
2020年08月03日 17:56


Natural Phenomena 自然现象
1. The Clear Sky 晴空
When you look at the sky on a clear day, it seems as if the earth is covered by a blue dome. If
you stand at a place where the surface of the earth is flat; the sky seems to meet the earth in any direction
you look. 在晴朗的 日子,你看到天空就像一个蓝色的大圆盘.如果你极目远眺,无论从那个方向,看到
的都是天地相接的地 平线.
2. Summer Evenings夏夜
Sometimes I will see falling stars draw bright lines in the sky. There is harmony between the moon and
stars in the quiet sky and the slow pace of the village. I really enjoy the peaceful summer evenings in the < br>village.有时我得到流星在天空中划出明亮的线条,宁静的夜空中挂着一轮明月和闪烁的星星,与 慢节
3. The Sun rises 日出
The next day, the sunlight woke him very early, hiding the stars under a pink blue and blue sky. But the
stars kept watching him from above. 第二天,日出的光线很早就将他唤醒.夜晚的星星都被阳光藏在粉
蓝色的天空下. 但是它们仍然从天上看着他.
4. Beautiful Dawn 凌晨美景
It was the perfect morning for our daily walk: A brisk wind sweeping ocean air across our faces, fresh
mounds of kelp laughing in clumps along the beach, and the sun coming up from its flat bed of fog, red and
new and full of promises. 对我们每 日的散步来说,这是一个宜人的清晨.清冽的微风夹着海洋的气息
扑面而来.一簇簇新鲜的海藻在海滩随 处可见.旭日从雾霭中冉冉升起,东升红彤彤,新鲜而充满生机.
5. The Moon 月亮
It is a beautiful and quiet night. The moon is like a disc hanging on the dark sky , which casts its light on
everything.一个美丽而宁静的夜晚,月亮像一个圆盘挂在黑暗 的夜空中,淡淡的月光普照万物.
6. Enchantment 心醉
Outside, the lopsided moon, the hacked-at trees and the hobbled moon garden shimmered and rustled and
fluttered in the night wind, satisfied they worked their powerful enchantment still.外面,月儿弯弯,修剪 过
7. Summer Rain 夏雨
The first drops of rain are huge; they split into the dust on the ground, and plunk on the roof. The rain now
becomes a torrent, flung by a rising wind. Together they batter the trees and level the grasses. Water
streams off roofs. There is only water. 开始雨点很大,溅起地上的灰尘,打在屋顶上丁当作响.接着大更
大的风助威下, 瓢泼大雨倾盆而下, 雨水砸向树木,踏平草地.立即,雨水像溪流一样从屋顶奔流而下.到
8. Rainbow 彩虹
I am drawn outside while the rain still falls. All around, there is cool and welcome feeling. I breathe deeply
and watch the sun’s rays streak through breaking clouds. One ray catches the drops that from on the edge of
the roof, and I am treated to a row of tiny, quivering colors—my private rainbow. They are red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, which makes a wonderland. 雨一直在下,我跑出去,享受周围那
一丝丝清凉的感觉。我 深深地吸了一口气,看着阳光明媚穿过残云。一缕阳光正好照在屋檐边的雨
滴上,形成了只有我才看见的 一条细细的,忽隐忽现的彩虹。五颜六色-----赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,简直就


9.A Thunder Storm 雷雨
The sky is full of black clouds. Flashes of lightning lit up the courts, old houses, and ramshackle porches,
and thunder begins to roar overhead. No birds sing any longer, but the leaves of the trees rustle and a wind
blows against our faces. A drop of water falls, then another, and then the rain falls on the leaves of the trees
and the iron roofs with a noise reminding us of the beating of drums. A brilliant stripe o flight fills the sky.
Suddenly there comes a terrible thunderclap overhead, and then the sky is full of roars of thunder. 天空乌
云密布,雷电闪闪,照亮了天井、老屋,还有那摇摇欲坠 的走廊。一声惊雷在头顶上炸响。只有树
叶的沙沙声。风吹打在脸上,雨开始一滴一滴地下着,雨滴打在 树叶和铁皮屋顶上,就像敲锣打鼓
的声音。一道闪电越过天空,紧接着头顶上又是一声惊雷,然后天空中 轰鸣的雷声不断。
10.Snow Picture 雪景
When I got up the next morning, I saw that the ground was covered with a vast blanket of whiteness. With
the white ground underfoot, and the chimneys here and there sending out brown smoke into the clear blue
sky overhead, the whole scene might match the most beautiful morning picture in the world. 当我第二天
早晨起床时,我看到大地被厚厚的白色毯子覆盖着。在脚下白色的大地上,缕 缕炊烟升入头顶蔚蓝
11.Warm Snow温暖的雪
As soon as I walked outside,I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold. Despite the chill
overwhelming my skin, inside I was warm.. I felt as though I could be giving off heat I had the desire to
stay out in this freeze for hours. It was the type of day that speaks to you through its elements. I took a deep
breath to hear more snow was coming.茄烟刚出门,便扑面而 来一大片晶莹雪白的冰凉。冷气袭来,肌
肤阵阵战栗,而内心却温暖如初。觉得自己似乎能发热,因而渴 望在这寒冷中长时间的伫足。这是
一个大自然与你交流的日子。我深深地吸了一口气,静听雪花飘落,源 源不绝。。。。。。
12.Smell of Spring 春天的气息
All around us, I can smell spring. The trees are green and leafy. I can hear the sounds of children playing
their yards and the lawn mowers kicking into gear. And the air has a warm breeze to it – the kind that
warms the hairs on your arms as it blows by.我似乎闻到了环绕我们的春天的气息,树林已是枝绿叶茂。
风—它 拂暖了你臂膀上的汗毛。
13.Spring Dawn 春天的黎明
The most beautiful part of spring is sawn. The east side of the sky turns into a grayish color. From the green
trees, the chirping of the birds can be heard. The grass is soft and green on the side of the road, with little
dewdrops on each piece o f grass, they quietly welcome mother earth t wake up. 春天的黎明是最美的,东
方刚露出鱼肚白,可以听到绿树上鸟儿在歌唱。路边长满了嫩绿的草, 草上沾满了小小的露珠,他
14.Early Summer 初夏
When spring came, she found the earth cold and bare, but she soon changed all that, and by the time
summer arrives, the world is a very different place. It is a green world now, green leaves on the trees, green
grass in the fields, green plants crowding in the hedges, and flowers opening everywhere. 春天到来的时
候,乍暖还寒,大地空旷,草木未长;而夏季到来之时,世界成了另一番景象:是一片绿的世界---< br>绿的树叶,绿的草地,树篱间植物葱郁,到处鲜花盛开。
15.Summer Evening 夏天的傍晚
The most beautiful time in ht summer is during the evening. The pure, white moon hangs in the sky among
thousands of shining stars; countless fireflies fly here and there under the moonlight like the golden
brightness of shooting star.夏天的傍晚是最美的。繁星点点,一轮冷月挂职在夜空,在月光下无数的


16.Charming Summer Day 夏天的魅力
A hot summer day is not without charm. If you get up before dawn, you may take a pleasant walk. You will
se there is just a faint light in the eastern sky and the stars are beginning to fade. A cool breeze blows. The
grass is cool, the shadowy trees are rustling their leaves, and the air is full of fragrances. 炎热的夏天也是
有魅力的。如果你天亮之前 就起床,你可以舒舒服服地散步。你会看到东边露出淡淡的光,星星开
始消失,吹着凉爽的微风,草也是 凉的,遮荫的树叶沙沙作响,空气里充满了芬芳的味道。
17.Autumn Dusk 秋日黄昏
The most beautiful thing during the autumn is dusk. The setting sun looks like a burning ball of fire; it
makes the sky look so colorful. A flock of wild geese fly back and forth in the sky, as if they don’t want to
leave. The many insects making noise in the grass make fields seem more interesting.秋日的黄昏最美的。
太阳像一个大火球,把天空染成五颜六色。一 群大雁在天空飞来飞去,似乎不想离开。草中的虫鸣
18.Autumn Night 秋夜
It was misty on the autumn night. Everything before me became hazy. The hazy lights from the windows of
the distant buildings looked like the eyes of sleepy men. The hazy pavilions lay there as if they were
floating in the air. The hazy threes and grass made me feel that I was in a fairyland. The hazy autumn night
was very beautiful.一个薄雾笼罩的秋夜,我面前的一切都变得模糊起来。远处楼 房的窗户透出模糊的
光,像眨眼朦胧的眼睛。模糊的亭阁好像是飘浮在空中,模糊的树和花草使我感觉身 在仙境一般。
19.Winter Night 冬夜
It was cold and bleak in the late winter. The night was dark, not a star was to be seen in the gloomy and
dismal sky. The north wind was howling dreadfully outside the house, like the screams of some wounded
wild beasts.阴冷的寒冬,夜里一片漆黑,在阴沉的天空中甚 至连一颗星星都看不见。屋外北风呼啸,
20.Winter morning 冬天的早晨
The winter morning is most beautiful. The sun hides in the sky not wanting to shine, and snowflakes
happily come into view. Snowflakes slowly drift from the sky covering everything, making the earth look
kike a silver wonderland. The children wake up early in the morning. Outside they build snowmen and
hove snowball fights in their yards. Everyone is happy. 冬天的早晨是最美的。太阳躺在天空中还原出
来,雪片欢快地飞舞着,慢慢地把万 物覆盖,把整个世界变成了银色的梦幻仙境。孩子们早早地起
床,来到院子里,堆雪人,打雪仗,把这个 世界变成欢乐的海洋。
21.Snow 初雪
The first snow came, How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains,
in the meadows, on the roofs of living. All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black
line across the landscape, What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion! Every sound was
muffled every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more trumping hoofs, no more rattling
wheels! 初雪飘零,多么美啊!它整日整 夜那么静静地飘着,落在山岭上,落在草地上,落在屋顶上。
在一片白茫茫之中,只有河流在美丽的画面 上划出一道曲曲弯弯的黑线。初雪飘落时,是何等的宁
静、何等的幽静!一切声响都江堰市趋于沉寂,一 切噪音都化作柔和的音乐。再没有嘈杂的步行声,
22.A Path on My School Campus 校园小路
There was a path paved with cobblestones on the campus of my school. It led from my classroom to a lawn
on the right side. At dawn or at dust, I would stroll along it, breathing in the fresh air of the dawn or tracing
the footprint of the setting sun. Two rows of small willows lined the path. Raising my head, I could see the
blue sky and white clouds which set off the tranquility of the path. Here and there wild flowers with a


simple elegant tint truck the eye. I would bend down and pluck one. Oh, the flower smelt so fresh and
fragrant. Only at this time, could I find my spiritual sustenance. The stress from the heavy homework and
tough question would immediately vanish. Oh, what a pleasant and charming place this was! 校园
内有一条卵石 辅成的小路,一端连着教室,一端通向教室右边的那边草地。每天早晨或晚饭后,我
总是要在上面走走, 呼吸黎明的新鲜空气,追寻夕阳的足迹。小路两边,是两行小柳树。抬头望去,
蓝天、白云、更烘托了小 路的寂静。偶尔,几朵野花映入眼帘,花色淡淡的。于是我会蹲下身去采
上一朵。啊!这花泛着清新淡雅 的芬芳。此时此刻,我觉得只有在这儿才能得到精神上的寄托。沉
重的作业带来的烦恼,攻克难题凝聚的 思索,在这儿都会像烟云一样消散得一干二净。这是一个多
23.Walk in the Rain 雨中慢步
Getting up in the morning, I like to take a walk。 It was raining one day. Drop by drop,, it fell
in my head. I was in high spirit. Along the path, there were many little red and yellow flowers
which put their heads up to absorb their drinks. They had been completely washed. They appeared fresh
and lovely. How lovely they looked! 我喜欢早晨起来散步。一天,天正在下着雨。一滴一滴,落到我的头上。我兴致高昂。沿路,许多红色、黄色的小花仰起脑袋吮吸着它们的饮料。在经过雨水完全
冲 洗后,它们显得新鲜、活泼。
24.A Spring Outing 春游美景
It was Sunday. We set out very early on bikes, carrying bottles of beer and bags of cakes, bacon and cooked
eggs. WE rode along the winding paths in the fields, across the meadows and sown the roads. The willows
were fresh and green. The swallows were flying to and fro, up and down in the sky. The birds, like
musician, sang their melodious songs in the trees, and butterflies, like colorful dancers, were fluttering here
and there. We breathed the fresh air deeply and laughed heartily.星期天一大早,我们就骑着 自行车出发
了,随身带着几瓶啤酒,还有几盒蛋糕、一点熏肉和一些煮鸡蛋。我们沿着田间崎岖的小路前 进,
穿过草地,顺道而下。柳树挂上了鲜绿。燕子在天空飞旋。小鸟像音乐家一样,在树上唱着优美的< br>歌,蝴蝶像多采多姿的舞蹈家一样,拍动着翅膀,飞来飞去,我们深深地呼吸着新鲜空气,开怀大
25.Feeling in Snow 雪天随想
As soon as I walked outside, I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold. Despite the chill
overwhelming my skin, inside I was warm. I felt as though I could be giving off heat; I had the desire to
stay out in this freeze for hours. It was the type of day that speaks to you through its elements; I took a deep
breath to hear more snow was coming. As I walked I looked up, trying to realize what made this day so
beautiful, and so peaceful. It was as if time had been put temporarily on hold, and I sensed myself flo9stign
away. I sat down on the edge of a curb and listened. All these was to hear the wind rushing over the top of
my head and circling some old, cracking leaves some yards away. To me it was the reassuring sound of
nature, trying not to be forgotten. 刚出门,便扑面而来一 大片晶莹雪白的冰凉。冷气袭来,肌肤阵阵
战栗,而内心却温暖如初。觉得自己似乎能发发热,因而渴望 在这寒冷中长时间的伫足。这是一个
大自然与你交流的日子。我深深地吸了一口气,静听雪花飘落。漫步 雪中,举目四顾,我努力思索
是什么竟然能够把这一天变得如此美丽和宁静。那一刻,时间仿佛停止了。 我仿佛脱离了尘世。坐
在路边,仔细聆听。只有风从头顶掠过,卷走几码远的干枯树叶。在我心中,这是 大自然给人安慰、
26.The Window 窗外的景象
The window overlooked a park where there was a lake. There were ducks and swans in the lake, and
children came to throw them bread. Young lovers walked hand in hand under the trees, and there were
flowers and stretches of grass. And at the back, behind the woods, was a fine view of the city skyline.从小
窗向外眺望,是一座公园,那里有一湾湖水;许多鸭子和天鹅 悠然湖上,孩子们在湖边给它们喂食


面包;成双成对的年青人手 拉着手儿漫步树下,处处有盛开的鲜花和伸展的绿地,树林后城市的上
Colorful World 五彩世界
1.The Setting Sun 日落
When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the green fields of wheat or rice.
And all the trees and bushes with a golden glow. The clouds above the sky also begin to glow with a golden
light, and the mountains are of a lovely purple color.太阳快要下山了,柔和的 光照在绿色的田野里和丛
2.Toward Evening 傍晚
Then as the fiery ball of the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the red color of the clouds begins
to fade, and gradually fakes away until all the clouds are grey and the mountains become a deep black clear
cut against the pale sky, where the evening stars take the place of the sun and shine brightly. 火红的太阳
隐没到山后,红彤彤的云彩也渐渐地褪色,天空成了灰色,山也变成了 深褐色,像一幅版画映衬在
苍白的天空中。 夜空中明亮的星星开始闪耀。。。。。。
3.Colorful World 五彩世界
The sun was already in the west but it was still shining. Its light was so bright that I couldn’t even open my
eyes. When I arrived at the west Hill, the light became a bit yellow. After a short while, it was completely
golden, then red. The sun nearly set. It was like a great fiery ball. The cloud around it was also painted red.
Little by little the cloud covered more and more of the sun. At last it disappeared behind the cloud. It was
already dark. 太阳偏西,但还非常明亮,强光刺得我睁不开眼。当我到达西山 时,光线泛黄,一会
儿,就变成了金黄色,然后又变成红色,太阳快要下山了,就像一个大火球,把周围 的云也染红了。
4.Beach Holiday 海滩假日
I had always liked the beach. I t didn’t matter if the sun didn’t shine while you were hiking in the lake
District—in fact, a light rain made it all the more exhilarating. I yearned for the bright blues, yellows and
reds of a beach holiday. 我一向喜欢海滩。当来到湖泊地区远足时,天空没有阳光并不要紧。 事实上,
5.Natural Beauty 自然美景
On one side, beginning at the very lip of the pool, was a tiny meadow, a cool, resilient surface of green that
extended to the vase of the frowning wall. Beyond the pool a gentle slope of earth ran up and up to meet the
opposing wall. Fine grass covered the slope-grass that was spangled with flowers, with here and there
patches of color, orange and purple and golden. 在深潭的一边,有一片小小的草地,凉爽而富 有弹性的
绿草地从潭的边缘延伸到皱折的峭壁下面。深潭的另、一边,一个缓坡延伸着直上到对面的峭壁 。
Natural World山川风貌
1.The Morning Dew 晨露
On sunshiny summer mornings, the grass is often wet with dew. There maybe drops of dew on flowers and
bushes, and spider webs, too. The drops of dew sparkle like jewels when the sun shines on them. 在 晴朗的
2.Lijiang River 漓江
The river is rally very clean and pure. We rented a boat and enjoyed the beautiful scenes along the river.
The mountains are so special. I’ve seen many other kinds of mountains, but I like Guilihn’s mountains best.


I’ve seen many rivers before, but I like Lijiang Rivers best. 河水清澈透明,我们租了一条小船,沿江欣
赏着美景。山很奇特,我见过许多其他类型的山 ,但我最喜欢桂林的山,我也见过许多河流,但我
3.Night of the Lake 湖之夜
Around the lake are some trees, their slender leaves bellowing in the gentle wind. There must be some
frogs in the middle of the lake, whose endless singing can be heard clearly. What an attractive night! 湖周
围有些树,嫩嫩的树叶在微风中飘扬。 湖中一定有青蛙,我能清楚地听见它们在不停地歌唱。多美
4.Ocean at the Sunset 日落时的大海
A gust of wind brought forth the faint smell of fish, and this made me feel joyous. Slowly, the rays of
sunlight faded, and dimness surrounded me. The entire ocean changed to a dark violet hue. Later, the red
sun escaped into the sea. 一阵海风带来了淡淡的鱼腥味,使我兴奋起来 。慢慢地,太阳光消失了,周
5.Sea Beauty 大海美景
From as far as you could see on the left and right was open water and sand. The splash of pieces of
seashells lay scattered on the beach and small holes covered the sand where the crabs had dug in. The wind
felt soft and warm and the water not very chilling. Far in the distance the sun was changing the color from a
yellow to an orange and then to a red ball hanging over the horizon. 极目远眺,你能看见一望无垠的大海
阳由 黄色变成橘红色,一个大红球,悬挂在天边。
6.Waterfall 瀑布
From the sky fell the waterfall’s high rising, thick mist. When in contact with sunlight, the seven—colored
rainbow hung in the sky, which was very stunning. 瀑布飞流直下,震荡起浓浓的水雾,在阳光照耀下
7.Canyon 峡谷
It was the green heart of the canyon, where the walls swerved back from the rigid plan and relieved their
harshness of line by making a little sheltered nook and filling it to the brim with sweetness and roundness
and softness. Here all things rested. Even the narrow stream ceased its turbulent down—rush long enough
to form a quiet pool….. 这是峡谷葱绿的中心,在这里峭壁改变了它们僵硬的形式和粗糙的线条,形
成 一个小小的隐蔽处,并使 之充满甜美、圆润和安逸。这儿一切都很宁静,甚至连咆哮着直冲而下
的瀑布也平静下来,。形成了一个 宁静的深潭。。。。。。
8.Canyon and Mountain 峡谷与山
The walls leaned together abruptly, and the canyon ended in a chaos of rocks, moss—covered and hidden
by a green screen of vines and creepers and boughs of trees. Up the canyon rose far hills and peaks, the big
foothills, pine—covered and remote. And far beyond, like clouds upon the border of the sky, towered
minarets of white, where the Sierra’s eternal snows flashed austerely the blazes. 峭壁险峻互为倚靠,峡谷
掩没在杂乱的盖满苔藓、披着各种攀爬植物藤和树丛 的绿色屏障的岩石之间。在峡谷的上面,起伏
连绵的山峦和山峰向远方,大片的丘陵地带,满山的松林依 稀可见。更远处,像朵朵白云升起在天
际,那是些高耸的白干塔。在那天下一带,塞纳山巅的终年积雪质 扑地反射出太阳的光辉。
9.The Forest 森林
There’s beauty in the woods, too, especially late in the fall. Sometimes you walk among the huge trees
where the sunlight filters through. It’s quiet and big, with touches of white and green and gold. And the
silence is like that of church.森林也是美丽的, 特别是晚秋的森林. 有时候,你行走在阳光斑驳的高大
林木间。森林在这儿那儿涂抹着白色、绿色、和 金黄色,深广而且寂静,这寂静就像教堂里的肃穆


10.The Sea 大海
The sea is very big. Some parts of the sea are very shallow. But some places, the seal is quite deep. The sea
is salty; Rivers carry salt from the land in the sea. In the sea, there are plenty of dishes and plants. Some
live near the top of the sea. Others live deep down. Millions of tiny living things float in the sea. These
floating things are so small that it is hard t see them. Many fishes live by eating these living things. 大海很
大。 有的地方很浅,有的地方很 深。大海是咸的。河流把陆地的盐带到了大海里。在大海里,有许
多鱼和植物。有的生活在浅水层,有的 生活在深水层。成百上千万的生物漂浮在海里。这些浮游生
物太小了,我们大家很难看见它们。很多鱼靠 吃这些浮游生物为生。
11.The Dead Sea 死海
The Dead Sea is not a sea. It is a big lake in the Jordan Valley. The river Jordan runs into the Dead Sea. The
lake is about 400 meters below the sea level. The weather is hot there and the water is salty. Fish can not
live in the salty water and plants cannot grow near it. People cannot swim well in the Dead Sea, but they
can float in the water. You can often see people floating on the lake, reading books or newspapers. The
water is very blue and the air is clean. In winter, people come to the lake. They sit in the sunshine or swim
in the warm water. 死海不是海,而是约旦 河谷中的大湖。约旦河流入死海。死海大约低于水平面400
米。这儿的天气很热,湖水是咸的。鱼和植 物都无法在如此咸的水中生存。人们也无法在死海里自
由地游泳,但人可以浮在水面上。你常常可以看到 众沲在湖面上,读书或看报。水是湛蓝的,空气
是清新的。在冬天,人们也来这儿。他们坐在阳光下或在 温暖的水中游泳。
12.The Summer Palace 颐和园
The Summer Palace is a palace of great interest in Beijing, China, even in the world. It lies in the northwest
of Beijing, dozens of kilometers away from the city. When we went into the entrance, we found a large low
hill called Long Life Mountain, which is covered by trees. At the foot of the mountain, we also saw the
Long Corridor. It has Chinese styles. For example, the most famous is its pictures, while we were walking
along it, we found many nice pictures in surprise. Turning round, Kunming Lake, seventeen—arch bridge
and some other places ran into your eyes. The water in the lake is clean and clear, and we boated on the
lake and swam in it. 颐和园位于中国北京的一处名胜,也是世界的名胜。它位于北京的西北面,离北
京市中心 有数公里远。当我们走进去时,我们看上到一座小山,它就是万寿山,山上长满了树。在
山脚下,是中国 风格的长廊。当我们沿着长廊前行时,惊奇地发现长廊上有很多美丽的画。长廊边,
昆明湖、十七拱桥和 其他美景映入眼帘。湖水清澈见底。我们在湖中划船和游泳。
City Scenes 城市风光
1. Garden 花园
As we climbed the stone steps up the hill, we saw a low—lying garden at the bottom of the hill. Various
flowers and plants seemed to cover up the entire place. This garden was colorful as if it was a fairyland, it
was extremely beautiful. 当我沿着石阶往上爬时,我们看见了山下的花园。各种各样的花草 覆盖了整
2. Garden along the Seine River 塞纳河边的花园
Take a stroll along the Seine River. Browse through the art vendors, colorful paintings. Peek through
delicate iron gates at the well—kept gardens. Watch closely for the French attention to detail. You will se it
in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint balconies. No matter where you
look, you will find everyday objects transformed into works by art. 沿着塞纳河漫步,浏览艺术家们色彩
丰富的绘画,透过那些精致的铁门,向内偷窃那些 精心 照看的花园。仔细观察法国人对于细节的留
心,你可以在门廊或拱门以及小喷泉和古怪有趣的走廊的设计 上随处可见。不管你往哪里看,你都
3. Snow—covered Mountains 雪山


The trees around the schoolyard looked like huge men with silver clothes defending our school. Beyond,
snow—covered mountains in the distance looked like an elephant made of wax. What a wonderful scene!
校园周围的树就像穿着银装的巨人守卫着我们大家的校园。校 园外,远处被除数雪覆盖的硕像蜡做
4. Modern City 现代城市
House are packed tightly together, and where are no houses, there are roads. On these roads, the traffic flow
is endless. Naturally, the children have nowhere to play. They must simply sit indoors on their own and
watch television. The rooms are cramped and short of sunlight. 这里的房子一个挨着一个,没有房子的
地方工业便是道路,在这样的路面上,车辆 川流不息。自然孩子们没有过玩耍的地方工业,只能 自
5. Street Shaded by Trees绿树成荫的街道
Sometimes in Orlando the trees shading a street make it more inviting than the house do .It was the tree
arching over. Sabal Lane that called to young officer Evan Mahoney one afternoon. The freckled—face
policeman braked in front of the most unusual garden he’d ever seen. 在奥兰多,绿树成荫的街道有时会
比屋里更留得住人。一个炎热的下午,被遮天蔽日的大树 覆盖着的沙伯尔街吸引着年轮的警官埃文。
马海尼。这名满脸雀斑的警察在一座他从未见过的、最不寻常 的花园前停下车。
6. Hongkong’s Night 香港夜景
While you are crossing the harbor at night, your heart will be caught by the beauty of Hong Kong’s night.
The lights glimmer all the time. Their colors white, red, yellow, and green—glimmer like many kinds of
diamonds. If you look in the sea, you will see that the water is as beautiful as the real light because the
lights are also reflected in the water. When you look up at the sky, you will see the bright moon above your
head. It seems like a big diamond. Besides it there are small diamonds, stars, accompanying it. At that time,
you may feel that you are living in diamond world.当你晚上来到 港湾时,香港美丽的夜景会让你留连
忘返。灯光若 隐若现,有白的,红的,黄的,还有绿的,就像钻石一般。向海里望去,你会看到海
水也像真的灯一样美 丽,因为灯映衬在海里。向天空望去,你会看见头顶一轮明月,就像一枚大的
钻石,旁边还有许多小的钻 石----星星陪伴着它。那时,你感觉就像住在钻石的世界里。
7. Paris’s Evening 巴黎夜景
As evening comes to Paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront. You may hear music from
an outdoor concert nearby. Parisians love their music. The starry sky is their auditorium. You can also hear
concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals. In Paris music never ends. 巴黎到了傍晚时分,随着码头上的雾
气升起,巴黎的诱惑力也随之而起。你会听到 附近室外音乐会演奏 的乐曲。巴黎人热爱自己的音乐,
繁星点缀的天空,就是他们演奏家的大礼堂。你也可以在皇宫或教堂里 聆听音乐会。在巴黎,音乐
8. Splendid Buildings 辉煌的建筑
From the freeway you will see the beautiful—looking buildings set high on the green mountain. When you
get in, you will find the lobby is very large. The most impressive item in the lobby is the large, beautiful,
all—marble staircase that comes down from the second floor on two sides of the lobby; a huge bronze wall
painting separates the two staircases. Standing in the lobby you feel as if you have walked into a king’s
palace because of so many beautiful things around you. 从高速公路上,你可以看到绿色的山顶上那些漂
因 为你周围的一切都是那么漂亮。
9.New York City 纽约市
New York is the most energetic city in the world. However, when you arrive in New York, the first you
notice is the skyline, hundreds of skyscrapers, that classic American building from towering over the people


an traffic below. It may come as a surprise that the center of the city, Manhattan, is actually an island only
21 kilometers long and 6 kilometers wide, but it is the powerful center of many world industries and
cultures. When you travel north, you find another center, this one lit by bright neon lights that advertise
everything from movies to cameras to watches. This is known as Broadway, where dozens of theaters have
presented musicals and plays for almost 100 years. 统纽约是世界是最有活力的城市。然而,当你到达
纽约时,首先 映入眼帘的是纽约的城市轮廓,数百计的摩天大楼和典型的美国式建筑,下面是拥挤
的人群和繁忙的交通 。你可能会感到惊讶,纽约市中心----曼哈顿,实际上是一个有二十一公里长,
六公里宽的岛屿,但 它是世界的产业中心和文化中心。当你去纽约的北边时,你会发现另外一个中
心,这儿有明亮的霓虹灯, 向人们做各种各样的广告,从电影到照相机,再到手表等。这就是著名
的百老汇。在这儿有许多剧院。近 百年来,无数的音乐和戏剧在这儿上演着。
9. Kunming 昆明
Though the weather in Yunnan changes from place to place, Kunming is famous for her beautiful weather.
It’s neither hot in summer, nor too cold in winter. That’s why more and more people like to travel and even
to live there. You can see that great changes have taken place there. A lot of tall buildings, cinemas and
hospitals have been put up. You can cross the streets over footbridges in the city. You can buy whatever you
want in shops and supermarkets in or around the city. People in Kunming are really friendly. They often
invite their friends home to try delicious food, like rice noodles.尽管云南各地的天气不同,但昆明因 其气
候四季如春而闻名。夏天不会太热,冬天也不会太冷。这就是为什么越来越多的人们喜欢到昆明旅< br>游,甚至住在这儿。你会发现这儿的变化非常大。城市里建起了许多高楼大厦,还有电影院和医院。
好, 他们常常邀请他们的朋友去家里品尝美味的食物,比如米线之类的食物。
Festival 节日风情
1. Christmas Customs 圣诞习俗
There are so many wonderful traditions associated with the Christmas seasons: Houses be decked with
colorful lights and bowed holly wreaths; caroling with the church choir; stockings full of yummy treats and
presents beneath the Christmas tree; eggnog and the Christmas day feast. All these customs create such
warm memories in people’s hearts and minds. 有许多与圣诞节有关的美 好传统习俗,如用彩色的灯和
圣诞花环装饰屋子,教堂合唱圣诞颂歌,塞满甜食的长袜子,及圣诞树下的 礼物,蛋酒及圣诞在餐。
2. Christmas Family Get-together 圣诞家庭聚会
On Christmas Day, all the joyous of close family relationships were seen and felt throughout our parent’s
home. The smells of roosted turkey, southern—baked ham and homemade brad hung in the air. Tables and
chairs were set up everywhere to accommodate toddlers, teenagers, parents and grandparents. Every room
was lavishly decorated. 圣诞节的那天,父母的家中充满了一大家子的欢乐之情。烤火鸡、面部烘火
腿和 凉挂的家制面包香气四溢。为孩子,年轻人、父母和祖父母们四处安置有桌椅,每个人房间都
江堰市装饰 得异常华丽。
2. Father Christmas 圣诞老人
The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace, so they hang
up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow—case or a sack to try to get
more presents. Later that night, Father or Mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side
of the bed. 年纪比较小 的孩子们想,圣诞老人可能性从烟囱里或者壁炉里出来,于是他们就挂上一
只袜子,以便圣诞老人把礼物 放到里面。贪心的孩子甚至把枕头套或布袋挂起来,以便得到更多的
礼物。晚上,爸爸或妈妈就会把礼物 放进袜子里,剩下的就放在床旁边。
3. Christmas Dinner 圣诞家宴
On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Children look for their presents, and the young


ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o’clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is
bought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins
which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of game s and eating until the happiest of all Christmas
holidays come to and end. 圣诞节的早晨,孩子们很早就醒了。他们寻找自己的礼物,与此同时大人
们忙着准备饭菜。 大约在下午一点钟的时候,圣诞宅基地家宴开始。很快吃完火鸡或鸡后,孩子们
就在布丁里寻找藏在里面 的新硬币。余下的时间,充满了好吃和好玩的节目,直到圣诞结束。
4. The Spring Festival 春节
People often enjoy large dinners and watch special programs on TV with family on the Lunar New Year’s
Eve. Children are very happy, too. They are in new clothes, and usually get some money. Which is put in a
red paper envelope from elder people. You can also see a lot of traditional programs, too, such as lion
dancing. They wish people a happy New Year and a bright future. 除夕,人们通常和家人一起享受丰盛
的晚餐,看特别的电视节目。 孩子们也非常高兴,因为他们可以穿上新衣服,还可以从长辈那儿得
到红包。你还可以看到很多传统节目 ,比如舞狮子,意思是祝愿人们新年快乐和前景美好。
5. Mid—autumn Day 中秋节
On the evening of August 15 of the lunar calendar, when the moon was brightest, we always sat together
outside in our yard to eat moon cakes and enjoy the beautiful moonlight. Mother would then tell her story
of the moon fairy Change, who lived in palace on the moon, with a jade rabbit for companion. 在阴历8月
15日的晚上,也就是月亮最明 亮的时候,我们一家人总是一起坐在院子里吃月饼,欣赏那美丽的月
光。妈妈总是会给我们讲常娥奔月的 故事,常娥住在月宫里,还有一只玉兔陪伴着她。
6. Thanksgiving Day 感恩节
In the United States, thanksgiving dinner is practically the same all over the country. The table is always
loaded with delicious food of many different kinds. Naturally, the main course is turkey, with an array of
vegetables and desserts. Pumpkin pie is often served in remembrance of the fist settlers. 感恩节会餐在全
美国差不多 都一样。桌子上摆满了各种美味佳肴。自然,火鸡是主菜,同时摆放着各种蔬菜和甜食。
人们常常吃南瓜 饼,目的是为了纪念首批移民。
7. April Fool’s Day 愚人节
The ― fools’ errands‖ we play on people are practical jokes, Filling the sugar bowl with salt, stuffing a
biscuit with cotton and offering an empty eggshell at breakfast, are good old tricks. Some practical jokes
are kept up the whole day before the victim realizes what day it is. Most April fool jokes are in good fun
and not meant to harm anyone. The cleverest April fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially
the person upon whom the joke is played. 我们对人做的“愚人差事”属 于日常性玩笑。在糖碗里加上
盐,小甜饼里塞进棉花,早餐时端上一个空蛋壳老师都是很好的传统观念把 戏。有些恶作剧会持续
一整天,直到受害者意识到那天是什么日子为止。愚人节的玩笑大都好玩而那种能 使每个人,尤其
8. April Fool Letter 愚人节信件
There are also April Fool letters. They are composites of prankishness, deception, absurdity, folk verses,
and love. The letters are never signed, but girls, apparently, make a game of trying to guess who send them.
To receive an April Fool letter during April for it can be sent anytime during the month, is deemed a most
flattering honor and the contents are shared among envious acquaintances. 此外,还有愚人节信件,其特
点是集胡闹、骗人、荒唐、通俗诗歌和爱 情于一身。这种信件从不署名,但很明显,姑娘们喜欢对
写信人做了各种猜测。女孩子如能在四月份收到 平整一封愚人节信件---(因为人们可以在四月的任
何一天寄出)-----会被认为是一种最受欢迎 的荣誉,而信的内容也是总要和充满羡慕的好友一起分享。
9. Spain Tomato FEST
Tens of thousands of people stripped off their shirts and hurled tons of ripe, juicy tomatoes at each other in
the annual Tomato food fight, creating knee—deep rivers of tomato sauce on the streets of this Spanish


town. 在每年一度的西红柿狂欢节中成千上万的人脱掉自己的衬衫,奋力把一吨吨 透熟多汁的西红


Natural Phenomena 自然现象
1. The Clear Sky 晴空
When you look at the sky on a clear day, it seems as if the earth is covered by a blue dome. If
you stand at a place where the surface of the earth is flat; the sky seems to meet the earth in any direction
you look. 在晴朗的日子,你看到天空就像一个蓝色的大圆盘.如果你 极目远眺,无论从那个方向,看到
2. Summer Evenings夏夜
Sometimes I will see falling stars draw bright lines in the sky. There is harmony between the moon and
stars in the quiet sky and the slow pace of the village. I really enjoy the peaceful summer evenings in the
village.有时 我得到流星在天空中划出明亮的线条,宁静的夜空中挂着一轮明月和闪烁的星星,与慢节
奏的村庄形成一 幅和谐的美景.我非常喜欢村庄宁静的夏夜.
3. The Sun rises 日出
The next day, the sunlight woke him very early, hiding the stars under a pink blue and blue sky. But the
stars kept watching him from above. 第二天,日出的光线很早就将他唤醒.夜晚的星星都被阳光藏在粉
蓝色的天空下. 但是它们仍然从天上看着他.
4. Beautiful Dawn 凌晨美景
It was the perfect morning for our daily walk: A brisk wind sweeping ocean air across our faces, fresh
mounds of kelp laughing in clumps along the beach, and the sun coming up from its flat bed of fog, red and
new and full of promises. 对我们每 日的散步来说,这是一个宜人的清晨.清冽的微风夹着海洋的气息
扑面而来.一簇簇新鲜的海藻在海滩随 处可见.旭日从雾霭中冉冉升起,东升红彤彤,新鲜而充满生机.
5. The Moon 月亮
It is a beautiful and quiet night. The moon is like a disc hanging on the dark sky , which casts its light on
everything.一个美丽而宁静的夜晚,月亮像一个圆盘挂在黑暗 的夜空中,淡淡的月光普照万物.
6. Enchantment 心醉
Outside, the lopsided moon, the hacked-at trees and the hobbled moon garden shimmered and rustled and
fluttered in the night wind, satisfied they worked their powerful enchantment still.外面,月儿弯弯,修剪 过
7. Summer Rain 夏雨
The first drops of rain are huge; they split into the dust on the ground, and plunk on the roof. The rain now
becomes a torrent, flung by a rising wind. Together they batter the trees and level the grasses. Water
streams off roofs. There is only water. 开始雨点很大,溅起地上的灰尘,打在屋顶上丁当作响.接着大更
大的风助威下, 瓢泼大雨倾盆而下, 雨水砸向树木,踏平草地.立即,雨水像溪流一样从屋顶奔流而下.到
8. Rainbow 彩虹
I am drawn outside while the rain still falls. All around, there is cool and welcome feeling. I breathe deeply
and watch the sun’s rays streak through breaking clouds. One ray catches the drops that from on the edge of
the roof, and I am treated to a row of tiny, quivering colors—my private rainbow. They are red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, which makes a wonderland. 雨一直在下,我跑出去,享受周围那
一丝丝清凉的感觉。我 深深地吸了一口气,看着阳光明媚穿过残云。一缕阳光正好照在屋檐边的雨
滴上,形成了只有我才看见的 一条细细的,忽隐忽现的彩虹。五颜六色-----赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,简直就


9.A Thunder Storm 雷雨
The sky is full of black clouds. Flashes of lightning lit up the courts, old houses, and ramshackle porches,
and thunder begins to roar overhead. No birds sing any longer, but the leaves of the trees rustle and a wind
blows against our faces. A drop of water falls, then another, and then the rain falls on the leaves of the trees
and the iron roofs with a noise reminding us of the beating of drums. A brilliant stripe o flight fills the sky.
Suddenly there comes a terrible thunderclap overhead, and then the sky is full of roars of thunder. 天空乌
云密布,雷电闪闪,照亮了天井、老屋,还有那摇摇欲坠 的走廊。一声惊雷在头顶上炸响。只有树
叶的沙沙声。风吹打在脸上,雨开始一滴一滴地下着,雨滴打在 树叶和铁皮屋顶上,就像敲锣打鼓
的声音。一道闪电越过天空,紧接着头顶上又是一声惊雷,然后天空中 轰鸣的雷声不断。
10.Snow Picture 雪景
When I got up the next morning, I saw that the ground was covered with a vast blanket of whiteness. With
the white ground underfoot, and the chimneys here and there sending out brown smoke into the clear blue
sky overhead, the whole scene might match the most beautiful morning picture in the world. 当我第二天
早晨起床时,我看到大地被厚厚的白色毯子覆盖着。在脚下白色的大地上,缕 缕炊烟升入头顶蔚蓝
11.Warm Snow温暖的雪
As soon as I walked outside,I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold. Despite the chill
overwhelming my skin, inside I was warm.. I felt as though I could be giving off heat I had the desire to
stay out in this freeze for hours. It was the type of day that speaks to you through its elements. I took a deep
breath to hear more snow was coming.茄烟刚出门,便扑面而 来一大片晶莹雪白的冰凉。冷气袭来,肌
肤阵阵战栗,而内心却温暖如初。觉得自己似乎能发热,因而渴 望在这寒冷中长时间的伫足。这是
一个大自然与你交流的日子。我深深地吸了一口气,静听雪花飘落,源 源不绝。。。。。。
12.Smell of Spring 春天的气息
All around us, I can smell spring. The trees are green and leafy. I can hear the sounds of children playing
their yards and the lawn mowers kicking into gear. And the air has a warm breeze to it – the kind that
warms the hairs on your arms as it blows by.我似乎闻到了环绕我们的春天的气息,树林已是枝绿叶茂。
风—它 拂暖了你臂膀上的汗毛。
13.Spring Dawn 春天的黎明
The most beautiful part of spring is sawn. The east side of the sky turns into a grayish color. From the green
trees, the chirping of the birds can be heard. The grass is soft and green on the side of the road, with little
dewdrops on each piece o f grass, they quietly welcome mother earth t wake up. 春天的黎明是最美的,东
方刚露出鱼肚白,可以听到绿树上鸟儿在歌唱。路边长满了嫩绿的草, 草上沾满了小小的露珠,他
14.Early Summer 初夏
When spring came, she found the earth cold and bare, but she soon changed all that, and by the time
summer arrives, the world is a very different place. It is a green world now, green leaves on the trees, green
grass in the fields, green plants crowding in the hedges, and flowers opening everywhere. 春天到来的时
候,乍暖还寒,大地空旷,草木未长;而夏季到来之时,世界成了另一番景象:是一片绿的世界---< br>绿的树叶,绿的草地,树篱间植物葱郁,到处鲜花盛开。
15.Summer Evening 夏天的傍晚
The most beautiful time in ht summer is during the evening. The pure, white moon hangs in the sky among
thousands of shining stars; countless fireflies fly here and there under the moonlight like the golden
brightness of shooting star.夏天的傍晚是最美的。繁星点点,一轮冷月挂职在夜空,在月光下无数的


16.Charming Summer Day 夏天的魅力
A hot summer day is not without charm. If you get up before dawn, you may take a pleasant walk. You will
se there is just a faint light in the eastern sky and the stars are beginning to fade. A cool breeze blows. The
grass is cool, the shadowy trees are rustling their leaves, and the air is full of fragrances. 炎热的夏天也是
有魅力的。如果你天亮之前 就起床,你可以舒舒服服地散步。你会看到东边露出淡淡的光,星星开
始消失,吹着凉爽的微风,草也是 凉的,遮荫的树叶沙沙作响,空气里充满了芬芳的味道。
17.Autumn Dusk 秋日黄昏
The most beautiful thing during the autumn is dusk. The setting sun looks like a burning ball of fire; it
makes the sky look so colorful. A flock of wild geese fly back and forth in the sky, as if they don’t want to
leave. The many insects making noise in the grass make fields seem more interesting.秋日的黄昏最美的。
太阳像一个大火球,把天空染成五颜六色。一 群大雁在天空飞来飞去,似乎不想离开。草中的虫鸣
18.Autumn Night 秋夜
It was misty on the autumn night. Everything before me became hazy. The hazy lights from the windows of
the distant buildings looked like the eyes of sleepy men. The hazy pavilions lay there as if they were
floating in the air. The hazy threes and grass made me feel that I was in a fairyland. The hazy autumn night
was very beautiful.一个薄雾笼罩的秋夜,我面前的一切都变得模糊起来。远处楼 房的窗户透出模糊的
光,像眨眼朦胧的眼睛。模糊的亭阁好像是飘浮在空中,模糊的树和花草使我感觉身 在仙境一般。
19.Winter Night 冬夜
It was cold and bleak in the late winter. The night was dark, not a star was to be seen in the gloomy and
dismal sky. The north wind was howling dreadfully outside the house, like the screams of some wounded
wild beasts.阴冷的寒冬,夜里一片漆黑,在阴沉的天空中甚 至连一颗星星都看不见。屋外北风呼啸,
20.Winter morning 冬天的早晨
The winter morning is most beautiful. The sun hides in the sky not wanting to shine, and snowflakes
happily come into view. Snowflakes slowly drift from the sky covering everything, making the earth look
kike a silver wonderland. The children wake up early in the morning. Outside they build snowmen and
hove snowball fights in their yards. Everyone is happy. 冬天的早晨是最美的。太阳躺在天空中还原出
来,雪片欢快地飞舞着,慢慢地把万 物覆盖,把整个世界变成了银色的梦幻仙境。孩子们早早地起
床,来到院子里,堆雪人,打雪仗,把这个 世界变成欢乐的海洋。
21.Snow 初雪
The first snow came, How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains,
in the meadows, on the roofs of living. All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black
line across the landscape, What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion! Every sound was
muffled every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more trumping hoofs, no more rattling
wheels! 初雪飘零,多么美啊!它整日整 夜那么静静地飘着,落在山岭上,落在草地上,落在屋顶上。
在一片白茫茫之中,只有河流在美丽的画面 上划出一道曲曲弯弯的黑线。初雪飘落时,是何等的宁
静、何等的幽静!一切声响都江堰市趋于沉寂,一 切噪音都化作柔和的音乐。再没有嘈杂的步行声,
22.A Path on My School Campus 校园小路
There was a path paved with cobblestones on the campus of my school. It led from my classroom to a lawn
on the right side. At dawn or at dust, I would stroll along it, breathing in the fresh air of the dawn or tracing
the footprint of the setting sun. Two rows of small willows lined the path. Raising my head, I could see the
blue sky and white clouds which set off the tranquility of the path. Here and there wild flowers with a


simple elegant tint truck the eye. I would bend down and pluck one. Oh, the flower smelt so fresh and
fragrant. Only at this time, could I find my spiritual sustenance. The stress from the heavy homework and
tough question would immediately vanish. Oh, what a pleasant and charming place this was! 校园
内有一条卵石 辅成的小路,一端连着教室,一端通向教室右边的那边草地。每天早晨或晚饭后,我
总是要在上面走走, 呼吸黎明的新鲜空气,追寻夕阳的足迹。小路两边,是两行小柳树。抬头望去,
蓝天、白云、更烘托了小 路的寂静。偶尔,几朵野花映入眼帘,花色淡淡的。于是我会蹲下身去采
上一朵。啊!这花泛着清新淡雅 的芬芳。此时此刻,我觉得只有在这儿才能得到精神上的寄托。沉
重的作业带来的烦恼,攻克难题凝聚的 思索,在这儿都会像烟云一样消散得一干二净。这是一个多
23.Walk in the Rain 雨中慢步
Getting up in the morning, I like to take a walk。 It was raining one day. Drop by drop,, it fell
in my head. I was in high spirit. Along the path, there were many little red and yellow flowers
which put their heads up to absorb their drinks. They had been completely washed. They appeared fresh
and lovely. How lovely they looked! 我喜欢早晨起来散步。一天,天正在下着雨。一滴一滴,落到我的头上。我兴致高昂。沿路,许多红色、黄色的小花仰起脑袋吮吸着它们的饮料。在经过雨水完全
冲 洗后,它们显得新鲜、活泼。
24.A Spring Outing 春游美景
It was Sunday. We set out very early on bikes, carrying bottles of beer and bags of cakes, bacon and cooked
eggs. WE rode along the winding paths in the fields, across the meadows and sown the roads. The willows
were fresh and green. The swallows were flying to and fro, up and down in the sky. The birds, like
musician, sang their melodious songs in the trees, and butterflies, like colorful dancers, were fluttering here
and there. We breathed the fresh air deeply and laughed heartily.星期天一大早,我们就骑着 自行车出发
了,随身带着几瓶啤酒,还有几盒蛋糕、一点熏肉和一些煮鸡蛋。我们沿着田间崎岖的小路前 进,
穿过草地,顺道而下。柳树挂上了鲜绿。燕子在天空飞旋。小鸟像音乐家一样,在树上唱着优美的< br>歌,蝴蝶像多采多姿的舞蹈家一样,拍动着翅膀,飞来飞去,我们深深地呼吸着新鲜空气,开怀大
25.Feeling in Snow 雪天随想
As soon as I walked outside, I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold. Despite the chill
overwhelming my skin, inside I was warm. I felt as though I could be giving off heat; I had the desire to
stay out in this freeze for hours. It was the type of day that speaks to you through its elements; I took a deep
breath to hear more snow was coming. As I walked I looked up, trying to realize what made this day so
beautiful, and so peaceful. It was as if time had been put temporarily on hold, and I sensed myself flo9stign
away. I sat down on the edge of a curb and listened. All these was to hear the wind rushing over the top of
my head and circling some old, cracking leaves some yards away. To me it was the reassuring sound of
nature, trying not to be forgotten. 刚出门,便扑面而来一 大片晶莹雪白的冰凉。冷气袭来,肌肤阵阵
战栗,而内心却温暖如初。觉得自己似乎能发发热,因而渴望 在这寒冷中长时间的伫足。这是一个
大自然与你交流的日子。我深深地吸了一口气,静听雪花飘落。漫步 雪中,举目四顾,我努力思索
是什么竟然能够把这一天变得如此美丽和宁静。那一刻,时间仿佛停止了。 我仿佛脱离了尘世。坐
在路边,仔细聆听。只有风从头顶掠过,卷走几码远的干枯树叶。在我心中,这是 大自然给人安慰、
26.The Window 窗外的景象
The window overlooked a park where there was a lake. There were ducks and swans in the lake, and
children came to throw them bread. Young lovers walked hand in hand under the trees, and there were
flowers and stretches of grass. And at the back, behind the woods, was a fine view of the city skyline.从小
窗向外眺望,是一座公园,那里有一湾湖水;许多鸭子和天鹅 悠然湖上,孩子们在湖边给它们喂食


面包;成双成对的年青人手 拉着手儿漫步树下,处处有盛开的鲜花和伸展的绿地,树林后城市的上
Colorful World 五彩世界
1.The Setting Sun 日落
When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the green fields of wheat or rice.
And all the trees and bushes with a golden glow. The clouds above the sky also begin to glow with a golden
light, and the mountains are of a lovely purple color.太阳快要下山了,柔和的 光照在绿色的田野里和丛
2.Toward Evening 傍晚
Then as the fiery ball of the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the red color of the clouds begins
to fade, and gradually fakes away until all the clouds are grey and the mountains become a deep black clear
cut against the pale sky, where the evening stars take the place of the sun and shine brightly. 火红的太阳
隐没到山后,红彤彤的云彩也渐渐地褪色,天空成了灰色,山也变成了 深褐色,像一幅版画映衬在
苍白的天空中。 夜空中明亮的星星开始闪耀。。。。。。
3.Colorful World 五彩世界
The sun was already in the west but it was still shining. Its light was so bright that I couldn’t even open my
eyes. When I arrived at the west Hill, the light became a bit yellow. After a short while, it was completely
golden, then red. The sun nearly set. It was like a great fiery ball. The cloud around it was also painted red.
Little by little the cloud covered more and more of the sun. At last it disappeared behind the cloud. It was
already dark. 太阳偏西,但还非常明亮,强光刺得我睁不开眼。当我到达西山 时,光线泛黄,一会
儿,就变成了金黄色,然后又变成红色,太阳快要下山了,就像一个大火球,把周围 的云也染红了。
4.Beach Holiday 海滩假日
I had always liked the beach. I t didn’t matter if the sun didn’t shine while you were hiking in the lake
District—in fact, a light rain made it all the more exhilarating. I yearned for the bright blues, yellows and
reds of a beach holiday. 我一向喜欢海滩。当来到湖泊地区远足时,天空没有阳光并不要紧。 事实上,
5.Natural Beauty 自然美景
On one side, beginning at the very lip of the pool, was a tiny meadow, a cool, resilient surface of green that
extended to the vase of the frowning wall. Beyond the pool a gentle slope of earth ran up and up to meet the
opposing wall. Fine grass covered the slope-grass that was spangled with flowers, with here and there
patches of color, orange and purple and golden. 在深潭的一边,有一片小小的草地,凉爽而富 有弹性的
绿草地从潭的边缘延伸到皱折的峭壁下面。深潭的另、一边,一个缓坡延伸着直上到对面的峭壁 。
Natural World山川风貌
1.The Morning Dew 晨露
On sunshiny summer mornings, the grass is often wet with dew. There maybe drops of dew on flowers and
bushes, and spider webs, too. The drops of dew sparkle like jewels when the sun shines on them. 在 晴朗的
2.Lijiang River 漓江
The river is rally very clean and pure. We rented a boat and enjoyed the beautiful scenes along the river.
The mountains are so special. I’ve seen many other kinds of mountains, but I like Guilihn’s mountains best.


I’ve seen many rivers before, but I like Lijiang Rivers best. 河水清澈透明,我们租了一条小船,沿江欣
赏着美景。山很奇特,我见过许多其他类型的山 ,但我最喜欢桂林的山,我也见过许多河流,但我
3.Night of the Lake 湖之夜
Around the lake are some trees, their slender leaves bellowing in the gentle wind. There must be some
frogs in the middle of the lake, whose endless singing can be heard clearly. What an attractive night! 湖周
围有些树,嫩嫩的树叶在微风中飘扬。 湖中一定有青蛙,我能清楚地听见它们在不停地歌唱。多美
4.Ocean at the Sunset 日落时的大海
A gust of wind brought forth the faint smell of fish, and this made me feel joyous. Slowly, the rays of
sunlight faded, and dimness surrounded me. The entire ocean changed to a dark violet hue. Later, the red
sun escaped into the sea. 一阵海风带来了淡淡的鱼腥味,使我兴奋起来 。慢慢地,太阳光消失了,周
5.Sea Beauty 大海美景
From as far as you could see on the left and right was open water and sand. The splash of pieces of
seashells lay scattered on the beach and small holes covered the sand where the crabs had dug in. The wind
felt soft and warm and the water not very chilling. Far in the distance the sun was changing the color from a
yellow to an orange and then to a red ball hanging over the horizon. 极目远眺,你能看见一望无垠的大海
阳由 黄色变成橘红色,一个大红球,悬挂在天边。
6.Waterfall 瀑布
From the sky fell the waterfall’s high rising, thick mist. When in contact with sunlight, the seven—colored
rainbow hung in the sky, which was very stunning. 瀑布飞流直下,震荡起浓浓的水雾,在阳光照耀下
7.Canyon 峡谷
It was the green heart of the canyon, where the walls swerved back from the rigid plan and relieved their
harshness of line by making a little sheltered nook and filling it to the brim with sweetness and roundness
and softness. Here all things rested. Even the narrow stream ceased its turbulent down—rush long enough
to form a quiet pool….. 这是峡谷葱绿的中心,在这里峭壁改变了它们僵硬的形式和粗糙的线条,形
成 一个小小的隐蔽处,并使 之充满甜美、圆润和安逸。这儿一切都很宁静,甚至连咆哮着直冲而下
的瀑布也平静下来,。形成了一个 宁静的深潭。。。。。。
8.Canyon and Mountain 峡谷与山
The walls leaned together abruptly, and the canyon ended in a chaos of rocks, moss—covered and hidden
by a green screen of vines and creepers and boughs of trees. Up the canyon rose far hills and peaks, the big
foothills, pine—covered and remote. And far beyond, like clouds upon the border of the sky, towered
minarets of white, where the Sierra’s eternal snows flashed austerely the blazes. 峭壁险峻互为倚靠,峡谷
掩没在杂乱的盖满苔藓、披着各种攀爬植物藤和树丛 的绿色屏障的岩石之间。在峡谷的上面,起伏
连绵的山峦和山峰向远方,大片的丘陵地带,满山的松林依 稀可见。更远处,像朵朵白云升起在天
际,那是些高耸的白干塔。在那天下一带,塞纳山巅的终年积雪质 扑地反射出太阳的光辉。
9.The Forest 森林
There’s beauty in the woods, too, especially late in the fall. Sometimes you walk among the huge trees
where the sunlight filters through. It’s quiet and big, with touches of white and green and gold. And the
silence is like that of church.森林也是美丽的, 特别是晚秋的森林. 有时候,你行走在阳光斑驳的高大
林木间。森林在这儿那儿涂抹着白色、绿色、和 金黄色,深广而且寂静,这寂静就像教堂里的肃穆


10.The Sea 大海
The sea is very big. Some parts of the sea are very shallow. But some places, the seal is quite deep. The sea
is salty; Rivers carry salt from the land in the sea. In the sea, there are plenty of dishes and plants. Some
live near the top of the sea. Others live deep down. Millions of tiny living things float in the sea. These
floating things are so small that it is hard t see them. Many fishes live by eating these living things. 大海很
大。 有的地方很浅,有的地方很 深。大海是咸的。河流把陆地的盐带到了大海里。在大海里,有许
多鱼和植物。有的生活在浅水层,有的 生活在深水层。成百上千万的生物漂浮在海里。这些浮游生
物太小了,我们大家很难看见它们。很多鱼靠 吃这些浮游生物为生。
11.The Dead Sea 死海
The Dead Sea is not a sea. It is a big lake in the Jordan Valley. The river Jordan runs into the Dead Sea. The
lake is about 400 meters below the sea level. The weather is hot there and the water is salty. Fish can not
live in the salty water and plants cannot grow near it. People cannot swim well in the Dead Sea, but they
can float in the water. You can often see people floating on the lake, reading books or newspapers. The
water is very blue and the air is clean. In winter, people come to the lake. They sit in the sunshine or swim
in the warm water. 死海不是海,而是约旦 河谷中的大湖。约旦河流入死海。死海大约低于水平面400
米。这儿的天气很热,湖水是咸的。鱼和植 物都无法在如此咸的水中生存。人们也无法在死海里自
由地游泳,但人可以浮在水面上。你常常可以看到 众沲在湖面上,读书或看报。水是湛蓝的,空气
是清新的。在冬天,人们也来这儿。他们坐在阳光下或在 温暖的水中游泳。
12.The Summer Palace 颐和园
The Summer Palace is a palace of great interest in Beijing, China, even in the world. It lies in the northwest
of Beijing, dozens of kilometers away from the city. When we went into the entrance, we found a large low
hill called Long Life Mountain, which is covered by trees. At the foot of the mountain, we also saw the
Long Corridor. It has Chinese styles. For example, the most famous is its pictures, while we were walking
along it, we found many nice pictures in surprise. Turning round, Kunming Lake, seventeen—arch bridge
and some other places ran into your eyes. The water in the lake is clean and clear, and we boated on the
lake and swam in it. 颐和园位于中国北京的一处名胜,也是世界的名胜。它位于北京的西北面,离北
京市中心 有数公里远。当我们走进去时,我们看上到一座小山,它就是万寿山,山上长满了树。在
山脚下,是中国 风格的长廊。当我们沿着长廊前行时,惊奇地发现长廊上有很多美丽的画。长廊边,
昆明湖、十七拱桥和 其他美景映入眼帘。湖水清澈见底。我们在湖中划船和游泳。
City Scenes 城市风光
1. Garden 花园
As we climbed the stone steps up the hill, we saw a low—lying garden at the bottom of the hill. Various
flowers and plants seemed to cover up the entire place. This garden was colorful as if it was a fairyland, it
was extremely beautiful. 当我沿着石阶往上爬时,我们看见了山下的花园。各种各样的花草 覆盖了整
2. Garden along the Seine River 塞纳河边的花园
Take a stroll along the Seine River. Browse through the art vendors, colorful paintings. Peek through
delicate iron gates at the well—kept gardens. Watch closely for the French attention to detail. You will se it
in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint balconies. No matter where you
look, you will find everyday objects transformed into works by art. 沿着塞纳河漫步,浏览艺术家们色彩
丰富的绘画,透过那些精致的铁门,向内偷窃那些 精心 照看的花园。仔细观察法国人对于细节的留
心,你可以在门廊或拱门以及小喷泉和古怪有趣的走廊的设计 上随处可见。不管你往哪里看,你都
3. Snow—covered Mountains 雪山


The trees around the schoolyard looked like huge men with silver clothes defending our school. Beyond,
snow—covered mountains in the distance looked like an elephant made of wax. What a wonderful scene!
校园周围的树就像穿着银装的巨人守卫着我们大家的校园。校 园外,远处被除数雪覆盖的硕像蜡做
4. Modern City 现代城市
House are packed tightly together, and where are no houses, there are roads. On these roads, the traffic flow
is endless. Naturally, the children have nowhere to play. They must simply sit indoors on their own and
watch television. The rooms are cramped and short of sunlight. 这里的房子一个挨着一个,没有房子的
地方工业便是道路,在这样的路面上,车辆 川流不息。自然孩子们没有过玩耍的地方工业,只能 自
5. Street Shaded by Trees绿树成荫的街道
Sometimes in Orlando the trees shading a street make it more inviting than the house do .It was the tree
arching over. Sabal Lane that called to young officer Evan Mahoney one afternoon. The freckled—face
policeman braked in front of the most unusual garden he’d ever seen. 在奥兰多,绿树成荫的街道有时会
比屋里更留得住人。一个炎热的下午,被遮天蔽日的大树 覆盖着的沙伯尔街吸引着年轮的警官埃文。
马海尼。这名满脸雀斑的警察在一座他从未见过的、最不寻常 的花园前停下车。
6. Hongkong’s Night 香港夜景
While you are crossing the harbor at night, your heart will be caught by the beauty of Hong Kong’s night.
The lights glimmer all the time. Their colors white, red, yellow, and green—glimmer like many kinds of
diamonds. If you look in the sea, you will see that the water is as beautiful as the real light because the
lights are also reflected in the water. When you look up at the sky, you will see the bright moon above your
head. It seems like a big diamond. Besides it there are small diamonds, stars, accompanying it. At that time,
you may feel that you are living in diamond world.当你晚上来到 港湾时,香港美丽的夜景会让你留连
忘返。灯光若 隐若现,有白的,红的,黄的,还有绿的,就像钻石一般。向海里望去,你会看到海
水也像真的灯一样美 丽,因为灯映衬在海里。向天空望去,你会看见头顶一轮明月,就像一枚大的
钻石,旁边还有许多小的钻 石----星星陪伴着它。那时,你感觉就像住在钻石的世界里。
7. Paris’s Evening 巴黎夜景
As evening comes to Paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront. You may hear music from
an outdoor concert nearby. Parisians love their music. The starry sky is their auditorium. You can also hear
concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals. In Paris music never ends. 巴黎到了傍晚时分,随着码头上的雾
气升起,巴黎的诱惑力也随之而起。你会听到 附近室外音乐会演奏 的乐曲。巴黎人热爱自己的音乐,
繁星点缀的天空,就是他们演奏家的大礼堂。你也可以在皇宫或教堂里 聆听音乐会。在巴黎,音乐
8. Splendid Buildings 辉煌的建筑
From the freeway you will see the beautiful—looking buildings set high on the green mountain. When you
get in, you will find the lobby is very large. The most impressive item in the lobby is the large, beautiful,
all—marble staircase that comes down from the second floor on two sides of the lobby; a huge bronze wall
painting separates the two staircases. Standing in the lobby you feel as if you have walked into a king’s
palace because of so many beautiful things around you. 从高速公路上,你可以看到绿色的山顶上那些漂
因 为你周围的一切都是那么漂亮。
9.New York City 纽约市
New York is the most energetic city in the world. However, when you arrive in New York, the first you
notice is the skyline, hundreds of skyscrapers, that classic American building from towering over the people


an traffic below. It may come as a surprise that the center of the city, Manhattan, is actually an island only
21 kilometers long and 6 kilometers wide, but it is the powerful center of many world industries and
cultures. When you travel north, you find another center, this one lit by bright neon lights that advertise
everything from movies to cameras to watches. This is known as Broadway, where dozens of theaters have
presented musicals and plays for almost 100 years. 统纽约是世界是最有活力的城市。然而,当你到达
纽约时,首先 映入眼帘的是纽约的城市轮廓,数百计的摩天大楼和典型的美国式建筑,下面是拥挤
的人群和繁忙的交通 。你可能会感到惊讶,纽约市中心----曼哈顿,实际上是一个有二十一公里长,
六公里宽的岛屿,但 它是世界的产业中心和文化中心。当你去纽约的北边时,你会发现另外一个中
心,这儿有明亮的霓虹灯, 向人们做各种各样的广告,从电影到照相机,再到手表等。这就是著名
的百老汇。在这儿有许多剧院。近 百年来,无数的音乐和戏剧在这儿上演着。
9. Kunming 昆明
Though the weather in Yunnan changes from place to place, Kunming is famous for her beautiful weather.
It’s neither hot in summer, nor too cold in winter. That’s why more and more people like to travel and even
to live there. You can see that great changes have taken place there. A lot of tall buildings, cinemas and
hospitals have been put up. You can cross the streets over footbridges in the city. You can buy whatever you
want in shops and supermarkets in or around the city. People in Kunming are really friendly. They often
invite their friends home to try delicious food, like rice noodles.尽管云南各地的天气不同,但昆明因 其气
候四季如春而闻名。夏天不会太热,冬天也不会太冷。这就是为什么越来越多的人们喜欢到昆明旅< br>游,甚至住在这儿。你会发现这儿的变化非常大。城市里建起了许多高楼大厦,还有电影院和医院。
好, 他们常常邀请他们的朋友去家里品尝美味的食物,比如米线之类的食物。
Festival 节日风情
1. Christmas Customs 圣诞习俗
There are so many wonderful traditions associated with the Christmas seasons: Houses be decked with
colorful lights and bowed holly wreaths; caroling with the church choir; stockings full of yummy treats and
presents beneath the Christmas tree; eggnog and the Christmas day feast. All these customs create such
warm memories in people’s hearts and minds. 有许多与圣诞节有关的美 好传统习俗,如用彩色的灯和
圣诞花环装饰屋子,教堂合唱圣诞颂歌,塞满甜食的长袜子,及圣诞树下的 礼物,蛋酒及圣诞在餐。
2. Christmas Family Get-together 圣诞家庭聚会
On Christmas Day, all the joyous of close family relationships were seen and felt throughout our parent’s
home. The smells of roosted turkey, southern—baked ham and homemade brad hung in the air. Tables and
chairs were set up everywhere to accommodate toddlers, teenagers, parents and grandparents. Every room
was lavishly decorated. 圣诞节的那天,父母的家中充满了一大家子的欢乐之情。烤火鸡、面部烘火
腿和 凉挂的家制面包香气四溢。为孩子,年轻人、父母和祖父母们四处安置有桌椅,每个人房间都
江堰市装饰 得异常华丽。
2. Father Christmas 圣诞老人
The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace, so they hang
up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow—case or a sack to try to get
more presents. Later that night, Father or Mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side
of the bed. 年纪比较小 的孩子们想,圣诞老人可能性从烟囱里或者壁炉里出来,于是他们就挂上一
只袜子,以便圣诞老人把礼物 放到里面。贪心的孩子甚至把枕头套或布袋挂起来,以便得到更多的
礼物。晚上,爸爸或妈妈就会把礼物 放进袜子里,剩下的就放在床旁边。
3. Christmas Dinner 圣诞家宴
On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Children look for their presents, and the young


ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o’clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is
bought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins
which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of game s and eating until the happiest of all Christmas
holidays come to and end. 圣诞节的早晨,孩子们很早就醒了。他们寻找自己的礼物,与此同时大人
们忙着准备饭菜。 大约在下午一点钟的时候,圣诞宅基地家宴开始。很快吃完火鸡或鸡后,孩子们
就在布丁里寻找藏在里面 的新硬币。余下的时间,充满了好吃和好玩的节目,直到圣诞结束。
4. The Spring Festival 春节
People often enjoy large dinners and watch special programs on TV with family on the Lunar New Year’s
Eve. Children are very happy, too. They are in new clothes, and usually get some money. Which is put in a
red paper envelope from elder people. You can also see a lot of traditional programs, too, such as lion
dancing. They wish people a happy New Year and a bright future. 除夕,人们通常和家人一起享受丰盛
的晚餐,看特别的电视节目。 孩子们也非常高兴,因为他们可以穿上新衣服,还可以从长辈那儿得
到红包。你还可以看到很多传统节目 ,比如舞狮子,意思是祝愿人们新年快乐和前景美好。
5. Mid—autumn Day 中秋节
On the evening of August 15 of the lunar calendar, when the moon was brightest, we always sat together
outside in our yard to eat moon cakes and enjoy the beautiful moonlight. Mother would then tell her story
of the moon fairy Change, who lived in palace on the moon, with a jade rabbit for companion. 在阴历8月
15日的晚上,也就是月亮最明 亮的时候,我们一家人总是一起坐在院子里吃月饼,欣赏那美丽的月
光。妈妈总是会给我们讲常娥奔月的 故事,常娥住在月宫里,还有一只玉兔陪伴着她。
6. Thanksgiving Day 感恩节
In the United States, thanksgiving dinner is practically the same all over the country. The table is always
loaded with delicious food of many different kinds. Naturally, the main course is turkey, with an array of
vegetables and desserts. Pumpkin pie is often served in remembrance of the fist settlers. 感恩节会餐在全
美国差不多 都一样。桌子上摆满了各种美味佳肴。自然,火鸡是主菜,同时摆放着各种蔬菜和甜食。
人们常常吃南瓜 饼,目的是为了纪念首批移民。
7. April Fool’s Day 愚人节
The ― fools’ errands‖ we play on people are practical jokes, Filling the sugar bowl with salt, stuffing a
biscuit with cotton and offering an empty eggshell at breakfast, are good old tricks. Some practical jokes
are kept up the whole day before the victim realizes what day it is. Most April fool jokes are in good fun
and not meant to harm anyone. The cleverest April fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially
the person upon whom the joke is played. 我们对人做的“愚人差事”属 于日常性玩笑。在糖碗里加上
盐,小甜饼里塞进棉花,早餐时端上一个空蛋壳老师都是很好的传统观念把 戏。有些恶作剧会持续
一整天,直到受害者意识到那天是什么日子为止。愚人节的玩笑大都好玩而那种能 使每个人,尤其
8. April Fool Letter 愚人节信件
There are also April Fool letters. They are composites of prankishness, deception, absurdity, folk verses,
and love. The letters are never signed, but girls, apparently, make a game of trying to guess who send them.
To receive an April Fool letter during April for it can be sent anytime during the month, is deemed a most
flattering honor and the contents are shared among envious acquaintances. 此外,还有愚人节信件,其特
点是集胡闹、骗人、荒唐、通俗诗歌和爱 情于一身。这种信件从不署名,但很明显,姑娘们喜欢对
写信人做了各种猜测。女孩子如能在四月份收到 平整一封愚人节信件---(因为人们可以在四月的任
何一天寄出)-----会被认为是一种最受欢迎 的荣誉,而信的内容也是总要和充满羡慕的好友一起分享。
9. Spain Tomato FEST
Tens of thousands of people stripped off their shirts and hurled tons of ripe, juicy tomatoes at each other in
the annual Tomato food fight, creating knee—deep rivers of tomato sauce on the streets of this Spanish


town. 在每年一度的西红柿狂欢节中成千上万的人脱掉自己的衬衫,奋力把一吨吨 透熟多汁的西红








