全新版大学英语大一综合教程1课文翻译Unit 1-6及课后练习翻译题答案

2020年08月03日 14:18


Unit 1
The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in
Belleville, but it wasn't until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold.


Lying on the sofa, I finally faced up to the unwelcome task, took the list out of my
notebook, and scanned it. The topic on which my eye stopped was “The Art of Eating

我躺在沙发上,最终不得不面对这 一讨厌的功课,便从笔记本里抽出作文题目单粗
粗……看。我的目光落在“吃意大利细面条的艺术”这个 题目上。

When I finished it the night was half gone and there was no time left to compose a
proper, respectable essay for Mr. Fleagle.

I did my best to avoid showing pleasure, but what I was feeling was pure delight at
this demonstration that my words had the power to make people laugh.

Unit 2
“I hadn't seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years

because I moved away from the old neighborhood and you kind of lose touch even though
you never forget. He was a great guy.”
近 25 到 30 年来,我跟他一年只见一两次面,因为我 从原来住的老街坊搬了出来,

But I realized that Old Ed was stillon his mind when he spoke again, almost more to
himself than to me: ” he repeated, “I should have kept in
touch. ”
可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与 其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语:
“我真该一直保持联系。真的,”他重复道,“我真该一直保持 联系。”

when it says here that there aren't many of us left, that'sabsolutely right. Every time I
go to a class reunion, for example, there are fewer and fewer still around. ”
信里说我们这些人当中留下的不多了,说得一点不错。比如说, 每次我去参加老同学

Your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me, more than I can say be
cause I 'm not good at saying things like that.

He looked sort of sorrowful, or as if he were trying to see something in the distance. “I
guess I should have written it sooner.”

Unit 3
Some people would like to stop these changes and go back to what they see as a
purer and simpler age.

Even if all government money for research were cut off (and the present government
is doing its best), the force of competition would stillbring about advances in technology.
即使所有用于研究的政府资金都被取消 ( 现政府最擅此事 ) ,竞争的力量仍将继续带

What can be done to harness this interest and give the public the scientific
background it needs to make informed decisions on subjects like acid rain, the greenhouse
effect, nuclear weapons, and genetic engineering?
怎么样才能利用这种兴趣,向公众提供所需要的科学知识 ,以便其在酸雨、温室效应、
核武器以及基因工程等问题上作出明达的决定呢 ?

There are some very good science programmes on TV, but others present scientific
wonders simply as magic, without explaining them or showing how theyfit into the
framework of scientific ideas.
电视上有一些相当优秀的科学节目,但其他的节目把科学奇迹简 单地作为魔术播出,既

The world today is filled with dangers,hencethe sick joke that the reason we have not
been contactedby an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when
they reach our stage.
当今世界充满危险,因此就有了那个令人毛骨 悚然的玩笑,说我们尚未受到外星文明造
访的原因在于:但凡文明发展到我们目前的程度,它们往往就自 我毁灭了。

Unit 4
Form them the dream is that talent and hard work can take you from log cabin to
White House

I managed to work out some kind of small weekly pay, and each day Tony cleaned up

the yard and took care of any little tasks.

He had learned to read the millionths of an inch on the micrometer and to shape the
grinding wheel with an instrument set with a diamond.

He grew in stature in my the end, I think he stood as tall, and as proud, as the
greatest American industrialists.


But, after all, the balance sheets were exactly the same. The only difference was
where you put the decimal point.

Unit 6
Taking a book off the shelf he soon found himself absorbed, not by the words of the
book, but by the notes penciled in the margin.

A young woman was coming toward me, her figure long and slim. Her golden hair lay
back in curls from her delicate ears; her eyes were blue as flowers.
—位年轻的姑娘向我走来,她身材颀长纤细。一头卷曲的金发披在秀美的耳后 ;眼睛碧

This would not be love, but it would be something precious, something perhaps even

better than love, a friendship for which I had been and must ever be grateful .
这不会是爱情,但将是某种珍贵的、或许比爱情更美妙的东西,一种我曾经感激 ,并将

It's not difficult to understand and admire Miss Maynell 's wisdom. The true nature of
a heart is seen initsresponse to the unattractive.
梅奈尔小姐的智慧不难理解,也令人称奇。心灵的本质是 从其对不美的事物的态度中反

“Tell me whom you love,“and I will tell you who you are.”

Unit 1
The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in
Belleville, but it wasn't until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold.

从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当 作家的念头,但直

Lying on the sofa, I finally faced up to the unwelcome task, took the list out of my
notebook, and scanned it. The topic on which my eye stopped was “The Art of Eating

我躺在沙发上 ,最终不得不面对这一讨厌的功课,便从笔记本里抽出作文题目单粗
粗……看。我的目光落在“吃意大利 细面条的艺术”这个题目上。

When I finished it the night was half gone and there was no time left to compose a
proper, respectable essay for Mr. Fleagle.

I did my best to avoid showing pleasure, but what I was feeling was pure delight at
this demonstration that my words had the power to make people laugh.

Unit 2
“I hadn't seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years

because I moved away from the old neighborhood and you kind of lose touch even though
you never forget. He was a great guy.”
近 25 到 30 年来,我跟他一年只见一两次面,因为我 从原来住的老街坊搬了出来,

But I realized that Old Ed was stillon his mind when he spoke again, almost more to
himself than to me: ” he repeated, “I should have kept in
touch. ”
可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与 其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语:
“我真该一直保持联系。真的,”他重复道,“我真该一直保持 联系。”

when it says here that there aren't many of us left, that'sabsolutely right. Every time I
go to a class reunion, for example, there are fewer and fewer still around. ”
信里说我们这些人当中留下的不多了,说得一点不错。比如说, 每次我去参加老同学

Your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me, more than I can say be
cause I 'm not good at saying things like that.

He looked sort of sorrowful, or as if he were trying to see something in the distance. “I
guess I should have written it sooner.”

Unit 3
Some people would like to stop these changes and go back to what they see as a
purer and simpler age.

Even if all government money for research were cut off (and the present government
is doing its best), the force of competition would stillbring about advances in technology.
即使所有用于研究的政府资金都被取消 ( 现政府最擅此事 ) ,竞争的力量仍将继续带

What can be done to harness this interest and give the public the scientific
background it needs to make informed decisions on subjects like acid rain, the greenhouse
effect, nuclear weapons, and genetic engineering?
怎么样才能利用这种兴趣,向公众提供所需要的科学知识 ,以便其在酸雨、温室效应、
核武器以及基因工程等问题上作出明达的决定呢 ?

There are some very good science programmes on TV, but others present scientific
wonders simply as magic, without explaining them or showing how theyfit into the
framework of scientific ideas.
电视上有一些相当优秀的科学节目,但其他的节目把科学奇迹简 单地作为魔术播出,既

The world today is filled with dangers,hencethe sick joke that the reason we have not
been contactedby an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when
they reach our stage.
当今世界充满危险,因此就有了那个令人毛骨 悚然的玩笑,说我们尚未受到外星文明造
访的原因在于:但凡文明发展到我们目前的程度,它们往往就自 我毁灭了。

Unit 4
Form them the dream is that talent and hard work can take you from log cabin to
White House

I managed to work out some kind of small weekly pay, and each day Tony cleaned up

the yard and took care of any little tasks.

He had learned to read the millionths of an inch on the micrometer and to shape the
grinding wheel with an instrument set with a diamond.

He grew in stature in my the end, I think he stood as tall, and as proud, as the
greatest American industrialists.


But, after all, the balance sheets were exactly the same. The only difference was
where you put the decimal point.

Unit 6
Taking a book off the shelf he soon found himself absorbed, not by the words of the
book, but by the notes penciled in the margin.

A young woman was coming toward me, her figure long and slim. Her golden hair lay
back in curls from her delicate ears; her eyes were blue as flowers.
—位年轻的姑娘向我走来,她身材颀长纤细。一头卷曲的金发披在秀美的耳后 ;眼睛碧

This would not be love, but it would be something precious, something perhaps even

better than love, a friendship for which I had been and must ever be grateful .
这不会是爱情,但将是某种珍贵的、或许比爱情更美妙的东西,一种我曾经感激 ,并将

It's not difficult to understand and admire Miss Maynell 's wisdom. The true nature of
a heart is seen initsresponse to the unattractive.
梅奈尔小姐的智慧不难理解,也令人称奇。心灵的本质是 从其对不美的事物的态度中反

“Tell me whom you love,“and I will tell you who you are.”







