
2020年08月03日 13:01




大学英语美文摘抄200词精选 塔克修士

robin hood was told that friar tuck, who lived alone in a valley,
was the best fighter in the world, at least as good as robin
hood himself. hearing this, robin hood went to the valley,
where he found the friar by the river. robin hood came up to
him and said, carry me over the river, friar, or else your life will
be in danger. the friar said nothing but took up robin hood and
carried him on his back to the other side of the river. the friar
gently laid him down on the bank and said to robin hood, it is
now your turn. carry me over the river, or else you will regret.
robin hood took the friar on his back, without saying a word to
him, carried him over the water, and laid him gently down on
the bank. then he turned to the friar and ordered him carry him
over the river once more. the friar smiled and took him up, but
when he came in the midst of the stream, he shook him off his
shoulders, and said to him, now choose, whether you will sink
or swim.

when robin hood and the friar swam to the bank, they began to
fight. robin hood first shoot at the friar. though none of the
arrows missed the mark, the friar was not hurt because his
armours protected him. then they drew out their swords and
continued their fight. they fought for hours but could not hurt
each other. at last robin hood asked the friar to stop for a
moment and allow him to blow his horn.

robin hood took his horn and sounded it three times. soon fifty
men with their bows came to his help. seeing this, the friar
asked robin hood to let him whistle three times. he put his fist
to his mouth, and whistled so loudly that the place echoed with
the sound. at the sound fifty fierce dogs appeared and came
upon robin hood and his men, and tore their coats into pieces.
the men fought bravely and kept the dog back. the friar
admired robin hood and his men for their strength and courage.
he especially marvelled at little john s skill in fighting, and
asked him who he was. little john said, i am little john, and
belong to robin hood, who has fought with you for hours; and
if you will not surrender you will die. the friar, seeing that it

was impossible for him to deal with so many at once, agreed to
join robin hood s band.

有人告诉罗宾汉说,有个叫做塔 克的修士,住在一条山谷里,他武
艺高强,罗宾汉本人都未必能敌得过。听了这话,罗宾汉就找到那条山谷,在河边见到了修士。罗宾汉走过去说: 修士,你若要保命,

岸边说: 这回轮到你了。把我背过河去,不然会后悔莫及的。

罗宾汉二话没说,背起修士就到了河对岸 ,也把他轻轻放在岸边。
来。 但这次走到河中央时,修士把罗宾汉丢在水里,说: 是游到岸

两人游上岸,一场恶战开始了。罗宾汉 先用弓箭,虽箭无虚发,但
几 个小时,不分胜负。这时罗宾汉叫了个暂停,说要吹一吹号角。

号角刚落,就有50条大汉赶 来相助。见势不妙,修士也叫了个暂停,
说要吹三声口哨。他把手放在嘴里一吹,尖厉的口哨声响彻山谷 。
的衣服都扯破了。罗宾汉 的人奋力与恶犬搏斗,总算击退了它们。
修士在一旁观战,不由得佩服这伙人的力量和勇气。他特别赞赏 小
罗宾汉效力,罗宾汉就是刚 才与修士交手,几小时不分胜负的人。

大学英语美文摘抄200词阅读 小约翰

one day, robin hood went hunting alone in the forest. he had
told his men that if he should fallinto any danger and could not
escape he would blow his horn so that they might know
andcome to help him. when he was crossing a river by a long
bridge he met a huge man at themiddle. and neither of the two
would give way to the other. robin hood got angry and put
anarrow to his bow and made ready to shoot. the stranger said
it was unfair for robin hood toshoot a man who had only a staff
in his hand. hearing this robin hood lay down his bow
andpulled up a small tree and returned to the stranger.

they agreed to fight on the bridge, and that the one who first
fell in the stream would be theloser. robin hood first struck the

stranger a blow, but the stranger did not fall. then thestranger
gave him such a hit on the head that blood flowed. this made
him so angry that heattacked the stranger violently as if he
wanted to kill him. but then he received another blowand fell
into the river. the stranger laughed loudly. robin hood swam to
the bank, pulled outhis horn and blew it so that the valley
echoed with the sound. at this fifty men came out of thewood,
all in green, and they asked robin what had happened. robin
said the stranger hadcaused him to fall into the water. when
his men were going to seize the stranger to duck himas well,
robin hood stopped them. he praised the stranger for his
strength and courage, andasked him what his name was and if
he would be one of his men, living a merry life in the
stranger said his name was john little, and he was very glad to
join them and to be true torobin hood.

but the merry men preferred to call the stranger little john. of
course it was only a joke,because he was actually seven feet
high and more than three round at his waist. little johnlater
became the leader of the band just below robin hood.

有一天,罗宾汉独自到林子里去打猎。他跟手下人说好 ,一旦他遇
桥上过河时,在桥 的正中遇到一个大个子。两人都不肯给对方让路。
罗宾汉发起火来,把箭搭在弓上,瞄准对方。那陌生人 说,罗宾汉
拔了一棵小树回来 。

打中那人一棍, 但那人身躯庞大,只晃了晃,没掉下去。陌生人接
着一棍子打在罗宾汉的头上,打得头破血流。这下可惹 恼了罗宾汉。
破绽,一棍子把 他打落在水里。陌生人哈哈大笑。罗宾汉游上岸,
吹起号角来。号角声在山谷里回荡。霎时间,从林子里 冒出50个身
们就要动手把那 人按进水里,但罗宾汉阻止了他们。他夸奖陌生人
的力量和勇气,问他是否愿意入伙,在森林里过快活日 子。陌生人
自称名叫约翰 利特尔,很愿意入伙为罗宾汉效力。

但罗宾汉一伙把他的 姓和名颠倒过来,改成了小约翰。这当然是开
玩笑,因为小约翰是个大个子,身高七英尺,腰围有三英尺 多。后

大学英语美文摘抄200词学习 a father was worried about his son,
who was sixteen years old but had no courage at all. sothe
father decided to call on a buddhist monk to train his boy.

the buddhist monk said to the boy s father, you should leave
your son alone here. i ll makehim into a real man within three
months. however, you can t come to see him during thisperiod.

three months later, the boy s father returned. the buddhist
monk arranged a boxing matchbetween the boy and an
experienced boxer. each time the fighter struck the boy, he
felldown, but at once the boy stood up; and each time a punch
knocked him down, the boy stoodup again. several times later,
the buddhist monk asked, what do you think of your child?

what a shame! the boy s father said. i never thought he would
be so easily knocked down. ineedn t have him left here any

i m sorry that that s all you see. don t you see that each time
he falls down; he stands upagain instead of crying? that s the
kind of courage you wanted him to have.

去一 位禅师,请他训练儿子。

禅师对男孩的父亲说: 你应该让他单独留在这里。不出3个月,我

3个月后,男孩 的父亲又来见禅师。禅师安排这个男孩和一位丰富的
拳师进行比赛。拳师每次一出手,男孩就倒在地上, 但男孩又马上
站起来;每次将他击倒,他就又站起来。几个回合后,禅师: 你认为

真丢人! 男孩的父亲说, 我绝没想到他这样不堪一击。我不需要他再

很遗憾,你只看到了这一点 。难道你没看到他每次倒下后并没有哭

大学英语美文摘抄精选散文 吧网站海不择细流,故能成其大。山不
拒细壤,方能就其高。大学英语美文摘抄精选发布时间:2017 -03-24
美文 指导学生写作,就能提高中学生的写作能力。下面是小编带来的

大学英语美文摘抄精选the old man who plant oak


a young traveler was exploring the alps. he came upon a vast
stretch of barren land. it was desolate. it was the kind of place
you hurry away from.

一个年轻的旅行者在阿尔 卑斯山探险。他来到一块一望无际的不毛

then, suddenly, the young traveler stopped dead in his tracks.
in the middle of this vast wasteland was a bent-over old man.
on his back was a sack of acorn. in his hand was a four-foot
length of iron pipe.

后来,年轻的旅行者突然停住了脚步。 只见辽阔的荒地中央一位老
管 。

the old man was using the iron pipe to punch holes in the
ground. then from the sack he would take an acorn and put it
in the hole. later the old man told the traveler, i ve planted
100,000 acorns. perhaps only tenth of them will grow. the old
man s wife and son had died, and this was how he chose to
spend his final years. i want to do something useful, he said.

里。后 来,老人告诉那个旅行者我已经种了10万颗橡子。大概只有



twenty-five years later the now-not-as-young traveler returned
to the same place. what he saw amazed him. he could not
believe his own eyes. the land was covered with a beautiful
forest with two miles wide and five miles long. birds were
singing, animals were playing, and wild flowers perfumed the

25年后,那个已不再年轻的旅行者又故地重游。而眼前的情景象 却
长,2英里宽的美丽森林。 那里,小鸟歌唱,动物嬉戏,野花飘香。

the traveler stood there recalling the desolation that once was;
a beautiful oak forest stood there now - all because someone

旅行者站在那里, 回忆着它以前的荒凉;一片美丽的橡树林现在之所

大学英语美文摘抄阅读never want too long


each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches
along the highway i travel dailyto work.

每年春天的时候,在我每 天去工作的高速公路旁边的沟渠里面,都

there is one particular blue flower that has always caught my
eye. i ve noticed that it bloomsonly in the morning hour, the
afternoon sun is too warm for it. every day for
approximatelytwo weeks, see those beautiful flowers.

有一簇十分蔚 蓝的花朵总会引起我的注意。我早已觉察到了它只有
在早晨的时候才会盛开,(这也许是因为)下午的温 度太高了。

盘的时 候就从厨房的窗户看到外面的花朵。我已经思考了许多次,
要是那沟渠里那美丽的蔚蓝花簇也移栽在花床 中并和其他野花放置

everyday i drove past the flowers thinking, i ll stop on my way
home and dig them. gee, idon t want to get my good clothes
dirty... whatever the reason, i never stopped to dig
husband even gave me a folding shovel for my trunk to be
used for that expressedpurpose.

每天我开车路过那簇蔚蓝色花朵的时候都在想着, 回家的时候我就

哎,我不想把自己漂亮的衣服弄脏了 不管 是什么理由吧,我始终没
上装 了一副折叠铲。

one day on my way home from work, i was saddened to see
that the highway department hadmowed the ditches and the
pretty blue flowers were gone. i thought to myself, way to go,
youwaited too long. you should have done it when you first
saw them blooming this spring.

番 ,使我沮丧的是那里漂亮的蔚蓝花簇也已经不见了。我自己思索
着, 早该动手了,只是我等太久没开始 罢了。我也许真该在春天里

a week ago we were shocked and saddened to learn that my
oldest sister-in-law has a terminalbrain tumor. she is 20 years
older than my husband and unfortunately, because of age
anddistance, we haven t been as close as we all would have

一个礼拜前,我们得知嫂子患了晚期 脑瘤后很震惊也为她感到难过。

i couldn t help but see the connection between the pretty blue
flowers and the relationshipbetween my husband s sister and
us. i do believe that god has given us some time left to
plantsome wonderful memories that will bloom every year for
us. and yes, if i see the blue flowersagain, you can bet i ll stop
and transplant them to my wildflower garden.

我不禁想到,自己与这些漂亮蓝花和我们同嫂子的关 系。我相信上
如果重来一次 ,我要是能再看到那些蔚蓝花朵的话,不用说,我肯
定会停下车来,然后把它们移栽到我的野花园里。< br>
大学英语美文摘抄学习the basis of love


the following story took place long ago in israel. one day when
government officials wererebuilding a barn, they found a
mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice
insidethe hole to come out. a while later they indeed saw mice
running out, one after another.

很久以前,在以色列发生了一段故事:有一天当政府人员在翻 新谷仓
的老鼠出来。待了一会 ,采然看到老鼠一只只池边窜出来。

then, everyone thought that all the mice had escaped. but just
as they about to start to cleanup, they saw two mice squeezing
out at the exit of the hole. after some endeavor, the micefinally
got out. the strange thing was that after they came out of the
hole, they did not runaway immediately. instead, one chased
after the other near the exit of the hole. it seemed thatone was
trying to bite the tail of the other.

众人正忖度老鼠大概已经 逃光了,可以上前打扫之际,却见还有两
只老鼠在洞口处推挤,经过一番努力,双双才逃出来。但很奇怪 的

追赶,像是 要咬对方的尾巴似的。

everyone was puzzled, so they stepped closer to take a look.
they realized that one of themice was blind and could not see
anything, and the other one was trying to allow the blindmouse
to bite on his tail so he could pull the blind one with him to

众人都很纳闷,便走上前去细看,这才发现原未其中一只老鼠瞎眼< br>看不见,而另一只正设法使对方咬着自己的尾巴,然后带领同伴一

after witnessing what happened, everyone was speechless and
lost in thought. during mealtime, the group of people sat down
in a circle and started to chat about what happened to thetwo

众人见状,都默然不语,陷入沉思中。吃饭的时候,众人 又围着坐

one serious rome official said: i think the relationship between
those two mice was that ofemperor and minister. the others
thought for a while and said: that was why! thus therome
official showed his arrogance superciliously.

严肃的罗马长官说: 我认为刚才的两只老鼠是君臣主仆的关系众人思
考一会后说原来如此! 于是罗马长官摆出一副高傲的模样。

a smart israeli said: i think the relationship between those two
mice was husband and wife. again the others thought for a
while, and all felt it made sense; so they expressed
-fore, the israeli s countenance, showed self-

聪明的以色列人说: 我认为刚才的两只老鼠是夫妇关系。


强调孝义的中国人说: 我认为刚才的两只老鼠是母子关系。

众人又思考了一会,更 觉合理,又连声称是。于是中国人的脸上立

at that moment, one pure-minded samaritan who was squatted
on the ground resting his chinin his palms, hewilderedly
looked at other people, and asked: why did those two mice
have tohave a certain relationship?

道: 为什么两只老鼠一定要有什么关系呢?

suddenly, the atmosphere froze. stupefied, the group looked
back at the samaritan andremained speechless. the rome
official, the israeli and the chinese who had spoken earlier
alllowered their heads in shame, and did not dare to respond.

空气在刹那之 间凝固了,众人呆呆地望着这个撒玛利亚人,不发一
语。先前说话的罗马长官、以色列人和中国人都面露 惭色地低下头

in fact, the true love is not established on benefit, friendship
and loyalty or bloodrelationship. instead, it is based on no

立于 没有任何关系 上。

相关文章最新文章大学英语美文摘抄精选的评论条评论大学英语美文摘抄精选 2006-2017

学习英语 难吗?可能对于大多数的同学来说是非常的难的,但是对
于某些同学是非常简单,他们阅读英语美文就是 非常的简单,就像
每天阅读 点英语美文对于提高你的英文水平是很有帮助的哦!


life is full of confusing and disordering particular time, a
particular location, do the arranged thing of ten million time in
the brain, step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and
stiffness no enthusiasm forever, no unexpected happening of
surprising and pleasing so, only silently ask myself in mind
next happiness, when will come?

人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱, 在一个特定的时间,特定的地点, 做
脑海中安排了千万遍的事, 一步一骤,人生难免精致,却也死板,


地问: 下一班幸福,几点开?


happiness is so much simple, on your center of palm, a match
a hand can grasp; happiness is also very difficult, before your
heel, a thousand mountains and rivers but blunder away
because of doing not turn a head.

< br>幸福好简单,就在你手心上,一合手就能握住;幸福又好难,就在
你脚跟前,千山万水却因没有转 头而错过。


always insisting. use iron scoop is too cold; use porcelain
scoop is too weak; a wood scoop, engraved veins safely,
engraved sky s wasteland and glebe s old. just as happiness
born in the years, not insolent, the every act and move blooms

一直坚持着。用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱; 一只只木勺,刻出



never believe, next will be better, blunder away, never repair
return of regret. even met the god of shining in a dream, never
ask: next happiness, when will come?

在梦中,遇见了那熠熠的神明 ,也永远不要问: 下一班幸福,几点
开 ?


dark light, just light each other. the responsibility that you and
my shoulders take together, the such as one dust covers up.
afraid only afraid the light is suddenly put out in theendless
dark night and countless loneliness.



怕只怕灯丝的突然熄灭在这无尽的黑夜.数不尽的孤单 美文摘抄.



大学英语美文摘抄200词精选 塔克修士

robin hood was told that friar tuck, who lived alone in a valley,
was the best fighter in the world, at least as good as robin
hood himself. hearing this, robin hood went to the valley,
where he found the friar by the river. robin hood came up to
him and said, carry me over the river, friar, or else your life will
be in danger. the friar said nothing but took up robin hood and
carried him on his back to the other side of the river. the friar
gently laid him down on the bank and said to robin hood, it is
now your turn. carry me over the river, or else you will regret.
robin hood took the friar on his back, without saying a word to
him, carried him over the water, and laid him gently down on
the bank. then he turned to the friar and ordered him carry him
over the river once more. the friar smiled and took him up, but
when he came in the midst of the stream, he shook him off his
shoulders, and said to him, now choose, whether you will sink
or swim.

when robin hood and the friar swam to the bank, they began to
fight. robin hood first shoot at the friar. though none of the
arrows missed the mark, the friar was not hurt because his
armours protected him. then they drew out their swords and
continued their fight. they fought for hours but could not hurt
each other. at last robin hood asked the friar to stop for a
moment and allow him to blow his horn.

robin hood took his horn and sounded it three times. soon fifty
men with their bows came to his help. seeing this, the friar
asked robin hood to let him whistle three times. he put his fist
to his mouth, and whistled so loudly that the place echoed with
the sound. at the sound fifty fierce dogs appeared and came
upon robin hood and his men, and tore their coats into pieces.
the men fought bravely and kept the dog back. the friar
admired robin hood and his men for their strength and courage.
he especially marvelled at little john s skill in fighting, and
asked him who he was. little john said, i am little john, and
belong to robin hood, who has fought with you for hours; and
if you will not surrender you will die. the friar, seeing that it

was impossible for him to deal with so many at once, agreed to
join robin hood s band.

有人告诉罗宾汉说,有个叫做塔 克的修士,住在一条山谷里,他武
艺高强,罗宾汉本人都未必能敌得过。听了这话,罗宾汉就找到那条山谷,在河边见到了修士。罗宾汉走过去说: 修士,你若要保命,

岸边说: 这回轮到你了。把我背过河去,不然会后悔莫及的。

罗宾汉二话没说,背起修士就到了河对岸 ,也把他轻轻放在岸边。
来。 但这次走到河中央时,修士把罗宾汉丢在水里,说: 是游到岸

两人游上岸,一场恶战开始了。罗宾汉 先用弓箭,虽箭无虚发,但
几 个小时,不分胜负。这时罗宾汉叫了个暂停,说要吹一吹号角。

号角刚落,就有50条大汉赶 来相助。见势不妙,修士也叫了个暂停,
说要吹三声口哨。他把手放在嘴里一吹,尖厉的口哨声响彻山谷 。
的衣服都扯破了。罗宾汉 的人奋力与恶犬搏斗,总算击退了它们。
修士在一旁观战,不由得佩服这伙人的力量和勇气。他特别赞赏 小
罗宾汉效力,罗宾汉就是刚 才与修士交手,几小时不分胜负的人。

大学英语美文摘抄200词阅读 小约翰

one day, robin hood went hunting alone in the forest. he had
told his men that if he should fallinto any danger and could not
escape he would blow his horn so that they might know
andcome to help him. when he was crossing a river by a long
bridge he met a huge man at themiddle. and neither of the two
would give way to the other. robin hood got angry and put
anarrow to his bow and made ready to shoot. the stranger said
it was unfair for robin hood toshoot a man who had only a staff
in his hand. hearing this robin hood lay down his bow
andpulled up a small tree and returned to the stranger.

they agreed to fight on the bridge, and that the one who first
fell in the stream would be theloser. robin hood first struck the

stranger a blow, but the stranger did not fall. then thestranger
gave him such a hit on the head that blood flowed. this made
him so angry that heattacked the stranger violently as if he
wanted to kill him. but then he received another blowand fell
into the river. the stranger laughed loudly. robin hood swam to
the bank, pulled outhis horn and blew it so that the valley
echoed with the sound. at this fifty men came out of thewood,
all in green, and they asked robin what had happened. robin
said the stranger hadcaused him to fall into the water. when
his men were going to seize the stranger to duck himas well,
robin hood stopped them. he praised the stranger for his
strength and courage, andasked him what his name was and if
he would be one of his men, living a merry life in the
stranger said his name was john little, and he was very glad to
join them and to be true torobin hood.

but the merry men preferred to call the stranger little john. of
course it was only a joke,because he was actually seven feet
high and more than three round at his waist. little johnlater
became the leader of the band just below robin hood.

有一天,罗宾汉独自到林子里去打猎。他跟手下人说好 ,一旦他遇
桥上过河时,在桥 的正中遇到一个大个子。两人都不肯给对方让路。
罗宾汉发起火来,把箭搭在弓上,瞄准对方。那陌生人 说,罗宾汉
拔了一棵小树回来 。

打中那人一棍, 但那人身躯庞大,只晃了晃,没掉下去。陌生人接
着一棍子打在罗宾汉的头上,打得头破血流。这下可惹 恼了罗宾汉。
破绽,一棍子把 他打落在水里。陌生人哈哈大笑。罗宾汉游上岸,
吹起号角来。号角声在山谷里回荡。霎时间,从林子里 冒出50个身
们就要动手把那 人按进水里,但罗宾汉阻止了他们。他夸奖陌生人
的力量和勇气,问他是否愿意入伙,在森林里过快活日 子。陌生人
自称名叫约翰 利特尔,很愿意入伙为罗宾汉效力。

但罗宾汉一伙把他的 姓和名颠倒过来,改成了小约翰。这当然是开
玩笑,因为小约翰是个大个子,身高七英尺,腰围有三英尺 多。后

大学英语美文摘抄200词学习 a father was worried about his son,
who was sixteen years old but had no courage at all. sothe
father decided to call on a buddhist monk to train his boy.

the buddhist monk said to the boy s father, you should leave
your son alone here. i ll makehim into a real man within three
months. however, you can t come to see him during thisperiod.

three months later, the boy s father returned. the buddhist
monk arranged a boxing matchbetween the boy and an
experienced boxer. each time the fighter struck the boy, he
felldown, but at once the boy stood up; and each time a punch
knocked him down, the boy stoodup again. several times later,
the buddhist monk asked, what do you think of your child?

what a shame! the boy s father said. i never thought he would
be so easily knocked down. ineedn t have him left here any

i m sorry that that s all you see. don t you see that each time
he falls down; he stands upagain instead of crying? that s the
kind of courage you wanted him to have.

去一 位禅师,请他训练儿子。

禅师对男孩的父亲说: 你应该让他单独留在这里。不出3个月,我

3个月后,男孩 的父亲又来见禅师。禅师安排这个男孩和一位丰富的
拳师进行比赛。拳师每次一出手,男孩就倒在地上, 但男孩又马上
站起来;每次将他击倒,他就又站起来。几个回合后,禅师: 你认为

真丢人! 男孩的父亲说, 我绝没想到他这样不堪一击。我不需要他再

很遗憾,你只看到了这一点 。难道你没看到他每次倒下后并没有哭

大学英语美文摘抄精选散文 吧网站海不择细流,故能成其大。山不
拒细壤,方能就其高。大学英语美文摘抄精选发布时间:2017 -03-24
美文 指导学生写作,就能提高中学生的写作能力。下面是小编带来的

大学英语美文摘抄精选the old man who plant oak


a young traveler was exploring the alps. he came upon a vast
stretch of barren land. it was desolate. it was the kind of place
you hurry away from.

一个年轻的旅行者在阿尔 卑斯山探险。他来到一块一望无际的不毛

then, suddenly, the young traveler stopped dead in his tracks.
in the middle of this vast wasteland was a bent-over old man.
on his back was a sack of acorn. in his hand was a four-foot
length of iron pipe.

后来,年轻的旅行者突然停住了脚步。 只见辽阔的荒地中央一位老
管 。

the old man was using the iron pipe to punch holes in the
ground. then from the sack he would take an acorn and put it
in the hole. later the old man told the traveler, i ve planted
100,000 acorns. perhaps only tenth of them will grow. the old
man s wife and son had died, and this was how he chose to
spend his final years. i want to do something useful, he said.

里。后 来,老人告诉那个旅行者我已经种了10万颗橡子。大概只有



twenty-five years later the now-not-as-young traveler returned
to the same place. what he saw amazed him. he could not
believe his own eyes. the land was covered with a beautiful
forest with two miles wide and five miles long. birds were
singing, animals were playing, and wild flowers perfumed the

25年后,那个已不再年轻的旅行者又故地重游。而眼前的情景象 却
长,2英里宽的美丽森林。 那里,小鸟歌唱,动物嬉戏,野花飘香。

the traveler stood there recalling the desolation that once was;
a beautiful oak forest stood there now - all because someone

旅行者站在那里, 回忆着它以前的荒凉;一片美丽的橡树林现在之所

大学英语美文摘抄阅读never want too long


each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches
along the highway i travel dailyto work.

每年春天的时候,在我每 天去工作的高速公路旁边的沟渠里面,都

there is one particular blue flower that has always caught my
eye. i ve noticed that it bloomsonly in the morning hour, the
afternoon sun is too warm for it. every day for
approximatelytwo weeks, see those beautiful flowers.

有一簇十分蔚 蓝的花朵总会引起我的注意。我早已觉察到了它只有
在早晨的时候才会盛开,(这也许是因为)下午的温 度太高了。

盘的时 候就从厨房的窗户看到外面的花朵。我已经思考了许多次,
要是那沟渠里那美丽的蔚蓝花簇也移栽在花床 中并和其他野花放置

everyday i drove past the flowers thinking, i ll stop on my way
home and dig them. gee, idon t want to get my good clothes
dirty... whatever the reason, i never stopped to dig
husband even gave me a folding shovel for my trunk to be
used for that expressedpurpose.

每天我开车路过那簇蔚蓝色花朵的时候都在想着, 回家的时候我就

哎,我不想把自己漂亮的衣服弄脏了 不管 是什么理由吧,我始终没
上装 了一副折叠铲。

one day on my way home from work, i was saddened to see
that the highway department hadmowed the ditches and the
pretty blue flowers were gone. i thought to myself, way to go,
youwaited too long. you should have done it when you first
saw them blooming this spring.

番 ,使我沮丧的是那里漂亮的蔚蓝花簇也已经不见了。我自己思索
着, 早该动手了,只是我等太久没开始 罢了。我也许真该在春天里

a week ago we were shocked and saddened to learn that my
oldest sister-in-law has a terminalbrain tumor. she is 20 years
older than my husband and unfortunately, because of age
anddistance, we haven t been as close as we all would have

一个礼拜前,我们得知嫂子患了晚期 脑瘤后很震惊也为她感到难过。

i couldn t help but see the connection between the pretty blue
flowers and the relationshipbetween my husband s sister and
us. i do believe that god has given us some time left to
plantsome wonderful memories that will bloom every year for
us. and yes, if i see the blue flowersagain, you can bet i ll stop
and transplant them to my wildflower garden.

我不禁想到,自己与这些漂亮蓝花和我们同嫂子的关 系。我相信上
如果重来一次 ,我要是能再看到那些蔚蓝花朵的话,不用说,我肯
定会停下车来,然后把它们移栽到我的野花园里。< br>
大学英语美文摘抄学习the basis of love


the following story took place long ago in israel. one day when
government officials wererebuilding a barn, they found a
mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice
insidethe hole to come out. a while later they indeed saw mice
running out, one after another.

很久以前,在以色列发生了一段故事:有一天当政府人员在翻 新谷仓
的老鼠出来。待了一会 ,采然看到老鼠一只只池边窜出来。

then, everyone thought that all the mice had escaped. but just
as they about to start to cleanup, they saw two mice squeezing
out at the exit of the hole. after some endeavor, the micefinally
got out. the strange thing was that after they came out of the
hole, they did not runaway immediately. instead, one chased
after the other near the exit of the hole. it seemed thatone was
trying to bite the tail of the other.

众人正忖度老鼠大概已经 逃光了,可以上前打扫之际,却见还有两
只老鼠在洞口处推挤,经过一番努力,双双才逃出来。但很奇怪 的

追赶,像是 要咬对方的尾巴似的。

everyone was puzzled, so they stepped closer to take a look.
they realized that one of themice was blind and could not see
anything, and the other one was trying to allow the blindmouse
to bite on his tail so he could pull the blind one with him to

众人都很纳闷,便走上前去细看,这才发现原未其中一只老鼠瞎眼< br>看不见,而另一只正设法使对方咬着自己的尾巴,然后带领同伴一

after witnessing what happened, everyone was speechless and
lost in thought. during mealtime, the group of people sat down
in a circle and started to chat about what happened to thetwo

众人见状,都默然不语,陷入沉思中。吃饭的时候,众人 又围着坐

one serious rome official said: i think the relationship between
those two mice was that ofemperor and minister. the others
thought for a while and said: that was why! thus therome
official showed his arrogance superciliously.

严肃的罗马长官说: 我认为刚才的两只老鼠是君臣主仆的关系众人思
考一会后说原来如此! 于是罗马长官摆出一副高傲的模样。

a smart israeli said: i think the relationship between those two
mice was husband and wife. again the others thought for a
while, and all felt it made sense; so they expressed
-fore, the israeli s countenance, showed self-

聪明的以色列人说: 我认为刚才的两只老鼠是夫妇关系。


强调孝义的中国人说: 我认为刚才的两只老鼠是母子关系。

众人又思考了一会,更 觉合理,又连声称是。于是中国人的脸上立

at that moment, one pure-minded samaritan who was squatted
on the ground resting his chinin his palms, hewilderedly
looked at other people, and asked: why did those two mice
have tohave a certain relationship?

道: 为什么两只老鼠一定要有什么关系呢?

suddenly, the atmosphere froze. stupefied, the group looked
back at the samaritan andremained speechless. the rome
official, the israeli and the chinese who had spoken earlier
alllowered their heads in shame, and did not dare to respond.

空气在刹那之 间凝固了,众人呆呆地望着这个撒玛利亚人,不发一
语。先前说话的罗马长官、以色列人和中国人都面露 惭色地低下头

in fact, the true love is not established on benefit, friendship
and loyalty or bloodrelationship. instead, it is based on no

立于 没有任何关系 上。

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学习英语 难吗?可能对于大多数的同学来说是非常的难的,但是对
于某些同学是非常简单,他们阅读英语美文就是 非常的简单,就像
每天阅读 点英语美文对于提高你的英文水平是很有帮助的哦!


life is full of confusing and disordering particular time, a
particular location, do the arranged thing of ten million time in
the brain, step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and
stiffness no enthusiasm forever, no unexpected happening of
surprising and pleasing so, only silently ask myself in mind
next happiness, when will come?

人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱, 在一个特定的时间,特定的地点, 做
脑海中安排了千万遍的事, 一步一骤,人生难免精致,却也死板,


地问: 下一班幸福,几点开?


happiness is so much simple, on your center of palm, a match
a hand can grasp; happiness is also very difficult, before your
heel, a thousand mountains and rivers but blunder away
because of doing not turn a head.

< br>幸福好简单,就在你手心上,一合手就能握住;幸福又好难,就在
你脚跟前,千山万水却因没有转 头而错过。


always insisting. use iron scoop is too cold; use porcelain
scoop is too weak; a wood scoop, engraved veins safely,
engraved sky s wasteland and glebe s old. just as happiness
born in the years, not insolent, the every act and move blooms

一直坚持着。用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱; 一只只木勺,刻出



never believe, next will be better, blunder away, never repair
return of regret. even met the god of shining in a dream, never
ask: next happiness, when will come?

在梦中,遇见了那熠熠的神明 ,也永远不要问: 下一班幸福,几点
开 ?


dark light, just light each other. the responsibility that you and
my shoulders take together, the such as one dust covers up.
afraid only afraid the light is suddenly put out in theendless
dark night and countless loneliness.



怕只怕灯丝的突然熄灭在这无尽的黑夜.数不尽的孤单 美文摘抄.







