大学英语四unit six 翻译及课后答案

2020年08月03日 13:39


课文A 情商因素
研究表明,科 学家能通过观察四岁儿童对一粒果汁软糖的反应看到他们的未来。研究者
邀请孩子们一个个地走进一间无 装饰的房间,然后便开始这种温柔的折磨。你现在就可以吃
这粒果汁软糖,他说。但是如果你在我出去办 事的时候等着不吃,就可以在我回来时得到两
有些孩 子一等他出门就抓起糖来吃。有一些等了几分钟,也坚持不住了。但其他孩子却
决心等待。他们蒙住眼睛 ;他们低下头;他们对着自己唱歌;他们试图玩游戏甚至睡觉。当
研究者回来时,他把这些孩子辛辛苦苦 挣来的果汁软糖拿给他们。然后,科学便等待着这些
等孩子们读到高中时 ,一些引人注目的事发生了。对孩子们的家长和老师的调查表明,
那些在四岁时就有足够的自制力坚持等 到第二粒果汁软糖的孩子,长大后大多成了适应性更
强、更惹人喜爱、富于冒险精神、充满自信并可信赖 的青少年。那些很早就屈服于诱惑的孩
子们则更可能孤独、容易受挫和固执。他们承受不住压力,躲避挑 战。当这两组中的一些学
生参加学习能力倾向测验时,坚持了较长时间的孩子们平均得分高出了210分 。
时就为伟 大作好了准备。但随后你就会感到奇怪,为什么过了一段时间后天赋似乎在一些人
身上大放异彩,而在另 一些人身上则黯然失色。这就是果汁软糖起作用的地方了。推迟满足
的能力似乎是一种十分重要的技能, 是理智型头脑对于冲动型头脑的胜利。总之,它是感情
智力的一种标志。它在智商测试中是显示不出来的 。
一些人看 上去就有天赋生活得很好;为什么班上最聪明的孩子最终可能并不是最富有的;为
什么我们一见到某些人 就喜欢而对另外一些人则不信任;为什么面对不幸,一个适应性差一
些的人会沉沦,而有些人则能保持乐 观。总之,是思想或心灵中的什么品质决定了谁会成功?
“感情智力”这个短语是五年前耶鲁 大学心理学家彼得·萨洛韦和新罕布什尔大学的约
翰·迈耶为了描述某些品质一一如理解自己的感情、善 解人意和“以提高生活质量的方式调
节情绪”——而创造的。由于丹尼尔·戈尔曼的一本新书《感情智力 》,他们的这一概念(缩
写为情商)即将成为全国的热门话题。戈尔曼是哈佛大学的心理学哲学博士,《 纽约时报》
的科学记者,他具有一种天赋,能使最为难懂的科学理论为一般读者所理解。他把十年来的< br>行为研究汇总为头脑如何处理感情。他在书的封面上宣称,他的目标是重新定义聪明的含义。
他的 论点是:在预测人们的成功时,由智商和标准化成就测验测得的智能也许不如以前被认
为是“性格”(后 来这个词变得过时了)的心理素质重要。
对于任何一位仔细读签饼中纸条的人来说,乍一看这 里似乎没有什么新的东西。我们的
心情主宰我们的头脑,这也许是最不新颖的观点。“我非常愤怒,”我 们说,“我无法有条理
地进行思考。”同样,“人际技能”是有用的说法也没有什么惊人之处,这就等于 说与人为善
是有好处的。“它真实到了琐碎的地步,”约翰斯·霍普金斯大学医学院精神病学主任保罗· 麦
了 。
妻如何使 他们的婚姻更可能持久,父母应如何抚养子女,学校应如何教育学生。如今,街区
的流氓团伙代替了家庭 ,校园内的辱骂常以利器伤人告终,一半以上的婚姻以离婚而告终,
这个国家大多数被谋杀的儿童是被父 母和继父母杀死的,而许多父母和继父母却说他们是因
为孩子挡住了电视或哭得太多这类行为在惩罚他。 这一切都表明情感教育需要补课。
正是在这里会产生争议。迈克休说,戈尔曼的十分流行的结 论“将使担心他的研究可能
如何被应用的任何一位心理疗法的资深学者和任何一位神经系统科学家不寒而 栗。”虽然这

个便于使用的概念会招致误用。戈尔曼承认,能给一个人的性格和智力栎 上数值的提法是危
险的;戈尔曼甚至在他的书中从未用过情商一词。但他多少还是有些勉强地同意了在《 今日
“你不想对 你的情感技能取个平均数,”哈佛大学心理学教授,儿童发展研究的先驱杰
罗姆,卡根说。“这也是把智 力看作精神技能这一概念的错误之所在。有些人能很好地对付
愤怒却不能对付恐惧。有些人不能承受喜悦 。所以应该区别看待每一种情绪。情商不是智商
的对立面。一些人有幸两者都拥有很多,一些人则每一样 都拥有很少。研究者们一直试图理
解的是它们如何互补;比如,一个人对付压力的能力如何影响其集中思 想和发挥才智的能力。
现在的研究者们大多都同意,在成功的要素中智商约占20%;其余的则取决于多 种因素,从

It’s interesting at parties to see how people interact socially.
Modern architects are designing buildings for the future which will interact with the user.
Scream were heard of men dying in torment.
He suffered years of private torment over his wrong decision
He thought public speaking was a torment to him.
I’ve no time to go on errands for you

After the survey I decided not to buy the house.
Surveys show that 75% of people approve of that new law.
An investigation by airline officials showed that the crash was caused by human error.
The army is carrying out an investigation into the explosion.

He is a loyal fan of extreme sports and never will shy away from adventures.
If our industries shy away from innovation, we will never compete successfully with other
Genius is an aptitude for work.
He has an aptitude for languages.
He ignited the stove fire with pieces of wood.
The invasion has ignited the hatred of the people.
Some people expect instant gratification.
She is an impulsive person; we never know what she will do next.

Out of sympathy for the homeless children, she gave them shelter for the night.
What he lacks is empathy, the ability to put himself in the other fellow’s place.
She could see our sadness, our empathy with the pain she was suffering.

Your paper lacks the logic to prove your thesis.

In 1995 a committee for the standardization of Tibetan terminology was set up to standardize the
Tibetan language and normalize social terms.
1995年,西藏成立了藏语文术语统一标准化委 员会,开始藏语文统一标准化和社会用语规

Economists did not provide any immediate antidote to inflation.

The odds are that it will rain tomorrow.
There are heavy odds against people succeeding in such a bad economic climate.

If you want to live to a ripe old age, giving up smoking does tend to shorten the odds.

He stabbed a knife into the man's chest.

You'd better wear glasses to remedy bad eyesight.
We shall try our best to remedy the conditions in the slum area.

These books will come in handy.
This is a very handy tool for opening cans.

A plain room (para.1)
Gentle torment (para.1)
Run an errand (para.1)
The minute he’s out the door (para.2)
Hold out for the second marshmallow (para.3)
Who gave in to temptation early on(para.3)
Shy away from challenges (para.3)
Be wired for greatness from birth (para.4)
Where the marshmallows come in (para.4)
Show up on an IQ test (para.4)
Like some people virtually on sight (para.5)
Remain upbeat in the face of troubles (para.5)
Bound into the national conversation (para.6)
A decade’s worth of behavioral research (para.6)
When it comes to predicting (para.6)
Increase the odds that their marriages will last (para.8)
A notion as handy as EQ invites misuse. (para.9)
Assign a numerical value to a person’s character (para.9)
IQ counts for about 20% (para.10)

1. survey 3. distrusts 4. thesis 5. standardized
6. fortune 7. interact 8. hard-earned 9. frustrated 10. grabbed
11. handy 12. numerical 13. approved 14. controversial 15. abstract

1. in the face of 2. from birth 3. amounted t0 4. one by one
5. held out for 6. give in to 7. early on 8. shy away from
9. substituted for 10. in short 11. showed up 12. ended in

1. When it comes to business
2. When it came to a choice between shame and death
3. When it came to things he did not know how to deal with
4. When it comes to being on time
5. When it comes to politics

6. when it comes to fighting

1. While I admit that the problems are difficult, I don't agree that they cannot be solved.
2. Perhaps the crossword puzzle will amuse her while she is waiting.
3. She asked me to hold the baby for just a minute while she was buying her railway ticket.
4. While I am willing to go, I would like it better if you went.
5. While I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape.
6. Who attends to the everyday running of the business while you are away?
7. While he can't cook, he sews very well.
8. While he was turning the key in the lock, someone opened a door on the other side of the

1. He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, nor did he give in to any difficulty.
2. Tom had been holding out for a promotion. When the opportunity showed up, he grabbed it at
3. He distrusts all standardized tests and believes that there should be something better to
substitute for them.
4. My thesis is that we should carry out a survey of these controversial issues one by one right
5. Betty is diligent and dependable. She never shies away from any difficulties. In short, she is the
kind of student that we are all proud of.
6. It is ill-advised to keep the gas tank in your house for it ignites easily and may burn up all
your hard-earned wealth in just a few minutes.
7. Doctor Smith's lecture amounts to saying that a child who displays high EQ early on in life will
succeed eventually in the face of all kinds of difficulties.
8. Since many marriages end in divorce in the United States, psychologists have suggested that
couples in all families communicate with each other more often and solve their problems before it
becomes too late.


课文A 情商因素
研究表明,科学家能通过观察四岁儿童 对一粒果汁软糖的反应看到他们的未来。研究者
邀请孩子们一个个地走进一间无装饰的房间,然后便开始 这种温柔的折磨。你现在就可以吃
这粒果汁软糖,他说。但是如果你在我出去办事的时候等着不吃,就可 以在我回来时得到两
有些孩子一等他出门就抓起糖来 吃。有一些等了几分钟,也坚持不住了。但其他孩子却
决心等待。他们蒙住眼睛;他们低下头;他们对着 自己唱歌;他们试图玩游戏甚至睡觉。当
研究者回来时,他把这些孩子辛辛苦苦挣来的果汁软糖拿给他们 。然后,科学便等待着这些
等孩子们读到高中时,一些引人注目的事发生 了。对孩子们的家长和老师的调查表明,
那些在四岁时就有足够的自制力坚持等到第二粒果汁软糖的孩子 ,长大后大多成了适应性更
强、更惹人喜爱、富于冒险精神、充满自信并可信赖的青少年。那些很早就屈 服于诱惑的孩
当 我们想到卓越的才华时,我们便看见了爱因斯坦——深邃的眼睛,卷曲的头发,一合
有着皮肤、穿着不配 对的短袜的思维机器。在我们的想象中,事业上取得巨大成功者在出生
时就为伟大作好了准备。但随后你 就会感到奇怪,为什么过了一段时间后天赋似乎在一些人
身上大放异彩,而在另一些人身上则黯然失色。 这就是果汁软糖起作用的地方了。推迟满足
的能力似乎是一种十分重要的技能,是理智型头脑对于冲动型 头脑的胜利。总之,它是感情
在 本世纪的大多数时间里,科学家们都崇尚大脑的硬件和思想的软件;而心灵那令人捉
摸不定的力量则留给 了诗人。但认知理论却怎么也无法解释我们最感疑惑的问题:为什么有
一些人看上去就有天赋生活得很好 ;为什么班上最聪明的孩子最终可能并不是最富有的;为
什么我们一见到某些人就喜欢而对另外一些人则 不信任;为什么面对不幸,一个适应性差一
些的人会沉沦,而有些人则能保持乐观。总之,是思想或心灵 中的什么品质决定了谁会成功?
“感情智力”这个短语是五年前耶鲁大学心理学家彼得·萨洛 韦和新罕布什尔大学的约
翰·迈耶为了描述某些品质一一如理解自己的感情、善解人意和“以提高生活质 量的方式调
的科 学记者,他具有一种天赋,能使最为难懂的科学理论为一般读者所理解。他把十年来的
行为研究汇总为头 脑如何处理感情。他在书的封面上宣称,他的目标是重新定义聪明的含义。
他的论点是:在预测人们的成 功时,由智商和标准化成就测验测得的智能也许不如以前被认
为是“性格”(后来这个词变得过时了)的 心理素质重要。
对于任何一位仔细读签饼中纸条的人来说,乍一看这里似乎没有什么新的东西 。我们的
心情主宰我们的头脑,这也许是最不新颖的观点。“我非常愤怒,”我们说,“我无法有条理< br>地进行思考。”同样,“人际技能”是有用的说法也没有什么惊人之处,这就等于说与人为善
是有 好处的。“它真实到了琐碎的地步,”约翰斯·霍普金斯大学医学院精神病学主任保罗·麦
克休博士说。 但如果它真的那么简单,这本书就不会那样有趣,它的内涵也不会如此有争议
这 绝不是抽象的调查。戈尔曼正在寻找“让文明重返我们的街道,让关爱再度光临我们
的社区生活”的矫正 方法。他到处都能看到实际应用的例子,教公司应如何决定雇佣谁,夫
妻如何使他们的婚姻更可能持久, 父母应如何抚养子女,学校应如何教育学生。如今,街区
的流氓团伙代替了家庭,校园内的辱骂常以利器 伤人告终,一半以上的婚姻以离婚而告终,
这个国家大多数被谋杀的儿童是被父母和继父母杀死的,而许 多父母和继父母却说他们是因
为孩子挡住了电视或哭得太多这类行为在惩罚他。这一切都表明情感教育需 要补课。
正是在这里会产生争议。迈克休说,戈尔曼的十分流行的结论“将使担心他的研究可 能
一 较新领域的许多研究者很高兴看到感情问题终于受到了重视,但他们却担心像情商这样一

美国》上登 一份“不科学的情商测试卷,其中有这样的选择题,“我甚至能意识到我微妙的
感情,”和“我能感觉到 一个群体或一种关系的意向,并表达难以言表的感情。”
“你不想对你的情感技能取个平均数 ,”哈佛大学心理学教授,儿童发展研究的先驱杰
罗姆,卡根说。“这也是把智力看作精神技能这一概念 的错误之所在。有些人能很好地对付
愤怒却不能对付恐惧。有些人不能承受喜悦。所以应该区别看待每一 种情绪。情商不是智商
的对立面。一些人有幸两者都拥有很多,一些人则每一样都拥有很少。研究者们一 直试图理
解的是它们如何互补;比如,一个人对付压力的能力如何影响其集中思想和发挥才智的能力。< br>现在的研究者们大多都同意,在成功的要素中智商约占20%;其余的则取决于多种因素,从
所属 的阶级到运气到在人类进化的几百万年中已在大脑中形成的神经途径。

It’s interesting at parties to see how people interact socially.
Modern architects are designing buildings for the future which will interact with the user.
Scream were heard of men dying in torment.
He suffered years of private torment over his wrong decision
He thought public speaking was a torment to him.
I’ve no time to go on errands for you

After the survey I decided not to buy the house.
Surveys show that 75% of people approve of that new law.
An investigation by airline officials showed that the crash was caused by human error.
The army is carrying out an investigation into the explosion.

He is a loyal fan of extreme sports and never will shy away from adventures.
If our industries shy away from innovation, we will never compete successfully with other
Genius is an aptitude for work.
He has an aptitude for languages.
He ignited the stove fire with pieces of wood.
The invasion has ignited the hatred of the people.
Some people expect instant gratification.
She is an impulsive person; we never know what she will do next.

Out of sympathy for the homeless children, she gave them shelter for the night.
What he lacks is empathy, the ability to put himself in the other fellow’s place.
She could see our sadness, our empathy with the pain she was suffering.

Your paper lacks the logic to prove your thesis.

In 1995 a committee for the standardization of Tibetan terminology was set up to standardize the
Tibetan language and normalize social terms.
1995年,西藏成立了藏语文术语统一标准化委 员会,开始藏语文统一标准化和社会用语规

Economists did not provide any immediate antidote to inflation.

The odds are that it will rain tomorrow.
There are heavy odds against people succeeding in such a bad economic climate.

If you want to live to a ripe old age, giving up smoking does tend to shorten the odds.

He stabbed a knife into the man's chest.

You'd better wear glasses to remedy bad eyesight.
We shall try our best to remedy the conditions in the slum area.

These books will come in handy.
This is a very handy tool for opening cans.

A plain room (para.1)
Gentle torment (para.1)
Run an errand (para.1)
The minute he’s out the door (para.2)
Hold out for the second marshmallow (para.3)
Who gave in to temptation early on(para.3)
Shy away from challenges (para.3)
Be wired for greatness from birth (para.4)
Where the marshmallows come in (para.4)
Show up on an IQ test (para.4)
Like some people virtually on sight (para.5)
Remain upbeat in the face of troubles (para.5)
Bound into the national conversation (para.6)
A decade’s worth of behavioral research (para.6)
When it comes to predicting (para.6)
Increase the odds that their marriages will last (para.8)
A notion as handy as EQ invites misuse. (para.9)
Assign a numerical value to a person’s character (para.9)
IQ counts for about 20% (para.10)

1. survey 3. distrusts 4. thesis 5. standardized
6. fortune 7. interact 8. hard-earned 9. frustrated 10. grabbed
11. handy 12. numerical 13. approved 14. controversial 15. abstract

1. in the face of 2. from birth 3. amounted t0 4. one by one
5. held out for 6. give in to 7. early on 8. shy away from
9. substituted for 10. in short 11. showed up 12. ended in

1. When it comes to business
2. When it came to a choice between shame and death
3. When it came to things he did not know how to deal with
4. When it comes to being on time
5. When it comes to politics

6. when it comes to fighting

1. While I admit that the problems are difficult, I don't agree that they cannot be solved.
2. Perhaps the crossword puzzle will amuse her while she is waiting.
3. She asked me to hold the baby for just a minute while she was buying her railway ticket.
4. While I am willing to go, I would like it better if you went.
5. While I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape.
6. Who attends to the everyday running of the business while you are away?
7. While he can't cook, he sews very well.
8. While he was turning the key in the lock, someone opened a door on the other side of the

1. He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, nor did he give in to any difficulty.
2. Tom had been holding out for a promotion. When the opportunity showed up, he grabbed it at
3. He distrusts all standardized tests and believes that there should be something better to
substitute for them.
4. My thesis is that we should carry out a survey of these controversial issues one by one right
5. Betty is diligent and dependable. She never shies away from any difficulties. In short, she is the
kind of student that we are all proud of.
6. It is ill-advised to keep the gas tank in your house for it ignites easily and may burn up all
your hard-earned wealth in just a few minutes.
7. Doctor Smith's lecture amounts to saying that a child who displays high EQ early on in life will
succeed eventually in the face of all kinds of difficulties.
8. Since many marriages end in divorce in the United States, psychologists have suggested that
couples in all families communicate with each other more often and solve their problems before it
becomes too late.








