
2020年08月03日 18:04


导语:莫说乡路长,再长也长不过我的思念 ;莫说天涯远,再远
你是人 们心中永远的根。家那就记录下来,编写成英语作文吧。欢迎
阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关 注FLA学习网的栏目!
My hometown is beautiful, but beautiful.
Spring hits the bauhinia opened the fragrance drifting on
the road, as long as one door can smell the flower fragrance.
Summer, lotus in the river is long, it blossoms. Red petals,
there is something like a bowl, bowl, lay out, can eat small
circle circle.
In autumn, the trees bear fruit, orange, orange... Where
are the oranges are big and yellow, and also very sweet, the
orange is delicious.
The most beautiful is the winter. Snowflakes floating in
the air, at noon and friends make a snowman, snowball fights
on the ground.
You see, this is my beautiful hometown.

像碗一 样的东西,碗里放着一颗颗可以吃的小圆圆。
Lush, without it; Flowers bloom, without it, my hometown.
It is no majestic Yellow River, and not on the bottom of the
lijiang river; It is not the majestic mount tai, overlapping
nor xiangshan red as fire, have the beauty of of primitive
simplicity, unique beauty. Friend, please follow us, to
appreciate the home a spend a grass, a tree wood.
Hometown of tianyu, more blue than elsewhere, is better
than elsewhere, one blue, liao liao. White clouds floating
fortably, aording to the sun excitement, oasional handsome bird
shot, really some poetic feeling. First stop road, buildings
everywhere, look to overlook hometown, dense, red brick, also
have white tile; There are pointing to the sky and of primitive
simplicity is simple; There are real Chinese room and springing
up of the building. They have a high short, small, some like
a kind of general, perseverance, defend the home; Some like

small and exquisite of jade, embedded, don't interesting. Each
figure which was sweating, the frequent laughter into my ears,
make the person can't help to speed up the pace, the zheng big
eyes, a closer look. Walked all the way with gusto, suddenly
feel swaying lined with colorful things, just like the fairy,
often met tobear mist of light fragrance. I involuntarily twist
a head a see, I saw the red, yellow a cluster of clusters, a
clump of white, purple a clump of flowers you next to me, I
depend on her, bent, low head, as if in the lining. They spring
bath, let the breeze stroke, showing the green leaves, like an
umbrella scrambled to rob to show their the most beautiful and
charming. I revel in the graze, such as a seam, fluttering,
admiring, taste, can be
I didn't take two steps, the irrepressible curiosity,
scenery mutation: a jadeite greeted by a pond water wave swing
loops, like to hug and sunshine, the reflected glare of gold.
Weeping willows reflected in the clear with light ripples in
the water, green; Beautiful blue sky, reflected in the clear
with light ripples in the water, blue; Clouds are reflected in
the clear with light ripples in the water, in vain. A look at
carefully, the bottom is a fish's paradise! (here is a little

scratch, please pardon) a group of big, a group of small, small
and large a group; A group of a group of white black, black and
white and a group. They are in the water swim to swim, run, run,
and sometimes jump longmen, and sometimes play games, carefree,
really make people with envy. Before I return to absolute being,
naughty little leap, a sound, immediately splash, like
fairy scattering flowers. Close to charming pool, is a piece
of green carpet of paddy fields. McGrady tanaka rice seedlings,
such as newborn babies, looked curiously, explore the world of
the grass sprout out of the earth. Of course, also the unknown
scalpers, sweating like a pig farmer. Their how much effort to
harvest, how many sweat! Is, they pose a QuHongLiang song of
life! Look at the mountains, wearing a green gown, standing
guard in his hometown, keep watch in his hometown, how a
selfless giant! ...... Everything, all is a kind of beautiful
If I were a painter, I want to use my colorful brush paint
home; If I were a poet, I want to use my white black pen a praise
of our hometown; If I were a singer, I will use my sweet singing
praises his hometown! Friends, listening to the sounds as the
imaginary, seeing is believing, please e to my hometown to see
her scenery!

没有浩浩荡荡的黄河,也没有清澈见底的 漓江;它虽没有峰峦雄伟的
家乡的天宇,比别处的更蓝,比别 处的更美,一碧千里,辽辽
比皆是、密密麻麻,有红砖的,也有 白瓦的;有直指云霄的,也有古
像巧小玲珑的玉石,镶嵌其中, 别有趣味。一个个挥汗如雨的身影穿
摇曳,恰似仙女,不时迎来 泌人心脾的淡香。我不由自主地扭头一看,
只见红一簇、黄一簇,白一丛、紫一丛的花儿你挨着我,我依 着她,
展着如伞般绿油油的 嫩叶,争着抢着展示自己最美丽、最迷人的一面。
我陶醉在这片花海中,如一叶扁舟,飘荡着,欣赏着, 品味着,真可
我按捺不住好奇心,才走两步 ,眼前景色突变:一个翡翠般的

凌的水里,蓝蓝 的;云朵倒映在清凌凌的水里,白白的。仔细一看,
水底更是一个鱼的天堂!(下面有点乱写,请别见怪 )大的一群,小的
在水里游 呀游,跑呀跑,时而跳跳龙门,时而玩玩游戏,无忧无虑,
真让人油然而生几分羡慕之情。没等我回过神 来,淘气的小家伙跃出
塘的 ,是一块翠毯般的稻田。田中稻苗麦麦,如新生的婴儿,好奇地
张望着、探索着这草长莺飞的世界。当然 ,还少不了默默无闻的黄牛,
为家乡放哨,多么一个无私的 巨人啊!……这一切的一切,无不是一
如果我是画家,我要用 我的五彩画笔描绘家乡;如果我是诗人,
我要用我的白纸黑笔赞美家乡;如果我是歌唱家,我要用我的甜 美歌

导语:莫说乡路长 ,再长也长不过我的思念;莫说天涯远,再远
也远不过我的目光;莫说云天高,再高也高不过我的畅想。 故乡啊,
阅读,仅供参考的 ,更多相关的知识,请关注FLA学习网的栏目!
My hometown is beautiful, but beautiful.
Spring hits the bauhinia opened the fragrance drifting on
the road, as long as one door can smell the flower fragrance.
Summer, lotus in the river is long, it blossoms. Red petals,
there is something like a bowl, bowl, lay out, can eat small
circle circle.
In autumn, the trees bear fruit, orange, orange... Where
are the oranges are big and yellow, and also very sweet, the
orange is delicious.
The most beautiful is the winter. Snowflakes floating in
the air, at noon and friends make a snowman, snowball fights
on the ground.
You see, this is my beautiful hometown.

像碗一 样的东西,碗里放着一颗颗可以吃的小圆圆。
Lush, without it; Flowers bloom, without it, my hometown.
It is no majestic Yellow River, and not on the bottom of the
lijiang river; It is not the majestic mount tai, overlapping
nor xiangshan red as fire, have the beauty of of primitive
simplicity, unique beauty. Friend, please follow us, to
appreciate the home a spend a grass, a tree wood.
Hometown of tianyu, more blue than elsewhere, is better
than elsewhere, one blue, liao liao. White clouds floating
fortably, aording to the sun excitement, oasional handsome bird
shot, really some poetic feeling. First stop road, buildings
everywhere, look to overlook hometown, dense, red brick, also
have white tile; There are pointing to the sky and of primitive
simplicity is simple; There are real Chinese room and springing
up of the building. They have a high short, small, some like
a kind of general, perseverance, defend the home; Some like

small and exquisite of jade, embedded, don't interesting. Each
figure which was sweating, the frequent laughter into my ears,
make the person can't help to speed up the pace, the zheng big
eyes, a closer look. Walked all the way with gusto, suddenly
feel swaying lined with colorful things, just like the fairy,
often met tobear mist of light fragrance. I involuntarily twist
a head a see, I saw the red, yellow a cluster of clusters, a
clump of white, purple a clump of flowers you next to me, I
depend on her, bent, low head, as if in the lining. They spring
bath, let the breeze stroke, showing the green leaves, like an
umbrella scrambled to rob to show their the most beautiful and
charming. I revel in the graze, such as a seam, fluttering,
admiring, taste, can be
I didn't take two steps, the irrepressible curiosity,
scenery mutation: a jadeite greeted by a pond water wave swing
loops, like to hug and sunshine, the reflected glare of gold.
Weeping willows reflected in the clear with light ripples in
the water, green; Beautiful blue sky, reflected in the clear
with light ripples in the water, blue; Clouds are reflected in
the clear with light ripples in the water, in vain. A look at
carefully, the bottom is a fish's paradise! (here is a little

scratch, please pardon) a group of big, a group of small, small
and large a group; A group of a group of white black, black and
white and a group. They are in the water swim to swim, run, run,
and sometimes jump longmen, and sometimes play games, carefree,
really make people with envy. Before I return to absolute being,
naughty little leap, a sound, immediately splash, like
fairy scattering flowers. Close to charming pool, is a piece
of green carpet of paddy fields. McGrady tanaka rice seedlings,
such as newborn babies, looked curiously, explore the world of
the grass sprout out of the earth. Of course, also the unknown
scalpers, sweating like a pig farmer. Their how much effort to
harvest, how many sweat! Is, they pose a QuHongLiang song of
life! Look at the mountains, wearing a green gown, standing
guard in his hometown, keep watch in his hometown, how a
selfless giant! ...... Everything, all is a kind of beautiful
If I were a painter, I want to use my colorful brush paint
home; If I were a poet, I want to use my white black pen a praise
of our hometown; If I were a singer, I will use my sweet singing
praises his hometown! Friends, listening to the sounds as the
imaginary, seeing is believing, please e to my hometown to see
her scenery!

没有浩浩荡荡的黄河,也没有清澈见底的 漓江;它虽没有峰峦雄伟的
家乡的天宇,比别处的更蓝,比别 处的更美,一碧千里,辽辽
比皆是、密密麻麻,有红砖的,也有 白瓦的;有直指云霄的,也有古
像巧小玲珑的玉石,镶嵌其中, 别有趣味。一个个挥汗如雨的身影穿
摇曳,恰似仙女,不时迎来 泌人心脾的淡香。我不由自主地扭头一看,
只见红一簇、黄一簇,白一丛、紫一丛的花儿你挨着我,我依 着她,
展着如伞般绿油油的 嫩叶,争着抢着展示自己最美丽、最迷人的一面。
我陶醉在这片花海中,如一叶扁舟,飘荡着,欣赏着, 品味着,真可
我按捺不住好奇心,才走两步 ,眼前景色突变:一个翡翠般的

凌的水里,蓝蓝 的;云朵倒映在清凌凌的水里,白白的。仔细一看,
水底更是一个鱼的天堂!(下面有点乱写,请别见怪 )大的一群,小的
在水里游 呀游,跑呀跑,时而跳跳龙门,时而玩玩游戏,无忧无虑,
真让人油然而生几分羡慕之情。没等我回过神 来,淘气的小家伙跃出
塘的 ,是一块翠毯般的稻田。田中稻苗麦麦,如新生的婴儿,好奇地
张望着、探索着这草长莺飞的世界。当然 ,还少不了默默无闻的黄牛,
为家乡放哨,多么一个无私的 巨人啊!……这一切的一切,无不是一
如果我是画家,我要用 我的五彩画笔描绘家乡;如果我是诗人,
我要用我的白纸黑笔赞美家乡;如果我是歌唱家,我要用我的甜 美歌







