
2020年08月03日 13:14


UNIT3 Inside view
Janet: So where are we now?
Andy: This is the West End. It’s famous for cinemas and theatres. I used to work in a theatre near
Janet: Really? What did you do?
Andy: I moved the scenery between acts in the play. If I’m not mistaken, I worked on Pygmalion
by George Bernard Shaw
Janet: If I remember correctly. That was made into a musical film, wasn’t it? My Fair Lady? I
remember seeing it on TV.
(Phone ringing)
Andy: Oh, oh, it’s Joe.
(Andy picked up the phone)
Andy: Hey!... Yes, we’re on our way…I don’t think we’re that late. Chill out Joe, we’ll be there.
(Andy hung up the phone)
Andy: Anyway, come on, we’d better get a move on.
Janet: How far is it from here?
Andy: It’s not far. Maybe five minutes’ walk. Joe gets cross if I’m late.
Joe: Hello Janet, hello Andy. Late as usual.
Andy: Actually, by my watch, I’m bang on time.
Joe: Well let’s get on with it. This is Toby Jenkins, the theatre critic.
Toby: Nice to meet you, are you ready to start?
Andy: Hang on a minute! Janet, can you check the sound level? Can you hear me ok ,Janet?
Janet: Hi Andy, I can’t hear you. What’s up?
Andy: Can you hear me now?
Janet: Ouch! Yes, that’s much louder.
Joe: Let’s stop wasting time please. Just get on with the interview, will you?
Andy: And we’ve got Toby Jenkins here with us today, who has just been to see the latest show at
The Hippodrome La Clique. So La Clique is slightly different from the usual shows we see here in
the West End these days. Can you tell me something about it, Toby?
Toby: Yes, It’s a kind of cabaret, with a series of variety acts set in a kind of circus, but it’s very
contemporary, extremely well produced and huge fun..

Andy: Tell me more about the acts.
Toby: Well, there are stunts performed on a high wire, and puppets. There’s a sword swallower and
juggler, and a rubber man who manages to pass his whole body through a tennis racquet.
Andy: It sounds very unusual.
Toby: Yes, for the West End today, but not so unusual for 30 or more years ago.
Andy: So, It’s family entertainment then?
Toby: Ah, no. I’m afraid it’s pretty adult, but very funny and stylish.
Andy: Did you get that ok, Janet?
Joe: Let me have a listen…
Janet: Oh no, did I do some thing wrong?
Joe: Well, It’s just that I can’t hear anything. Let’s try again…
Andy: Did you remember to keep an eye on the sound levels? That meter, there!.
Janet: Oh no, I clean forgot.
Andy: It’s Ok. We’ll just do another take.
Joe: Come on you two. Hurry up!
Janet: I’m so sorry. It slipped my mind.
Joe: You’ll forget your own head one day. Sorry about this, Toby. From the top, please.
Andy: And we’ve got Toby Jenkins here with us today…
Unit4 Inside view
Conversation 1
Joe: So, you’re all set for the interview with Janet’s Chinese friend?
Andy: Sure, we’re meeting him tomorrow at midday.
Joe: And Janet, you’re OK to give Andy a hand?
Janet:Yes. Thank you very much for giving me another chance after last week.
Joe:Just remind me...why are we interviewing this guy?
Andy: It’s part of our background series to ethnic restaurants in London. We did Indian last month.
Joe: OK, well, just remember that there’s no such thing as a free lunch! Now, anything else we
need to do for next week’s guide?
Andy: We’ve got the upcoming London Video Games Festival in Trafalgar Square.
Joe: Video games? In Trafalgar Square?
Andy: Yes, about 100,000 people attended last year.
Janet: But how did they do that outdoors?

Andy: Well, they put up a huge tent ,and there were demos of the latest game software to try out.
Janet: Is that the kind of event that we usually cover on London Time off?
Andy: Sure, why not? It’s very popular! Remember our slogan: the essential guide to going out
and staying in.
Joe: Let’s plan something for that...Can we try to think about something which will go with it? You
know,something along the lines of how ways of getting music and TV into our homes have
Andy: You mean people download music instead of buying CDs?
Joe:Yes, or on how many people check out the music on You Tube first. That all sounds very
promising. Maybe we can run a feature on traditional entertainment and new technology. Look, I’ll
let you get on with the rest of the planning and we’ll speak after lunch.
Conversation 2
Janet: Going back to technology and tradition...why not we do something on the rise of e-book
Andy: That’s a good idea. They’re not like books. They’re more like hand-held computers.
Janet: But the trouble is, every time I read a book on-screen, it hurts my eyes.
Andy: Yes, but the great thing about them is you’ll never run out of things to read!
Janet: But there is nothing quite like a good old-fashioned book.
Andy: Maybe, but don’t you read more words online than on paper? I’m sure I do.
Janet: Excuse me. I’d better check this.
Andy: And you read more text messages than anyone else!
Joe: Is someone using mobile in here? Can’t you understand the sign? I’m doing a recording in the
other studio, and I’m picking up the electronic signal.
Janet: Oh, it’s my fault. I should have realized...
Andy: That serves you right!
Janet: Oh no, I keep making such a mess of things!
Andy: Just ignore him! It’s no big deal!
Janet: But what you’re saying about e-readers, that’s a good lead-in to a report on how new
technology is changing so fast.
Andy: It’s good, smart thinking, Janet!
Janet: And I also messed up the recording with Toby Jenkins.
Andy: Forget about it, Janet! Everyone could have done that. Joe started the recording before I had

time to adjust the level. It wasn’t your fault. Anyway, somebody once said, technology doesn’t run
an enterprise, relationships do. Don’t beat yourself up about it.
Janet: I suppose that’s true. Well, I’ll make sure I get it right next time.

Janet: 那么,我们现在在哪?
Andy: 这是伦敦西区, 他因影院、戏院而出名.。我曾在这附近的一家戏院里工作过。.
Janet: 真的?你当时做什么?
Andy: 我在一出剧中的幕间移动布景,如果我没搞错的话,我参与的是皮 革马利翁这出戏的
Janet: 如果我没记错的话。它被改编成了一部歌舞片,不是吗?——《窈窕淑女》,我记得在
Andy: 噢,Joe打来的。
(Andy 接起电话)
Andy: 嗨…对,我们已经在路上了。我不觉得我们真的像你说的那么晚.。别紧张Joe, 我们
Andy: 不管怎样,快点把,我们最好动身了。
Janet: 这里离目的地多远?
Andy: 不远,可能走五分钟就到了,我们迟到的话,Joe会生气的。
Joe: Janet、Andy你们好啊,你们还是像往常一样迟到了。
Andy: 事实上,照我的表来看,我们到的正准时。
Joe: 算了,我们别说这个了。这位是剧评家Toby Jenkin
Toby: 很高兴见到你,你准备好开始采访了吗?
Andy: 等一下,Janet,你能检查一下音量吗?你听得请我说话吗Janet?Janet?
Janet: 嗨Andy, 我听不见你说话,怎么回事?
Andy: 现在听得见吗?
Janet: 哎呀…听见了,清楚多了
Joe: 拜托,咱们别浪费时间了。快点开始采访,行不?
Andy: 今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Toby Jenkins接受我们的采访, 他刚刚在The Hippodrome剧

院看了最新公演的La Clique。那么,La Clique和我们近期在伦敦西区看的表演略微
Toby: 好的,这算是一种余兴节目,在某种马戏表演中穿插一系列演出,但这些演出都是非常有时代性的,制作精良,而且很有趣。.
Andy: 能更多地谈谈那些演出吗?
Toby: 好的,其中有杂耍演员在高空钢丝上的表演、有木偶表演、吞剑表演、魔术表演、还
Andy: 听起来确实很特别。
Toby: 是的,对于现在的伦敦西区来说是很特别, 但对于三十多年前来说,就没那么特别了。
Andy: 所以说,这是老少咸宜的娱乐形式喽?
Toby: 不,恐怕这更适合成年人,但确实很流行、也很有趣。.
Andy: Janet,这些你都录好了吗?
Joe: 让我听听看
Janet: 哦不,我做错什么了吗?
Joe: 问题是,我什么都听不见啊。我们再试一次.
Andy: 你有留心音量控制器吗? 就是那个表。
Janet: 哦不,我忘得一干二净
Andy: 没事,我们再录一次就行了
Joe: 快呀你们两个!快点!
Janet: 太抱歉了,我一不小心忘了.
Joe: 没准哪天你连自己的脑袋都忘了。Toby,我们对此感到很抱歉,请从头开始。.
Andy: 今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Toby Jenkins接受我们的采访……
Joe: 那么,你们都要前往采访Janet的中国朋友?
Andy: 当然,我们约好明天中午见面。
Joe: Janet,你能做好Andy的助手吧?
Janet: 嗯,经历上周那件事后,很感谢你还能再给我一次机会.
Joe: 这正好提醒了我,为什么我们要采访这个家伙?
Andy: 这是伦敦源民俗餐馆系列的一部分,我们上个月完成了印度那部分。
Joe: 好的,不过记住“天下没有免费的午餐”!现在,对于下周的导航节目我们还有什么事
Andy: 我们打算做关于即将在特拉法尔加广场举行的伦敦节的内容。

Joe: 电子游戏? 在特拉法尔加广场?
Andy: 是的,去年将近100,000人参加了呢。
Janet: 但是他们是怎么在户外举办这次这场活动的呢?
Andy: 他们搭建大的帐篷,那里有许多最新的游戏软件的示范产品可供试玩。
Janet: 它就是那种我们经常在伦敦假日上报道的事吗?
Andy: 当然,可不就是嘛。它非常流行,记住我们的口号:出门或居家,我们都不可或缺。
Joe: 让 我们计划一下。尝试想一下什么东西可以与之相匹配。你知道的,现在获取音乐和
电视节目的方式已经改 变了。
Andy: 你的意思是说人们通过下载音乐而不是购买CD来获取音乐?
Joe: 是的,或者说关于现在有多少人在You Tube试听音乐。这些听起来都很不错。或许我
们可以做一 个关于传统娱乐方式和现代科技的特别报道。我会让你们跟进剩余的计划。我们
Janet: 回到科技与传统这个话题,我们何不在电子阅读器的增长这方面做些研究。
Andy: 好主意,它们看起来并不像书,而更像是掌上电脑。
Janet: 但是缺点是,每当我在电子屏幕前看书,眼睛就会觉得刺痛。
Andy: 是的。但是他们也有个突出的优点,你永远不用为没有阅读材料而发愁。
Janet: 但是他们始终比不上传统的好书。
Andy: 或许吧。但难道你不觉得你在网络上的阅读量远大于在纸上的吗?我觉得是这样的。
Janet: 不好意思,我最好还是看一下。
Andy: 而且你能比其他人阅读更多的文本信息。
Joe: 有人在使用移动电话吗?拿到你看不懂这个标志?我正在工作室录音,需要接收电子
Janet: 噢,都是我的错。我本应该意识到的。。。
Andy: 这是你应得的待遇!
Janet: 唉,我为什么总是把事情弄的一团糟。
Andy: 忽略他吧,这没什么大不了的。
Janet: 你刚说电子阅读器什么的。那是一个关于现代科技快速改变的报告的很好的引入。
Andy: 非常好,你的思维很敏捷,Janet.
Janet: 但是我同时也搞砸了Toby Jenkins的节目录制.
Andy: 别把它放心上,Janet.每个人曾经都犯过这样的错 误。在我还没来得及调整音量的时
候Joe就已经开始录制节目了。这不是你的错。无论如何,曾有人说 过,科技不能创造成功,

Janet: 我希望如此。我下次会小心,不再犯这样的错误。



UNIT3 Inside view
Janet: So where are we now?
Andy: This is the West End. It’s famous for cinemas and theatres. I used to work in a theatre near
Janet: Really? What did you do?
Andy: I moved the scenery between acts in the play. If I’m not mistaken, I worked on Pygmalion
by George Bernard Shaw
Janet: If I remember correctly. That was made into a musical film, wasn’t it? My Fair Lady? I
remember seeing it on TV.
(Phone ringing)
Andy: Oh, oh, it’s Joe.
(Andy picked up the phone)
Andy: Hey!... Yes, we’re on our way…I don’t think we’re that late. Chill out Joe, we’ll be there.
(Andy hung up the phone)
Andy: Anyway, come on, we’d better get a move on.
Janet: How far is it from here?
Andy: It’s not far. Maybe five minutes’ walk. Joe gets cross if I’m late.
Joe: Hello Janet, hello Andy. Late as usual.
Andy: Actually, by my watch, I’m bang on time.
Joe: Well let’s get on with it. This is Toby Jenkins, the theatre critic.
Toby: Nice to meet you, are you ready to start?
Andy: Hang on a minute! Janet, can you check the sound level? Can you hear me ok ,Janet?
Janet: Hi Andy, I can’t hear you. What’s up?
Andy: Can you hear me now?
Janet: Ouch! Yes, that’s much louder.
Joe: Let’s stop wasting time please. Just get on with the interview, will you?
Andy: And we’ve got Toby Jenkins here with us today, who has just been to see the latest show at
The Hippodrome La Clique. So La Clique is slightly different from the usual shows we see here in
the West End these days. Can you tell me something about it, Toby?
Toby: Yes, It’s a kind of cabaret, with a series of variety acts set in a kind of circus, but it’s very
contemporary, extremely well produced and huge fun..

Andy: Tell me more about the acts.
Toby: Well, there are stunts performed on a high wire, and puppets. There’s a sword swallower and
juggler, and a rubber man who manages to pass his whole body through a tennis racquet.
Andy: It sounds very unusual.
Toby: Yes, for the West End today, but not so unusual for 30 or more years ago.
Andy: So, It’s family entertainment then?
Toby: Ah, no. I’m afraid it’s pretty adult, but very funny and stylish.
Andy: Did you get that ok, Janet?
Joe: Let me have a listen…
Janet: Oh no, did I do some thing wrong?
Joe: Well, It’s just that I can’t hear anything. Let’s try again…
Andy: Did you remember to keep an eye on the sound levels? That meter, there!.
Janet: Oh no, I clean forgot.
Andy: It’s Ok. We’ll just do another take.
Joe: Come on you two. Hurry up!
Janet: I’m so sorry. It slipped my mind.
Joe: You’ll forget your own head one day. Sorry about this, Toby. From the top, please.
Andy: And we’ve got Toby Jenkins here with us today…
Unit4 Inside view
Conversation 1
Joe: So, you’re all set for the interview with Janet’s Chinese friend?
Andy: Sure, we’re meeting him tomorrow at midday.
Joe: And Janet, you’re OK to give Andy a hand?
Janet:Yes. Thank you very much for giving me another chance after last week.
Joe:Just remind me...why are we interviewing this guy?
Andy: It’s part of our background series to ethnic restaurants in London. We did Indian last month.
Joe: OK, well, just remember that there’s no such thing as a free lunch! Now, anything else we
need to do for next week’s guide?
Andy: We’ve got the upcoming London Video Games Festival in Trafalgar Square.
Joe: Video games? In Trafalgar Square?
Andy: Yes, about 100,000 people attended last year.
Janet: But how did they do that outdoors?

Andy: Well, they put up a huge tent ,and there were demos of the latest game software to try out.
Janet: Is that the kind of event that we usually cover on London Time off?
Andy: Sure, why not? It’s very popular! Remember our slogan: the essential guide to going out
and staying in.
Joe: Let’s plan something for that...Can we try to think about something which will go with it? You
know,something along the lines of how ways of getting music and TV into our homes have
Andy: You mean people download music instead of buying CDs?
Joe:Yes, or on how many people check out the music on You Tube first. That all sounds very
promising. Maybe we can run a feature on traditional entertainment and new technology. Look, I’ll
let you get on with the rest of the planning and we’ll speak after lunch.
Conversation 2
Janet: Going back to technology and tradition...why not we do something on the rise of e-book
Andy: That’s a good idea. They’re not like books. They’re more like hand-held computers.
Janet: But the trouble is, every time I read a book on-screen, it hurts my eyes.
Andy: Yes, but the great thing about them is you’ll never run out of things to read!
Janet: But there is nothing quite like a good old-fashioned book.
Andy: Maybe, but don’t you read more words online than on paper? I’m sure I do.
Janet: Excuse me. I’d better check this.
Andy: And you read more text messages than anyone else!
Joe: Is someone using mobile in here? Can’t you understand the sign? I’m doing a recording in the
other studio, and I’m picking up the electronic signal.
Janet: Oh, it’s my fault. I should have realized...
Andy: That serves you right!
Janet: Oh no, I keep making such a mess of things!
Andy: Just ignore him! It’s no big deal!
Janet: But what you’re saying about e-readers, that’s a good lead-in to a report on how new
technology is changing so fast.
Andy: It’s good, smart thinking, Janet!
Janet: And I also messed up the recording with Toby Jenkins.
Andy: Forget about it, Janet! Everyone could have done that. Joe started the recording before I had

time to adjust the level. It wasn’t your fault. Anyway, somebody once said, technology doesn’t run
an enterprise, relationships do. Don’t beat yourself up about it.
Janet: I suppose that’s true. Well, I’ll make sure I get it right next time.

Janet: 那么,我们现在在哪?
Andy: 这是伦敦西区, 他因影院、戏院而出名.。我曾在这附近的一家戏院里工作过。.
Janet: 真的?你当时做什么?
Andy: 我在一出剧中的幕间移动布景,如果我没搞错的话,我参与的是皮 革马利翁这出戏的
Janet: 如果我没记错的话。它被改编成了一部歌舞片,不是吗?——《窈窕淑女》,我记得在
Andy: 噢,Joe打来的。
(Andy 接起电话)
Andy: 嗨…对,我们已经在路上了。我不觉得我们真的像你说的那么晚.。别紧张Joe, 我们
Andy: 不管怎样,快点把,我们最好动身了。
Janet: 这里离目的地多远?
Andy: 不远,可能走五分钟就到了,我们迟到的话,Joe会生气的。
Joe: Janet、Andy你们好啊,你们还是像往常一样迟到了。
Andy: 事实上,照我的表来看,我们到的正准时。
Joe: 算了,我们别说这个了。这位是剧评家Toby Jenkin
Toby: 很高兴见到你,你准备好开始采访了吗?
Andy: 等一下,Janet,你能检查一下音量吗?你听得请我说话吗Janet?Janet?
Janet: 嗨Andy, 我听不见你说话,怎么回事?
Andy: 现在听得见吗?
Janet: 哎呀…听见了,清楚多了
Joe: 拜托,咱们别浪费时间了。快点开始采访,行不?
Andy: 今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Toby Jenkins接受我们的采访, 他刚刚在The Hippodrome剧

院看了最新公演的La Clique。那么,La Clique和我们近期在伦敦西区看的表演略微
Toby: 好的,这算是一种余兴节目,在某种马戏表演中穿插一系列演出,但这些演出都是非常有时代性的,制作精良,而且很有趣。.
Andy: 能更多地谈谈那些演出吗?
Toby: 好的,其中有杂耍演员在高空钢丝上的表演、有木偶表演、吞剑表演、魔术表演、还
Andy: 听起来确实很特别。
Toby: 是的,对于现在的伦敦西区来说是很特别, 但对于三十多年前来说,就没那么特别了。
Andy: 所以说,这是老少咸宜的娱乐形式喽?
Toby: 不,恐怕这更适合成年人,但确实很流行、也很有趣。.
Andy: Janet,这些你都录好了吗?
Joe: 让我听听看
Janet: 哦不,我做错什么了吗?
Joe: 问题是,我什么都听不见啊。我们再试一次.
Andy: 你有留心音量控制器吗? 就是那个表。
Janet: 哦不,我忘得一干二净
Andy: 没事,我们再录一次就行了
Joe: 快呀你们两个!快点!
Janet: 太抱歉了,我一不小心忘了.
Joe: 没准哪天你连自己的脑袋都忘了。Toby,我们对此感到很抱歉,请从头开始。.
Andy: 今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Toby Jenkins接受我们的采访……
Joe: 那么,你们都要前往采访Janet的中国朋友?
Andy: 当然,我们约好明天中午见面。
Joe: Janet,你能做好Andy的助手吧?
Janet: 嗯,经历上周那件事后,很感谢你还能再给我一次机会.
Joe: 这正好提醒了我,为什么我们要采访这个家伙?
Andy: 这是伦敦源民俗餐馆系列的一部分,我们上个月完成了印度那部分。
Joe: 好的,不过记住“天下没有免费的午餐”!现在,对于下周的导航节目我们还有什么事
Andy: 我们打算做关于即将在特拉法尔加广场举行的伦敦节的内容。

Joe: 电子游戏? 在特拉法尔加广场?
Andy: 是的,去年将近100,000人参加了呢。
Janet: 但是他们是怎么在户外举办这次这场活动的呢?
Andy: 他们搭建大的帐篷,那里有许多最新的游戏软件的示范产品可供试玩。
Janet: 它就是那种我们经常在伦敦假日上报道的事吗?
Andy: 当然,可不就是嘛。它非常流行,记住我们的口号:出门或居家,我们都不可或缺。
Joe: 让 我们计划一下。尝试想一下什么东西可以与之相匹配。你知道的,现在获取音乐和
电视节目的方式已经改 变了。
Andy: 你的意思是说人们通过下载音乐而不是购买CD来获取音乐?
Joe: 是的,或者说关于现在有多少人在You Tube试听音乐。这些听起来都很不错。或许我
们可以做一 个关于传统娱乐方式和现代科技的特别报道。我会让你们跟进剩余的计划。我们
Janet: 回到科技与传统这个话题,我们何不在电子阅读器的增长这方面做些研究。
Andy: 好主意,它们看起来并不像书,而更像是掌上电脑。
Janet: 但是缺点是,每当我在电子屏幕前看书,眼睛就会觉得刺痛。
Andy: 是的。但是他们也有个突出的优点,你永远不用为没有阅读材料而发愁。
Janet: 但是他们始终比不上传统的好书。
Andy: 或许吧。但难道你不觉得你在网络上的阅读量远大于在纸上的吗?我觉得是这样的。
Janet: 不好意思,我最好还是看一下。
Andy: 而且你能比其他人阅读更多的文本信息。
Joe: 有人在使用移动电话吗?拿到你看不懂这个标志?我正在工作室录音,需要接收电子
Janet: 噢,都是我的错。我本应该意识到的。。。
Andy: 这是你应得的待遇!
Janet: 唉,我为什么总是把事情弄的一团糟。
Andy: 忽略他吧,这没什么大不了的。
Janet: 你刚说电子阅读器什么的。那是一个关于现代科技快速改变的报告的很好的引入。
Andy: 非常好,你的思维很敏捷,Janet.
Janet: 但是我同时也搞砸了Toby Jenkins的节目录制.
Andy: 别把它放心上,Janet.每个人曾经都犯过这样的错 误。在我还没来得及调整音量的时
候Joe就已经开始录制节目了。这不是你的错。无论如何,曾有人说 过,科技不能创造成功,

Janet: 我希望如此。我下次会小心,不再犯这样的错误。









