
2020年08月03日 14:06


is the news report mainly about? 新闻报道的主要内容是什么?
D) The riots on Christmas Island. 圣诞岛上的骚乱。解析:主旨題.音频开头提到,伴随着一名难民罹难, 出现了一些关
2. How many refugees are held within all Australian offshore detention centers?
D)More than 200. 200多人。解析:推断題。本題针对所有澳洲收容中心中的难民人数提问,可以在音频后 部听到
相关信息,“大约200名寻求避难的人们被关押在圣诞节岛上,而该岛只是澳大利亚经营的几个 离岸拘留中心之一。
3. What is Walter Adamson?
B) An Internet and mobile services consultant.因特网和移动服务顾问。
解析:新闻中提到,沃尔特亚当森是一名澳大利亚 互联网和移动服务商的咨询顾问。
4. Which area is predicted to be the largest market for mobile gambling soon?预计哪个地区将很快成为最大的移动
B) Asia.亚洲.解析: 新闻结尾提到,欧洲是手机赌博的最大市场,但是电讯分析者预测亚洲将很快赶上。由此可知,
根据预测 亚洲将成为最大的手机赌博市场,故答案为B。
5. What is said about the newly discovered Nine ?关于新发现的“第九行星”有什么看法?
C) It's about 10 times as large as the Earth. 它大约是地球的10倍。
解析:细节题。新闻前三段提 到”九号行星“的发现情况,其中讲到它的体枳約是地球的十倍,绕太阳的运行轨道约
是地球的20倍之 远”。
6. How long does Nine take to make a full orbit around the sun? “九颗行星”绕太阳运行需要多长时间?
A) 10,000 to 20,000 years. 1万到2万年。
do experts think of the identity of Nine ? 专家们对“九颗行星”的身份有何看法?

A) They have confidence in finding convincing evidence.
解析: 细节题。新闻最后提到此发现有待证实”,,但基于“间接证据”的支撑,科学家们对于此发现物的”行星身份” 还

many schools offices of officials have been locked by the students? 有多少所学校的官员办公室被学生锁上
2. What is the students request according to the news? 根据新闻,学生们有什么要求?
A) To standardize the curriculum. 规范课程设置。 新闻中提到,学生们要求减免所有非正常费用,并在全国范围内制定一个更加规范的课程标准,他们还希望寄宿学校能腾出25%的空间给那些来自偏远地区的或家境贫困 的学生。
3. How many people were killed in the accident? 事故中有多少人丧生?
D) 2.解析:新闻第一句提到,一架 货运飞机在东京附近紧急降落并突然着火,两名机组人员丧生,后面并未提到有其
can we learn from the news? 我们能从新闻中学到什么?
C) The plane crashed on Monday morning. 这架飞机星期一早上坠毁了。解析:新闻后部分提到,事故发生时间
是当地时间星期一06:50 左右.
5. Who did the strike cause the most confusion for? 这次罢工给谁造成了最大的混乱?
B) Commuters.上下班往返的人
6. Why did the railway workers join the strike? 铁路工人为什么参加罢工?

C)They were dissatisfied with proposed rise in unemployment. 他们对失业率上升表示不满。
7. What caused the bus drivers' strike? 巴士司机罢工的原因是什么?
C) Pay decrease.减薪。 解析:新闻中提到,公共汽车司机抗双新的工作标准和減薪待遇。
1. What problem do the Police Departments across the United States face? 美国警察部门面临的问题是什么?
C) A serious manpower shortage. 严重的人力短缺。解析:新闻开 头提到,美国很多地区的警察部门说它们面临严
2. What can we learn from the news? 我们能从新闻中学到什么?
B) A police officer was a popular profession.警察在过去是一种很受欢迎的职业。解析:文中结尾处提到,迈
阿密警察局发言 人德瑞西.莫斯说: “在我小时候,人们想成为一名警官、宇航员或者美国总统。现在我再也听不到
这 三个(职业)在排行榜的顶端了。”这表明过去人们很想成为一名警察、宇航员或者美国总统。
3. What does the news item mainly report? 新闻主要报道什么?
C) Technology brings jobs to the disabled. 科技给残疾人带来了就业机会。
解析:新闻中提到,这是一个关于計算机技ボ如何使残疾 人更容易迸入就业市场的例子。
many disabled order entry clerks are there in 42 states who are working for the Internal Revenue Service?在42
D) More than 300.(D)300多人。
5. Why is it estimated that a fifth of the UK' s dairy farms could face closure this year?为什么英国五分之一的奶牛场
C) Milk prices decrease and debts reach a crisis level. 牛奶价格下降,债务达到危机水平。

解析:细节题。新闻开头第一句由as引出导 致英国今年会有五分之一的奶牛场被迫关闭的原因——奶价下降及债务
6. How many farms are closing per week according to the Royal Association of Dairy Farmers?根据皇家奶牛农场主
C) About5.
解析:細节题。音频中出现多个数字,做题时要注意各个数字所代表的具体信息,适 当做笔记,再根据问题选出正确
will happen to the average income of dairy farmers in this tax year according to the government figures relea
sed last month?根据上个月公布的政府数据,今年奶农的平均收入会发生什么变化?
A) It will decrease. 它会减少。

Track 4-1-2& 4-1-3
Blake: What are you working on, Mary? 布莱克:玛丽,你在忙什么?
Mary: I'm finishing my paper. It's due tomorrow, Blake.玛丽:我正在写完论文。明天就要交了布雷克。

Blake: What's the topic? 布莱克:主题是什么?
Mary: It's about Greenland. 玛丽:是关于格陵兰岛的。
Blake: Greenland. Hmmm . . . that's part of Canada, right? 嗯…那是加拿大的一部分,对吧?
Mary: I think you need to study your world geography, Blake.我觉得你需要学习世界地理,布雷克。
Blake: Well, isn't it near Canada?它不是在加拿大附近吗?
Mary: Yes, it's off the coast of northeast Canada, but it's part of Denmark.是的,它在加拿大东北部的海岸,但
Blake: Oh, I didn't know that. Well, what's your paper about exactly?哦,我不知道。你的论文到底是关于什么的?
Mary: In my paper, I answer the question
lot of plants and trees?
Mary:在我的论文中,我回答了一个问题:“格陵兰真的是绿色的吗?”换句话说, 格陵兰是否被许多植物和树木
Blake: Is it?是吗?
Mary: What do you think?你认为如何?
Blake: Let's see . . . Greenland is in the Arctic Circle- way up north. It's cold, . . . so
answer 让我看看… 格陵兰岛在北极圈的北面。天气很冷,所以“格陵兰真的是绿色的吗?”我会回答
Mary: You'd be correct. It's too cold there. In the north, a lot of the ground is frozen. The summers are short, so
only the surface thaws.
Mary: 你说得对。那里太冷了。在北方,许多土地被冻结了。夏天很短,所以只有表面解冻。
Blake: That sounds tough.听起来很难。
Mary: It's hard for the construction industry. It's not easy to build in Greenland.建筑业很难。在格陵兰岛建房子
Blake: It sounds so harsh. Why would anyone want to go there.听起来很艰难。为什么会有人想去那里?
Mary: There are big mountain ranges on the coasts. They're great for hiking and outdoor sports. And there are
lots of animals there. You can sometimes see whales swimming in the harbors.

玛丽:海岸上有大山脉。它们很适合徒步旅行和户外运动。那里有很多动物。有时你可以看到鲸鱼 在港口里游
Blake: That sounds cool! OK,so if it's not really a
Mary: The first settlers wanted to attract other people. They gave it an attractive name.
1. What is Mary’s paper mainly about?玛丽的论文主要是关于什么的?
Mary is writing a report about Greenland’s plants and trees.
2. What do we learn about Black’s knowledge of geography?
Greenland is in the Arctic Circle- way up north. 格陵兰岛在北极圈的北面。
3. How did Greenland get its name? 格陵兰是怎么得名的?
The first settlers wanted to attract other people. They gave it an attractive name.
Jay: Come in here, Elise. You should see this show!
Jay: 进来,伊莉斯。你应该看看这个节目!
Elise: What is it?
Elise: 是什么?
Jay: It's called
Elise: The Hindenburg . . .

Jay: You know, that giant zeppelin that crashed in -five people died.
Elise: Oh yeah, I remember now. It was flying from Germany to the United States. It crashed as it was landing.
Elise: 噢,是的,我记得了。它从德国飞向美国。飞机在降落时坠毁了。
Jay: Right. It's so funny looking, don't you think? It doesn't look anything like the airplanes we have today.
Elise: That's true. Why would people ride in a zeppelin anyway? It seems so dangerous.
Elise: 那是真的。为什么人们会乘坐齐柏林飞艇?看起来很危险。
Jay: Well, some people called the Hindenburg greatest achievement in t it was safe, I
Elise: Who rode in it anyway?
Elise: 有哪些人乘坐?
Jay: Mostly wealthy people. It accommodated between 30 and 40 passengers and crew. One person said it was like
Elise: It sounds pretty great.
Jay: Yeah, and it was fast. That's why people rode it. They wanted to get to their destination faster.
Elise: Why didn't they just take a jet plane?
Elise: 他们为什么不乘喷气式飞机?
Jay: Elise! You know they didn't have jets back then. Look, in 1934 it took five days to travel from Germany to the
U.S. by ship. The zeppelin could do it in half that was speedy.

Jay:伊莉斯!你知道当时他们没有喷气式飞机。你看,1934年 ,从德国乘船去美国需要五天的时间。齐柏林飞艇能
Elise: Well, maybe I'll sit down and watch a little bit. Maybe I'll learn something . . .
Jack: I think we should buy a bigger car. Big cars are safer.
Kayla: Yes, but on the other hand, they consume more oil.
Kayla: 是的,但另一方面,他们消耗更多的油。
Jack: They also look really cool.
Jack: 它们看起来也很酷。
Kayla: That’s true, but there are some SUVs which are not big but also very beautiful.
Jack: And I think big cars are more fun to drive.
Jack: 我觉得开大车更有趣。
Kayla: But then again, it’s very expensive.
Kayla: 但是再说一遍,它很贵。
Jack: Well, let’s get more information about several kinds of cars, okay?
most wants a bigger car ,Kayla or Jack?谁最想要一辆更大的车,凯拉还是杰克?
does Jack suggest to help resolve the difference of opinion?杰克有什么建议来帮助解决意见分歧?
Get more information about several kinds of cars.了解有关几种汽车的更多信息。

Track 4-1-9
My country has two very famous buildings called the Petronas Towers. The buildings are made of glass, steel,
and concrete. They were designed by an American architect, but he used a Malaysian style. They were finished in
1998, and they were the tallest buildings in the world at that time. Each tower has 88 floors, and is 452 meters high.
I really like the Petronas Towers. They show both the modern and the traditional side of my country.
我国有两座非常有名的 建筑物,叫做“双子座塔”。这些建筑物是由玻璃、钢和混凝土组成的。它们是由一位美
国建筑师设计的 ,但他使用的是马来西亚风格。它们于1998年完工,是当时世界上最高的建筑。每座塔有88层,
4 52米高。我真的很喜欢双子座塔。它们既显示了我国现代的一面,也显示了我国传统的一面。
Track 4-1-10&11
Modern buildings: We love them, We hate them.
The world-famous Louvre Museum in Paris is almost 500 years old, and it faced a very modern problem: There
simply wasn’t enough space for six million visitors each year. In 1989, American architect I.M. Pei designed a
striking glass pyramid in the building’s center to be a visitor entrance and shopping arcade. But he also started an
angry debate. Some people felt his glass building was a piece of art, like the ones inside the museum. Others said it
was just an ugly, modern mistake.
巴黎世界著名的卢浮宫已经有近50 0年的历史了,它面临着一个非常现代的问题:每年都没有足够的空间容纳
600万游客。1989年, 美国建筑师贝聿铭在建筑中心设计了一个引人注目的玻璃金字塔,作为游客的入口和购物
中心。但他也引 发了一场愤怒的辩论。有些人觉得他的玻璃建筑是艺术,就像博物馆里的那些。其他人说这只是一
个丑陋 的,现代的错误。
Kyoto, Japan, is the country’s ancient capital, and the heart of its culture. Its railroad station was too small for
the millions of visitors. In 1997, the city completed a new station in a huge shopping center, right in the oldest
part of the city. Designed by Hiroshi Hara, the building also contains a hotel and department store. Before it was
built, critics said that the high, wide, modern building would destroy the city’s traditional look. On the other hand,
supporters said it would bring new life into the city center.
日本京都是日本的古都,也是日本文化的中 心。它的火车站太小了,不能容纳数百万的游客。1997年,该市
在一家大型商店建成了一个新的车站 。市中心,就在城市最古老的地方。这座建筑由原广志设计,还包括一家酒店
和一家百货公司。在它建成 之前,评论家们说高、宽,现代的建筑 会破坏这个城市的传统面貌。另一方面,支持

Track 4-1-12&4-1-13
The future building boom?未来的建筑热潮?
Interviewer: What do you think is the biggest problem facing our cities?
Erika: I think it's overcrowding. Talk to anyone living in a major metropolitan area and they will say the
same thing; There's no space. Even the suburbs are getting crowded.
Erika: 我想是人满为患。和住在大都市区的人交谈,他们会说同样的话,没有空间。就连郊区也越来越拥挤。
Interviewer: Well, in some places there simply isn't any land left for building, right?
Erika: Yes, that's true, but you have to think creatively. You can't give up so easily.
Erika: 是的,那是真的,但你必须要创造性地思考。你不能轻易放弃。
Interviewer: Think creatively? What do you suggest?
Erika: What I'm saying is that we can build more structures underground. We can add parking lots, malls,
hotels, and even apartment buildings. There's plenty of space.
Erika: 我的意思是我们可以在地下建造更多的建筑。我们可以增加停车场,购物中心,酒店,甚 至公寓楼。
Interviewer: Isn't it expensive?

Yes, it can be. In the past building underground has been very expensive. However, we have new
technology that will bring the cost down. It involves using robots. You don't have to pay robots a salary!
Erika: 是的,确实是。在过去,地下建筑是非常昂贵的 。然而,我们有新的技术可以降低成本。它涉及到使
Interviewer: Isn't

Erika: Actually, I think it's safer than building skyscrapers, for example. Remember, we already do it. We have
subways and underground shopping malls. I'm just suggesting we invest in a variety of bigger projects and that we
dig deeper.
Erika: 事实上,我认为这比建造摩天大楼安全。记住,我们 已经做到了我们有地铁和地下购物中心。我只是
Interviewer: What would you say to people who doubt your idea?
Erika: I can understand their feelings. Whenever there's a new idea, it can cause controversy. But building
downis not some kind of impractical idea. It makes sense. There is so much space underground: It can
accommodate a lot of traffic, storage, and people. With the new technology we have, we'd be crazy not to consider
the idea --it's the wave of the future!
Erika: 我能理解他们的感受。只要有新的想法,就会引起争议。但是,“建立地下建筑”并不是 什么不切实际
的想法。这不足为奇地下有这么多的空间:它可以容纳大量的交通、储存和人员。有了我们 的新技术, 如果不考
1. What dose “building down”mean?“楼下”是什么意思?
Structures underground. 地下建筑。
2. What did Erika say to support her view that building down is the solution to overcrowding in cities?
Erika 说了些什么来支持她在城市里建房子是解决过度拥挤问题的方法的观点?
We have new technology that will bring the cost down.我们有新技术可以降低成本。

Bart:So what exactly did you do over the summer?那么你这个夏天到底做了什么?
Gustav:We worked as volunteers at Glacier National Park.我们在冰川国家公园当志愿者
Bart:I’ve never been there. What’s it like?我从没去过那里。是什么样的?
Carolina:It’s beautiful. There are mountains and lakes … and, of course, glaciers!很漂亮。有山有湖…当然还

Bart:How was the job?工作怎么样?
Gustav:We had to do a lot of physical work. It was kind of hard.我们不得不做很多体力活。有点难。
Carolina:That’s true, but it was exciting, too! We actually saw bears!
Bart:Wow! That does sound exciting. Maybe I should apply. I’ll need a job next summer.
Carolina:Sorry, Bart, but you can’t apply to that program. It’s a special program for international students.

(Audio Track 4-1-18)Conversation 1
A: l would like to live in a city apartment. It would be near public transportation as
that would save a lot of time. I do not want to waste time commuting several
hours each day from home to university.
A:我想住在城市公寓里。它将接近公共交通,因为这将节省大量时间。我不 想把时间浪费在每天从家里到大学上几
B: That is very nice, but Id prefer to live in the suburbs. The prices there are
lower and we would be able to afford a house with bigger bedrooms.
A: It would be cheaper, but don 't you think the suburbs would be inconvenient?
B: Well, you have a point there, so we would need to get a car too.

Conversation 2
A: l would prefer to live in the suburbs. We would enjoy the peace and quiet, away
from all the city noise. Moreover, it would be a good environment for study.
B: Even so, I think life in the suburbs would be boring. We d have nothing to do
on weekends.
Unit 1, Lesson B
Track 4-1-21
Listen to the story summary. Fill in the blanks with what you hear.
Takeshi and Roberto walk by a construction site and start talking about all the buildings that are being built in
New York. Takeshi then talks about how much he admires the skyscrapers. Suddenly, Takeshi starts taking pictures of
the site, but Roberto can’t understand why because nothing has been built yet. Takeshi explains that he thinks
something famous may be there someday, like a hotel where the rich and famous stay, and he wants to be the only
one with pictures of it before it was built. The funny part is when Roberto asks one of the construction workers what’s
being built on the site-it turns out it’s going to be a parking garage!
Takeshi和Roberto经过一个建筑工地,开始谈论纽约正在建造的所有建 筑。然后,武志谈到了他对摩天大楼
的钦佩之情。突然,带着 石开始拍摄这个网站的照片,但是罗伯托 不明白为什么,因为还没有建好。Takeshi解释
说,他认为有一天会有一些著名的东西出现在那里 ,比如一家旅馆。 他是一位富有而著名的旅店,他想成为唯一
一个在它建成之前就有照片的人。有趣的 是当罗伯托问其中一个建筑工人在工地上建造什么建筑时 原来那是个停
Track 4-3-2&4-3-3
Conversation 1
Woman 1: What are you watching?

Woman 2: Oh, just the news.
Woman 1: Can I change the channel?
Woman 2: In just a minute. I want to see the end of this report.
Woman 1: I didn't know you were interested in the news.
Woman 2: Well, it's Christiane Amanpour. She's really great. She usually reports from London -- the city
where she was born.
Well, it's Christiane Amanpour.她真的很棒。她经常在伦敦报道新闻——她出生的城市。
Woman 1: I don't know her.
Woman 2: She's an international correspondent. She goes to some really dangerous places. When there's a
war, she's usually there.
Woman 1: Sounds scary.
Woman 2: Yeah. And -- get this -- she's a wife and mother, too.
Woman 1: That's very impressive!

Conversation 2
Man 1: That's a strange -- looking book. What is it?
Man 2: It's the writings and photos of Dan Eldon. He was a photojournalist.
Man 1: A photojournalist?
Man 2: Yeah. A photographer and a journalist. He was born in London in 1970. The book tells all about his life
and his dangerous adventures.
Man 1: Well, the book certainly looks interesting. Has he written anything else?
Man 2: He wrote a book when he was younger. Unfortunately, he won't be writing anything else -- he was killed.
Man 1: He died?
Man 2: Yeah. It's really sad. He was only 22. He was killed while working in Africa.
Joe: What are you reading, Maria?
Maria: The Daily News.
Joe: The News? Ugh! That’s a terrible paper.

Maria: Oh, Joe, it’s not so bad.
Joe: Not so bad? Look at that headline on the front page! It’s so sensational.
Maria: Well, they’ve got great comics. I can’t live without my comics.
Joe: I know. But the news coverage is so poor, ... especially the international news. It’s a joke, really.
Maria: I’m not so interested in the international news. Besides, they have so many other good features.
Joe: Like what?
Maria: Like… the daily horoscope, for example. I love it.
Joe: That’s not a good reason to buy a newspaper … for the horoscope!
Maria: Look, the newspaper only costs 50 cents. What so you expect?
Joe: Good point.说的好
Maria: Besides the horoscope, I also like the entertainment news. I like to read about the stars and their love
Joe: Well, you can keep The Daily News. I’m going to stick with The Times.

Track 4-3-6&4-3-7
Amy: John, I’ve never notice this old photo of your family before.
John: My mother just found it in the attic. She decided to hang it up.
Amy: It’s a nice picture of your family.
John:I think it’s embarrassing. And I look stupid.
Amy: Well, you could have combed your hair … it’s a nice shot, though. Look at how young you are! How old
were you in the photo?
John: Eight … no wait, I’d just turned nine.
Amy: I guess these two people are your parents.
John: Yep. They were married when that picture was taken. Now they’re divorced.
Amy: Oh. What do they do?
John: My father’s retired. Mom works in a hospital.
Amy: What are their names?

John:Well, my father’s name is Joseph. My mother is Olivia---she was named after a popular actress.
Amy: How great! I have an aunt with the same name. I love the name Olivia … Who’s that guy?
John: Which one?
Amy: The guy standing behind you. Is that your brother, Tom?
John: No, that's my Uncle Randy. He’s only two years older than my brother.
Amy: He’s cute. I love a guy with a moustache.
John: Um, sorry, but he’s married now. His wife just had a baby.
Amy: I was just making a comment … So the other young guy must be your brother.
John: Yes. That’s Tom.
Amy: How old is he in the picture?
John: Let’s see … he’s nine years older than me … so he would‘ve been 18 then.

Amy: And there’s your little sister, Tina. She’s so cute!
John: Yeah. She’s two years younger than me. It’s hard to believe she’s in high school now!
Track 4-3-8&4-3-9
1. A bank robbery in Virginia, USA, was stopped when the robber and the bank teller couldn’t reach an
agreement. The robber pushed a holdup note under the window, but the teller looked at it, said,” I can’t read this,”
and gave it back. The robber pushed the note through a second time. The teller crumpled the note up and threw it at
the robber. He picked it up and walked out of the bank.
在美国弗吉尼亚州发生的一起银行抢劫案因劫匪和 银行出纳员未能达成协议而被制止。强盗把一张持枪字条推
到窗户下面,但出纳员看了看,说:“我可以 。 不要看这个,“然后还给我。强盗第二次把那张纸条推过去了。
出纳员把纸条揉成一团,扔给强盗。 他拿起它,走出了银行。
2. A professional ice hockey player will miss the rest of this season’s games because he injured himself.
National Hockey League goalie Jean-Louis Blanchard went on the injured list after he fell and seriously hurt his back.
He was walking out of a restaurant in Ottawa, Canada, when he slipped on some ice.
职业冰球运动员会错过本赛季剩下的比赛,因为他伤了自己。国家曲棍球联盟守门员路易斯- 布兰查德在摔倒
并连续受伤后,被列入受伤名单。 他伤了背部。他正从加拿大渥太华的一家餐馆走出来,这时他在冰上滑倒
3. The first international camel beauty contest was held last week in Alxa, in western China. More than 100
dressed-up camels entered the contest. The judges examined them for shiny hair, tall humps, and beautiful
costumes. Unlike human beauty contests, though, there were no interviews with the contestants.
第一届国际骆驼选美比赛上周在中国西部的阿尔萨举行。100多 只穿好衣服的骆驼参加了比赛.评委们对他们进
行了检查,看他们是否有亮丽的头发、高高的驼峰 漂亮的服装。然而,与人类美容大赛不同的是,没有对参
4. Police in Sheffield, England, arrested a 41-year-old man for stealing five cars. Graham Owens went to car
dealers and said he wanted to buy a car, and borrowed a car to test-drive. Each time, he drove the car around, then
cleaned it inside and washed it outside---before leaving it at the side of the road, and walking home.

英国谢菲尔德警方 逮捕了一名41岁男子,他涉嫌偷窃5辆汽车.格雷厄姆·欧文斯去找汽车经销商,说他想买辆
车,并借 了一辆汽车来测试驾驶。每次他都开车在周围转悠,然后在车内清洗,然后在外面洗- 然后把它留在
Track 4-3-10&4-3-11
1. Nutty news
Lulu is a kangaroo. For 10 years she has lived with the Richards family. Lulu was adopted by the family
after they found her next to her dead mother.
露露是袋鼠。十年来,她一直和理查兹一家住在 一起。露露是被收养的,因为他们发现她在她死去的
Mr. Ken Richards is a farmer. He was working on his farm when a heavy tree branch suddenly fell on
top of him.
Lulu stood next to Mr. Richards’ body. She started barking and didn’t leave Mr. Richards’ side.
I’ve never heard Lulu bark like that---she sounded like a dog. She barked and barked and she didn’t
stop, “said Celeste, Mr. Richards’ daughter.
我从没听过露露那样叫- 她听起来像只狗。她叫了起来,她不停地叫,“理查兹先生的女儿塞莱斯特说。
After 15 minutes, the Richards family went to investigate. They found Ken on the ground and he was
“Lulu is a hero, “said Celeste. “She saved my father.”
Mr. Middleton, an expert veterinarian, said that Lulu’s story is rare. “I have never seen a kangaroo act
like that. Maybe lulu helped Ken Richards because the Richards family is the only family she has ever known.”
专家兽医米德尔顿说,露露的故事很少见。“我从来没见过袋鼠那样的行为。也许露露 帮助了肯理查兹,
因为理查兹一家是她唯一的家人。 “我从来没有听说过。”

Lulu has always followed Ken around the farm. She’s a loyal, friendly, and very intelligent kangaroo.
After Ken leaves the hospital, he is planning to go everywhere with Lulu.
露露一直跟着肯恩在农场转悠。她是个忠诚,友好,聪明的袋鼠。肯恩出院后,他正计划和 露露一起
2. Nutty news
Approximately 175,000 people live in the Republic of Vanuatu, an island chain east of Australia. It is a
popular tourist destination because there’s a lot to do there: you can visit waterfalls, go horseback riding,
take an aerial tour, or visit a traditional Ni-Vanuatu village. Vanuatu is most famous for its scuba diving and
大约175 000人居住在瓦努阿图共和国,这是澳大利亚东部的 一个岛屿链。这是一个很受欢迎的旅游
胜地,因为那里有很多事情要做:你可以游览瀑布,去旅游 骑马,空中旅行,或参观传统的尼-瓦努阿图
In an effort to draw attention to these popular water sports, Vanuatu has created a world’s “first”: the
government has opened an underwater post office. You have to be a certified scuba driver to work there.
The office is three meters below the surface in an area on the outskirts of Port Vila, the capital city. So far, the
post office has hired four workers. They will work in a room surrounded by the beauty of Vanuatu’s
underwater world. Customers will buy waterproof postcards on land and then drive down to the post office
to receive a special waterproof stamp.
为了引起人们对这些受欢迎的水上运动的关注,瓦努阿图创造了 一个世界第一:政府开设了一个水下
邮局。你必须是一名合格的潜水司机才能在那儿。这间办公室位于首 都维拉港郊区的一个区域,距离地面
三米。到目前为止,邮局已经雇用了四名工人。他们将在一个被包围 的房间里工作 瓦努阿图水下世界的美

Unit 3, Lesson B
Mike reads about a cool concert in the newspaper. He and Takeshi want to go, but the show is sold out. Then
Takeshi sees a woman with long hair who’s wearing a blue jacket and glasses. He realizes it’s Anna, a music reviewer
who lives in their apartment building. Mike tells Takeshi to see if she can get them concert tickets. Takeshi goes over

and tells Anna that he and his roommate were just talking about the concert. Anna says she has two tickets and
invites him to go with her. Takeshi can’t believe it. He has a concert ticket and a date with Anna Markovich. Mike
doesn’t mind Takeshi going without him, though. He says he has more important things to do-like reading the
迈克在报纸上读到一场很酷的音乐会。他和Takeshi想 去,但是演出已经卖完了。然后Takeshi看到一个留着
长发的女人,她穿着蓝色夹克,戴着眼镜。 他意识到了 安娜,一位音乐评论家,住在他们的公寓里。迈克告诉武
喜看她能否买到音乐会门票。武士 走过去告诉安娜,他和他的室友只是说说而已。 关于音乐会的事。安娜说她有
两张票,并邀请他和她一 起去。武之不敢相信。他有音乐会门票和安娜·马科维奇的约会。迈克不介意武喜去 不过,
Track 4-4-1&4-4-2
Alice: I work six days a week. My shift is from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. I'm on my feet all day long. It's a very active job.
Most of my customers are nice. I try to be friendly to everyone, but it's difficult sometimes. My customers give me
good tips. That's nice.
我一周工作六天。我的班是早上7点到下午3点。我整天都站着。这是一项 非常积极的工作。我的大多数
顾客都很好。我试着对每个人友好,但有时很难。我的顾客给我很好的建议 。那很好啊。

Diane: I'm very punctual -- actually, I can't be late! You know what they say, I like being
on stage. Something always happens, though. During the show last week, the lights went out. I couldn't believe it!
You definitely have to be flexible.
我很准时-事实上,我不能迟 到!你知道他们怎么说的,“演出必须继续!”我喜欢在舞台上。不过总会有事情
发生。在上周的演出中 ,灯光熄灭了。 我简直不敢相信!你一定要灵活些。
Mimi: My students are eight years old. I have to be careful about what I say and do. They are always watching
me and copying my behavior. I'm like a big sister. The kids have a lot of energy. I need patience in this job, that's for
我的学生都八岁了。我必须小心我的言行。他 们总是盯着我,模仿我的行为。我就像个大姐。孩子们有很多精
力。我在这份工作中需要耐心,这是肯定 的!

Man: So, I see here that you went to college.
Camille: Yes, sir. For two years. I didn’t graduate.
Man: Do you speak any languages besides English?
Camille: Yes, I speak conversational French.
Man: Any other languages?
Camille: No, that’s it.
Man: Well, that’s great. As you know, we fly to Paris twice a week. We always need
people who can speak French.
Man: Let’s see… have you worked for an airline before?
Camille: No. I have no job experience.
Man: So, this would be your first job.
Camille: Yes.是的

Man; Well, I only have two more questions. Are you healthy and physically fit? Can you lift heavy objects?
Camille: Yes, I think so.
Man: Well, the emergency window exit on the plane weighs about 50 pounds. And the meal cart is very
heavy, too. You need to move those objects sometimes.
Camille: I think I can do that.
Man: Wonderful. Let me tell you about the next step. We have a six-week training program that takes
place in the summer. You have to…

Track 4-4-5
A. Listen to Olivia talking about her future plan and fill in the blanks with information from the talk.
I plan to become a teacher after I finish my studies. I decided to study at this university because the
teaching program is very good. We have a lot of practice working with children. I love to work with young kids.
I expect to graduate from the university next June, and I hope to find a job in a kindergarten. I’ll try to start
working in September.
我打算在完成学业后成为一名教师。我决定在这所大学学习,因为教学计划很好 。我们有很多与孩子打交
道的练习。我喜欢和年轻的孩子们一起工作。我希望明年6月大学毕业,我希望 能在幼儿园找到一份工作。我
Track 4-4-6
B. Listen to the job interview. Check the right item in the table based on the information from the interview.

Mr. Grant: Hello, Ms. Hale. I’m Mr. Grant, the advertising manager for the company. Do you have a resume or
curriculum vitae to give to me?
你好,Ms. Hale。我是公司的广告经理Grant先生。你有简历给我吗?
Ms. Hale: Yes, Mr. Grant. Here it is.是的格兰特先生。在这呢。
Mr. Grant: Thank you. Now, let me tell you a little bit about the job. We need someone to design brochures on
the computer. Do you have up-to-date computer skills?谢谢。现在,让我告诉你 一点关于这份工作的事情。我们需
Ms. Hale: Yes, I do. In my present position I use computer graphics all the time. I have experience with
animation as well.是的,我知道在我目前的工作岗位上,我一直在使用计算机图形学。我也有动画方面的经验。
Mr. Grant: Oh, that’s very good. We hope to launch a new group of animated ads next spring. Can you work
with others in a pleasant manner, Ms. Hale?哦,那很好。我们希望明年春天推出一组新的动画广告。你能以愉快的
方式和别人一 起工作吗,Ms. Hale?
Ms. Hale: My co-workers seem to think so. I can also work independently by myself.
Mr. Grant: That’s necessary, too. What about flexibility in working long hours on a project?
Ms. Hale: I have a lot of energy and I’m willing to get the job done. The work I did last year won two awards
at a national conference.
Mr. Grant: Excellent. That’s very impressive. By the way, did I mention that we need someone to start next week?
Ms. Hale: No, you didn’t, but it might be possible.
Mr. Grant: Good. Thank you for coming today. We’ll be in touch soon.

You’ve never met Melissa Hayes, and you don’t know her name, but you know her voice. Melissa record
information messages for the telephone company. When you hear the number you called has been
changed…--that’s Mellissa!
听到你打的电话已经变了 D…-那是Mellissa!
“Yes, it’s true,” she say. “I’m the voice talent for Nation Telephone.” At least 50000 people hear her voice
every day. “I try to sound warm and friendly, even when I’m saying, I’m sorry, that number is incorrect. Please try
“是的,这是真的,”她说 。“我是国家电话的话音天才。”每天至少有50000人听到她的声音。“我试着听起
来热情友好,即 使我说,对不起,那个号码 是不正确的。请再试一次。
Melissa works only three days a week, but she has to practice a lot. “My voice has to sound the same
at the end of eight hours.” She’s very careful about her voice. “I don’t drink lots of water with honey. I can’t g
to horror movies because I always scream, and I might hurt my voice!”
梅丽莎一周只工作三天 ,但她必须经常练习。“我的声音在八小时后必须保持不变。”她对自己的声音很小
心。“我不能喝太多 蜂蜜水。我不能看恐怖片,因为我总是尖叫,而且我可能会弄伤我的声音!“
How did she get her job? “A friend told me about it. I listened to all the telephone company messages on
my phone, and then I recorded a cassette of those messages. After I sent it to the company, I called them every
day for a month!”
她是怎么找到 工作的?“一位朋友告诉我这件事。我听了电话公司的所有信息,然后我录了一盘录音带。寄
到公司后, 一个月来每天都打电话给他们!
She’s done this work for three years now, and she loves it. “It’s fun! And I’m helping people by using my
voice.” Plus, people are always surprised when they hear about Melissa’s job. They say, “You’re a real person? I
thought it was a computer!”
她做这工作已经三年了,她很喜 欢。“很有趣!我用我的声音帮助人们。“另外,当人们听到梅丽莎的工作
时,他们总是感到惊讶。他们 说,“你是一个真实的人?我还以为是电脑呢!
Track 4-4-9&4-4-10
Interviewer 1
Interviewer: What is your job, Ken?

Ken: I’m a V.J. or “video jockey.”
Interviewer: How would you describe your job?
Ken: I’m on TV. I introduce music videos and talk about them. I also interview singers who appear in videos.
Interviewer: What is the best part of your job?
Ken: I get to meet a lot of famous people. That’s very exciting. Also, I love music, so it’s a lot of fun.
Interviewer: What is the worst part of your job?
Ken: I get to meet a lot of famous people. Some of them are not very nice. They think they are better
than me. They can be very demanding.
Interviewer: What was your most memorable moment?
Ken: Last year, I presented an award on TV at a video music award show. I couldn’t believe it. They flew
me out to Los Angeles and I stayed in Beverly Hill. I was on the TV show for a whole 45 seconds! I got to meet a lot
of stars.
肯恩: 去年,我在一个视频音乐奖 节目上在电视上颁发了一个奖项。我简直不敢相信。他们让我飞到洛
杉矶,我住在贝弗利山。我上了整整 45秒的电视节目 !我要去见很多明星。
Interviewer: I want to be a V.J. How I get the job?

Ken: Well, first you have to make a videotape about yourself. You need to talk about certain things on the
video. In my case, there was a list of question, like “What did you do last weekend?” and “What’s in your CD player
right now?” After you talk about yourself, you send the videotape in to the TV station. They call you if they like the
肯恩:嗯,首先你得录一盘关于你自己的录像带。你需要在视频里谈论一些事情。 在我的例子中,有一个问
题清单,比如“你上周末做了什么?”和“WH”。 现在你的CD播放机里吗 ?“在你谈论完自己之后,你把录影带发
Interview 2
Interviewer: What is your job, Steven?
Steven: I’m a car courier.
Interviewer: How would you describe your job?
Steven: Sometimes a person or a company needs a car moved from one place to another. They may not
have time to do it themselves. They hire me to drive the car.
有时,一个人或一个公司需要一辆车从一个地 方移到另一个地方。他们可能没有时间自己去做这件
Interviewer: What is the best part of your job?
Steven: I like to drive, so it’s fun for me. Last summer, I drove all the way from New York to California. The
weather was great. I had the radio on and enjoyed my trip very much.
我喜欢开车,所以这对我来说很有趣。去年 夏天,我一路开车从纽约到加利福尼亚。天气很好。我
Interviewer: What is the worst part of your job?

Steven: I have to be very punctual. If I say I’ll arrive on Monday at 6:00, I have to be there by Monday at
6:00. I have to be dependable. It’s stressful at times.
我必须非常准时。如果我说我星期一6点到,我必须在周一6点之前到。我必须要 可靠。有时候压
Interviewer: What was your most memorable moment?
Steven: I drove across the desert as the sun was setting. It was incredible!
Interviewer: I want to be a car courier. How do I get the job?
Steven: That’s a good question. My mother started this business, so she hired me. You’d have to call my
mother to find out!
Unit 4, Lesson B
What do you do?
Natalie: I work for a television station that was launched ten years ago and I have been working there for about a
Dan: I work with computers at a hospital and I have been doing that for three years.
Gian: I am marketing manager. I make brochures, I send out e-mails, and I work on the web.
Dream jobs

Listen to the story summary. Fill in the blanks with what you hear.
Claudia has an interview with Ms. Li for a software-sales position. Claudia talks about her experience and
mentions that she has trained people to use software for two years at her current job. She also says that she has been
in her present position since last year and has won many sales awards, too. Ms. Li thinks Claudia’s experience is
impressive and that Claudia is right for the job. That evening, Ms. Li calls to offer Claudia the position, but she can’t
come to the phone, so Ms. Li leaves a message with Tara. Later, Tara mentions the message as they are leaving for
the gym, and Claudia gets so excited, she almost falls over the sofa trying to get to the phone!
克劳迪娅有一 个软件销售职位的面试李女士。克劳迪娅谈到了她的经历,并提到她已经培训了两年的人在她目
前的工作 中使用软件。艾尔 所以说,她从去年起就一直处于现在的位置,并且还赢得了许多销售奖项。李女士认
为克劳迪娅的经历令人印象深刻,克劳迪娅适合这份工作。埃文尼 吴,李女士打电话给克劳迪娅这个职位,但她
不能接电话,所以李女士给塔拉留了个口信。后来,塔拉在他们要去健身房的时候提到了这条信息,克劳 迪娅。 她
Audio Track 4-5-1)
Our company employs 100 people from the local area I develops and produces wooden artware which it sells i
n one of its five city stores. Even without advertisement, the products are very popular and the stores are always bus
ers often come directly to the stores to make purchases.
我公司在 当地雇佣了100名员工,开发和生产木制工艺品,在其五家城市商店中的一家销售。即使没有广告,
产 品也很受欢迎。他的商店总是很忙,顾客经常直接来商店购物。
Talk 2
I 'm the Product Marketing Manager of our company. We are working on a marketing plan at the moment. Bef
ore any contracts are signed, there are a lot of things we have to take into careful consideration. We should know, f
or instance,the needs and preferences of consumers, the best distribution channel, the governing rules and regul
ations concerning the distribution of products, and the price at which products can be sold.
我是我们公司的产品营销经理。我们目前正在制定一项营销计划。在签订任何合同之前,我 们必须仔细考虑许
多事情。 上。例如,我们应该了解消费者的需求和偏好、最佳分销渠道、有关产品分销的规章制度以及 以及产品

Talk 3
My employer is a world-leading information and communications technology( ICT)solutions provider. The co
mpany supplies networking and telecommunications equipment to 45 of the worlds 50 largest telecom operator
s. In such a competitive market, the company has to innovate to stay ahead. That's why it invests heavily in resear
ch and development. the department I work in. I’m a senior analyst in the R&D division.
我的雇主是一家世界领先的信息和通信技术(ICT)解决方案提供商.该公司为世界50家最大的电信 公司中的45
家提供网络和电信设备。在这样一个竞争激烈的市场中,公司必须创新才能保持领先地位。 这就是为什么它在研究
和开发上投入巨资的原因。我在这个部门工作。我是R的高级分析师 &D部门。

Track 4-5-2&4-5-3
He may have been your typical teenager in most ways. But he was very different in one particular way: he
started his own magazine. At the age of 15 he managed the magazine called Student. It was written for and
about young people in school. He was very busy, but it was a satisfying job.
His next business venture was completely different. He and some friends started a mail order record company.
It was also the same year, 1970, when his music discount store was opened in England. It made a lot of
In the early 1990s, he sold his successful music business and used the money for another business idea: an
airline company. And so, Virgin Airways Ltd. was born. To compete with other airlines, his company offered good
prices to customers. Today Virgin is known for its excellent service.
上世纪90年代初,他卖掉了自己成功的音乐业务, 并将这笔钱用于另一个商业创意:一家航空公司。因此维
珍航空有限公司诞生了。为了与其他航空公司竞 争,他的公司向客户提供了很好的价格。今天,维珍以其卓越的
Richard Branson now runs the Virgin Group, Ltd. He employs 50,000 people and in many different fields,
such as book publishing, financial services, modeling, and even bridal services! Not bad for a teenager from the

UK who dreamed of editing his own magazine!
理查德布兰森现在经营维珍集团有限公司。他 有5万名员工,在许多不同的领域,如图书出版,金融服务,
模特,甚至新娘服务!对于一个梦想自己编 辑杂志的英国少年来说,这还不错!
Track 4-5-5
Host: Welcome back to You Snooze, You Lose!‖ the best game show on television! This is our final round. Let me
remind you of the rules. We will show an object for a couple of seconds.欢迎回到You Snooze, You Lose!最 好的游
It‘s your job to guess what it is. Michael? Linda? Are you ready to play? 你的工作是猜是什么。迈克尔?琳达?
M & L: Yes!
Host: Ok, then, let‘s play ―You Snooze, You Lose!‖ Show us item number one. 给我们看一号项目。
Host: Yes, Michael?
Michael: I know what they are. They‘re called ―cams‖ and they‘re used in mountain climbing.
Host: That‘s right for one point! They‘re used to hold climbing ropes. All right
then, here‘s our second object. Yes, Linda?
Linda: Is it some kind of tool? Host: Can you be more specific?
Linda: I don‘t know… a tool used to fix some kind of machine?
Host: No, I‘m sorry. It‘s a nose and ear hair trimmer. Next … item number three. Do you have any idea? Time is
up. Since no one guessed, I‘ll tell you the answer.
Those are called Hopi ear candles.
Linda: You stick them in your ears?
Host: That‘s right. They are used to clean out your ears. They also help to relax
you. Let‘s move on to item number four. Here it is.
Michael: That‘s obvious. It‘s a corkscrew. You use it to open bottles.
Host: Yes, that‘s correct! It‘s a mini-travel corkscrew. You can pack it in your suitcase. Oh, no! You know what th

at means! You‘re out of time. Michael, with two correct answers, you are today‘s winner! Congratulations! And befor
e we leave, let me show the remaining objects. Item number five is an egg slicer. Item number six is a tongue scraper
---make sure to use it so that you dont have bad breath! Thatis all the time we have for today. See you next time on
You Snooze, You Lose!‖ Goodbye everybody.
What are the rules of the game show?游戏节目的规则是什么?

Track 4-5-6&4-5-7
A. You will listen to a passage about Microsoft Corporation. Then write down as much information as possible
about Microsoft.
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Corporation is a multinational computer technology corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses,
and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices. Headquartered in Redmond, Washington,
USA, its best selling flagship products are the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite.
Microsoft ships products to Europe, Asia, and Latin America. It manages branch offices in more than 60 countries. It
has nearly 90,000 employees in 105 countries by 2008.
微软公司是一家跨国计 算机技术公司,它开发、制造、许可和支持计算机设备的各种软件产品。总部设在R 美
国华盛顿州爱德 蒙市,其最畅销的旗舰产品是微软Windows操作系统和微软Office套件。微软将产品运往欧洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲。它在60多个国家和地区设有分支机构。到2008年,该公司在105个国家拥有近9万 名员工。
Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975. In the mid-1980s, it rose to dominate
the home computer operating system market with MS-DOS. Since 1985, Microsoft has released an upgrading line of
Windows operating systems featuring a friendly user interface. The latest one, Windows Vista, was released in
January 2007 and has sold 140 million copies to date.
微软于1975年4月4日由比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦创立。上世纪80年代中期,它在MS- DOS操作系统市场上
占据主导地位.自1985年以来,微软发布了 升级的Windows操作系统 ,具有友好的用户界面。最新版本
WindowsVista于2007年1月发行,迄今已售出1.4 亿份。
As one commentator notes, Microsoft’s original mission was “a computer on every desk and in every home,
running Microsoft software,” and now it is a goal near fulfillment. Microsoft also makes profits in other markets such
as computer hardware products and home entertainment products.

正如一位评论员所指出的,微软最初的使命是“在每张桌子上和每 家每户都安装一台电脑,运行微软软件”,现
在这是一个接近实现的目标。微软也有盈利。 在其他市场,如电脑硬件产品和家庭娱乐产品。
Track 4-5-8&4-5-9
A. You will listen to a passage which protests against advertising and shopping. Then fill in the blanks with
words from the passage.
A different kind of holiday: shop less, live more!
Advertising is everywhere. It’s on race cars and subway trains, on T-shirts and billboards. Every day, you see
hundreds of ads, and each advertiser wants you to buy their product. But do we really need all these products?
广告无处不在。在赛车、地铁、T恤衫和广告牌上。每天,你看到 数百个广告,每个广告商都想让你购买他们
的产品。但我们真的需要 所有这些产品?
A group in Canada says “No.” In 1991, they stared an event called Buy Nothing Day, to protest against
consumerism and waste. Every year, on the last Friday in November, no one should spend any money for 24 hours.
The event has spread to over 15 countries around the world, including Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
加拿大的一个团体说“不 ”。1991年,他们发起了一场名为“不买东西日”的活动,抗议消费主义和浪费。每年
11月的最后 一个星期五,24小时内任何人都不花钱。该活动已蔓延到世界各地的15个国家,包括日本、澳大利亚
In the United States, Buy Nothing Day takes place on the Friday after the Thanksgiving holiday. This is usually the
busiest day of the year in department stores and shopping malls. Traditionally, it’s the first day of the Christmas
shopping season, when Americans buy gifts for family and close friends.
在美国,感恩节后的星期五是不买东西的日子 。在百货公司和购物中心,这通常是一年中最繁忙的一天。传统
上,它是圣诞节购物季的第一天,美国人 给家人和密友买礼物。
However, this “season” has grown longer every year. Now some stores put up their Christmas window displays
in the middle of October, and Americans are pressured to buy gifts for every one of their relatives, for all of their
coworkers, and for everyone they do business with. Many people feel that they are forgetting the real significance of
the holidays, because companies just want them to spend more money.
然而,这个“季节”每年都在增长。现在,一些商店在十月中旬挂上了圣诞橱窗,美国人被迫为他们的每一个圣< /p>

诞窗买礼物。 对他们所有的同事来说,对他们做生意的每一个人来说都是如此。许多人觉 得他们忘记了假期的真
Of course, Buy Nothing Day supporters don’t want to change just one day. They want the change to continue all
year. But if we take a break from shopping on one day, we can start thinking about what we really need in life.
Michael Smith, British organizer of Buy Nothing Day, says: “Our message is clear: Shop less, live more!”
当然,“什么都不买”的支持 者不想只改变一天。他们希望这种改变能持续一年。但是,如果有一天我们不再购
物,我们就可以开始思 考我们生活中真正需要的东西。英国购物日组织者迈克尔·史密斯说:“我们的意思很清楚:
少购物,多 生活!”
1. What is the name of this event?这次活动的名称是什么?
Buy Nothing Day.不消费日
2. What should people do then?那么,人们应该做什么呢?
Every year, on the last Friday in November, no one should spend any money for 24 hours.每年11月的最后一个
3. Where is this day celebrated?这一天在哪里庆祝?
The event has spread to over 15 countries around the world, including Japan, Australia, and the United
4. Where did it start?从哪里开始的?
5. What also happens in the United States on that day?那天在美国也发生了什么?
In the United States, Buy Nothing Day takes place on the Friday after the Thanksgiving holiday.
6. Why don’t some Americans like Christmas shopping?为什么有些美国人不喜欢圣诞节购物呢?
Many people feel that they are forgetting the real significance of the holidays, because companies just want
them to spend more money.许多人觉得他们忘记了假期的真正意义,因为公司只是想让他们多花点钱。
7. What do the organizers want to change?组织者想要改变什么?
We can start thinking about what we really need in life. 我们可以开始思考我们生活中真正需要的东西。
B. Listen to the talk about advertising, “Ad or no ad?” Complete the statements.

Ad or no ad?
Is advertising really necessary? Billions of dollars are spent on it every year, so it must be important. After all, it’s
a busy world. You have to advertise, sell products, and make money!
广告真的有必要吗?每年都有数十亿美元花在这上面,所以它一定很重要。毕竟,这是一个繁忙的世界。 你必
Not every company thinks that way. The NO-AD company (“no-ad” stands for “not advertised”) avoids big
advertising campaigns. The company was started in 1960 and is successful today. Their products are still affordable
because the company saves money on advertising. They also use their savings to support a drug and alcohol
awareness program to educate high school students.
不是每个公司都这么想的。非 广告公司(“无广告”代表“未广告”)避免了大规模的广告宣传活动。该公司成立于
1960年,今天 取得了成功。他们的产品是 因为公司节省了广告费用,所以仍然可以负担得起。他们还用自己的积
蓄来 支持一个提高对毒品和酒精的认识的计划来教育高中生。
NO-AD sells by word of mouth. “Word-of-mouth advertising” happens when a person tells another person
about a good experience with a product or service. That second person then tells another friend, family member, or
colleague. And so a chain of information is created.
非广告靠口碑销售。“口碑式广告”发生在一个人告诉另一个人对一个产品或服务的 良好体验时。第二个人告诉
另一个朋友,法 迈利成员或同事。于是,一条信息链就被创造出来了。
Typically, advertisers talk about how good their product is. Although they say things like, “Students show that
our product is the best,” or “Everyone loves this product,” it can sound insincere or unconvincing. It’s much more
believable to hear about a product from someone who did not make it. Our friends’ opinions are very important to
us, so we often listen to their advice about a product.
通常,广告商会谈论他们的产 品有多好。虽然他们说,“学生们表明我们的产品是最好的”,或者“每个人都喜欢
这个产品”,但这听 起来可能是不真诚的,也可能是不真实的。 很有说服力。听别人说一件产品时,如果有人没有
生产它, 那就更可信了。我们的朋友的意见对我们非常重要,所以我们经常听取他们对产品的建议。
Word- of-mouth advertising has other advantages, too. It’s cost-effective (after all, it’s free) and a company
doesn’t have to create a complex business plan to do it. Here is some advice for small business about
word-of-mouth advertising:

口碑广告也有其他优势。这是符合成本效益的(毕竟,它是 免费的),公司不需要创造一个复杂的商业计划来做
到这一点。这是一些关于小巴士的建议。 口碑广告:
 Be prepared to talk about your company at any time. You never know who you will meet. Always carry
business cards.

Only say positive things about your company. Don’t say negative things about your company.
Help other companies by referring people to them. The more you help others, the more good fortune will
come back to you.
 帮助其他公司推荐员工。你帮助别人越多,你的好运就会越多。
Unit 5, Lesson B
Companies and advertising
Listen to the story summary. Fill in the blanks with what you hear.
Mike is helping Takeshi shoot a TV commercial for a store called Furniture Showroom. The president of
Furniture Showroom, Mr. Howard, is starring in the commercial. First Mr. Howard talks about the company, which
was founded in 1982. Then Mike helps show off the furniture while Mr. Howard describes it and tells how each piece
is made very well. However, while Mr. Howard is describing one of the sofas, Mike lies down on it and falls asleep!
Later, Takeshi is telling Tara about the commercial when the phone rings and it’s ! Mr. Howard
says that his company loves the commercial, so they have decided to hire Takeshi to make five more commercials!

迈克正在帮助Take shi拍摄一个名为“家具展厅”的商店的电视广告。家具展厅的总裁霍华德先生正在商业中担
任主角。 霍华德先生首先谈到了公司 公司成立于1982。然后迈克帮助展示家具,而霍华德先生描述它,并告诉每件作品是如何制作得很好。然而,霍华德先生正在描述其中的一个 麦克躺在上面睡着了!
后来, 当电话响起时,Takeshi告诉Tara有关广告的事情,是Howard先生!霍华德先生说他的公司很喜 欢这
个广告,所以他们决定雇佣武士来制作五部电影。 商业广告!

Passage 1
l .What caused LaShaun Wilson to leave single motherhood for marriage?New welfare rules.
2. We can learn that welfare reform aims at getting more people off welfare system.
3. The word fear ( underlined in Paragraph 1) most probably refers to the fear of losing benefits.
4 .It can be inferred that before welfare reform was carried out,marriage rates were very low among the poorest fa
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Welfare assistance is not really intended for men.

Passage 2

1. The new welfare plan of the administration aims at providing poor people with job training activities.
2. Mr. Bush believes that welfare reform has achieved initial success

3. According to the administration plan, 50 percent of welfare families should become self-
reliant now.
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?Welfare people will have to work longer hours per week.
5. According to the passage , advocates for the low-income families consider it unreasonable to raise work requir
ements now.
Passage 3
l. Welfare reforms have made about 9 million women and children move off welfare from 1994 to 2001.
2. Why did people stay on welfare for a shorter period in 1994? They could easily find jobs again.
3. The key step to help women achieve economic self- sufficiency now is to provide substance abuse treatment.
4. What does the writer think about the welfare reform bills passed by the House?They are pushing welfare women
into a difficult situation。
5. From the changing character of the welfare population we can infer that welfare reform will meet with new pro
Passage 4
job has Shen Hong held most recently? Secretary in human resources.
resources activities include giving employees reviews of their job performance .
word recruiting”( underlined in Paragraph 2) most probably means employing.
can infer from the last paragraph that Shen Hong is recently applying for a new position
5. From the information given,we know this is a letter of recommendation for an employee
Passage 1
the early years of the 2lst century, transportation will especially benefit from cheap telecommunications

example of Fidelity Investments of Boston shows that distance as the last barrier to international trade is be
ing eliminated.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? Inefficient producers will have no protecti
on in the global economy.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the price of imported goods will be lower than before.
5. What is the main topic of the passage?The connection between international transportation and telecommuni
Passage 2
l. The popularization of the Internet may stimulate the prosperity of the economy in that it provides information a
t high speed and low cost.
2 . There is an increased risk for children with the popularization of the Internet because they are likely to be expos
ed to unhealthy information.
ing to the passage, the Internet provides easy access to information from all over the world.
4. Junk email is used as an example to demonstrate the Internet may bring great troubles to ones life
5. What is the writers attitude toward the Internet?作者对互联网的态度是什么? Neutral.中立的.
Passage 3
should be worried about the failing of SBC?Users of telecommunications networks in the states.
2. How are SBC competitors making such large profits?They are buying network access cheaply.
3. What do Baby Bells have to do before they can sell long-distance service in their home state?Show that competiti
on was possible in the market.
在他们的家乡销售远程服务之前,Baby Bells 要做些什么?表明市场竞争是可能的。
4. What does Claudia Jones think?People at SBC have only themselves to blame for failing.
5. Who has been punished with large fines since the Telecom Act was passed?
自“电信法”通过以来,谁被处以巨额罚款? SBC

Passage 4
’s he likely relationship between the writer and Sam?
Father and son. 父子。
2. According to the passage, the problem with Sam is that he has to drop out of his university.
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?Sam’s mother feels ashamed of Sam.
4. The writer wishes Sam to come back home and relax for a while.作者希望萨姆回家休息一段时间。
5. What is the writer's attitude toward Sam’s problem?Optimistic and courageous.
Passage 1
word energy ( underlined in Paragraph l) probably means physical and intellectual vigor。
2. The author felt overwhelmed with all the following except emptying her thoughts and enjoying the quiet
3. According to Paragraph 3, the author felts like her regular life was busy and enjoyable
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?The author no longer likes to have quiet moments in her life.
5. We can infer from the passage that the author is a middle-aged woman who has been having a busy life.
Passage 2
l. It can be inferred from the passage that InterHall has just been in existence for two years
2. According to Paragraph 3, InterHall is probably trying to have the students be active in their community.
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? InterHall will award T-shirts for all members of th
e organization.以下哪一项根据短文是不正确的?.In terHall将为该组织的所有成员颁发t恤。
4. What is the authors attitude toward InterHall?Supportive.
作者对 InterHall的态度是什么?支持的,拥护的。
5. The following statements are true EXCEPT?
InterHall has gotten $$144 ,000 from the office of Student all.从学生事务处得到了144,000美元。
Passage 3

1. What is said about the two deceased elderly women? They lived out a natural life.
author had to conduct the two women s funerals probably because he was priest of the local church.
3. People feel guilty for the deaths of their loved ones because they believe that they were responsible.
4. In the context of the passage, .... the world makes sense ( underlined in Paragraph 4 )probably means that
everything in the world is predetermined.
5. People have been made to believe since infancy that their wishes are the cause of everything that happens.
Passage 4
1. Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning my private life? I’m single now.
2. Bonnie used to live in Alexandria.
3. According to the passage, I like reading.
following statements are true EXCEPT.下列哪个陈述为真
I didn’t worry about money or school before.我以前不担心钱和学校
my worry about study and work?我对学习和工作的担忧是什么?
I’m so immature that I don’t know what I want to do.我太不成熟了,我不知道我想做什么。

Unit 1
“So you want to be a rock and roll star?”asked the musician,Bob have decided to
seek fame’s you will not be persuaded is it that lures you?Is it the
worshipping fans?Or is it simply to be recognized for being truly fantastic at something?This is all
quite understandable.I should warn you, is difficult to sustain the public’s

people will grow bored so if you should succeed,you might not be you win in
your conquest of fame,complaints will example,people will say that your work fails to show
continuity its see,their enthusiasm will soon dissolve.I should also tell you that there will
be plenty of people who will want to exploit you during your brief stay at the s?Sure,as
long as you have money you’ll have friends who will suck everything you have out of don’t
forget to watch your agent might need a good lawyer and an accountant,but they too will
want their piece of the pie-making money out of you.
I see,you understand the cruelty of the r,your chase for fame can’t be
discouraged by my pessimistic ahead ’t let me stop when you fail or fall
right back where you started and you’re miserable,don’t accuse me of not having warned you.I’ve
done all that I can for you.

Seek 寻求
Persuaded 说服
Lures 诱惑
Worshipping 崇拜
Fantastic 好极了
Understandable 可以理解的
Sustain 维持
Bored 无聊
If 如果
Conquest 征服

continuity 连续性
dissolve 溶解
exploit 开发
as long as 只要
Closely 密切
piece 块
cruelty 残忍
discouraged 气馁
where 哪里
accuse 指责

都 是可以理解的。尽管如此,我还是要提醒你们。很难维持公众的青睐。这些人会很容易变得无聊。
即使你 成功了,你也会可能并不快乐。一旦你征服了名望,抱怨也会随之而来。例如,人们会说你的
工作没有表 现出连续性的吸引力。你看,他们的热情很快就会消失。我还应该告诉你,那里会有很多
人想在短暂逗留 期间利用你。朋友?当然,只要你有钱,你就会有朋友,他们想吸获取你所有的东西。
而且别忘了请个好 的经纪人。你可能需要一位优秀的律师和会计师,但他们也一定会从你的工资中分
我 知道,你明白形势的残酷,但是,我悲观的看法并不能阻止你对名望的追求。那就向前走吧,
别让我阻止 你,但当你失败或跌倒时,你会很痛苦,那个时候不要指责我没有警告过你,我已经为你
做了我所能做的 一切。

It is doubtful that there was a more successful comedy team in the 20th century than the Three
,Moe,and Curly became famous for their many short movies featuring extraordinary
their movies,they found many ways of sending off funny attracted large
audience and received a lot of r,their movies also sparked people
who didn’t like the Three Stooges persisted they were too a TV interview Moe and Larry
were roused to defend coarse brand,they said,shouldn’t be taken was
just “cartoon violence”.
The Stooges got their name and their start in an act called Ted Healy and His act
began paving the way for their exceedingly successful ally,the team was composed of
Larry,Moe and r,Shemp left for a career in more serious Shemp
left,Curly took his ’s clumsy character returned in 1946 after Curly suffered a stroke.
Moe was the heart and soul of the team,acting as both their main comic force and their
was responsible for scripting many of the ’d also spend time providing his
services as their business 1934 the team began a series of comedy shorts that numbered
more than 200 when they ceased in 1958,which won them numerous e all the criticism,the
Three Stooges are undoubtedly the most famous comedy team that history ever invented.

Than 比
Featuring 特色
Sending off 送
Applause 掌声
Sparked 引发
Persisted 坚持
Defend 保卫
Seriously 认真地
Called 被称为
Originally 原来
However 然而
Place 地方
Suffered 遭受
Both 二者都
For 对于
When 什么时候
Which 哪一个
Despite 尽管

Paving 铺路

Ever 曾经
毫无疑问,Three Stooges是20世纪最成功的喜剧队伍。Larry,Moe,和Cur ly因其许多短片特色
而闻名,他们拥有非同寻常的喜剧天赋。在他们的电影中,他们发明了许多有趣动 作进而吸引了大批
然而,他们的电影也引发了批评。一些不喜欢Three Stooges的人坚持认为他们太暴力了。 在一
次电视采访中,Moe和Larry被鼓起来为自己辩护。他们说,不应该认真对待他们的粗俗品牌 ,这只
Three Stooges以Ted Healy和他的Stoo ges这一行为开始了他们的名字和开始。这个行为开始
为他们非常成功的职业生涯铺平道路。原本,这 个团队由Larry,Moe和Shemp组成。但是,Shemp
离开了职业生涯投身于严肃电影中。 当Shemp离开时,Curly占据了他的位置。1946年Curly中风后,
Shemp回到了他 的笨拙角色中。
Moe是这个团队的核心和灵魂,既是他们的主要喜剧力量,也是他们的导演。他负责 编写许多
笑话的脚本。他负责编写许多笑话,并花时间作为他们的业务经理提供服务。1934年,该团 队开始
尽管受到了种种批评,Three Stooges无疑是历史上最著名的喜剧团队。

Unit 3
The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are is often not so
obvious are the many rewards a caseworker career often ask why anybody in their right
mind would want to be a child protection caseworker,habitually dealing with the most disadvantaged
and troubled families in their rkers routinely come across disturbing cases of child
abuse and neglect,and clients who are not a caseworker means being an agent of
positive change,especially when the welfare sector is not just a job to you,but a professional vocation.
Child protection is a difficult and challenging career path to follow,but the rewards do
of our caseworkers choose this career path out of a desire to contribute to the be part
of a process can ultimately change a family’s life,and caseworkers may witness their intervention
equip a young person so that his or her future prospects are course,this does not occur
with every when it happens,it is a rewarding if you are wondering
whether this experience makes the job worthwhile,the answer is YES!
A good indicator of how outside people look at the caseworker career has been the feedback
from university 2006 there were 118 students on placements of caseworker
students who completed their placements in child protection told us about the great opportunity
they have had to apply theory to practice;the many chances of learning new skills and trying new

tasks;the sound knowledge available through training;and how valuable becoming familiar with
different welfare services was to their future career.

What 什么
Offers 提供
Why 为什么
With 具有
come across 遇到
Especially 尤其地
But 但是
Witness 目击者
Prospects 前景
Occur 发生
Rewarding 奖励
look at 看看
Opportunity 机会
Apply 应用
Challenging 具有挑战性的 Available 可获得的
Contribute 贡献
Ultimately 最终

Valuable 有价值的
To 到

那么明显。人们经常问为什么一个头脑健全的人会想成为一名儿童保护案例工作者。儿童个案 工作者
习惯性地处理最弱势的群体以及困扰他们社区的家庭。工作人员经常会遇到令人不安的虐待儿童和 忽
视儿童的案例,以及不合作的客户。作为案例工作者意味着成为积极变革的代理人,尤其是当福利部< br>门不仅仅是一份工作时,还一个专业的职业的时候。
儿童保护是一项困难且具有挑战性的职业道 路,但奖励确实存在。我们的许多案例工作者都是出
于为社区做出贡献的愿望选择职业道路。作为一个过 程的一部分,最终可以改变一个家庭的生活,并
且个案工作人员可以目睹他们的干预措施让一个年轻人变 得更好,以使他或她的未来前景得到改善。
当然,不是每次干预都会发生这种情况。但是当它发生时,这 是一种有益的体验。如果你想知道这段
外部人员如 何看待个案工作者的职业生涯的一个很好的指标是来自大学生的反馈。2006年,有
118名学生参与 了个案工作者的职业安置。那些完成了儿童保护工作的学生告诉我们这是他们把理论
应用到实践的好机会 ;工作中有许多学习新技能和尝试新任务的机会;通过培训获得的知识;以及熟
悉不同福利服务对他们未 来职业的价值。

Unit 4
We are living in the age of a telecommunications order to keep from getting left
behind,many developing countries are making an intensive effort to strengthen their
telecommunications will help them catch up with the developed
was,after all,advanced telecommunications that gave some countries an economic advantage over
others during the 20
is one place that developing nations are looking to improve

is the news report mainly about? 新闻报道的主要内容是什么?
D) The riots on Christmas Island. 圣诞岛上的骚乱。解析:主旨題.音频开头提到,伴 随着一名难民罹难,出现了一些关
于澳洲圣诞岛上难民收容中心所发生暴乱的相关报道,接下来的报道就 此展开
2. How many refugees are held within all Australian offshore detention centers?
D)More than 200. 200多人。解析:推断題。本題针对所有澳洲收容中心中的难民人数提问,可以在音频后 部听到
相关信息,“大约200名寻求避难的人们被关押在圣诞节岛上,而该岛只是澳大利亚经营的几个 离岸拘留中心之一。
3. What is Walter Adamson?
B) An Internet and mobile services consultant.因特网和移动服务顾问。
解析:新闻中提到,沃尔特亚当森是一名澳大利亚 互联网和移动服务商的咨询顾问。
4. Which area is predicted to be the largest market for mobile gambling soon?预计哪个地区将很快成为最大的移动
B) Asia.亚洲.解析: 新闻结尾提到,欧洲是手机赌博的最大市场,但是电讯分析者预测亚洲将很快赶上。由此可知,
根据预测 亚洲将成为最大的手机赌博市场,故答案为B。
5. What is said about the newly discovered Nine ?关于新发现的“第九行星”有什么看法?
C) It's about 10 times as large as the Earth. 它大约是地球的10倍。
解析:细节题。新闻前三段提 到”九号行星“的发现情况,其中讲到它的体枳約是地球的十倍,绕太阳的运行轨道约
是地球的20倍之 远”。
6. How long does Nine take to make a full orbit around the sun? “九颗行星”绕太阳运行需要多长时间?
A) 10,000 to 20,000 years. 1万到2万年。
do experts think of the identity of Nine ? 专家们对“九颗行星”的身份有何看法?

A) They have confidence in finding convincing evidence.
解析: 细节题。新闻最后提到此发现有待证实”,,但基于“间接证据”的支撑,科学家们对于此发现物的”行星身份” 还

many schools offices of officials have been locked by the students? 有多少所学校的官员办公室被学生锁上
2. What is the students request according to the news? 根据新闻,学生们有什么要求?
A) To standardize the curriculum. 规范课程设置。 新闻中提到,学生们要求减免所有非正常费用,并在全国范围内制定一个更加规范的课程标准,他们还希望寄宿学校能腾出25%的空间给那些来自偏远地区的或家境贫困 的学生。
3. How many people were killed in the accident? 事故中有多少人丧生?
D) 2.解析:新闻第一句提到,一架 货运飞机在东京附近紧急降落并突然着火,两名机组人员丧生,后面并未提到有其
can we learn from the news? 我们能从新闻中学到什么?
C) The plane crashed on Monday morning. 这架飞机星期一早上坠毁了。解析:新闻后部分提到,事故发生时间
是当地时间星期一06:50 左右.
5. Who did the strike cause the most confusion for? 这次罢工给谁造成了最大的混乱?
B) Commuters.上下班往返的人
6. Why did the railway workers join the strike? 铁路工人为什么参加罢工?

C)They were dissatisfied with proposed rise in unemployment. 他们对失业率上升表示不满。
7. What caused the bus drivers' strike? 巴士司机罢工的原因是什么?
C) Pay decrease.减薪。 解析:新闻中提到,公共汽车司机抗双新的工作标准和減薪待遇。
1. What problem do the Police Departments across the United States face? 美国警察部门面临的问题是什么?
C) A serious manpower shortage. 严重的人力短缺。解析:新闻开 头提到,美国很多地区的警察部门说它们面临严
2. What can we learn from the news? 我们能从新闻中学到什么?
B) A police officer was a popular profession.警察在过去是一种很受欢迎的职业。解析:文中结尾处提到,迈
阿密警察局发言 人德瑞西.莫斯说: “在我小时候,人们想成为一名警官、宇航员或者美国总统。现在我再也听不到
这 三个(职业)在排行榜的顶端了。”这表明过去人们很想成为一名警察、宇航员或者美国总统。
3. What does the news item mainly report? 新闻主要报道什么?
C) Technology brings jobs to the disabled. 科技给残疾人带来了就业机会。
解析:新闻中提到,这是一个关于計算机技ボ如何使残疾 人更容易迸入就业市场的例子。
many disabled order entry clerks are there in 42 states who are working for the Internal Revenue Service?在42
D) More than 300.(D)300多人。
5. Why is it estimated that a fifth of the UK' s dairy farms could face closure this year?为什么英国五分之一的奶牛场
C) Milk prices decrease and debts reach a crisis level. 牛奶价格下降,债务达到危机水平。

解析:细节题。新闻开头第一句由as引出导 致英国今年会有五分之一的奶牛场被迫关闭的原因——奶价下降及债务
6. How many farms are closing per week according to the Royal Association of Dairy Farmers?根据皇家奶牛农场主
C) About5.
解析:細节题。音频中出现多个数字,做题时要注意各个数字所代表的具体信息,适 当做笔记,再根据问题选出正确
will happen to the average income of dairy farmers in this tax year according to the government figures relea
sed last month?根据上个月公布的政府数据,今年奶农的平均收入会发生什么变化?
A) It will decrease. 它会减少。

Track 4-1-2& 4-1-3
Blake: What are you working on, Mary? 布莱克:玛丽,你在忙什么?
Mary: I'm finishing my paper. It's due tomorrow, Blake.玛丽:我正在写完论文。明天就要交了布雷克。

Blake: What's the topic? 布莱克:主题是什么?
Mary: It's about Greenland. 玛丽:是关于格陵兰岛的。
Blake: Greenland. Hmmm . . . that's part of Canada, right? 嗯…那是加拿大的一部分,对吧?
Mary: I think you need to study your world geography, Blake.我觉得你需要学习世界地理,布雷克。
Blake: Well, isn't it near Canada?它不是在加拿大附近吗?
Mary: Yes, it's off the coast of northeast Canada, but it's part of Denmark.是的,它在加拿大东北部的海岸,但
Blake: Oh, I didn't know that. Well, what's your paper about exactly?哦,我不知道。你的论文到底是关于什么的?
Mary: In my paper, I answer the question
lot of plants and trees?
Mary:在我的论文中,我回答了一个问题:“格陵兰真的是绿色的吗?”换句话说, 格陵兰是否被许多植物和树木
Blake: Is it?是吗?
Mary: What do you think?你认为如何?
Blake: Let's see . . . Greenland is in the Arctic Circle- way up north. It's cold, . . . so
answer 让我看看… 格陵兰岛在北极圈的北面。天气很冷,所以“格陵兰真的是绿色的吗?”我会回答
Mary: You'd be correct. It's too cold there. In the north, a lot of the ground is frozen. The summers are short, so
only the surface thaws.
Mary: 你说得对。那里太冷了。在北方,许多土地被冻结了。夏天很短,所以只有表面解冻。
Blake: That sounds tough.听起来很难。
Mary: It's hard for the construction industry. It's not easy to build in Greenland.建筑业很难。在格陵兰岛建房子
Blake: It sounds so harsh. Why would anyone want to go there.听起来很艰难。为什么会有人想去那里?
Mary: There are big mountain ranges on the coasts. They're great for hiking and outdoor sports. And there are
lots of animals there. You can sometimes see whales swimming in the harbors.

玛丽:海岸上有大山脉。它们很适合徒步旅行和户外运动。那里有很多动物。有时你可以看到鲸鱼 在港口里游
Blake: That sounds cool! OK,so if it's not really a
Mary: The first settlers wanted to attract other people. They gave it an attractive name.
1. What is Mary’s paper mainly about?玛丽的论文主要是关于什么的?
Mary is writing a report about Greenland’s plants and trees.
2. What do we learn about Black’s knowledge of geography?
Greenland is in the Arctic Circle- way up north. 格陵兰岛在北极圈的北面。
3. How did Greenland get its name? 格陵兰是怎么得名的?
The first settlers wanted to attract other people. They gave it an attractive name.
Jay: Come in here, Elise. You should see this show!
Jay: 进来,伊莉斯。你应该看看这个节目!
Elise: What is it?
Elise: 是什么?
Jay: It's called
Elise: The Hindenburg . . .

Jay: You know, that giant zeppelin that crashed in -five people died.
Elise: Oh yeah, I remember now. It was flying from Germany to the United States. It crashed as it was landing.
Elise: 噢,是的,我记得了。它从德国飞向美国。飞机在降落时坠毁了。
Jay: Right. It's so funny looking, don't you think? It doesn't look anything like the airplanes we have today.
Elise: That's true. Why would people ride in a zeppelin anyway? It seems so dangerous.
Elise: 那是真的。为什么人们会乘坐齐柏林飞艇?看起来很危险。
Jay: Well, some people called the Hindenburg greatest achievement in t it was safe, I
Elise: Who rode in it anyway?
Elise: 有哪些人乘坐?
Jay: Mostly wealthy people. It accommodated between 30 and 40 passengers and crew. One person said it was like
Elise: It sounds pretty great.
Jay: Yeah, and it was fast. That's why people rode it. They wanted to get to their destination faster.
Elise: Why didn't they just take a jet plane?
Elise: 他们为什么不乘喷气式飞机?
Jay: Elise! You know they didn't have jets back then. Look, in 1934 it took five days to travel from Germany to the
U.S. by ship. The zeppelin could do it in half that was speedy.

Jay:伊莉斯!你知道当时他们没有喷气式飞机。你看,1934年 ,从德国乘船去美国需要五天的时间。齐柏林飞艇能
Elise: Well, maybe I'll sit down and watch a little bit. Maybe I'll learn something . . .
Jack: I think we should buy a bigger car. Big cars are safer.
Kayla: Yes, but on the other hand, they consume more oil.
Kayla: 是的,但另一方面,他们消耗更多的油。
Jack: They also look really cool.
Jack: 它们看起来也很酷。
Kayla: That’s true, but there are some SUVs which are not big but also very beautiful.
Jack: And I think big cars are more fun to drive.
Jack: 我觉得开大车更有趣。
Kayla: But then again, it’s very expensive.
Kayla: 但是再说一遍,它很贵。
Jack: Well, let’s get more information about several kinds of cars, okay?
most wants a bigger car ,Kayla or Jack?谁最想要一辆更大的车,凯拉还是杰克?
does Jack suggest to help resolve the difference of opinion?杰克有什么建议来帮助解决意见分歧?
Get more information about several kinds of cars.了解有关几种汽车的更多信息。

Track 4-1-9
My country has two very famous buildings called the Petronas Towers. The buildings are made of glass, steel,
and concrete. They were designed by an American architect, but he used a Malaysian style. They were finished in
1998, and they were the tallest buildings in the world at that time. Each tower has 88 floors, and is 452 meters high.
I really like the Petronas Towers. They show both the modern and the traditional side of my country.
我国有两座非常有名的 建筑物,叫做“双子座塔”。这些建筑物是由玻璃、钢和混凝土组成的。它们是由一位美
国建筑师设计的 ,但他使用的是马来西亚风格。它们于1998年完工,是当时世界上最高的建筑。每座塔有88层,
4 52米高。我真的很喜欢双子座塔。它们既显示了我国现代的一面,也显示了我国传统的一面。
Track 4-1-10&11
Modern buildings: We love them, We hate them.
The world-famous Louvre Museum in Paris is almost 500 years old, and it faced a very modern problem: There
simply wasn’t enough space for six million visitors each year. In 1989, American architect I.M. Pei designed a
striking glass pyramid in the building’s center to be a visitor entrance and shopping arcade. But he also started an
angry debate. Some people felt his glass building was a piece of art, like the ones inside the museum. Others said it
was just an ugly, modern mistake.
巴黎世界著名的卢浮宫已经有近50 0年的历史了,它面临着一个非常现代的问题:每年都没有足够的空间容纳
600万游客。1989年, 美国建筑师贝聿铭在建筑中心设计了一个引人注目的玻璃金字塔,作为游客的入口和购物
中心。但他也引 发了一场愤怒的辩论。有些人觉得他的玻璃建筑是艺术,就像博物馆里的那些。其他人说这只是一
个丑陋 的,现代的错误。
Kyoto, Japan, is the country’s ancient capital, and the heart of its culture. Its railroad station was too small for
the millions of visitors. In 1997, the city completed a new station in a huge shopping center, right in the oldest
part of the city. Designed by Hiroshi Hara, the building also contains a hotel and department store. Before it was
built, critics said that the high, wide, modern building would destroy the city’s traditional look. On the other hand,
supporters said it would bring new life into the city center.
日本京都是日本的古都,也是日本文化的中 心。它的火车站太小了,不能容纳数百万的游客。1997年,该市
在一家大型商店建成了一个新的车站 。市中心,就在城市最古老的地方。这座建筑由原广志设计,还包括一家酒店
和一家百货公司。在它建成 之前,评论家们说高、宽,现代的建筑 会破坏这个城市的传统面貌。另一方面,支持

Track 4-1-12&4-1-13
The future building boom?未来的建筑热潮?
Interviewer: What do you think is the biggest problem facing our cities?
Erika: I think it's overcrowding. Talk to anyone living in a major metropolitan area and they will say the
same thing; There's no space. Even the suburbs are getting crowded.
Erika: 我想是人满为患。和住在大都市区的人交谈,他们会说同样的话,没有空间。就连郊区也越来越拥挤。
Interviewer: Well, in some places there simply isn't any land left for building, right?
Erika: Yes, that's true, but you have to think creatively. You can't give up so easily.
Erika: 是的,那是真的,但你必须要创造性地思考。你不能轻易放弃。
Interviewer: Think creatively? What do you suggest?
Erika: What I'm saying is that we can build more structures underground. We can add parking lots, malls,
hotels, and even apartment buildings. There's plenty of space.
Erika: 我的意思是我们可以在地下建造更多的建筑。我们可以增加停车场,购物中心,酒店,甚 至公寓楼。
Interviewer: Isn't it expensive?

Yes, it can be. In the past building underground has been very expensive. However, we have new
technology that will bring the cost down. It involves using robots. You don't have to pay robots a salary!
Erika: 是的,确实是。在过去,地下建筑是非常昂贵的 。然而,我们有新的技术可以降低成本。它涉及到使
Interviewer: Isn't

Erika: Actually, I think it's safer than building skyscrapers, for example. Remember, we already do it. We have
subways and underground shopping malls. I'm just suggesting we invest in a variety of bigger projects and that we
dig deeper.
Erika: 事实上,我认为这比建造摩天大楼安全。记住,我们 已经做到了我们有地铁和地下购物中心。我只是
Interviewer: What would you say to people who doubt your idea?
Erika: I can understand their feelings. Whenever there's a new idea, it can cause controversy. But building
downis not some kind of impractical idea. It makes sense. There is so much space underground: It can
accommodate a lot of traffic, storage, and people. With the new technology we have, we'd be crazy not to consider
the idea --it's the wave of the future!
Erika: 我能理解他们的感受。只要有新的想法,就会引起争议。但是,“建立地下建筑”并不是 什么不切实际
的想法。这不足为奇地下有这么多的空间:它可以容纳大量的交通、储存和人员。有了我们 的新技术, 如果不考
1. What dose “building down”mean?“楼下”是什么意思?
Structures underground. 地下建筑。
2. What did Erika say to support her view that building down is the solution to overcrowding in cities?
Erika 说了些什么来支持她在城市里建房子是解决过度拥挤问题的方法的观点?
We have new technology that will bring the cost down.我们有新技术可以降低成本。

Bart:So what exactly did you do over the summer?那么你这个夏天到底做了什么?
Gustav:We worked as volunteers at Glacier National Park.我们在冰川国家公园当志愿者
Bart:I’ve never been there. What’s it like?我从没去过那里。是什么样的?
Carolina:It’s beautiful. There are mountains and lakes … and, of course, glaciers!很漂亮。有山有湖…当然还

Bart:How was the job?工作怎么样?
Gustav:We had to do a lot of physical work. It was kind of hard.我们不得不做很多体力活。有点难。
Carolina:That’s true, but it was exciting, too! We actually saw bears!
Bart:Wow! That does sound exciting. Maybe I should apply. I’ll need a job next summer.
Carolina:Sorry, Bart, but you can’t apply to that program. It’s a special program for international students.

(Audio Track 4-1-18)Conversation 1
A: l would like to live in a city apartment. It would be near public transportation as
that would save a lot of time. I do not want to waste time commuting several
hours each day from home to university.
A:我想住在城市公寓里。它将接近公共交通,因为这将节省大量时间。我不 想把时间浪费在每天从家里到大学上几
B: That is very nice, but Id prefer to live in the suburbs. The prices there are
lower and we would be able to afford a house with bigger bedrooms.
A: It would be cheaper, but don 't you think the suburbs would be inconvenient?
B: Well, you have a point there, so we would need to get a car too.

Conversation 2
A: l would prefer to live in the suburbs. We would enjoy the peace and quiet, away
from all the city noise. Moreover, it would be a good environment for study.
B: Even so, I think life in the suburbs would be boring. We d have nothing to do
on weekends.
Unit 1, Lesson B
Track 4-1-21
Listen to the story summary. Fill in the blanks with what you hear.
Takeshi and Roberto walk by a construction site and start talking about all the buildings that are being built in
New York. Takeshi then talks about how much he admires the skyscrapers. Suddenly, Takeshi starts taking pictures of
the site, but Roberto can’t understand why because nothing has been built yet. Takeshi explains that he thinks
something famous may be there someday, like a hotel where the rich and famous stay, and he wants to be the only
one with pictures of it before it was built. The funny part is when Roberto asks one of the construction workers what’s
being built on the site-it turns out it’s going to be a parking garage!
Takeshi和Roberto经过一个建筑工地,开始谈论纽约正在建造的所有建 筑。然后,武志谈到了他对摩天大楼
的钦佩之情。突然,带着 石开始拍摄这个网站的照片,但是罗伯托 不明白为什么,因为还没有建好。Takeshi解释
说,他认为有一天会有一些著名的东西出现在那里 ,比如一家旅馆。 他是一位富有而著名的旅店,他想成为唯一
一个在它建成之前就有照片的人。有趣的 是当罗伯托问其中一个建筑工人在工地上建造什么建筑时 原来那是个停
Track 4-3-2&4-3-3
Conversation 1
Woman 1: What are you watching?

Woman 2: Oh, just the news.
Woman 1: Can I change the channel?
Woman 2: In just a minute. I want to see the end of this report.
Woman 1: I didn't know you were interested in the news.
Woman 2: Well, it's Christiane Amanpour. She's really great. She usually reports from London -- the city
where she was born.
Well, it's Christiane Amanpour.她真的很棒。她经常在伦敦报道新闻——她出生的城市。
Woman 1: I don't know her.
Woman 2: She's an international correspondent. She goes to some really dangerous places. When there's a
war, she's usually there.
Woman 1: Sounds scary.
Woman 2: Yeah. And -- get this -- she's a wife and mother, too.
Woman 1: That's very impressive!

Conversation 2
Man 1: That's a strange -- looking book. What is it?
Man 2: It's the writings and photos of Dan Eldon. He was a photojournalist.
Man 1: A photojournalist?
Man 2: Yeah. A photographer and a journalist. He was born in London in 1970. The book tells all about his life
and his dangerous adventures.
Man 1: Well, the book certainly looks interesting. Has he written anything else?
Man 2: He wrote a book when he was younger. Unfortunately, he won't be writing anything else -- he was killed.
Man 1: He died?
Man 2: Yeah. It's really sad. He was only 22. He was killed while working in Africa.
Joe: What are you reading, Maria?
Maria: The Daily News.
Joe: The News? Ugh! That’s a terrible paper.

Maria: Oh, Joe, it’s not so bad.
Joe: Not so bad? Look at that headline on the front page! It’s so sensational.
Maria: Well, they’ve got great comics. I can’t live without my comics.
Joe: I know. But the news coverage is so poor, ... especially the international news. It’s a joke, really.
Maria: I’m not so interested in the international news. Besides, they have so many other good features.
Joe: Like what?
Maria: Like… the daily horoscope, for example. I love it.
Joe: That’s not a good reason to buy a newspaper … for the horoscope!
Maria: Look, the newspaper only costs 50 cents. What so you expect?
Joe: Good point.说的好
Maria: Besides the horoscope, I also like the entertainment news. I like to read about the stars and their love
Joe: Well, you can keep The Daily News. I’m going to stick with The Times.

Track 4-3-6&4-3-7
Amy: John, I’ve never notice this old photo of your family before.
John: My mother just found it in the attic. She decided to hang it up.
Amy: It’s a nice picture of your family.
John:I think it’s embarrassing. And I look stupid.
Amy: Well, you could have combed your hair … it’s a nice shot, though. Look at how young you are! How old
were you in the photo?
John: Eight … no wait, I’d just turned nine.
Amy: I guess these two people are your parents.
John: Yep. They were married when that picture was taken. Now they’re divorced.
Amy: Oh. What do they do?
John: My father’s retired. Mom works in a hospital.
Amy: What are their names?

John:Well, my father’s name is Joseph. My mother is Olivia---she was named after a popular actress.
Amy: How great! I have an aunt with the same name. I love the name Olivia … Who’s that guy?
John: Which one?
Amy: The guy standing behind you. Is that your brother, Tom?
John: No, that's my Uncle Randy. He’s only two years older than my brother.
Amy: He’s cute. I love a guy with a moustache.
John: Um, sorry, but he’s married now. His wife just had a baby.
Amy: I was just making a comment … So the other young guy must be your brother.
John: Yes. That’s Tom.
Amy: How old is he in the picture?
John: Let’s see … he’s nine years older than me … so he would‘ve been 18 then.

Amy: And there’s your little sister, Tina. She’s so cute!
John: Yeah. She’s two years younger than me. It’s hard to believe she’s in high school now!
Track 4-3-8&4-3-9
1. A bank robbery in Virginia, USA, was stopped when the robber and the bank teller couldn’t reach an
agreement. The robber pushed a holdup note under the window, but the teller looked at it, said,” I can’t read this,”
and gave it back. The robber pushed the note through a second time. The teller crumpled the note up and threw it at
the robber. He picked it up and walked out of the bank.
在美国弗吉尼亚州发生的一起银行抢劫案因劫匪和 银行出纳员未能达成协议而被制止。强盗把一张持枪字条推
到窗户下面,但出纳员看了看,说:“我可以 。 不要看这个,“然后还给我。强盗第二次把那张纸条推过去了。
出纳员把纸条揉成一团,扔给强盗。 他拿起它,走出了银行。
2. A professional ice hockey player will miss the rest of this season’s games because he injured himself.
National Hockey League goalie Jean-Louis Blanchard went on the injured list after he fell and seriously hurt his back.
He was walking out of a restaurant in Ottawa, Canada, when he slipped on some ice.
职业冰球运动员会错过本赛季剩下的比赛,因为他伤了自己。国家曲棍球联盟守门员路易斯- 布兰查德在摔倒
并连续受伤后,被列入受伤名单。 他伤了背部。他正从加拿大渥太华的一家餐馆走出来,这时他在冰上滑倒
3. The first international camel beauty contest was held last week in Alxa, in western China. More than 100
dressed-up camels entered the contest. The judges examined them for shiny hair, tall humps, and beautiful
costumes. Unlike human beauty contests, though, there were no interviews with the contestants.
第一届国际骆驼选美比赛上周在中国西部的阿尔萨举行。100多 只穿好衣服的骆驼参加了比赛.评委们对他们进
行了检查,看他们是否有亮丽的头发、高高的驼峰 漂亮的服装。然而,与人类美容大赛不同的是,没有对参
4. Police in Sheffield, England, arrested a 41-year-old man for stealing five cars. Graham Owens went to car
dealers and said he wanted to buy a car, and borrowed a car to test-drive. Each time, he drove the car around, then
cleaned it inside and washed it outside---before leaving it at the side of the road, and walking home.

英国谢菲尔德警方 逮捕了一名41岁男子,他涉嫌偷窃5辆汽车.格雷厄姆·欧文斯去找汽车经销商,说他想买辆
车,并借 了一辆汽车来测试驾驶。每次他都开车在周围转悠,然后在车内清洗,然后在外面洗- 然后把它留在
Track 4-3-10&4-3-11
1. Nutty news
Lulu is a kangaroo. For 10 years she has lived with the Richards family. Lulu was adopted by the family
after they found her next to her dead mother.
露露是袋鼠。十年来,她一直和理查兹一家住在 一起。露露是被收养的,因为他们发现她在她死去的
Mr. Ken Richards is a farmer. He was working on his farm when a heavy tree branch suddenly fell on
top of him.
Lulu stood next to Mr. Richards’ body. She started barking and didn’t leave Mr. Richards’ side.
I’ve never heard Lulu bark like that---she sounded like a dog. She barked and barked and she didn’t
stop, “said Celeste, Mr. Richards’ daughter.
我从没听过露露那样叫- 她听起来像只狗。她叫了起来,她不停地叫,“理查兹先生的女儿塞莱斯特说。
After 15 minutes, the Richards family went to investigate. They found Ken on the ground and he was
“Lulu is a hero, “said Celeste. “She saved my father.”
Mr. Middleton, an expert veterinarian, said that Lulu’s story is rare. “I have never seen a kangaroo act
like that. Maybe lulu helped Ken Richards because the Richards family is the only family she has ever known.”
专家兽医米德尔顿说,露露的故事很少见。“我从来没见过袋鼠那样的行为。也许露露 帮助了肯理查兹,
因为理查兹一家是她唯一的家人。 “我从来没有听说过。”

Lulu has always followed Ken around the farm. She’s a loyal, friendly, and very intelligent kangaroo.
After Ken leaves the hospital, he is planning to go everywhere with Lulu.
露露一直跟着肯恩在农场转悠。她是个忠诚,友好,聪明的袋鼠。肯恩出院后,他正计划和 露露一起
2. Nutty news
Approximately 175,000 people live in the Republic of Vanuatu, an island chain east of Australia. It is a
popular tourist destination because there’s a lot to do there: you can visit waterfalls, go horseback riding,
take an aerial tour, or visit a traditional Ni-Vanuatu village. Vanuatu is most famous for its scuba diving and
大约175 000人居住在瓦努阿图共和国,这是澳大利亚东部的 一个岛屿链。这是一个很受欢迎的旅游
胜地,因为那里有很多事情要做:你可以游览瀑布,去旅游 骑马,空中旅行,或参观传统的尼-瓦努阿图
In an effort to draw attention to these popular water sports, Vanuatu has created a world’s “first”: the
government has opened an underwater post office. You have to be a certified scuba driver to work there.
The office is three meters below the surface in an area on the outskirts of Port Vila, the capital city. So far, the
post office has hired four workers. They will work in a room surrounded by the beauty of Vanuatu’s
underwater world. Customers will buy waterproof postcards on land and then drive down to the post office
to receive a special waterproof stamp.
为了引起人们对这些受欢迎的水上运动的关注,瓦努阿图创造了 一个世界第一:政府开设了一个水下
邮局。你必须是一名合格的潜水司机才能在那儿。这间办公室位于首 都维拉港郊区的一个区域,距离地面
三米。到目前为止,邮局已经雇用了四名工人。他们将在一个被包围 的房间里工作 瓦努阿图水下世界的美

Unit 3, Lesson B
Mike reads about a cool concert in the newspaper. He and Takeshi want to go, but the show is sold out. Then
Takeshi sees a woman with long hair who’s wearing a blue jacket and glasses. He realizes it’s Anna, a music reviewer
who lives in their apartment building. Mike tells Takeshi to see if she can get them concert tickets. Takeshi goes over

and tells Anna that he and his roommate were just talking about the concert. Anna says she has two tickets and
invites him to go with her. Takeshi can’t believe it. He has a concert ticket and a date with Anna Markovich. Mike
doesn’t mind Takeshi going without him, though. He says he has more important things to do-like reading the
迈克在报纸上读到一场很酷的音乐会。他和Takeshi想 去,但是演出已经卖完了。然后Takeshi看到一个留着
长发的女人,她穿着蓝色夹克,戴着眼镜。 他意识到了 安娜,一位音乐评论家,住在他们的公寓里。迈克告诉武
喜看她能否买到音乐会门票。武士 走过去告诉安娜,他和他的室友只是说说而已。 关于音乐会的事。安娜说她有
两张票,并邀请他和她一 起去。武之不敢相信。他有音乐会门票和安娜·马科维奇的约会。迈克不介意武喜去 不过,
Track 4-4-1&4-4-2
Alice: I work six days a week. My shift is from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. I'm on my feet all day long. It's a very active job.
Most of my customers are nice. I try to be friendly to everyone, but it's difficult sometimes. My customers give me
good tips. That's nice.
我一周工作六天。我的班是早上7点到下午3点。我整天都站着。这是一项 非常积极的工作。我的大多数
顾客都很好。我试着对每个人友好,但有时很难。我的顾客给我很好的建议 。那很好啊。

Diane: I'm very punctual -- actually, I can't be late! You know what they say, I like being
on stage. Something always happens, though. During the show last week, the lights went out. I couldn't believe it!
You definitely have to be flexible.
我很准时-事实上,我不能迟 到!你知道他们怎么说的,“演出必须继续!”我喜欢在舞台上。不过总会有事情
发生。在上周的演出中 ,灯光熄灭了。 我简直不敢相信!你一定要灵活些。
Mimi: My students are eight years old. I have to be careful about what I say and do. They are always watching
me and copying my behavior. I'm like a big sister. The kids have a lot of energy. I need patience in this job, that's for
我的学生都八岁了。我必须小心我的言行。他 们总是盯着我,模仿我的行为。我就像个大姐。孩子们有很多精
力。我在这份工作中需要耐心,这是肯定 的!

Man: So, I see here that you went to college.
Camille: Yes, sir. For two years. I didn’t graduate.
Man: Do you speak any languages besides English?
Camille: Yes, I speak conversational French.
Man: Any other languages?
Camille: No, that’s it.
Man: Well, that’s great. As you know, we fly to Paris twice a week. We always need
people who can speak French.
Man: Let’s see… have you worked for an airline before?
Camille: No. I have no job experience.
Man: So, this would be your first job.
Camille: Yes.是的

Man; Well, I only have two more questions. Are you healthy and physically fit? Can you lift heavy objects?
Camille: Yes, I think so.
Man: Well, the emergency window exit on the plane weighs about 50 pounds. And the meal cart is very
heavy, too. You need to move those objects sometimes.
Camille: I think I can do that.
Man: Wonderful. Let me tell you about the next step. We have a six-week training program that takes
place in the summer. You have to…

Track 4-4-5
A. Listen to Olivia talking about her future plan and fill in the blanks with information from the talk.
I plan to become a teacher after I finish my studies. I decided to study at this university because the
teaching program is very good. We have a lot of practice working with children. I love to work with young kids.
I expect to graduate from the university next June, and I hope to find a job in a kindergarten. I’ll try to start
working in September.
我打算在完成学业后成为一名教师。我决定在这所大学学习,因为教学计划很好 。我们有很多与孩子打交
道的练习。我喜欢和年轻的孩子们一起工作。我希望明年6月大学毕业,我希望 能在幼儿园找到一份工作。我
Track 4-4-6
B. Listen to the job interview. Check the right item in the table based on the information from the interview.

Mr. Grant: Hello, Ms. Hale. I’m Mr. Grant, the advertising manager for the company. Do you have a resume or
curriculum vitae to give to me?
你好,Ms. Hale。我是公司的广告经理Grant先生。你有简历给我吗?
Ms. Hale: Yes, Mr. Grant. Here it is.是的格兰特先生。在这呢。
Mr. Grant: Thank you. Now, let me tell you a little bit about the job. We need someone to design brochures on
the computer. Do you have up-to-date computer skills?谢谢。现在,让我告诉你 一点关于这份工作的事情。我们需
Ms. Hale: Yes, I do. In my present position I use computer graphics all the time. I have experience with
animation as well.是的,我知道在我目前的工作岗位上,我一直在使用计算机图形学。我也有动画方面的经验。
Mr. Grant: Oh, that’s very good. We hope to launch a new group of animated ads next spring. Can you work
with others in a pleasant manner, Ms. Hale?哦,那很好。我们希望明年春天推出一组新的动画广告。你能以愉快的
方式和别人一 起工作吗,Ms. Hale?
Ms. Hale: My co-workers seem to think so. I can also work independently by myself.
Mr. Grant: That’s necessary, too. What about flexibility in working long hours on a project?
Ms. Hale: I have a lot of energy and I’m willing to get the job done. The work I did last year won two awards
at a national conference.
Mr. Grant: Excellent. That’s very impressive. By the way, did I mention that we need someone to start next week?
Ms. Hale: No, you didn’t, but it might be possible.
Mr. Grant: Good. Thank you for coming today. We’ll be in touch soon.

You’ve never met Melissa Hayes, and you don’t know her name, but you know her voice. Melissa record
information messages for the telephone company. When you hear the number you called has been
changed…--that’s Mellissa!
听到你打的电话已经变了 D…-那是Mellissa!
“Yes, it’s true,” she say. “I’m the voice talent for Nation Telephone.” At least 50000 people hear her voice
every day. “I try to sound warm and friendly, even when I’m saying, I’m sorry, that number is incorrect. Please try
“是的,这是真的,”她说 。“我是国家电话的话音天才。”每天至少有50000人听到她的声音。“我试着听起
来热情友好,即 使我说,对不起,那个号码 是不正确的。请再试一次。
Melissa works only three days a week, but she has to practice a lot. “My voice has to sound the same
at the end of eight hours.” She’s very careful about her voice. “I don’t drink lots of water with honey. I can’t g
to horror movies because I always scream, and I might hurt my voice!”
梅丽莎一周只工作三天 ,但她必须经常练习。“我的声音在八小时后必须保持不变。”她对自己的声音很小
心。“我不能喝太多 蜂蜜水。我不能看恐怖片,因为我总是尖叫,而且我可能会弄伤我的声音!“
How did she get her job? “A friend told me about it. I listened to all the telephone company messages on
my phone, and then I recorded a cassette of those messages. After I sent it to the company, I called them every
day for a month!”
她是怎么找到 工作的?“一位朋友告诉我这件事。我听了电话公司的所有信息,然后我录了一盘录音带。寄
到公司后, 一个月来每天都打电话给他们!
She’s done this work for three years now, and she loves it. “It’s fun! And I’m helping people by using my
voice.” Plus, people are always surprised when they hear about Melissa’s job. They say, “You’re a real person? I
thought it was a computer!”
她做这工作已经三年了,她很喜 欢。“很有趣!我用我的声音帮助人们。“另外,当人们听到梅丽莎的工作
时,他们总是感到惊讶。他们 说,“你是一个真实的人?我还以为是电脑呢!
Track 4-4-9&4-4-10
Interviewer 1
Interviewer: What is your job, Ken?

Ken: I’m a V.J. or “video jockey.”
Interviewer: How would you describe your job?
Ken: I’m on TV. I introduce music videos and talk about them. I also interview singers who appear in videos.
Interviewer: What is the best part of your job?
Ken: I get to meet a lot of famous people. That’s very exciting. Also, I love music, so it’s a lot of fun.
Interviewer: What is the worst part of your job?
Ken: I get to meet a lot of famous people. Some of them are not very nice. They think they are better
than me. They can be very demanding.
Interviewer: What was your most memorable moment?
Ken: Last year, I presented an award on TV at a video music award show. I couldn’t believe it. They flew
me out to Los Angeles and I stayed in Beverly Hill. I was on the TV show for a whole 45 seconds! I got to meet a lot
of stars.
肯恩: 去年,我在一个视频音乐奖 节目上在电视上颁发了一个奖项。我简直不敢相信。他们让我飞到洛
杉矶,我住在贝弗利山。我上了整整 45秒的电视节目 !我要去见很多明星。
Interviewer: I want to be a V.J. How I get the job?

Ken: Well, first you have to make a videotape about yourself. You need to talk about certain things on the
video. In my case, there was a list of question, like “What did you do last weekend?” and “What’s in your CD player
right now?” After you talk about yourself, you send the videotape in to the TV station. They call you if they like the
肯恩:嗯,首先你得录一盘关于你自己的录像带。你需要在视频里谈论一些事情。 在我的例子中,有一个问
题清单,比如“你上周末做了什么?”和“WH”。 现在你的CD播放机里吗 ?“在你谈论完自己之后,你把录影带发
Interview 2
Interviewer: What is your job, Steven?
Steven: I’m a car courier.
Interviewer: How would you describe your job?
Steven: Sometimes a person or a company needs a car moved from one place to another. They may not
have time to do it themselves. They hire me to drive the car.
有时,一个人或一个公司需要一辆车从一个地 方移到另一个地方。他们可能没有时间自己去做这件
Interviewer: What is the best part of your job?
Steven: I like to drive, so it’s fun for me. Last summer, I drove all the way from New York to California. The
weather was great. I had the radio on and enjoyed my trip very much.
我喜欢开车,所以这对我来说很有趣。去年 夏天,我一路开车从纽约到加利福尼亚。天气很好。我
Interviewer: What is the worst part of your job?

Steven: I have to be very punctual. If I say I’ll arrive on Monday at 6:00, I have to be there by Monday at
6:00. I have to be dependable. It’s stressful at times.
我必须非常准时。如果我说我星期一6点到,我必须在周一6点之前到。我必须要 可靠。有时候压
Interviewer: What was your most memorable moment?
Steven: I drove across the desert as the sun was setting. It was incredible!
Interviewer: I want to be a car courier. How do I get the job?
Steven: That’s a good question. My mother started this business, so she hired me. You’d have to call my
mother to find out!
Unit 4, Lesson B
What do you do?
Natalie: I work for a television station that was launched ten years ago and I have been working there for about a
Dan: I work with computers at a hospital and I have been doing that for three years.
Gian: I am marketing manager. I make brochures, I send out e-mails, and I work on the web.
Dream jobs

Listen to the story summary. Fill in the blanks with what you hear.
Claudia has an interview with Ms. Li for a software-sales position. Claudia talks about her experience and
mentions that she has trained people to use software for two years at her current job. She also says that she has been
in her present position since last year and has won many sales awards, too. Ms. Li thinks Claudia’s experience is
impressive and that Claudia is right for the job. That evening, Ms. Li calls to offer Claudia the position, but she can’t
come to the phone, so Ms. Li leaves a message with Tara. Later, Tara mentions the message as they are leaving for
the gym, and Claudia gets so excited, she almost falls over the sofa trying to get to the phone!
克劳迪娅有一 个软件销售职位的面试李女士。克劳迪娅谈到了她的经历,并提到她已经培训了两年的人在她目
前的工作 中使用软件。艾尔 所以说,她从去年起就一直处于现在的位置,并且还赢得了许多销售奖项。李女士认
为克劳迪娅的经历令人印象深刻,克劳迪娅适合这份工作。埃文尼 吴,李女士打电话给克劳迪娅这个职位,但她
不能接电话,所以李女士给塔拉留了个口信。后来,塔拉在他们要去健身房的时候提到了这条信息,克劳 迪娅。 她
Audio Track 4-5-1)
Our company employs 100 people from the local area I develops and produces wooden artware which it sells i
n one of its five city stores. Even without advertisement, the products are very popular and the stores are always bus
ers often come directly to the stores to make purchases.
我公司在 当地雇佣了100名员工,开发和生产木制工艺品,在其五家城市商店中的一家销售。即使没有广告,
产 品也很受欢迎。他的商店总是很忙,顾客经常直接来商店购物。
Talk 2
I 'm the Product Marketing Manager of our company. We are working on a marketing plan at the moment. Bef
ore any contracts are signed, there are a lot of things we have to take into careful consideration. We should know, f
or instance,the needs and preferences of consumers, the best distribution channel, the governing rules and regul
ations concerning the distribution of products, and the price at which products can be sold.
我是我们公司的产品营销经理。我们目前正在制定一项营销计划。在签订任何合同之前,我 们必须仔细考虑许
多事情。 上。例如,我们应该了解消费者的需求和偏好、最佳分销渠道、有关产品分销的规章制度以及 以及产品

Talk 3
My employer is a world-leading information and communications technology( ICT)solutions provider. The co
mpany supplies networking and telecommunications equipment to 45 of the worlds 50 largest telecom operator
s. In such a competitive market, the company has to innovate to stay ahead. That's why it invests heavily in resear
ch and development. the department I work in. I’m a senior analyst in the R&D division.
我的雇主是一家世界领先的信息和通信技术(ICT)解决方案提供商.该公司为世界50家最大的电信 公司中的45
家提供网络和电信设备。在这样一个竞争激烈的市场中,公司必须创新才能保持领先地位。 这就是为什么它在研究
和开发上投入巨资的原因。我在这个部门工作。我是R的高级分析师 &D部门。

Track 4-5-2&4-5-3
He may have been your typical teenager in most ways. But he was very different in one particular way: he
started his own magazine. At the age of 15 he managed the magazine called Student. It was written for and
about young people in school. He was very busy, but it was a satisfying job.
His next business venture was completely different. He and some friends started a mail order record company.
It was also the same year, 1970, when his music discount store was opened in England. It made a lot of
In the early 1990s, he sold his successful music business and used the money for another business idea: an
airline company. And so, Virgin Airways Ltd. was born. To compete with other airlines, his company offered good
prices to customers. Today Virgin is known for its excellent service.
上世纪90年代初,他卖掉了自己成功的音乐业务, 并将这笔钱用于另一个商业创意:一家航空公司。因此维
珍航空有限公司诞生了。为了与其他航空公司竞 争,他的公司向客户提供了很好的价格。今天,维珍以其卓越的
Richard Branson now runs the Virgin Group, Ltd. He employs 50,000 people and in many different fields,
such as book publishing, financial services, modeling, and even bridal services! Not bad for a teenager from the

UK who dreamed of editing his own magazine!
理查德布兰森现在经营维珍集团有限公司。他 有5万名员工,在许多不同的领域,如图书出版,金融服务,
模特,甚至新娘服务!对于一个梦想自己编 辑杂志的英国少年来说,这还不错!
Track 4-5-5
Host: Welcome back to You Snooze, You Lose!‖ the best game show on television! This is our final round. Let me
remind you of the rules. We will show an object for a couple of seconds.欢迎回到You Snooze, You Lose!最 好的游
It‘s your job to guess what it is. Michael? Linda? Are you ready to play? 你的工作是猜是什么。迈克尔?琳达?
M & L: Yes!
Host: Ok, then, let‘s play ―You Snooze, You Lose!‖ Show us item number one. 给我们看一号项目。
Host: Yes, Michael?
Michael: I know what they are. They‘re called ―cams‖ and they‘re used in mountain climbing.
Host: That‘s right for one point! They‘re used to hold climbing ropes. All right
then, here‘s our second object. Yes, Linda?
Linda: Is it some kind of tool? Host: Can you be more specific?
Linda: I don‘t know… a tool used to fix some kind of machine?
Host: No, I‘m sorry. It‘s a nose and ear hair trimmer. Next … item number three. Do you have any idea? Time is
up. Since no one guessed, I‘ll tell you the answer.
Those are called Hopi ear candles.
Linda: You stick them in your ears?
Host: That‘s right. They are used to clean out your ears. They also help to relax
you. Let‘s move on to item number four. Here it is.
Michael: That‘s obvious. It‘s a corkscrew. You use it to open bottles.
Host: Yes, that‘s correct! It‘s a mini-travel corkscrew. You can pack it in your suitcase. Oh, no! You know what th

at means! You‘re out of time. Michael, with two correct answers, you are today‘s winner! Congratulations! And befor
e we leave, let me show the remaining objects. Item number five is an egg slicer. Item number six is a tongue scraper
---make sure to use it so that you dont have bad breath! Thatis all the time we have for today. See you next time on
You Snooze, You Lose!‖ Goodbye everybody.
What are the rules of the game show?游戏节目的规则是什么?

Track 4-5-6&4-5-7
A. You will listen to a passage about Microsoft Corporation. Then write down as much information as possible
about Microsoft.
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Corporation is a multinational computer technology corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses,
and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices. Headquartered in Redmond, Washington,
USA, its best selling flagship products are the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite.
Microsoft ships products to Europe, Asia, and Latin America. It manages branch offices in more than 60 countries. It
has nearly 90,000 employees in 105 countries by 2008.
微软公司是一家跨国计 算机技术公司,它开发、制造、许可和支持计算机设备的各种软件产品。总部设在R 美
国华盛顿州爱德 蒙市,其最畅销的旗舰产品是微软Windows操作系统和微软Office套件。微软将产品运往欧洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲。它在60多个国家和地区设有分支机构。到2008年,该公司在105个国家拥有近9万 名员工。
Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975. In the mid-1980s, it rose to dominate
the home computer operating system market with MS-DOS. Since 1985, Microsoft has released an upgrading line of
Windows operating systems featuring a friendly user interface. The latest one, Windows Vista, was released in
January 2007 and has sold 140 million copies to date.
微软于1975年4月4日由比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦创立。上世纪80年代中期,它在MS- DOS操作系统市场上
占据主导地位.自1985年以来,微软发布了 升级的Windows操作系统 ,具有友好的用户界面。最新版本
WindowsVista于2007年1月发行,迄今已售出1.4 亿份。
As one commentator notes, Microsoft’s original mission was “a computer on every desk and in every home,
running Microsoft software,” and now it is a goal near fulfillment. Microsoft also makes profits in other markets such
as computer hardware products and home entertainment products.

正如一位评论员所指出的,微软最初的使命是“在每张桌子上和每 家每户都安装一台电脑,运行微软软件”,现
在这是一个接近实现的目标。微软也有盈利。 在其他市场,如电脑硬件产品和家庭娱乐产品。
Track 4-5-8&4-5-9
A. You will listen to a passage which protests against advertising and shopping. Then fill in the blanks with
words from the passage.
A different kind of holiday: shop less, live more!
Advertising is everywhere. It’s on race cars and subway trains, on T-shirts and billboards. Every day, you see
hundreds of ads, and each advertiser wants you to buy their product. But do we really need all these products?
广告无处不在。在赛车、地铁、T恤衫和广告牌上。每天,你看到 数百个广告,每个广告商都想让你购买他们
的产品。但我们真的需要 所有这些产品?
A group in Canada says “No.” In 1991, they stared an event called Buy Nothing Day, to protest against
consumerism and waste. Every year, on the last Friday in November, no one should spend any money for 24 hours.
The event has spread to over 15 countries around the world, including Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
加拿大的一个团体说“不 ”。1991年,他们发起了一场名为“不买东西日”的活动,抗议消费主义和浪费。每年
11月的最后 一个星期五,24小时内任何人都不花钱。该活动已蔓延到世界各地的15个国家,包括日本、澳大利亚
In the United States, Buy Nothing Day takes place on the Friday after the Thanksgiving holiday. This is usually the
busiest day of the year in department stores and shopping malls. Traditionally, it’s the first day of the Christmas
shopping season, when Americans buy gifts for family and close friends.
在美国,感恩节后的星期五是不买东西的日子 。在百货公司和购物中心,这通常是一年中最繁忙的一天。传统
上,它是圣诞节购物季的第一天,美国人 给家人和密友买礼物。
However, this “season” has grown longer every year. Now some stores put up their Christmas window displays
in the middle of October, and Americans are pressured to buy gifts for every one of their relatives, for all of their
coworkers, and for everyone they do business with. Many people feel that they are forgetting the real significance of
the holidays, because companies just want them to spend more money.
然而,这个“季节”每年都在增长。现在,一些商店在十月中旬挂上了圣诞橱窗,美国人被迫为他们的每一个圣< /p>

诞窗买礼物。 对他们所有的同事来说,对他们做生意的每一个人来说都是如此。许多人觉 得他们忘记了假期的真
Of course, Buy Nothing Day supporters don’t want to change just one day. They want the change to continue all
year. But if we take a break from shopping on one day, we can start thinking about what we really need in life.
Michael Smith, British organizer of Buy Nothing Day, says: “Our message is clear: Shop less, live more!”
当然,“什么都不买”的支持 者不想只改变一天。他们希望这种改变能持续一年。但是,如果有一天我们不再购
物,我们就可以开始思 考我们生活中真正需要的东西。英国购物日组织者迈克尔·史密斯说:“我们的意思很清楚:
少购物,多 生活!”
1. What is the name of this event?这次活动的名称是什么?
Buy Nothing Day.不消费日
2. What should people do then?那么,人们应该做什么呢?
Every year, on the last Friday in November, no one should spend any money for 24 hours.每年11月的最后一个
3. Where is this day celebrated?这一天在哪里庆祝?
The event has spread to over 15 countries around the world, including Japan, Australia, and the United
4. Where did it start?从哪里开始的?
5. What also happens in the United States on that day?那天在美国也发生了什么?
In the United States, Buy Nothing Day takes place on the Friday after the Thanksgiving holiday.
6. Why don’t some Americans like Christmas shopping?为什么有些美国人不喜欢圣诞节购物呢?
Many people feel that they are forgetting the real significance of the holidays, because companies just want
them to spend more money.许多人觉得他们忘记了假期的真正意义,因为公司只是想让他们多花点钱。
7. What do the organizers want to change?组织者想要改变什么?
We can start thinking about what we really need in life. 我们可以开始思考我们生活中真正需要的东西。
B. Listen to the talk about advertising, “Ad or no ad?” Complete the statements.

Ad or no ad?
Is advertising really necessary? Billions of dollars are spent on it every year, so it must be important. After all, it’s
a busy world. You have to advertise, sell products, and make money!
广告真的有必要吗?每年都有数十亿美元花在这上面,所以它一定很重要。毕竟,这是一个繁忙的世界。 你必
Not every company thinks that way. The NO-AD company (“no-ad” stands for “not advertised”) avoids big
advertising campaigns. The company was started in 1960 and is successful today. Their products are still affordable
because the company saves money on advertising. They also use their savings to support a drug and alcohol
awareness program to educate high school students.
不是每个公司都这么想的。非 广告公司(“无广告”代表“未广告”)避免了大规模的广告宣传活动。该公司成立于
1960年,今天 取得了成功。他们的产品是 因为公司节省了广告费用,所以仍然可以负担得起。他们还用自己的积
蓄来 支持一个提高对毒品和酒精的认识的计划来教育高中生。
NO-AD sells by word of mouth. “Word-of-mouth advertising” happens when a person tells another person
about a good experience with a product or service. That second person then tells another friend, family member, or
colleague. And so a chain of information is created.
非广告靠口碑销售。“口碑式广告”发生在一个人告诉另一个人对一个产品或服务的 良好体验时。第二个人告诉
另一个朋友,法 迈利成员或同事。于是,一条信息链就被创造出来了。
Typically, advertisers talk about how good their product is. Although they say things like, “Students show that
our product is the best,” or “Everyone loves this product,” it can sound insincere or unconvincing. It’s much more
believable to hear about a product from someone who did not make it. Our friends’ opinions are very important to
us, so we often listen to their advice about a product.
通常,广告商会谈论他们的产 品有多好。虽然他们说,“学生们表明我们的产品是最好的”,或者“每个人都喜欢
这个产品”,但这听 起来可能是不真诚的,也可能是不真实的。 很有说服力。听别人说一件产品时,如果有人没有
生产它, 那就更可信了。我们的朋友的意见对我们非常重要,所以我们经常听取他们对产品的建议。
Word- of-mouth advertising has other advantages, too. It’s cost-effective (after all, it’s free) and a company
doesn’t have to create a complex business plan to do it. Here is some advice for small business about
word-of-mouth advertising:

口碑广告也有其他优势。这是符合成本效益的(毕竟,它是 免费的),公司不需要创造一个复杂的商业计划来做
到这一点。这是一些关于小巴士的建议。 口碑广告:
 Be prepared to talk about your company at any time. You never know who you will meet. Always carry
business cards.

Only say positive things about your company. Don’t say negative things about your company.
Help other companies by referring people to them. The more you help others, the more good fortune will
come back to you.
 帮助其他公司推荐员工。你帮助别人越多,你的好运就会越多。
Unit 5, Lesson B
Companies and advertising
Listen to the story summary. Fill in the blanks with what you hear.
Mike is helping Takeshi shoot a TV commercial for a store called Furniture Showroom. The president of
Furniture Showroom, Mr. Howard, is starring in the commercial. First Mr. Howard talks about the company, which
was founded in 1982. Then Mike helps show off the furniture while Mr. Howard describes it and tells how each piece
is made very well. However, while Mr. Howard is describing one of the sofas, Mike lies down on it and falls asleep!
Later, Takeshi is telling Tara about the commercial when the phone rings and it’s ! Mr. Howard
says that his company loves the commercial, so they have decided to hire Takeshi to make five more commercials!

迈克正在帮助Take shi拍摄一个名为“家具展厅”的商店的电视广告。家具展厅的总裁霍华德先生正在商业中担
任主角。 霍华德先生首先谈到了公司 公司成立于1982。然后迈克帮助展示家具,而霍华德先生描述它,并告诉每件作品是如何制作得很好。然而,霍华德先生正在描述其中的一个 麦克躺在上面睡着了!
后来, 当电话响起时,Takeshi告诉Tara有关广告的事情,是Howard先生!霍华德先生说他的公司很喜 欢这
个广告,所以他们决定雇佣武士来制作五部电影。 商业广告!

Passage 1
l .What caused LaShaun Wilson to leave single motherhood for marriage?New welfare rules.
2. We can learn that welfare reform aims at getting more people off welfare system.
3. The word fear ( underlined in Paragraph 1) most probably refers to the fear of losing benefits.
4 .It can be inferred that before welfare reform was carried out,marriage rates were very low among the poorest fa
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Welfare assistance is not really intended for men.

Passage 2

1. The new welfare plan of the administration aims at providing poor people with job training activities.
2. Mr. Bush believes that welfare reform has achieved initial success

3. According to the administration plan, 50 percent of welfare families should become self-
reliant now.
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?Welfare people will have to work longer hours per week.
5. According to the passage , advocates for the low-income families consider it unreasonable to raise work requir
ements now.
Passage 3
l. Welfare reforms have made about 9 million women and children move off welfare from 1994 to 2001.
2. Why did people stay on welfare for a shorter period in 1994? They could easily find jobs again.
3. The key step to help women achieve economic self- sufficiency now is to provide substance abuse treatment.
4. What does the writer think about the welfare reform bills passed by the House?They are pushing welfare women
into a difficult situation。
5. From the changing character of the welfare population we can infer that welfare reform will meet with new pro
Passage 4
job has Shen Hong held most recently? Secretary in human resources.
resources activities include giving employees reviews of their job performance .
word recruiting”( underlined in Paragraph 2) most probably means employing.
can infer from the last paragraph that Shen Hong is recently applying for a new position
5. From the information given,we know this is a letter of recommendation for an employee
Passage 1
the early years of the 2lst century, transportation will especially benefit from cheap telecommunications

example of Fidelity Investments of Boston shows that distance as the last barrier to international trade is be
ing eliminated.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? Inefficient producers will have no protecti
on in the global economy.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the price of imported goods will be lower than before.
5. What is the main topic of the passage?The connection between international transportation and telecommuni
Passage 2
l. The popularization of the Internet may stimulate the prosperity of the economy in that it provides information a
t high speed and low cost.
2 . There is an increased risk for children with the popularization of the Internet because they are likely to be expos
ed to unhealthy information.
ing to the passage, the Internet provides easy access to information from all over the world.
4. Junk email is used as an example to demonstrate the Internet may bring great troubles to ones life
5. What is the writers attitude toward the Internet?作者对互联网的态度是什么? Neutral.中立的.
Passage 3
should be worried about the failing of SBC?Users of telecommunications networks in the states.
2. How are SBC competitors making such large profits?They are buying network access cheaply.
3. What do Baby Bells have to do before they can sell long-distance service in their home state?Show that competiti
on was possible in the market.
在他们的家乡销售远程服务之前,Baby Bells 要做些什么?表明市场竞争是可能的。
4. What does Claudia Jones think?People at SBC have only themselves to blame for failing.
5. Who has been punished with large fines since the Telecom Act was passed?
自“电信法”通过以来,谁被处以巨额罚款? SBC

Passage 4
’s he likely relationship between the writer and Sam?
Father and son. 父子。
2. According to the passage, the problem with Sam is that he has to drop out of his university.
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?Sam’s mother feels ashamed of Sam.
4. The writer wishes Sam to come back home and relax for a while.作者希望萨姆回家休息一段时间。
5. What is the writer's attitude toward Sam’s problem?Optimistic and courageous.
Passage 1
word energy ( underlined in Paragraph l) probably means physical and intellectual vigor。
2. The author felt overwhelmed with all the following except emptying her thoughts and enjoying the quiet
3. According to Paragraph 3, the author felts like her regular life was busy and enjoyable
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?The author no longer likes to have quiet moments in her life.
5. We can infer from the passage that the author is a middle-aged woman who has been having a busy life.
Passage 2
l. It can be inferred from the passage that InterHall has just been in existence for two years
2. According to Paragraph 3, InterHall is probably trying to have the students be active in their community.
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? InterHall will award T-shirts for all members of th
e organization.以下哪一项根据短文是不正确的?.In terHall将为该组织的所有成员颁发t恤。
4. What is the authors attitude toward InterHall?Supportive.
作者对 InterHall的态度是什么?支持的,拥护的。
5. The following statements are true EXCEPT?
InterHall has gotten $$144 ,000 from the office of Student all.从学生事务处得到了144,000美元。
Passage 3

1. What is said about the two deceased elderly women? They lived out a natural life.
author had to conduct the two women s funerals probably because he was priest of the local church.
3. People feel guilty for the deaths of their loved ones because they believe that they were responsible.
4. In the context of the passage, .... the world makes sense ( underlined in Paragraph 4 )probably means that
everything in the world is predetermined.
5. People have been made to believe since infancy that their wishes are the cause of everything that happens.
Passage 4
1. Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning my private life? I’m single now.
2. Bonnie used to live in Alexandria.
3. According to the passage, I like reading.
following statements are true EXCEPT.下列哪个陈述为真
I didn’t worry about money or school before.我以前不担心钱和学校
my worry about study and work?我对学习和工作的担忧是什么?
I’m so immature that I don’t know what I want to do.我太不成熟了,我不知道我想做什么。

Unit 1
“So you want to be a rock and roll star?”asked the musician,Bob have decided to
seek fame’s you will not be persuaded is it that lures you?Is it the
worshipping fans?Or is it simply to be recognized for being truly fantastic at something?This is all
quite understandable.I should warn you, is difficult to sustain the public’s

people will grow bored so if you should succeed,you might not be you win in
your conquest of fame,complaints will example,people will say that your work fails to show
continuity its see,their enthusiasm will soon dissolve.I should also tell you that there will
be plenty of people who will want to exploit you during your brief stay at the s?Sure,as
long as you have money you’ll have friends who will suck everything you have out of don’t
forget to watch your agent might need a good lawyer and an accountant,but they too will
want their piece of the pie-making money out of you.
I see,you understand the cruelty of the r,your chase for fame can’t be
discouraged by my pessimistic ahead ’t let me stop when you fail or fall
right back where you started and you’re miserable,don’t accuse me of not having warned you.I’ve
done all that I can for you.

Seek 寻求
Persuaded 说服
Lures 诱惑
Worshipping 崇拜
Fantastic 好极了
Understandable 可以理解的
Sustain 维持
Bored 无聊
If 如果
Conquest 征服

continuity 连续性
dissolve 溶解
exploit 开发
as long as 只要
Closely 密切
piece 块
cruelty 残忍
discouraged 气馁
where 哪里
accuse 指责

都 是可以理解的。尽管如此,我还是要提醒你们。很难维持公众的青睐。这些人会很容易变得无聊。
即使你 成功了,你也会可能并不快乐。一旦你征服了名望,抱怨也会随之而来。例如,人们会说你的
工作没有表 现出连续性的吸引力。你看,他们的热情很快就会消失。我还应该告诉你,那里会有很多
人想在短暂逗留 期间利用你。朋友?当然,只要你有钱,你就会有朋友,他们想吸获取你所有的东西。
而且别忘了请个好 的经纪人。你可能需要一位优秀的律师和会计师,但他们也一定会从你的工资中分
我 知道,你明白形势的残酷,但是,我悲观的看法并不能阻止你对名望的追求。那就向前走吧,
别让我阻止 你,但当你失败或跌倒时,你会很痛苦,那个时候不要指责我没有警告过你,我已经为你
做了我所能做的 一切。

It is doubtful that there was a more successful comedy team in the 20th century than the Three
,Moe,and Curly became famous for their many short movies featuring extraordinary
their movies,they found many ways of sending off funny attracted large
audience and received a lot of r,their movies also sparked people
who didn’t like the Three Stooges persisted they were too a TV interview Moe and Larry
were roused to defend coarse brand,they said,shouldn’t be taken was
just “cartoon violence”.
The Stooges got their name and their start in an act called Ted Healy and His act
began paving the way for their exceedingly successful ally,the team was composed of
Larry,Moe and r,Shemp left for a career in more serious Shemp
left,Curly took his ’s clumsy character returned in 1946 after Curly suffered a stroke.
Moe was the heart and soul of the team,acting as both their main comic force and their
was responsible for scripting many of the ’d also spend time providing his
services as their business 1934 the team began a series of comedy shorts that numbered
more than 200 when they ceased in 1958,which won them numerous e all the criticism,the
Three Stooges are undoubtedly the most famous comedy team that history ever invented.

Than 比
Featuring 特色
Sending off 送
Applause 掌声
Sparked 引发
Persisted 坚持
Defend 保卫
Seriously 认真地
Called 被称为
Originally 原来
However 然而
Place 地方
Suffered 遭受
Both 二者都
For 对于
When 什么时候
Which 哪一个
Despite 尽管

Paving 铺路

Ever 曾经
毫无疑问,Three Stooges是20世纪最成功的喜剧队伍。Larry,Moe,和Cur ly因其许多短片特色
而闻名,他们拥有非同寻常的喜剧天赋。在他们的电影中,他们发明了许多有趣动 作进而吸引了大批
然而,他们的电影也引发了批评。一些不喜欢Three Stooges的人坚持认为他们太暴力了。 在一
次电视采访中,Moe和Larry被鼓起来为自己辩护。他们说,不应该认真对待他们的粗俗品牌 ,这只
Three Stooges以Ted Healy和他的Stoo ges这一行为开始了他们的名字和开始。这个行为开始
为他们非常成功的职业生涯铺平道路。原本,这 个团队由Larry,Moe和Shemp组成。但是,Shemp
离开了职业生涯投身于严肃电影中。 当Shemp离开时,Curly占据了他的位置。1946年Curly中风后,
Shemp回到了他 的笨拙角色中。
Moe是这个团队的核心和灵魂,既是他们的主要喜剧力量,也是他们的导演。他负责 编写许多
笑话的脚本。他负责编写许多笑话,并花时间作为他们的业务经理提供服务。1934年,该团 队开始
尽管受到了种种批评,Three Stooges无疑是历史上最著名的喜剧团队。

Unit 3
The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are is often not so
obvious are the many rewards a caseworker career often ask why anybody in their right
mind would want to be a child protection caseworker,habitually dealing with the most disadvantaged
and troubled families in their rkers routinely come across disturbing cases of child
abuse and neglect,and clients who are not a caseworker means being an agent of
positive change,especially when the welfare sector is not just a job to you,but a professional vocation.
Child protection is a difficult and challenging career path to follow,but the rewards do
of our caseworkers choose this career path out of a desire to contribute to the be part
of a process can ultimately change a family’s life,and caseworkers may witness their intervention
equip a young person so that his or her future prospects are course,this does not occur
with every when it happens,it is a rewarding if you are wondering
whether this experience makes the job worthwhile,the answer is YES!
A good indicator of how outside people look at the caseworker career has been the feedback
from university 2006 there were 118 students on placements of caseworker
students who completed their placements in child protection told us about the great opportunity
they have had to apply theory to practice;the many chances of learning new skills and trying new

tasks;the sound knowledge available through training;and how valuable becoming familiar with
different welfare services was to their future career.

What 什么
Offers 提供
Why 为什么
With 具有
come across 遇到
Especially 尤其地
But 但是
Witness 目击者
Prospects 前景
Occur 发生
Rewarding 奖励
look at 看看
Opportunity 机会
Apply 应用
Challenging 具有挑战性的 Available 可获得的
Contribute 贡献
Ultimately 最终

Valuable 有价值的
To 到

那么明显。人们经常问为什么一个头脑健全的人会想成为一名儿童保护案例工作者。儿童个案 工作者
习惯性地处理最弱势的群体以及困扰他们社区的家庭。工作人员经常会遇到令人不安的虐待儿童和 忽
视儿童的案例,以及不合作的客户。作为案例工作者意味着成为积极变革的代理人,尤其是当福利部< br>门不仅仅是一份工作时,还一个专业的职业的时候。
儿童保护是一项困难且具有挑战性的职业道 路,但奖励确实存在。我们的许多案例工作者都是出
于为社区做出贡献的愿望选择职业道路。作为一个过 程的一部分,最终可以改变一个家庭的生活,并
且个案工作人员可以目睹他们的干预措施让一个年轻人变 得更好,以使他或她的未来前景得到改善。
当然,不是每次干预都会发生这种情况。但是当它发生时,这 是一种有益的体验。如果你想知道这段
外部人员如 何看待个案工作者的职业生涯的一个很好的指标是来自大学生的反馈。2006年,有
118名学生参与 了个案工作者的职业安置。那些完成了儿童保护工作的学生告诉我们这是他们把理论
应用到实践的好机会 ;工作中有许多学习新技能和尝试新任务的机会;通过培训获得的知识;以及熟
悉不同福利服务对他们未 来职业的价值。

Unit 4
We are living in the age of a telecommunications order to keep from getting left
behind,many developing countries are making an intensive effort to strengthen their
telecommunications will help them catch up with the developed
was,after all,advanced telecommunications that gave some countries an economic advantage over
others during the 20
is one place that developing nations are looking to improve







