
2020年08月03日 14:10


13 级普通班单元练习卷四
(2014, Term1)
Test 4
(Unit 8, BookII)
I. Collocation:
1. Accuracy is fundamental to the programming of computers.
2. He finally came through his operation.他最终度过了他的手术。
3. The people offered a stiff resistance to the invaders.人民是对侵略者的坚实阻力。
4. Rains have filled the reservoirs to excess.降雨填满水库并使其过量。
5. I stormed out of the room in a rage. 我怒气冲冲地冲出了房间。
6. The survival of civilization as we know it is under threat.
7. His proposal was voted down on the grounds of extra costs.
8. They rented the old house on the assumption that the landlord would paint it.
II. Vocabulary
9. Migrant workers move from country to country in search of well-paid work.
A. immigrant B. emigrant C. migrant D. mysterious

10. A flock of birds comes over, and the hunting starts. 一群鸟飞过来, 打猎开始了。
A. swarm B. flock C. group D. herd

two men became deadly enemies.这俩人成为死敌。
A. dead B. death C. deathly D. deadly

12. Since the matter was extremely urgent, we dealt with it immediately.
A. tough B. tense C. urgent D. instant

13. Should the sentiment of patriotism be controlled by reason?

A. sentiment 情绪 B. affection 感情 爱 C. emotion 情感 D. passion 激情

14. She is a pretty creature. 她是一个美丽的女人。
A. animal B. beast 野兽 C. creation 创造物 D. creature 生物

15. They had a fierce debate as to whether their company should restore the trade
relationship which was broken years ago.
A. debate B. clash 冲突 C. disagreement 异议 D. contest 竞赛

16. Ivy creeps up the walls of the building. 常春藤沿楼房墙壁蔓延。
A. crawl B. climb C. creeps D. creams

17. It is true that breeding a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires
much research time.这是真的,把野生植物培育成一种主要的粮食作物如小麦需要大量的时间研究。
A. multiplying 乘 B. breeding C. magnifying 放大 D. generating 生

18. We should make a clear distinction between the two scientific terms for the purpose
of our discussion.为了我们讨论的目的,我们应该找到这两个科学说法之间的明显区别。
A. distinction B. discrimination C. deviation D. separation

19. She was complaining that the doctor was charging too much for the treatment he was giving
A. expending B. offering C. costing D. charging

20. The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to accommodate over two hundred
A. contain B. provide C. reside D. accommodate
IV. Reading Comprehension
Passage one
直到最近白日做梦被认为是浪费时间 。或被看作是逃避现实、逃避责任的一种不健康倾向。但
现在有人对白日做梦持一种新的见解。而这可能 是因为越来越多的人缺乏白日梦比白日梦太多了更
现在看来,一个人的自我控制和自我 方向可能变差,如果他或她不做白日梦的。这样的人会变
Joan T. Fretbery博士认为白日梦有助于智力的发展。她说白日梦也能提高集中注意力 和与人
但 这只是故事的一部分。有关白日做梦的最美妙的事情可能是我们要靠它来塑造我们想要的未
来生活。实业 家亨利·凯泽认为,他的成功是由于积极利用白日梦。弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔梦想成为
一个护士。年轻的托 马斯爱迪生把自己想象为一个发明家。对这些著名的成功者来说,似乎他们的
哈 利艾默生福斯迪克博士认为,我们想象自己是什么样子,结果往往就成为什么样子的人。他
提出这样的建 议:“在你的心目中有一张自己的„„,你将被引向它。把自己生动形象地描绘成失
败者,一个人不可能 会胜利。想象自己是胜利者,这将不可估量的有助于成功。不能想象出自己的
未来,那么你就会像漂浮在 海洋上的弃船。”
If one does not daydream at all, he may _________.
A. have no trouble concentrating B. be better self controlled
C. improve his creative abilities D. not be mentally prepared for the strains of daily life
1、 如果一个人不做白日梦,他可能会
A没有问题集中 B更好的自我控制 C提高自己的创新能力 D没有拉进现实生活的思想准备

The author is more worried about people's _________.
A. imagined adventures B. lack of daydreaming
C. having too much of daydreaming D. imagination of the future
A想象的冒险 B缺乏做白日梦 C有太多的白日梦 D对未来的想象

What Henry Kaiser knew as the positive use of daydreaming is _________.
A. to imagine yourself to be a nurse or an inventor
B. to shape your future the way you want it to be
C. to do more daydreaming D. to get along with others
A想象自己是一个护士或发明家 B按你希望的塑造你的未来 C做更多的白日梦 D与人相处

According to Harry Emerson, by imagining success we may _________.
A. learn to be happy with failure B. overcome most health problems
C. achieve success D. save a lot of work
A在失败中得到快乐 B克服大多数健康问题 C获得成功 D节省大量的工作

The word “drawn” in the last paragraph means _________.
A. sketched B. brought C. carried D. attracted
5、在最后一段 “drawn”的意思是
A草图 B带来,拿来 C进行,携带 D吸引,引来

Passage Two
图书 馆的资源可以很有用,甚至当我们正在做一些很不正规的事情,如试图想出一个更好的方
法来衡量对音乐 的态度,或寻找一种更好的方式教数学。当我们正在做的事情很正式的时候,图书
馆同样有用,如写论文 或准备一篇在专业杂志发表的文章。在任一情况下,我们的目标应该是利用
图书馆作为一个有用的工具, 以帮助我们了解并解决我们的问题。
本章的以下部分将描述许多在图书馆中可用的特定资源。在其他情 况下你可能会完全不熟悉一
种资源。你的目标应该是了解什么是可用的,并知道如何使用这些资源来帮助 你解决它们被设计来
当教育家们有一则消息想与同行分享,他们经常把信息发表 在专业期刊或专业会议上。图书馆
经常对获取这些信息有帮助,本章将介绍特别服务,使我们能够找到这 样的信息。
1. The library resources can be helpful when we __________.
A. want to find a better way to measure attitudes toward music
B. are preparing a paper for a professional journal
C. are writing a dissertation D. All of the above
A要找到一个更好的方法来衡量对音乐的态度 B准备向专业杂志供稿 C写论文 D.以上皆是

2. The familiarity of readers with different resources __________.
A. is more or less the same B. varies slightly
C. differs greatly D. should not be different
A多少差不多 B略有不同 C差异较大 D不应该是不同的

3. The author believes that __________.
A. library resources should be used frequently and completely
B. library resources cannot be made good use of if they are not available to us
C. one is supposed to be aware of the library resources that are usually not available
D. one is supposed to have good knowledge and make good use of resources
A图书馆资源应经常和彻底利用 B图书馆资源不能被充分利用,如果他们不对我们可用
C人应该知道图书馆资源通常是无用的 D人应该有良好的知识,善用资源

4. When educators wish to share some information with their colleagues, they often ________.
A. publish it in a professional journal B. attend professional meetings
C. get access to it in the library D. make use of some library services
A在专业刊物上公布它 B参加专业会议 C在图书馆接近它 D使用一些图书馆服务

5. The chapter in question __________.
A. mainly deals with the ways of dissertation writing
B. presents information on publishing papers in professional journals
C. introduces some library services
D. describers some professional meeting
A主要涉及论文的写作方法 B介绍了在专业期刊上发表论文的信息
C介绍了一些图书馆服务 D介绍了一些专业的会议

Passage Three
我们可以在任何年龄犯错误。我们犯了一些错误是与钱有关。但大多数错误是关于人的。“ 难

道杰里真的关心,当我与海伦分手?”“当我得到了很好的工作,作为朋友杰里感觉良 好或者他是
嫉妒我的运气?”当我们回想,这些怀疑让我们感觉沮丧。但是,当我们回头看,一切都太迟 了。
为什么我们会误解我们的朋友 - 或者我们的敌人?有时人们所说的隐藏了其真正的意思。如果
那 话里有一点嫉妒。也许他自己并不认为。但这句话所带的“狗”字让你身份下来了一点。他可能
会说是, 他不认为你应该得到你的运气。
你怎么能知道某人话语背后的真正含义?一种方法是好好看看在交谈的 人。他的话匹配他看上
去的样子吗?他说话是什么的语气什么声音?他的体态?他的眼神?停下来想一想 。你花一分钟思
1. From the questions in the first paragraph we can learn that the speaker ________.
A. feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him
B. feels he may not have “read” his friends’ true feelings correctly
C. thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, Helen
D. is sorry that his friends let him down
A感到高兴,心想他的朋友对他多么好 B感觉他可能没有正确地“读”他的朋友的真实感受
C认为这是一个错误以致失去他的女友海伦 D遗憾他的朋友让他失望

2. In the second paragraph, the author uses the example of “You’re a lucky dog” to show
that __________.
A. the speaker of this sentence is just being friendly
B. this saying means the same as “You’re a lucky guy” or “You’re a lucky gal”
C. sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the words
D. the word “dog” shouldn’t be used to apply to people
A说这句话的人是友善的 B这句话的意思是“你是个幸运的家伙”或“你是个幸运的姑娘”
C有时说话的人所用的字提供了一个线索去感觉话语背后的意思 D单词“dog”不应该被用于描述人

3. This passage tries to tell you how to ________.

A. avoid mistakes about money and friends
B. bring the “dog” bit into our conversation
C. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you
D. keep people friendly without trusting them
A避免对金钱和朋友误会 B把“狗”拿到我们的谈话中
C避免错误理解别人的话 D保持友好,而不信任他们

4. In listening to a person, the important thing is ________.
A. to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyes
B. listen to how he pronounces his words
C. to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his posture
D. not to believe what he says
A注意到他的语气、体态和眼神 B听他是如何说的话
C根据他的态度、语气和体态检查他的话 D不要相信他说的话

5. If you followed the advice of the writer, you would ________.
A. be able to get the real meaning of what people say to you
B. avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy you
C. not lose real friends who say things that do not please you
D. be able to observe people as they are talking to you
A能够得到人们对你说的话真正的意义 B避免与嫉妒你的人说话时出错

C不会失去说话做事不讨好你的真正的朋友 D能够观察跟你说话的人

V. Translation
Section B: Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 我们的行动要和话语一致.(in harmony with)
2. 他在风雪交加之中离开了故乡。(in the midst of)
3. 暴力犯罪是危害现代社会的弊病之一。(malady)
4. 法院外面聚集了大批新闻记者。(scores of)
5. 食品和药品被迅速运往地震灾区。(stricken)
我们的行为应该与话语相一致。Our actions should be in harmony with our words.
他在风雪交加之中离开了故乡。He left his hometown in the midst of a snowstorm.
暴力犯罪是危害现代社会的弊病之一。Violent crime is one of the maladies affecting modern society.
法院外面聚集了大批新闻记者。Scores of reporters gathered outside the courthouse.
食物和药品被迅速运往地震灾区。Supplies of food and medicine were rushed to the earthquake-stricken

13 级普通班单元练习卷四
(2014, Term1)
Test 4
(Unit 8, BookII)
I. Collocation:
1. Accuracy is fundamental to the programming of computers.
2. He finally came through his operation.他最终度过了他的手术。
3. The people offered a stiff resistance to the invaders.人民是对侵略者的坚实阻力。
4. Rains have filled the reservoirs to excess.降雨填满水库并使其过量。
5. I stormed out of the room in a rage. 我怒气冲冲地冲出了房间。
6. The survival of civilization as we know it is under threat.
7. His proposal was voted down on the grounds of extra costs.
8. They rented the old house on the assumption that the landlord would paint it.
II. Vocabulary
9. Migrant workers move from country to country in search of well-paid work.
A. immigrant B. emigrant C. migrant D. mysterious

10. A flock of birds comes over, and the hunting starts. 一群鸟飞过来, 打猎开始了。
A. swarm B. flock C. group D. herd

two men became deadly enemies.这俩人成为死敌。
A. dead B. death C. deathly D. deadly

12. Since the matter was extremely urgent, we dealt with it immediately.
A. tough B. tense C. urgent D. instant

13. Should the sentiment of patriotism be controlled by reason?

A. sentiment 情绪 B. affection 感情 爱 C. emotion 情感 D. passion 激情

14. She is a pretty creature. 她是一个美丽的女人。
A. animal B. beast 野兽 C. creation 创造物 D. creature 生物

15. They had a fierce debate as to whether their company should restore the trade
relationship which was broken years ago.
A. debate B. clash 冲突 C. disagreement 异议 D. contest 竞赛

16. Ivy creeps up the walls of the building. 常春藤沿楼房墙壁蔓延。
A. crawl B. climb C. creeps D. creams

17. It is true that breeding a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires
much research time.这是真的,把野生植物培育成一种主要的粮食作物如小麦需要大量的时间研究。
A. multiplying 乘 B. breeding C. magnifying 放大 D. generating 生

18. We should make a clear distinction between the two scientific terms for the purpose
of our discussion.为了我们讨论的目的,我们应该找到这两个科学说法之间的明显区别。
A. distinction B. discrimination C. deviation D. separation

19. She was complaining that the doctor was charging too much for the treatment he was giving
A. expending B. offering C. costing D. charging

20. The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to accommodate over two hundred
A. contain B. provide C. reside D. accommodate
IV. Reading Comprehension
Passage one
直到最近白日做梦被认为是浪费时间 。或被看作是逃避现实、逃避责任的一种不健康倾向。但
现在有人对白日做梦持一种新的见解。而这可能 是因为越来越多的人缺乏白日梦比白日梦太多了更
现在看来,一个人的自我控制和自我 方向可能变差,如果他或她不做白日梦的。这样的人会变
Joan T. Fretbery博士认为白日梦有助于智力的发展。她说白日梦也能提高集中注意力 和与人
但 这只是故事的一部分。有关白日做梦的最美妙的事情可能是我们要靠它来塑造我们想要的未
来生活。实业 家亨利·凯泽认为,他的成功是由于积极利用白日梦。弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔梦想成为
一个护士。年轻的托 马斯爱迪生把自己想象为一个发明家。对这些著名的成功者来说,似乎他们的
哈 利艾默生福斯迪克博士认为,我们想象自己是什么样子,结果往往就成为什么样子的人。他
提出这样的建 议:“在你的心目中有一张自己的„„,你将被引向它。把自己生动形象地描绘成失
败者,一个人不可能 会胜利。想象自己是胜利者,这将不可估量的有助于成功。不能想象出自己的
未来,那么你就会像漂浮在 海洋上的弃船。”
If one does not daydream at all, he may _________.
A. have no trouble concentrating B. be better self controlled
C. improve his creative abilities D. not be mentally prepared for the strains of daily life
1、 如果一个人不做白日梦,他可能会
A没有问题集中 B更好的自我控制 C提高自己的创新能力 D没有拉进现实生活的思想准备

The author is more worried about people's _________.
A. imagined adventures B. lack of daydreaming
C. having too much of daydreaming D. imagination of the future
A想象的冒险 B缺乏做白日梦 C有太多的白日梦 D对未来的想象

What Henry Kaiser knew as the positive use of daydreaming is _________.
A. to imagine yourself to be a nurse or an inventor
B. to shape your future the way you want it to be
C. to do more daydreaming D. to get along with others
A想象自己是一个护士或发明家 B按你希望的塑造你的未来 C做更多的白日梦 D与人相处

According to Harry Emerson, by imagining success we may _________.
A. learn to be happy with failure B. overcome most health problems
C. achieve success D. save a lot of work
A在失败中得到快乐 B克服大多数健康问题 C获得成功 D节省大量的工作

The word “drawn” in the last paragraph means _________.
A. sketched B. brought C. carried D. attracted
5、在最后一段 “drawn”的意思是
A草图 B带来,拿来 C进行,携带 D吸引,引来

Passage Two
图书 馆的资源可以很有用,甚至当我们正在做一些很不正规的事情,如试图想出一个更好的方
法来衡量对音乐 的态度,或寻找一种更好的方式教数学。当我们正在做的事情很正式的时候,图书
馆同样有用,如写论文 或准备一篇在专业杂志发表的文章。在任一情况下,我们的目标应该是利用
图书馆作为一个有用的工具, 以帮助我们了解并解决我们的问题。
本章的以下部分将描述许多在图书馆中可用的特定资源。在其他情 况下你可能会完全不熟悉一
种资源。你的目标应该是了解什么是可用的,并知道如何使用这些资源来帮助 你解决它们被设计来
当教育家们有一则消息想与同行分享,他们经常把信息发表 在专业期刊或专业会议上。图书馆
经常对获取这些信息有帮助,本章将介绍特别服务,使我们能够找到这 样的信息。
1. The library resources can be helpful when we __________.
A. want to find a better way to measure attitudes toward music
B. are preparing a paper for a professional journal
C. are writing a dissertation D. All of the above
A要找到一个更好的方法来衡量对音乐的态度 B准备向专业杂志供稿 C写论文 D.以上皆是

2. The familiarity of readers with different resources __________.
A. is more or less the same B. varies slightly
C. differs greatly D. should not be different
A多少差不多 B略有不同 C差异较大 D不应该是不同的

3. The author believes that __________.
A. library resources should be used frequently and completely
B. library resources cannot be made good use of if they are not available to us
C. one is supposed to be aware of the library resources that are usually not available
D. one is supposed to have good knowledge and make good use of resources
A图书馆资源应经常和彻底利用 B图书馆资源不能被充分利用,如果他们不对我们可用
C人应该知道图书馆资源通常是无用的 D人应该有良好的知识,善用资源

4. When educators wish to share some information with their colleagues, they often ________.
A. publish it in a professional journal B. attend professional meetings
C. get access to it in the library D. make use of some library services
A在专业刊物上公布它 B参加专业会议 C在图书馆接近它 D使用一些图书馆服务

5. The chapter in question __________.
A. mainly deals with the ways of dissertation writing
B. presents information on publishing papers in professional journals
C. introduces some library services
D. describers some professional meeting
A主要涉及论文的写作方法 B介绍了在专业期刊上发表论文的信息
C介绍了一些图书馆服务 D介绍了一些专业的会议

Passage Three
我们可以在任何年龄犯错误。我们犯了一些错误是与钱有关。但大多数错误是关于人的。“ 难

道杰里真的关心,当我与海伦分手?”“当我得到了很好的工作,作为朋友杰里感觉良 好或者他是
嫉妒我的运气?”当我们回想,这些怀疑让我们感觉沮丧。但是,当我们回头看,一切都太迟 了。
为什么我们会误解我们的朋友 - 或者我们的敌人?有时人们所说的隐藏了其真正的意思。如果
那 话里有一点嫉妒。也许他自己并不认为。但这句话所带的“狗”字让你身份下来了一点。他可能
会说是, 他不认为你应该得到你的运气。
你怎么能知道某人话语背后的真正含义?一种方法是好好看看在交谈的 人。他的话匹配他看上
去的样子吗?他说话是什么的语气什么声音?他的体态?他的眼神?停下来想一想 。你花一分钟思
1. From the questions in the first paragraph we can learn that the speaker ________.
A. feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him
B. feels he may not have “read” his friends’ true feelings correctly
C. thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, Helen
D. is sorry that his friends let him down
A感到高兴,心想他的朋友对他多么好 B感觉他可能没有正确地“读”他的朋友的真实感受
C认为这是一个错误以致失去他的女友海伦 D遗憾他的朋友让他失望

2. In the second paragraph, the author uses the example of “You’re a lucky dog” to show
that __________.
A. the speaker of this sentence is just being friendly
B. this saying means the same as “You’re a lucky guy” or “You’re a lucky gal”
C. sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the words
D. the word “dog” shouldn’t be used to apply to people
A说这句话的人是友善的 B这句话的意思是“你是个幸运的家伙”或“你是个幸运的姑娘”
C有时说话的人所用的字提供了一个线索去感觉话语背后的意思 D单词“dog”不应该被用于描述人

3. This passage tries to tell you how to ________.

A. avoid mistakes about money and friends
B. bring the “dog” bit into our conversation
C. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you
D. keep people friendly without trusting them
A避免对金钱和朋友误会 B把“狗”拿到我们的谈话中
C避免错误理解别人的话 D保持友好,而不信任他们

4. In listening to a person, the important thing is ________.
A. to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyes
B. listen to how he pronounces his words
C. to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his posture
D. not to believe what he says
A注意到他的语气、体态和眼神 B听他是如何说的话
C根据他的态度、语气和体态检查他的话 D不要相信他说的话

5. If you followed the advice of the writer, you would ________.
A. be able to get the real meaning of what people say to you
B. avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy you
C. not lose real friends who say things that do not please you
D. be able to observe people as they are talking to you
A能够得到人们对你说的话真正的意义 B避免与嫉妒你的人说话时出错

C不会失去说话做事不讨好你的真正的朋友 D能够观察跟你说话的人

V. Translation
Section B: Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 我们的行动要和话语一致.(in harmony with)
2. 他在风雪交加之中离开了故乡。(in the midst of)
3. 暴力犯罪是危害现代社会的弊病之一。(malady)
4. 法院外面聚集了大批新闻记者。(scores of)
5. 食品和药品被迅速运往地震灾区。(stricken)
我们的行为应该与话语相一致。Our actions should be in harmony with our words.
他在风雪交加之中离开了故乡。He left his hometown in the midst of a snowstorm.
暴力犯罪是危害现代社会的弊病之一。Violent crime is one of the maladies affecting modern society.
法院外面聚集了大批新闻记者。Scores of reporters gathered outside the courthouse.
食物和药品被迅速运往地震灾区。Supplies of food and medicine were rushed to the earthquake-stricken







