
2020年08月03日 15:04


killed. It wasdfss asdfs close casdfsll indeed. Since then
I hasdfsve never tasdfsken asdfs tasdfsxi without first
masdfsking sure thasdfst the doors asdfsre closed fasdfsst.
(Describe asdfsn unforgettasdfsble experience)叙述一个无
One dasdfsy when I wasdfss asdfs child, I sasdfsw asdfsn
asdfsd asdfsbout asdfs missing dog in the pasdfsper. As my next
door neighbor hasdfsd asdfs Germasdfsn shepherd like the one
described in the asdfsd, I casdfslled the owner of the missing
dog to tell him thasdfst. I asdfslso gasdfsve him my neighbor's
telephone number.
I hasdfsd asdfslmost forgot asdfsbout the whole thing when
I heasdfsrd my neighbor tasdfslking in asdfs loud voice one
night. I rushed to the window immediasdfstely to see whasdfst
wasdfss going on.
belong to us. We hasdfsve kept it for asdfslmost eight yeasdfsrs
Suddenly I felt rasdfsther guilty, for my childish
suspicion of my neighbor seemed totasdfslly unjustified. But
I didn't hasdfsve the courasdfsge to tell him thasdfst it

wasdfss I who hasdfsd casdfsused him asdfsll this trouble. I
hasdfsve been silent asdfsbout this thing until now.
(Describe asdfsn unforgettasdfsble experience)叙述一个无
Everybody hasdfss some experience he casdfsnnot forget.
For me, the most unforgettasdfsble experience wasdfss
tasdfsking pasdfsrt in asdfsn English conversasdfstion test.
This occurred asdfsbout three yeasdfsrs asdfsgo when I hasdfsd
to tasdfske asdfsn English exasdfsminasdfstion, including
conversasdfstion, in order to go to the United Stasdfstes.
English wasdfss my second lasdfsnguasdfsge; I hasdfsd
difficulty even with reasdfsding asdfsnd writing, not to
mention speasdfsking. Nasdfsturasdfslly I wasdfss very nervous
when it wasdfss my turn to fasdfsce the exasdfsminers, one asdfs
gentlemasdfsn asdfsnd asdfsnother asdfs young lasdfsdy. They
asdfssked me something asdfsbout sports, sightseeing, Chinese
culture, the purpose of my going to the Stasdfstes asdfsnd so
on. I wasdfss simply too nervous to be asdfsble to masdfske
asdfsny sensible asdfsnswer. In fasdfsct, I could hasdfsrdly
open my mouth. The interview took asdfsbout ten minutes, but
it seemed yeasdfsrs to me. When it wasdfss over, my shirt
wasdfss thoroughly wet.

This wasdfss the first time I tasdfslked to foreigners in
English. This wasdfss asdfsn experience I asdfsm not likely to
An Embasdfsrrasdfsssing Experience(一次尴尬的经验)
As is often the casdfsse, sometime lasdfsst month I
wasdfslked on the street asdfsnd found someone smiling or even
trying to tasdfslk to me, but I couldn't recasdfsll who he or
she wasdfss asdfst asdfsll. I felt so ill asdfst easdfsse
thasdfst asdfsll I did wasdfss only to gently stasdfsnd there
asdfsnd try my best to smile asdfss brightly asdfss possible.
One dasdfsy such asdfs thing hasdfsppened asdfsgasdfsin.
While I wasdfss greeting thasdfst beasdfsutiful girl, asdfs
crasdfszy ideasdfs casdfsme into my mind thasdfst I decided to
keep on tasdfslking with her though I didn't know her. Luckily,
we hasdfsd asdfs pleasdfssasdfsnt conversasdfstion for ten
minutes. But when sasdfsying good-bye to easdfsch other, we
both suddenly found she hasdfsd mistasdfsken me for my elder
sister. Whasdfst asdfsn embasdfsrrasdfsssing experience it


killed. It wasdfss asdfs close casdfsll indeed. Since then
I hasdfsve never tasdfsken asdfs tasdfsxi without first
masdfsking sure thasdfst the doors asdfsre closed fasdfsst.
(Describe asdfsn unforgettasdfsble experience)叙述一个无
One dasdfsy when I wasdfss asdfs child, I sasdfsw asdfsn
asdfsd asdfsbout asdfs missing dog in the pasdfsper. As my next
door neighbor hasdfsd asdfs Germasdfsn shepherd like the one
described in the asdfsd, I casdfslled the owner of the missing
dog to tell him thasdfst. I asdfslso gasdfsve him my neighbor's
telephone number.
I hasdfsd asdfslmost forgot asdfsbout the whole thing when
I heasdfsrd my neighbor tasdfslking in asdfs loud voice one
night. I rushed to the window immediasdfstely to see whasdfst
wasdfss going on.
belong to us. We hasdfsve kept it for asdfslmost eight yeasdfsrs
Suddenly I felt rasdfsther guilty, for my childish
suspicion of my neighbor seemed totasdfslly unjustified. But
I didn't hasdfsve the courasdfsge to tell him thasdfst it

wasdfss I who hasdfsd casdfsused him asdfsll this trouble. I
hasdfsve been silent asdfsbout this thing until now.
(Describe asdfsn unforgettasdfsble experience)叙述一个无
Everybody hasdfss some experience he casdfsnnot forget.
For me, the most unforgettasdfsble experience wasdfss
tasdfsking pasdfsrt in asdfsn English conversasdfstion test.
This occurred asdfsbout three yeasdfsrs asdfsgo when I hasdfsd
to tasdfske asdfsn English exasdfsminasdfstion, including
conversasdfstion, in order to go to the United Stasdfstes.
English wasdfss my second lasdfsnguasdfsge; I hasdfsd
difficulty even with reasdfsding asdfsnd writing, not to
mention speasdfsking. Nasdfsturasdfslly I wasdfss very nervous
when it wasdfss my turn to fasdfsce the exasdfsminers, one asdfs
gentlemasdfsn asdfsnd asdfsnother asdfs young lasdfsdy. They
asdfssked me something asdfsbout sports, sightseeing, Chinese
culture, the purpose of my going to the Stasdfstes asdfsnd so
on. I wasdfss simply too nervous to be asdfsble to masdfske
asdfsny sensible asdfsnswer. In fasdfsct, I could hasdfsrdly
open my mouth. The interview took asdfsbout ten minutes, but
it seemed yeasdfsrs to me. When it wasdfss over, my shirt
wasdfss thoroughly wet.

This wasdfss the first time I tasdfslked to foreigners in
English. This wasdfss asdfsn experience I asdfsm not likely to
An Embasdfsrrasdfsssing Experience(一次尴尬的经验)
As is often the casdfsse, sometime lasdfsst month I
wasdfslked on the street asdfsnd found someone smiling or even
trying to tasdfslk to me, but I couldn't recasdfsll who he or
she wasdfss asdfst asdfsll. I felt so ill asdfst easdfsse
thasdfst asdfsll I did wasdfss only to gently stasdfsnd there
asdfsnd try my best to smile asdfss brightly asdfss possible.
One dasdfsy such asdfs thing hasdfsppened asdfsgasdfsin.
While I wasdfss greeting thasdfst beasdfsutiful girl, asdfs
crasdfszy ideasdfs casdfsme into my mind thasdfst I decided to
keep on tasdfslking with her though I didn't know her. Luckily,
we hasdfsd asdfs pleasdfssasdfsnt conversasdfstion for ten
minutes. But when sasdfsying good-bye to easdfsch other, we
both suddenly found she hasdfsd mistasdfsken me for my elder
sister. Whasdfst asdfsn embasdfsrrasdfsssing experience it








