
2020年08月03日 18:12






现代茶馆是一个小的游牧民族建筑形式由TL和Kengo Kuma一起设计的。它被用于日本茶仪式
被放在 小推车上打包带走。
这首由 Sen No Rik yü在16世纪写的诗显示了茶道的趋势开始远离宫廷茶道。但是茶的仪式不
是快速饮用。饮茶时的准备 和清洁只要花很少的时间,有关茶仪式的知识和与身体运动的联系要求

现代茶室是来自日本公司的一个给皮毛艺术博物馆的礼物了, 来补充日本精细收藏艺术和日本
茶具。这个项目,在2005年末第一次引起我们的注意;这个设计作品 在2006年末开始建造在10
个月之后完成。他们用了7分钟的字幕和3分钟的正片用电影的形式来记 录这10个月的工作。在
开头字幕出现的时候会伴随着闪动着的用德语、英语、日语书写的电子邮件穿过 屏幕;问题和答案
会合并成一个五彩缤纷的万花筒。自这个项目作为一个非营利性的事业开始,它花了相 当大的时间
Kengo Kuma的 最早的建筑形式已经有了具有柔软外轮廓的双层墙结构(见图一),这是FormTL
连续数月的调整、 讨论的结果,他们希望设计朝着更高的精度,装拆方便的双层充气结构前进。(见
最后我们整合了很多轻量级 特色小品到这个小茶馆:可拆卸的连接如密封和非密封拉链,keder
型材、连接柔性管还有的食品工 业,用卷门、空气作为承重材料(这是通常被迫,快速燃烧,吸出),
半透明的特氟隆面料,可折叠的薄 膜可以在不损失稳定性达到最大密实度,避免材料的气味与茶的
3项目描述 由于其半花生形状,茶馆很快就给出了“花生”的题目:膜测量约80平方米环绕其他大约60
平方 米的膜在距离40–100厘米。TH MEM薄膜的焊接密封的一另一个在安装表面相似的一种充气船
气室床垫大 厅的“高尔夫球”内外表面的纹理。内部压力会造成一个灵活的外壳,在双向传输负载。
在这个软壳的安 装面尺寸、内部公关压力和连接数是稳定性的主要因素。在1000 Pa以上,“花生”
是完全舒张和刚直,在1500 Pa,软壳稳定足以抵挡暴风雨的强烈。
外相同的 优点。在一个充气的大厅里,很少有建筑物采用这种方法,它可以更快地设置,(见图5)。
力量。当亭 在外面,它可以承受高达100公里小时的风。
在预装载荷分析上,荷载 的建筑部件进行均匀(膜内–耦合电缆–外膜)的排列。模型研究进
行了2个额外的类型:风从侧面来和 风从上面来。(见图6)中的颜色显示在三楼组成的张力(绿
膜 的张力和耦合电缆拉力的局部增加,激活附加稳定E弹性力。这种建筑方法的结构稳定性和承载
能力建立 在“体积不变”的原则之上。

而膜转移负荷均匀(3.5千牛米)下的风荷载 ,另一个令人惊讶的结果是,预紧力的内膜受到
较大的应力比下ER膜(2和1.5 kN m)。
在力密度的帮助下,对膜壳进行了分析,开始在预应力索的计算下开始建模 。根据这一方法,
膜的特性,特别是刚度,对电缆施加。所用的程序是能够找到一个平衡的力量,即使在 强烈变形系
统。模拟强起伏的表面具有足够的精度,我们使用一个网格的外层膜只有20厘米NE对内膜 只有15
6膜由tenara 3t40制成
Tenara 3t40是由一个最有价值的膜材料:膨体聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)制成的。在戈尔公司制造,
这种织物 材料高度透明(38%透射率在可见光范围内),其厚度只有0.38毫米,重量为630克平
方米单位 面积也能够承受大约2900 3000 5厘米(即6吨米)。其具有明显的耐折性和耐撕裂
性,是 标准涂层织物的2至五倍的,我们预计结构会很好,即使反复膨胀和紧缩也不会影响其结构。
的帮助(E LLF)下,我们能够确定30毫米宽接缝是足够应对各种情况的发生。
提供的织物是1.5米宽,这减少了一半,我们切削过程中极 力确保小的曲率半径,其计算模型
两膜组装拼 凑起来像116膜件,包括门框。本片只有0.2到3.5平方米的一个最大宽度75厘
米的区域。他们 是联合成一个支撑单元的耦合306合成电缆弹簧安全钩,每40–长80厘米,由焊
接门洞周围基底膜 的焊接。为了维护和修理的方便,他们采用两密封的结构,而且吧1.5米长的
TIZIP拉链集成到基 底膜。这些PVC拉链是唯一的缝纫项目,位于空气泄漏区的incompatibiliTY PVC
设计师准备垂直连接这两个壳,这只有是有可能的,因为内外膜 的几何“不一样”,需要特别
注意。卡诺比奥公司,在意大利北部的Fab ricator专家,组成 一个15人小组。卡诺比奥接受了
把小膜碎片焊接在一起的复杂任务。由于展馆的小尺寸和膜的低预紧, 工作必须满足精度高标准,
因为任何的错误和褶皱都将影响整个结构。每平方米的劳动投入是其他膜结构 的三倍,因为这个展
为了确保馆不会被风吹走,上举的2 T必须固定在外连接线和内部 连接线之间。本地化,这
意味着要符合国际标准的150公斤米,确保展馆在夜间照明(见图9),一个 LED通道集成到肾形
的通道部分(见图10和11)。通道段是螺栓连接的树脂锚的基础板(肾形)。 切割模式方案图。
9空气管理 < /p>

“超大”鼓风机确保快速充气只要10分钟。1.5千瓦的径向风扇提供1000立方米小 时的风量,
压力高达2200 Pa可以防止潮湿或灰尘积聚在膜前,空气经由过滤器和粉尘加湿并且有 一个0.9千
在测试安装后,在博物馆的大堂2个操作方法进行了测试: 顺序和滑动操作。时序操作允许短
暂的停止鼓风机。滑动操作更为适宜:这个操作方法,使得空气不断泄 漏和补偿达到一个稳定值。
因此,风机可以在大堂设置和操作,可以把噪音降到可以容忍的水平。 鼓风机和干燥器,以及一个小的0.6千瓦的吸风机(用于快速放气和拆卸),可很容易得由两
人操 作。(见图12)
茶室是暂时使用的,建造时从选定的材料小心地连接。入口小而低 ,房间小具有较高的天花板。
脱掉你的鞋,弯腰,坐在“榻榻米”(一个日本的茶垫)上参加这个日本的 仪式,你会感到平静和
领导工程土木工程师学会(冰),证实了Nick Baveystock任命为冰的下任总干事和秘书,汤
Nick Baveystok具有英国陆军和国防部背景。他在具有领导建设,培训和变革管理,以及COM< br>高团和工程业务的丰富经验。在过去的10年中,Nick Baveystock参与国际冲突后重建和 发展,如
他将在2011年11月14号加入ICE,准备在2012年一月正式上任。Tom Foulkes继续担任DG
他继续说:“Nick Bavey stock被任命建设这个平台,同时也将专注于使得ICE成员共享专业
知识的途径更有效,从而进一 步提高土木工程的形象。”

The Modern Teahouse – a contemporary nomadic building

in monthly discussions, always mov-ing
towards greater precision until a
self- supporting, double-wall inflatable
structure with minimal setup and
dis-mantling times was arrived at (albeit
after a “detour” that involved a plug-in
frame with a membrane shell), see Figs. 2
and 3.
The Modern Teahouse is a small nomadic building formTL designed together with
Kengo Kuma. It is used for Japanese tea ceremonies in the garden of the “Museum
für Angewandte Kunst” in Frankfurt am Main. The mattress-like structure can be
erected and taken down by just four people. The internal air pressure of this
single- chamber air house is 1500 Pa – only 1 % that of a high-pressure beam but
five times higher than a normal pneumatic structure. The Modern Teahouse
“wanders” between the entrance hall of the museum and a little hill in the museum
garden. When it is not in use, it is packed away on a trolley.

1 Teahouse tradition, teahouse design

During the credits there would be flashes
of eight variations flickering across the
screen and many e-mails in German,
English and Japanese; ques-tions and
answers would merge into a colourful
kaleidoscope. Since the project started out
as a non-profit un-dertaking, it took a
considerable amount of time before the
team had established a common goal and
be- fore a team structure, financing and
di-vision of labour were established.

The art of tea,

One should know,

Is no more,

Than boiling water,

Preparing tea and drinking.
This poem by Sen No Rikyü from the 16
century shows the trend away from
pretentious courtly tea cere- monies [1].
But a tea ceremony is not a fast drink.
With the preparation, drinking and
cleaning, it takes a few hours, and the
knowledge of the tea ceremony and the
associated body movements belongs to a
good child’s education.

Kengo Kuma’s earliest sketches (see
Fig. 1) already show a double-walled
structure with a soft outline, which formTL
continued to modify
The ultimate solution also proved
compatible with the budget envisioned by
the Japanese sponsors and the
re- quirements of the museum.

In the end we integrated many
lightweight specials into this small
teahouse pavilion: detachable con- nections
such as airtight and non-air-tight zippers,
keder profiles, flexible ducts with
connections also used by the food industry,
rolled doors, air as a loadbearing material
(which is nor-mally forced in and, for rapid
defla-tion, sucked out), translucent Teflon
fabric, which can be folded to achieve
maximum compactness without loss of
stability and which does not smell – to
avoid interference with the fine aroma of
the tea.

2 Fast-track preview

The Modern Teahouse is a gift from
Japanese companies to the “Museum für
Angewandte Kunst”, to comple-ment its
collection of Japanese fine art and
Japanese teasets.

It is a project that was first brought to
our attention in late 2005; the design work
began at the end of

2006 and was completed in
10 months. Recreating those ten
months in film minutes would result
in seven minutes of quiet opening
credits and three minutes of action.
Fig. 1. Layout by Kengo Kuma, September 2005

Steel Construction 4 (2011), No. 2



Fig. 2. Longitudinal section

Fig. 3. Transverse section

3 Project description
branes are welded airtight to one an-other

at the installation surface simi-lar to an
Thanks to its half- peanut shape, the inflatable boat or a floata-tion device for
teahouse was soon given the working title
of “Peanut”: a membrane mea-suring
swimmers, and linked by four or five thin
synthetic cables per square meter of
roughly 80 m
surrounds an-other roughly
surface between which the supporting air
60 m membrane at a distance of 40–100
is injected, see Fig. 4.
cm. Both mem-


Steel Construction 4 (2011), No. 2

However, the two shells are only
partially coupled at specific points, instead
of following the chamber pat- tern of an air
mattress. The result is a single air chamber
mattress hall with a “golf- ball” texture on
the inner and outer surfaces. The internal
pressure creates a flexible shell that
transfers loads in two directions. In this
soft shell, the size of the installation
sur-face, the inner pressure and the
num- ber of connections are the principal
factors for the stability. From 1000 Pa
upwards, the “Peanut” is fully in-flated
and upright, from 1500 Pa on-wards, the
soft shell is stable and strong enough to
withstand a storm.

Despite the use of air as a sup-porting
element, this special design does not
require airlocks because the air pressure
inside the pavilion is the same as the air
pressure outside. The advantage of this
rarely employed building method over an
inflated air hall is that it can be set up
much faster, see Fig. 5.

The Modern Teahouse is de-signed
as a trouble-free structure able to
withstand far greater forces than the
observer might assume at first glance.
When the pavilion is set up outside, it can
withstand winds of up to 100 kmh –
provided it is anchored inside and outside
to a foundation slab with the help of
high-performance zip-pers around the
entire perimeter. For setting-up indoors,
e.g. the museum lobby, neither an anchor
nor a guide are required – a fact that came
as a sur-prise to us even though the
structural model calculations had
predicted this.

4 Structural analysis

In the pretension load analysis, the loads
are carried evenly by all build-ing
components (inner membrane – coupling
cables – outer membrane). Model studies
were carried out for two additional types
of loading: wind from the side and wind
from above. In each loading case there are
notice-able deformations and a new
equilib-rium between the forces acting on
the structure from the outside and the
forces resisting from the inside. The
colours in Fig. 6 indicate the tension
present in the three building compo-nents
(green  low tension, yellow  average
tension, red  high tension).

Since the coupling cables pre-vent
separation of the two shells, the

Fig. 4. Sunlight reveals the cable links


Fig. 6. Forces in cable links

Fig. 5. The teahouse during inflation

highly transparent (38 % transmit-tance in
the visible light range), has a thickness of
only 0.38 mm, a weight per unit area of
630 gm and is also capable of
withstanding a consider-able force in both
directions, roughly 30002900 N5 cm (i.e.
6 tm). With its pronounced folding
resistance and a tear resistance two to five
times higher than that of standard coated
fabrics, we anticipate that the struc-ture
will hold up very well even after repeated
inflation and deflation.

Gore recommended 50 mm wide
high-frequency welding seams. With the
help of welding and stress tests at the
Essen Laboratory for Lightweight
Structures (ELLF), we were able to
determine that 30 mm wide seams are
sufficient for the tensions forces that occur.

7 Cutting pattern, seam layout,
connections, details, manufacture
compressed air cannot expand and its
compression is thus increased. This results
in a local increase in membrane tension
and tensile forces in the coupling cables,
activating ad-ditional stabilizing elastic
forces. This building method owes its
structural stability and loadbearing
capacity to this “constant volume”

Whereas both membranes trans-fer
loads evenly (up to 3.5 kNm) un-der wind
loads, another surprising re-sult was that
under pretension the in-ner membrane is
subjected to greater stresses than the outer
membrane (2.0 and 1.5 kNm
method, a process of computational
modelling for pretensioned cables.
According to this method, the mem-brane
characteristics, especially the stiffness, are
imposed on the cables. The program used
is capable of find-ing an equilibrium of
forces even in strongly deformed systems.
To simu- late the strongly undulating
surface with sufficient accuracy, we used a
mesh of only 20 cm for the outer
membrane and only 15 cm for the in-ner

The fabric as supplied was 1.5 m wide and
this was halved by us for the cut-ting
pattern to ensure that the small radii of
curvature, which the compu- tational
models revealed between the coupling
cables in the two membranes, could form
without wrinkles.

The two membranes were assem-bled
patchwork-like from 116 mem- brane
pieces, excluding the door frames. The
pieces were only between 0.2 and 3.5 m
in area with a maxi-mum width of 75 cm.
They were com-bined into a supporting
unit by cou-pling 306 synthetic cables with
spring safety hooks, each 40–80 cm long,
by the welded door openings and by the
surrounding welded base membrane. For
maintenance and repair pur-

6 Membrane made from Tenara 3T40

The shells are made from one of the most
valuable membrane materials: expanded
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
Manufactured by W. L. Gore Associates,
this fabric material is

5 Computation program

The membrane shells were analysed with
the help of the force-density

Steel Construction 4 (2011), No. 2



poses, two airtight, 1.5 m long Tizip
was only approximately possible since the
zippers have been integrated into the base
inner and outer membrane are
membrane. These PVC zippers are the
geometrically “dissimilar”, required
only stitched items and air leakage zone as special attention.
a result of the mater-ial incompatibility

Canobbio S.P.A., the expert
between PVC and Tenara.
fab-ricator in northern Italy, formed a

15-person crew. Canobbio took on the
The quasi perpendicular connec-tion
complicated task of welding together the
between the two shells, which small membrane pieces and de-

Fig. 7. Cutting pattern scheme

Fig. 8. One of the 116 narrow membrane pieces

Fig. 9. Teahouse illuminated by LEDs


Steel Construction 4 (2011), No. 2

tails. Because of the pavilion’s small size
and the low pretensioning of the
membranes, the work had to meet
ex-traordinarily high standards of
preci-sion because any inaccuracies and
folds would be visible later on. The labour
input per square metre was three times that
of other membrane structures because
every element of this pavilion is on a
smaller scale and visible from close up,
see Figs. 7 and 8.

8 Foundation slab and LED channel

To ensure that the pavilion will not be
blown away by the wind, 2 t of up-lift must
be anchored along the outer attachment
line and 1 t along the in-ner attachment
line. Localized, this translates into 150
kgm. And to en-sure that the pavilion is
illuminated at night (see Fig. 9), an LED
channel is integrated to a kidney-shaped
chan-nel section (see Figs. 10 and 11). The
channel section is bolted with resin
anchors to the foundation slab (also

To this end, the pavilion is fas-tened
inside and outside around its entire
perimeter to the channel section with the
help of high-performance zippers and
extruded keder profiles.

9 Air management

An “oversized” blower ensures rapid
inflation in only 10 min. The 1.5 kW radial
fan delivers 1000 m
h at a pressure of up
to 2200 Pa. To prevent humidity or dirt
from accumulating in the membrane
interior, the air is sucked in via fine dust
filters and de-humidified with the help of a
0.9 kW absorption drier.

Following a test installation out-side,
two operating methods were tested in the
lobby of the museum: sequential and
sliding operation. Se-quential operation
allows for the tem-porary shutdown of the
blower, albeit at the cost of loud
“catch- up” noise when the blower is
switched on again. Sliding operation is
more agreeable: with this operating
method, leakages are constantly
compensated for on a steady but minor
scale. Hence, the blower can be set up and
operated in the lobby with a tolerable
noise level.

The blower and the drier, as well as a
small 0.6 kW suction fan (for rapid
deflation and disassembly), are

built into a waffle- baffled steel box on
balloon tyres, which can be easily moved
by two people, see Figs. 12
and 13.

10 Dimensions
Floor area: 32 m
Length of perimeter: 20 m
Cushion volume: 35 m

Principal measurements: 9  4.6 
3.4 m (length  width  height)

Fig. 10. Kidney-shaped channel frame and positions of entrances
11 Take time and reflect
A teahouse is a shelter for temporary
use, built from selected materials that
are carefully connected. The entrance
is small and low, and the room is
small with a low ceiling. Slip off your
shoes, stoop, sit down on a “tatami”
mat and take part in a Japanese tea
ceremony – you will feel calm and
forget your sorrows.

Fig. 11. Channel section with LEDs

Steel Construction 4 (2011), No. 2



Fig. 12. Mobile blower unit

12 Credits


Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt
am Main, Prof. Schneider Concept and
architectural design: KKAA Kengo Kuma
& Associates, Tokyo, Japan

Castelnuovo Scrivia, Italy

Blower unit:

Nolting GmbH,

Detmold, Germany
Fig. 13. Blower unit connections at teahouse

Keywords: pneumatic structures; nomad
building; mattress-like structures;
dou-ble-skin; tea- ceremony



[1] von der Schulenburg, 2008 in: Fis-cher, V.,
Schneider, U. (eds.), Kengo Kuma. Breathing
Architecture: 1-131, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2008,
pp. 76–89.
Gerd Schmid, Dipl.-Ing. Architect Architect,
founder and managing director of

Structural engineers, including design,
form development, structural analy-sis,
tender documents, pattern design,
technical supervision:

formTL, Radolfzell, Germany
Membrane material:

W. L. Gore Associates
Membrane fabrication:
Canobbio S.p.A,
formTL ingenieure für tragwerk und
leichtbau gmbh, Kapellenweg 2b, 78315
Radolfzell, Germany,


Fig. 9: LED-illuminated Teahouse:
©Museum für Angewandte Kunst

Others: formTL

Institution of Civil Engineers
names new Director General

Leading engineering body the Institution of
Civil Engineers (ICE), has confirmed the
appointment of Nick Baveystock as ICE’s
next Director General and Secre-tary,
following the retirement of Tom Foulkes at
the end of 2011.

Nick Baveystock is an ICE Fellow with a
background in the British Army and
Ministry of Defence. He has exten- sive
experience in leading major pro-grammes in
construction, training and change
management, as well as com-manding
regiments and engineering operations. Over
the last 10 years, Nick Baveystock has been
increasingly in-volved in international post
conflict re-

construction and development in areas such
as the Balkans and Southern Iraq where he
was involved in the repair and management
of the water, irrigation, oil and gas, sewerage
and transport infra-structure in the region.

He will be joining ICE on 14 Novem-ber
2011, undertaking induction and preparation
before officially taking over the reins in
January 2012. Tom Foulkes will continue in
his role as DG until the end of December.

ICE began the search for a new Di-rector
General in February 2011. ICE Council
appointed a selection panel drawn from
Council members and chaired by Senior Vice
President Richard Coackley. Executive
search com-pany Spencer Stuart assisted the

Coackley commented: “Tom Foulkes, in
nearly ten years as DG, has played a central
role in transforming the Institu-tion – in
particular implementing effec-tive regional
structures, positioning ICE as the voice of
infrastructure in the me- dia and influencing
political decision making to ensure long
term investment in infrastructure.

He continued: “Nick Baveystock has been
appointed to build on this platform, and will
also focus on engaging ICE mem-bers,
sharing the Institution’s knowledge and
expertise more effectively, and im- portantly,
further raising the profile of civil









