
2020年08月03日 15:54



to promote college students creativity】

how to promote college student’s creativity as we know,there
are signs that college students are lack of creativity in
condition is caused by many of all,in
chinese tradition”teaching by holding his hand”is the best way
to develop skills,which makes students lose the ability of
thinking s,solving problems with computers
makes students very lazy,so much so that they lose the
interest of ’s worse,quantities of students hold
the view that creativity is useless. in my opinion,measures
must be taken to promote college student’s are
many things that we can the one hand,the government
should issue some polices which are good at the
other hand,we should learn some useful experience from
western style,for example,paying more attention to originality
and ’s important is that we college students
should set up the ideas that creativity create new world and we
have potential to create new world.

in conclusion,only if we make concerted efforts we can own
the sprirt of creativity.

【篇二:批判性和创造性思维 英语作文】

吴雪楠 中西医临床医学132班 026013215

the critical and creative thinking

one piece of great writing must be consisted of creativity,
along with critical thoughts. it’s like our future career—doctor.
we need two knives—one to anatomy patients’ bodies, one to
dissect our souls. both are important.

writing is the same. creativity can encourage you to diffuse
our minds and eich your thoughts to constitute the main frame
of the article. and the creative thinking could help you break
down the traditional trammel in writing habits. as a result, the
article becomes outstanding compared with others who don’t
consist of creativity.

the critical thinking is also needed in writing. it provides
meticulous details to support your ideas and makes your task
more accurate and substantial. it also urges us to speculate
more about the ideas we list. by this, the convincingness of the
article grows stronger. besides, while you rethink the works
critically, more creative thoughts may be aroused to make it
more completely.

so, the creative and critical thinking are both of much
significance to writing. one is the basis and the other is the
developing methods. they are needed not only in the writing
process, but also all the matters we meet in lives. they two are

【篇三:英汉对照文章,dreaminspired creativity梦想启

dream- inspired creativity (梦想启发了创造力)

we live in an age of innovation, when creativity is of
increasing value. not only is creativity important for artists
and writers, but also for those who work in professions such
as science, architecture, and business. creative thinkers
change the world, and for those who want to make their mark,
finding new methods of being creative can be the key to
success. some say that dreams are one place to find
inspiration for creativity. according to research, people who
are creative and imaginative are more likely to have vivid
dreams at night and to remember them when they wake up. 我
們生在創新的世代,創造力的價值在增長。 創造力的重要性不僅在
於 藝術家和作家,也對在專業領域如科學、建築和商業領域工作的
人都相當重要。 創意思考家改變世界,而對那些想更達成目標、找
到變得有創意的新方式的人是成功的關鍵。 有些人說夢境是其中一
個能找到創造靈感的地方。 研究指出,

富創意和想像力的人 睡眠後最有可能擁有栩栩如生的夢境,起床後
也能記得住他們曾做過的夢。these dreams can serve as the
inspiration for creative activities such as art, poetry, music and
even science. in fact, dreams have been directly responsible
for some very famous artistic works and scientific innovations.
have you heard of

frankenstein? well, in 1816,, mary shelley, the author of this
famous horror story, visited the poet lord byron at his villa
beside lake geneva in

switzerland. rain and wind kept them indoors most of the time,
so they amused themselves by reading an old book of ghost
stories. 這些夢能作為創作活動的靈感,像是藝術、詩歌、音樂,
甚至科學。 事實上,夢境和一些十分著名的藝術作品及科學發明有
直接關係。 你有聽過《科學怪人》嗎? 181 6年的瑪莉雪萊就是這
訪他。 風雨讓他們大多時間都困在家中,所以他們藉由閱讀老舊書

write one themselves. according to shelley, she had a vivid
dream about a character that later became the monster in her
book frankenstein: 有一晚,拜倫挑戰他的客人,一人要寫一篇。
根據雪萊所說,她有個 生動的夢境,是關於一個角色之後變成怪物
的故事,也就是她書中的科學怪人。when i placed my head upon
my pillow, i did not sleep, nor could i be said to think. i saw
with shut eyes, but acute mental vision --- i saw the pale
student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had
put together. i saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched
out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show
signs of life, and stir with an uneasy, half vital motion 「當我讓
頭躺在枕頭上後,我睡不著,也無法思考。」 我是闔眼看見,卻是
急促的內心的影像 ,我看見一個蒼白的學生在褻瀆的藝術,跪在他
要放在一起的東西旁。 我看到一個男人的醜陋幻影出來 ,接著發動

was inspired by a dream. he fell asleep as music was being
played in the next room. as he dreamed, it became understood
to him that the basic chemical elements are all related to each
other in a manner similar to the themes and phrases in music.
he awoke, and he was able to write out for the first time the
entire periodic table, which forms the basis of modern
chemistry. paul mccartney, famous songwriter and member of
one of the most popular bands of all time, the beatles, wrote
the song yesterday after hearing it in a dream: 19世紀的化學家
德米特里?門捷列夫也是被夢境啟發。 他在隔壁房撥放音樂時睡著。
的主題和章節。 他醒過來,他第一次有辦法寫出整個元素週期表,

也成為現代化學的基礎。 保羅?麥卡 尼,著名的歌曲作者,也是最後
歡迎的樂團成員之一─披頭四,在夢中聽見後寫下了歌曲「昨日」。i woke up with a lovely tune in my head. i thought, thats great,
i wonder what that is

there was an upright piano next to me, to the right of the bed
by the window. i got out of bed, sat at the piano, found g,
found f sharp minor seventh and that leads you through then
to b to e minor, and finally back to e. 「我醒來時,伴隨著腦海裡
動人的曲調。」 我想。 那很好,我想知道那是什麼。 那裡有個直立
的鋼琴在我旁邊,在窗戶邊的床鋪旁。 我下床,坐在鋼琴坐,找到

it all leads forward logically. i liked the melody a lot, but
because id dreamed it, i couldnt believe id written it. i thought,
no, ive never written

anything like this before. but i had the tune, which was the
most magical thing

there are many other instances of dreams

inspiring creativity. albert einstein worked out


to promote college students creativity】

how to promote college student’s creativity as we know,there
are signs that college students are lack of creativity in
condition is caused by many of all,in
chinese tradition”teaching by holding his hand”is the best way
to develop skills,which makes students lose the ability of
thinking s,solving problems with computers
makes students very lazy,so much so that they lose the
interest of ’s worse,quantities of students hold
the view that creativity is useless. in my opinion,measures
must be taken to promote college student’s are
many things that we can the one hand,the government
should issue some polices which are good at the
other hand,we should learn some useful experience from
western style,for example,paying more attention to originality
and ’s important is that we college students
should set up the ideas that creativity create new world and we
have potential to create new world.

in conclusion,only if we make concerted efforts we can own
the sprirt of creativity.

【篇二:批判性和创造性思维 英语作文】

吴雪楠 中西医临床医学132班 026013215

the critical and creative thinking

one piece of great writing must be consisted of creativity,
along with critical thoughts. it’s like our future career—doctor.
we need two knives—one to anatomy patients’ bodies, one to
dissect our souls. both are important.

writing is the same. creativity can encourage you to diffuse
our minds and eich your thoughts to constitute the main frame
of the article. and the creative thinking could help you break
down the traditional trammel in writing habits. as a result, the
article becomes outstanding compared with others who don’t
consist of creativity.

the critical thinking is also needed in writing. it provides
meticulous details to support your ideas and makes your task
more accurate and substantial. it also urges us to speculate
more about the ideas we list. by this, the convincingness of the
article grows stronger. besides, while you rethink the works
critically, more creative thoughts may be aroused to make it
more completely.

so, the creative and critical thinking are both of much
significance to writing. one is the basis and the other is the
developing methods. they are needed not only in the writing
process, but also all the matters we meet in lives. they two are

【篇三:英汉对照文章,dreaminspired creativity梦想启

dream- inspired creativity (梦想启发了创造力)

we live in an age of innovation, when creativity is of
increasing value. not only is creativity important for artists
and writers, but also for those who work in professions such
as science, architecture, and business. creative thinkers
change the world, and for those who want to make their mark,
finding new methods of being creative can be the key to
success. some say that dreams are one place to find
inspiration for creativity. according to research, people who
are creative and imaginative are more likely to have vivid
dreams at night and to remember them when they wake up. 我
們生在創新的世代,創造力的價值在增長。 創造力的重要性不僅在
於 藝術家和作家,也對在專業領域如科學、建築和商業領域工作的
人都相當重要。 創意思考家改變世界,而對那些想更達成目標、找
到變得有創意的新方式的人是成功的關鍵。 有些人說夢境是其中一
個能找到創造靈感的地方。 研究指出,

富創意和想像力的人 睡眠後最有可能擁有栩栩如生的夢境,起床後
也能記得住他們曾做過的夢。these dreams can serve as the
inspiration for creative activities such as art, poetry, music and
even science. in fact, dreams have been directly responsible
for some very famous artistic works and scientific innovations.
have you heard of

frankenstein? well, in 1816,, mary shelley, the author of this
famous horror story, visited the poet lord byron at his villa
beside lake geneva in

switzerland. rain and wind kept them indoors most of the time,
so they amused themselves by reading an old book of ghost
stories. 這些夢能作為創作活動的靈感,像是藝術、詩歌、音樂,
甚至科學。 事實上,夢境和一些十分著名的藝術作品及科學發明有
直接關係。 你有聽過《科學怪人》嗎? 181 6年的瑪莉雪萊就是這
訪他。 風雨讓他們大多時間都困在家中,所以他們藉由閱讀老舊書

write one themselves. according to shelley, she had a vivid
dream about a character that later became the monster in her
book frankenstein: 有一晚,拜倫挑戰他的客人,一人要寫一篇。
根據雪萊所說,她有個 生動的夢境,是關於一個角色之後變成怪物
的故事,也就是她書中的科學怪人。when i placed my head upon
my pillow, i did not sleep, nor could i be said to think. i saw
with shut eyes, but acute mental vision --- i saw the pale
student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had
put together. i saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched
out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show
signs of life, and stir with an uneasy, half vital motion 「當我讓
頭躺在枕頭上後,我睡不著,也無法思考。」 我是闔眼看見,卻是
急促的內心的影像 ,我看見一個蒼白的學生在褻瀆的藝術,跪在他
要放在一起的東西旁。 我看到一個男人的醜陋幻影出來 ,接著發動

was inspired by a dream. he fell asleep as music was being
played in the next room. as he dreamed, it became understood
to him that the basic chemical elements are all related to each
other in a manner similar to the themes and phrases in music.
he awoke, and he was able to write out for the first time the
entire periodic table, which forms the basis of modern
chemistry. paul mccartney, famous songwriter and member of
one of the most popular bands of all time, the beatles, wrote
the song yesterday after hearing it in a dream: 19世紀的化學家
德米特里?門捷列夫也是被夢境啟發。 他在隔壁房撥放音樂時睡著。
的主題和章節。 他醒過來,他第一次有辦法寫出整個元素週期表,

也成為現代化學的基礎。 保羅?麥卡 尼,著名的歌曲作者,也是最後
歡迎的樂團成員之一─披頭四,在夢中聽見後寫下了歌曲「昨日」。i woke up with a lovely tune in my head. i thought, thats great,
i wonder what that is

there was an upright piano next to me, to the right of the bed
by the window. i got out of bed, sat at the piano, found g,
found f sharp minor seventh and that leads you through then
to b to e minor, and finally back to e. 「我醒來時,伴隨著腦海裡
動人的曲調。」 我想。 那很好,我想知道那是什麼。 那裡有個直立
的鋼琴在我旁邊,在窗戶邊的床鋪旁。 我下床,坐在鋼琴坐,找到

it all leads forward logically. i liked the melody a lot, but
because id dreamed it, i couldnt believe id written it. i thought,
no, ive never written

anything like this before. but i had the tune, which was the
most magical thing

there are many other instances of dreams

inspiring creativity. albert einstein worked out







