
2020年08月03日 15:14



When I was a child, my mother told me that the sea is my
hometown. Whenever I sing this song, I think of the fun of my first
trip to the sea in my childhood.
那是星期天的一天早上,爸爸开着车带着 我和妈妈去赶海,
一对翅膀,一 下子飞到海边,中午时分,我们终于来到了离家很
远的海边,下车后,远望大海一碧千里。海边群山环绕 ,海面上
凉的海风迎面吹来,令 人心旷神怡,一朵朵海花悄打着岸边的礁
It was Sunday morning. My father drove me and my mother to
the sea. Because it was the first time to go to the sea, I was in a very
urgent mood. I wished I could grow a pair of wings and fly to the sea.
At noon, we finally came to the sea far away from home. After
getting off, we looked at the sea for a long time. Surrounded by
mountains by the sea, the sea is full of fish and gulls. Like a silver
flower floating on the sea, the cool sea wind blows in front of you,

which makes you feel relaxed and happy. One after another, the sea
flower is quietly hitting the reef on the bank, making a crisp sound,
which is a lively scene.
快 走啊,马上就要退潮了,爸爸的喊声把陶醉在美景中的我
拉了回来,我手拿小桶快步走到海边,两眼眯成 一条线,仔细的
螃蟹,我蹑手蹑 脚地向他逼近,慢慢的伸出手,正当我要大功告
成之时,却被螃蟹发现了,一转身夹住了我的手,气得我 咬牙切
了一口气,又发现了一条 色彩斑斓的小鱼,上半身是橘黄色,夹
杂着许多小黑点,下半身是除白色,非常惹人喜爱,我费了好大< br>的力气,才把它抓到桶里,啊这个星期天真是快乐的一天。
Let's go. The tide is going to ebb soon. My father's shouting
brings me back from the beautiful scenery. I walk to the seaside with
a bucket in my hand. My eyes are narrowed into a line. I look for the
prey carefully. My kung fu is good. I finally find a crab the size of a
thumb. I tiptoe towards him and slowly extend my hand. Just when I
want to achieve my goal, I am The crab found it, turned around and
clamped my hand, which made me gnash my teeth, but I was not
discouraged. Holding its shell in pain, I quickly threw it into the
bucket. I was relieved, and found a colorful little fish, the upper part
of which was orange, mixed with many small black spots, the lower

part of which was in addition to white, which was very popular. It
took me a lot of effort to catch it Li, ah, this week is a happy day.


When I was a child, my mother told me that the sea is my
hometown. Whenever I sing this song, I think of the fun of my first
trip to the sea in my childhood.
那是星期天的一天早上,爸爸开着车带着 我和妈妈去赶海,
一对翅膀,一 下子飞到海边,中午时分,我们终于来到了离家很
远的海边,下车后,远望大海一碧千里。海边群山环绕 ,海面上
凉的海风迎面吹来,令 人心旷神怡,一朵朵海花悄打着岸边的礁
It was Sunday morning. My father drove me and my mother to
the sea. Because it was the first time to go to the sea, I was in a very
urgent mood. I wished I could grow a pair of wings and fly to the sea.
At noon, we finally came to the sea far away from home. After
getting off, we looked at the sea for a long time. Surrounded by
mountains by the sea, the sea is full of fish and gulls. Like a silver
flower floating on the sea, the cool sea wind blows in front of you,

which makes you feel relaxed and happy. One after another, the sea
flower is quietly hitting the reef on the bank, making a crisp sound,
which is a lively scene.
快 走啊,马上就要退潮了,爸爸的喊声把陶醉在美景中的我
拉了回来,我手拿小桶快步走到海边,两眼眯成 一条线,仔细的
螃蟹,我蹑手蹑 脚地向他逼近,慢慢的伸出手,正当我要大功告
成之时,却被螃蟹发现了,一转身夹住了我的手,气得我 咬牙切
了一口气,又发现了一条 色彩斑斓的小鱼,上半身是橘黄色,夹
杂着许多小黑点,下半身是除白色,非常惹人喜爱,我费了好大< br>的力气,才把它抓到桶里,啊这个星期天真是快乐的一天。
Let's go. The tide is going to ebb soon. My father's shouting
brings me back from the beautiful scenery. I walk to the seaside with
a bucket in my hand. My eyes are narrowed into a line. I look for the
prey carefully. My kung fu is good. I finally find a crab the size of a
thumb. I tiptoe towards him and slowly extend my hand. Just when I
want to achieve my goal, I am The crab found it, turned around and
clamped my hand, which made me gnash my teeth, but I was not
discouraged. Holding its shell in pain, I quickly threw it into the
bucket. I was relieved, and found a colorful little fish, the upper part
of which was orange, mixed with many small black spots, the lower

part of which was in addition to white, which was very popular. It
took me a lot of effort to catch it Li, ah, this week is a happy day.







