
2020年08月03日 13:04


Section A
1 在我和室友罗伯的交易成功之后,我和波莉有了第一次约会。 那一年校园里每个人都有
件皮夹克,而罗伯是校足球队员中唯一一个没有皮夹克的,他一想到这个就受不 了,于是他
和我达成了一项协议,用他的女友换取我的夹克。 他可不那么聪明,而他的女友波莉也不
2 但她漂亮而且富有,也没有把头发染成奇怪的颜色或是化很浓的妆。 她拥有合适的家庭
背景,足以胜任一名坚忍而睿智的律师的女友。 如果我能够让我所申请的顶尖律师事 务所
3 “光彩照人”,她已经是了。 而我也能施予她足够多的“智慧之珠”,让她变得“谈吐优雅”。
4 在一起外出度过了美好的一天之后,我驱车来到了高速公路旁一座小山上一棵古老的大
橡树下。 我的想法有些怪异。 而这个地方能够俯瞰灯火灿烂的城区,我觉得它会使人的心
情变轻松。 我们呆在车子里,我调低了音响并把脚从刹车上挪开。 “我们要谈些什么?”她
5 “逻辑学。”
6 “好酷啊,”她一边嚼着口香糖一边说。
7 “逻辑学的原理,”我说道 ,“即清晰思考的主要原则。逻辑上出现的问题会歪曲事实,其中
有些还很普遍。我们先来看看一种叫做 ‘绝对判断’的逻辑谬误。”
8 “好啊,”她表示同意。
9 “‘绝对判断’是指在证据 不足的情况下所作出的推断。比方说:运动是有益的,所以每个人
10 她点头表示赞同。
11 我看得出她没弄明白。 “波莉,” 我解释说,“这个推断太过简单化了。 如果你有心脏病
或者超级肥胖症什么的,运动就变得有害而不是有益。所以你应该说,运动对大多数人来 说
12 “接下来是‘草率结论’。这似乎不言自明,对吧?仔细听好了:你不 会说法语,罗伯也不
13 “是吗?”波莉吃惊地说。“没有人吗?”
14 “这也是一种逻辑谬误,”我说,“这一结论太草率了,因为能够支持这一结论的例证太少
15 她似乎学得很开心,而我也可以放心地说我的计划正在稳步推进中。 我把她送回家,并
16 第二天晚上,坐在那棵橡树下,我说:“今天晚上我们要谈的第一个逻辑谬误叫‘文不对

17 她高兴地点了点头。
18 “听好了,”我说,“有个人去申请工作,当老板问他有什么应聘资格时,他说他有六个孩
19 “哇,这太可怕了,太可怕了,”她哽咽着轻声说道。
20 “对,是挺可怕的,” 我表示赞同地说, “但这不是理由。这个人根本没有回答老板的问题,
21 她眨着眼睛,仍在竭力地忍住眼泪。
22 “接下来”,我小心地说,“我们来讨论‘ 错误类比‘。举个例子:学生考试时应该允许看课本,
23 “我喜欢这个主意,”她说。
24 “波莉,”我抱怨道,“别打岔,这一推论是错误 的。医生们不是在参加考试以检查他们学
到了多少,而学生却是。他们的情况完全不同,你不能将他们作 类比。”
25 “我仍然认为这是一个好主意,”波莉说。
26 经过五个夜晚的辛勤努力,我竟然真的将波莉打造成了一个逻辑行家,她总算能够分析
思考了。 现在应该是时候让我们的关系从学术向浪漫发展了。
27 “波莉,”当我们又一次坐在那棵橡树下的时候我对她说,“今晚我们不讨论逻辑谬误了。”
28 “哦?”她回答说,有一点失望。
29 我赞许地对她笑了笑,说:“我们在一起已经度过了五个晚上 ,相互之间挺合得来,我们
30 “草率结论,”波莉伶俐地说,“或者是按一般人的说法,这个结论有些不成熟,你不这样
31 我被逗得笑了起来,她功课还真学得不错,大大超过了我的预期。 “亲爱的,” 我开口
它是不是好 吃。”
32 “错误类比,”波莉立即回应。“你的前提是约会就如同吃东西。可你不是蛋糕,你是个男
33 我又笑了笑,不过不觉得那么有趣了,同时还不能表露出我害怕她学得太好了。 再错几
步我可就无法挽回了。 我决定改变策略,转而尝试奉承她的办法。
34 “波莉,我爱你。请答应做我的女朋友,没有你我什么也不是。”
35 “文不对题,”她说。
36 “你还真是能在遇到逻辑谬误时一一辨别它们了,” 我说,心里的希望已经开始动摇。 “不< br>过不要对它们太死板,我是说这都是些学术的东西。你知道,学校里学的东西和实际生活根
本没有 什么联系。”
37 “绝对判断,”她说道,“而且,你自己教的东西应该自己身体力行。”
38 我一下跳了起来,怒火中烧,“你到底愿不愿意做我的女朋友?”
39 “我不愿意,”她答道。
40 “为什么?”我追问道。

41 “我对另一位求爱者更感兴趣——罗伯和我重归于好了。”
42 我极力地保持着平静,说道:“你怎 么会甩了我而选择罗伯?看看我,一个聪明过人的学
生,一个不同凡响的学者,一个前途无量的人。再看 看罗伯,一个肌肉发达的蠢材,一个有
了上顿没下顿的家伙。你是否能给我一个充足的理由,为什么要选 择跟他?”
43 “喔,这是什么假设啊!为了让像你这样聪明的人能够明白,我这么说吧,”波莉反 驳道,
Word in use
As the gender barriers (crumbled) , the number of
women working as lawyers, doctors, or bankers began to increase
significantly from the mid-20th century.
2. With the data collected each year, the owner of the shop
can (discern) customer trends and how things like
weather and economic indicators affect sales performance.
3. His supervisor pushes and motivates him in such a positive manner that he
is not only able to reach but to
He is a man with a(n) (shrewd) business sense. He has
(surpass) his personal
built his initial investment into a substantial and even excessively large
The (conversion) of nuclear radiation directly into
electricity was an exciting possibility that was being vigorously explored in
many laboratories in the 1950s.
6. I was not only shocked but also disgusted that the report tried
to (distort) the scientific facts in such a manner that
even some highly-educated people were fooled.
7. Sixty-two and blessed with his mother's skin, the fisherman had withstood
a lifetime of exposure to the sun and looked

as (radiant) as a man in his forties.
8. French educator Louis Braille invented a simple
but (ingenious) code which has had an impact on the
lives of generations of people who are blind.
9. The senators didn't expect us to ask such tough questions, and when we
finally did, they got
10. This newly established university supports
the (proposition) that a more diverse higher
(stumped) and didn't know what to
education system is desirable since it would enhance opportunities for
lifelong learning.
Word building5
1. Contrary to the predictions of some local economists, who always warned
that higher wages and benefits would lead to slower growth and
exactly the opposite effect.
2. There are growing concerns about the climate effects, such as melting ice
caps, droughts, floods, etc., due to
Long considered one of the great (delicacies) ,
(atmospheric) greenhouse gas
(bankruptcies) , these policies had
goose liver most commonly appears on the menu of French dishes in
high-end restaurants.
4. For the sake of the world's future prosperity and for its elimination of
hunger and disease, reforms and innovations must be pursued
with (urgency) .

5. Many smart people became accountants instead of scientists because the
science they were exposed to in school
Despite the deepening economic (gloom) , he believes
(accountancy) seem more attractive by
automobile sales will likely grow vigorously over the next three years as
long as loan interest rates remain low.
7. The nearby high-tech park helps the university become
a(n) (magnet) for some of the most ambitious young
business minds from around the country.
8. Photographs of this quality are rare among UFO photographs, but in this
particular shot you can clearly see a
disc-shaped (metallic) object.
9. Since the scope of agriculture is wide, the administrators and information
personnel involved in it must have a good
the field.
Employers decide to create a(n) (vacancy) only when
(mastery) of
the expected profit of a filled job exceeds the hiring costs for a new
Parents often suffer deep feelings of (guilt) if their
children fail to succeed, or don't turn into responsible and law-abiding
members of society.
I respect the need for (secrecy) at a particular point in
family life. But I do believe that family members do better when they can
speak openly about things that really matter.
Banked cloze

Have you ever heard people say that they tend to be more of a right-brain or left- brain
thinker? From books to television programs, you have probably heard the
term (1)
an online test to (2)
(mentioned)numerous times, or perhaps you have even taken
(determine) which type best describes you.
Do different parts of the brain really control different bodily and mental functions? Over the
years, a theory that has (3)
and the left brain are (4)
(gained) in popularity is that the right brain
(responsible) for different modes of thought and
that the way in which a person thinks will depend on which side of his brain works more
People who rely more (5)(heavily) on the right half of their brain tend to
be more imaginative and spontaneous. They are interested in patterns, shapes and sizes,
for the right brain is associated with (6)(artistic) ability like singing,
painting, writing poetry, etc. Left-brain dominated people are quite (7)
(opposite) in the way they think. They tend to be more logical and (8)
(analytical) in their thinking and usually stand out in mathematics and word skills.
While the different functions of the two brain parts may have been (9)
(distorted) and exaggerated by popular psychology, understanding your strengths and
weaknesses in certain areas can help you develop better ways to learn and study. For
example, if you are usually (10)(stumped) in trying to follow verbal
instructions, an activity often cited as a right-brain characteristic, you can benefit from
writing down directions and developing better organizational skills.
Expressions in use
The brick walls of the ruined buildings (were
dripping with) green mold and moisture, and she shivered involuntarily,
looking down to avoid the sight.
As urban populations exported finished goods
exchange for) raw materials from neighboring populations, organized
trade grew substantially.
3. Knowing just how quickly a wildfire can spread, some residents of the

village decided to leave their homes after the
Biology teachers often
(flared up) nearby.
(make an analogy
between) the heart and a pump in order to help students understand how
the heart works.
They would like to (set a date for) their wedding
and announce their engagement to their families and friends as soon as
6. He was determined not to sour a perfectly good day with the memory of
one jealous classmate trying to (1)
fool (2)
The couple
(make) a
(out of) him in front of the entire class.
(made a pact) never to work at the same
time, so that one of them was always on full-time parenting duty, and their
child wouldn't have to be looked after by strangers.
8. The president said that it's the worst earthquake ever to hit the country,
and that he (had appealed to) the world for help,
asking in particular for heavy-lift helicopters able to carry relief supplies
into the isolated mountain areas.
Section B
1 传统观念将智力和思维的缜密性看作现代大学领域和科技产业工作的重要素质。 这一价
值体系所隐含的 前提是,聪明人借助自己丰富的学识会作出更高明的决定。在大多数情况下,
确实如此。 但是,研究人 类决策过程的心理学家们却发现了每个人身上都常见的“认知偏差”。
不管智力水平如何,这些认知偏差 都会引导人们作出错误的决定,不论他们是专家还是门外
2 好在这些偏差是可以避免的。 只要知道这些偏差如何及在何种情况下发生,你就能意识
到自身的缺陷, 并在决策过程中考虑到这些因素的影响。

3 最常见的偏差之一就是通常所说的“基本 归因错误”。犯这种错误的人会将别人的失败归因
于性格缺陷,而将自己的失败仅仅归因于周遭环境,潜 意识中认为自己的性格是完美无瑕
的。 “詹金斯丢掉了工作是因为他能力太差,我丢掉了工作则是因为经济衰退。” 同样,这
种偏差也会让我 们将自己的成功归功于自身素质而不是运气,而将别人的成功仅仅看作是运
4 换句话说,我们通常要求别人承担更多的责任,而不是自己。 这不仅导致我们心胸狭窄
地对别人进行评 价也会由于假定某种坏事只会发生在别人身上而致使我们做出错误的风险
评判。 举一个例子,你可能会 毫无根据地假定自己的房子会升值,哪怕周围百分之九十的
房子都已经贬值了,因为你总认为自己的能力 更强。
5 “确定性偏差”有时会和“基本归因错误”一并出现。 这种偏差包含两部分:第一,我们 往往
6 比如说,假设你怀疑自己的电脑受到了黑客攻击,那么它每次死机或出 个小错,你都会
认定是由黑客引起的,而且你认定自己的怀疑正确无误。 这种偏差在两种敌对观点的对抗
中会起到尤其重要的作用。 每一方都会把自己的观点隔离出来,认为其在逻辑上无懈可击,
并声称他们的对手忽略了某些要点。 所以,要克服“确定性偏差”,就要以同样的努力认真探
7 与“确定性偏差”相类似的是“过度自信偏差”。 在一个理想的世界,当我们百分之百地确信
某件事时 ,我们就百分之百地正确;当我们百分之八十地确信某件事时,我们就百分之八十
地正确,以此类推。 但在现实中,人们的信心却大大超过了其判断的准确度。 在一个人缺
乏直接证据而必须要作出某种猜测 的情况下,这一偏差就最有可能起作用,比如,估计一个
拥挤的购物广场有多少人,或下雨的可能性有多 大。 更糟糕的是,即使人们意识到自己有
过度自信的偏差,他们还是会高估自己的正确率。 光靠自信是无法进行准确预测的,只有
在切实证据的基础上,自信才能发挥最大的作用。 当法庭传唤目击者出庭作证时,对他们
8 与估计失误相关的还有“可得性偏差”,因为我们常常会凭借回忆某一例证的难易程度来推
测哪种结果更可能出现。 由于记忆的留存和重拾会因为事件的生动与否、震撼程度和情感
触动程度的不 同而产生偏差,那么,基于这些记忆所作出的决定也往往会是奇怪或不准确的
9 在具 体行为中,这种偏差可能会使某人取消比如前往加那利群岛的行程,因为有报道说,
史上最惨重的空难就 发生在那里。 同样,人们也可能因惧怕遭到人身侵犯或者强暴而不敢
10 要排除“可得性偏差”,就必须在作某一具体决定时,以实证方法所取得的证据为依据,
而不是以与现实 不太相符的某个鲜明的记忆为依据。 如果灾难的发生率很低,比如飞机着
陆过程中坠毁的可能性只有十 万分之一,那么飞往加那利群岛就仍是安全的。 如果人们外

11 “沉没成本谬误”也时有发生,它最初是由经济学家发现的。 其作用机理最好的例证就是
赌场老虎机。 赌徒们冒着高风险,把钱投入老虎机,期望能够得到很大的回 报,但随着一
次次拉动拉杆,他们也一次次把钱赌输了。 如果他们多次连续拉动拉杆而没有一次成功,
12 而事实是,不论他们之前投入了多少钱,每一次拉动拉杆的成功几率都同样是极小的
——之前投入的那些 即为沉没成本。
13 在日常生活中,这种谬误会导致人们由于顾及之前所投入的成本,而持续停留在 损失的
就会贬值或付诸东流。 而最明智的办法则是,要充分认识沉没成本谬误导致的结果,离开
14 尽管还有其他更多的偏差,避免这些偏差的关键其实都一样:当涉及重要决策时,最好
是 依靠严密的逻辑并仔细审查证据;同时,要保持警惕,那些看上去良好的直觉总是很容易
Word in use
1. Hundreds of endangered sea turtles were found dead along the coast last
fishing practices.
During World War Ⅱ, very often heavy clouds would
completely (obscure) the target area, causing the
(triggering)concerns about pollution and local
bombs to be dropped in quite the wrong places sometimes.
3. After the experiment, scientists will wait to see what will happen in these
children when they grow up and to see whether the result will support
their (hypothesis) .
(formulate) an appropriate
At present, it is difficult to
plan that is systematic and can be widely accepted by economists in the
market place.
5. As one of the youngest professors in the university, Mr. Brown is certainly
on the (threshold) of a brilliant career.
6. The officials of the university should issue a stricter rule to curb
the (incidence) of violence and bullying among

It is still not possible to confirm or to (refute) the claim
that there is a casual relationship between the amount of fat we eat and
the incidence of heart attacks.
8. Since writing is one of the primary means of assessment in the
academic (realm) , it is important that students be trained
to think critically and write effectively.
Every year the leaves fall from the trees and (decay) in
other words, they turn dark and gradually fall to pieces and become part of
the soil.
According to the (testimony) of your neighbors, you
were not at home the night when the crime was committed; so, be sure to
tell us where you were.
Expressions in use
1. They don't know if their decision will work, but they do know that over time
they will succeed more often if they continue to .
2. Aging is a factor that correlates with loss of flexibility. However, how much
of that loss is due to our changing lifestyle as opposed to the actual aging
process is
He (1)
his troubles (2) his own endless drive for
achievement and the pressures to live up to his parents' ambitions for him.
4. Projects requiring skills not possessed by the workers are more difficult to
accomplish; so, time must
workers to obtain the needed skills.
The results of the study further investigation into whether
the project to allow these
athletes from different team sports experienced anxiety in similar types of

its smallness, the house remains extremely inexpensive
with respect to energy consumption even if it is not perfectly positioned for
solar harnessing.
If you do a word, you can ask your teacher what it means,
or look it up in the dictionary or online.
8. His knowledge of these waters and his skill in sailing
strong currents.
Unit 2
Section A
1 如果你是一位男士,肯定在某个时候会有女士问你她看起来怎么样。
2 对于如何应对这个问题,你一定得小心。 最好的对策就是给一个诚实但又谨慎的回答,
然后借口有急事马上脱身。 相信我,这是最简单的方法。 对于她的这一问题,无论你事先
3 其原因是,男性和女性对外表的看法截然不同。 大多数男性对自己外表的评价在七年级
时就形成了,而且终生不变。 有些男性认为自己有不可抗拒的魅 力,即使随着年龄的增长,
4 我相信,大多数男性都不会对自己的相貌感到过分自傲。 如果他们偶尔想到自己外表的
话,他们愿意认为自己样貌中等。 长相普通不会使他们有任何烦恼,因为普通就已经是很
好了。 男性不是特别注重自己的外貌,也不会从美学的角度去审视自己。 他们的打扮方式
主要就是刮刮胡子,就像打理自家草坪一样。 对于一位男性来说,如果能花四分钟刮刮 胡
力 了。
5 女性可不是这样看待自己的。 如果非要我猜测大多数女性对自己的相貌是如何评价的话,
那肯定是:“还不够好。” 一位女士,无论她看起来多么吸引人,她对自己的看法总是由于受
美容业的影响而蒙着一层阴影。 要她认为“我很漂亮”是一件难事。 她把身体上的极小的不
完美之处加以放大,并且幻想这些缺点十分 明显,以至于全世界的人都会注意到并且嘲笑她。
6 为什么女性会把自己的外貌想得这么差呢? 这 种长期的不安全感并不是与生俱来的,而
是由许多复杂的心理和社会因素的相互作用造成的,从小时候大 人们给她们买洋娃娃时就开
始了。 女孩成长过程中摆弄的洋娃娃,如果按照身材比例还原为真人大小的话,就会是7
now to keep the boat heading west against the

英尺高,61 英磅重,大腿纤细,上身丰满。 要达到这样的标准是很荒唐的,尤其是 当我们
想想那种洋娃娃的腰围尺寸,就知道其相对尺寸对任何一个活人来说都是不可企及的。 与
女孩玩具的这种荒唐标准相比,小男孩们得到的“动作玩偶”却是完全不同的模样。 大多数男
孩的玩具都样貌古怪,例如那个叫作“蜜蜂侠”的玩偶,一半像人,一半像会飞的昆虫。 这个
玩偶尽管样子不好看,但仍然非常自信。 你肯定无法想象他会问别人说:“这个配饰的紫罗
7 然而,女 性在成长过程中却认为自己应该长得像芭比娃娃或杂志的封面女郎那样,这对
大多数女性来说是不可能的 。 尽管如此,产值达几十亿美元的美容业,在超市化妆品销售
专区的配合下,总是在不停地攻击着女性 的自尊,使其相信自己只有购买最新的保湿面霜、
古铜散粉,以及各种美容器具,才能“激发和恢复”肌 肤活力。 我曾经看过一期《奥普拉脱口
秀》,在节目中,超级名模辛迪·克劳馥和演播室里的观众分享 了自己的化妆秘诀。 辛迪要
求这些中年妇女在脸上敷上黏土面膜和其他去皱产品;她还强调一定要遵守 这些方法,例如:
往脸上涂抹这些产品时,要用指尖,这样可以保护皮肤的弹性。 所有这些妇女都非常 忠实
8 我并不是说男性优于女性。 我的意思是你不可能 让一群中年男子在布拉德·皮特的指导下
把化妆品敷到自己脸上,期望自己能看起来更像布拉德。 与女性不同,男性的外貌美不是
社会所关注的唯一焦点。人们会鼓励男性借助其他特征来提升自尊。 他们也许会对布拉德
9 当然,女性会争辩说她们对外表的热衷追求是出于对来自男性的压力的一种反应。 而事
实是,大多数男 性认为美丽不仅仅来自于口红和香水,而且他们也不会去注意这些额外的细
节。 四十多年来,我在听男性谈论女性时,从来没有一次听到过哪位男性这样说:“她的指
甲真漂亮啊!” 对大多数男性来说,像指甲这样小的东西看起来都一样,无论一个女士的指
甲是用粉色指甲油涂得完美无 瑕,还是光光的毫无修饰,男性都一概视而不见。
10 女性参与这种极端的从众行为,实际上是把自 己置于其他女性的审视之下,因为只有那
些女性才有资格评价她们所付出的努力。 但是,如此费力地去 取悦男性而他们却根本不会
11 不管怎样,言归正传:如果你是一位男性,当有女士问你她看起来怎么样时,你千万不
能 说她看起来很糟糕,那样肯定会使她立刻迁怒于你,这也是你咎由自取。 但是,你也不
能慷慨地大放空洞之词,赞美她的鞋子和裙子是多么相配,因为她知道你是在说谎。 她已
经花费了无数个小时发愁自己的容貌不能和辛迪·克劳馥的一样。 而且,也许因为你的头发

Word in use
1. We need to improve the quality of education so that our children will not
leave school (deficient) in literary and reasoning

2. In a society governed by the rule of law, every citizen is subject to
possible (prosecution) if he violates the law.
3. The pay gap between average workers and top corporate officers has led
to pubic (outrage) as executives receive large packages
despite falling share prices.
The delicious meal (appeased) our hunger and made
us feel warm again after having walked in the snow all day.
The military insists on (conformity) in many areas,
for example, dress and haircut, with the primary objective of promoting
group unity.
6. My daughter used to play with the dog by taking
a(n) (strand) of its hair and then spending a long time
rubbing, combing and twisting it.
7. When she left for the party, she took great care to make her necklace and
shoes (complement)her dress.
8. It was necessary to provide living places
for (transient) immigrants passing through the area on
their way to more permanent dwellings.
9. They had just moved in, so they needed to buy a number of
kitchen (appliances) , including a microwave oven, a
toaster, and a coffee maker.
She wanted a beautiful and elegant (outfit) to attend the
wedding of a friend, but couldn't find anything satisfactory in the nearby

Word building 5
The Internet challenges the (domination) of
traditional media such as newspapers and television as the main sources
of news in modern society.
Some scientists warn that the X-ray (scanners) now
being used to screen passengers at many airports may be harmful to the
human body.
Many people think that a(n) (humanist) should have
very strong morals, in addition to beliefs in a philosophy that focuses on
human values and concerns.
4. The police interviewed all six witnesses, but none of them could describe
clearly how the
opened fire first.
In politics, (leftists) are people who generally support
(confrontation) began and who
social changes to create a more equal society and show concern for those
who suffer disadvantages.
6. A study of mid-level administrators'
career (orientation) showed that many of these
managers view their current position as a temporary step on an upward
7. The idea that the United States is a melting pot implies that racial
differences are to be
give up their own cultural traditions.
8. Effective measures should be taken to
prevent (terrorists) from attacking civilians, people
(erased)and that immigrants should
who have no power to defend themselves from bombs and guns.

9. Toyota is one of the world's
largest (manufacturers) of cars, with more than 50
plants across the globe outside Japan.
10. He sent his parents some of his recent news articles in
11. This island became a colony after
trading port in the 19th century.
12. The concert to be held next month promotes music
by (composers) from Africa and South America.
(imperialists) decided to use it as their
(binder) , arranged according to their publication

Banked close
I was once in a relationship with a woman who was the most brilliant, creative and driven
person I'd ever known. I told her these things often because she didn't see herself this way,
despite (1)(achieving) great success and acclaim (称赞) in her
(gorgeous) and sexy, though she professional field. She was also (2)
seemed not to realize this either, so I told her these things too. But while I thought it was
more important to praise her brilliance, it seemed to mean more to her that she
was (3)(considered) attractive.
My experience with this girlfriend exemplifies a common phenomenon in life — when it
comes to complimenting a woman, men often walk a very difficult line. Of
course, (4)(context) matters. In a professional setting, talking about
appearance is often inappropriate, but at a singles club, it may be important. She will be
very pleased if a man thinks her clothes and (5)(accessories) are pretty,
or her hair looks wonderful. However, things in between these two cases are unclear.
Women have every right to be recognized and (6)(appreciated) for their
intelligence and creativity. But at the same time, they want to be admired for their looks as
well, for example, their perfect skin (7)(complexion) and elegant outfits.

Unfortunately, most guys don't understand this. If we receive compliments from women,
they're usually about our achievements, not our looks. Most of us don't expect a woman to
tell us how (8)
hard to regard such a(n) (9)
(handsome) or sexy we are, and some of us would find it
(comment) as sincere. I'm not saying it's
very hard to be a guy these days. It is important for every man to understand how to treat
women with both respect and (10)(admiration). But as far as the right
balance of these two is concerned, we really have no frame of reference, especially when
it comes to looks.
Expressions in use
1. Every month, the Community Services Center offers several lectures on
health and fitness
to healthier lifestyles.
Do you know who (came up with) the idea of
(in hopes of) introducing people
having cheesecake for dessert yesterday? It was delicious and made
everyone happy.
3. The pain medication left Claudia feeling rather dull and sleepy, and soon
after dinner she apologized for being such poor company
When I was young, I
(excused herself) to bed.
(was obsessed
with) maps, and I sometimes spent the whole day charting land routes
from one point to another.
To make immigrants comfortable (reaching out
to) police for help, more than 70 cities now bar police from asking them to
prove their legal status.
6. Mary was often accused of
not afraid to
about which she was knowledgeable.
7. At the end of his term in office, the governor was criticized for failure
(voice an opinion on) subjects

to (live up to) his campaign promise.
8. Results of a survey revealed that of the top 10 automobile
makers (in terms of) customer satisfaction, six were
Japanese and two were German.

Section B
1 当今,过度追求相貌修整的风气无比盛行,太多的人沉迷于肉毒杆菌注射的宣讲会和真
人秀 ,整容手术也日趋流行。 许多人的做法堪比男女演员为了使自己在屏幕上看起来完美
无瑕而采取的手段。 为了获得生物医学标准 下的幸福感,人们会走做整容手术、吃营养品、
节食这样的捷径,但这些捷径并不总能实现它们所承诺的 效果。 而且,外表漂亮的人并不
2 最大限度地实现你自己的美并不是指要让 自己在社交时漂亮或在生理上完美,况且这些
也不是通过技术就能实现的。 美是一个成长的过程,是一种通过意识和学习而达到的自我
改造。 美在于生活的意义,在于真实。它是 一个情感和精神的旅程,需要人有信念才能获
3 能有幸每天爱着理查德,我感到很高兴。他是我丈夫,一个真实的、有人情味的、情感
上可 以靠近的人。我们年龄相仿,相貌已在岁月中有所消退。 但近二十年来,我们共同成
长,远超肌肤之表。 尽管我们的生活不如虚幻的电影故事中描述的爱情生活那样,它却很
美好。 我们一起欢笑,一起分担日常生活的磕磕绊绊。如果想到他有可能先于我离世,我
会充满恐惧。 世界上任何一位肌肉发达的男模都不能取代我自己的这位性感、外向的伴
侣。 我花了37年时间才找到他,我决不会因为所谓的“审美标准上的完美”而另寻他人。
4 我是一名心理理疗师。每天我都要接待许多客户,他们都是因为生活不够“完美”而倍受情
感痛苦。 由于无法获得大屏幕上所看到的那种生活,他们感到力不从心、绝望无助,并因
嫉妒而陷于沮丧。 给他 们提供治疗时,如果在治疗开始前,我告诉他们,他们在媒体上所
看到的每秒钟的图像都耗资数万,每个 明星都有几十个人专门为其打理形象,使其外表悦目
(甚至是裸体时也是如此),而且明星们保持形象是 一件既费力又费时的事,这会对他们的
治疗有所帮助。 媒体上的俊男俏女们承受着保持形象的巨大压力 ,而我的客户却因某种原
5 我要强调的是 ,世界上所有的面霜、健身锻炼、饮食风尚、抗抑郁症的百忧解胶囊,乃
至许多人在一起打坐冥思等等, 都不能改善一个人的生活、身体或精神状况。 事实上,这
些方法还常常阻碍人们获得幸福,因为它们会 使人分心,不去关注那些能带来真正内在美的
事物。 生活的意义不在于通过维持某种年轻时髦的外表来掩盖自己,而在于精神的成长和

6 我所知道的唯一的精神升华的途径就是通过情感。 亲眼目睹各种自然现象——星光 闪烁
延伸,让我觉得自己既卑微又伟大。 人际关系中的摩擦、冲突和安慰使我变得成熟并充满
激情。 爱情促使我的精神成长并焕发光彩,亲情激发了我对永恒的感受,因此我学会了接
7 我生活中的人都不是屏幕上那种思想平庸、迷恋自我的“美貌人士”。 我们只是平凡的、实
实在在的、有缺点的人。 我们一起勤奋努力,患难与共,尽力完善自我,和家人及 朋友紧
8 我们来自各种不同的背景,而且有时意见相左,但是我们尽力互相关心。 我们努力消除
自己的任性,努力使自己更具同情心、更宽容。 我们努力抗拒新奇事物的潮流的诱惑及广
告的操纵。 我们会经历自己并不赞同的社会现象,经历那些夺 走我们所挚爱的人和财物的
错综交织的自然及人为灾难,经历不良的时尚和幻想。 但从每一例这样的事 件中,我们都
前行。 这些人生经历是对我们心灵的历练。虽然我们会抱怨、发牢骚,我们终会感受到自
9 这其中的秘密就在于这种成长是他人可见的,而且这种努力在一个人的全身上下都能得
到展现。 它成了一种真实的存在,使一个人的精神像圣人那样光彩四溢。 你是否见过这样
一位老者,他眼睛里透 射着智慧,当他温柔地询问你的健康,或以简短的抚慰让你感到平静
和放心时,他对你的关爱是那样显露 无遗? 这样的老者内心所散发出的精神才是真正的美,
10 神奇的是,尽管我们的肉体会老去并且衰退,我们每个人都完全有能力达到这个境界,
即 最大程度地展现最崇高的精神内涵。
11 换句话说,真正的美丽无关外貌,而在于选择。 在人生的 旅途中,每当我们经过一个节
点,都应该寻找那些能够展示和净化我们神圣的内在美的人生体验,并且将 它们积累下
来。 我们必须从一个更有价值的角度而非以媒体肤浅的眼光来看待自己的人生和决定。
12 我们今天所作的决定会影响我们的余生。 归根到底,我们自己才是唯一要对自己负责的
人。 我们所做的每一个新决定都可能表明了一个新决心,一个创造我们所渴望拥有的美好

Word in use
1. Once the divers went deep down under the sea, the lack of
sunlight (hampered) their visibility, making them
unable to see the sunken boat.
It was a miracle that he survived the (mortal) wound in
his chest although doctors thought he would certainly die.

3. Twice divorced, Layne says she knows all too well about how money
troubles can (corrode) the bond of marriage.
4. Before the interview started, she said,
me (preface) our discussion by reminding our listeners
of the title of your book.
5. The audience loves the movie because the main
character (embodies) core American values of
self-reliance and hard work.
6. As the author of the book argues, genders, races, classes, and even
nations exist not as sealed entities (实体), but rather as part of a set
of (interwoven) relationships.
7. The railroad, which was about 2,000 kilometers
long, (knit knitted) the whole country together and
made its rapid industrialization possible.
8. The novel tells the story of a young man who struggles hard to accomplish
his dreams that (collide)with reality.
9. What attracted me most in the museum was a stone sculpture of an
ancient warrior in a Roman
helmet, sword and shield.
The (predominant) color in his paintings is white,
(costume) , complete with
whereas other colors such as blue and yellow are only used occasionally.

Expressions in use
He had (enquired about) the possibility of
working in the mailroom at William Morris, but the agency had nothing to
offer at that moment.

2. The researchers believe that this study will help them understand climate
change and future energy needs (1)
a) new (2) (perspective) .
3. The rate of American women who have sensitive skin seems to
When you have to
(on the rise) due to increased use of cosmetics.
(be accountable to) the
people who elected you, it's hard not to think about the consequences of
what you are doing.
5. I must save up my money to get a new pair of sports shoes because all of
my current ones
out) .
6. The US Food and Drug Administration regulates only bottled water sold
across state lines, but that produced and sold in the same
state (is exempt from) regulation.
(are worn out are wearing
7. He wanted to work as a computer engineer after graduation, but his
parents did not (approve of)this idea.
8. Many users of this brand of mobile phones are known
for (being addicted to) their devices, to the
point that they even give them various nicknames.

Unit 3
Section A
1 每天夜晚,在田纳西州的孟菲斯机场,都有几百架带着白、紫、桔色图案的飞机降落。 而
在每天此前的早些时候,这些飞机都在美国各地收集包裹。 工作人员从飞机上卸下的包裹
及信件数量超过五十万之巨。 长方形的包裹和信封又在这里依据收件地址 被迅速整理分拣,

然后装载上其他飞机,飞往各自的目的地,在那儿再由人工投递——到 这时很多邮件离开寄
件人之手还不到 24 小时。 这是弗雷德里克·W.史密斯的终极梦想,他就是 联邦快递集团(最
初为联邦快递)这一全球最大、最成功的隔夜送达服务企业的创始人、总裁、首席执行 官及
董事会主席。 如今,史密斯这一源于大学时代的妙想已在现实中经营到了第28个年头,并
2 史密斯被公认为是一位和蔼可亲、性格迷人的杰出企业家。无 论是他的竞争者、员工,
还是他公司股票的持有人,都对他十分敬重。 弗雷德·史密斯创建“联邦快递”时只有 27
岁。 现在多年过去了,他仍然坐在“掌门人”的位置上。 他将公司的成功简单地归因于领导
3 弗雷德里克·华莱士·史密斯 1944 年 8 月 11 日出生于密西西比州一个富裕的家族。 他
走。 为此他常遭受坏孩子的侮辱捉弄,他学会了挥舞合金拐杖来保护自己。 十岁时他的病
4 史密斯对飞行充满了激情。 15 岁时,他就曾驾驶一架作物喷粉飞机在密西西比三角洲的
天际翱翔, 三角洲的地形平坦开阔,甚至都不需要雷达导航。 在耶鲁大学上学时,他参与
重建了耶鲁飞行俱乐部, 在美国海军航空史的每个时期都有这一俱乐部出来的校友的身影,
包括一战时期著名的“百万富翁飞行队 ”。 史密斯负责管理俱乐部的事务,同时还在纽黑文经
5 由于飞行打乱了学习时间,他的学业受到了影响,但史密斯从未停止寻找自己的“伟大想
法”。 在撰写一门经济学课程的学期论文时,他认为自己已经找到了它。 他设计了一份运输
企业的经营草案, 该运输企业可以确保连夜递送小型或时间紧迫的货品到达美国的主要地
区 , 如替换零件、医药用品等等。 教授对这篇论文未予重视,他告诉史密斯说,他无法量
6 然而,史密斯确信自己已经发现了些什么,尽管又过了好几年他才得以把自己的想法付
诸实施。 在此期间,他于 1966 年从耶鲁大学毕业,那时正值美国在越战中越陷越深,而
他是个充满爱国热 情的人,又参加过士官训练课程,所以他加入了美国海军陆战队。
7 史密斯在越南战场上服役两期,完成了两百多次飞行任务。 “在军队中,领导力意味着能
使团队中所有 成员将个人的期望与抱负置于从属地位,而以实现集体目标为重,” 史密斯说
道,这其中融合了他军旅生涯和经营管理的经验。 “而优秀的领导力对控制一个公司的盈亏
8 从越南战场回 国后,史密斯开始执着于这样一个理念,即如果能将某个运输网络的各个
节点通过一个中介枢纽相互连接 ,其效率较之其他各环节相互之间无联系的分散经营的模式
来说要高出许多,不论这一系统所涉及的是运 送包裹和信件还是人员和飞机。 他决定放手
一搏,创建自己的企业。 史密斯用父亲公司的投资和他自己继承财产的一部分购买了第一
架快递飞机,并于 1971 年创建了联邦快递。
9 最初的日子伴随着极度的拮据乃至财务损失。 联邦快递公司的司机自己掏腰包为货车付
汽油费的情况屡见不鲜。 但是,尽管面对这样的问题,史密斯仍然为公司雇员的福利着

想。 正如他所回忆的那样 ,即使在他们公司没有钱、办公室没有沙发和打字机的情况下,
他们仍然开辟先例,保证员工享受很好的 医疗和牙齿保健福利。
10 一路走来,联邦快递率先践行了集中调控和“轴辐式”空中交通系统。自 它以后,该系统
被几乎所有大航空公司所采纳。 而“联邦快递一下”也成为了像“复印一下”或“谷歌一下”这样
11 史密斯说生意上的成功归根结底就是三点:首先你需要一项吸引人的产品或服务以及一
套 制胜的战略;其次你需要一套高效的管理系统;在拥有这些之后,如何领导好一个团队就
是当今经营一家 公司最为重要的事了。
12 尽管史密斯回避媒体采访和公众生活的荣耀,但他却被称为是一位友善而平易近人的雇
主。 他重视自己的雇员,从不认为他们理所应当该为自己工作。 有报道称,他会时不时在
晚上造访联邦快递位于孟菲斯的基地,并且称名道姓地与包裹分拣人员打招呼。 他会主动
发邀请给任何一位已在公司服务十年的快递员,请他们到孟菲斯出席“周年庆典早餐”,这已< br>经持续了很多年。 而这其中包含了弗雷德·史密斯自己的哲学:人员,服务,利润(P-S-P)。 史
密斯说,“P-S-P 的哲学理念就好像一个不可分割的循环,没有清晰可辨的入口或出口,每一个环节都支持着其他环节,同时也反过来受其他环节支撑。” 通过明确表达并亲身践行这

Word in use
1. The curtains changed the atmosphere of the house completely and made
it into a place of
As the sun
(exquisite) beauty.
(dispersed) the clouds, we enjoyed our
afternoon of playing cards in the forest under the clear sky and observing
the most spectacular view I have ever seen in my life.
The big company (decentralized) their operations
last year and opened several regional offices in the country to meet the
needs of the market.
It is not easy to (deduce) a trend of growth from the
available facts since they are quite scarce and not that convincing.
5. Formerly found only in large industrial applications, microwave ovens now
have become a standard
(fixture) of most modern

6. He calls on the public to save in everyday life and believes
that (frugality) is the key to battling a culture that
rewards mindless consumption.
7. He is suitable for the position as he is young enough to understand what
the teenagers think but old enough
to (administrate) their programs.
8. When asked about her whereabouts at 9 o'clock that night, she gave a
detective's attention.
(Reviving) the stalled economy and sticking to
promises to bring the deficit down next year is proving to be the principal
test for the new president.
A considerable period of time has to (elapse) before the
(disjointed)response, which caught the
effects of such security measures as closed-circuit television cameras and
cell-phone monitoring become evident in reducing crimes.

Word building 5
1. The new evaluation policy will base its decisions on workers' efficiency and
effectiveness, not simply on
one works in the company.
2. The French government has called on its people to defend
cultural invasion.
3. My friend has lived in New York for 10 years and loves Chinese food. He is
familiar with all the
(specialties) of Chinatown
(purity) of their language and fight against foreign
(seniority) or how long

4. Totally shocked by the sight of the great snowstorm, she closed her eyes,
and then opened them again to
wasn't dreaming.
5. Her recent book describes parents pressured by circumstances such as
the ever-expanding workweek and the
high-quality childcare.
6. Make sure not to be late for the meeting. You know the boss does
expect (punctuality) from us.
(scarcity) of
(reassure) herself she
7. Effective communication combined
with (sensitivity) to the concerns of others makes
resolution of most disputes possible.
8. An experienced manager from the headquarters has been brought in to
assist management in
branch of the company.
9. The slightly graying hair and piercing eyes of our team leader added to an
air of professional
10. Shocked by the results of the elections, many people start to question the
process of elections and challenge the
Fog has reduced (visibility) to under 20 meters and
(validity) of the
(superiority) and power on his
(restructuring) the local
no planes have taken off since early morning.
12. The old gentleman delivered his speech with such
the auditorium (礼堂).

(solemnity) that he silenced all the students in

Banked close
In some urban centers, workaholism (工作狂) is so common that people do not consider it
unusual: They accept the lifestyle as normal. Government workers in Washington D.C., for
example, (1)(frequently) work 60 to 70 hours a week. They don't do this
True workaholics, being
because they have to; they do it because they want to.
Workaholism can be a serious problem.
deeply(2)(immersed) in their work, allow themselves little or no time to
(disrupted), and they take breaks. They like to work without being (3)
probably don't know how to relax.
But is workaholism always bad? Perhaps not. There are people who work well
under (4)(stress). Besides, some studies show that many workaholics
(sphere). Their work is so have great energy and interest in their own (5)
pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and
entertainment are the same thing. Their work (6)(challenges) them,
keeping them busy and genuinely engaged.
Why do workaholics enjoy doing their jobs so much? Of course they get paychecks from it,
but it is hard to (7)
than (8)
(quantify) the pleasure with money. It offers more
(financial) security. Psychologists claim that work gives people
an identity and provides them with self-confidence. People have a feeling of satisfaction
when they (9)(administrate) a business well or complete a challenging
piece of work. In addition, most jobs provide a socially acceptable way for people to meet
others. So, though some people are compulsive (强迫性的) about their work,
their (10)(addiction) seems to be a safe or even an advantageous one.
They feel empty and incomplete when they are involved in activities not related to work.
Expressions in use
1. Because of his quiet personality, many people said they would not elect
him president of the institute though
they (1)
regard) .
2. Peter graduated from college in June and started his work in the auto
(held) him (2) (in high

company in August.
trip around the country.
(In the interim) , he took a
3. When his advertisement using the new digital technique drew as many as
5,000 responses overnight, he knew he
onto something) .
4. When students are more involved in their academic and extracurricular
activities, they will experience a richer campus life,
which (in turn) benefits their development.
5. The scientists of the research center keep the good habit of summing up
their experience
Whenever the older kids in school tried to
brother, she would not be afraid to stand up for him.
7. If he doesn't try to get a ticket now, he's probably not going to get one. So,
he might want to (take a stab at) it one more time.
(from time to time) .
(pick on) her
8. There are a lot of reasons for replacing your hard drive or adding a new
one to your old computer, but they all
to) the need for more space.

Section B
1 霍华德·舒尔茨这个名字在北美并非家喻户晓,不过 居住在城市或市郊社区的人都知道他
的公司:特色咖啡零售商星巴克。 区区十年间,星巴克已凭借惊人的速度成长为北美最大
的咖啡豆烤制商和特色咖啡零售商。 截至 2000 年,它旗下的咖啡店已经遍布世界三千多
个角落。就连美国前总统比尔·克林顿也被人拍到手 捧星巴克咖啡。 根据美国杂志《新闻周
刊》的报道,舒尔茨将“3C”概念——咖啡、商业和社区—— 融为一体,这已然使星巴克名列
2 舒尔茨出生于1953年,在纽约市布鲁克林区一个极其贫困的街区长大。 他母亲是一位
前台接待员, 父亲则从事过很多不同的工作,但其中没有哪一份工作给他支付过体面的酬劳
(boil down

或购买过医疗保险。 舒尔茨七岁时,他父亲在一次事故中扭断了脚踝,失去了他当时做送
货司机的工作。 在接下来的几个月中,他们家真的是穷到了揭不开锅的地步。
3 青年时代的舒尔茨一直由于其家庭“穷困工人阶层”地位所蒙受的耻辱而备受精神折磨。 有
一年他逃离 布鲁克林炎热的夏天去参加夏令营,但当他得知这个夏令营是专门为低收入家庭
的学生开办的时候,就再 也不愿意去参加了。 中学时他遭受到了男孩子们的奚落,也羞于
告诉女朋友自己住在哪里。 这些早年痛苦的记忆一直伴随着他一生。
4 体育运动成了他逃避穷困这一耻辱的方式。 1975年,舒尔茨获得了北密歇根大学体育奖
学金。 他也是他家族中第一个从大学毕业的人,因为他的前辈中没有一个人接受过比职业
5 舒尔茨令人瞩目的咖啡生意的最初灵感源于1983年他对意大利米兰的造访。 在米兰的
咖啡馆里,舒尔茨设想了一种新型的美国式生活方式。 他寻求在美国重现那种米兰式的交
往平台,使人们能以那种方式开始新的一天或与朋友小聚。 1987 年,当舒尔茨34岁时,
他组织了投资团队并购买下了他原先工作的公司,即西雅图的“星巴克咖啡公司 ”,将其重组
6 公众的反映出奇地好。 舒尔茨创建的高端咖啡厅立即获得了成功,这刺激了星巴克乃至
全球整个咖啡产业的迅速成长和发展。 1992年,星巴克成为第一家公开上市的特色咖啡经
7 星巴克迈出美国西北部进行投资的第一站是在芝加哥。在那里,公司分管特色销售的部
门开 创了与百货商店联手以及在国家书店毗邻营业区的地方开设星巴克咖啡吧的经营新渠
道。 同时,星巴克 还和百事可乐公司建立了伙伴关系,研发并销售一款即开即饮的新型咖
啡饮品,他们与卡夫食品公司也签 订了一份许可协议。 作为一家寻求与多方进行合作而发
展的企业,星巴克甚至与音乐产业合作,在咖啡 吧里销售为星巴克量身定做的古典铜管乐及
8 星巴克在纽约开第一家分店对于舒尔茨来说是回归故里,但他并没有摆出一副咖啡行业
王者的姿态。 《 纽约时报》评论说:“舒尔茨先生说话温和,几乎没有一丝纽约口音的痕迹,
而且他举止腼腆,甚至谦卑 。”
9 舒尔茨与众不同的员工政策也引起了人们的广泛关注。 他希望给星巴克的员工提供不仅
是经营理念上的而且也是经济上的参与公司成败的机会。 他规定,员工 完成每周20小时的
工作定额或超过这一定额,就有资格享受医疗、牙齿及眼部保健方面的福利,也能享 受股票
优先认购权。 就在其他企业通过削减福利来节省成本之时,舒尔茨,虽然生长在一个没有
工队伍是至 关重要的。 “服务在美国是一门缺失的艺术,”他对《纽约时报》如此说道,“我
相信人们愿意把工作 做好,但如果遭受的待遇很差,他们就会受到打击。 我们希望给予员
工尊严与自尊,而这一点光靠动动嘴皮子是做不到的。” 星巴克规定,每一位工时超过半工
制的员工都能享受医疗保障福利。 舒尔茨相信这一福利政策的切实施 行是企业成长的关键,
因为此举已使星巴克拥有了更加尽心尽力的工作团队以及至高水准的客户服务。 这一连锁
反应也使员工的流动率极低,几乎只有快餐行业平均流动率的一半。 在经营数字上,这一

政策则给星巴克带来了显著回报,因为每招募和培训一位新员工及其生产率损失所产生的费< br>用就高达三千美元。
10 舒尔茨一直坚定地致力于员工及社区发展,这一理念已经根植于星巴克的核心企业文化
当中。 他从未因为太过习惯于成功而忘却自己劳动阶层的根基。 他把自己的一本书献给了
父亲以表纪念。他曾 经对父亲说过尖刻的话,甚至曾指责他缺乏上进心,这些话让舒尔茨后
悔终生,他期望能够将这些回忆从 记忆中抹去。 他的父亲被诊断出了肺癌,在儿子成为百
万富翁之前就离去了。 舒尔茨曾经告诉他的听 众,他最重要的成功在于“我创立了一个我父

Word in use
1. Sales promotion not only aims at increasing demand at the consumer
level, but also is used as a(n)
business people's support.
The war brought problems of great (magnitude) to the
(stimulus) to attract
country, with the economy stalled and millions of people left homeless.
3. Wild winds were sweeping through the area at
landmark in their way.
4. The food company promised to provide its small retail outlets and local
restaurants with free refrigerators if this year's
It is
(quota) was met.
(stipulated) by the board of directors that
(velocity) , destroying houses and erasing any
bonuses exceeding $$100 from subordinate enterprises be handed over to
the board.
The host of the television program likes to (tease) his
guests about their fancy clothes and ask them some critical questions,
which always attracts the viewers.
7. At this forum, students discussed topics such as lowering the legal drinking
age and increasing the age at which one would

be (eligible) to obtain a driver's license.
(premium) brands in China
The explosion of luxury and
during the last decade has been the result of its strong economic growth
and people's increased brand awareness.
9. The speech given by the 80-year-old professor was filled with an unusual
mixture of personal reflection and (reminiscence) .
10. Dissatisfied with the abundance of violence on TV, the public television
committee has issued a(n)
television and radio programs.

Expressions in use
(decree) for great changes in
1. Owing to poor information security, the Information Awareness Office
emphasizes that the importance of data privacy
2. As a teacher, he enjoys being with students who are able to express their
views openly — without
or in their voices.
3. Most people spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors, therefore indoor
air quality (is critical to)their health condition.
(a trace of) fear on their faces
(be embedded in) the formal education
4. The national park has acquired an additional 7,300 acres,
mostly (adjacent to) the coast, where it has been
restoring the native habitat of some wild birds.
5. Our society should try to help those unfortunate people live an
independent and productive life rather
than (1) (beat) them (2) (down) with the

notion that they are not competent.
6. Despite the harsh economic conditions of recent years, the local
government still
to) offering generous benefits to its people.
7. With the growing popularity of the Internet, it is possible
to (conceive of) a society where people live where
(remains committed
they want, with their jobs following them.
To (be eligible for) a patent, an invention must
be new, useful, original, and not easily discovered or created.

Unit 4
Section A
1 在上流社会, 对环境的敏感就如同信仰民主、反对整容一样,是一种不可或缺的态度。 然
而,既然从泰德 特纳到乔治 · W. H. 布什,每个人都声称自己热爱地球母亲,那么,在由
议员、选民之类的人 以环境名义而提出的众多的相互矛盾的提案、规章和法规中,我们又该
如何做出选择呢? 显而易见,并不是每一项冠以环境保护名义的事情都值得去做。 我们怎
2 有一种简便的方法。 首先要区分什么是环境奢侈品,什么是环境必需品。 奢侈品是指那
些无需人类付出代价就能拥有的给人美好感受的东西。 必需品则是指那些无论付出什么代
价,都一定要去拥有的东西。 这一区分原则可以被称为理性环保主义 的至高原则。它规定,
对那些直接威胁人类健康与安全的生态变化采取应对措施是环境保护的必需品,而 其他则都
3 例如,保护大气层——阻止臭氧损耗及控制温室效应——是环境保护的必需品。 近来,
科学家报告说臭氧层遭受破坏的程度远比我们先前认为的要严重得多。 臭氧损耗不仅与皮
物链的顶端 。
4 温室效应所可能引发的热效应是非常具有毁灭性的:冰川融化、海岸线被淹没、气候遭
受破坏、平原干涸,最终食物消失殆尽。 美国中西部地区的粮食供养着全世界。 随着全球
气候的变化 ,我们难道准备看到衣阿华州变成新墨西哥州的沙漠气候,而西伯利亚变成衣阿

5 臭氧损耗和温室效应是人类的灾难,而且是需要紧急处理的灾难,因为它们直接威胁 到
人类,且后果很难扭转。 理性环保主义——唯一能够引起公众共鸣的环保主张——首先公
开声明,自然是服务于人类的。 理性环 保主义是一种完全以人类为中心的思想。它号召人
类保护自然,但是是在人类自我生存得到保证的前提之 下。
6 当然,这种以人类为中心的主张与当下盛行的环保主义是格格不入的,后者已经沉溺于
对地球的公然崇拜。有的人甚至声称地球是一个活的生物体。 这种环保主义喜欢把自己看
作是神圣的 ,其实它只是感情用事而已。比如,在自然是否友善的问题上,当下的环保主义
采取了高度选择性的片面 的观点,而这种观点与自然造成的灾难这一现实是不相协调的。 当
龙卷风肆虐堪萨斯州,当瓢泼大雨袭 击孟加拉国,毁灭了整座整座的村庄,使几百万人失去
7 非感情用事的环保主义是建立在普罗泰哥拉的格言“人是万物的尺度”的基础上的。 在建立
人类权威的过程中,这条原则会帮助我们梳理各种错综复杂的关于环境保护的争议。 就以
当前关于是否在北极国家野生动物保护区的某一角落开采石油的激烈争论为例吧。 环保主
立法行动。他 们散布说美国应该保护并且节约能源而不是开采能源。 这其实是一个错误的
非此即彼的主张。 美国确实需要征收高额的能源税以减少能源消耗,但同时也需要生产更
多的能源。 政府的估测表明,在北极国家野生动物保护区的地下蕴藏着美国五大油田之一
的可能性几乎到达50%。 我们没有寻找安全的方法开采北极国家野生动物保护区地下的石
8 美国刚刚经历了一场战争,其部分原因就是为了获取石油。 对能源的依赖使美国不但付
出了金钱的代价,而且也付出了生命的代价。 就因为可能破坏北美驯鹿的繁衍地而放弃能
9 我像别人一样喜欢驯鹿。 如果他们的交配模式受到干扰,我会感到非常遗憾。 但是,鱼
面对这一僵局 ,我每次都会选择人类而不是驯鹿。
10 我对俄勒冈州的斑点猫头鹰的态度也是一样。 我绝不是仇视猫头鹰。 如果花很少的代
价就可以保护猫头鹰,我会赞同它应受保护——毕竟,生物多样 性对生态系统是非常必要
的。 但是,我们必须记住,保持生物多样性并不意味着要留住每一种物种。 有时候,为了
头鹰 。
11 重要的是,我们要区分哪些东西对环境保护是根本性的,哪些是非根本性的。 自然受我
们的监护,而不是我们的主人。 我们应该尊重自然,也可以开发利用自然。但是,如果人类必须在自身的福利和自然的福利之间作出选择,自然则必须作出让步。
12 只有当人类的命运与自然的命运密不可分时 , 人类才应该作出让步。 当人类栖息地的
完整性(比如 大气层或维持地球核心的基本地质状况)受到威胁时,人类就必须立即调整自
己的行为。 而当人类受到 的威胁不大,不太需要对自己的行为进行调整时,恰当的做法是

平衡考虑经济方面和与之 相对的健康方面的因素,以便作出适度的调整。 但是,无论是哪
13 感情用事的环保主义者会说这种拯救自然的思路是完全错误的。 的确是这样。 理性、

Word in use
1. I will conduct a top-to-bottom review of the state departments, agencies,
and commissions, and seek to
eliminate them where appropriate.
2. To a 10-year-old girl, you need to offer understanding about her wishes
and help her
When we heard about the (dreadful) suffering of the
(differentiate)between fantasy and
(consolidate) or to
children and adults, our primary instinct, like millions of others, was to shed
4. It was when we started living together that we found, to our sadness and
surprise, that we were
It was
(incompatible) .
(alleged) that he had taken a $$50,000 bribe
before the project was transferred to another company.
The budget proposal has been described as
7. It seems that what people believe and what researchers have found out
about the (correlation)between wealth and
happiness are more different than overlapping.
Current expenditure in this museum is (negligible) in
comparison with the huge amount which foreign museums of similar
standing spend.

9. The air and rivers in this area are getting cleaner, and attempts to preserve
animal species and their
If you can provide rational and (intelligible) debates
(habitats) have been mainly
from an unbiased point of view, maybe we will all learn something.

Word building 5
1. After 24 hours of desperate fighting against the enemy, the native tribe
emerged (victorious) , but the cost was dear.
2. The study makes clear that air emissions even at levels below those
commonly held to be acceptable are
3. The study showed that higher sea level would severely erode the country's
beaches, with the (consequent) loss of recreational
(hazardous) to the health of inner-city
opportunities and recreation-dependent business.
4. Ever since he was a small boy he has been dreaming of becoming a
cowboy and leading a romantic (adventurous) life.
5. According to a recent report, the radiation leak from the damaged nuclear
reactor has had a(n)
Freshwater is not (evenly) distributed across the globe.
(disastrous) effect on the
From the statistics here, we can see that the Americas have the largest
amount of fresh water and Oceania the smallest.
This is a large and (spacious) modern hotel offering
high standards of accommodation and service.

8. Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in
four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to
45, (respectively) .
9. Many schools today stress academic achievement but don't always
identify and reinforce the notion that students need to
become (virtuous) .
10. Only about 15 percent of car thefts result in an arrest, because few police
This all sounds (harmonious) , yet there was
(routinely)conduct in-depth auto theft
disorder, tension and conflict in our household.
12. My reason for leaving the present employer is that I

Banked close
Farming invariably interferes with the habitats of plants and animals. However, this does
not necessarily mean that agriculture and biodiversity are (1)
(incompatible). In fact, quite the opposite is true. The sustainable cultivation of plants for
food and feed actually enables us to (2)(preserve)biodiversity.
(desirous) of getting broader experience in
By 2007, there were more than twice as many people living on the planet as there were in
1961. Over the same period, the total amount of (3)(available) arable (可
耕的) land grew by just 10 percent. In comparison with population growth, the expansion
of arable land was small. And there are limits to further expansion. A
large(4)(proportion) of the earth's surface — like deserts — is not
(utilized) by humans for suitable for cultivation, and other areas are (5)

roads and buildings. Some land that is rich in biodiversity needs to be preserved and thus
should not be (6)(converted) into arable land. The tropical rain forests,
for example, have the highest species density in the world, and changing this land for crop
cultivation would be (7)
By 2050, global demand for food will have risen by 70 percent. But the expansion of land
available for cultivation has its limits. This is one of the greatest challenges facing
agriculture today: How do we (8)(balance) the increased demand for
(dreadful) to these species' habitats and, indeed,
food with the need to maintain biological diversity, now and in the future?
Efficient and (9)(sane) use of land will be key to preserving natural
animal and plant habitats. To achieve this aim will depend to a(n) (10)
(considerable)extent on the use of modern agricultural methods. If these methods are
successfully applied, we believe that agriculture and biodiversity can coexist in harmony.

Expressions in use
1. After the painter's move to Paris in 1904, Picasso's Rose Period
paintings (took on) a warmer and more optimistic mood
than the previous Blue Period.
2. There are a number of different occasions when you might
be (called upon) to make a speech. Therefore, you
need to practice how to speak to a large audience.
3. Schools in the US believe that cheating in
examinations (runs against the grain) of
4. Being a major global concern, rapid population growth is believed by many
to (be incompatible with) sustainable

management of the environment.
It seems that many people have (come
through) periods of stress, with more physical and mental vigor than they
had before.
6. More and more native plants disappear every year. Saving them is
important because our own survival
up) with their fate.
It's up to you to (differentiate
(is bound
between) those who have your interests at heart and those who would
take advantage of you.
Although J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels are written for
older readers.

Section B
1 让我们在这 儿坐下来吧,我们所有的人,就在这片广阔的草原上。在这里,我们看不见
高速公路,看不见围栏,远离 城市垃圾。 我们不要铺毯子,就让我们的身体和大地、周围
的树木及灌木来个亲密接触吧。 让我们把草当垫子,感受它或许坚硬或许柔软的质地。 让
2 这就是我的请求:倾听空气。 你们可以听见它,感觉它,闻到它,品尝它。 我们可以感
到它就在我们中间,作为一种实实在在的存在,主宰着每一天。 这是一个好方式,我们可
以就这样开始思考自然,谈论自然。 如果再想好点的话,我们就不如和自然说 话,也就是
3 你们已经损坏了我们人类作为大自然的一部分以一种美好的方式体验大自然的能力。 即
使在这里,我们 也知道,在沼泽地和栖息于此的鹤之外的某个地方,在远处山里的某个地方,
就建有雷达塔和高速公路立 交桥。 这片土地如此美丽与奇特,以至于你们中的某些人想把
它变成一座国家公园。 你们已经污染了 土地、岩石、矿物——这些都是被你们称为已经“死
去”但其实是非常有生命活力的东西。不仅如此,就 连属于我们一部分的动物,也被你们改
造了。你们把它们变成了低级的基因变异动物,以至于没有人能再 认识它们。
4 羚羊是一种有力量的动物,因而你们把它圈养在栅栏里。 但是,山羊或绵羊,这些没 有
自卫能力的猎物、这些悄无声息任凭你们宰杀的动物,你们在它们身上看到了什么力量? 狼
(have struck a chord with) many

身上有巨大的力量,狐狸身上也同样有巨大的力量。 你们违背自然,把这些高贵的动物变
成了小型的可以放在腿上把玩的哈巴狗。 自然被你们的绳索和鞭子所束缚,屈服于你们的
命令。 对猫,你们无能为力,所以你们就设法修理它们 、改造它们,剪掉它们锋利的爪子,
甚至切断它们的声带,这样你们就可以用猫在实验室做实验,而不会 再受它们叫声的干扰。
5 所有的野生鸟类都被你们改造成了鸡禽——一种翅膀退化、根本不会飞的生物。 你们有
许多农场,专门用来饲养鸡以提供鸡胸脯肉。 这些鸡被关在狭窄压抑的笼子里,不得不一
直弓着身体,这使它们的胸脯肌肉变得很大。 如果突发一声巨响,鸡群会吓得发疯般乱跑,
撞死在笼子壁上。 一辈子都必须佝偻着背使得这些鸡变成了既不天然又不正常、毫无用处
的禽类。 同时,人类也变得很不自然、冷漠无情、残酷刻薄。
6 在这点上,你们愚弄了自己。 你们对自己带 翅膀的和长四条腿的近亲兄弟姐妹进行了改
造,剪掉了它们的爪子,甚至让它们变得畸形。同时,你们也 在对自己做这些事情。 你们
注射肉毒杆菌毒素,接受整容手术,使用人造化妆品和数不清的药物。 你 们把人类进行筛
选和改造:有的人是坐董事会议室的高级管理人员,有的人是坐办公室的白领,有的人是 每
日要按考勤钟打卡的工人。 在家里,每个家庭成员之间也没有联系,却都沉溺于一个大实
7 “小心烟 灰,不要抽烟,否则你会熏脏窗帘。小心金鱼缸。不要把头靠在墙纸上,你的头
发也许很油。不要把饮料 洒在桌子上,你会把它精美的涂层弄掉。你应该先擦擦靴子,地板
刚刚才打扫过。不要做这个,不要做那 个,不要……” 这太荒谬了! 人类生下来不是忍受这
种压抑的。 你们住在自己亲手打造的监狱里,只不过你们把它们称之为“家”、办公室或工厂
8 有时,我认为我们的寒酸小屋也比你们的奢华大厦要好。 在一个晴朗的冬夜,踏着泥土
或积雪,漫步一 百英尺去上厕所,这是我们与自然之间的一个小小的接触。抑或是在夏天,
在一个偏僻的乡村,悠闲地听 着昆虫的嗡鸣或鸟儿拍打翅膀的声音,感受太阳透过随风摇摆
的树枝暖暖地照在身上的感觉。可是你们却 连体会那种与自然共处的快乐的机会都不再有。
9 你们坚信任何东西都必须是无菌的。 任何气味都不能有! 包括男人、女人身上所散发的
那些好闻的自然的体香。 你们就是要除去腋窝下散发的气味,除去皮肤里散发的气味。 味
道去掉后,你们还要在身上洒上某种植 物香水。这东西造价昂贵,一盎司十美元,所以你们
相信它的气味肯定好。 你们为什么要刻意远离自己身体的功能、体腔和气味,把自己从原
10 我认为你们既十分害怕又不能容忍自己周围的世界。你们痛斥自然界,不愿看到、触到、
闻到或听到关于它的任何点滴。 雨或雪落在脸上的感觉,被刺骨的寒风冻僵后又在冒烟的
火堆旁烤火暖 和过来,洗一个热水澡后又跳入一条寒冷的小溪,所有这些都能给生活增添乐
趣,但是你们却不再想要这 些了。
11 你们把自己困在牢笼中,生活在封闭的盒子里,隔绝了夏天的酷热与潮湿、冬天的寒冷< br>与战栗,只活在一个不再有任何自然气息的躯壳里;你们听着音响中播放的噪音而不是自然
的声音 ;你们看着电视上演员上演编造的经历,而自己却不去做任何亲身体验。 这就是你
们的方式。 实在太糟糕了。

Word in use
If these different assessment methods (converge) on
the same conclusion, then we can have greater confidence in their
2. There is little doubt that the effectiveness of the reform was
external opposition.
3. The pollution from the factories continues
to (contaminate) the river and also poses a serious
(impaired) by its internal difficulties and
health threat to people living nearby.
Indeed, the (vulgar) behavior popularized by music
videos, reality television, and violent movies indicated that authority,
standards, and personal responsibility all had declined.
5. The clinic was terribly expensive because the cost of a typical 20-day stay
in it was equivalent to the annual salary of an average
city (dweller) .
6. When Hollywood films deal with controversial social issues, they do so, for
the most part, in a way that is designed not
to (alienate) mainstream audiences.
7. Many old residents in the neighborhood
the television.
8. One way to reduce fear of needles is to explain to patients who need to
modern needles.
(injected) that they will not feel any pain with
(strolling) along the beach to sitting in front of

We (deplore) the fact that he has shaped his proposals
for educational reform while virtually ignoring what is being done along
those lines in other regions of the world.
10. They saw factory work as a source of pride rather than low status, and in
this way they (inverted)the ideas of people in
traditionally more powerful classes of society.

Expressions in use
1. In many places of the world, there are still those who encourage women to
stay at home and
2. As the old lady walked toward the door with her grandson, she held on to
his arm and
We do not (subscribe to) the view that when the
(leaned against) his shoulder for
(be obedient to) their
data analysis does not give rise to the expected results, the quality of the
data is to blame.
She is the first woman to (preside over) the
agency, which, with a staff of 425, regulates all fishing and hunting in the
5. When you feel tired, you can try relaxing in a warm bubble bath, listening
to music and (shutting out) the world for a while.
6. When the pop singer first arrived in the city,
he (plunged into) the crowds, who had turned out
in their thousands to greet him.
7. On the whole, the less education that people have, the more likely they are

to (be intolerant of)those who differ from them.
8. The main idea of the article is that our reliance on modern technology has
created a society where people (are
disconnected from) one another and immersed in their own world.

Unit 5
Section A
1 有一次,在加州蒙特雷 半岛上用餐时,我母亲私下悄悄地对我说:“嫂嫂想做个彬彬有礼
的客人,但是装得太厉害了!何必费劲 讲究形式上的客套呢?到最后她还是什么都要。”
2 我母亲行事像个“外侨”,即一个移民国外的侨民,因为她已经不耐烦老一套的禁忌和礼数
了。 为了证 明她刚才的观点,她手伸过桌子,把蒜香海鲜拼盘里的最后一个扇贝,连同牛
腩排及黄瓜沙拉一起,递给 我从北京来的年长舅妈。
3 嫂嫂皱起了眉头,“不要,真不要!”她一边大声说一边拍着自己已经吃 得很饱的肚子。我
4 “拿去吧!拿去吧!”我母亲用中文责备道。预料到她就会这样,就像月亮盈亏周期似的。
5 “饱了,我已经饱了,”嫂嫂低声嘀咕着,眼睛却瞟着扇贝。
6 “哎!”我母亲感叹着说,“没人愿意吃,只能让它坏掉了!”
7 嫂嫂叹了口气,从碟子上拿去了那 个扇贝,就好像是帮了我母亲一个大忙,并省去了我
8 我母亲转头看着她兄长——一位经验丰富的中国地方法官,这是他初次来看我们。 她说:
“在美国,一 个中国人可能会饿死。要是你不打破老一套的礼数说你要吃,他们就不会再问
9 我舅舅点点头,说他完全理解:美国人待人接物快速迅捷,因为他们没有时间客气来客
10 我在《纽约时报杂志》上读到过一篇文章,描述的是纽约市内的中国城这一小块文化聚
居 地的变迁。作者在文章中提到,中国语言与文化错综交织,使中文十分委婉和客套。 中
11 我思索着,为什么人们会不断地编造这样的谣言呢?他们把我们描述得就像是唐人街旅
游 品商店里出售的一批小布娃娃。那些布娃娃的头不停地上下晃动,似乎对一切都心满意足,
12 生于移民家庭的孩子都清楚,有一种特殊的两难境地与说两种语言的生活联系在一
起。 比如我父母,他们和我说话时中文和英文都用,但我和他们说话时只用英文。

13 “艾米啊!”他们会这样责备我。
14 “怎么啦?”我会回问道。
15 “我们叫你时,不要对我们反问,”他们会用中文训斥道“这是不礼貌的!”
16 “你们什么意思?”
17 “哎!我们不是刚刚说过,叫你不要反问吗?”
18 仔细想想 自己的成长过程,我发现,我从小到大所接触到的中文并不是什么特别谨慎的
语言,也不存在出于客气而 对所说的话进行仔细检查的现象。 我父母向我提一连串的要求
时,总是把一切都表述得清清楚楚:“你当然会成为著名的航空工程师,” 他们会鼓励我说,
19 似乎更加强硬的事情总是通过中文倾泻出来:“不能那样!你淘米的时候,必须一粒都不
20 由于一直同时听着中英文两种语言,故而我对它们之间的任何对比总是心存怀疑,因为
我 注意到它们各自都有对方所没有的难点。 说英文的人会认为中文极其难,因为中文用非
常微妙的声调变化就可以表示不同的词语。 而英文则常常被认为缺乏一致性,因为英文具
21 在我看来,更危险的做法是,人们往往倾向于通过翻译来理解不同语言和行为之间的差
异。 如果一个旁 观的外人听我母亲说英语,可能会得出结论,说她对过去和将来这样的时
间区别没有概念,或者认为她对 人的性别不加区分,因为她提到我丈夫时总是说“她”。 如果
一个人对此类现象不假思虑,他也许还会 概括说,所有中国人都是通过委婉迂回的方式才能
说到话题重点的。 而实际上喜欢修饰和绕弯子只是我母亲个人的说话风格。
22 我担心主流社会可能会从一个狭隘的角度、以一种成见看待中国人。 我担心这种看似无
害的成见实际会 导致人们对中国人难以容忍,并成为中国人在高层管理职位或主要的司法及
政府部门寥寥无几的部分原因 。 我担心语言的力量,即如果一个人将一件事说了很多遍,
23 这会不会就是我父母辈的中国朋友愿意接受那些对中国人的简单概括的原因呢?
24 “你为什么要抱怨呢?”他们中有人问我。 “如果人们认为我们谦虚礼让,就让他们那样想
25 我当然相信每个人在一开始都会把这种描述的话当成称赞。 但过了一段时间,这种话就
会让人恼怒,就好像所听到的只是些经过细微的社交区别过滤后的言辞,诸如 “很高兴认识
26 这些话不能表达什么新观点,也不能传达什么真实的情感或深思熟虑的想法。 它们就像
一片面包,只是 人们交往中最表层的东西,或社交场合下出于礼貌而说的一些话:问候、道
别、顺口的托词,诸如此类。 由此看来,那些对中国人的概括性评价并非是对中国文化成
分的真实描述,而仅仅是对我们外在行为的一 种成见而已。
27 “那么中文究竟怎么表达‘是’和‘不是’呢?”我的朋友也许会小心翼翼地问。

28 在这一点上,我的确在某种程度上同意《纽约时报杂志》的那篇文章。 在中文里,没有
哪一个字专门用于表达“是”或“不是”,但这并非是因为需要保持谨慎。 若的确有什 么不同的
29 如果你问一个中国人是否吃饭了,他(或她)会说“吃了”(已经吃过)或“没有”(没有吃
30 你若问:“你停止打老婆了吗?”他会直接就所断定或所否认的假设进行回答:已经停止
31 还有什么能比这更明了的呢?

Word in use
1. Although he was not a legal expert, he knew it would not be proper
to (fabricate) anything to mislead the public.
2. He does not work full time there, but he has been
the (nominal) head of the organization's scholarship
program for five years.
3. As Mark walked the sites on that initial trip of the migrants, he found some
important (temporal)clues — dated bus tickets,
shopping receipts and calendars.
4. In urban planning, it is important to take into consideration
the (reciprocal) influence between the transportation
network and other facilities, for example shopping centers and medical
5. The label
usually (denotes) products that meet criteria for lower
fat, sugar and sodium (钠) content.
6. The public high school graduation rates in New Mexico and Arizona have
been increasing for three (consecutive) years,
thanks to an online program that helps students earn missing credits.
7. In the accident at the air show last week, a pilot and

10 (spectators) were killed when a fighter plane
crashed into the crowd.
8. The mother was not sure where the boys went, but she did hear
movie with friends.
9. This newly released portrait of Planet Earth is actually
a (composite) of several pictures taken earlier this
(muttering) something about going out for a
month by a new research satellite.
10. You shouldn't feel insulted. We can assure you he meant to be friendly and
there was nothing impolite or

Word building 5
(malicious) in his words.
1. Some African countries have started a new program
to (conserve) wildlife by giving local people greater
control over hunting.
2. She hurt her wrist last week after falling from her bicycle. Now it is swollen,
and she has trouble
3. The author of this book is
a(n) (authoritative) expert, so we believe that he
(unbuttoning) her coat.
can give a logical and objective description of the event.
4. As an experienced doctor in cancer treatment, she has
offered (consultative) services on drug
development to a number of medical companies.
The man was not usually so (imaginative) , and thus
his colleagues were all surprised when he proposed this creative use of
studio techniques.

6. At the conference, the speaker presented
a(n) (quantitative) analysis of the results from his
year-long experiment by using a group of tables and charts that contain
detailed statistical data.
In this coming week, the finance minister will (unveil) the
budget, the annual report of the country's economy, and the government's
plans for tax and spending for the year.
8. As a manager, David likes his employees to
be (assertive) , to state or ask in a calm and direct
manner what they want or need.
9. The stock market fluctuated wildly last month,
which (unsettled) investors because they were afraid
that the big losses they suffered two years ago would happen again.
10. Parents mostly want their children to attend a good school. Hence, the
quality of a school can play a(n)
helping families choose where to live.
11. After you drink a cup of coffee, it takes about 30 minutes for the caffeine to
work its way through your
your bloodstream.
12. There is a general belief that social science
is (qualitative) and therefore not rigorous. However,
(digestive) tract and into
(decisive) role in
this may not be true since social scientists also employ rigorous thinking in
their research.

Banked close
Stereotypes have some truth mixed in with a few generalizations. Sometimes these
generalizations can be misleading as they are often based on observation of

the (1)(exterior)behavior of people in a certain culture. Spaghetti, pasta,
mafia (黑手党), gestures, fashion — these are some words commonly used to describe
Italians. How much truth is there in the stereotype? As an Italian myself, I will give you
some (2)(insights) into the Italian soul and clarify some
misunderstandings that foreigners have about us.
Spaghetti and pasta are sacred. You can't take pasta away from an Italian meal; otherwise
it won't be (3)(complete). A typical Italian meal generally includes pasta
(course), followed by as a starter, fish or meat with salad as the main (4)
fruit or dessert, and then coffee. But there are considerable regional differences in Italy,
and hence (5)(inconsistencies) exist between the stereotype and reality.
For instance, you might find risotto (加有肉、鱼或蔬菜的调味饭) replacing pasta in some
The Mafia is real: We are not proud of it, but it does exist, especially in the South and on
the island of Sicily. Obviously, not every Italian is a member of the Mafia, and most will
be (6)(offended) if you use the term, even if you are just joking.
(gestures) a lot in Yes, the way we speak is unique. Italians use (7)
communication. We simply cannot talk without our hands. If the hands are busy doing
something else, we start moving shoulders or other parts of the body.
We are also fashion victims. You can recognize Italians by the way they dress from head
to toe. We wear stylish clothes and (8)(ornaments) for every possible
occasion. You won't ever see an Italian wearing running shorts combined with long socks:
It's simply against our (9)(sense) of style!
Italy is made up of many regions and provinces which are similar in some ways
and (10)(distinctive) in others. The stereotype contains some truth, but
being Italian takes a lot more than that.

Expressions in use
We chatted for half an hour before he finally (got
to the point) : He wanted to work as a business consultant and wondered
if I could pass along the names of certain potential clients.
2. Scientists at the research center identified various features
that (are attached to) the commodities
purchased by female consumers.
The three mountain climbers (would
have starved to death) if the villagers had not found them lying at the
bottom of the valley.
4. The boy looked up timidly at his father who was sitting next to him, but he
didn't stop crying.
more intense.
5. Since no one knew how the disease spread,
they (were suspicious of) everything,
(If anything) , his crying became
including mosquitoes, swimming pools, and people from other
6. At the press conference, the government spokesman avoided answering
the question about health-care reform directly. Instead he
economic situation.
7. Mr. Rogers, whom you met in the museum yesterday, works as a software
engineer and plays folk music (on the side) .
(wandered around) to talk about the harsh
8. These schools were selected for our survey because the composition of
their student bodies (was representative
of) the district's enrollment, which included a large proportion of children

from immigrant families.

Section B
1 爱德华·霍尔是跨文化研究领域的著名学者。他曾说过一句名言 :“商业成功的最大障碍是
由文化竖立的障碍。” 对国际企业来说,文化差异难道真的和财务规划及前瞻性领导有着同
样大的影响吗? 答案是出人意料的:的确如此!
2 一个很好的例子,人际关系在生意往来中所起的作用。 尽管人际关系在美国商业文化中
作用不大,但在亚洲、非洲及中东国家却十分重要。 在这些文化中,人际关系的经营在不
3 让我们以美国一家酒店管理公司高级副总裁凯文·约翰斯顿的故事为例说明。 凯文被指派
负责敲定与阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)一家公司的合并事宜。 几乎所有复杂的谈判均已< br>完成,剩下的就是花三天时间前往阿联酋与对方面谈,以签署协议文件并完成整个交易。
4 凯文坚信,任何事情都不会阻碍他此行成功完成任务。 他给公司上下发了一份备忘录,
热情洋溢地描述了与阿联酋方面的这一合并计划。 在他整理好了所有必 备的文件和乃至数
据及小数点都精确到位的各种图表,并准备了一份证明公司资质的详尽说明后,他就装 好了
5 凯文到了阿联酋,对于此行来完成这项交易感到兴奋无比。 他受到了超规格的殷勤接待:
奢华的宾馆、一流的佳肴、配有专职司机的优雅的敞篷车带他游览全城、接 连不断的娱乐活
动、精美的纪念品。 他多次试图取出带来的文件资料,想打开话题谈生意,但奇怪的是 ,
在他停留的三天里,阿联酋的同仁们却好像没有一个人愿意听他准备的财务情况简介。 每
当凯文试图谈及交易时,有望成为合作伙伴的对方似乎总是“绑架”谈话内容,岔开话题。 他
6 离开阿联酋时,凯文感到既恼火又丧气。 对于自己精心准备的材料,他根本就无法获得
对方的详细询问。 至于完成这项交易的计划,则与他离开美国时毫无二致:零进展。
7 上述例子很经典,它说明了不同 文化期望值之间的冲突会如何导致延误。这种延误若未
能恰当处理的话,就会使一笔生意戛然中断,让双 方都不知所措。 所造成的巨大的收入损
失永远无法弥补,甚至还会让一家在困境中挣扎的公司突然倒闭 ,就像没用降落伞从高空坠
8 凯文错误地以为,生意成交只要靠自己公文包中的各种证明文件就行。 他风风火火地去
参加会谈,就像一头误打误撞的公牛。 但对于很多文化来说,一个人确立自己的资质不 仅
要靠业绩、教育背景或个人能力,而且要靠更多的人际交往。 在这一例子中,阿联酋合作
伙伴很想知道的是,凯文是不是个好人,是不是个顾家和值得信赖的人。 对他们而言,这
种评判能够确立双方之间的信任关系。 如果凯文当初能够花些时间耐心地去经营一下双 方

9 社会学家一致认为,影响国际商务的另一关键因素是“面子”。 在“顾面子”的方式上,跨文
化差异会 影响我们对信任和尊重的看法,而这种看法反过来又会影响人们之间的关系和团队
10 以一位叫安的美国经理为例。安对文化差异采取了一种保守策略。 她被提名为一个设于
新加坡的销售团队的领导,她将此看作自己事业的一个顶峰。 安努力和每一位团队成员都
建立良好的工作关系。 她花了数周时间致力于建立团队的统一性与凝聚力、 介绍工作原则、
11 过 了一段时间,在团队举行的面对面的首次季度工作总结例会上,安称赞了一位中国成
员,而后毫不留情地 批评并质询了一位韩国成员,试图找出他比别人落后许多的确切原
因。 会议立刻偏离了常规程序。 整个团队变得严肃沉闷,而且在会议剩下的时间里,虽然
12 显然,安对其他文化中“顾面子”这一概念并不熟悉。在美国文化中,的确也存在着“顾面
子”一说,但其影响微乎其微。更受推崇的是机智老练而又直截了当的谈话。 美国经理人惯
常于在公共场合,如在会议上,自由谈论其他人的成就或败绩。 这和亚洲文化有所不同。
这样 做会使他们觉得不自在或甚为尴尬。
13 安需要考虑的是,要采取在文化上更加恰当的方式来支持和激发她的团队。 如果要给成
员提反馈意见,尤其是负面意见的话,那么在私人场合进行会更有帮助。 最为重要的是,< br>她应该努力给出一些更加客气、更具支持性的赞扬和鼓励,这样才能使团队更加团结,更加
具有凝 聚力,而这也是一个高效运作的团队取得成功所必需的。
14 在世界各地,人际关系经营及颜面顾及 这类更深层次的文化结构都是根植于该文化所具
有的价值观、信仰和行为之中的。 它们比任何一种文化的词语汇编里所列出的术语都更难
理解。 我的建议是:随时向对方询问,以得到一个明晰的解释和新的理解。 为了取得商业
成功,学会协调这些更深层次的文化差异是极其重要的。 尽管将它们融入自己的思维方式

Word in use
1. If the product is defective, the customers can ship it to us at our expense,
and we will replace it or
2. Tensions occur in many smaller communities where development
pressure and population growth cause (friction
(refund) to them the purchase
frictions) between longtime residents and newcomers, who often have
different backgrounds and values.

3. The manager had lots of questions about the dispute between the two
departments, but he resolved to stay
told him the whole truth.
4. She had hoped to be home early enough to pick up her son from school,
but she was
late evening.
5. This analytic software enables businesses
to (extract) relevant information about the customers,
(detained) by a long meeting at work until
(mute) until someone
for example, age and education level, from a large range of documents.
6. Every year the American Association of Poison Control
Centers (compiles) statistics on accidental deaths from
drugs, vitamins and other supplements.
7. Although not as practical as cars with fixed metal
roofs, (convertibles) are appealing because they
look cool and ready for summer driving fun.
8. The rebels have said that they would not try to take the capital before
peace talks
She spoke in a(n) (tactful) yet sincere manner, which
(mediated) by a third party begin next
made him relaxed and willing to talk about his life: his poorly-paid job and
his unhappy marriage.
10. The president delivered an enthusiastic speech, in which he expressed
confidence in building national
improving the life of all citizens.

Expressions in use
(cohesion) and unity by

Women's attainment in career still (lags behind) that
of men, even in developed countries where women have been
participating in the workforce for decades.
Talented and diligent, Robert Hume was (put in
charge of) managing the entire Company's accounts when he was only
3. A number of economists have proposed that the government
should (1)
a) balanced (2)
nation's tremendous deficits.
4. Over the past few months, Mr. Flake has seen his fame steadily rise,
being (singled out) for praise in a Wall Street
(approach to) dealing with the
Journal article and interviewed by some influential journalists.
5. As soon as the paperwork was done, he left the office
and (headed for) the airport to catch an early
afternoon flight to Florida.
6. Some cities have adopted Bus Rapid Transit, a system in which some
features of the train, such as speed, reliability and comfort,
are (incorporated into) the bus system.
7. The adverse weather conditions raised safety concerns, so they decided
to (1)
8. According to a study published last month, global
warming (has had an impact on) crop yields
(divert) three flights(2) (to) a nearby
since 1980, pushing up prices of wheat and corn worldwide.

Section A
1 在我和室友罗伯的交易成功之后,我和波莉有了第一次约会。 那一年校园里每个人都有
件皮夹克,而罗 伯是校足球队员中唯一一个没有皮夹克的,他一想到这个就受不了,于是他
和我达成了一项协议,用他的 女友换取我的夹克。 他可不那么聪明,而他的女友波莉也不
2 但她漂亮而且富有,也没有把头发染成奇怪的颜色或是化很浓的妆。 她拥有合适的家庭
背景,足以胜任一名坚忍而睿智的律师的女友。 如果我能够让我所申请的顶尖律师事 务所
3 “光彩照人”,她已经是了。 而我也能施予她足够多的“智慧之珠”,让她变得“谈吐优雅”。
4 在一起外出度过了美好的一天之后,我驱车来到了高速公路旁一座小山上一棵古老的大
橡树下。 我的想法有些怪异。 而这个地方能够俯瞰灯火灿烂的城区,我觉得它会使人的心
情变轻松。 我们呆在车子里,我调低了音响并把脚从刹车上挪开。 “我们要谈些什么?”她
5 “逻辑学。”
6 “好酷啊,”她一边嚼着口香糖一边说。
7 “逻辑学的原理,”我说道 ,“即清晰思考的主要原则。逻辑上出现的问题会歪曲事实,其中
有些还很普遍。我们先来看看一种叫做 ‘绝对判断’的逻辑谬误。”
8 “好啊,”她表示同意。
9 “‘绝对判断’是指在证据 不足的情况下所作出的推断。比方说:运动是有益的,所以每个人
10 她点头表示赞同。
11 我看得出她没弄明白。 “波莉,” 我解释说,“这个推断太过简单化了。 如果你有心脏病
或者超级肥胖症什么的,运动就变得有害而不是有益。所以你应该说,运动对大多数人来 说
12 “接下来是‘草率结论’。这似乎不言自明,对吧?仔细听好了:你不 会说法语,罗伯也不
13 “是吗?”波莉吃惊地说。“没有人吗?”
14 “这也是一种逻辑谬误,”我说,“这一结论太草率了,因为能够支持这一结论的例证太少
15 她似乎学得很开心,而我也可以放心地说我的计划正在稳步推进中。 我把她送回家,并
16 第二天晚上,坐在那棵橡树下,我说:“今天晚上我们要谈的第一个逻辑谬误叫‘文不对

17 她高兴地点了点头。
18 “听好了,”我说,“有个人去申请工作,当老板问他有什么应聘资格时,他说他有六个孩
19 “哇,这太可怕了,太可怕了,”她哽咽着轻声说道。
20 “对,是挺可怕的,” 我表示赞同地说, “但这不是理由。这个人根本没有回答老板的问题,
21 她眨着眼睛,仍在竭力地忍住眼泪。
22 “接下来”,我小心地说,“我们来讨论‘ 错误类比‘。举个例子:学生考试时应该允许看课本,
23 “我喜欢这个主意,”她说。
24 “波莉,”我抱怨道,“别打岔,这一推论是错误 的。医生们不是在参加考试以检查他们学
到了多少,而学生却是。他们的情况完全不同,你不能将他们作 类比。”
25 “我仍然认为这是一个好主意,”波莉说。
26 经过五个夜晚的辛勤努力,我竟然真的将波莉打造成了一个逻辑行家,她总算能够分析
思考了。 现在应该是时候让我们的关系从学术向浪漫发展了。
27 “波莉,”当我们又一次坐在那棵橡树下的时候我对她说,“今晚我们不讨论逻辑谬误了。”
28 “哦?”她回答说,有一点失望。
29 我赞许地对她笑了笑,说:“我们在一起已经度过了五个晚上 ,相互之间挺合得来,我们
30 “草率结论,”波莉伶俐地说,“或者是按一般人的说法,这个结论有些不成熟,你不这样
31 我被逗得笑了起来,她功课还真学得不错,大大超过了我的预期。 “亲爱的,” 我开口
它是不是好 吃。”
32 “错误类比,”波莉立即回应。“你的前提是约会就如同吃东西。可你不是蛋糕,你是个男
33 我又笑了笑,不过不觉得那么有趣了,同时还不能表露出我害怕她学得太好了。 再错几
步我可就无法挽回了。 我决定改变策略,转而尝试奉承她的办法。
34 “波莉,我爱你。请答应做我的女朋友,没有你我什么也不是。”
35 “文不对题,”她说。
36 “你还真是能在遇到逻辑谬误时一一辨别它们了,” 我说,心里的希望已经开始动摇。 “不< br>过不要对它们太死板,我是说这都是些学术的东西。你知道,学校里学的东西和实际生活根
本没有 什么联系。”
37 “绝对判断,”她说道,“而且,你自己教的东西应该自己身体力行。”
38 我一下跳了起来,怒火中烧,“你到底愿不愿意做我的女朋友?”
39 “我不愿意,”她答道。
40 “为什么?”我追问道。

41 “我对另一位求爱者更感兴趣——罗伯和我重归于好了。”
42 我极力地保持着平静,说道:“你怎 么会甩了我而选择罗伯?看看我,一个聪明过人的学
生,一个不同凡响的学者,一个前途无量的人。再看 看罗伯,一个肌肉发达的蠢材,一个有
了上顿没下顿的家伙。你是否能给我一个充足的理由,为什么要选 择跟他?”
43 “喔,这是什么假设啊!为了让像你这样聪明的人能够明白,我这么说吧,”波莉反 驳道,
Word in use
As the gender barriers (crumbled) , the number of
women working as lawyers, doctors, or bankers began to increase
significantly from the mid-20th century.
2. With the data collected each year, the owner of the shop
can (discern) customer trends and how things like
weather and economic indicators affect sales performance.
3. His supervisor pushes and motivates him in such a positive manner that he
is not only able to reach but to
He is a man with a(n) (shrewd) business sense. He has
(surpass) his personal
built his initial investment into a substantial and even excessively large
The (conversion) of nuclear radiation directly into
electricity was an exciting possibility that was being vigorously explored in
many laboratories in the 1950s.
6. I was not only shocked but also disgusted that the report tried
to (distort) the scientific facts in such a manner that
even some highly-educated people were fooled.
7. Sixty-two and blessed with his mother's skin, the fisherman had withstood
a lifetime of exposure to the sun and looked

as (radiant) as a man in his forties.
8. French educator Louis Braille invented a simple
but (ingenious) code which has had an impact on the
lives of generations of people who are blind.
9. The senators didn't expect us to ask such tough questions, and when we
finally did, they got
10. This newly established university supports
the (proposition) that a more diverse higher
(stumped) and didn't know what to
education system is desirable since it would enhance opportunities for
lifelong learning.
Word building5
1. Contrary to the predictions of some local economists, who always warned
that higher wages and benefits would lead to slower growth and
exactly the opposite effect.
2. There are growing concerns about the climate effects, such as melting ice
caps, droughts, floods, etc., due to
Long considered one of the great (delicacies) ,
(atmospheric) greenhouse gas
(bankruptcies) , these policies had
goose liver most commonly appears on the menu of French dishes in
high-end restaurants.
4. For the sake of the world's future prosperity and for its elimination of
hunger and disease, reforms and innovations must be pursued
with (urgency) .

5. Many smart people became accountants instead of scientists because the
science they were exposed to in school
Despite the deepening economic (gloom) , he believes
(accountancy) seem more attractive by
automobile sales will likely grow vigorously over the next three years as
long as loan interest rates remain low.
7. The nearby high-tech park helps the university become
a(n) (magnet) for some of the most ambitious young
business minds from around the country.
8. Photographs of this quality are rare among UFO photographs, but in this
particular shot you can clearly see a
disc-shaped (metallic) object.
9. Since the scope of agriculture is wide, the administrators and information
personnel involved in it must have a good
the field.
Employers decide to create a(n) (vacancy) only when
(mastery) of
the expected profit of a filled job exceeds the hiring costs for a new
Parents often suffer deep feelings of (guilt) if their
children fail to succeed, or don't turn into responsible and law-abiding
members of society.
I respect the need for (secrecy) at a particular point in
family life. But I do believe that family members do better when they can
speak openly about things that really matter.
Banked cloze

Have you ever heard people say that they tend to be more of a right-brain or left- brain
thinker? From books to television programs, you have probably heard the
term (1)
an online test to (2)
(mentioned)numerous times, or perhaps you have even taken
(determine) which type best describes you.
Do different parts of the brain really control different bodily and mental functions? Over the
years, a theory that has (3)
and the left brain are (4)
(gained) in popularity is that the right brain
(responsible) for different modes of thought and
that the way in which a person thinks will depend on which side of his brain works more
People who rely more (5)(heavily) on the right half of their brain tend to
be more imaginative and spontaneous. They are interested in patterns, shapes and sizes,
for the right brain is associated with (6)(artistic) ability like singing,
painting, writing poetry, etc. Left-brain dominated people are quite (7)
(opposite) in the way they think. They tend to be more logical and (8)
(analytical) in their thinking and usually stand out in mathematics and word skills.
While the different functions of the two brain parts may have been (9)
(distorted) and exaggerated by popular psychology, understanding your strengths and
weaknesses in certain areas can help you develop better ways to learn and study. For
example, if you are usually (10)(stumped) in trying to follow verbal
instructions, an activity often cited as a right-brain characteristic, you can benefit from
writing down directions and developing better organizational skills.
Expressions in use
The brick walls of the ruined buildings (were
dripping with) green mold and moisture, and she shivered involuntarily,
looking down to avoid the sight.
As urban populations exported finished goods
exchange for) raw materials from neighboring populations, organized
trade grew substantially.
3. Knowing just how quickly a wildfire can spread, some residents of the

village decided to leave their homes after the
Biology teachers often
(flared up) nearby.
(make an analogy
between) the heart and a pump in order to help students understand how
the heart works.
They would like to (set a date for) their wedding
and announce their engagement to their families and friends as soon as
6. He was determined not to sour a perfectly good day with the memory of
one jealous classmate trying to (1)
fool (2)
The couple
(make) a
(out of) him in front of the entire class.
(made a pact) never to work at the same
time, so that one of them was always on full-time parenting duty, and their
child wouldn't have to be looked after by strangers.
8. The president said that it's the worst earthquake ever to hit the country,
and that he (had appealed to) the world for help,
asking in particular for heavy-lift helicopters able to carry relief supplies
into the isolated mountain areas.
Section B
1 传统观念将智力和思维的缜密性看作现代大学领域和科技产业工作的重要素质。 这一价
值体系所隐含的 前提是,聪明人借助自己丰富的学识会作出更高明的决定。在大多数情况下,
确实如此。 但是,研究人 类决策过程的心理学家们却发现了每个人身上都常见的“认知偏差”。
不管智力水平如何,这些认知偏差 都会引导人们作出错误的决定,不论他们是专家还是门外
2 好在这些偏差是可以避免的。 只要知道这些偏差如何及在何种情况下发生,你就能意识
到自身的缺陷, 并在决策过程中考虑到这些因素的影响。

3 最常见的偏差之一就是通常所说的“基本 归因错误”。犯这种错误的人会将别人的失败归因
于性格缺陷,而将自己的失败仅仅归因于周遭环境,潜 意识中认为自己的性格是完美无瑕
的。 “詹金斯丢掉了工作是因为他能力太差,我丢掉了工作则是因为经济衰退。” 同样,这
种偏差也会让我 们将自己的成功归功于自身素质而不是运气,而将别人的成功仅仅看作是运
4 换句话说,我们通常要求别人承担更多的责任,而不是自己。 这不仅导致我们心胸狭窄
地对别人进行评 价也会由于假定某种坏事只会发生在别人身上而致使我们做出错误的风险
评判。 举一个例子,你可能会 毫无根据地假定自己的房子会升值,哪怕周围百分之九十的
房子都已经贬值了,因为你总认为自己的能力 更强。
5 “确定性偏差”有时会和“基本归因错误”一并出现。 这种偏差包含两部分:第一,我们 往往
6 比如说,假设你怀疑自己的电脑受到了黑客攻击,那么它每次死机或出 个小错,你都会
认定是由黑客引起的,而且你认定自己的怀疑正确无误。 这种偏差在两种敌对观点的对抗
中会起到尤其重要的作用。 每一方都会把自己的观点隔离出来,认为其在逻辑上无懈可击,
并声称他们的对手忽略了某些要点。 所以,要克服“确定性偏差”,就要以同样的努力认真探
7 与“确定性偏差”相类似的是“过度自信偏差”。 在一个理想的世界,当我们百分之百地确信
某件事时 ,我们就百分之百地正确;当我们百分之八十地确信某件事时,我们就百分之八十
地正确,以此类推。 但在现实中,人们的信心却大大超过了其判断的准确度。 在一个人缺
乏直接证据而必须要作出某种猜测 的情况下,这一偏差就最有可能起作用,比如,估计一个
拥挤的购物广场有多少人,或下雨的可能性有多 大。 更糟糕的是,即使人们意识到自己有
过度自信的偏差,他们还是会高估自己的正确率。 光靠自信是无法进行准确预测的,只有
在切实证据的基础上,自信才能发挥最大的作用。 当法庭传唤目击者出庭作证时,对他们
8 与估计失误相关的还有“可得性偏差”,因为我们常常会凭借回忆某一例证的难易程度来推
测哪种结果更可能出现。 由于记忆的留存和重拾会因为事件的生动与否、震撼程度和情感
触动程度的不 同而产生偏差,那么,基于这些记忆所作出的决定也往往会是奇怪或不准确的
9 在具 体行为中,这种偏差可能会使某人取消比如前往加那利群岛的行程,因为有报道说,
史上最惨重的空难就 发生在那里。 同样,人们也可能因惧怕遭到人身侵犯或者强暴而不敢
10 要排除“可得性偏差”,就必须在作某一具体决定时,以实证方法所取得的证据为依据,
而不是以与现实 不太相符的某个鲜明的记忆为依据。 如果灾难的发生率很低,比如飞机着
陆过程中坠毁的可能性只有十 万分之一,那么飞往加那利群岛就仍是安全的。 如果人们外

11 “沉没成本谬误”也时有发生,它最初是由经济学家发现的。 其作用机理最好的例证就是
赌场老虎机。 赌徒们冒着高风险,把钱投入老虎机,期望能够得到很大的回 报,但随着一
次次拉动拉杆,他们也一次次把钱赌输了。 如果他们多次连续拉动拉杆而没有一次成功,
12 而事实是,不论他们之前投入了多少钱,每一次拉动拉杆的成功几率都同样是极小的
——之前投入的那些 即为沉没成本。
13 在日常生活中,这种谬误会导致人们由于顾及之前所投入的成本,而持续停留在 损失的
就会贬值或付诸东流。 而最明智的办法则是,要充分认识沉没成本谬误导致的结果,离开
14 尽管还有其他更多的偏差,避免这些偏差的关键其实都一样:当涉及重要决策时,最好
是 依靠严密的逻辑并仔细审查证据;同时,要保持警惕,那些看上去良好的直觉总是很容易
Word in use
1. Hundreds of endangered sea turtles were found dead along the coast last
fishing practices.
During World War Ⅱ, very often heavy clouds would
completely (obscure) the target area, causing the
(triggering)concerns about pollution and local
bombs to be dropped in quite the wrong places sometimes.
3. After the experiment, scientists will wait to see what will happen in these
children when they grow up and to see whether the result will support
their (hypothesis) .
(formulate) an appropriate
At present, it is difficult to
plan that is systematic and can be widely accepted by economists in the
market place.
5. As one of the youngest professors in the university, Mr. Brown is certainly
on the (threshold) of a brilliant career.
6. The officials of the university should issue a stricter rule to curb
the (incidence) of violence and bullying among

It is still not possible to confirm or to (refute) the claim
that there is a casual relationship between the amount of fat we eat and
the incidence of heart attacks.
8. Since writing is one of the primary means of assessment in the
academic (realm) , it is important that students be trained
to think critically and write effectively.
Every year the leaves fall from the trees and (decay) in
other words, they turn dark and gradually fall to pieces and become part of
the soil.
According to the (testimony) of your neighbors, you
were not at home the night when the crime was committed; so, be sure to
tell us where you were.
Expressions in use
1. They don't know if their decision will work, but they do know that over time
they will succeed more often if they continue to .
2. Aging is a factor that correlates with loss of flexibility. However, how much
of that loss is due to our changing lifestyle as opposed to the actual aging
process is
He (1)
his troubles (2) his own endless drive for
achievement and the pressures to live up to his parents' ambitions for him.
4. Projects requiring skills not possessed by the workers are more difficult to
accomplish; so, time must
workers to obtain the needed skills.
The results of the study further investigation into whether
the project to allow these
athletes from different team sports experienced anxiety in similar types of

its smallness, the house remains extremely inexpensive
with respect to energy consumption even if it is not perfectly positioned for
solar harnessing.
If you do a word, you can ask your teacher what it means,
or look it up in the dictionary or online.
8. His knowledge of these waters and his skill in sailing
strong currents.
Unit 2
Section A
1 如果你是一位男士,肯定在某个时候会有女士问你她看起来怎么样。
2 对于如何应对这个问题,你一定得小心。 最好的对策就是给一个诚实但又谨慎的回答,
然后借口有急事马上脱身。 相信我,这是最简单的方法。 对于她的这一问题,无论你事先
3 其原因是,男性和女性对外表的看法截然不同。 大多数男性对自己外表的评价在七年级
时就形成了,而且终生不变。 有些男性认为自己有不可抗拒的魅 力,即使随着年龄的增长,
4 我相信,大多数男性都不会对自己的相貌感到过分自傲。 如果他们偶尔想到自己外表的
话,他们愿意认为自己样貌中等。 长相普通不会使他们有任何烦恼,因为普通就已经是很
好了。 男性不是特别注重自己的外貌,也不会从美学的角度去审视自己。 他们的打扮方式
主要就是刮刮胡子,就像打理自家草坪一样。 对于一位男性来说,如果能花四分钟刮刮 胡
力 了。
5 女性可不是这样看待自己的。 如果非要我猜测大多数女性对自己的相貌是如何评价的话,
那肯定是:“还不够好。” 一位女士,无论她看起来多么吸引人,她对自己的看法总是由于受
美容业的影响而蒙着一层阴影。 要她认为“我很漂亮”是一件难事。 她把身体上的极小的不
完美之处加以放大,并且幻想这些缺点十分 明显,以至于全世界的人都会注意到并且嘲笑她。
6 为什么女性会把自己的外貌想得这么差呢? 这 种长期的不安全感并不是与生俱来的,而
是由许多复杂的心理和社会因素的相互作用造成的,从小时候大 人们给她们买洋娃娃时就开
始了。 女孩成长过程中摆弄的洋娃娃,如果按照身材比例还原为真人大小的话,就会是7
now to keep the boat heading west against the

英尺高,61 英磅重,大腿纤细,上身丰满。 要达到这样的标准是很荒唐的,尤其是 当我们
想想那种洋娃娃的腰围尺寸,就知道其相对尺寸对任何一个活人来说都是不可企及的。 与
女孩玩具的这种荒唐标准相比,小男孩们得到的“动作玩偶”却是完全不同的模样。 大多数男
孩的玩具都样貌古怪,例如那个叫作“蜜蜂侠”的玩偶,一半像人,一半像会飞的昆虫。 这个
玩偶尽管样子不好看,但仍然非常自信。 你肯定无法想象他会问别人说:“这个配饰的紫罗
7 然而,女 性在成长过程中却认为自己应该长得像芭比娃娃或杂志的封面女郎那样,这对
大多数女性来说是不可能的 。 尽管如此,产值达几十亿美元的美容业,在超市化妆品销售
专区的配合下,总是在不停地攻击着女性 的自尊,使其相信自己只有购买最新的保湿面霜、
古铜散粉,以及各种美容器具,才能“激发和恢复”肌 肤活力。 我曾经看过一期《奥普拉脱口
秀》,在节目中,超级名模辛迪·克劳馥和演播室里的观众分享 了自己的化妆秘诀。 辛迪要
求这些中年妇女在脸上敷上黏土面膜和其他去皱产品;她还强调一定要遵守 这些方法,例如:
往脸上涂抹这些产品时,要用指尖,这样可以保护皮肤的弹性。 所有这些妇女都非常 忠实
8 我并不是说男性优于女性。 我的意思是你不可能 让一群中年男子在布拉德·皮特的指导下
把化妆品敷到自己脸上,期望自己能看起来更像布拉德。 与女性不同,男性的外貌美不是
社会所关注的唯一焦点。人们会鼓励男性借助其他特征来提升自尊。 他们也许会对布拉德
9 当然,女性会争辩说她们对外表的热衷追求是出于对来自男性的压力的一种反应。 而事
实是,大多数男 性认为美丽不仅仅来自于口红和香水,而且他们也不会去注意这些额外的细
节。 四十多年来,我在听男性谈论女性时,从来没有一次听到过哪位男性这样说:“她的指
甲真漂亮啊!” 对大多数男性来说,像指甲这样小的东西看起来都一样,无论一个女士的指
甲是用粉色指甲油涂得完美无 瑕,还是光光的毫无修饰,男性都一概视而不见。
10 女性参与这种极端的从众行为,实际上是把自 己置于其他女性的审视之下,因为只有那
些女性才有资格评价她们所付出的努力。 但是,如此费力地去 取悦男性而他们却根本不会
11 不管怎样,言归正传:如果你是一位男性,当有女士问你她看起来怎么样时,你千万不
能 说她看起来很糟糕,那样肯定会使她立刻迁怒于你,这也是你咎由自取。 但是,你也不
能慷慨地大放空洞之词,赞美她的鞋子和裙子是多么相配,因为她知道你是在说谎。 她已
经花费了无数个小时发愁自己的容貌不能和辛迪·克劳馥的一样。 而且,也许因为你的头发

Word in use
1. We need to improve the quality of education so that our children will not
leave school (deficient) in literary and reasoning

2. In a society governed by the rule of law, every citizen is subject to
possible (prosecution) if he violates the law.
3. The pay gap between average workers and top corporate officers has led
to pubic (outrage) as executives receive large packages
despite falling share prices.
The delicious meal (appeased) our hunger and made
us feel warm again after having walked in the snow all day.
The military insists on (conformity) in many areas,
for example, dress and haircut, with the primary objective of promoting
group unity.
6. My daughter used to play with the dog by taking
a(n) (strand) of its hair and then spending a long time
rubbing, combing and twisting it.
7. When she left for the party, she took great care to make her necklace and
shoes (complement)her dress.
8. It was necessary to provide living places
for (transient) immigrants passing through the area on
their way to more permanent dwellings.
9. They had just moved in, so they needed to buy a number of
kitchen (appliances) , including a microwave oven, a
toaster, and a coffee maker.
She wanted a beautiful and elegant (outfit) to attend the
wedding of a friend, but couldn't find anything satisfactory in the nearby

Word building 5
The Internet challenges the (domination) of
traditional media such as newspapers and television as the main sources
of news in modern society.
Some scientists warn that the X-ray (scanners) now
being used to screen passengers at many airports may be harmful to the
human body.
Many people think that a(n) (humanist) should have
very strong morals, in addition to beliefs in a philosophy that focuses on
human values and concerns.
4. The police interviewed all six witnesses, but none of them could describe
clearly how the
opened fire first.
In politics, (leftists) are people who generally support
(confrontation) began and who
social changes to create a more equal society and show concern for those
who suffer disadvantages.
6. A study of mid-level administrators'
career (orientation) showed that many of these
managers view their current position as a temporary step on an upward
7. The idea that the United States is a melting pot implies that racial
differences are to be
give up their own cultural traditions.
8. Effective measures should be taken to
prevent (terrorists) from attacking civilians, people
(erased)and that immigrants should
who have no power to defend themselves from bombs and guns.

9. Toyota is one of the world's
largest (manufacturers) of cars, with more than 50
plants across the globe outside Japan.
10. He sent his parents some of his recent news articles in
11. This island became a colony after
trading port in the 19th century.
12. The concert to be held next month promotes music
by (composers) from Africa and South America.
(imperialists) decided to use it as their
(binder) , arranged according to their publication

Banked close
I was once in a relationship with a woman who was the most brilliant, creative and driven
person I'd ever known. I told her these things often because she didn't see herself this way,
despite (1)(achieving) great success and acclaim (称赞) in her
(gorgeous) and sexy, though she professional field. She was also (2)
seemed not to realize this either, so I told her these things too. But while I thought it was
more important to praise her brilliance, it seemed to mean more to her that she
was (3)(considered) attractive.
My experience with this girlfriend exemplifies a common phenomenon in life — when it
comes to complimenting a woman, men often walk a very difficult line. Of
course, (4)(context) matters. In a professional setting, talking about
appearance is often inappropriate, but at a singles club, it may be important. She will be
very pleased if a man thinks her clothes and (5)(accessories) are pretty,
or her hair looks wonderful. However, things in between these two cases are unclear.
Women have every right to be recognized and (6)(appreciated) for their
intelligence and creativity. But at the same time, they want to be admired for their looks as
well, for example, their perfect skin (7)(complexion) and elegant outfits.

Unfortunately, most guys don't understand this. If we receive compliments from women,
they're usually about our achievements, not our looks. Most of us don't expect a woman to
tell us how (8)
hard to regard such a(n) (9)
(handsome) or sexy we are, and some of us would find it
(comment) as sincere. I'm not saying it's
very hard to be a guy these days. It is important for every man to understand how to treat
women with both respect and (10)(admiration). But as far as the right
balance of these two is concerned, we really have no frame of reference, especially when
it comes to looks.
Expressions in use
1. Every month, the Community Services Center offers several lectures on
health and fitness
to healthier lifestyles.
Do you know who (came up with) the idea of
(in hopes of) introducing people
having cheesecake for dessert yesterday? It was delicious and made
everyone happy.
3. The pain medication left Claudia feeling rather dull and sleepy, and soon
after dinner she apologized for being such poor company
When I was young, I
(excused herself) to bed.
(was obsessed
with) maps, and I sometimes spent the whole day charting land routes
from one point to another.
To make immigrants comfortable (reaching out
to) police for help, more than 70 cities now bar police from asking them to
prove their legal status.
6. Mary was often accused of
not afraid to
about which she was knowledgeable.
7. At the end of his term in office, the governor was criticized for failure
(voice an opinion on) subjects

to (live up to) his campaign promise.
8. Results of a survey revealed that of the top 10 automobile
makers (in terms of) customer satisfaction, six were
Japanese and two were German.

Section B
1 当今,过度追求相貌修整的风气无比盛行,太多的人沉迷于肉毒杆菌注射的宣讲会和真
人秀 ,整容手术也日趋流行。 许多人的做法堪比男女演员为了使自己在屏幕上看起来完美
无瑕而采取的手段。 为了获得生物医学标准 下的幸福感,人们会走做整容手术、吃营养品、
节食这样的捷径,但这些捷径并不总能实现它们所承诺的 效果。 而且,外表漂亮的人并不
2 最大限度地实现你自己的美并不是指要让 自己在社交时漂亮或在生理上完美,况且这些
也不是通过技术就能实现的。 美是一个成长的过程,是一种通过意识和学习而达到的自我
改造。 美在于生活的意义,在于真实。它是 一个情感和精神的旅程,需要人有信念才能获
3 能有幸每天爱着理查德,我感到很高兴。他是我丈夫,一个真实的、有人情味的、情感
上可 以靠近的人。我们年龄相仿,相貌已在岁月中有所消退。 但近二十年来,我们共同成
长,远超肌肤之表。 尽管我们的生活不如虚幻的电影故事中描述的爱情生活那样,它却很
美好。 我们一起欢笑,一起分担日常生活的磕磕绊绊。如果想到他有可能先于我离世,我
会充满恐惧。 世界上任何一位肌肉发达的男模都不能取代我自己的这位性感、外向的伴
侣。 我花了37年时间才找到他,我决不会因为所谓的“审美标准上的完美”而另寻他人。
4 我是一名心理理疗师。每天我都要接待许多客户,他们都是因为生活不够“完美”而倍受情
感痛苦。 由于无法获得大屏幕上所看到的那种生活,他们感到力不从心、绝望无助,并因
嫉妒而陷于沮丧。 给他 们提供治疗时,如果在治疗开始前,我告诉他们,他们在媒体上所
看到的每秒钟的图像都耗资数万,每个 明星都有几十个人专门为其打理形象,使其外表悦目
(甚至是裸体时也是如此),而且明星们保持形象是 一件既费力又费时的事,这会对他们的
治疗有所帮助。 媒体上的俊男俏女们承受着保持形象的巨大压力 ,而我的客户却因某种原
5 我要强调的是 ,世界上所有的面霜、健身锻炼、饮食风尚、抗抑郁症的百忧解胶囊,乃
至许多人在一起打坐冥思等等, 都不能改善一个人的生活、身体或精神状况。 事实上,这
些方法还常常阻碍人们获得幸福,因为它们会 使人分心,不去关注那些能带来真正内在美的
事物。 生活的意义不在于通过维持某种年轻时髦的外表来掩盖自己,而在于精神的成长和

6 我所知道的唯一的精神升华的途径就是通过情感。 亲眼目睹各种自然现象——星光 闪烁
延伸,让我觉得自己既卑微又伟大。 人际关系中的摩擦、冲突和安慰使我变得成熟并充满
激情。 爱情促使我的精神成长并焕发光彩,亲情激发了我对永恒的感受,因此我学会了接
7 我生活中的人都不是屏幕上那种思想平庸、迷恋自我的“美貌人士”。 我们只是平凡的、实
实在在的、有缺点的人。 我们一起勤奋努力,患难与共,尽力完善自我,和家人及 朋友紧
8 我们来自各种不同的背景,而且有时意见相左,但是我们尽力互相关心。 我们努力消除
自己的任性,努力使自己更具同情心、更宽容。 我们努力抗拒新奇事物的潮流的诱惑及广
告的操纵。 我们会经历自己并不赞同的社会现象,经历那些夺 走我们所挚爱的人和财物的
错综交织的自然及人为灾难,经历不良的时尚和幻想。 但从每一例这样的事 件中,我们都
前行。 这些人生经历是对我们心灵的历练。虽然我们会抱怨、发牢骚,我们终会感受到自
9 这其中的秘密就在于这种成长是他人可见的,而且这种努力在一个人的全身上下都能得
到展现。 它成了一种真实的存在,使一个人的精神像圣人那样光彩四溢。 你是否见过这样
一位老者,他眼睛里透 射着智慧,当他温柔地询问你的健康,或以简短的抚慰让你感到平静
和放心时,他对你的关爱是那样显露 无遗? 这样的老者内心所散发出的精神才是真正的美,
10 神奇的是,尽管我们的肉体会老去并且衰退,我们每个人都完全有能力达到这个境界,
即 最大程度地展现最崇高的精神内涵。
11 换句话说,真正的美丽无关外貌,而在于选择。 在人生的 旅途中,每当我们经过一个节
点,都应该寻找那些能够展示和净化我们神圣的内在美的人生体验,并且将 它们积累下
来。 我们必须从一个更有价值的角度而非以媒体肤浅的眼光来看待自己的人生和决定。
12 我们今天所作的决定会影响我们的余生。 归根到底,我们自己才是唯一要对自己负责的
人。 我们所做的每一个新决定都可能表明了一个新决心,一个创造我们所渴望拥有的美好

Word in use
1. Once the divers went deep down under the sea, the lack of
sunlight (hampered) their visibility, making them
unable to see the sunken boat.
It was a miracle that he survived the (mortal) wound in
his chest although doctors thought he would certainly die.

3. Twice divorced, Layne says she knows all too well about how money
troubles can (corrode) the bond of marriage.
4. Before the interview started, she said,
me (preface) our discussion by reminding our listeners
of the title of your book.
5. The audience loves the movie because the main
character (embodies) core American values of
self-reliance and hard work.
6. As the author of the book argues, genders, races, classes, and even
nations exist not as sealed entities (实体), but rather as part of a set
of (interwoven) relationships.
7. The railroad, which was about 2,000 kilometers
long, (knit knitted) the whole country together and
made its rapid industrialization possible.
8. The novel tells the story of a young man who struggles hard to accomplish
his dreams that (collide)with reality.
9. What attracted me most in the museum was a stone sculpture of an
ancient warrior in a Roman
helmet, sword and shield.
The (predominant) color in his paintings is white,
(costume) , complete with
whereas other colors such as blue and yellow are only used occasionally.

Expressions in use
He had (enquired about) the possibility of
working in the mailroom at William Morris, but the agency had nothing to
offer at that moment.

2. The researchers believe that this study will help them understand climate
change and future energy needs (1)
a) new (2) (perspective) .
3. The rate of American women who have sensitive skin seems to
When you have to
(on the rise) due to increased use of cosmetics.
(be accountable to) the
people who elected you, it's hard not to think about the consequences of
what you are doing.
5. I must save up my money to get a new pair of sports shoes because all of
my current ones
out) .
6. The US Food and Drug Administration regulates only bottled water sold
across state lines, but that produced and sold in the same
state (is exempt from) regulation.
(are worn out are wearing
7. He wanted to work as a computer engineer after graduation, but his
parents did not (approve of)this idea.
8. Many users of this brand of mobile phones are known
for (being addicted to) their devices, to the
point that they even give them various nicknames.

Unit 3
Section A
1 每天夜晚,在田纳西州的孟菲斯机场,都有几百架带着白、紫、桔色图案的飞机降落。 而
在每天此前的早些时候,这些飞机都在美国各地收集包裹。 工作人员从飞机上卸下的包裹
及信件数量超过五十万之巨。 长方形的包裹和信封又在这里依据收件地址 被迅速整理分拣,

然后装载上其他飞机,飞往各自的目的地,在那儿再由人工投递——到 这时很多邮件离开寄
件人之手还不到 24 小时。 这是弗雷德里克·W.史密斯的终极梦想,他就是 联邦快递集团(最
初为联邦快递)这一全球最大、最成功的隔夜送达服务企业的创始人、总裁、首席执行 官及
董事会主席。 如今,史密斯这一源于大学时代的妙想已在现实中经营到了第28个年头,并
2 史密斯被公认为是一位和蔼可亲、性格迷人的杰出企业家。无 论是他的竞争者、员工,
还是他公司股票的持有人,都对他十分敬重。 弗雷德·史密斯创建“联邦快递”时只有 27
岁。 现在多年过去了,他仍然坐在“掌门人”的位置上。 他将公司的成功简单地归因于领导
3 弗雷德里克·华莱士·史密斯 1944 年 8 月 11 日出生于密西西比州一个富裕的家族。 他
走。 为此他常遭受坏孩子的侮辱捉弄,他学会了挥舞合金拐杖来保护自己。 十岁时他的病
4 史密斯对飞行充满了激情。 15 岁时,他就曾驾驶一架作物喷粉飞机在密西西比三角洲的
天际翱翔, 三角洲的地形平坦开阔,甚至都不需要雷达导航。 在耶鲁大学上学时,他参与
重建了耶鲁飞行俱乐部, 在美国海军航空史的每个时期都有这一俱乐部出来的校友的身影,
包括一战时期著名的“百万富翁飞行队 ”。 史密斯负责管理俱乐部的事务,同时还在纽黑文经
5 由于飞行打乱了学习时间,他的学业受到了影响,但史密斯从未停止寻找自己的“伟大想
法”。 在撰写一门经济学课程的学期论文时,他认为自己已经找到了它。 他设计了一份运输
企业的经营草案, 该运输企业可以确保连夜递送小型或时间紧迫的货品到达美国的主要地
区 , 如替换零件、医药用品等等。 教授对这篇论文未予重视,他告诉史密斯说,他无法量
6 然而,史密斯确信自己已经发现了些什么,尽管又过了好几年他才得以把自己的想法付
诸实施。 在此期间,他于 1966 年从耶鲁大学毕业,那时正值美国在越战中越陷越深,而
他是个充满爱国热 情的人,又参加过士官训练课程,所以他加入了美国海军陆战队。
7 史密斯在越南战场上服役两期,完成了两百多次飞行任务。 “在军队中,领导力意味着能
使团队中所有 成员将个人的期望与抱负置于从属地位,而以实现集体目标为重,” 史密斯说
道,这其中融合了他军旅生涯和经营管理的经验。 “而优秀的领导力对控制一个公司的盈亏
8 从越南战场回 国后,史密斯开始执着于这样一个理念,即如果能将某个运输网络的各个
节点通过一个中介枢纽相互连接 ,其效率较之其他各环节相互之间无联系的分散经营的模式
来说要高出许多,不论这一系统所涉及的是运 送包裹和信件还是人员和飞机。 他决定放手
一搏,创建自己的企业。 史密斯用父亲公司的投资和他自己继承财产的一部分购买了第一
架快递飞机,并于 1971 年创建了联邦快递。
9 最初的日子伴随着极度的拮据乃至财务损失。 联邦快递公司的司机自己掏腰包为货车付
汽油费的情况屡见不鲜。 但是,尽管面对这样的问题,史密斯仍然为公司雇员的福利着

想。 正如他所回忆的那样 ,即使在他们公司没有钱、办公室没有沙发和打字机的情况下,
他们仍然开辟先例,保证员工享受很好的 医疗和牙齿保健福利。
10 一路走来,联邦快递率先践行了集中调控和“轴辐式”空中交通系统。自 它以后,该系统
被几乎所有大航空公司所采纳。 而“联邦快递一下”也成为了像“复印一下”或“谷歌一下”这样
11 史密斯说生意上的成功归根结底就是三点:首先你需要一项吸引人的产品或服务以及一
套 制胜的战略;其次你需要一套高效的管理系统;在拥有这些之后,如何领导好一个团队就
是当今经营一家 公司最为重要的事了。
12 尽管史密斯回避媒体采访和公众生活的荣耀,但他却被称为是一位友善而平易近人的雇
主。 他重视自己的雇员,从不认为他们理所应当该为自己工作。 有报道称,他会时不时在
晚上造访联邦快递位于孟菲斯的基地,并且称名道姓地与包裹分拣人员打招呼。 他会主动
发邀请给任何一位已在公司服务十年的快递员,请他们到孟菲斯出席“周年庆典早餐”,这已< br>经持续了很多年。 而这其中包含了弗雷德·史密斯自己的哲学:人员,服务,利润(P-S-P)。 史
密斯说,“P-S-P 的哲学理念就好像一个不可分割的循环,没有清晰可辨的入口或出口,每一个环节都支持着其他环节,同时也反过来受其他环节支撑。” 通过明确表达并亲身践行这

Word in use
1. The curtains changed the atmosphere of the house completely and made
it into a place of
As the sun
(exquisite) beauty.
(dispersed) the clouds, we enjoyed our
afternoon of playing cards in the forest under the clear sky and observing
the most spectacular view I have ever seen in my life.
The big company (decentralized) their operations
last year and opened several regional offices in the country to meet the
needs of the market.
It is not easy to (deduce) a trend of growth from the
available facts since they are quite scarce and not that convincing.
5. Formerly found only in large industrial applications, microwave ovens now
have become a standard
(fixture) of most modern

6. He calls on the public to save in everyday life and believes
that (frugality) is the key to battling a culture that
rewards mindless consumption.
7. He is suitable for the position as he is young enough to understand what
the teenagers think but old enough
to (administrate) their programs.
8. When asked about her whereabouts at 9 o'clock that night, she gave a
detective's attention.
(Reviving) the stalled economy and sticking to
promises to bring the deficit down next year is proving to be the principal
test for the new president.
A considerable period of time has to (elapse) before the
(disjointed)response, which caught the
effects of such security measures as closed-circuit television cameras and
cell-phone monitoring become evident in reducing crimes.

Word building 5
1. The new evaluation policy will base its decisions on workers' efficiency and
effectiveness, not simply on
one works in the company.
2. The French government has called on its people to defend
cultural invasion.
3. My friend has lived in New York for 10 years and loves Chinese food. He is
familiar with all the
(specialties) of Chinatown
(purity) of their language and fight against foreign
(seniority) or how long

4. Totally shocked by the sight of the great snowstorm, she closed her eyes,
and then opened them again to
wasn't dreaming.
5. Her recent book describes parents pressured by circumstances such as
the ever-expanding workweek and the
high-quality childcare.
6. Make sure not to be late for the meeting. You know the boss does
expect (punctuality) from us.
(scarcity) of
(reassure) herself she
7. Effective communication combined
with (sensitivity) to the concerns of others makes
resolution of most disputes possible.
8. An experienced manager from the headquarters has been brought in to
assist management in
branch of the company.
9. The slightly graying hair and piercing eyes of our team leader added to an
air of professional
10. Shocked by the results of the elections, many people start to question the
process of elections and challenge the
Fog has reduced (visibility) to under 20 meters and
(validity) of the
(superiority) and power on his
(restructuring) the local
no planes have taken off since early morning.
12. The old gentleman delivered his speech with such
the auditorium (礼堂).

(solemnity) that he silenced all the students in

Banked close
In some urban centers, workaholism (工作狂) is so common that people do not consider it
unusual: They accept the lifestyle as normal. Government workers in Washington D.C., for
example, (1)(frequently) work 60 to 70 hours a week. They don't do this
True workaholics, being
because they have to; they do it because they want to.
Workaholism can be a serious problem.
deeply(2)(immersed) in their work, allow themselves little or no time to
(disrupted), and they take breaks. They like to work without being (3)
probably don't know how to relax.
But is workaholism always bad? Perhaps not. There are people who work well
under (4)(stress). Besides, some studies show that many workaholics
(sphere). Their work is so have great energy and interest in their own (5)
pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and
entertainment are the same thing. Their work (6)(challenges) them,
keeping them busy and genuinely engaged.
Why do workaholics enjoy doing their jobs so much? Of course they get paychecks from it,
but it is hard to (7)
than (8)
(quantify) the pleasure with money. It offers more
(financial) security. Psychologists claim that work gives people
an identity and provides them with self-confidence. People have a feeling of satisfaction
when they (9)(administrate) a business well or complete a challenging
piece of work. In addition, most jobs provide a socially acceptable way for people to meet
others. So, though some people are compulsive (强迫性的) about their work,
their (10)(addiction) seems to be a safe or even an advantageous one.
They feel empty and incomplete when they are involved in activities not related to work.
Expressions in use
1. Because of his quiet personality, many people said they would not elect
him president of the institute though
they (1)
regard) .
2. Peter graduated from college in June and started his work in the auto
(held) him (2) (in high

company in August.
trip around the country.
(In the interim) , he took a
3. When his advertisement using the new digital technique drew as many as
5,000 responses overnight, he knew he
onto something) .
4. When students are more involved in their academic and extracurricular
activities, they will experience a richer campus life,
which (in turn) benefits their development.
5. The scientists of the research center keep the good habit of summing up
their experience
Whenever the older kids in school tried to
brother, she would not be afraid to stand up for him.
7. If he doesn't try to get a ticket now, he's probably not going to get one. So,
he might want to (take a stab at) it one more time.
(from time to time) .
(pick on) her
8. There are a lot of reasons for replacing your hard drive or adding a new
one to your old computer, but they all
to) the need for more space.

Section B
1 霍华德·舒尔茨这个名字在北美并非家喻户晓,不过 居住在城市或市郊社区的人都知道他
的公司:特色咖啡零售商星巴克。 区区十年间,星巴克已凭借惊人的速度成长为北美最大
的咖啡豆烤制商和特色咖啡零售商。 截至 2000 年,它旗下的咖啡店已经遍布世界三千多
个角落。就连美国前总统比尔·克林顿也被人拍到手 捧星巴克咖啡。 根据美国杂志《新闻周
刊》的报道,舒尔茨将“3C”概念——咖啡、商业和社区—— 融为一体,这已然使星巴克名列
2 舒尔茨出生于1953年,在纽约市布鲁克林区一个极其贫困的街区长大。 他母亲是一位
前台接待员, 父亲则从事过很多不同的工作,但其中没有哪一份工作给他支付过体面的酬劳
(boil down

或购买过医疗保险。 舒尔茨七岁时,他父亲在一次事故中扭断了脚踝,失去了他当时做送
货司机的工作。 在接下来的几个月中,他们家真的是穷到了揭不开锅的地步。
3 青年时代的舒尔茨一直由于其家庭“穷困工人阶层”地位所蒙受的耻辱而备受精神折磨。 有
一年他逃离 布鲁克林炎热的夏天去参加夏令营,但当他得知这个夏令营是专门为低收入家庭
的学生开办的时候,就再 也不愿意去参加了。 中学时他遭受到了男孩子们的奚落,也羞于
告诉女朋友自己住在哪里。 这些早年痛苦的记忆一直伴随着他一生。
4 体育运动成了他逃避穷困这一耻辱的方式。 1975年,舒尔茨获得了北密歇根大学体育奖
学金。 他也是他家族中第一个从大学毕业的人,因为他的前辈中没有一个人接受过比职业
5 舒尔茨令人瞩目的咖啡生意的最初灵感源于1983年他对意大利米兰的造访。 在米兰的
咖啡馆里,舒尔茨设想了一种新型的美国式生活方式。 他寻求在美国重现那种米兰式的交
往平台,使人们能以那种方式开始新的一天或与朋友小聚。 1987 年,当舒尔茨34岁时,
他组织了投资团队并购买下了他原先工作的公司,即西雅图的“星巴克咖啡公司 ”,将其重组
6 公众的反映出奇地好。 舒尔茨创建的高端咖啡厅立即获得了成功,这刺激了星巴克乃至
全球整个咖啡产业的迅速成长和发展。 1992年,星巴克成为第一家公开上市的特色咖啡经
7 星巴克迈出美国西北部进行投资的第一站是在芝加哥。在那里,公司分管特色销售的部
门开 创了与百货商店联手以及在国家书店毗邻营业区的地方开设星巴克咖啡吧的经营新渠
道。 同时,星巴克 还和百事可乐公司建立了伙伴关系,研发并销售一款即开即饮的新型咖
啡饮品,他们与卡夫食品公司也签 订了一份许可协议。 作为一家寻求与多方进行合作而发
展的企业,星巴克甚至与音乐产业合作,在咖啡 吧里销售为星巴克量身定做的古典铜管乐及
8 星巴克在纽约开第一家分店对于舒尔茨来说是回归故里,但他并没有摆出一副咖啡行业
王者的姿态。 《 纽约时报》评论说:“舒尔茨先生说话温和,几乎没有一丝纽约口音的痕迹,
而且他举止腼腆,甚至谦卑 。”
9 舒尔茨与众不同的员工政策也引起了人们的广泛关注。 他希望给星巴克的员工提供不仅
是经营理念上的而且也是经济上的参与公司成败的机会。 他规定,员工 完成每周20小时的
工作定额或超过这一定额,就有资格享受医疗、牙齿及眼部保健方面的福利,也能享 受股票
优先认购权。 就在其他企业通过削减福利来节省成本之时,舒尔茨,虽然生长在一个没有
工队伍是至 关重要的。 “服务在美国是一门缺失的艺术,”他对《纽约时报》如此说道,“我
相信人们愿意把工作 做好,但如果遭受的待遇很差,他们就会受到打击。 我们希望给予员
工尊严与自尊,而这一点光靠动动嘴皮子是做不到的。” 星巴克规定,每一位工时超过半工
制的员工都能享受医疗保障福利。 舒尔茨相信这一福利政策的切实施 行是企业成长的关键,
因为此举已使星巴克拥有了更加尽心尽力的工作团队以及至高水准的客户服务。 这一连锁
反应也使员工的流动率极低,几乎只有快餐行业平均流动率的一半。 在经营数字上,这一

政策则给星巴克带来了显著回报,因为每招募和培训一位新员工及其生产率损失所产生的费< br>用就高达三千美元。
10 舒尔茨一直坚定地致力于员工及社区发展,这一理念已经根植于星巴克的核心企业文化
当中。 他从未因为太过习惯于成功而忘却自己劳动阶层的根基。 他把自己的一本书献给了
父亲以表纪念。他曾 经对父亲说过尖刻的话,甚至曾指责他缺乏上进心,这些话让舒尔茨后
悔终生,他期望能够将这些回忆从 记忆中抹去。 他的父亲被诊断出了肺癌,在儿子成为百
万富翁之前就离去了。 舒尔茨曾经告诉他的听 众,他最重要的成功在于“我创立了一个我父

Word in use
1. Sales promotion not only aims at increasing demand at the consumer
level, but also is used as a(n)
business people's support.
The war brought problems of great (magnitude) to the
(stimulus) to attract
country, with the economy stalled and millions of people left homeless.
3. Wild winds were sweeping through the area at
landmark in their way.
4. The food company promised to provide its small retail outlets and local
restaurants with free refrigerators if this year's
It is
(quota) was met.
(stipulated) by the board of directors that
(velocity) , destroying houses and erasing any
bonuses exceeding $$100 from subordinate enterprises be handed over to
the board.
The host of the television program likes to (tease) his
guests about their fancy clothes and ask them some critical questions,
which always attracts the viewers.
7. At this forum, students discussed topics such as lowering the legal drinking
age and increasing the age at which one would

be (eligible) to obtain a driver's license.
(premium) brands in China
The explosion of luxury and
during the last decade has been the result of its strong economic growth
and people's increased brand awareness.
9. The speech given by the 80-year-old professor was filled with an unusual
mixture of personal reflection and (reminiscence) .
10. Dissatisfied with the abundance of violence on TV, the public television
committee has issued a(n)
television and radio programs.

Expressions in use
(decree) for great changes in
1. Owing to poor information security, the Information Awareness Office
emphasizes that the importance of data privacy
2. As a teacher, he enjoys being with students who are able to express their
views openly — without
or in their voices.
3. Most people spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors, therefore indoor
air quality (is critical to)their health condition.
(a trace of) fear on their faces
(be embedded in) the formal education
4. The national park has acquired an additional 7,300 acres,
mostly (adjacent to) the coast, where it has been
restoring the native habitat of some wild birds.
5. Our society should try to help those unfortunate people live an
independent and productive life rather
than (1) (beat) them (2) (down) with the

notion that they are not competent.
6. Despite the harsh economic conditions of recent years, the local
government still
to) offering generous benefits to its people.
7. With the growing popularity of the Internet, it is possible
to (conceive of) a society where people live where
(remains committed
they want, with their jobs following them.
To (be eligible for) a patent, an invention must
be new, useful, original, and not easily discovered or created.

Unit 4
Section A
1 在上流社会, 对环境的敏感就如同信仰民主、反对整容一样,是一种不可或缺的态度。 然
而,既然从泰德 特纳到乔治 · W. H. 布什,每个人都声称自己热爱地球母亲,那么,在由
议员、选民之类的人 以环境名义而提出的众多的相互矛盾的提案、规章和法规中,我们又该
如何做出选择呢? 显而易见,并不是每一项冠以环境保护名义的事情都值得去做。 我们怎
2 有一种简便的方法。 首先要区分什么是环境奢侈品,什么是环境必需品。 奢侈品是指那
些无需人类付出代价就能拥有的给人美好感受的东西。 必需品则是指那些无论付出什么代
价,都一定要去拥有的东西。 这一区分原则可以被称为理性环保主义 的至高原则。它规定,
对那些直接威胁人类健康与安全的生态变化采取应对措施是环境保护的必需品,而 其他则都
3 例如,保护大气层——阻止臭氧损耗及控制温室效应——是环境保护的必需品。 近来,
科学家报告说臭氧层遭受破坏的程度远比我们先前认为的要严重得多。 臭氧损耗不仅与皮
物链的顶端 。
4 温室效应所可能引发的热效应是非常具有毁灭性的:冰川融化、海岸线被淹没、气候遭
受破坏、平原干涸,最终食物消失殆尽。 美国中西部地区的粮食供养着全世界。 随着全球
气候的变化 ,我们难道准备看到衣阿华州变成新墨西哥州的沙漠气候,而西伯利亚变成衣阿

5 臭氧损耗和温室效应是人类的灾难,而且是需要紧急处理的灾难,因为它们直接威胁 到
人类,且后果很难扭转。 理性环保主义——唯一能够引起公众共鸣的环保主张——首先公
开声明,自然是服务于人类的。 理性环 保主义是一种完全以人类为中心的思想。它号召人
类保护自然,但是是在人类自我生存得到保证的前提之 下。
6 当然,这种以人类为中心的主张与当下盛行的环保主义是格格不入的,后者已经沉溺于
对地球的公然崇拜。有的人甚至声称地球是一个活的生物体。 这种环保主义喜欢把自己看
作是神圣的 ,其实它只是感情用事而已。比如,在自然是否友善的问题上,当下的环保主义
采取了高度选择性的片面 的观点,而这种观点与自然造成的灾难这一现实是不相协调的。 当
龙卷风肆虐堪萨斯州,当瓢泼大雨袭 击孟加拉国,毁灭了整座整座的村庄,使几百万人失去
7 非感情用事的环保主义是建立在普罗泰哥拉的格言“人是万物的尺度”的基础上的。 在建立
人类权威的过程中,这条原则会帮助我们梳理各种错综复杂的关于环境保护的争议。 就以
当前关于是否在北极国家野生动物保护区的某一角落开采石油的激烈争论为例吧。 环保主
立法行动。他 们散布说美国应该保护并且节约能源而不是开采能源。 这其实是一个错误的
非此即彼的主张。 美国确实需要征收高额的能源税以减少能源消耗,但同时也需要生产更
多的能源。 政府的估测表明,在北极国家野生动物保护区的地下蕴藏着美国五大油田之一
的可能性几乎到达50%。 我们没有寻找安全的方法开采北极国家野生动物保护区地下的石
8 美国刚刚经历了一场战争,其部分原因就是为了获取石油。 对能源的依赖使美国不但付
出了金钱的代价,而且也付出了生命的代价。 就因为可能破坏北美驯鹿的繁衍地而放弃能
9 我像别人一样喜欢驯鹿。 如果他们的交配模式受到干扰,我会感到非常遗憾。 但是,鱼
面对这一僵局 ,我每次都会选择人类而不是驯鹿。
10 我对俄勒冈州的斑点猫头鹰的态度也是一样。 我绝不是仇视猫头鹰。 如果花很少的代
价就可以保护猫头鹰,我会赞同它应受保护——毕竟,生物多样 性对生态系统是非常必要
的。 但是,我们必须记住,保持生物多样性并不意味着要留住每一种物种。 有时候,为了
头鹰 。
11 重要的是,我们要区分哪些东西对环境保护是根本性的,哪些是非根本性的。 自然受我
们的监护,而不是我们的主人。 我们应该尊重自然,也可以开发利用自然。但是,如果人类必须在自身的福利和自然的福利之间作出选择,自然则必须作出让步。
12 只有当人类的命运与自然的命运密不可分时 , 人类才应该作出让步。 当人类栖息地的
完整性(比如 大气层或维持地球核心的基本地质状况)受到威胁时,人类就必须立即调整自
己的行为。 而当人类受到 的威胁不大,不太需要对自己的行为进行调整时,恰当的做法是

平衡考虑经济方面和与之 相对的健康方面的因素,以便作出适度的调整。 但是,无论是哪
13 感情用事的环保主义者会说这种拯救自然的思路是完全错误的。 的确是这样。 理性、

Word in use
1. I will conduct a top-to-bottom review of the state departments, agencies,
and commissions, and seek to
eliminate them where appropriate.
2. To a 10-year-old girl, you need to offer understanding about her wishes
and help her
When we heard about the (dreadful) suffering of the
(differentiate)between fantasy and
(consolidate) or to
children and adults, our primary instinct, like millions of others, was to shed
4. It was when we started living together that we found, to our sadness and
surprise, that we were
It was
(incompatible) .
(alleged) that he had taken a $$50,000 bribe
before the project was transferred to another company.
The budget proposal has been described as
7. It seems that what people believe and what researchers have found out
about the (correlation)between wealth and
happiness are more different than overlapping.
Current expenditure in this museum is (negligible) in
comparison with the huge amount which foreign museums of similar
standing spend.

9. The air and rivers in this area are getting cleaner, and attempts to preserve
animal species and their
If you can provide rational and (intelligible) debates
(habitats) have been mainly
from an unbiased point of view, maybe we will all learn something.

Word building 5
1. After 24 hours of desperate fighting against the enemy, the native tribe
emerged (victorious) , but the cost was dear.
2. The study makes clear that air emissions even at levels below those
commonly held to be acceptable are
3. The study showed that higher sea level would severely erode the country's
beaches, with the (consequent) loss of recreational
(hazardous) to the health of inner-city
opportunities and recreation-dependent business.
4. Ever since he was a small boy he has been dreaming of becoming a
cowboy and leading a romantic (adventurous) life.
5. According to a recent report, the radiation leak from the damaged nuclear
reactor has had a(n)
Freshwater is not (evenly) distributed across the globe.
(disastrous) effect on the
From the statistics here, we can see that the Americas have the largest
amount of fresh water and Oceania the smallest.
This is a large and (spacious) modern hotel offering
high standards of accommodation and service.

8. Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in
four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to
45, (respectively) .
9. Many schools today stress academic achievement but don't always
identify and reinforce the notion that students need to
become (virtuous) .
10. Only about 15 percent of car thefts result in an arrest, because few police
This all sounds (harmonious) , yet there was
(routinely)conduct in-depth auto theft
disorder, tension and conflict in our household.
12. My reason for leaving the present employer is that I

Banked close
Farming invariably interferes with the habitats of plants and animals. However, this does
not necessarily mean that agriculture and biodiversity are (1)
(incompatible). In fact, quite the opposite is true. The sustainable cultivation of plants for
food and feed actually enables us to (2)(preserve)biodiversity.
(desirous) of getting broader experience in
By 2007, there were more than twice as many people living on the planet as there were in
1961. Over the same period, the total amount of (3)(available) arable (可
耕的) land grew by just 10 percent. In comparison with population growth, the expansion
of arable land was small. And there are limits to further expansion. A
large(4)(proportion) of the earth's surface — like deserts — is not
(utilized) by humans for suitable for cultivation, and other areas are (5)

roads and buildings. Some land that is rich in biodiversity needs to be preserved and thus
should not be (6)(converted) into arable land. The tropical rain forests,
for example, have the highest species density in the world, and changing this land for crop
cultivation would be (7)
By 2050, global demand for food will have risen by 70 percent. But the expansion of land
available for cultivation has its limits. This is one of the greatest challenges facing
agriculture today: How do we (8)(balance) the increased demand for
(dreadful) to these species' habitats and, indeed,
food with the need to maintain biological diversity, now and in the future?
Efficient and (9)(sane) use of land will be key to preserving natural
animal and plant habitats. To achieve this aim will depend to a(n) (10)
(considerable)extent on the use of modern agricultural methods. If these methods are
successfully applied, we believe that agriculture and biodiversity can coexist in harmony.

Expressions in use
1. After the painter's move to Paris in 1904, Picasso's Rose Period
paintings (took on) a warmer and more optimistic mood
than the previous Blue Period.
2. There are a number of different occasions when you might
be (called upon) to make a speech. Therefore, you
need to practice how to speak to a large audience.
3. Schools in the US believe that cheating in
examinations (runs against the grain) of
4. Being a major global concern, rapid population growth is believed by many
to (be incompatible with) sustainable

management of the environment.
It seems that many people have (come
through) periods of stress, with more physical and mental vigor than they
had before.
6. More and more native plants disappear every year. Saving them is
important because our own survival
up) with their fate.
It's up to you to (differentiate
(is bound
between) those who have your interests at heart and those who would
take advantage of you.
Although J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels are written for
older readers.

Section B
1 让我们在这 儿坐下来吧,我们所有的人,就在这片广阔的草原上。在这里,我们看不见
高速公路,看不见围栏,远离 城市垃圾。 我们不要铺毯子,就让我们的身体和大地、周围
的树木及灌木来个亲密接触吧。 让我们把草当垫子,感受它或许坚硬或许柔软的质地。 让
2 这就是我的请求:倾听空气。 你们可以听见它,感觉它,闻到它,品尝它。 我们可以感
到它就在我们中间,作为一种实实在在的存在,主宰着每一天。 这是一个好方式,我们可
以就这样开始思考自然,谈论自然。 如果再想好点的话,我们就不如和自然说 话,也就是
3 你们已经损坏了我们人类作为大自然的一部分以一种美好的方式体验大自然的能力。 即
使在这里,我们 也知道,在沼泽地和栖息于此的鹤之外的某个地方,在远处山里的某个地方,
就建有雷达塔和高速公路立 交桥。 这片土地如此美丽与奇特,以至于你们中的某些人想把
它变成一座国家公园。 你们已经污染了 土地、岩石、矿物——这些都是被你们称为已经“死
去”但其实是非常有生命活力的东西。不仅如此,就 连属于我们一部分的动物,也被你们改
造了。你们把它们变成了低级的基因变异动物,以至于没有人能再 认识它们。
4 羚羊是一种有力量的动物,因而你们把它圈养在栅栏里。 但是,山羊或绵羊,这些没 有
自卫能力的猎物、这些悄无声息任凭你们宰杀的动物,你们在它们身上看到了什么力量? 狼
(have struck a chord with) many

身上有巨大的力量,狐狸身上也同样有巨大的力量。 你们违背自然,把这些高贵的动物变
成了小型的可以放在腿上把玩的哈巴狗。 自然被你们的绳索和鞭子所束缚,屈服于你们的
命令。 对猫,你们无能为力,所以你们就设法修理它们 、改造它们,剪掉它们锋利的爪子,
甚至切断它们的声带,这样你们就可以用猫在实验室做实验,而不会 再受它们叫声的干扰。
5 所有的野生鸟类都被你们改造成了鸡禽——一种翅膀退化、根本不会飞的生物。 你们有
许多农场,专门用来饲养鸡以提供鸡胸脯肉。 这些鸡被关在狭窄压抑的笼子里,不得不一
直弓着身体,这使它们的胸脯肌肉变得很大。 如果突发一声巨响,鸡群会吓得发疯般乱跑,
撞死在笼子壁上。 一辈子都必须佝偻着背使得这些鸡变成了既不天然又不正常、毫无用处
的禽类。 同时,人类也变得很不自然、冷漠无情、残酷刻薄。
6 在这点上,你们愚弄了自己。 你们对自己带 翅膀的和长四条腿的近亲兄弟姐妹进行了改
造,剪掉了它们的爪子,甚至让它们变得畸形。同时,你们也 在对自己做这些事情。 你们
注射肉毒杆菌毒素,接受整容手术,使用人造化妆品和数不清的药物。 你 们把人类进行筛
选和改造:有的人是坐董事会议室的高级管理人员,有的人是坐办公室的白领,有的人是 每
日要按考勤钟打卡的工人。 在家里,每个家庭成员之间也没有联系,却都沉溺于一个大实
7 “小心烟 灰,不要抽烟,否则你会熏脏窗帘。小心金鱼缸。不要把头靠在墙纸上,你的头
发也许很油。不要把饮料 洒在桌子上,你会把它精美的涂层弄掉。你应该先擦擦靴子,地板
刚刚才打扫过。不要做这个,不要做那 个,不要……” 这太荒谬了! 人类生下来不是忍受这
种压抑的。 你们住在自己亲手打造的监狱里,只不过你们把它们称之为“家”、办公室或工厂
8 有时,我认为我们的寒酸小屋也比你们的奢华大厦要好。 在一个晴朗的冬夜,踏着泥土
或积雪,漫步一 百英尺去上厕所,这是我们与自然之间的一个小小的接触。抑或是在夏天,
在一个偏僻的乡村,悠闲地听 着昆虫的嗡鸣或鸟儿拍打翅膀的声音,感受太阳透过随风摇摆
的树枝暖暖地照在身上的感觉。可是你们却 连体会那种与自然共处的快乐的机会都不再有。
9 你们坚信任何东西都必须是无菌的。 任何气味都不能有! 包括男人、女人身上所散发的
那些好闻的自然的体香。 你们就是要除去腋窝下散发的气味,除去皮肤里散发的气味。 味
道去掉后,你们还要在身上洒上某种植 物香水。这东西造价昂贵,一盎司十美元,所以你们
相信它的气味肯定好。 你们为什么要刻意远离自己身体的功能、体腔和气味,把自己从原
10 我认为你们既十分害怕又不能容忍自己周围的世界。你们痛斥自然界,不愿看到、触到、
闻到或听到关于它的任何点滴。 雨或雪落在脸上的感觉,被刺骨的寒风冻僵后又在冒烟的
火堆旁烤火暖 和过来,洗一个热水澡后又跳入一条寒冷的小溪,所有这些都能给生活增添乐
趣,但是你们却不再想要这 些了。
11 你们把自己困在牢笼中,生活在封闭的盒子里,隔绝了夏天的酷热与潮湿、冬天的寒冷< br>与战栗,只活在一个不再有任何自然气息的躯壳里;你们听着音响中播放的噪音而不是自然
的声音 ;你们看着电视上演员上演编造的经历,而自己却不去做任何亲身体验。 这就是你
们的方式。 实在太糟糕了。

Word in use
If these different assessment methods (converge) on
the same conclusion, then we can have greater confidence in their
2. There is little doubt that the effectiveness of the reform was
external opposition.
3. The pollution from the factories continues
to (contaminate) the river and also poses a serious
(impaired) by its internal difficulties and
health threat to people living nearby.
Indeed, the (vulgar) behavior popularized by music
videos, reality television, and violent movies indicated that authority,
standards, and personal responsibility all had declined.
5. The clinic was terribly expensive because the cost of a typical 20-day stay
in it was equivalent to the annual salary of an average
city (dweller) .
6. When Hollywood films deal with controversial social issues, they do so, for
the most part, in a way that is designed not
to (alienate) mainstream audiences.
7. Many old residents in the neighborhood
the television.
8. One way to reduce fear of needles is to explain to patients who need to
modern needles.
(injected) that they will not feel any pain with
(strolling) along the beach to sitting in front of

We (deplore) the fact that he has shaped his proposals
for educational reform while virtually ignoring what is being done along
those lines in other regions of the world.
10. They saw factory work as a source of pride rather than low status, and in
this way they (inverted)the ideas of people in
traditionally more powerful classes of society.

Expressions in use
1. In many places of the world, there are still those who encourage women to
stay at home and
2. As the old lady walked toward the door with her grandson, she held on to
his arm and
We do not (subscribe to) the view that when the
(leaned against) his shoulder for
(be obedient to) their
data analysis does not give rise to the expected results, the quality of the
data is to blame.
She is the first woman to (preside over) the
agency, which, with a staff of 425, regulates all fishing and hunting in the
5. When you feel tired, you can try relaxing in a warm bubble bath, listening
to music and (shutting out) the world for a while.
6. When the pop singer first arrived in the city,
he (plunged into) the crowds, who had turned out
in their thousands to greet him.
7. On the whole, the less education that people have, the more likely they are

to (be intolerant of)those who differ from them.
8. The main idea of the article is that our reliance on modern technology has
created a society where people (are
disconnected from) one another and immersed in their own world.

Unit 5
Section A
1 有一次,在加州蒙特雷 半岛上用餐时,我母亲私下悄悄地对我说:“嫂嫂想做个彬彬有礼
的客人,但是装得太厉害了!何必费劲 讲究形式上的客套呢?到最后她还是什么都要。”
2 我母亲行事像个“外侨”,即一个移民国外的侨民,因为她已经不耐烦老一套的禁忌和礼数
了。 为了证 明她刚才的观点,她手伸过桌子,把蒜香海鲜拼盘里的最后一个扇贝,连同牛
腩排及黄瓜沙拉一起,递给 我从北京来的年长舅妈。
3 嫂嫂皱起了眉头,“不要,真不要!”她一边大声说一边拍着自己已经吃 得很饱的肚子。我
4 “拿去吧!拿去吧!”我母亲用中文责备道。预料到她就会这样,就像月亮盈亏周期似的。
5 “饱了,我已经饱了,”嫂嫂低声嘀咕着,眼睛却瞟着扇贝。
6 “哎!”我母亲感叹着说,“没人愿意吃,只能让它坏掉了!”
7 嫂嫂叹了口气,从碟子上拿去了那 个扇贝,就好像是帮了我母亲一个大忙,并省去了我
8 我母亲转头看着她兄长——一位经验丰富的中国地方法官,这是他初次来看我们。 她说:
“在美国,一 个中国人可能会饿死。要是你不打破老一套的礼数说你要吃,他们就不会再问
9 我舅舅点点头,说他完全理解:美国人待人接物快速迅捷,因为他们没有时间客气来客
10 我在《纽约时报杂志》上读到过一篇文章,描述的是纽约市内的中国城这一小块文化聚
居 地的变迁。作者在文章中提到,中国语言与文化错综交织,使中文十分委婉和客套。 中
11 我思索着,为什么人们会不断地编造这样的谣言呢?他们把我们描述得就像是唐人街旅
游 品商店里出售的一批小布娃娃。那些布娃娃的头不停地上下晃动,似乎对一切都心满意足,
12 生于移民家庭的孩子都清楚,有一种特殊的两难境地与说两种语言的生活联系在一
起。 比如我父母,他们和我说话时中文和英文都用,但我和他们说话时只用英文。

13 “艾米啊!”他们会这样责备我。
14 “怎么啦?”我会回问道。
15 “我们叫你时,不要对我们反问,”他们会用中文训斥道“这是不礼貌的!”
16 “你们什么意思?”
17 “哎!我们不是刚刚说过,叫你不要反问吗?”
18 仔细想想 自己的成长过程,我发现,我从小到大所接触到的中文并不是什么特别谨慎的
语言,也不存在出于客气而 对所说的话进行仔细检查的现象。 我父母向我提一连串的要求
时,总是把一切都表述得清清楚楚:“你当然会成为著名的航空工程师,” 他们会鼓励我说,
19 似乎更加强硬的事情总是通过中文倾泻出来:“不能那样!你淘米的时候,必须一粒都不
20 由于一直同时听着中英文两种语言,故而我对它们之间的任何对比总是心存怀疑,因为
我 注意到它们各自都有对方所没有的难点。 说英文的人会认为中文极其难,因为中文用非
常微妙的声调变化就可以表示不同的词语。 而英文则常常被认为缺乏一致性,因为英文具
21 在我看来,更危险的做法是,人们往往倾向于通过翻译来理解不同语言和行为之间的差
异。 如果一个旁 观的外人听我母亲说英语,可能会得出结论,说她对过去和将来这样的时
间区别没有概念,或者认为她对 人的性别不加区分,因为她提到我丈夫时总是说“她”。 如果
一个人对此类现象不假思虑,他也许还会 概括说,所有中国人都是通过委婉迂回的方式才能
说到话题重点的。 而实际上喜欢修饰和绕弯子只是我母亲个人的说话风格。
22 我担心主流社会可能会从一个狭隘的角度、以一种成见看待中国人。 我担心这种看似无
害的成见实际会 导致人们对中国人难以容忍,并成为中国人在高层管理职位或主要的司法及
政府部门寥寥无几的部分原因 。 我担心语言的力量,即如果一个人将一件事说了很多遍,
23 这会不会就是我父母辈的中国朋友愿意接受那些对中国人的简单概括的原因呢?
24 “你为什么要抱怨呢?”他们中有人问我。 “如果人们认为我们谦虚礼让,就让他们那样想
25 我当然相信每个人在一开始都会把这种描述的话当成称赞。 但过了一段时间,这种话就
会让人恼怒,就好像所听到的只是些经过细微的社交区别过滤后的言辞,诸如 “很高兴认识
26 这些话不能表达什么新观点,也不能传达什么真实的情感或深思熟虑的想法。 它们就像
一片面包,只是 人们交往中最表层的东西,或社交场合下出于礼貌而说的一些话:问候、道
别、顺口的托词,诸如此类。 由此看来,那些对中国人的概括性评价并非是对中国文化成
分的真实描述,而仅仅是对我们外在行为的一 种成见而已。
27 “那么中文究竟怎么表达‘是’和‘不是’呢?”我的朋友也许会小心翼翼地问。

28 在这一点上,我的确在某种程度上同意《纽约时报杂志》的那篇文章。 在中文里,没有
哪一个字专门用于表达“是”或“不是”,但这并非是因为需要保持谨慎。 若的确有什 么不同的
29 如果你问一个中国人是否吃饭了,他(或她)会说“吃了”(已经吃过)或“没有”(没有吃
30 你若问:“你停止打老婆了吗?”他会直接就所断定或所否认的假设进行回答:已经停止
31 还有什么能比这更明了的呢?

Word in use
1. Although he was not a legal expert, he knew it would not be proper
to (fabricate) anything to mislead the public.
2. He does not work full time there, but he has been
the (nominal) head of the organization's scholarship
program for five years.
3. As Mark walked the sites on that initial trip of the migrants, he found some
important (temporal)clues — dated bus tickets,
shopping receipts and calendars.
4. In urban planning, it is important to take into consideration
the (reciprocal) influence between the transportation
network and other facilities, for example shopping centers and medical
5. The label
usually (denotes) products that meet criteria for lower
fat, sugar and sodium (钠) content.
6. The public high school graduation rates in New Mexico and Arizona have
been increasing for three (consecutive) years,
thanks to an online program that helps students earn missing credits.
7. In the accident at the air show last week, a pilot and

10 (spectators) were killed when a fighter plane
crashed into the crowd.
8. The mother was not sure where the boys went, but she did hear
movie with friends.
9. This newly released portrait of Planet Earth is actually
a (composite) of several pictures taken earlier this
(muttering) something about going out for a
month by a new research satellite.
10. You shouldn't feel insulted. We can assure you he meant to be friendly and
there was nothing impolite or

Word building 5
(malicious) in his words.
1. Some African countries have started a new program
to (conserve) wildlife by giving local people greater
control over hunting.
2. She hurt her wrist last week after falling from her bicycle. Now it is swollen,
and she has trouble
3. The author of this book is
a(n) (authoritative) expert, so we believe that he
(unbuttoning) her coat.
can give a logical and objective description of the event.
4. As an experienced doctor in cancer treatment, she has
offered (consultative) services on drug
development to a number of medical companies.
The man was not usually so (imaginative) , and thus
his colleagues were all surprised when he proposed this creative use of
studio techniques.

6. At the conference, the speaker presented
a(n) (quantitative) analysis of the results from his
year-long experiment by using a group of tables and charts that contain
detailed statistical data.
In this coming week, the finance minister will (unveil) the
budget, the annual report of the country's economy, and the government's
plans for tax and spending for the year.
8. As a manager, David likes his employees to
be (assertive) , to state or ask in a calm and direct
manner what they want or need.
9. The stock market fluctuated wildly last month,
which (unsettled) investors because they were afraid
that the big losses they suffered two years ago would happen again.
10. Parents mostly want their children to attend a good school. Hence, the
quality of a school can play a(n)
helping families choose where to live.
11. After you drink a cup of coffee, it takes about 30 minutes for the caffeine to
work its way through your
your bloodstream.
12. There is a general belief that social science
is (qualitative) and therefore not rigorous. However,
(digestive) tract and into
(decisive) role in
this may not be true since social scientists also employ rigorous thinking in
their research.

Banked close
Stereotypes have some truth mixed in with a few generalizations. Sometimes these
generalizations can be misleading as they are often based on observation of

the (1)(exterior)behavior of people in a certain culture. Spaghetti, pasta,
mafia (黑手党), gestures, fashion — these are some words commonly used to describe
Italians. How much truth is there in the stereotype? As an Italian myself, I will give you
some (2)(insights) into the Italian soul and clarify some
misunderstandings that foreigners have about us.
Spaghetti and pasta are sacred. You can't take pasta away from an Italian meal; otherwise
it won't be (3)(complete). A typical Italian meal generally includes pasta
(course), followed by as a starter, fish or meat with salad as the main (4)
fruit or dessert, and then coffee. But there are considerable regional differences in Italy,
and hence (5)(inconsistencies) exist between the stereotype and reality.
For instance, you might find risotto (加有肉、鱼或蔬菜的调味饭) replacing pasta in some
The Mafia is real: We are not proud of it, but it does exist, especially in the South and on
the island of Sicily. Obviously, not every Italian is a member of the Mafia, and most will
be (6)(offended) if you use the term, even if you are just joking.
(gestures) a lot in Yes, the way we speak is unique. Italians use (7)
communication. We simply cannot talk without our hands. If the hands are busy doing
something else, we start moving shoulders or other parts of the body.
We are also fashion victims. You can recognize Italians by the way they dress from head
to toe. We wear stylish clothes and (8)(ornaments) for every possible
occasion. You won't ever see an Italian wearing running shorts combined with long socks:
It's simply against our (9)(sense) of style!
Italy is made up of many regions and provinces which are similar in some ways
and (10)(distinctive) in others. The stereotype contains some truth, but
being Italian takes a lot more than that.

Expressions in use
We chatted for half an hour before he finally (got
to the point) : He wanted to work as a business consultant and wondered
if I could pass along the names of certain potential clients.
2. Scientists at the research center identified various features
that (are attached to) the commodities
purchased by female consumers.
The three mountain climbers (would
have starved to death) if the villagers had not found them lying at the
bottom of the valley.
4. The boy looked up timidly at his father who was sitting next to him, but he
didn't stop crying.
more intense.
5. Since no one knew how the disease spread,
they (were suspicious of) everything,
(If anything) , his crying became
including mosquitoes, swimming pools, and people from other
6. At the press conference, the government spokesman avoided answering
the question about health-care reform directly. Instead he
economic situation.
7. Mr. Rogers, whom you met in the museum yesterday, works as a software
engineer and plays folk music (on the side) .
(wandered around) to talk about the harsh
8. These schools were selected for our survey because the composition of
their student bodies (was representative
of) the district's enrollment, which included a large proportion of children

from immigrant families.

Section B
1 爱德华·霍尔是跨文化研究领域的著名学者。他曾说过一句名言 :“商业成功的最大障碍是
由文化竖立的障碍。” 对国际企业来说,文化差异难道真的和财务规划及前瞻性领导有着同
样大的影响吗? 答案是出人意料的:的确如此!
2 一个很好的例子,人际关系在生意往来中所起的作用。 尽管人际关系在美国商业文化中
作用不大,但在亚洲、非洲及中东国家却十分重要。 在这些文化中,人际关系的经营在不
3 让我们以美国一家酒店管理公司高级副总裁凯文·约翰斯顿的故事为例说明。 凯文被指派
负责敲定与阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)一家公司的合并事宜。 几乎所有复杂的谈判均已< br>完成,剩下的就是花三天时间前往阿联酋与对方面谈,以签署协议文件并完成整个交易。
4 凯文坚信,任何事情都不会阻碍他此行成功完成任务。 他给公司上下发了一份备忘录,
热情洋溢地描述了与阿联酋方面的这一合并计划。 在他整理好了所有必 备的文件和乃至数
据及小数点都精确到位的各种图表,并准备了一份证明公司资质的详尽说明后,他就装 好了
5 凯文到了阿联酋,对于此行来完成这项交易感到兴奋无比。 他受到了超规格的殷勤接待:
奢华的宾馆、一流的佳肴、配有专职司机的优雅的敞篷车带他游览全城、接 连不断的娱乐活
动、精美的纪念品。 他多次试图取出带来的文件资料,想打开话题谈生意,但奇怪的是 ,
在他停留的三天里,阿联酋的同仁们却好像没有一个人愿意听他准备的财务情况简介。 每
当凯文试图谈及交易时,有望成为合作伙伴的对方似乎总是“绑架”谈话内容,岔开话题。 他
6 离开阿联酋时,凯文感到既恼火又丧气。 对于自己精心准备的材料,他根本就无法获得
对方的详细询问。 至于完成这项交易的计划,则与他离开美国时毫无二致:零进展。
7 上述例子很经典,它说明了不同 文化期望值之间的冲突会如何导致延误。这种延误若未
能恰当处理的话,就会使一笔生意戛然中断,让双 方都不知所措。 所造成的巨大的收入损
失永远无法弥补,甚至还会让一家在困境中挣扎的公司突然倒闭 ,就像没用降落伞从高空坠
8 凯文错误地以为,生意成交只要靠自己公文包中的各种证明文件就行。 他风风火火地去
参加会谈,就像一头误打误撞的公牛。 但对于很多文化来说,一个人确立自己的资质不 仅
要靠业绩、教育背景或个人能力,而且要靠更多的人际交往。 在这一例子中,阿联酋合作
伙伴很想知道的是,凯文是不是个好人,是不是个顾家和值得信赖的人。 对他们而言,这
种评判能够确立双方之间的信任关系。 如果凯文当初能够花些时间耐心地去经营一下双 方

9 社会学家一致认为,影响国际商务的另一关键因素是“面子”。 在“顾面子”的方式上,跨文
化差异会 影响我们对信任和尊重的看法,而这种看法反过来又会影响人们之间的关系和团队
10 以一位叫安的美国经理为例。安对文化差异采取了一种保守策略。 她被提名为一个设于
新加坡的销售团队的领导,她将此看作自己事业的一个顶峰。 安努力和每一位团队成员都
建立良好的工作关系。 她花了数周时间致力于建立团队的统一性与凝聚力、 介绍工作原则、
11 过 了一段时间,在团队举行的面对面的首次季度工作总结例会上,安称赞了一位中国成
员,而后毫不留情地 批评并质询了一位韩国成员,试图找出他比别人落后许多的确切原
因。 会议立刻偏离了常规程序。 整个团队变得严肃沉闷,而且在会议剩下的时间里,虽然
12 显然,安对其他文化中“顾面子”这一概念并不熟悉。在美国文化中,的确也存在着“顾面
子”一说,但其影响微乎其微。更受推崇的是机智老练而又直截了当的谈话。 美国经理人惯
常于在公共场合,如在会议上,自由谈论其他人的成就或败绩。 这和亚洲文化有所不同。
这样 做会使他们觉得不自在或甚为尴尬。
13 安需要考虑的是,要采取在文化上更加恰当的方式来支持和激发她的团队。 如果要给成
员提反馈意见,尤其是负面意见的话,那么在私人场合进行会更有帮助。 最为重要的是,< br>她应该努力给出一些更加客气、更具支持性的赞扬和鼓励,这样才能使团队更加团结,更加
具有凝 聚力,而这也是一个高效运作的团队取得成功所必需的。
14 在世界各地,人际关系经营及颜面顾及 这类更深层次的文化结构都是根植于该文化所具
有的价值观、信仰和行为之中的。 它们比任何一种文化的词语汇编里所列出的术语都更难
理解。 我的建议是:随时向对方询问,以得到一个明晰的解释和新的理解。 为了取得商业
成功,学会协调这些更深层次的文化差异是极其重要的。 尽管将它们融入自己的思维方式

Word in use
1. If the product is defective, the customers can ship it to us at our expense,
and we will replace it or
2. Tensions occur in many smaller communities where development
pressure and population growth cause (friction
(refund) to them the purchase
frictions) between longtime residents and newcomers, who often have
different backgrounds and values.

3. The manager had lots of questions about the dispute between the two
departments, but he resolved to stay
told him the whole truth.
4. She had hoped to be home early enough to pick up her son from school,
but she was
late evening.
5. This analytic software enables businesses
to (extract) relevant information about the customers,
(detained) by a long meeting at work until
(mute) until someone
for example, age and education level, from a large range of documents.
6. Every year the American Association of Poison Control
Centers (compiles) statistics on accidental deaths from
drugs, vitamins and other supplements.
7. Although not as practical as cars with fixed metal
roofs, (convertibles) are appealing because they
look cool and ready for summer driving fun.
8. The rebels have said that they would not try to take the capital before
peace talks
She spoke in a(n) (tactful) yet sincere manner, which
(mediated) by a third party begin next
made him relaxed and willing to talk about his life: his poorly-paid job and
his unhappy marriage.
10. The president delivered an enthusiastic speech, in which he expressed
confidence in building national
improving the life of all citizens.

Expressions in use
(cohesion) and unity by

Women's attainment in career still (lags behind) that
of men, even in developed countries where women have been
participating in the workforce for decades.
Talented and diligent, Robert Hume was (put in
charge of) managing the entire Company's accounts when he was only
3. A number of economists have proposed that the government
should (1)
a) balanced (2)
nation's tremendous deficits.
4. Over the past few months, Mr. Flake has seen his fame steadily rise,
being (singled out) for praise in a Wall Street
(approach to) dealing with the
Journal article and interviewed by some influential journalists.
5. As soon as the paperwork was done, he left the office
and (headed for) the airport to catch an early
afternoon flight to Florida.
6. Some cities have adopted Bus Rapid Transit, a system in which some
features of the train, such as speed, reliability and comfort,
are (incorporated into) the bus system.
7. The adverse weather conditions raised safety concerns, so they decided
to (1)
8. According to a study published last month, global
warming (has had an impact on) crop yields
(divert) three flights(2) (to) a nearby
since 1980, pushing up prices of wheat and corn worldwide.







