
2020年08月03日 18:04


园林学 landscape architecture,garden architecture
园林 garden and park
绿化 greening,planting
城市绿化 urban greening,urban planting
城市绿地 urban green space
公园绿地 public park
公园 park
儿童公园 children park
动物园 zoo
植物园 botanical garden
墓园 cemetery garden
盆景园 penjng garden,miniature landscape
盲人公园 park for the blind
花园 garden

历史名园 historical garden and park
风景名胜公园 famous scenic park
纪念公园 memorial park
街旁绿地 roadside green space
带状公园 linear park
专类公园 theme park
岩石园 rock garden
社区公园 community park
生产绿地 productive plantation area
防护绿地 green buffer,green area for environmental protection
附属绿地 attached green space
居住绿地 green space attached to housing estate,residential green
道路绿地 green space attached to urban road and square
屋顶花园 roof garden
立体绿化 vertical planting

风景林地 scenic forest land
城市绿地系统 urban green space system
城市绿地系统规划 urban green space system planning
绿化覆盖面积 green coverage
绿化覆盖率 percentage of greenery coverage
绿地率 greening rate,ratio of green space
绿带 green belt
楔形绿地 green wedge
城市绿线 boundary line of urban green space
园林史 landscape history,garden history
古典园林 classical garden
囿 hunting park
苑 imperial park
皇家园林 royal garden
私家园林 private garden

寺庙园林 monastery garden
园林艺术 garden art
相地 site investigation
造景 landscaping
借景 borrowed scencry,view borrowing
园林意境 poetic imagcry of garden
透景线 perspective line
盆景 miniature landscape,penjing
插花 flower arrangement
季相 seasonal appearance of plant
园林规划 garden planning,landscaping planning
园林布局 garden layout
园林设计 garden design
公园最大游人量 maximum visitors capacity in park
地形设计 topographical design

园路设计 garden path design
种植设计 planting design
孤植 specimen planting,isolated planting
对植 Opposite planting,coupled planting
列植 linear planting
群植 group planting,mass planting
园林植物 landscape plant
观赏植物 ornamental plant
古树名木 historical tree and famous wood species
地被植物 ground cover plant
攀缘植物 climbing plant,climber
温室植物 greenhouse plant
花卉 flowering plant
行道树 avenue tree,street tree
草坪 lawn

绿篱 hedge
花篱 flower hedge
花境 flower border
人工植物群落 man-made planting habitat
园林建筑garden building
园林小品 small garden ornaments
园廊 veranda,gallery,colonnade
水榭 waterside pavilion
舫 boat house
园亭 garden pavilion,pavilion
园台 platform
月洞门 moon gate
花架 pergola,trellis
园林楹联 couplet written on scroll,couplet on pillar
园林匾额 bian'e in garden

园林工程 garden engineering
绿化工程 plant engineering
大树移植 big tree transplanting
假植 heeling in,temporary planting
基础种植 foundation planting
种植成活率 ratio of living tree
适地适树 planting according to the environment
造型修剪 topiary
园艺 horticulture
假山 rockwork,artificial hill
置石 stone arrangement,stone layout
掇山 piled stone hill,hill making
塑山 man-made rock work
园林理水 water system layout in garden
驳岸 revetment in garden

喷泉 fountain
风景名胜区 landscape and famous scenery
国家重点风景名胜区 national park of China
风景名胜区规划 landscape and famous scenery planning
风景名胜 famous scenery,famous scenic site
风景资源 scenery resource
景物 view,feature
景点 feature spot,view spot
景区 scenic zone
景观 landscape,scenery
游览线 touring route
环境容量 environmental capacity
国家公园 national park


园林学 landscape architecture,garden architecture
园林 garden and park
绿化 greening,planting
城市绿化 urban greening,urban planting
城市绿地 urban green space
公园绿地 public park
公园 park
儿童公园 children park
动物园 zoo
植物园 botanical garden
墓园 cemetery garden
盆景园 penjng garden,miniature landscape
盲人公园 park for the blind
花园 garden

历史名园 historical garden and park
风景名胜公园 famous scenic park
纪念公园 memorial park
街旁绿地 roadside green space
带状公园 linear park
专类公园 theme park
岩石园 rock garden
社区公园 community park
生产绿地 productive plantation area
防护绿地 green buffer,green area for environmental protection
附属绿地 attached green space
居住绿地 green space attached to housing estate,residential green
道路绿地 green space attached to urban road and square
屋顶花园 roof garden
立体绿化 vertical planting

风景林地 scenic forest land
城市绿地系统 urban green space system
城市绿地系统规划 urban green space system planning
绿化覆盖面积 green coverage
绿化覆盖率 percentage of greenery coverage
绿地率 greening rate,ratio of green space
绿带 green belt
楔形绿地 green wedge
城市绿线 boundary line of urban green space
园林史 landscape history,garden history
古典园林 classical garden
囿 hunting park
苑 imperial park
皇家园林 royal garden
私家园林 private garden

寺庙园林 monastery garden
园林艺术 garden art
相地 site investigation
造景 landscaping
借景 borrowed scencry,view borrowing
园林意境 poetic imagcry of garden
透景线 perspective line
盆景 miniature landscape,penjing
插花 flower arrangement
季相 seasonal appearance of plant
园林规划 garden planning,landscaping planning
园林布局 garden layout
园林设计 garden design
公园最大游人量 maximum visitors capacity in park
地形设计 topographical design

园路设计 garden path design
种植设计 planting design
孤植 specimen planting,isolated planting
对植 Opposite planting,coupled planting
列植 linear planting
群植 group planting,mass planting
园林植物 landscape plant
观赏植物 ornamental plant
古树名木 historical tree and famous wood species
地被植物 ground cover plant
攀缘植物 climbing plant,climber
温室植物 greenhouse plant
花卉 flowering plant
行道树 avenue tree,street tree
草坪 lawn

绿篱 hedge
花篱 flower hedge
花境 flower border
人工植物群落 man-made planting habitat
园林建筑garden building
园林小品 small garden ornaments
园廊 veranda,gallery,colonnade
水榭 waterside pavilion
舫 boat house
园亭 garden pavilion,pavilion
园台 platform
月洞门 moon gate
花架 pergola,trellis
园林楹联 couplet written on scroll,couplet on pillar
园林匾额 bian'e in garden

园林工程 garden engineering
绿化工程 plant engineering
大树移植 big tree transplanting
假植 heeling in,temporary planting
基础种植 foundation planting
种植成活率 ratio of living tree
适地适树 planting according to the environment
造型修剪 topiary
园艺 horticulture
假山 rockwork,artificial hill
置石 stone arrangement,stone layout
掇山 piled stone hill,hill making
塑山 man-made rock work
园林理水 water system layout in garden
驳岸 revetment in garden

喷泉 fountain
风景名胜区 landscape and famous scenery
国家重点风景名胜区 national park of China
风景名胜区规划 landscape and famous scenery planning
风景名胜 famous scenery,famous scenic site
风景资源 scenery resource
景物 view,feature
景点 feature spot,view spot
景区 scenic zone
景观 landscape,scenery
游览线 touring route
环境容量 environmental capacity
国家公园 national park








