
2020年08月03日 15:46


原文:在传统的中国家庭文化中,同一祖先的几代后裔(descendants) 居住在一起,形成
一个大家庭。这种自治(autonomous)家族制度是 中国传统社会的基本单位。中国的孩子
们跟随他们父亲的姓。这和 西方文化是一样的。如今在中国,孩子跟父亲的姓或母亲的姓
在法 律上都是合法的。除了那些因为结婚加入到家庭中的人以外,人们 的姓氏都是一样的。
译文:In traditional Chinese family culture, descendants of several generations from
the same ancestor lived together and formed a big family system. This kind of
autonomous family system was the basic unit of traditional Chinese society.
Chinese children follow their father’s family name. This is the same as western
culture. Nowadays in China it is legally fine for a child to follow either father’s
family name or mother’s family name. Within each family system, of course
people except those who joined this family system through marriage all have
the same family name.
原文:中国人民依法享受超过115天的假期,其中包括104天的周 末和11天的节假日。
中国一年中有7个法定假日,包括元旦(New Year’s Day),春节(Spring Festival),清明节
(Qingming Festival), 五一劳动节(May Day),端午节(Dragon Boat Festival),中秋节
(Mid- Autumn Day)和国庆节(National Da y)。员工有5至15天的带薪年假。学生和老师
有大约三个月的寒暑假。在中国,暑假_般约在7月1 日开始,8月31日左右结束,寒假
是根据春节的日期,通常是在1 月或2月。

译文:Chinese people legally enjoy over 115 days off including 104 days of
weekends and 11 days of festivals. China has seven legal holidays in a year,
including New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, May Day, Dragon
Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and National Day. Employees have 5 to 15 days of
paid annual leave. Students and teachers have summer and winter vacations for
about three months. The summer vacation in China generally starts around July 1st
and ends around August 31st,and the winter vacation usually falls on January or
February according to the date of the Spring Festival.
原文:四合院是从明代的北京延续下来的古典建筑风格的住宅。四合 院之间的狭窄的街道
被称为“胡同”。_个四合院有园林包围着四个 房子,有高高的围墙保护。四合院与胡同都
是人们常见到的,有超 过700多年的历史,但是由于现在的城市改造和中国经济的发展,
译文: Si He Yuan is a classical architecture style of residential housing of Beijing
citizens dated from the Ming Dynasty. The narrow streets between the Si He Yuan
are called “Hutong,’s. A single implementation of Si He Yuan comprises of garden
surrounded by four houses and protected by high walls. Si He Yuan with Hutong
which have been very familiar to people,having a history of more than 700 years
now suffer from the urban renovation and economic development of China, and
they are slowly disappearing from Beijing.

原文:京剧(Beijing Opera)是中国的国粹。作为一门古老的艺术,京 剧的服装(costume)、
脸谱(facial mask)更易被人喜爱。不同的服装类型反映不 同的人物身份特征。富贵者的服装
缀满精美的刺绣;穷困者的服装则简单朴素,少有装饰(elemen tal)。脸谱是京剧中塑造人物
形象的重要手段,它是用不同的颜色在脸上勾画出来的。脸谱的颜色 让人一看便知角色
(portray)的善恶。比如白色代表奸诈(treachery), 黑色代表正直不阿,黄色是骁勇,蓝、
绿色多用于绿林好汉(rebellious fighters),金、银色多用于神佛(divinity and Buddhism)
译文:Beijing Opera is the cream of the Chinese culture. As a traditional art form, its
costumes and facial mask are more popular with people. Different styles of
costumes are used to reflect the status of different characters. There are more
decorations in the costumes of nobles,while those of the poor tend to be simple
and less elemental. Facial masks can reflect qualities of different characters. Facial
masks using different colors are important ways to portray a character. People can
tell a hero from a villain by the colors of the masks. In general,white usually
represents treachery, black represents righteousness, yellow represents bravery,
blue and green represent rebellious fighters,while gold and silver represent divinity
and Buddhism.
原文:孔子(Confucius)是一位思想家、政治家,教育家,也是中国儒 学(the Ru School)
思想的创始人。儒学(Confucianism),这个道德和宗教哲学的大系统建立 在孔圣人(Master

Kung)的教学上。冯友兰, 中国思想史上20世纪伟大的的权威之一,把孔子在中国历史上
译文:Confucius was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru
School of Chinese thought. Confucianism, the great system of moral and religious
philosophy built upon the teachings of Master Kung. Fung You-lan, one of the
great 20th century authorities on the history of Chinese thought, compares
Confucius influence in Chinese history with that of Socrates in the West.
国政 府开始适当调整计划生育政策,允许一些家庭在特殊情况下生育二胎。但调查显示,很
多夫妻迫于不断加 重的经济压力,放弃生育二胎。因此,要从根本上解决老龄化的问题不能
依靠出生率的上升,最有效的办 法是建立有效的社会保障制度。
译文:Nowadays, China is stepping into the aging society. Therefore, the only-child
generation is facing enormous pressure both from work and life. The Chinese
government has begun to adjust the family planning policy and allows some
families to have a second child under certain circumstances. However, the survey
shows that some couples abandon to have a second child due to the increasing
financial burden. Thus, in order to solve the aging problem, the basic thing is not
relying on the increase of birth rate. The best solution is to establish an effective
social security system.

题目:六级汉译英翻译:文化概述 原文:在中国五千年的文明史上,中国人有无数的发明和创造,如汉字、中医、丝绸、瓷器
(por celain)、指南针、造纸术、印刷术、火药(gunpowder)等。这些独特的发明和创
造是 中国人对世界文明的伟大贡献,证明中华民族是一个富于原创性的民族。与此同时,中
国人又有一种开放 的心胸,欢迎远方来的朋友,并以极高的热情吸收和包容外来的文化。大
唐盛世和郑和七下西洋都表明, 中华文明具有一种开放性和伟大的包容性。
译文:Over a history of 5000 years, Chinese people have produced numerous
inventions. These unique inventions, including Chinese characters, traditional
Chinese medicine, silk, porcelain, the compass, papermaking, printing and
gunpowder, are the significant contributions Chinese made to the global
civilization, proving that Chinese nation is full of creativity. In the meanwhile, the
Chinese people have always kept an open mind towards foreign friends and
absorb foreign cultures with a high enthusiasm. Both of the prosperity of the
Tang Dynasty and Zheng He’s seven long voyages to the West in the Ming
Dynasty, demonstrate the openness and inclusiveness of the Chinese culture.

原文:茶原产于中国。四千 多年前,中国人就开始有饮茶的习惯了。唐代时,日本的僧人从
中国引入茶种,与同样是引入的禅宗思想 (Zen Buddhism)相结合,形成了闻名世界的日
本茶道(Japanese tea ce remony)。17世纪时,荷兰人将中国人饮茶的习惯带到欧洲,进
而形成了欧洲人喝茶的传统,比 如英国人的下午茶。在19世纪之前,世界各地引用的茶叶

都来自中国,英 文中茶叶的读音就是根据福建方言中茶的读音而来的。茶,是中国人对世界
译文:Tea is originally produced in China. Ancient Chinese people formed a habit of
drinking tea early in about 4000 years ago. During the Tang Dynasty, Japanese
monks introduced tea seeds to Japan, thus combined with Zen Buddhism which
was also introduced to Japan, so the world-famous Japanese tea ceremony was
created. In the 17th century, the Dutch businessmen took the Chinese habit of
drinking tea to Europe, thus forming the European custom of drinking tea, such as
afternoon tea in Britain. Before the 19th century, all the tea in the world was
produced in China. The pronunciation of “tea” in English is derived from Fujian
dialect. Tea is an important contribution made by the Chinese people to the world

原文:中国人创造了很多独特的艺术形式,如纯净的瓷器(porcelain),千古传诵的唐诗(Tang poetry), 以演员表演为中心的京剧等。这些艺术形式呈现了中国人的心灵世界,显现了中国人的独特的美感,成为展示中国人的生命力和创造力的窗口,具有永恒的美丽。
中国人将 艺术当作提升人生境界、慰藉(soothe)心灵的媒介,艺术是中国人人生哲学的
延伸。中国的艺术 传统,是一部记载着中国人生活品味和美感世界的活的图画,反映出了中
译文:The Chinese have created many unique forms of art, such as pure porcelain,

enduring Tang poetry and actor-centered Peking Opera, etc. These art forms, with
everlasting beauty, reveal the inner world of the Chinese people, demonstrate their
unique sense of aesthetics and become the windows that show the vitality and
creativity of Chinese people. The Chinese regard art as a way to enhance the
quality of life and to soothe the mind. Chinese art is an extension of Chinese
philosophy on life. Chinese art tradition is a vivid picture of the inner world of
Chinese people’s lifestyle and aesthetics, reflecting Chinese elegance.

原文:“你要茶还是要咖啡?”是用餐人常被问到的题目,许多西 方人会选咖啡,而中国人会
选茶。相传,中国的一位帝王于五千年前发现了茶,并用来治病。在明清(t he Ming and Qing
Dynasty)期间,茶馆遍布全国,饮茶在六世纪传到日本, 但直到十七、十八世纪才传到欧
美。如今,茶是世界上最流行的饮料(beverage)之一,茶是中 国的民族饮品,也是中国传
译文:. Western people
may choose coffee, while Chinese may prefer tea. It is said that 5,000 years ago, an
emperor in China discovered tea and used it to cure disease. In the Ming and Qing
Dynasty, tea houses could be found all over the country. Tea-drinking was
introduced to Japan in the sixth century, but was not introduced to Europe and
America until the 17th and 18th century. Up to now, tea has become one of the

most popular beverages in the world. It is the national drink of China and an
important part of Chinese traditional culture.

原文:信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速的发展,中国公民也越 来越重视信
息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。一部分人认< br>为这是没有必要的,学生就应该学习传统的课程。另一部分人认为这是应该的,中国就应该
与时俱 进。不管怎样,信息技术引起广大人民的重视是一件好事。
译文:Nowadays, with the fast development of Information Technology, Chinese
citizens are attaching more and more importance to it. Some schools and
universities have even included Information Technology in their required courses,
which has led to different opinions. Some people think it is unnecessary to make IT
courses required, and students are supposed to take traditional courses.
Oppositely, other people think it is necessary to do so, for China and its people
should keep pace with the times. Either way, it is a good thing that Information
Technology has attracted people's attention.
原文:许多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能, 而且也被视为一种艺术。精心
准备的中餐既可口又好看。烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹 饪都有一个共同

点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrit ion)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨
师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既 美味又健康。
译文:Many people are fond of Chinese cuisine. In China, it is not only regarded as
a craftsmanship, but also as an art. An exquisitely prepared Chinese cuisine is a
feast for both the mouth and the eyes. The culinary skill and dish ingredients vary in
different regions of China, but good Chinese cuisines always share something in
common, i.e. the color, aroma, taste and nutrition. As food is vital for one’s health,
a good chef always tries to strike a balance among grains, meat and vegetables.
That’s why Chinese cuisine is tasty and healthy.
原文:为了促进教育公平,中国已经投入360亿元,用于 改善农村地区教育设施和加强中
西部地区农村义务教育。这些资金用于改善教学设施、购买书籍,使16 万多所中小学受益。
资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材。现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样 上音乐
译文:In order to promote equity in education, China has invested 36 billion yuan
for improving educational facilities in rural areas and strengthening rural
compulsory education in the Midwest. These funds were used to improve the
teaching facilities and purchase books, so that more than 160,000 primary and
secondary schools benefit from it. These funds are also used to purchase musical
instruments and painting equipments. Now children in rural and mountainous
areas can learn music and painting like those children in coastal cities. Some

students who transferred to the city schools in order to receive a better education
now get back to the local rural schools.
原文:中国教育工作者早就认识到读书对于国家的重要意义。有 些教育工作者2003年就建
议设立全民读书日。他们强调,人们应当读好书,尤其是经典著作。通过阅 读,人们能更好
地学会感恩、有责任心和与人合作,而教育的目的正是要培养这些基本素质。阅读对于中 小
难 了。
译文:Chinese educators have long realized the importance of reading for the
country. As early as 2003, some educators proposed to set up a National Book and
Copyright Day. They emphasized that people should read good books, especially
the classics. Through reading, people can better learn to be grateful, responsible
and cooperative. And these essential qualities are just what education wants to
cultivate. Reading is particularly important for middle school students, if they do
not develop an interest in reading during this critical period, it will be difficult for
them to get into the habit of reading in the future.
原文: 互联网 对中国经济来讲犹如另外一场改革开放,如今互联网产业已经成为中国经
济增长的主要驱动力量,成为连 接科技发展与经济发展的重要桥梁。发展网络经济既可以推
动生产,又可以拉动消费。它使生产与消费之 间的联系更为直接,减少大量的中间环节,从

而极大地降低了成本,提高了 经济运行效率。毋庸置疑,互联网将继续对中国经济产生深远
的影响。——选自《大学英语四级汉译英1 6字真经》
译文: For Chinese economy, the Internet is another form of “Reform and
Opening Up”. Nowadays, it has already become the main driver for China’s
economic growth, serving as an important bridge between technological
development and economic development. Developing network-based economy
can not only promote production, but also stimulate consumption. It helps to
establish more direct links between production and consumption. Thanks to fewer
intermediate links, the costs have been reduced and the economic efficiency has
been improved. There is no doubt that the Internet will continue to have a
profound impact on China’s economy.
原文:中国大学的教学和科研质量都已大大提高,高等 院校已开始深化与国际顶尖大学的合
作,这些大学也早就迫不及待地想同中国分享他们的经验。中国已经 投入大量精力吸引外国
学者到本国的校园从事教学和科研。全国的一些实验室和讲堂都能看到许多外国研 究员。他
译文:The teaching and research at Chinese universities has improved significantly.
The higher institutions have begun to deepen cooperation with leading world
universities which have been eager to share their experiences with China. China has
invested a lot of energy in attracting international scholars to teach and research on

Chinese campuses. Many international researchers can be found in labs and lecture
halls throughout the country. They are bringing, both directly and indirectly,
international best practices to Chinese universities.
人 与自然的关系,又反映着的人与人的联系。庸常的生活因为有了各式各样的节日,才使人
生因充满着期待 、愉悦而显得非同寻常。这些传统节日是中华民族一份宝贵的精神文化遗产。
然而现代化促使人们改变了 生活方式,许多传统节日逐渐被淡化。——选自《大学英语四
译文:Traditional Chinese festivals are time- honored. They are an important part of
splendid Chinese culture, reflecting man- nature relationship and interpersonal
connection. A diversity of festivals make ordinary life extraordinary with
expectations and joy. These traditional festivals are part of precious cultural
heritage for the whole Chinese nation. However, modernization impels people to
change the life style. Thus many traditional festivals are gradually fading.
原文:闻名于世的丝绸之 路是一系列连接东西方的路线。丝绸之路是古代中国的丝绸贸易。
丝绸之路上的贸易在中国、南亚、欧洲 和发挥这重要作用。正是通过丝绸之路,中国的造纸、
火药、指南针、印刷术传遍各地。同样,中国的丝 绸、茶叶和瓷器也传遍各地,欧洲也是通

译文:The world-renowned Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the East and
the West. The Silk Road represents the ancient Chinese silk trade. The Silk Road
trade played an important role in China, South Asia, Europe and Africa. It was
through the Silk Road that Chinese papermaking, gunpowder, the compass and the
printing press spread all over the world. Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain
also spread all over the world through the Silk Road. And Europe exported all kinds
of goods and plants through the Silk Road to meet the needs of the Chinese
原文:近年来,中国政府增加了对旅游产业的扶持,将其定位 抬高至国民经济的战略性支柱
产业(strategic pillar industry)。中国国 内旅游市场一派繁荣,吸引了国际社会越来越多的
关注。旅游业很快就会成为全球最重要的产业之一,而 中国将会是主要驱动力。中国游客们
渴望在旅游过程中能有更丰富的体验和更高质量的服务。中产阶级一 直被视为中国旅游业的
主要推动力量,不过一些公司已经把重心转向喜欢自助游的年轻人,因为年轻背包 客的群体
译文:In recent years, the Chinese government has enhanced support for tourism
and promoted it to a strategic pillar industry of the national economy. The
booming domestic tourism market has attracted increasing international attention.
Tourism is soon to become one of the world’s most important industries, and
China will be a key driving force. Chinese tourists look forward to richer experiences
and higher-quality services during their journeys. Although the middle class has

been regarded as the major boost for Chinese tourism, some companies have
shifted focus to young people who prefer self-guided tours, because the number of
young backpackers is keeping increasing.
原文:当下劳动力供求之 间的缺口将导致失业率上升。一方面,今年大学毕业生人数已上升
至727万,他们很难找到满意的工作 。另一方面,雇主们又招不到足够的人员来做一些低
端的工作。如果教育机构能够同时提供给学生学术教 育和职业教育(vocational
education),就能满足市场对于各种技能型员工的需 求。普通高中和高校提供的普通教育
已经不能满足快速变化的劳动市场需求。职业教育有助于工学结合, 满足对技术人才和高技
译文:The current gap between the demand for and supply of labor threatens to
increase unemployment. On one hand, college graduates will find it even more
difficult to get satisfactory jobs because the number of graduates has risen to 7.27
million this year. On the other hand, employers cannot find enough workers to take
up low-end jobs. The need of market for workers with different skills can be met
only if education institutions provide both academic and vocational education for
students. General education, provided by normal high schools and colleges, cannot
meet all the demands of the fast-changing labor market. Vocational education is
conducive to effective combination of work and study, so that the demand for
technicians and highly skilled professionals can be satisfied.

原文:据文字记载 及文物显示,北京城已有三千多年的历史,曾是辽、金、元、明、清五朝
古都。世界上最大的皇宫——紫 禁城坐落在京城的中轴线(the central axis)上,加上皇家园
林颐和园、万里长城以 及著名的北京四合院恭王府等等,全市文物古迹达到7300多项,旅
游景点200多处。北京拥有6项 世界级遗产,是世界上拥有文化遗产项目数最多的城市。
中国一直不断努力保护文化遗产,2006年国 务院决定每年六月的第二个星期六为中国的“文
化遗产日”。 ——选自《大学英语六级汉译英16字真经》
译文:Written records and cultural relics demonstrate that Beijing has a history of
more than 3,000 years. It used to be the capital of the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing
dynasties. The city boasts over 7,300 cultural relics and historic sites and over 200
tourist spots, including the largest palace complex the Forbidden City on the
central axis of Beijing, the Summer Palace as China's most famous imperial garden,
the Great Wall and the Prince Gong's Mansion as a famous Beijing Siheyuan (the
traditional Chinese courtyard). With 6 World Heritage Sites, Beijing is the city with
the biggest number of World Heritage Sites around the world. China has been
making increasing efforts to protect its cultural heritage. In 2006, the State Council
designated the second Saturday of every June as China's National Cultural Heritage
原文:2014年下 半年,中国必须准确把握改革发展稳定的平衡点。同时,也必须准确把握
近期目标和长期发展的平衡点, 准确把握经济社会发展和人民生活改善的结合点。我国必须

保持一定的经济 增长速度,不然很多问题都难以解决。不过,发展必须是遵循经济规律的科
学发展,必须是遵循自然规律 的可持续发展,必须是遵循社会规律的包容性发展。——选
自西南交通大学出版社即将出版的《大学英语 四级汉译英16字真经》译文:In the second
half of 2014, China must strike a balance between reform, development and
stability. At the same time it must find the balance between short-term targets and
long-term growth. The government should also coordinate economic and social
development while improving people's livelihood. A certain growth rate is
important because without fast growth, many problems will be difficult to solve,
but such growth must be scientific, sustainable, and inclusive in compliance with
laws of the economy, nature, and society.
染矛 盾突出,这是大自然向粗放发展方式亮起的红灯。必须加强生态环境保护,下决心用硬
措施完成硬任务。 我们要像对贫困宣战一样,坚决向污染宣战。生态环保功在当代、利在千
秋。各级政府和全社会都要进一 步积极行动起来,呵护好我们赖以生存的共同家园。——
选自西南交通大学出版社即将出版的《大学英语 四级汉译英16字真经》
译文:Fostering a sound ecological environment is vital for people’s lives and the
future of our nation. Smog is affecting larger parts of China, and environmental
pollution has become a major problem, which is nature’s red- light warning
against the model of inefficient and blind development. We must strengthen
protection of ecological environment and resolve to take forceful measures to

complete this challenging task. We will declare war against pollution and fight it
with the same determination we battled poverty. Ecological conservation and
environmental protection benefit future generations. The Chinese governments at
all levels and the whole Chinese society should act more vigorously to protect the
land our lives depend on.
原文:2014年上半年,中国29个省(区、市)已启动实施了单独两孩政策(the two separate
child policy),允许一方是独生子女的夫妇生育两个孩子。中国东部 的浙江省今年1月17
日率先启动这项新政策。目前我国符合单独两孩政策条件的夫妇一共有1100多 万对,据去
年一项民意调查显示,其中大约有百分之六十的夫妇愿意生第二个孩子。当然他们的生育行< br>为还会受其他诸多因素影响,譬如第一个孩子的意愿,母亲的年龄和职业前景,以及住房和
经济条 件。——选自《大学英语六级汉译英16字真经》
译文:In the first half of 2014, twenty-nine provincial regions of China have
implemented the two separate child policy, allowing couples to have a second baby
if either parent is an only child. East China's Zhejiang Province took the lead to
implement the new policy on Jan. 17 this year. At present, China has more than 11
million couples eligible to have a second child under the new policy and about 60
percent of them are willing to give birth a second time, according to a poll last year.
Their child-bearing behavior could also be impacted by some other factors, such as
their first child's will, the mother's age and career prospects, and their housing and
financial conditions.


原文:在传统的中国家庭文化中,同一祖先的几代后裔(descendants) 居住在一起,形成
一个大家庭。这种自治(autonomous)家族制度是 中国传统社会的基本单位。中国的孩子
们跟随他们父亲的姓。这和 西方文化是一样的。如今在中国,孩子跟父亲的姓或母亲的姓
在法 律上都是合法的。除了那些因为结婚加入到家庭中的人以外,人们 的姓氏都是一样的。
译文:In traditional Chinese family culture, descendants of several generations from
the same ancestor lived together and formed a big family system. This kind of
autonomous family system was the basic unit of traditional Chinese society.
Chinese children follow their father’s family name. This is the same as western
culture. Nowadays in China it is legally fine for a child to follow either father’s
family name or mother’s family name. Within each family system, of course
people except those who joined this family system through marriage all have
the same family name.
原文:中国人民依法享受超过115天的假期,其中包括104天的周 末和11天的节假日。
中国一年中有7个法定假日,包括元旦(New Year’s Day),春节(Spring Festival),清明节
(Qingming Festival), 五一劳动节(May Day),端午节(Dragon Boat Festival),中秋节
(Mid- Autumn Day)和国庆节(National Da y)。员工有5至15天的带薪年假。学生和老师
有大约三个月的寒暑假。在中国,暑假_般约在7月1 日开始,8月31日左右结束,寒假
是根据春节的日期,通常是在1 月或2月。

译文:Chinese people legally enjoy over 115 days off including 104 days of
weekends and 11 days of festivals. China has seven legal holidays in a year,
including New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, May Day, Dragon
Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and National Day. Employees have 5 to 15 days of
paid annual leave. Students and teachers have summer and winter vacations for
about three months. The summer vacation in China generally starts around July 1st
and ends around August 31st,and the winter vacation usually falls on January or
February according to the date of the Spring Festival.
原文:四合院是从明代的北京延续下来的古典建筑风格的住宅。四合 院之间的狭窄的街道
被称为“胡同”。_个四合院有园林包围着四个 房子,有高高的围墙保护。四合院与胡同都
是人们常见到的,有超 过700多年的历史,但是由于现在的城市改造和中国经济的发展,
译文: Si He Yuan is a classical architecture style of residential housing of Beijing
citizens dated from the Ming Dynasty. The narrow streets between the Si He Yuan
are called “Hutong,’s. A single implementation of Si He Yuan comprises of garden
surrounded by four houses and protected by high walls. Si He Yuan with Hutong
which have been very familiar to people,having a history of more than 700 years
now suffer from the urban renovation and economic development of China, and
they are slowly disappearing from Beijing.

原文:京剧(Beijing Opera)是中国的国粹。作为一门古老的艺术,京 剧的服装(costume)、
脸谱(facial mask)更易被人喜爱。不同的服装类型反映不 同的人物身份特征。富贵者的服装
缀满精美的刺绣;穷困者的服装则简单朴素,少有装饰(elemen tal)。脸谱是京剧中塑造人物
形象的重要手段,它是用不同的颜色在脸上勾画出来的。脸谱的颜色 让人一看便知角色
(portray)的善恶。比如白色代表奸诈(treachery), 黑色代表正直不阿,黄色是骁勇,蓝、
绿色多用于绿林好汉(rebellious fighters),金、银色多用于神佛(divinity and Buddhism)
译文:Beijing Opera is the cream of the Chinese culture. As a traditional art form, its
costumes and facial mask are more popular with people. Different styles of
costumes are used to reflect the status of different characters. There are more
decorations in the costumes of nobles,while those of the poor tend to be simple
and less elemental. Facial masks can reflect qualities of different characters. Facial
masks using different colors are important ways to portray a character. People can
tell a hero from a villain by the colors of the masks. In general,white usually
represents treachery, black represents righteousness, yellow represents bravery,
blue and green represent rebellious fighters,while gold and silver represent divinity
and Buddhism.
原文:孔子(Confucius)是一位思想家、政治家,教育家,也是中国儒 学(the Ru School)
思想的创始人。儒学(Confucianism),这个道德和宗教哲学的大系统建立 在孔圣人(Master

Kung)的教学上。冯友兰, 中国思想史上20世纪伟大的的权威之一,把孔子在中国历史上
译文:Confucius was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru
School of Chinese thought. Confucianism, the great system of moral and religious
philosophy built upon the teachings of Master Kung. Fung You-lan, one of the
great 20th century authorities on the history of Chinese thought, compares
Confucius influence in Chinese history with that of Socrates in the West.
国政 府开始适当调整计划生育政策,允许一些家庭在特殊情况下生育二胎。但调查显示,很
多夫妻迫于不断加 重的经济压力,放弃生育二胎。因此,要从根本上解决老龄化的问题不能
依靠出生率的上升,最有效的办 法是建立有效的社会保障制度。
译文:Nowadays, China is stepping into the aging society. Therefore, the only-child
generation is facing enormous pressure both from work and life. The Chinese
government has begun to adjust the family planning policy and allows some
families to have a second child under certain circumstances. However, the survey
shows that some couples abandon to have a second child due to the increasing
financial burden. Thus, in order to solve the aging problem, the basic thing is not
relying on the increase of birth rate. The best solution is to establish an effective
social security system.

题目:六级汉译英翻译:文化概述 原文:在中国五千年的文明史上,中国人有无数的发明和创造,如汉字、中医、丝绸、瓷器
(por celain)、指南针、造纸术、印刷术、火药(gunpowder)等。这些独特的发明和创
造是 中国人对世界文明的伟大贡献,证明中华民族是一个富于原创性的民族。与此同时,中
国人又有一种开放 的心胸,欢迎远方来的朋友,并以极高的热情吸收和包容外来的文化。大
唐盛世和郑和七下西洋都表明, 中华文明具有一种开放性和伟大的包容性。
译文:Over a history of 5000 years, Chinese people have produced numerous
inventions. These unique inventions, including Chinese characters, traditional
Chinese medicine, silk, porcelain, the compass, papermaking, printing and
gunpowder, are the significant contributions Chinese made to the global
civilization, proving that Chinese nation is full of creativity. In the meanwhile, the
Chinese people have always kept an open mind towards foreign friends and
absorb foreign cultures with a high enthusiasm. Both of the prosperity of the
Tang Dynasty and Zheng He’s seven long voyages to the West in the Ming
Dynasty, demonstrate the openness and inclusiveness of the Chinese culture.

原文:茶原产于中国。四千 多年前,中国人就开始有饮茶的习惯了。唐代时,日本的僧人从
中国引入茶种,与同样是引入的禅宗思想 (Zen Buddhism)相结合,形成了闻名世界的日
本茶道(Japanese tea ce remony)。17世纪时,荷兰人将中国人饮茶的习惯带到欧洲,进
而形成了欧洲人喝茶的传统,比 如英国人的下午茶。在19世纪之前,世界各地引用的茶叶

都来自中国,英 文中茶叶的读音就是根据福建方言中茶的读音而来的。茶,是中国人对世界
译文:Tea is originally produced in China. Ancient Chinese people formed a habit of
drinking tea early in about 4000 years ago. During the Tang Dynasty, Japanese
monks introduced tea seeds to Japan, thus combined with Zen Buddhism which
was also introduced to Japan, so the world-famous Japanese tea ceremony was
created. In the 17th century, the Dutch businessmen took the Chinese habit of
drinking tea to Europe, thus forming the European custom of drinking tea, such as
afternoon tea in Britain. Before the 19th century, all the tea in the world was
produced in China. The pronunciation of “tea” in English is derived from Fujian
dialect. Tea is an important contribution made by the Chinese people to the world

原文:中国人创造了很多独特的艺术形式,如纯净的瓷器(porcelain),千古传诵的唐诗(Tang poetry), 以演员表演为中心的京剧等。这些艺术形式呈现了中国人的心灵世界,显现了中国人的独特的美感,成为展示中国人的生命力和创造力的窗口,具有永恒的美丽。
中国人将 艺术当作提升人生境界、慰藉(soothe)心灵的媒介,艺术是中国人人生哲学的
延伸。中国的艺术 传统,是一部记载着中国人生活品味和美感世界的活的图画,反映出了中
译文:The Chinese have created many unique forms of art, such as pure porcelain,

enduring Tang poetry and actor-centered Peking Opera, etc. These art forms, with
everlasting beauty, reveal the inner world of the Chinese people, demonstrate their
unique sense of aesthetics and become the windows that show the vitality and
creativity of Chinese people. The Chinese regard art as a way to enhance the
quality of life and to soothe the mind. Chinese art is an extension of Chinese
philosophy on life. Chinese art tradition is a vivid picture of the inner world of
Chinese people’s lifestyle and aesthetics, reflecting Chinese elegance.

原文:“你要茶还是要咖啡?”是用餐人常被问到的题目,许多西 方人会选咖啡,而中国人会
选茶。相传,中国的一位帝王于五千年前发现了茶,并用来治病。在明清(t he Ming and Qing
Dynasty)期间,茶馆遍布全国,饮茶在六世纪传到日本, 但直到十七、十八世纪才传到欧
美。如今,茶是世界上最流行的饮料(beverage)之一,茶是中 国的民族饮品,也是中国传
译文:. Western people
may choose coffee, while Chinese may prefer tea. It is said that 5,000 years ago, an
emperor in China discovered tea and used it to cure disease. In the Ming and Qing
Dynasty, tea houses could be found all over the country. Tea-drinking was
introduced to Japan in the sixth century, but was not introduced to Europe and
America until the 17th and 18th century. Up to now, tea has become one of the

most popular beverages in the world. It is the national drink of China and an
important part of Chinese traditional culture.

原文:信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速的发展,中国公民也越 来越重视信
息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。一部分人认< br>为这是没有必要的,学生就应该学习传统的课程。另一部分人认为这是应该的,中国就应该
与时俱 进。不管怎样,信息技术引起广大人民的重视是一件好事。
译文:Nowadays, with the fast development of Information Technology, Chinese
citizens are attaching more and more importance to it. Some schools and
universities have even included Information Technology in their required courses,
which has led to different opinions. Some people think it is unnecessary to make IT
courses required, and students are supposed to take traditional courses.
Oppositely, other people think it is necessary to do so, for China and its people
should keep pace with the times. Either way, it is a good thing that Information
Technology has attracted people's attention.
原文:许多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能, 而且也被视为一种艺术。精心
准备的中餐既可口又好看。烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹 饪都有一个共同

点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrit ion)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨
师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既 美味又健康。
译文:Many people are fond of Chinese cuisine. In China, it is not only regarded as
a craftsmanship, but also as an art. An exquisitely prepared Chinese cuisine is a
feast for both the mouth and the eyes. The culinary skill and dish ingredients vary in
different regions of China, but good Chinese cuisines always share something in
common, i.e. the color, aroma, taste and nutrition. As food is vital for one’s health,
a good chef always tries to strike a balance among grains, meat and vegetables.
That’s why Chinese cuisine is tasty and healthy.
原文:为了促进教育公平,中国已经投入360亿元,用于 改善农村地区教育设施和加强中
西部地区农村义务教育。这些资金用于改善教学设施、购买书籍,使16 万多所中小学受益。
资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材。现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样 上音乐
译文:In order to promote equity in education, China has invested 36 billion yuan
for improving educational facilities in rural areas and strengthening rural
compulsory education in the Midwest. These funds were used to improve the
teaching facilities and purchase books, so that more than 160,000 primary and
secondary schools benefit from it. These funds are also used to purchase musical
instruments and painting equipments. Now children in rural and mountainous
areas can learn music and painting like those children in coastal cities. Some

students who transferred to the city schools in order to receive a better education
now get back to the local rural schools.
原文:中国教育工作者早就认识到读书对于国家的重要意义。有 些教育工作者2003年就建
议设立全民读书日。他们强调,人们应当读好书,尤其是经典著作。通过阅 读,人们能更好
地学会感恩、有责任心和与人合作,而教育的目的正是要培养这些基本素质。阅读对于中 小
难 了。
译文:Chinese educators have long realized the importance of reading for the
country. As early as 2003, some educators proposed to set up a National Book and
Copyright Day. They emphasized that people should read good books, especially
the classics. Through reading, people can better learn to be grateful, responsible
and cooperative. And these essential qualities are just what education wants to
cultivate. Reading is particularly important for middle school students, if they do
not develop an interest in reading during this critical period, it will be difficult for
them to get into the habit of reading in the future.
原文: 互联网 对中国经济来讲犹如另外一场改革开放,如今互联网产业已经成为中国经
济增长的主要驱动力量,成为连 接科技发展与经济发展的重要桥梁。发展网络经济既可以推
动生产,又可以拉动消费。它使生产与消费之 间的联系更为直接,减少大量的中间环节,从

而极大地降低了成本,提高了 经济运行效率。毋庸置疑,互联网将继续对中国经济产生深远
的影响。——选自《大学英语四级汉译英1 6字真经》
译文: For Chinese economy, the Internet is another form of “Reform and
Opening Up”. Nowadays, it has already become the main driver for China’s
economic growth, serving as an important bridge between technological
development and economic development. Developing network-based economy
can not only promote production, but also stimulate consumption. It helps to
establish more direct links between production and consumption. Thanks to fewer
intermediate links, the costs have been reduced and the economic efficiency has
been improved. There is no doubt that the Internet will continue to have a
profound impact on China’s economy.
原文:中国大学的教学和科研质量都已大大提高,高等 院校已开始深化与国际顶尖大学的合
作,这些大学也早就迫不及待地想同中国分享他们的经验。中国已经 投入大量精力吸引外国
学者到本国的校园从事教学和科研。全国的一些实验室和讲堂都能看到许多外国研 究员。他
译文:The teaching and research at Chinese universities has improved significantly.
The higher institutions have begun to deepen cooperation with leading world
universities which have been eager to share their experiences with China. China has
invested a lot of energy in attracting international scholars to teach and research on

Chinese campuses. Many international researchers can be found in labs and lecture
halls throughout the country. They are bringing, both directly and indirectly,
international best practices to Chinese universities.
人 与自然的关系,又反映着的人与人的联系。庸常的生活因为有了各式各样的节日,才使人
生因充满着期待 、愉悦而显得非同寻常。这些传统节日是中华民族一份宝贵的精神文化遗产。
然而现代化促使人们改变了 生活方式,许多传统节日逐渐被淡化。——选自《大学英语四
译文:Traditional Chinese festivals are time- honored. They are an important part of
splendid Chinese culture, reflecting man- nature relationship and interpersonal
connection. A diversity of festivals make ordinary life extraordinary with
expectations and joy. These traditional festivals are part of precious cultural
heritage for the whole Chinese nation. However, modernization impels people to
change the life style. Thus many traditional festivals are gradually fading.
原文:闻名于世的丝绸之 路是一系列连接东西方的路线。丝绸之路是古代中国的丝绸贸易。
丝绸之路上的贸易在中国、南亚、欧洲 和发挥这重要作用。正是通过丝绸之路,中国的造纸、
火药、指南针、印刷术传遍各地。同样,中国的丝 绸、茶叶和瓷器也传遍各地,欧洲也是通

译文:The world-renowned Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the East and
the West. The Silk Road represents the ancient Chinese silk trade. The Silk Road
trade played an important role in China, South Asia, Europe and Africa. It was
through the Silk Road that Chinese papermaking, gunpowder, the compass and the
printing press spread all over the world. Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain
also spread all over the world through the Silk Road. And Europe exported all kinds
of goods and plants through the Silk Road to meet the needs of the Chinese
原文:近年来,中国政府增加了对旅游产业的扶持,将其定位 抬高至国民经济的战略性支柱
产业(strategic pillar industry)。中国国 内旅游市场一派繁荣,吸引了国际社会越来越多的
关注。旅游业很快就会成为全球最重要的产业之一,而 中国将会是主要驱动力。中国游客们
渴望在旅游过程中能有更丰富的体验和更高质量的服务。中产阶级一 直被视为中国旅游业的
主要推动力量,不过一些公司已经把重心转向喜欢自助游的年轻人,因为年轻背包 客的群体
译文:In recent years, the Chinese government has enhanced support for tourism
and promoted it to a strategic pillar industry of the national economy. The
booming domestic tourism market has attracted increasing international attention.
Tourism is soon to become one of the world’s most important industries, and
China will be a key driving force. Chinese tourists look forward to richer experiences
and higher-quality services during their journeys. Although the middle class has

been regarded as the major boost for Chinese tourism, some companies have
shifted focus to young people who prefer self-guided tours, because the number of
young backpackers is keeping increasing.
原文:当下劳动力供求之 间的缺口将导致失业率上升。一方面,今年大学毕业生人数已上升
至727万,他们很难找到满意的工作 。另一方面,雇主们又招不到足够的人员来做一些低
端的工作。如果教育机构能够同时提供给学生学术教 育和职业教育(vocational
education),就能满足市场对于各种技能型员工的需 求。普通高中和高校提供的普通教育
已经不能满足快速变化的劳动市场需求。职业教育有助于工学结合, 满足对技术人才和高技
译文:The current gap between the demand for and supply of labor threatens to
increase unemployment. On one hand, college graduates will find it even more
difficult to get satisfactory jobs because the number of graduates has risen to 7.27
million this year. On the other hand, employers cannot find enough workers to take
up low-end jobs. The need of market for workers with different skills can be met
only if education institutions provide both academic and vocational education for
students. General education, provided by normal high schools and colleges, cannot
meet all the demands of the fast-changing labor market. Vocational education is
conducive to effective combination of work and study, so that the demand for
technicians and highly skilled professionals can be satisfied.

原文:据文字记载 及文物显示,北京城已有三千多年的历史,曾是辽、金、元、明、清五朝
古都。世界上最大的皇宫——紫 禁城坐落在京城的中轴线(the central axis)上,加上皇家园
林颐和园、万里长城以 及著名的北京四合院恭王府等等,全市文物古迹达到7300多项,旅
游景点200多处。北京拥有6项 世界级遗产,是世界上拥有文化遗产项目数最多的城市。
中国一直不断努力保护文化遗产,2006年国 务院决定每年六月的第二个星期六为中国的“文
化遗产日”。 ——选自《大学英语六级汉译英16字真经》
译文:Written records and cultural relics demonstrate that Beijing has a history of
more than 3,000 years. It used to be the capital of the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing
dynasties. The city boasts over 7,300 cultural relics and historic sites and over 200
tourist spots, including the largest palace complex the Forbidden City on the
central axis of Beijing, the Summer Palace as China's most famous imperial garden,
the Great Wall and the Prince Gong's Mansion as a famous Beijing Siheyuan (the
traditional Chinese courtyard). With 6 World Heritage Sites, Beijing is the city with
the biggest number of World Heritage Sites around the world. China has been
making increasing efforts to protect its cultural heritage. In 2006, the State Council
designated the second Saturday of every June as China's National Cultural Heritage
原文:2014年下 半年,中国必须准确把握改革发展稳定的平衡点。同时,也必须准确把握
近期目标和长期发展的平衡点, 准确把握经济社会发展和人民生活改善的结合点。我国必须

保持一定的经济 增长速度,不然很多问题都难以解决。不过,发展必须是遵循经济规律的科
学发展,必须是遵循自然规律 的可持续发展,必须是遵循社会规律的包容性发展。——选
自西南交通大学出版社即将出版的《大学英语 四级汉译英16字真经》译文:In the second
half of 2014, China must strike a balance between reform, development and
stability. At the same time it must find the balance between short-term targets and
long-term growth. The government should also coordinate economic and social
development while improving people's livelihood. A certain growth rate is
important because without fast growth, many problems will be difficult to solve,
but such growth must be scientific, sustainable, and inclusive in compliance with
laws of the economy, nature, and society.
染矛 盾突出,这是大自然向粗放发展方式亮起的红灯。必须加强生态环境保护,下决心用硬
措施完成硬任务。 我们要像对贫困宣战一样,坚决向污染宣战。生态环保功在当代、利在千
秋。各级政府和全社会都要进一 步积极行动起来,呵护好我们赖以生存的共同家园。——
选自西南交通大学出版社即将出版的《大学英语 四级汉译英16字真经》
译文:Fostering a sound ecological environment is vital for people’s lives and the
future of our nation. Smog is affecting larger parts of China, and environmental
pollution has become a major problem, which is nature’s red- light warning
against the model of inefficient and blind development. We must strengthen
protection of ecological environment and resolve to take forceful measures to

complete this challenging task. We will declare war against pollution and fight it
with the same determination we battled poverty. Ecological conservation and
environmental protection benefit future generations. The Chinese governments at
all levels and the whole Chinese society should act more vigorously to protect the
land our lives depend on.
原文:2014年上半年,中国29个省(区、市)已启动实施了单独两孩政策(the two separate
child policy),允许一方是独生子女的夫妇生育两个孩子。中国东部 的浙江省今年1月17
日率先启动这项新政策。目前我国符合单独两孩政策条件的夫妇一共有1100多 万对,据去
年一项民意调查显示,其中大约有百分之六十的夫妇愿意生第二个孩子。当然他们的生育行< br>为还会受其他诸多因素影响,譬如第一个孩子的意愿,母亲的年龄和职业前景,以及住房和
经济条 件。——选自《大学英语六级汉译英16字真经》
译文:In the first half of 2014, twenty-nine provincial regions of China have
implemented the two separate child policy, allowing couples to have a second baby
if either parent is an only child. East China's Zhejiang Province took the lead to
implement the new policy on Jan. 17 this year. At present, China has more than 11
million couples eligible to have a second child under the new policy and about 60
percent of them are willing to give birth a second time, according to a poll last year.
Their child-bearing behavior could also be impacted by some other factors, such as
their first child's will, the mother's age and career prospects, and their housing and
financial conditions.








