
2020年08月03日 12:54


Active Reading

记者的责任是什么?是向读 者告知信息?还是让主编满意?是不惜任何代价站在法律的一
边?还是只管写一则好的新闻故事?或者说 他们是不是有责任遵循人的行为规范,不管要付
一位摄影师拍摄了一组军官处决反叛士兵的照片 。他本来是可能阻止那位军官射杀战俘的,
但他选择了履行他对于主编和读者的责任,即报道所发生的一 切。他应该把自己牵扯进去
有位记者正在调查一家大型城 市银行的重大诈骗案。一位银行雇员向她透露了罪犯的犯罪手
法和身份。讲述过程中,这位雇员承认他在 这起案件中有轻微牵连。警方展开了调查,他们
请这位记者提供线人的姓名。她拒绝了,声称她的职业准 则使她有责任保护信息提供者。她
是应该为坚守原则而受到赞扬呢,还是应该为妨碍警方破案而被指控呢 ?
这家报社仅 仅是做了读者们期盼它做的事,还是说这位演员有权将她的私生活与公众生活区
关于记者道德责任的讨论从未停止过,有笼统的,也有针对具体案例的。起初, 答案似乎很
肯 尼迪总统而被捕的李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德时,有位摄影师就在现场。可他能丢下照相机去
阻止鲁比开枪吗 ?如果他真这么做了,我们会不会知道更多有关刺杀总统的主谋的信息呢?
摄影师们为拍到照片疾速行 驶,尾随戴安娜和她的情人,引发了那场车祸,以道德而论,他
们做对了吗?或者,为了尊重读者对一场 将会影响英国王室现状的恋情的知情权,这样的新
很显然, 记者的行为规范因国别而异。然而,大多数国家都认可要准确地报道,提出任何主
张都需要给出证据,要 保护消息提供者,以及要更正错误。新闻业有赖于记者的行为来维护
它最重要的三项优势:专业性、可靠 性和对公众的责任心。
一些报纸,例如《纽约时报》,认识到在追求速度和保证准确性时可能会产生的 冲突,因此
这份责任 需要主编来分担。主编有时通过刊登敌军士兵被击毙的照片来揭示战争引发的不
幸,但是他们从不刊登自 己一方士兵牺牲的照片,因为不想冒犯士兵的亲人和读者的情感。
这份责任需要媒体机构的所有者来分 担。他们可能会接下无道德的公司的广告业务。这么做
只是为了迎合投资人。没有这些投资人,他们就没 有财力去追求向公众释疑解惑这一使命。
这份责任需要读者来分担。他们必须接受这样一个事实:一则 有关好莱坞影星的被夸大了的、
掉猎物,不 考虑弱小者的利益。我们需要承认,无论是新闻从业者,还是作为消费者的观众

和读者们 ,大家首先都是人——这是我们共有的特点。
Dealing with Unfamiliar Words
④ Match the words with their meanings in the context of the passage.
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. a
⑤ Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the may need to
make other changes.
1. dilemmas 2. criminals 3. arrested 4. an invasion; rebels 5. are entitled 6. reliable
7. offend
⑥ Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
1. exaggerate 2. inform 3. accurate 4. fraud
5. chasing 6. expense 7. commitment 8. minor 9. principles
Language in Use
➊ Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions.
, prevent.
2. Ask, oblige.
t, stop.
➋ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. to say 2. from writing 3. to take 4. from publishing
5. to come back 6. from wasting 7. to do
➌ Look at the sentence from the passage and answer the questions.
➎ Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the box. Sometimes
more than one collocation is possible.
1. at great expense 2. code of conduct 3. war zones danger zones 4. international code
5. danger zone 6. at the expense of of practice code of conduct
➏ Translate the sentences into Chinese.
1 But he chose to honour his responsibilities towards his editor and the newspaper readers, which
was to report what was happening.
2 So should the journalist always stand back and watch while people kill each other, or should
they ever get involved as human beings?
3 The news media relies on their journalists’ behaviour in order to support its three most important
assets: being professional, reliable and responsible to the public.
4 It needs to be shared by the editors, who sometimes show shots of dead enemy soldiers, in order
to convey the tragedy of the war, but not to show shots of our own dead soldiers, for fear of
offending both their relatives and the readers.
这份责任需要主编来分担。主编有时通过刊登敌军士兵被击毙的照片来揭示战争所引 发的不
5 It needs to be shared by the readers, who must accept that an exaggerated or shocking story
about a young Hollywood film star may lead to a significant invasion of privacy and even human
这份责任需要读者来分担,他们必须接受这样一个事实:一则有关好莱坞影星 的被夸大了的、

➐ Translate the sentences into English.
1 新闻工作者的职责是提供真实准确的报道,因为公众有权知道事实的真相。(accurately; be
entitled to do)
The responsibility of a journalist is to provide news accurately, for the public are entitled to know
about the truth.
2 《中国日报》是中国唯一的全国性英文日报,日发行量达40余万份。(using phrases in
China Daily, the only national English-language newspaper in China, has a circulation of over
400,000 copies daily.
3.经济发展不能以牺牲环境为代价,否则后患无穷。(at the expense of)
Economic development must not be achieved at the expense of environment, otherwise it will
bring endless trouble.
4 这名记者拒绝透露她的消息来源,以免带来不必要的麻烦。
(disclose; for fear of doing sth)
The journalist refused to disclose the source of her information, for fear of bringing unnecessary
5 他因发表有关人权的错误报道而受到指控。(be charged with)
He was charged with publishing false reports on human rights.
Further reading

的国际意义。200 1年9月,恐怖分子袭击纽约世贸中心双塔大楼正是属于此类事件。从那
一刻起世界便不再是原来的世界 了,这样说也许并不夸张。
“911”事件被永远铭记不仅仅是因其在历史和国际层面的影响,还因 为它给人们带来的
震惊和恐惧。它是如此震撼、如此引人瞩目,以致于多年以后,许多人还能准确地记起 当
世界 的很多人来说,他们的第一个本能反应就是赶快把这件事告诉别人,这恰恰验证了那
句老话:坏事传千里 。
值七岁 的孩子们吓了一跳,她宣布说“肯尼迪总统死了。 ”我并不知道肯尼迪总统是谁,
但我听到这个消息还 是感到很不安,于是放学后一路飞奔回家,告诉了我父母(当然,他
们已经知道了)。事实上,这是我最 早的记忆之一。
那么,究竟什么是新闻?说新闻要具备客观重要性显然是不够的——全球性的问题数< br>不胜数,从贫困问题到全球变暖,后果都引人关注——但是既然这些事件在持续发展,它
们就不会 在同一天成为头条新闻。相比之下,“911”事件不仅具备国际性,而且是罕见的、
突发的(有可能使 人们对遭受这场悲剧的人感同身受,从这个意义上来说),也是触动人性
罕见并不意味有 多重大。就拿今天《中国日报》刊登的一只老鼠延误了一架从越南飞
往日本的航班的新闻来说,有人发现 一只老鼠在一架停在河内机场的飞机的过道上奔跑,
最后它被12名技术人员一起抓住了,他们担心这只 老鼠会咬坏电线,引发短路。当老鼠被

全 球很多地方都报道了这件事,从亚洲经苏格兰到美洲,在一些报纸的网络版上都可以找
到这则新闻(《捕 鼠延误了航班》发表在《爱丁堡晚报》上)。
你也许会说这件事并不具备严重的国际性后果(除了耽误 几位乘客到别国赴约),但
是全球很多地方都报道了这件事,从亚洲经苏格兰到美洲,在一些报纸的网络 版上都可以
构成新闻的另一 个要素是即时性,即报道接近它的发生时间。一周前发生的事件通
常算不上新闻了——除非你是刚刚看到 它。“时间(when)”是五个“wh-”问题之一,受训
记者经常被教导要用五个“wh-”问题来 构建一则新闻故事(其他的要素分别是“人物[who]”、
“事件[what]”、“地点[wher e]”和“原因[why]”);“今天”、“今天早上”和“昨天”也许
是新闻报道中最常见的时间副 词。与之类似,将要发生的事件(“今天”、“今晚”或“今夜”)
也可能有新闻价值,尽管按定义来说 ,它不在人意料之外,也不那么轰动。
说到即时性,那些能够实时提供新闻的媒体,如电视、广播以及 互联网等,要比报纸
具有更大的优势。亲眼看见一个事件在你面前展开和第二天早上吃早餐时从报上看到 相比
都 是经过记者或主编有目的地挑选过的,或者至少是按照既定方针挑选过的,按照特有的
“媒体力量 ”的原因——这是一种能或多或少地暗中影响大众的力量。
然而,在21世纪这种力量也许正逐渐消退 ,或至少是转移到了普通人手中。个人博客的壮
大,能够通过像YouTube这样的网站播放自己的视 频,以及开放式网页(wikis)的发展,
都意味着任何人都可以随时地、迅速地向全世界的观众传达 他们想说的话,展示他们想展
当然,这并不意味着报纸和电视会一夜之间消失。但 是,在他们永不停止地寻求新
闻素材(特别的、突发的、人性的)的过程中,他们将越来越多地向这些网 站寻找素材,
Reading and Understanding
➋ Read the headlines. Which story is not referred to in the passage?
“Brazil wins the world cup”
➌ Choose the best answer to the questions.
1. c 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. a 6.a 7.c
Dealng with unfamiliar words
➍ 1. startled 2. Horror 3. The news which is most striking isn’t always bad news.
4. via 5. enormous 6. reaction 7. eroded
⑤ 1. unexpected 2. unique 3. frame 4. access 5. guidelines 6. significance
7. consequence 8. specific 9. viewpoint 10. remarkable
Guided Writing
➊ Summarize the underlined data using the information in the box.
1 with approximate sales attaining 440 million in 2006
2 with nearly 100 million copies
3 people read just over 77 per cent of articles online
4 more than 80 newspapers have changed their format
5 more than 50 per cent of newspapers are free
6 nearly 2.4 million copies circulating daily

② Write a short summary about sales of four major newspapers in the UK.
The Sun leads The Daily Mail by just under a million copies a day, reaching well over three
million people. The Daily Mail in turn leads The Mirror, reaching up to nearly four per cent of the
population in comparison with just under three per cent for the latter. The Daily Telegraph sells
less than a million a day, just about 30 per cent of the sales of The Sun.
➌ Write a short passage about the press in China. Try to summarize the data.
The Press in China
Every day nearly 100 million papers are sold in China, and the number of readers is probably
much higher. One of the most popular paper is Reference News, ranking the Top in China with
daily sales of 3.5 million. The paper is the most popular because it contains news and information
on hot issues in politics, finance, military affairs, the economy and so on at both home and abroad.
In recent years, television and the Internet have been playing an increasing part in providing news
at even faster pace. Lots of people, especially the younger generation, are turning to the Web for
new. Curiously, according to Google, they are most interested in banking and stock market news
possibly because the internet coverage is so frequently updated. But in spite of the importance of
new technologies in communications, paper newspapers remain the popular medium. After all,
many people have been used to the life with a paper in hand after a meal or over the weekend.
Television and the Internet provide more channels for news, but they are no substitute for the “real

Active Reading

边?还 是只管写一则好的新闻故事?或者说他们是不是有责任遵循人的行为规范,不管要付
出多大的代价,冒着 多大的危险?
一位摄影师拍摄了一组军官处决 反叛士兵的照片。他本来是可能阻止那位军官射杀战俘的,
但他选择了履行他对于主编和读者的责任,即 报道所发生的一切。他应该把自己牵扯进去
有位记者正在 调查一家大型城市银行的重大诈骗案。一位银行雇员向她透露了罪犯的犯罪手
法和身份。讲述过程中,这 位雇员承认他在这起案件中有轻微牵连。警方展开了调查,他们
请这位记者提供线人的姓名。她拒绝了, 声称她的职业准则使她有责任保护信息提供者。她
是应该为坚守原则而受到赞扬呢,还是应该为妨碍警方 破案而被指控呢?
有份报纸刊登了一组某知名电影演员的照片,在媒体的频频曝光推动了她的演艺事业 。这一
关于记者道德责任的讨论从未停止过,有笼统的,也有针对具体案例的。起初, 答案似乎很
肯 尼迪总统而被捕的李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德时,有位摄影师就在现场。可他能丢下照相机去
阻止鲁比开枪吗 ?如果他真这么做了,我们会不会知道更多有关刺杀总统的主谋的信息呢?
摄影师们为拍到照片疾速行 驶,尾随戴安娜和她的情人,引发了那场车祸,以道德而论,他
们做对了吗?或者,为了尊重读者对一场 将会影响英国王室现状的恋情的知情权,这样的新
很显然, 记者的行为规范因国别而异。然而,大多数国家都认可要准确地报道,提出任何主
张都需要给出证据,要 保护消息提供者,以及要更正错误。新闻业有赖于记者的行为来维护
它最重要的三项优势:专业性、可靠 性和对公众的责任心。
一些报纸,例如《纽约时报》,认识到在追求速度和保证准确性时可能会产生的 冲突,因此
这份责任 需要主编来分担。主编有时通过刊登敌军士兵被击毙的照片来揭示战争引发的不
幸,但是他们从不刊登自 己一方士兵牺牲的照片,因为不想冒犯士兵的亲人和读者的情感。
这份责任需要媒体机构的所有者来分 担。他们可能会接下无道德的公司的广告业务。这么做
只是为了迎合投资人。没有这些投资人,他们就没 有财力去追求向公众释疑解惑这一使命。
这份责任需要读者来分担。他们必须接受这样一个事实:一则 有关好莱坞影星的被夸大了的、
掉猎物,不 考虑弱小者的利益。我们需要承认,无论是新闻从业者,还是作为消费者的观众

和读者们 ,大家首先都是人——这是我们共有的特点。
Dealing with Unfamiliar Words
④ Match the words with their meanings in the context of the passage.
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. a
⑤ Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the may need to
make other changes.
1. dilemmas 2. criminals 3. arrested 4. an invasion; rebels 5. are entitled 6. reliable
7. offend
⑥ Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
1. exaggerate 2. inform 3. accurate 4. fraud
5. chasing 6. expense 7. commitment 8. minor 9. principles
Language in Use
➊ Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions.
, prevent.
2. Ask, oblige.
t, stop.
➋ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. to say 2. from writing 3. to take 4. from publishing
5. to come back 6. from wasting 7. to do
➌ Look at the sentence from the passage and answer the questions.
➎ Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the box. Sometimes
more than one collocation is possible.
1. at great expense 2. code of conduct 3. war zones danger zones 4. international code
5. danger zone 6. at the expense of of practice code of conduct
➏ Translate the sentences into Chinese.
1 But he chose to honour his responsibilities towards his editor and the newspaper readers, which
was to report what was happening.
2 So should the journalist always stand back and watch while people kill each other, or should
they ever get involved as human beings?
3 The news media relies on their journalists’ behaviour in order to support its three most important
assets: being professional, reliable and responsible to the public.
4 It needs to be shared by the editors, who sometimes show shots of dead enemy soldiers, in order
to convey the tragedy of the war, but not to show shots of our own dead soldiers, for fear of
offending both their relatives and the readers.
这份责任需要主编来分担。主编有时通过刊登敌军士兵被击毙的照片来揭示战争所引 发的不
5 It needs to be shared by the readers, who must accept that an exaggerated or shocking story
about a young Hollywood film star may lead to a significant invasion of privacy and even human
这份责任需要读者来分担,他们必须接受这样一个事实:一则有关好莱坞影星 的被夸大了的、

➐ Translate the sentences into English.
1 新闻工作者的职责是提供真实准确的报道,因为公众有权知道事实的真相。(accurately; be
entitled to do)
The responsibility of a journalist is to provide news accurately, for the public are entitled to know
about the truth.
2 《中国日报》是中国唯一的全国性英文日报,日发行量达40余万份。(using phrases in
China Daily, the only national English-language newspaper in China, has a circulation of over
400,000 copies daily.
3.经济发展不能以牺牲环境为代价,否则后患无穷。(at the expense of)
Economic development must not be achieved at the expense of environment, otherwise it will
bring endless trouble.
4 这名记者拒绝透露她的消息来源,以免带来不必要的麻烦。
(disclose; for fear of doing sth)
The journalist refused to disclose the source of her information, for fear of bringing unnecessary
5 他因发表有关人权的错误报道而受到指控。(be charged with)
He was charged with publishing false reports on human rights.
Further reading

的国际意义。200 1年9月,恐怖分子袭击纽约世贸中心双塔大楼正是属于此类事件。从那
一刻起世界便不再是原来的世界 了,这样说也许并不夸张。
“911”事件被永远铭记不仅仅是因其在历史和国际层面的影响,还因 为它给人们带来的
震惊和恐惧。它是如此震撼、如此引人瞩目,以致于多年以后,许多人还能准确地记起 当
世界 的很多人来说,他们的第一个本能反应就是赶快把这件事告诉别人,这恰恰验证了那
句老话:坏事传千里 。
值七岁 的孩子们吓了一跳,她宣布说“肯尼迪总统死了。 ”我并不知道肯尼迪总统是谁,
但我听到这个消息还 是感到很不安,于是放学后一路飞奔回家,告诉了我父母(当然,他
们已经知道了)。事实上,这是我最 早的记忆之一。
那么,究竟什么是新闻?说新闻要具备客观重要性显然是不够的——全球性的问题数< br>不胜数,从贫困问题到全球变暖,后果都引人关注——但是既然这些事件在持续发展,它
们就不会 在同一天成为头条新闻。相比之下,“911”事件不仅具备国际性,而且是罕见的、
突发的(有可能使 人们对遭受这场悲剧的人感同身受,从这个意义上来说),也是触动人性
罕见并不意味有 多重大。就拿今天《中国日报》刊登的一只老鼠延误了一架从越南飞
往日本的航班的新闻来说,有人发现 一只老鼠在一架停在河内机场的飞机的过道上奔跑,
最后它被12名技术人员一起抓住了,他们担心这只 老鼠会咬坏电线,引发短路。当老鼠被

全 球很多地方都报道了这件事,从亚洲经苏格兰到美洲,在一些报纸的网络版上都可以找
到这则新闻(《捕 鼠延误了航班》发表在《爱丁堡晚报》上)。
你也许会说这件事并不具备严重的国际性后果(除了耽误 几位乘客到别国赴约),但
是全球很多地方都报道了这件事,从亚洲经苏格兰到美洲,在一些报纸的网络 版上都可以
构成新闻的另一 个要素是即时性,即报道接近它的发生时间。一周前发生的事件通
常算不上新闻了——除非你是刚刚看到 它。“时间(when)”是五个“wh-”问题之一,受训
记者经常被教导要用五个“wh-”问题来 构建一则新闻故事(其他的要素分别是“人物[who]”、
“事件[what]”、“地点[wher e]”和“原因[why]”);“今天”、“今天早上”和“昨天”也许
是新闻报道中最常见的时间副 词。与之类似,将要发生的事件(“今天”、“今晚”或“今夜”)
也可能有新闻价值,尽管按定义来说 ,它不在人意料之外,也不那么轰动。
说到即时性,那些能够实时提供新闻的媒体,如电视、广播以及 互联网等,要比报纸
具有更大的优势。亲眼看见一个事件在你面前展开和第二天早上吃早餐时从报上看到 相比
都 是经过记者或主编有目的地挑选过的,或者至少是按照既定方针挑选过的,按照特有的
“媒体力量 ”的原因——这是一种能或多或少地暗中影响大众的力量。
然而,在21世纪这种力量也许正逐渐消退 ,或至少是转移到了普通人手中。个人博客的壮
大,能够通过像YouTube这样的网站播放自己的视 频,以及开放式网页(wikis)的发展,
都意味着任何人都可以随时地、迅速地向全世界的观众传达 他们想说的话,展示他们想展
当然,这并不意味着报纸和电视会一夜之间消失。但 是,在他们永不停止地寻求新
闻素材(特别的、突发的、人性的)的过程中,他们将越来越多地向这些网 站寻找素材,
Reading and Understanding
➋ Read the headlines. Which story is not referred to in the passage?
“Brazil wins the world cup”
➌ Choose the best answer to the questions.
1. c 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. a 6.a 7.c
Dealng with unfamiliar words
➍ 1. startled 2. Horror 3. The news which is most striking isn’t always bad news.
4. via 5. enormous 6. reaction 7. eroded
⑤ 1. unexpected 2. unique 3. frame 4. access 5. guidelines 6. significance
7. consequence 8. specific 9. viewpoint 10. remarkable
Guided Writing
➊ Summarize the underlined data using the information in the box.
1 with approximate sales attaining 440 million in 2006
2 with nearly 100 million copies
3 people read just over 77 per cent of articles online
4 more than 80 newspapers have changed their format
5 more than 50 per cent of newspapers are free
6 nearly 2.4 million copies circulating daily

② Write a short summary about sales of four major newspapers in the UK.
The Sun leads The Daily Mail by just under a million copies a day, reaching well over three
million people. The Daily Mail in turn leads The Mirror, reaching up to nearly four per cent of the
population in comparison with just under three per cent for the latter. The Daily Telegraph sells
less than a million a day, just about 30 per cent of the sales of The Sun.
➌ Write a short passage about the press in China. Try to summarize the data.
The Press in China
Every day nearly 100 million papers are sold in China, and the number of readers is probably
much higher. One of the most popular paper is Reference News, ranking the Top in China with
daily sales of 3.5 million. The paper is the most popular because it contains news and information
on hot issues in politics, finance, military affairs, the economy and so on at both home and abroad.
In recent years, television and the Internet have been playing an increasing part in providing news
at even faster pace. Lots of people, especially the younger generation, are turning to the Web for
new. Curiously, according to Google, they are most interested in banking and stock market news
possibly because the internet coverage is so frequently updated. But in spite of the importance of
new technologies in communications, paper newspapers remain the popular medium. After all,
many people have been used to the life with a paper in hand after a meal or over the weekend.
Television and the Internet provide more channels for news, but they are no substitute for the “real







