is slightly different from the usual shows we see here in the West
End these days. Can you tell me something about it, Toby?
Toby: Yes, It’s a kind of cabaret, with a series of variety acts set in a kind
of circus, but it’s very contemporary, extremely well produced and
huge fun..
Andy: Tell me more about the acts.
Toby: Well, there are stunts performed on a high wire, and puppets.
There’s a sword swallower and juggler, and a rubber man who
manages to pass his whole body through a tennis racquet.
Andy: It sounds very unusual.
Toby: Yes, for the West End today, but not so unusual for 30 or more
years ago.
Andy: So, It’s family entertainment then?
Toby: Ah, no. I’m afraid it’s pretty adult, but very funny and stylish.
Andy: Did you get that ok, Janet?
Joe: Let me have a listen…
Janet: Oh no, did I do some thing wrong?
Joe: Well, It’s just that I can’t hear anything. Let’s try again…
Andy: Did you remember to keep an eye on the sound levels? That meter,

Janet: Oh no, I clean forgot.
Andy: It’s Ok. We’ll just do another take.
Joe: Come on you two. Hurry up!
Janet: I’m so sorry. It slipped my mind.
Joe: You’ll forget your own head one day. Sorry about this, Toby. From
the top, please.
Andy: And we’ve got Toby Jenkins here with us today…
Andy: 今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Toby Jenkins接受我们的采访, 他刚
刚在The Hippodrome剧院看了最新公演的La Clique。那么,
La Clique和我们近期在伦敦西区看的表演略微有点不同,能
Toby: 好的,这算是一种余兴节目,在某种马戏表演中穿插一系列演出,
但这些演出都是 非常有时代性的,制作精良,而且很有趣。.
Andy: 能更多地谈谈那些演出吗?
Toby: 好的,其中有杂耍演员在高空钢丝上的表演、有木偶表演、吞
剑表演、魔术表演、 还有个柔韧性很好的人从一个网球拍中成
Andy: 听起来确实很特别。
Toby: 是的,对于现在的伦敦西区来说是很特别, 但对于三十多年前
Andy: 所以说,这是老少咸宜的娱乐形式喽?

Toby: 不,恐怕这更适合成年人,但确实很流行、也很有趣。.
Andy: Janet,这些你都录好了吗?
Joe: 让我听听看
Janet: 哦不,我做错什么了吗?
Joe: 问题是,我什么都听不见啊。我们再试一次.
Andy: 你有留心音量控制器吗? 就是那个表。
Janet: 哦不,我忘得一干二净
Andy: 没事,我们再录一次就行了
Joe: 快呀你们两个!快点!
Janet: 太抱歉了,我一不小心忘了.
Joe: 没准哪天你连自己的脑袋都忘了。Toby,我们对此感到很抱歉,
Andy: 今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Toby Jenkins接受我们的采访……

Outside View
The Mona Lisa, the most famous painting in the world, was trully
revolutionary even in its time. While he was painting the Mona Lisa,
Leonardo da Vinci broke all the rules, even his own. In spite of the fact
that Leonardo and other aritists believed that women should only be
portrayed with eyes gazing slightly down. Leonodo painted the Mona
Lisa looking directly at the viewer. The positon of her body is another
innovation. While her face looks straight ahead, her body is slight turned,

a pose that creates a sense of movement and tension. In another break
from tradition, the Mona Lisa is not wearing any jewellery or adorments.
Finally, backgrounds in portraits usually indicated a real place but the
landscape in Leonardo’s portrait seems almost imaginary.
A:One of the things I like to do is, um, think about her face and why,
what is she trying, why, what is she trying to say with her face and I used
to think that her face told more than one story. For instance, if I covered
up one side of her face, it seemed like she might be a little sad or
resevered, almost secretive.
S:Her eyes are, they’re kind of looking at us or around us, through
us perhaps. I think with that painting she is the viewer and we are the
subject in a way. And she has this look that she knows somehting that we
don’t know.
A:And then when I coverd up that side and looked at the other side,
she seemed happier, um, more satisfied. And togher, it created sort of the
mystery about her that, um, made interpreting her face very enigmatic.
S:There’s speculation that the Mona Lisa is a self-portrait of
Leonardo and I, I believe that it is, there, there, the features do line up
between the Mona Lisa and sketches of Leonardo.
Scott McMahon and Anne Pfaff are both portrait artists. They
believe that portraits can tell a story and make people think, just as the
Mona Lisa has done for so many years.

A:When I was young, um, I was always interested in, um, reading
books about people and, and the dynamics, different kinds of
relationships they had and so when I became a painter it was natural for
me to be interested in painting poeple and looking for similar kinds of
stories to tell about them that you might read in a book.
S:Uh, most of my work consists of photographic self-portraiture.
Um, I’m interested in using myself as th subject, um, not only as the
creator of the image but as the, the character, or the performer of, of the
So in my portraits I’m trying to capture, um, a deeper essence of a
person, um, more or less.
This work here is done with a pinhole camera, which requires a very
long exposure so, with a portrait you can get this feeling of time passed.
It’s not a, it’s not an instant, per se, it could be five minutes of exposure.
A:So this is another project I’m working on. I’m almost finished
with it but I still need to work on the reflections in the water, um, and the
face of the boy before it’s finished.
S:I often work with multiples and, you know, using a mirror or the
same image twice and what I wanted to do was link the two portraits
together with the string. It’s kind of the string of thought or this idea of
remembering or the resilience of memory.
A:I don’t just paint from photographs. I try to make a work of art.

Um, I try to make a painting that goes beyond a mere photographic image.
I try to capture something about the soul of the, or the essence of this
S:This piece here is, uh, it’s called The Measure of Decay and
behind the piece there are portraits, again, of me I have this clay covering
on that has cracked and so it’s, it’s kind of like the process of decay. So as
each portrait goes around you can, you can see the image in a different
focus. I love painting portraits.
A:I love painting but portraits are very special because they’re about
S:I’m fascinated by portraiture in general, and the human body and
how the image lives over time. I like to capture what is unique and
special about an individual in paint.
颠覆性的。列奥 纳多·达·芬奇在创作这幅画的时候突破了一切的规
则限制,甚至是他自己的。在达芬奇创作的这幅画中 ,尽管他其他广
仍然将蒙娜 丽莎画为直视着看画者。她的身体则是另外一个突破。当
她的脸是对着正前方的时候,她的身体略微转过 一个角度,这个姿势
没有佩 戴任何的珠宝或者是装饰品。最后一点,肖像画的背景通常指
向一个真实的地点,而列奥纳多的肖像画的 背景看起来都是梦幻一般

安普法夫:我喜欢做的一件事情是,恩,思考她 的脸还有为什么
们不止一个 故事。比如说,如果我遮起她的脸的一边儿,她看起来会
有些悲伤或者说是沉默寡言的,几乎是遮遮掩掩 的。
围,或许还是穿过了我们 。在一定程度上,我想在这幅画中,她是旁
观者,而我们却成了画的主题。她的这种表情仿佛表示出她知 道某些
安普法夫:而后当我遮起她的另一边脸看刚才一边的时候,她看< br>起来快乐一些,恩,或者说更满足的。整体一起看的时候,它又有一
种关于她的神秘感,恩,让理 解她的脸变的难以捉摸。
像, 而我认为,这些特点是集合了蒙娜丽莎还有达芬奇的素描。
斯科特麦克马洪和安普法夫都是肖像画艺术 家。他们认为肖像画
还有关于人的相互关系的,他们 之间各种各样的关系,所以当我成为

角或者是表演者。所以在 我的肖像画作品中,我试图去抓住,恩,或
多或少一个人的更深层的本质。这儿的这个工作需要借助针孔 摄像机
受到时间的流逝。它 并不是,并不是一个瞬间的,它本身可以是五分
安普法夫:这是我正在进行的 另一个作品。我几乎快要完成了,
可是在真正完成之前仍然有一些工作,比如说水的反射,恩,还有这< br>男孩儿的脸。
还有用镜 子或者相同的东西两次,我所想要做的是将两幅肖像用一根
线联系起来。那是一种思想的线,或者说是记 忆,还有记忆的重现。
恩, 我试着画一种超越了仅仅是图片的画。我试着捕捉一些关于人的
灵魂或者是关于人的本质的东西。 斯科特麦克马洪:这里的东西,恩,叫做衰退的测量,在这张陶
土的后面是一些肖像,再一次,我将 陶土中间弄碎,所以它是,它像
的,因为它们是关于人的。 < br>斯科特麦克马洪:我通常被肖像艺术所吸引,还有人的躯体和这

些画是如何在岁月 中存活下来。我喜欢在画中捕捉一些独特的东西还

Listening in conversation 1
Lily: So what was the highlight of your trip to (South)Korea?
Hugh: Well that's…let me see...it's got to be going to see Nanta.
Lily: What on earth is Nanta?
Hugh:It's this amazing live show-part theater-part dance-part music.
Lily: Sounds really interesting. But why’s it so brilliant?
Hugh: I think it's the energy of the performers. Also it has a unique
concept. It's a mixture of traditional Korean music, percussion and
drums, into a western style performance
Lily: I've never heard of it. Has it ever been performed in the West?
Hugh: Yeah, it's been a sell-out. They've toured in over 30 countries since
the show began in 's a non- verbal performance so there are
no language barriers. That's what's made it an international
Lily: What else makes it so special then?
Hugh: Well...the other thing is that all the action takes place in the kitchen.
You see these four chefs preparing the food for a wedding
reception. The performers use knives, dustbin lids and various
other kitchen utensils to create a hypnotic soundtrack. The food

literally flies everywhere! It's hilarious.
Lily: That sounds quite funny I must admit. Is there an actual story
Hugh: Oh yes, there is a story. The four chefs have to prepare the meal by
6 o'clock and they also have to give the manager's nephew
cooking lessons too, which adds to the fun. There’s loads of
audience participation and despite there being no language
involved you get completely engrossed. It's really quite wacky!
Lily: And what about the audience? I suppose they start throwing food
Hugh: Not quite! But they are totally involved in what's going
on-everyone loves it. It's a really great family show. In fact it's one
of the best shows I've ever seen. Jim, my friend, says he takes all
his visitors. He's seen it about eight times and still loves it.
Lily: I bet it's popular with tourists then.
Hugh: Well apparently over a million foreign tourists in (South)Korea
have seen the show and it's had a run on Broadway too. It first got
popular after they appeared at the Edinburgh Festival. Now they
are planning to tour more cities in Asia where (South) Korean
popular culture is becoming incredibly trendy.
Lily: By the way what does“Nanta” mean?
Hugh:It means random drumming in Korean. The English name for the

show is Cookin’, which gives you a clearer idea of what it's all
Lily: You've got me interested now. I'll have to check it out on the
休: 额。。。让我想想。。。应该是去看Nanta这件事吧。
休: 他是个很精彩的舞台剧,应该说是戏剧,舞蹈以及音乐的大综
休: 我想应该是因为演员们的活力 吧。还有就是这个舞台剧本身包
鼓 融合进西方风格的表演
休: 当然,而且场场爆满。自1997年这个节目正式开始表演以来,
Nanta的表演团队已经游遍了三十 多个国家。Nanta是一个非
而 这恰恰就是让它在全球范围内取得成功的原因。
休: 额。。。说道其他的特点的话,应该就是表演中所有的事情都发
生在厨房。你会看到4 个主厨在厨房中为准备婚宴餐点而忙

休: 有啊,那四个主厨必须在6点之前准备好婚宴晚餐,同时又要
给经理的侄子上烹饪课,这些元素都使整部 节目充满笑点。节
关,但每个人都 全神贯注于其中。这真的有点古怪,不是么?
休: 并非 完全如此。但他们确实全都沉浸在整部节目中,毕竟每个
观众都喜爱它。这是一部非常适合家庭成员一起 观看的表演。
友Jim说,他会带 他所有的客户来看这节目。他已经看过约8
休: 恩。。。显然,成百上千到韩国旅游的游客都 看过这部节目,而
开始受 到世人的瞩目。而现在,Nanta节目组正准备在更多的
亚洲城市进行巡演,韩国的流行文化显然在这 些地方十分地受

休: 在韩国,它是胡乱击鼓的意思。他的英文名是Cookin’s,英文名

Listening in
Conversation 2
Interviewer: Kathy Richards is a specialist art tour guide. Kathy-can you
tell us what trends you've noticed in recent years?
Kathy: Well, one of the biggest phenomena I've noticed is a huge
increase in visitors to galleries-and a growing interest in
modern art in general.
Interviewer: What do you think the reason is for that?
Kathy: Well, there are several reasons, I think. The most important
ones are firstly, that some new contemporary art galleries
have opened which have had a lot of publicity, and secondly
the younger generation feel more comfortable with modern
art so the kind of people visiting galleries is changing.
Finally, the new generation of galleries have become
destinations in themselves...they tend to be housed in
amazing buildings.
Interviewer: So which are the most popular new galleries?
Kathy: Well, the Tate Modern in London has had over 30 million

Unit 1
Inside View
Conversation 1
Janet: Hi, it’s me again, Janet Li. I’m still a student at the University of
Oxford in England. But I’m not in Oxford right now. And I haven’t
gone back home to China either. It’s the long vacation now, and
believe it or not, it’s the middle of summer. I’m spending my
summer in one of the world’s greatest cities. I’m in London, home
to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge…and the
double-decker bus. I want to find out what it’s like to live in this
busy, lively city. So I’m working for London Time Off, a website
about what’s on in London. This is Joe…, he’s my boss, and this is
Andy, who is a reporter. And what’s my job? Well, I don’t know yet,
because it’s my first day. But I’m meant to be shadowing Andy, oh,
what I mean is, I’m going to be helping him. So can you tell me
something about London, Andy?
Andy: It’s the greatest city in the world. .
Joe: Except for New York!
Andy: New York? Don’t make me laugh!
Joe: And your point is…?
Andy: Look, if you want my opinion, London is greater than New York…
Joe: No, I don’t want your opinion, thank you very much. It’s a fact.

Andy: A fact! Are you serious?
Janet: And here we are in London, probably the greatest city in the
Andy: What? Probably? Excuse me, I prefer to deal with this myself…
Joe: Ah, dream on, Andy………

学生,但我现在不在牛津,也还没有 回中国的家。现在在放
世界上最棒的 城市之一里度过我的夏天。我在伦敦,它是英
在在为伦敦下班网效劳。它是一个报 道伦敦时事的网站。这
什么呢?这个 我也不知道,因为今天是我的第一天,但我会
安 迪: 伦敦是世界上最棒的城市。
乔 : 除了纽约以外!
安 迪: 纽约?别逗我笑了!
乔 : 那你的观点是… ?
安 迪: 注意,如果你真的需要我的观点,伦敦确实比纽约棒…

乔 : 不,我不需要你的观点,非常感谢!这是事实!
安 迪: 事实!你是当真的吗?
安 迪: 什么?或许?对不起,我宁可自己处理这个…
乔 : 啊,安迪,继续做你的美梦吧...

Conversation 2
Janet:So when did you start working at London Time Off?
Andy: About a year ago.
Janet: And I hope you don’t mind my asking ,but do you like working
Andy: Yes, I love it. I mean, Joe and I get along quite well. He drives me
crazy sometimes, because he’s my boss, and I wish I earned a bit
more money, but…I think my job is really cool, because I get to
see everything that’s happening in London. And I didn’t want to
join the rat race.
Janet: What do you mean by the rat race?
Andy: You know, doing the same thing day in day out, and not doing
anything creative, or having any time to enjoy life. It’s the last
thing I want to do.
Janet: So do you mind telling me what you do exactly?
Andy: Basically, we check out new events on the London music scene,

you know, new clubs, the latest plays and films, as well as
exhibitions in galleries and museums. Then we go and film
interviews with the musicians or the actors, or anyone who has
anything to do with the event.
Janet: Ok, then what happens?
Andy: We edit the interviews, and then we upload it all onto the website.
We get 200,000 hits a week. We’re London’s biggest listings site.
Janet: Can I ask you something else?
Andy: Fire away.
Janet: What are we going to do now?
Andy: I need to go back to my flat, and get my research. Then we’ve got
an interview to do. Let’s get the tube back to my place.
Janet: And what about Joe?
Andy: Well, he’s supposed to be on his way to the National Theatre, to do
an interview with the director of a new play. But I kind of hope he
gets lost on the way. Then he’ll discover what a great place
London is.
Janet: I don’t understand.
Andy: I’m joking! Come on, let’s go!


安 迪: 大约一年前。
安 迪: 是,我非常喜欢。我 的意思是,乔跟我相处得挺好的。虽然
看到伦敦正在发生的事情。再说,我不愿意 自己处在商业中
安 迪: 你知道,日复一日地做着同样的事情并且不做任何有创意的
事或拥有任何可以享受生 活的时间。这是我最不想做的事
安 迪: 基本上,除了新的俱乐部、最新的戏剧和电影,还有美术馆
和博物馆里的展览,你知 道,我们会关注伦敦乐坛的新动向。
安 迪: 我们编辑这些采访然后将 它们全部都上传到网站上。我们一
点 。
安 迪: 尽管问吧。

安 迪: 我需要回到我的公寓去拿我的研究调查。然后,我们得去做
安 迪: 他现在应该在去国家剧院的路上。他要去给一位新戏剧的导
安 迪: 我是在开玩笑!快点,我们走吧!

Outside view
Happiness is not what most students have in mind when they
think of school. Yet a school in Germany has developed a novel way to
raise the morale of its students, by teaching happiness in classes. Students
at Heidelberg’s Willy Hellpach School of Economics are learning how to
achieve happiness as an official subject, alongside mathematics and
languages. This is the first school in Germany to develop a happiness
course, intended for 17- to 19-year-olds preparing for university entrance
Ernst Fritz- Schubert, the school’s principal, is on a mission to
change things.
Ernst Fritz-Schubert: It was my idea-I’ve been at this school for

31 years, and I feel that school and happiness have to be reunited. These
are two terms which are not considered together, because one does not
connect school with happiness. In some cases school comes behind the
dentists on the popularity scale and we should try to push schools’
popularity a bit.
It has been proved by science that a happy student can learn more
than an unhappy one, Unhappy students can concentrate for a while but
do not use all their potential. The happiness classes are intended to help
students fulfill their potential. They will help the students live happy and
prosperous lives.
The classes aim to help students in achieving a positive state of
mind, by using all their own resources and boosting their self-esteem. In
addition, they hope classes will increase self-awareness and physical
comfort. Happiness classes are also intended to make students more
aware about their environment and society as a whole. During classes
students are encouraged to express themselves and observe their peers’
behavior. The classes are taught by Bjoern Bonn, an actor and visiting
Bjoern Bonn: One of the exercises I do is to have one of the
students walk across the classroom, with the others copying his walk.
Through this exercise, I hope they learn something about themselves.
Why do I move like this? How do others see my way of walking? I hope

that with a higher body awareness they ideally –of course it will take
time-achieve a higher self-consciousness which could lead to happiness.
Wolfgang Lang: We give these classes to students to help them
find happiness. Now the question is: How do I define happiness?
Happiness is for example a strengthening of the personality. We are
providing helpful suggestions to make stronger people. People that ask
“Who am I as a person? Am I really happy?”
Pascal Gemble: It takes time and everybody has to find happiness
for themselves. You cannot go into a coaching lesson and say teach me
happiness. One can only get indications from teachers or the visiting
lecturers. There are also happiness scientists, if we could talk to one of
those, I am sure he would have some hints.
Yosma Pinar Cetinkaya: You would think that the teachers are
writing definitions on the board. Not true. Those who want happiness
have to find it for themselves, you cannot really learn that.
So what does it take to be happy and can you learn it at school?

当学生想起学校,快乐不是多数人想到 的。目前,德国一所学校
们的 精神面貌。 Heidelberg ‘s Willy Hellpach School of Economics 正
一 家开设快乐课程的学校,意欲为17至19岁的学生作高考的准备。

Ernst Fritz-Schubert,学校的校长,肩负着变革的使命。
Ernst Fritz-Schubert:“这是我的想法—我已经在这所学校呆了31
年,我认为 学校和快乐必须被重组,这是不被认为该在一起的两部分,
因为学生不把学校与快乐联系起来。在某些情 况下,学校在受欢迎程
科学 已经证明一个快乐的学生能比一个不快乐的学生学到更
多。不快乐的学生能在一段时间内集中注意力,但 不能发挥他们所有
活在快乐 繁荣的生活中。”
尊来达到思 想的积极状态。另外,他们希望课程会增加自觉意识和身
体素质,快乐课程还致力于让学生意识到环境与 社会是作为一个整体
和客座 讲师 Bjoern Bonn讲授。
Bjoern Bonn:“我做的其中一个练习是让 学生走过教室,其他学
西‘ 为什么我像这样行动?其他人怎样评价我走路的方式?’我希望
伴随着更高的身体意识他们原则上——当 然这需要时间——实现更
Wolfgang Lang:“我 们为学生们开设这些课程来帮助他们找寻快
乐,现在问题是:我该如何给快乐下定义?比如快乐是个性的 加强。

的人 ?我真的高兴吗?”
Pascal Gembe:“这需要花时间,每个人必须为自己找寻快乐,< br>你不可能去一个训练课说:‘教给我快乐’。一个学生只能从教师或客
座讲师那得到暗示,另外也 有研究快乐的科学家,如果我们能与他们
Yosma Pinar Cetinkaya:“你会认为老师在黑板上写下快乐的定
义,那不正确。 哪些想得到快乐的学生必须为他们自己寻找,你不能

Listening in
Passage one
Interviewer: Can you tell me…how do you think you have changed as
you have matured?What things have had a major influence
on you?
Speaker 1 : Well, let me think…I suppose going to university had a
big impact on my life. It made me much more open-minded.
I met so many different types of people there with weird and
wonderful ideas and it changed the way I see the world. I’m
much more tolerant now… It made me a more rounded
Interviewer: Great, and had any particular person had a central role in

forming your character?
Speaker 1: I guess that’d have to be my grandfather. I was very close to
him, and he taught me to stand up for my beliefs. He was
always telling me about this…
Interviewer: So what people or events have had an impact on your life?
Speaker 2: I think that traveling my gap year made me grow up and see
both the beauty of the world and, well…just the generosity of
ordinary people. I traveled a lot around Asia and you know, I
found that in some of the poorest countries, like Cambodia
and Laos, people share whatever little they have, and they
possess a real joy for life. It’s probably made me a less
selfish person.
Interviewer: Interesting…so you would recommend that young people
take a gap year to discover themselves and the world?
Speaker 2: Definitely. It gives you an opportunity o learn about the
world beyond the one you grew up in and I found it really…
Interviewer: Could you tell me what things in your life have had the
greatest influence in forming your personality?
Speaker 3: Well…a couple of years ago I was on a reality TV show where
a group of young people all lived in a house together. Each
week some one was voted off by the audience. I got down to
the final three! I suppose being on the show and seeing how

the other contestants behaved made me realize how selfish
and spiteful some people can be just to get what they want. I
also realized it’s best to just be yourself in life. If you pretend
to be someone different people will eventually see through
the lies.
Interviewer: Right…And how did you feel when you were eventually
voted off?
Speaker 3: Relieved, to be honest with you. But you know, a slight
regret that I didn’t win because I kind of…
Interviewer: So you can tell me, what one thing do you think that has
had the biggest impact on your life?
Speaker 4: Hmm, that’s a difficult question. But I think helping
victims of the tsunami in 2004 had a very great impact on me.
I’m half Thai and I’d just arrived in Thailand for a family
Christmas holiday. When I heard the news I knew I had to
help-you couldn’t not. I ended up acting as an interpreter for
a group of volunteer doctors. It was an incredibly difficult
time but you know, even in the middle of such a horrific
tragedy there is still a huge amount of g kindness.
Interviewer: That’s amazing! And has it changed the way you view your
采访者 你能不能告诉我…你认为在你渐渐成熟的过程中产生了怎

样的变化呢 ?什么事情对你产生了主要的影响?
发言人1 嗯,让我想想… 我认为上大学对我的生活产生了重大 的影
类型的人,他们有着奇特而又令 人称赞的想法。这让我改变
了我看世界的方式。我现在宽容多了… 上大学让我成为了一
采访者 太棒了…那有没有一些特殊的人在你的性格塑造上产生主
受访者1 我觉得这个人应该是我的祖父。我和他非常亲近,是他教
采访者 那什么人或事对你的生活产生了重要的影响呢?
受访者2 我认为在我的空档年旅 行让我逐渐成长,让我同时看见了
地 方,你知道的,我发现在一些最贫困的国家,像柬埔寨和
老挝,人们会分享他们所拥有的一切,无论多少 。因此他们

起了最重要 的影响么?
在同一个房子 里。每一个星期,都会有人根据观众的投票而
目的,可以多么的自私与居心叵测。 同时我也认识到了在生
别人最终会看 穿这个谎言。
受 访者4:恩,这是个很难回答的问题。但是我想在2004年的时候
帮助海啸受难者给我了巨大的影响。 我有一半的泰国血统,
消息的时候, 我知道我必须去帮助他们——你不可能什么都

Passage two
Tony: Talking to us today in our Life Choices series is Joan Robinson, an
academic counselor at Manchester University. She gives advice to
school students on choosing the right subject to study at university.
Joan, welcome to the show.
Joan: Thanks Tony.
Tony: So Joan, what do our listeners need to think about when choosing a
course? It’s a huge, potentially life-changing decision, isn’t it?
Joan: Yes. I generally give students advice in two areas. Firstly, know
yourself, and secondly, think to the future.
Tony: When you say “know yourself” what do you mean?
Joan: Basically, I mean evaluate your own personal strengths and
weaknesses, your personality traits and the things you like.
Tony: I see…So how can our listeners do this?
Joan: Well, start by asking yourself questions to help reflect on your life
so far. For example, what subjects are you good at? Are you an
organized and self-disciplined person? Are you confident and
outgoing? Do you like working with others in a team or do you
prefer working alone? These kinds of questions will help you
discover more about yourself.
Tony: Sounds like good advice. How about your second point regarding
the future?

Joan: Well, your choice of major subject is likely to have a significant
impact on your future career so it’s important to look into this
carefully. I recommend you check not only which academic
subjects will help you get into a particular area of work, but also
look carefully at what universities offer. Each university has its
strengths so try to choose one that is the best in your chosen field.
Find out what links the department has to related industries and
leading companies in it.
Tony: Good point. Now I’d like to take some calls from our listeners.
First up we have James on the line. Hi, James! How can we help?
James: Hi. I’m interested in career in IT and I’d like to ask Joan whether
she thinks it’s better to go to a highly respected university, like
Oxford, or to study somewhere that has more of a vocational focus?
Joan: Well, James, you know it really depends on what you expect to get
out of a university and how you see your future. Basically a
handful of the brightest graduates are picked from the top
universities around the world to join the leading IT companies. So
I’d say if you’re a high-flyer then this is the route that might be for
you. But if you are looking for a more mainstream career then you
should consider a course that helps you acquire practical,
transferable skills that you can use in the workplace…and look at
which universities have the best levels of graduate recruitment for

the kind of job you are aiming for.
James: I see! Thanks a lot. That really helps me out…

学科的建议。乔恩,欢迎来到我们的节 目。
Joan: 谢谢,托尼。
Tony:那么乔恩,我们的听众在选择课程时需要考虑些 什么?这是一
Joan:是的。我一般给学生们两个 方面的建议。第一,要了解自己;
Joan:目前,要从自我反思开始 。例如,你擅长哪一科?你是不是一
Joan:你选择的主修 课程很有可能对你以后的工作有重大的影响,所
以,仔细地对专业进行调查是很重要的。我要求的不仅仅 是调

提供的资源。 每一所大学都有自己的特色,所以要试着选择在
你选择范围内的最好的一所。并且要找到那一所大学与相 关工
Tony:好主意。现在我们进入到听众热线的环节。第一个 连接上的听
James:你好。我对IT 行业很感兴趣,我想问一下乔恩,她认为进入
一所受到尊重的学校,例如牛津大学好,还是选择一所更加 注
Joan:很好,詹姆斯,你知道这完全决定于你想要从大学里得到 什么
校中被挑选出来进入到领先世 界的IT公司工作。我想说,如
果 你正在寻找主流行业,那么你应该考虑一门能帮助你锻炼在
工作中有用处的实践能力与可传递能力的课程 ,和比较一下在

Unit 2
Inside view
Conversion 1
Janet Hey, look at that! It’s just like I’ve seen it in the films!
Andy Welcome to London, my hometown. We are in Shoutwark,
south of the river. there’s London bridge off to your left, and
there’s Tower Bridge.
Janet I’m really impressed. How old is it?
Andy It’s only about 120 years old.
Janet well, that’s quite old.

Andy the London Docks used to be around this area. What happened
was that about three or four times a day, they raised Tower
Bridge, so the bigger ships could come right into London. But
because they couldn’t go under London bridge, they had to
stop and unload here.
Janet Does Tower Bridge still open?
Andy well, not so often. When I was a kid, I think I saw tower
bridge go up fairy often, all the traffic had to wait for the ships
to pass through the bridge. Anyway, just this side of London
bridge were lots of warehouses, where they kept their cargo.
But during the second world war, there was lots of bombing
over London…
Janet yes, I read about that…the Blitz?
Andy that’s right. And even when I was a kid, I remember that
many of the buildings were still damaged. But in the late
1980s and 90s, this whole area was redeveloped, you can see
for yourself, it’s a trendy place to live now.
Janet is the river thames still polluted?
Andy well, it certainly used to be polluted. I remember it had a very
distinctive smell, if you fell in, they used to take you to
Janet that’s sounds revolting!

Andy yes, but in the 1960s, they cleaned it up, and in fact it’s now
one of the cleanest city rivers in the world.

珍妮特 嘿,看那!和我在电影里看到的一样啊 !
安迪 欢迎来到我的故乡伦敦。我们现在是在河的 南边
珍妮特 真让人叹为观止啊!他有多长的历史了?
安迪 只有大概120年吧。
珍妮特 已经很久了。
安迪 轮的码头以前就在这附近,他们以前每天都会吧塔桥升起
来三四 次,以便让大船进入伦敦,但船又不能通过伦敦大
珍妮特 塔桥现在还会开放吗?
安迪 嗯,偶尔吧。我小的时候经常看到塔桥升起来,当时所有
们用来存放货物的仓库,但伦敦在二战期间遭 到了许多轰
珍妮特 是的,我在书上看到过,德国空袭,对吧?
安迪 没 错,甚至在我小的时候,还有许多遗留下来的被毁建筑,
但在80年代后期到90年代,这边整个区域都 重建了。你

珍妮特 泰晤士河现在还是污染的吗?
安迪 以前是,记得以前这有股很特别的味道,你一旦掉下去,
珍妮特 听起来有点恶心。
安迪 是的,但60年代已经被清理干净了,实际上它现在已经是

Conversion 2
Janet It is very different from the parts of London I know.
Andy The thing about Southwark is that it’s a typical suburb of London,
full of old buildings and shops. And this is where I grew up. I
used to live in that building there.
Janet It’s amazing. It looks very old.
Andy Yes, it’s about 80 years old
Janet And where did you go to school?
Andy Let me see. Yes , it was about a mile away from here. From
about the age of eight, I used to go by bike. We all made our way
to school on our own, meeting up with friends along the way
until there was a large gang of us kids as we got closer to school.
These days parents are much more protective and take their kids
to school by car. It’s safer, but it’s not as much fun.
Anyway …where was I?

Janet You were telling me about your schooldays.
Andy That’s right. Anyway, I stayed at school until I was 16,and then I
went to a college of further education, and did my A levels. And
after that, I decided to go to university.
Janet Your parents must have been proud of you.
Andy Yes, I think so. I was the first person in my family to go to uni.
Janet That’s fascinating.
Andy And what about you?
Janet Oh, it was a typical childhood in Anshan, nothing much to tell.
Andy But I have no idea what a typical childhood is like in China.
Janet OK, I will tell you. Let me think…
Andy Oh, hang on! Do you mind waiting here for a minute? Let me go
up to my flat and get my research, and then you can tell me
about it while we’re on our way back to the studio.
Janet OK
Andy Back in a minute…
珍妮特 这和我看到的伦敦的其他地方很不一样啊。
安迪 守特瓦是一个很典型的伦敦郊区,这有许多古老的建筑和商
场。这是我长大的地方 ,我以前就住在那栋楼里。
珍妮特 哇!看起来很古老。
安迪 是的,有大概80年了吧。
珍妮特 对了,你去哪上学的?

安迪 让我想想… 对了,离这大概一里远。八岁起我就开始骑车
上学,我们都是自己去的。一路上我们会碰到 很多同学,到
己的孩子,每天送他们 上学,这当然安全些,不过没有趣。
珍妮特 你在讲你的学生时代。
安迪 对了,而且我在学校呆到16岁后又进了进修学校,并且参
珍妮特 你父母一定为你感到骄傲吧!
安迪 我想是吧,在家里我是第一个上大学的。
珍妮特 你太棒了。
安迪 你呢?你怎么样?
珍妮特 噢,那是在鞍山一个很典型的童年,没什么太多可讲。
安迪 但还不知道在中国典型的童年是什么样的啊!
珍妮特 好吧,我来告诉你,让我想想……
安迪 噢,你先停下,在这等我一下好吗?我先回宿舍拿下调研资
料,然后在回录音室的 路上你再慢慢讲给我听。
珍妮特 好吧。
安迪 我马上回来。

Outside view

Around the world,many children are living in children
live in countries where there's children do not get enough to
of these children are suffering from malnutrition.
Many children in the world can’t go to agency that is helping
these children is means the United Nations Children's
has more than seven thousand people working and one
hundred and fifty_seven countries around the world to help
country where they are doing a great deal of work is Afghanistan.A whole
generation of children in Afghanistan has never known peace,until
UNICEF is bringing food for malnourished
're bringing A medical team travels on
horseback to bring medicine to a remote mountain UNICEF
is helping the children get an education.
have made a survey among 40000 ,they all say that the first
thing they want is peace,and the second thing that they want is ,was
n destroyed almost 2000 the
Taliban ,girls weren't allowed to attend school at all.
of the school has been destroyed completely,in the rest of the 50 percent
schools which,eh,eh,needs are trying to accommodate all the
children in the schools.
is a home school in teacher,Habiba Kilwati,has been running
the school for 12 supervises 26 other schools like it.

to learn,so wo can become teachers,doctors,or engineers,and be like
normal students.
Taliban,police punished families whose children went to
,children are happy to be in g I had
some tea and an egg,and came to school.I have
notebooks ,pencils,erasers,and friends,and fun here.“UNICEF is helping
rebuild the educational system in Afghanistan in many is
helping to train 're rebuilding schools,they're printing
textbooks,and delivering books and other supplies to girls
school was closed under the ,it's opening has room
for 960 girls are happy to be back to
disappointed and sad that I wasted six was no education
then.I tried to study then with my parents,but it's not the wasn't so
bad,but now I'm much happier because the schools are reopening.
plan to open the schools,and get these children enrolled,and back in
school,and to give them back their education so they can read and
Taliban came to power and closed the schools,girls
stayed at there's an opportunity for them to continue their
are very happy about can be proud of our girls,our
young can go back to is working on its
mission to bring food,medinine and education to the children of
the process,they're also bringing hope.

很 多孩子食不果腹。他们中的一些人甚至营养不良。他们不能上学。
UNICEF是一个帮助这些孩子们的 组织,是各个国家联合帮助儿童的
机构。现有700人在这里工作,157个国家联合帮助这些儿童。 其
平,直到不久前。现在UN ICEF为营养不良的儿童们带来了食物和药。
医疗队骑马为遥远山村里的人们送去药物。并且,他们还 帮助孩子们
说最渴望的 事情是和平,然后是教育。”塔利班摧毁了将近2000个校
园。在这形式下,女孩们根本不允许上学。 “多于一半的学校被完全
些 学校设在人们家里。这是一个在喀布尔的家庭学校。这位教师
Habiba Kilwati,已经管理 这家学校12年了。她像这样同时主管其他
26所学校。“我们想学习,这样我们可以成为教师,医生, 或者工程
利班控制下,警方 会惩罚那些有孩子上学的家庭。现在,孩子们因为
”今天早上我喝了一些茶吃 了一个鸡蛋,然后来上学。我有笔记本,
铅笔,橡皮和伙伴们,而且还有快乐!”在阿富汗UNICEF 正通过许

学校。现在,它又开放了。它可容纳 960个学生。女孩们因可以重返
校园而开心。“我因浪费了6年时光而感到沮丧和伤心。那时没有教< br>育,我只能向我父母学习,但现在不一样。虽然跟父母学习不是非常
糟糕,因为现在学校重新开放 我非常开心。”“我们打算开放校园,让
孩子们入学,重返校园,并给他们教育使他们可以读书和写字。 ”当
会去继续学业。我们因 此而非常欣慰。我为我们年经的女孩,年轻的
孩子们感到骄傲,他们可以重返学校。UNICEF不断尽 职负责的工作,

Listening in
One of the strangest feelings I’ve ever had was when I returned by
chance to a place where I’d been happy as a child. My husband and I
were visiting some friends for the weekend-----they lived about 200
kilometers away. We were driving along when I suddenly saw a church in
the distance that I recognized. My favorite aunt had lived very near it on a
farm that my brother and I used to visit once a year with our parents.
We were city kids, brought up in the middle of London, and this was a
working farm -----the real thing-----with cows in cowsheds, fields with

ponds and a muddy yard full of smelly pigs-----we had the run of the
whole place-----it was just paradise for us.
And then-----there was the food-----home-made jam and bread and
cakes, milk fresh from the cow. And my aunt Lottie-----a farmer’s
wife-----and her husband, uncle George and their kids, Katie and Ben, our
two cousins who my brother and I really got on with. It was heaven that
week we used to spend there. They moved from the farm when I was…
how old? ----- about 14. So I’d never been back or seen it again.
Anyway, there we were, and I’d just seen the church-----, so we
turned off and drove down this really narrow lane. And before I knew it
we were in front of Aunt Lottie’s farm. The extraordinary thing was that it
hadn’t changed------ not one tiny bit.
It was a lovely old place with a typical country cottage garden, full of
flowers. There were lots of barns and sheds-----they were next to -----next
to the farm. And you know, I can’t even begin to describe the feeling I
had standing there. It was-----oh, what was it? an incredibly powerful
feeling of longing----- nostalgia for the past-----for times I’d been very
very happy. But it was the past. I hadn’t been there for 20 years and I
couldn’t go back, so also I had a feeling of huge sadness, that I couldn’t
have those times again. And-----at the same time-----great sweetness,
because those times had been so happy, so innocent----- because I was a
child. So there was this extraordinary mix-----of longing, sadness and

sweetness, all at the same time. It was the strangest feeling I’ve ever had.

的地方。当时我和丈夫在周末去 看望朋友们,他们都住在200公里外
的地方。就在我们沿路开车的时候,我突然看见了在远处有个熟悉 的
我们我 无法再拥有曾经的那段时光。但同时,我心中又如此甜蜜,
只因那时的我是那样开在伦敦市中心长大,是 城里的孩子,而这个农
地, 满是臭猪的泥院子。我们在整个农场里疯跑,那里就像是我们的
然后,就是吃的,有自 制的果酱、面包、蛋糕和刚挤出的新鲜的
牛奶。我的婶婶Lottie和她的丈夫,也就是我的叔叔,以 及他们的孩
那 里是我们曾经渡过每一天的天堂。但是,他们从农场搬走了,当我,
呃,多大的时候?呃….大概是14 岁的时候吧。所以我再也没回去过
无论怎样,我们来了,我又看见了那个教堂, 于是我们转弯开进
加 奇妙的是它没有变,一点儿也没有。

那是一个可爱的有着满是鲜花的旧式传统乡村别墅 花园。很多很
何描述我站在 那里的心情。那种心情,哦,是什么心情?一种难以置
信的强烈的留恋-----对过去的留恋 ------对曾经美好时光的留恋。然而,
那已成为过往,我已经离开那里20年了,我之后也从没回 去过,所
子。所以我心中同 时拥有了一种及其奇妙的情感的混合,留恋,失落,

Interviewer: So what's your first memory of school, Kevin?
Kevin: I was really looking forward to school, I remember that, I just
couldn't wait. Yeah, Johnny, my brother, was a year older than
me and he seemed so grown-up, with his red blazer and smart
shoes. And I wanted to go to school and be grown-up too. I don't
remember much of the first day actually, apart from this little boy
lying on the floor and screaming and screaming and me thinking
what a baby he was.
Interviewer: Right! What about you, Eva?
Eva: I just have this one memory of this coat rack with all our coats.
And I was looking for my peg which had a little picture of an

elephant next to it. I remember I was crying because I wanted to
go home and I couldn't get my coat on. I was crying so much and
then the teacher came and helped me.
Interviewer: OK, so what about your first best friend at school?
Kevin: Oh, yeah, well, Steve, I remember him, because he's still my best
Interviewer: Still your best friend!
Eva: That's so great!
Kevin: Yeah, we didn't know each other before we started school but we
became really good friends and so did our mums. Our families
ended up going on holiday together and that kind of thing. But we
used to fight a lot, Steve and I, and the teachers used to get very
cross with us. But we were just having fun.
Interviewer: Cool! And what about you, Eva?
Eva: My best friend was a girl called Robina. She had short blond hair, I
remember I thought she looks like an angel. We sat next to each
other and held hands and played fairies in the playground. She left
in Year 3 and I cried for days.
Interviewer: Oh, how sad! So what about the day you left school? How
was that?
Eva: I had a lot of mixed feelings, I remember walking home with this
amazing feeling of freedom, you know, no more rules, no more

bossy teachers. But I also felt pretty sad, because I'd had some
good times. I was in a group of girls who were so supportive of
each other.
Kevin: I couldn't wait to leave, I was counting the days.I just wanted to
get a job, get a life, earn some cash. The day I left, I went out to
celebrate with a couple of my mates and --had a very good time!

凯文:我真的很期待去学校,我记得当时 我都等不及了。是的,我哥
子,看上 去那么成熟。于是我也想去学校,然后变得成熟起来。
事实上我对开学第一天的印象不是很深,只记得有 个小男孩躺
的桩,它的旁边有一张大象 的小图片。我记得当时我因为想回

凯文:是呀!我们 在开学前并不认识,但无论我们俩还是我们的妈妈
都成了好朋友。我们两家常常一起度假什么的。但以前 史蒂夫
伊娃:我最好的朋友是一个叫罗比娜的女孩。她有一头金黄色短 发。
举手回答老师的问题,一起在 操场上玩耍。可是她在3年级的
伊娃:我 当时百感交集。我记得我走在回家路上时有一种惊人的自由
感。你知道的,再也没有规矩,再也没有专横 的老师们。但我
支援的女孩群体之 内。
作,好好生活,赚点 钱。在我离开学校的那天,我和我的一群

Inside view
Janet: So where are we now?
Andy: This is the West End. It’s famous for cinemas and theatres. I used
to work in a theatre near here.
Janet: Really? What did you do?
Andy: I moved the scenery between acts in the play. If I’m not mistaken,
I worked on Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
Janet: If I remember correctly. That was made into a musical film, wasn’t
it? My Fair Lady? I remember seeing it on TV.
(Phone ringing)
Andy: Oh, oh, it’s Joe.
(Andy picked up the phone)
Andy: Hey!... Yes, we’re on our way…I don’t think we’re that late. Chill

out Joe, we’ll be there.
(Andy hung up the phone)
Andy: Anyway, come on, we’d better get a move on.
Janet: How far is it from here?
Andy: It’s not far. Maybe five minutes’ walk. Joe gets cross if I’m late.
Joe: Hello Janet, hello Andy. Late as usual.
Andy: Actually, by my watch, I’m bang on time.
Joe: Well let’s get on with it. This is Toby Jenkins, the theatre critic.
Toby: Nice to meet you, are you ready to start?
Andy: Hang on a minute! Janet, can you check the sound level? Can you
hear me ok ,Janet?Janet?
Janet: Hi Andy, I can’t hear you. What’s up?
Andy: Can you hear me now?
Janet: Ouch! Yes, that’s much louder.
Joe: Let’s stop wasting time please. Just get on with the interview, will
Janet: 那么,我们现在在哪?
Andy: 这是伦敦西区, 他因影院、戏院而出名.。我曾在这附近的一家
Janet: 真的?你当时做什么?
Andy: 我在一出剧中的幕间移动布景,如果我没搞错的话,我参与的是皮革马利翁这出戏的工作,剧本是由萧伯纳写的。

Janet: 如果我没记错的话。它被改编成了一部歌舞片,不是吗?——
Andy: 噢,Joe打来的。
(Andy 接起电话)
Andy: 嗨…对,我们已经在路上了。我不觉得我们真的像你说的那么
晚.。别紧张Joe, 我们会到那的。
Andy: 不管怎样,快点把,我们最好动身了。
Janet: 这里离目的地多远?
Andy: 不远,可能走五分钟就到了,我们迟到的话,Joe会生气的。
Joe: Janet、Andy你们好啊,你们还是像往常一样迟到了。
Andy: 事实上,照我的表来看,我们到的正准时。
Joe: 算了,我们别说这个了。这位是剧评家Toby Jenkin
Toby: 很高兴见到你,你准备好开始采访了吗?
Andy: 等一下,Janet,你能检查一下音量吗?你听得请我说话吗
Janet: 嗨Andy, 我听不见你说话,怎么回事?
Andy: 现在听得见吗?
Janet: 哎呀…听见了,清楚多了
Joe: 拜托,咱们别浪费时间了。快点开始采访,行不?

Andy: And we’ve got Toby Jenkins here with us today, who has just been
to see the latest show at The Hippodrome La Clique. So La
Clique is slightly different from the usual shows we see here in the West
End these days. Can you tell me something about it, Toby?
Toby: Yes, It’s a kind of cabaret, with a series of variety acts set in a kind
of circus, but it’s very contemporary, extremely well produced and
huge fun..
Andy: Tell me more about the acts.
Toby: Well, there are stunts performed on a high wire, and puppets.
There’s a sword swallower and juggler, and a rubber man who
manages to pass his whole body through a tennis racquet.
Andy: It sounds very unusual.
Toby: Yes, for the West End today, but not so unusual for 30 or more
years ago.
Andy: So, It’s family entertainment then?
Toby: Ah, no. I’m afraid it’s pretty adult, but very funny and stylish.
Andy: Did you get that ok, Janet?
Joe: Let me have a listen…
Janet: Oh no, did I do some thing wrong?
Joe: Well, It’s just that I can’t hear anything. Let’s try again…
Andy: Did you remember to keep an eye on the sound levels? That meter,

Janet: Oh no, I clean forgot.
Andy: It’s Ok. We’ll just do another take.
Joe: Come on you two. Hurry up!
Janet: I’m so sorry. It slipped my mind.
Joe: You’ll forget your own head one day. Sorry about this, Toby. From
the top, please.
Andy: And we’ve got Toby Jenkins here with us today…
Andy: 今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Toby Jenkins接受我们的采访, 他刚
刚在The Hippodrome剧院看了最新公演的La Clique。那么,
La Clique和我们近期在伦敦西区看的表演略微有点不同,能
Toby: 好的,这算是一种余兴节目,在某种马戏表演中穿插一系列演出,
但这些演出都是 非常有时代性的,制作精良,而且很有趣。.
Andy: 能更多地谈谈那些演出吗?
Toby: 好的,其中有杂耍演员在高空钢丝上的表演、有木偶表演、吞
剑表演、魔术表演、 还有个柔韧性很好的人从一个网球拍中成
Andy: 听起来确实很特别。
Toby: 是的,对于现在的伦敦西区来说是很特别, 但对于三十多年前
Andy: 所以说,这是老少咸宜的娱乐形式喽?

Toby: 不,恐怕这更适合成年人,但确实很流行、也很有趣。.
Andy: Janet,这些你都录好了吗?
Joe: 让我听听看
Janet: 哦不,我做错什么了吗?
Joe: 问题是,我什么都听不见啊。我们再试一次.
Andy: 你有留心音量控制器吗? 就是那个表。
Janet: 哦不,我忘得一干二净
Andy: 没事,我们再录一次就行了
Joe: 快呀你们两个!快点!
Janet: 太抱歉了,我一不小心忘了.
Joe: 没准哪天你连自己的脑袋都忘了。Toby,我们对此感到很抱歉,
Andy: 今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Toby Jenkins接受我们的采访……

Outside View
The Mona Lisa, the most famous painting in the world, was trully
revolutionary even in its time. While he was painting the Mona Lisa,
Leonardo da Vinci broke all the rules, even his own. In spite of the fact
that Leonardo and other aritists believed that women should only be
portrayed with eyes gazing slightly down. Leonodo painted the Mona
Lisa looking directly at the viewer. The positon of her body is another
innovation. While her face looks straight ahead, her body is slight turned,

a pose that creates a sense of movement and tension. In another break
from tradition, the Mona Lisa is not wearing any jewellery or adorments.
Finally, backgrounds in portraits usually indicated a real place but the
landscape in Leonardo’s portrait seems almost imaginary.
A:One of the things I like to do is, um, think about her face and why,
what is she trying, why, what is she trying to say with her face and I used
to think that her face told more than one story. For instance, if I covered
up one side of her face, it seemed like she might be a little sad or
resevered, almost secretive.
S:Her eyes are, they’re kind of looking at us or around us, through
us perhaps. I think with that painting she is the viewer and we are the
subject in a way. And she has this look that she knows somehting that we
don’t know.
A:And then when I coverd up that side and looked at the other side,
she seemed happier, um, more satisfied. And togher, it created sort of the
mystery about her that, um, made interpreting her face very enigmatic.
S:There’s speculation that the Mona Lisa is a self-portrait of
Leonardo and I, I believe that it is, there, there, the features do line up
between the Mona Lisa and sketches of Leonardo.
Scott McMahon and Anne Pfaff are both portrait artists. They
believe that portraits can tell a story and make people think, just as the
Mona Lisa has done for so many years.

A:When I was young, um, I was always interested in, um, reading
books about people and, and the dynamics, different kinds of
relationships they had and so when I became a painter it was natural for
me to be interested in painting poeple and looking for similar kinds of
stories to tell about them that you might read in a book.
S:Uh, most of my work consists of photographic self-portraiture.
Um, I’m interested in using myself as th subject, um, not only as the
creator of the image but as the, the character, or the performer of, of the
So in my portraits I’m trying to capture, um, a deeper essence of a
person, um, more or less.
This work here is done with a pinhole camera, which requires a very
long exposure so, with a portrait you can get this feeling of time passed.
It’s not a, it’s not an instant, per se, it could be five minutes of exposure.
A:So this is another project I’m working on. I’m almost finished
with it but I still need to work on the reflections in the water, um, and the
face of the boy before it’s finished.
S:I often work with multiples and, you know, using a mirror or the
same image twice and what I wanted to do was link the two portraits
together with the string. It’s kind of the string of thought or this idea of
remembering or the resilience of memory.
A:I don’t just paint from photographs. I try to make a work of art.

Um, I try to make a painting that goes beyond a mere photographic image.
I try to capture something about the soul of the, or the essence of this
S:This piece here is, uh, it’s called The Measure of Decay and
behind the piece there are portraits, again, of me I have this clay covering
on that has cracked and so it’s, it’s kind of like the process of decay. So as
each portrait goes around you can, you can see the image in a different
focus. I love painting portraits.
A:I love painting but portraits are very special because they’re about
S:I’m fascinated by portraiture in general, and the human body and
how the image lives over time. I like to capture what is unique and
special about an individual in paint.
颠覆性的。列奥 纳多·达·芬奇在创作这幅画的时候突破了一切的规
则限制,甚至是他自己的。在达芬奇创作的这幅画中 ,尽管他其他广
仍然将蒙娜 丽莎画为直视着看画者。她的身体则是另外一个突破。当
她的脸是对着正前方的时候,她的身体略微转过 一个角度,这个姿势
没有佩 戴任何的珠宝或者是装饰品。最后一点,肖像画的背景通常指
向一个真实的地点,而列奥纳多的肖像画的 背景看起来都是梦幻一般

安普法夫:我喜欢做的一件事情是,恩,思考她 的脸还有为什么
们不止一个 故事。比如说,如果我遮起她的脸的一边儿,她看起来会
有些悲伤或者说是沉默寡言的,几乎是遮遮掩掩 的。
围,或许还是穿过了我们 。在一定程度上,我想在这幅画中,她是旁
观者,而我们却成了画的主题。她的这种表情仿佛表示出她知 道某些
安普法夫:而后当我遮起她的另一边脸看刚才一边的时候,她看< br>起来快乐一些,恩,或者说更满足的。整体一起看的时候,它又有一
种关于她的神秘感,恩,让理 解她的脸变的难以捉摸。
像, 而我认为,这些特点是集合了蒙娜丽莎还有达芬奇的素描。
斯科特麦克马洪和安普法夫都是肖像画艺术 家。他们认为肖像画
还有关于人的相互关系的,他们 之间各种各样的关系,所以当我成为

角或者是表演者。所以在 我的肖像画作品中,我试图去抓住,恩,或
多或少一个人的更深层的本质。这儿的这个工作需要借助针孔 摄像机
受到时间的流逝。它 并不是,并不是一个瞬间的,它本身可以是五分
安普法夫:这是我正在进行的 另一个作品。我几乎快要完成了,
可是在真正完成之前仍然有一些工作,比如说水的反射,恩,还有这< br>男孩儿的脸。
还有用镜 子或者相同的东西两次,我所想要做的是将两幅肖像用一根
线联系起来。那是一种思想的线,或者说是记 忆,还有记忆的重现。
恩, 我试着画一种超越了仅仅是图片的画。我试着捕捉一些关于人的
灵魂或者是关于人的本质的东西。 斯科特麦克马洪:这里的东西,恩,叫做衰退的测量,在这张陶
土的后面是一些肖像,再一次,我将 陶土中间弄碎,所以它是,它像
的,因为它们是关于人的。 < br>斯科特麦克马洪:我通常被肖像艺术所吸引,还有人的躯体和这

些画是如何在岁月 中存活下来。我喜欢在画中捕捉一些独特的东西还

Listening in conversation 1
Lily: So what was the highlight of your trip to (South)Korea?
Hugh: Well that's…let me see...it's got to be going to see Nanta.
Lily: What on earth is Nanta?
Hugh:It's this amazing live show-part theater-part dance-part music.
Lily: Sounds really interesting. But why’s it so brilliant?
Hugh: I think it's the energy of the performers. Also it has a unique
concept. It's a mixture of traditional Korean music, percussion and
drums, into a western style performance
Lily: I've never heard of it. Has it ever been performed in the West?
Hugh: Yeah, it's been a sell-out. They've toured in over 30 countries since
the show began in 's a non- verbal performance so there are
no language barriers. That's what's made it an international
Lily: What else makes it so special then?
Hugh: Well...the other thing is that all the action takes place in the kitchen.
You see these four chefs preparing the food for a wedding
reception. The performers use knives, dustbin lids and various
other kitchen utensils to create a hypnotic soundtrack. The food

literally flies everywhere! It's hilarious.
Lily: That sounds quite funny I must admit. Is there an actual story
Hugh: Oh yes, there is a story. The four chefs have to prepare the meal by
6 o'clock and they also have to give the manager's nephew
cooking lessons too, which adds to the fun. There’s loads of
audience participation and despite there being no language
involved you get completely engrossed. It's really quite wacky!
Lily: And what about the audience? I suppose they start throwing food
Hugh: Not quite! But they are totally involved in what's going
on-everyone loves it. It's a really great family show. In fact it's one
of the best shows I've ever seen. Jim, my friend, says he takes all
his visitors. He's seen it about eight times and still loves it.
Lily: I bet it's popular with tourists then.
Hugh: Well apparently over a million foreign tourists in (South)Korea
have seen the show and it's had a run on Broadway too. It first got
popular after they appeared at the Edinburgh Festival. Now they
are planning to tour more cities in Asia where (South) Korean
popular culture is becoming incredibly trendy.
Lily: By the way what does“Nanta” mean?
Hugh:It means random drumming in Korean. The English name for the

show is Cookin’, which gives you a clearer idea of what it's all
Lily: You've got me interested now. I'll have to check it out on the
休: 额。。。让我想想。。。应该是去看Nanta这件事吧。
休: 他是个很精彩的舞台剧,应该说是戏剧,舞蹈以及音乐的大综
休: 我想应该是因为演员们的活力 吧。还有就是这个舞台剧本身包
鼓 融合进西方风格的表演
休: 当然,而且场场爆满。自1997年这个节目正式开始表演以来,
Nanta的表演团队已经游遍了三十 多个国家。Nanta是一个非
而 这恰恰就是让它在全球范围内取得成功的原因。
休: 额。。。说道其他的特点的话,应该就是表演中所有的事情都发
生在厨房。你会看到4 个主厨在厨房中为准备婚宴餐点而忙

休: 有啊,那四个主厨必须在6点之前准备好婚宴晚餐,同时又要
给经理的侄子上烹饪课,这些元素都使整部 节目充满笑点。节
关,但每个人都 全神贯注于其中。这真的有点古怪,不是么?
休: 并非 完全如此。但他们确实全都沉浸在整部节目中,毕竟每个
观众都喜爱它。这是一部非常适合家庭成员一起 观看的表演。
友Jim说,他会带 他所有的客户来看这节目。他已经看过约8
休: 恩。。。显然,成百上千到韩国旅游的游客都 看过这部节目,而
开始受 到世人的瞩目。而现在,Nanta节目组正准备在更多的
亚洲城市进行巡演,韩国的流行文化显然在这 些地方十分地受

休: 在韩国,它是胡乱击鼓的意思。他的英文名是Cookin’s,英文名

Listening in
Conversation 2
Interviewer: Kathy Richards is a specialist art tour guide. Kathy-can you
tell us what trends you've noticed in recent years?
Kathy: Well, one of the biggest phenomena I've noticed is a huge
increase in visitors to galleries-and a growing interest in
modern art in general.
Interviewer: What do you think the reason is for that?
Kathy: Well, there are several reasons, I think. The most important
ones are firstly, that some new contemporary art galleries
have opened which have had a lot of publicity, and secondly
the younger generation feel more comfortable with modern
art so the kind of people visiting galleries is changing.
Finally, the new generation of galleries have become
destinations in themselves...they tend to be housed in
amazing buildings.
Interviewer: So which are the most popular new galleries?
Kathy: Well, the Tate Modern in London has had over 30 million







