
2020年08月03日 13:24


我跟你讲,我今天真是难为情死了。(in shame)
究竟发生了什么事?(the hell)
还是彪形大汉,怪吓人的。(aboard, intimidating)
伍兹先生: 那你进电梯没有顾虑吗?(hesitate)
伍兹太太: 有,那还用说吗!
伍兹先生: 后来呢?
下,而是告诉他的同伴按电梯按钮去他们要去的楼层。(fall on one’
knees, a belly laugh)
伍兹先生:你真是出尽洋相了。(make a spectakle of)
伍兹太太:是呀。都是我对黑人抱有偏见,弄得很尴尬。(a state of
伍兹先生:我看你的老观念得改改了。(get rid of)
Mr. Woods: Why are you so late, honey?
Mrs. Woods: I tell you I caused myself so much in shame a while
Mr. Woods: What the hell happened to you?
Mrs. Woods: As I was about to walk into the elevator, I noticed
two black men already aboard. One of them had an
intimidating figure.
Mr. Woods: Did you hesitate about joining them in the elevator?
Mrs. Woods: Yes, that is for sure.
Mr. Woods: What then?
Mrs. Woods: I hesitated for seconds before joining them in the elevator.
Then I heard one man say, “Hit the floor!”
Mr. Woods: Were they going to rob you?
Mrs. Woods: That was my first thought. So I threw out my arms and
collapsed on the floor.
Mr. Woods: You must have been panicked.
Mrs. Woods: Yes. But that man explained to me that he didn’t mean for me
to fall on my knees. He told his companion to push the elevator
button for the floor they were going to. He had quite a lot of
trouble holding in a belly laugh.
Mr. Woods: Oh. What a spectacle you made of yourself!
Mrs. Woods: You bet. It was my own racial stereotypes toward black people

that put me into a state of embarrassment.
Mr. Woods: I think it’s time for you to get rid of your old ideas.
莫尔: 我并不记恨你,但是我不会让你的“愤懑号”帆船靠岸。
(grude, dock)
莫尔: 这我知道,可是你为什么要把多年的积蓄全拿出来买一只帆船呢?
(dream of )
莫尔: 你跟你爸爸讲过你的梦想吗?
(follow in one’s footsteps )
莫尔: 你应该坚持自己的梦想。(stick to)
心里一直很郁闷,只好把梦想藏在心底了。 (make fun of )
莫尔: 所以,你想等自己工作以后挣钱买船。
莫尔: 年轻人,保持平和心态很重要啊;把船靠过来吧。(keep a
balanced mind)
科巴克:谢谢,你让我学会了一个做人的道理。(give sb. a lesson)

More: Though I do not hold you a grudge, I won’t let your boat
“Ill Feelings” dock at my harbor.
Kobak: I know I was wrong. But I am a victim, too.
More: I see. But why did you spend all your savings on a
Kobak: Because I’ve loved the sea ever since my childhood and
been dreaming of sailing around the world some day.
More: Did you tell your father about your dream?
Kobak: Yes, I did at first. But he showed no faith in my dream;
instead he wanted me to follow in his footsteps.
More: You should stick to your dream.
Kobak: You are right. But I was very unhappy when all my
classmates, friends and even my teachers made fun of
me. I had to keep my dream hidden within my heart.
More: So you had waited until you began to work and make
money for a boat.
Kobak: Yes. But unfortunately, I was deceived by a con man and
bought a drug-trafficking boat. That’s why I was so angry.
More: Anyway, it’s important to keep a balanced mind, young
man. Now pull your boat over.
Kobak: Thanks a lot for giving me a good lesson on life.
查理: 安德鲁,你还要在里面呆多久? 我们来不及了!
爱德华:你老占着卫生间干吗? (monopolize)

查理: 告诉你这公寓不是你一个人租的。是我们几个人共同租的。快点!
爱德华:出来前把卫生间收拾一下。(clean up)
安德鲁:为什么?每次都是查理弄得很脏。这不公平。(mess up)
查理: 可是你每次呆这么长时间,更不公平。
安德鲁:天哪!卫生纸哪里去了?爱德华,一定是昨晚被你用完了!(use up)
查理: 好了。快点吧!看来我们得制定一个卫生间使用规则了。(work out)
Charlie: Aren’t you staying inside long enough, Andrew? We can’t wait any
Edward: How can you monopolize the bathroom all the time?
Andrew: Sorry, wait one more minute.
Charlie: Listen, you are not the only one who rents the apartment. We all
share the rent. Be quick!
Andrew: Stop urging me like that.
Edward: Clean up the bathroom before you come out.
Andrew: Why? It’s unfair. It’s Charlie that messes up everything in the
Charlie: But it is more unfair that you stay inside so long each time.
Andrew: Oh, my! Where’s the toilet paper? Edward, you must have used it
up last night!
Charlie: OK. Hurry up! It seems that we have to work out a bathroom policy.
罗斯: 好的。是什么小说?
罗斯: 哦,我上个星期看过,是一位美国作家的作品。
弗雷德:我看的是原著的改写本读起来容易多了。 (adapted from the original )
罗斯: 那么你对巴特比这个人物有什么深刻印象呢?
弗雷德: 他极为孤僻,不管别人要他做什么,都一概回答“我不想干”。 (withdrawn)
罗斯: 你认为他为什么会这样呢? (behave)
弗雷德:或许是性格原因吧。我猜想他天生就沉默寡言 ,不擅长也不喜欢和人打交道,只知
道工作,十足的工作狂。(personality; by nature; good at; workaholic)
罗斯: 我认为主要是他的生活经历 造成的。你知道他曾经在死信处理办公室工作,碰到的
都是伤心事。日复一日,年复一年,人就变得越来 越悲观,对生活中的一切都感到绝望。(due
to; expose to; day after day; despair of)
Fred: I’ve read a story recently and there is something I would like to discuss with you, if you
don’t mind.
Rose: Sure. What’s the story?
Fred: Bartleby.
Rose: Oh, I read it last week. It’s a work of an American writer.
Fred: What I read is adapted from the original and it’s much easier to read.
Rose: So what’s your deepest impression of the character Bartleby?
Fred: He was extremely withdrawn and whatever he was asked to do, he would just say “I
would prefer not to”.

Rose: Why do you think he was behaving that way?
Fred: Perhaps it was his personality. I guess that he was silent by nature, neither good at nor
enjoying being together with others. He knew nothing but work and he was nothing but a
Rose: In my opinion, it was largely due to his life experience. You know, he once worked in the
Dead Letter Office, exposed to too much heartbreaking stuff at work. So day after day and year
after year, he was getting more and more pessimistic, despairing of everything in life.
福斯特:小伙子,上帝保佑你! (bless)
史蒂夫:前几个月没看到您。是请假在家吗?(on leave)
Foster: God bless you, young man!
Steve: Hi, Mr. Foster!
Foster: Nice to see you again!
Steve: I’ve missed you too.
Foster: Wow, so much luggage! Let me help you with the
traveling bag.
Steve: OK, thank you.
Foster: You’re welcome.
Steve: I did not spot you these last few months. Were you on
leave at home?
Foster: Oh, no. I was fired then!
Steve: For what reason did they fire you?
Foster: They said I was “a distraction”.
Steve: How come?
Foster: Maybe because I did too much work.
Steve: But it was not your fault.
Foster: I ain’t gonna talk or do more than I’m supposed to
Steve: That’s a shame!
Foster: I’d go and help those guys over there. See you again.

God bless you.
学生: 有一些,但不是很多。
学生: 既有学生贷款又有一些日常消费的信用卡债务。(consumption)

学生: 有影响。债务多时我就感到有压力,只好做些兼职来偿
利呢?(do good)
学生: 我觉得是弊大于利,因为信用卡会让学生养成过度消费
或浪费的坏习惯。(over consumption)
学生: 不客气。
Somers: Hello. Thank you for attending my research interview.
Please answer several questions. Do you have any
Student: Yes, a little. Not much.
Somers: What kind of debts do you have? Are there student loans
or credit card debts?
Student: Yes, I have both student loans and some credit card
debts of daily consumption.
Somers: Do you think credit card debts influence your life?
Student: Yes, I think so. I feel pressure when debts abound. I have
to take some part-time jobs to repay those debts.
Somers: In your opinion, do credit cards do more good or more
harm to students?
Student: I think they do more harm. Because credit cards result in
the students’ bad habit of over consumption or waste of
Somers: Thank you very much for answering my questions.
Student: You are welcome.
收 藏家:不错。尽管世人永远都不会认为这幅画是天才的杰作,可它却是我最珍贵的艺术品。
这幅画像是他 牺牲时救过的战友画的。
收藏家:谢 谢。他自幼就和我一样酷爱艺术品收藏。令我欣慰的是,他逐渐成长为经验丰富
的艺术品收藏家。可是当 国家陷入战争之时,他立刻离家去报效祖国。他是在送战友到战地

我不断地听到儿子的英雄事迹后,作为父亲的骄傲和欣慰开始减轻我的悲伤。 我逐渐意识到
Lawyer:Sir,why do you want to sell this painting at auction in your will? It is not a masterpirce or
Collector:It is true.I keep it as my favoritr possession even though the world would never consider
it the work of a young man in the picthre was my only son,but he would never come
back to portrait was painted by his fellow soldier whom he was rescuing when he died.
Lawyer:Sorry, I didn’t know about he looked very handsome.
Collector:Thank shared a passion for art collecting when he was very to my
satisfaction,he gradually became an experienced art war engulfed our nation,he
left home in no time to serve the died while rushing a fellow soldier to a medic.
Lawyer:You must have been very depressed and lonely.
Collector:True. The masterpieces of art we had collected together always reminded me that my
beloved son was not coming the stories of my son’s gallantry continued to reach
me,fatherly pride and satisfaction began to ease my grief.I came to realize that even thought my
son was no longer with me,his life would live on because of those he had touched.
Lawyer:But there are millions of dollars worth of art in your would you like to do
with those paintings?
Collector:It’s very r takes my son’s portrait gets it all.
1. As she was about to walk into the elevator she noticed two men already aboard.
2. Her hesitation about joining them in the elevator was all too obvious now. Her face was
3. The one who said it had a little trouble getting the words out. He was trying mightily to
hold in a belly laugh.
4. How do you apologize to two perfectly respectable gentlemen for behaving as though
they were going to rob you?
5. The woman brushed herself off. She pulled herself together and went downstairs for dinner
with her husband.
father just laughed and shook his head, showing no faith in his son or his dream.
kids at school also made fun of him, so much so that he stopped sharing his thoughts and
desires and kept them hidden within his heart…
法和愿望埋藏 在心底„„
3. It seemed that the world

s thumb was pressing the boy
down throughout his adolescence.

4. They were surprised, to say the least, and wished him
well, while never admitting they were wrong.
5. The harbormaster waved his arms and yelled for the
young man to stop, that there was a storm coming.
1. And we were not going to live in a dorm, no sir, we figured that we were smart, mature fellows
and so we arranged to rent a house.
2. It reduced the value of the bathroom for the rest of us, yet we got no compensation.
3. The rest of us picked up after Charlie, but we got no compensation for doing so.
4. The rest of us would be waiting around to use the bathroom, pleading, urging, and begging.
5. Those who take, monopolize, and pollute, are imposing costs on the rest of us and on the
economy in general.
1. I had met a great many people in my days, but the man who answered my advertisement was
the strangest person I have ever heard of or met.
2. He worked through the day by sunlight, and into the night by candlelight.
3. I sat awhile in perfect silence, rallying my stunned faculties.
4. At the expiration of that period, I peeped into the office Bartleby used. He was still there.
5. It dropped to the floor; and then, strange to say, I had difficulty leaving the person I wanted to
1. The old fellow grabbed my tray with a smile and was off, limping heavily on one leg that
was obviously shorter than the other.
2. Pulling back my chair as I hurriedly retrieved three one-dollar bills from my pocket, he
smiled and said, “God bless you.”
他把椅子往后拉的时候,我匆忙从兜里掏出三张一美元的纸币,他笑着说:“上帝 保佑你!”
3. I was curious to see if this was a new service the airport
had put in place.

4. At that point, one of them would disengage from the group, clear any trash left on the table,
wipe it down, and return to their co-workers.
那个时候,他们中才会有一人从扎堆中出来,清理留在桌上的垃圾,把桌子上 上下下擦干净,

5. I never once suspected Mr. Foster was making a play
for tips.
1. That’s especially true of the majority of high school graduates who go on to college or trade
school, where people commonly get student loans and credit cards, even if they don’t have jobs.
尤其对大多数高中毕业就上大学或职业学校的学生来说,情况更是如此。在大学或职业学 校
2. But critics worry that corrosive social effects result from the habit of taking on debt before
one has sufficient income to repay.
但是评论家们担心,这种个人 还没有足够的收入来还款就背上债务的习惯会造成不良的社会
3. The economy boomed, MTV broadcasted from exotic spring-break locales, Friends portrayed
young adults living comfortably in roomy apartments in Manhattan.
经济蓬勃发展,复活节假在异国旅游胜地拍摄的MTV充斥荧屏,《老友记》描 述了一群年
4. Some worry that all this debt forces grads to forsake exciting but low-paying jobs in favor of
dreary but well- paying jobs.
有人担心,这些债务将迫使毕业生放弃令人振奋但薪水不高的职业,而去从 事沉闷乏味但收
5. Some people make a loftier claim: that debt forces people to grow up.
Years ago,there was a very wealthy man who,with his devoted young son,shared a passion
for art er they travelled around the world,adding only the finest art
treasures to their ess works by Picasso,Van Gogh,Monet and many others
adorned the walls of their family widowed elder man looked on with satisfaction
as his only child became an experienced art collector around the world.
很多 年以前,有一个非常富有的男人,他和爱子都非常的热情收集艺术品。他们一起走遍了世
界,仅仅加地收 集最好的艺术珍品。无价珍品毕加索的那幅画,梵高、莫奈以及其他许多家庭
的装饰墙房地产。那位寡居 的年长的人看上去,感到他唯一的孩子成为一位富有经验的艺术
1. Tom Long_________________________________ (向花园里的一草一木道别) as he wept
bid goodbye to everything in the garden
2. She was clear-headed (头脑清醒的) and
never made a spectacle of herself
3. He looked at the funny-looking man, ___________(咬着嘴唇强忍住不笑出声).
biting his lip

4. Gazing at his clipboard, he murmured, “It
_______________________________ (看来你恐怕不行了).”
doesn’t look like you’re going to make it

5. _________________________ (幸存者都无比惊恐) after the tragedy of a disastrous plane
Panic consumed the survivors
1. ___________________________ (他们没有取笑他), they became touchingly protective.
Instead of making fun of him
2. _________________________________ (等到二月份一切定下来之后), we will announce
if his next work will be a
movie or TV drama.
When all things are finalized in February
3. _______________________________ (所有准备工作正在进行
中) to meet the typhoon and for the fishermen to dock at the port.
Every preparation was being made
4. Prew had a bad day: he lost his cell phone on the way back, then he had a bad fall, and when
he found his wallet missing, _______________________________________ (他就再也忍不住
that was the last straw and he began to cry
5. _________________________ (成年后), he took a job selling
newspapers at a Brooklyn subway exit.
When he wascame of age
1. Although the cost was reduced, ____________ (但还是没有用).
it did no good
2. _________________________ (他昨天确实来过这儿); I saw him in the office.
He did come here yesterday
3. Electricity flows through a wire,
____________________________ (就像水流过水管一样).
just as water flows through a pipe
4. As an important genetic index, blood type
___________________________ (已经得到了广泛运用) in the scientific research on sports.
has been brought into broad use
5. The rule should be vetoed because it
________________________________ (限制了我们对公共设施的使用).
restricted our access to public facilities
1. It ________________________ (政治家们从未想到过) that smoking ban would lead to
pub closures.
never occurred to politicians
2. A year and a half later, just as officers
_____________________________________ (对收到他的音信不再抱希望), he reappeared
on parade.
were despairing of hearing anything from him
3. ________________ (天气允许的话), we are going to visit you tomorrow.

Weather permitting
the owners of these TV channels fail to obey government
orders________________ _____________________________________ (并且持续用他们的广
播败坏公众道德), the law permits the government to punish them.
and persist in corrupting public morals with their broadcast
5. He _______________________________(肯定已经交了作业) by last Friday.
must have handed in his homework
1. Standing by and chatting with her fellow waitresses, she
was waiting without enthusiasm for him to finish his meal
2. _____________________________________ (一边高喊
欢笑,一边像蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞), she waited for the
wedding moment.
Cheering, laughing and dancing like a butterfly
3. I ____________________________ (深深地被这个女孩
打动了) who looked so weak, yet ran like the wind in the
was deeply impressed by the girl
4. ___________________________ (不管你给不给小费),
she just served you warm- heartedly with smiles.
Whether you gave her tips or not
5. Faced with the big problem at work, _______________
_________________________________ (我们迫切需要
we are in urgent need of help from the other departments
1. The belief __________________________________ (贷款利率
将上调) in the near future has not been confirmed.
that the interest on the loan will increase
2. Due to inflation, ____________________ (物价飞涨).
the price skyrocketed
3. They felt that their leader ________________________________ (在他们需要的时候离弃
forsook them in the hour of their need
4. It seems that even though ______________________ (油价正在下滑), the economic
recession is suppressing driving.
the oil price is going down
5. After the Duke’s death, his eldest son ______________________ (要求继承爵位).
made a claim of the title
lady in fur coat is very rich,(她一次就购买了价值数千美元的衣服)
She once is buy thousands of dollars worth of clothes
2.(不管谁触犯了法律)should be severely punished.
No matter who broke the law.
night he came home very late.(又累又困,倒头便睡)

Tired and sleepy, lie down to sleep
Curie and her husband(志同道合,酷爱科学研究),and they devoted
themselves to their great career
Like-minded, fond of scientific research
5. They have three dogs to look after ,(且不说那只猫和那只鸟了).
Apart from the cat and the bird.

我跟你讲,我今天真是难为情死了。(in shame)
究竟发生了什么事?(the hell)
还是彪形大汉,怪吓人的。(aboard, intimidating)
伍兹先生: 那你进电梯没有顾虑吗?(hesitate)
伍兹太太: 有,那还用说吗!
伍兹先生: 后来呢?
下,而是告诉他的同伴按电梯按钮去他们要去的楼层。(fall on one’
knees, a belly laugh)
伍兹先生:你真是出尽洋相了。(make a spectakle of)
伍兹太太:是呀。都是我对黑人抱有偏见,弄得很尴尬。(a state of
伍兹先生:我看你的老观念得改改了。(get rid of)
Mr. Woods: Why are you so late, honey?
Mrs. Woods: I tell you I caused myself so much in shame a while
Mr. Woods: What the hell happened to you?
Mrs. Woods: As I was about to walk into the elevator, I noticed
two black men already aboard. One of them had an
intimidating figure.
Mr. Woods: Did you hesitate about joining them in the elevator?
Mrs. Woods: Yes, that is for sure.
Mr. Woods: What then?
Mrs. Woods: I hesitated for seconds before joining them in the elevator.
Then I heard one man say, “Hit the floor!”
Mr. Woods: Were they going to rob you?
Mrs. Woods: That was my first thought. So I threw out my arms and
collapsed on the floor.
Mr. Woods: You must have been panicked.
Mrs. Woods: Yes. But that man explained to me that he didn’t mean for me
to fall on my knees. He told his companion to push the elevator
button for the floor they were going to. He had quite a lot of
trouble holding in a belly laugh.
Mr. Woods: Oh. What a spectacle you made of yourself!
Mrs. Woods: You bet. It was my own racial stereotypes toward black people

that put me into a state of embarrassment.
Mr. Woods: I think it’s time for you to get rid of your old ideas.
莫尔: 我并不记恨你,但是我不会让你的“愤懑号”帆船靠岸。
(grude, dock)
莫尔: 这我知道,可是你为什么要把多年的积蓄全拿出来买一只帆船呢?
(dream of )
莫尔: 你跟你爸爸讲过你的梦想吗?
(follow in one’s footsteps )
莫尔: 你应该坚持自己的梦想。(stick to)
心里一直很郁闷,只好把梦想藏在心底了。 (make fun of )
莫尔: 所以,你想等自己工作以后挣钱买船。
莫尔: 年轻人,保持平和心态很重要啊;把船靠过来吧。(keep a
balanced mind)
科巴克:谢谢,你让我学会了一个做人的道理。(give sb. a lesson)

More: Though I do not hold you a grudge, I won’t let your boat
“Ill Feelings” dock at my harbor.
Kobak: I know I was wrong. But I am a victim, too.
More: I see. But why did you spend all your savings on a
Kobak: Because I’ve loved the sea ever since my childhood and
been dreaming of sailing around the world some day.
More: Did you tell your father about your dream?
Kobak: Yes, I did at first. But he showed no faith in my dream;
instead he wanted me to follow in his footsteps.
More: You should stick to your dream.
Kobak: You are right. But I was very unhappy when all my
classmates, friends and even my teachers made fun of
me. I had to keep my dream hidden within my heart.
More: So you had waited until you began to work and make
money for a boat.
Kobak: Yes. But unfortunately, I was deceived by a con man and
bought a drug-trafficking boat. That’s why I was so angry.
More: Anyway, it’s important to keep a balanced mind, young
man. Now pull your boat over.
Kobak: Thanks a lot for giving me a good lesson on life.
查理: 安德鲁,你还要在里面呆多久? 我们来不及了!
爱德华:你老占着卫生间干吗? (monopolize)

查理: 告诉你这公寓不是你一个人租的。是我们几个人共同租的。快点!
爱德华:出来前把卫生间收拾一下。(clean up)
安德鲁:为什么?每次都是查理弄得很脏。这不公平。(mess up)
查理: 可是你每次呆这么长时间,更不公平。
安德鲁:天哪!卫生纸哪里去了?爱德华,一定是昨晚被你用完了!(use up)
查理: 好了。快点吧!看来我们得制定一个卫生间使用规则了。(work out)
Charlie: Aren’t you staying inside long enough, Andrew? We can’t wait any
Edward: How can you monopolize the bathroom all the time?
Andrew: Sorry, wait one more minute.
Charlie: Listen, you are not the only one who rents the apartment. We all
share the rent. Be quick!
Andrew: Stop urging me like that.
Edward: Clean up the bathroom before you come out.
Andrew: Why? It’s unfair. It’s Charlie that messes up everything in the
Charlie: But it is more unfair that you stay inside so long each time.
Andrew: Oh, my! Where’s the toilet paper? Edward, you must have used it
up last night!
Charlie: OK. Hurry up! It seems that we have to work out a bathroom policy.
罗斯: 好的。是什么小说?
罗斯: 哦,我上个星期看过,是一位美国作家的作品。
弗雷德:我看的是原著的改写本读起来容易多了。 (adapted from the original )
罗斯: 那么你对巴特比这个人物有什么深刻印象呢?
弗雷德: 他极为孤僻,不管别人要他做什么,都一概回答“我不想干”。 (withdrawn)
罗斯: 你认为他为什么会这样呢? (behave)
弗雷德:或许是性格原因吧。我猜想他天生就沉默寡言 ,不擅长也不喜欢和人打交道,只知
道工作,十足的工作狂。(personality; by nature; good at; workaholic)
罗斯: 我认为主要是他的生活经历 造成的。你知道他曾经在死信处理办公室工作,碰到的
都是伤心事。日复一日,年复一年,人就变得越来 越悲观,对生活中的一切都感到绝望。(due
to; expose to; day after day; despair of)
Fred: I’ve read a story recently and there is something I would like to discuss with you, if you
don’t mind.
Rose: Sure. What’s the story?
Fred: Bartleby.
Rose: Oh, I read it last week. It’s a work of an American writer.
Fred: What I read is adapted from the original and it’s much easier to read.
Rose: So what’s your deepest impression of the character Bartleby?
Fred: He was extremely withdrawn and whatever he was asked to do, he would just say “I
would prefer not to”.

Rose: Why do you think he was behaving that way?
Fred: Perhaps it was his personality. I guess that he was silent by nature, neither good at nor
enjoying being together with others. He knew nothing but work and he was nothing but a
Rose: In my opinion, it was largely due to his life experience. You know, he once worked in the
Dead Letter Office, exposed to too much heartbreaking stuff at work. So day after day and year
after year, he was getting more and more pessimistic, despairing of everything in life.
福斯特:小伙子,上帝保佑你! (bless)
史蒂夫:前几个月没看到您。是请假在家吗?(on leave)
Foster: God bless you, young man!
Steve: Hi, Mr. Foster!
Foster: Nice to see you again!
Steve: I’ve missed you too.
Foster: Wow, so much luggage! Let me help you with the
traveling bag.
Steve: OK, thank you.
Foster: You’re welcome.
Steve: I did not spot you these last few months. Were you on
leave at home?
Foster: Oh, no. I was fired then!
Steve: For what reason did they fire you?
Foster: They said I was “a distraction”.
Steve: How come?
Foster: Maybe because I did too much work.
Steve: But it was not your fault.
Foster: I ain’t gonna talk or do more than I’m supposed to
Steve: That’s a shame!
Foster: I’d go and help those guys over there. See you again.

God bless you.
学生: 有一些,但不是很多。
学生: 既有学生贷款又有一些日常消费的信用卡债务。(consumption)

学生: 有影响。债务多时我就感到有压力,只好做些兼职来偿
利呢?(do good)
学生: 我觉得是弊大于利,因为信用卡会让学生养成过度消费
或浪费的坏习惯。(over consumption)
学生: 不客气。
Somers: Hello. Thank you for attending my research interview.
Please answer several questions. Do you have any
Student: Yes, a little. Not much.
Somers: What kind of debts do you have? Are there student loans
or credit card debts?
Student: Yes, I have both student loans and some credit card
debts of daily consumption.
Somers: Do you think credit card debts influence your life?
Student: Yes, I think so. I feel pressure when debts abound. I have
to take some part-time jobs to repay those debts.
Somers: In your opinion, do credit cards do more good or more
harm to students?
Student: I think they do more harm. Because credit cards result in
the students’ bad habit of over consumption or waste of
Somers: Thank you very much for answering my questions.
Student: You are welcome.
收 藏家:不错。尽管世人永远都不会认为这幅画是天才的杰作,可它却是我最珍贵的艺术品。
这幅画像是他 牺牲时救过的战友画的。
收藏家:谢 谢。他自幼就和我一样酷爱艺术品收藏。令我欣慰的是,他逐渐成长为经验丰富
的艺术品收藏家。可是当 国家陷入战争之时,他立刻离家去报效祖国。他是在送战友到战地

我不断地听到儿子的英雄事迹后,作为父亲的骄傲和欣慰开始减轻我的悲伤。 我逐渐意识到
Lawyer:Sir,why do you want to sell this painting at auction in your will? It is not a masterpirce or
Collector:It is true.I keep it as my favoritr possession even though the world would never consider
it the work of a young man in the picthre was my only son,but he would never come
back to portrait was painted by his fellow soldier whom he was rescuing when he died.
Lawyer:Sorry, I didn’t know about he looked very handsome.
Collector:Thank shared a passion for art collecting when he was very to my
satisfaction,he gradually became an experienced art war engulfed our nation,he
left home in no time to serve the died while rushing a fellow soldier to a medic.
Lawyer:You must have been very depressed and lonely.
Collector:True. The masterpieces of art we had collected together always reminded me that my
beloved son was not coming the stories of my son’s gallantry continued to reach
me,fatherly pride and satisfaction began to ease my grief.I came to realize that even thought my
son was no longer with me,his life would live on because of those he had touched.
Lawyer:But there are millions of dollars worth of art in your would you like to do
with those paintings?
Collector:It’s very r takes my son’s portrait gets it all.
1. As she was about to walk into the elevator she noticed two men already aboard.
2. Her hesitation about joining them in the elevator was all too obvious now. Her face was
3. The one who said it had a little trouble getting the words out. He was trying mightily to
hold in a belly laugh.
4. How do you apologize to two perfectly respectable gentlemen for behaving as though
they were going to rob you?
5. The woman brushed herself off. She pulled herself together and went downstairs for dinner
with her husband.
father just laughed and shook his head, showing no faith in his son or his dream.
kids at school also made fun of him, so much so that he stopped sharing his thoughts and
desires and kept them hidden within his heart…
法和愿望埋藏 在心底„„
3. It seemed that the world

s thumb was pressing the boy
down throughout his adolescence.

4. They were surprised, to say the least, and wished him
well, while never admitting they were wrong.
5. The harbormaster waved his arms and yelled for the
young man to stop, that there was a storm coming.
1. And we were not going to live in a dorm, no sir, we figured that we were smart, mature fellows
and so we arranged to rent a house.
2. It reduced the value of the bathroom for the rest of us, yet we got no compensation.
3. The rest of us picked up after Charlie, but we got no compensation for doing so.
4. The rest of us would be waiting around to use the bathroom, pleading, urging, and begging.
5. Those who take, monopolize, and pollute, are imposing costs on the rest of us and on the
economy in general.
1. I had met a great many people in my days, but the man who answered my advertisement was
the strangest person I have ever heard of or met.
2. He worked through the day by sunlight, and into the night by candlelight.
3. I sat awhile in perfect silence, rallying my stunned faculties.
4. At the expiration of that period, I peeped into the office Bartleby used. He was still there.
5. It dropped to the floor; and then, strange to say, I had difficulty leaving the person I wanted to
1. The old fellow grabbed my tray with a smile and was off, limping heavily on one leg that
was obviously shorter than the other.
2. Pulling back my chair as I hurriedly retrieved three one-dollar bills from my pocket, he
smiled and said, “God bless you.”
他把椅子往后拉的时候,我匆忙从兜里掏出三张一美元的纸币,他笑着说:“上帝 保佑你!”
3. I was curious to see if this was a new service the airport
had put in place.

4. At that point, one of them would disengage from the group, clear any trash left on the table,
wipe it down, and return to their co-workers.
那个时候,他们中才会有一人从扎堆中出来,清理留在桌上的垃圾,把桌子上 上下下擦干净,

5. I never once suspected Mr. Foster was making a play
for tips.
1. That’s especially true of the majority of high school graduates who go on to college or trade
school, where people commonly get student loans and credit cards, even if they don’t have jobs.
尤其对大多数高中毕业就上大学或职业学校的学生来说,情况更是如此。在大学或职业学 校
2. But critics worry that corrosive social effects result from the habit of taking on debt before
one has sufficient income to repay.
但是评论家们担心,这种个人 还没有足够的收入来还款就背上债务的习惯会造成不良的社会
3. The economy boomed, MTV broadcasted from exotic spring-break locales, Friends portrayed
young adults living comfortably in roomy apartments in Manhattan.
经济蓬勃发展,复活节假在异国旅游胜地拍摄的MTV充斥荧屏,《老友记》描 述了一群年
4. Some worry that all this debt forces grads to forsake exciting but low-paying jobs in favor of
dreary but well- paying jobs.
有人担心,这些债务将迫使毕业生放弃令人振奋但薪水不高的职业,而去从 事沉闷乏味但收
5. Some people make a loftier claim: that debt forces people to grow up.
Years ago,there was a very wealthy man who,with his devoted young son,shared a passion
for art er they travelled around the world,adding only the finest art
treasures to their ess works by Picasso,Van Gogh,Monet and many others
adorned the walls of their family widowed elder man looked on with satisfaction
as his only child became an experienced art collector around the world.
很多 年以前,有一个非常富有的男人,他和爱子都非常的热情收集艺术品。他们一起走遍了世
界,仅仅加地收 集最好的艺术珍品。无价珍品毕加索的那幅画,梵高、莫奈以及其他许多家庭
的装饰墙房地产。那位寡居 的年长的人看上去,感到他唯一的孩子成为一位富有经验的艺术
1. Tom Long_________________________________ (向花园里的一草一木道别) as he wept
bid goodbye to everything in the garden
2. She was clear-headed (头脑清醒的) and
never made a spectacle of herself
3. He looked at the funny-looking man, ___________(咬着嘴唇强忍住不笑出声).
biting his lip

4. Gazing at his clipboard, he murmured, “It
_______________________________ (看来你恐怕不行了).”
doesn’t look like you’re going to make it

5. _________________________ (幸存者都无比惊恐) after the tragedy of a disastrous plane
Panic consumed the survivors
1. ___________________________ (他们没有取笑他), they became touchingly protective.
Instead of making fun of him
2. _________________________________ (等到二月份一切定下来之后), we will announce
if his next work will be a
movie or TV drama.
When all things are finalized in February
3. _______________________________ (所有准备工作正在进行
中) to meet the typhoon and for the fishermen to dock at the port.
Every preparation was being made
4. Prew had a bad day: he lost his cell phone on the way back, then he had a bad fall, and when
he found his wallet missing, _______________________________________ (他就再也忍不住
that was the last straw and he began to cry
5. _________________________ (成年后), he took a job selling
newspapers at a Brooklyn subway exit.
When he wascame of age
1. Although the cost was reduced, ____________ (但还是没有用).
it did no good
2. _________________________ (他昨天确实来过这儿); I saw him in the office.
He did come here yesterday
3. Electricity flows through a wire,
____________________________ (就像水流过水管一样).
just as water flows through a pipe
4. As an important genetic index, blood type
___________________________ (已经得到了广泛运用) in the scientific research on sports.
has been brought into broad use
5. The rule should be vetoed because it
________________________________ (限制了我们对公共设施的使用).
restricted our access to public facilities
1. It ________________________ (政治家们从未想到过) that smoking ban would lead to
pub closures.
never occurred to politicians
2. A year and a half later, just as officers
_____________________________________ (对收到他的音信不再抱希望), he reappeared
on parade.
were despairing of hearing anything from him
3. ________________ (天气允许的话), we are going to visit you tomorrow.

Weather permitting
the owners of these TV channels fail to obey government
orders________________ _____________________________________ (并且持续用他们的广
播败坏公众道德), the law permits the government to punish them.
and persist in corrupting public morals with their broadcast
5. He _______________________________(肯定已经交了作业) by last Friday.
must have handed in his homework
1. Standing by and chatting with her fellow waitresses, she
was waiting without enthusiasm for him to finish his meal
2. _____________________________________ (一边高喊
欢笑,一边像蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞), she waited for the
wedding moment.
Cheering, laughing and dancing like a butterfly
3. I ____________________________ (深深地被这个女孩
打动了) who looked so weak, yet ran like the wind in the
was deeply impressed by the girl
4. ___________________________ (不管你给不给小费),
she just served you warm- heartedly with smiles.
Whether you gave her tips or not
5. Faced with the big problem at work, _______________
_________________________________ (我们迫切需要
we are in urgent need of help from the other departments
1. The belief __________________________________ (贷款利率
将上调) in the near future has not been confirmed.
that the interest on the loan will increase
2. Due to inflation, ____________________ (物价飞涨).
the price skyrocketed
3. They felt that their leader ________________________________ (在他们需要的时候离弃
forsook them in the hour of their need
4. It seems that even though ______________________ (油价正在下滑), the economic
recession is suppressing driving.
the oil price is going down
5. After the Duke’s death, his eldest son ______________________ (要求继承爵位).
made a claim of the title
lady in fur coat is very rich,(她一次就购买了价值数千美元的衣服)
She once is buy thousands of dollars worth of clothes
2.(不管谁触犯了法律)should be severely punished.
No matter who broke the law.
night he came home very late.(又累又困,倒头便睡)

Tired and sleepy, lie down to sleep
Curie and her husband(志同道合,酷爱科学研究),and they devoted
themselves to their great career
Like-minded, fond of scientific research
5. They have three dogs to look after ,(且不说那只猫和那只鸟了).
Apart from the cat and the bird.







