
2020年08月03日 15:20



夕阳普照 的河畔边,栀子花早已怒放。像一缕缕破碎的素帛。
斑斑驳驳印满汾河。远去的雁阵是一行平白直露的日 子。秋香来
撒,飘进了我的心中 。栀子花的缕缕幽香箱在空气中酝酿。带着
回忆的气息。一点一点传送着。在异常寒冷到可比肩冬天的秋 天。
By the Bank of the river where the sun sets, gardenias are
already in full bloom. Like broken silk. The Fenhe River is mottled
and printed. The wild geese array in the distance is a day of plain
white and straight dew. Autumn is coming. Floating in the past,
riding the autumn wind, dancing with the golden leaves, floating and
scattering, floating into my heart. The continuous fragrance box of
gardenia is brewing in the air. With the smell of memories. Bit by bit.
In the autumn of unusually cold to comparable winter. Push that
back to my eyes. It brings me infinite warmth.
起书包极不情愿的起身离开我最爱的地方 ------学校。回到我最不

闻着栀子花香 得我昏昏欲睡,一点儿精神也没有。拖着沉重步伐
It was an autumn evening with gardenias fragrance. I picked up
my schoolbag and left my favorite place, school, reluctantly. Back to
my most reluctant place - home. Back home. My brother's crying,
my mother's cell phone's TV drama, my father's handling of
business, talking on the phone It's a mess! I'm drowsy with the
fragrance of gardenias. I have no spirit at all. Dragging a heavy step,
I walked to the school gate step by step.
出门,忽觉有人在叫我。我一抬头,却 谁也没有看到。过了
包,白发与 青丝交杂在一起。让三十多快到四十的父亲显得无比
苍老。但是他却微笑着。我被吓了一跳,太阳从西边 出来了吗?
了……。”老爸只 说了一句:”不忙,走。”便把我抱了起来。我
呆住了,好久没让老爸抱了,他抱起我的那一瞬间,我还 有点儿
亲无比高大。宽阔的胸膛 带给我无限温暖。走路非常平稳,一步
一步不快不慢,踏踏实实。和着栀子花香,我迷迷糊糊睡着了。< br>这一幕恰好被班主任照了下来,发到了老爸手机上。
When I went out, I suddenly felt someone calling me. I looked
up, but no one saw me. After a while, I saw the tired father in the

crowd, carrying a briefcase, white hair mixed with green silk. Let
more than 30 fast to 40's father appear incomparably old. But he
smiled. I was startled. Did the sun come out from the west? Did dad
come to pick me up at school? I asked Dad, “isn't the unit busy
today? How can I pick me up...” Dad just said, “no, let's go.” He
picked me up. I stayed. I haven't been hugged by my father for a
long time. The moment he picked me up, I still can't respond. But I
unconsciously put my head on my father's shoulder. Suddenly I felt
that my father was very tall. Broad chest brings me infinite warmth.
Walking is very stable, step by step not fast, not slow, steadfast. With
the fragrance of gardenia, I fell asleep. This scene happened to be
photographed by the head teacher and sent to Dad's mobile phone.
在太原熙熙攘攘的人群中,一个高大的身躯和一个娇 小的身
公文包,左肩背着小小的 书包,显得十分不衬。看似小小的书包,
In the bustling crowd of Taiyuan, a tall body and a petite figure
stand out. One is full of white hair, the other is full of black hair.
With a briefcase in his right hand and a small schoolbag on his left
shoulder, it looks very unlined. It seems like a small schoolbag, but
it's the burden of the whole family. It's on his shoulder and

sometimes he can't breathe. The man with white hair did his best to
protect the black haired child and let him grow up


斑斑驳驳印满汾河。远去的雁阵是一行平白 直露的日子。秋香来
撒,飘进了 我的心中。栀子花的缕缕幽香箱在空气中酝酿。带着
回忆的气息。一点一点传送着。在异常寒冷到可比肩 冬天的秋天。
By the Bank of the river where the sun sets, gardenias are
already in full bloom. Like broken silk. The Fenhe River is mottled
and printed. The wild geese array in the distance is a day of plain
white and straight dew. Autumn is coming. Floating in the past,
riding the autumn wind, dancing with the golden leaves, floating and
scattering, floating into my heart. The continuous fragrance box of
gardenia is brewing in the air. With the smell of memories. Bit by bit.
In the autumn of unusually cold to comparable winter. Push that
back to my eyes. It brings me infinite warmth.
起书包极不情愿的起身离开我最爱的地方 ------学校。回到我最不

闻着栀子花香 得我昏昏欲睡,一点儿精神也没有。拖着沉重步伐
It was an autumn evening with gardenias fragrance. I picked up
my schoolbag and left my favorite place, school, reluctantly. Back to
my most reluctant place - home. Back home. My brother's crying,
my mother's cell phone's TV drama, my father's handling of
business, talking on the phone It's a mess! I'm drowsy with the
fragrance of gardenias. I have no spirit at all. Dragging a heavy step,
I walked to the school gate step by step.
出门,忽觉有人在叫我。我一抬头,却 谁也没有看到。过了
包,白发与 青丝交杂在一起。让三十多快到四十的父亲显得无比
苍老。但是他却微笑着。我被吓了一跳,太阳从西边 出来了吗?
了……。”老爸只 说了一句:”不忙,走。”便把我抱了起来。我
呆住了,好久没让老爸抱了,他抱起我的那一瞬间,我还 有点儿
亲无比高大。宽阔的胸膛 带给我无限温暖。走路非常平稳,一步
一步不快不慢,踏踏实实。和着栀子花香,我迷迷糊糊睡着了。< br>这一幕恰好被班主任照了下来,发到了老爸手机上。
When I went out, I suddenly felt someone calling me. I looked
up, but no one saw me. After a while, I saw the tired father in the

crowd, carrying a briefcase, white hair mixed with green silk. Let
more than 30 fast to 40's father appear incomparably old. But he
smiled. I was startled. Did the sun come out from the west? Did dad
come to pick me up at school? I asked Dad, “isn't the unit busy
today? How can I pick me up...” Dad just said, “no, let's go.” He
picked me up. I stayed. I haven't been hugged by my father for a
long time. The moment he picked me up, I still can't respond. But I
unconsciously put my head on my father's shoulder. Suddenly I felt
that my father was very tall. Broad chest brings me infinite warmth.
Walking is very stable, step by step not fast, not slow, steadfast. With
the fragrance of gardenia, I fell asleep. This scene happened to be
photographed by the head teacher and sent to Dad's mobile phone.
在太原熙熙攘攘的人群中,一个高大的身躯和一个娇 小的身
公文包,左肩背着小小的 书包,显得十分不衬。看似小小的书包,
In the bustling crowd of Taiyuan, a tall body and a petite figure
stand out. One is full of white hair, the other is full of black hair.
With a briefcase in his right hand and a small schoolbag on his left
shoulder, it looks very unlined. It seems like a small schoolbag, but
it's the burden of the whole family. It's on his shoulder and

sometimes he can't breathe. The man with white hair did his best to
protect the black haired child and let him grow up







