
2020年08月03日 19:51


达和运用能 力,是一项主观性和应用性都很强的考试题型。它能综合反映考生运用英语知识
进行分析并解决问题的能 力。高三英语的复习除了强调平时的知识积累和运用之外,对不同
类型题材的高考英语作文进行一些认真 研究.归纳和总结是很有必要的,能起到举一反三触
类旁通的效果。笔者通过长期学习研究发现:高中英 语作文基本可归纳为以下几种类型模块
这类作文特点是通常借助一到两幅图片或漫画,让大家描写画面内容并谈感想看 法。
写好此类作 文有一定难度,但本人通过长期的实践.分析和归纳发现此类作文其实有规律可
1 描述画面内容:
(1) As can be seen from the picture,...
(2) As is depicted in the above picture,...
(3) There is a picture which is both interesting and instructive,from the
cartoon,we can see that...
(4) Take a close look at the picture,we'll find...
2 揭示画面寓意:
漫 画类作文通常都隐含一定寓意,反应某一社会问题。因此在描述画面内容之后可用
一到两句概括性的句子 揭示画面寓意,并为下文的联系实际谈感想看法过渡。这类句子也有:
(1) By drawing the picture,the drawer,in much the same way, tries to
tell encourage us...
(2) Simply designed as it is,the symbolic meaning the picture conveys is
and as the picture describesthe Chinese characters say...
(3) The same is ture that...
(4) The moral of the cartoon for us is that...
(5) The purpose of this picture is to show us that...
(6) It is most likely that the drawer of the picture intends not only to
tell us the fact, but also to set us thinking more about the
3 结合现实谈感想:
在描述了画面内容,揭示其隐含的含义之后不能泛泛而谈,最好结合现实生 活实际谈
(1) So it is high time that we took measures to put an end to the phenomenon.

(2) To solve the problem mentioned above,I suggest that the government
should take some strong and effective measures to...And what's more,why can't
these people be strict with themselves and draw a lesson from the cartoon.
(3) As far as I am concerned,I firmly believe...
(4) In short,I am confident that with the improvementdevelopment
of ...the...will certainly be solved in one day.
(5) To solve the problem,both the government and the citizens should make
efforts government,most important of all, needs to take some measures
to control...;The citizens too,should develop their awareness of...
【高考作文搜索】 1 03年北京卷; 2 04年广东卷;3 06年山东卷、江西卷 北京
卷; 4 07天津卷、北京卷;
There is a picture which is both interesting and instructive,from
the cartoon,we can see that a boy holding a book titled Civic virtue
in the air cries,”Just in front of the boy a man is throwing banana
skin onto the at the same time,a well-dressed couplebehing the boy are
spitting. It is most likely that the drawer of the picture intends not only to tell
us the fact, but also to set us thinking more about the fact that nowadays many people
ignore the civic virtue in of us have got into the bad habits of
littering and spitting in public places and unfortunately we dodn't relize that it
is shameful to do it is high time that we took measures to put an end to the
solve the problem mentioned above,I suggest that the government
should take some strong and effective measures those what's
more,why can't these people be strict with themselves and draw a lesson from the
这类作文,通 常是借助几幅图片,让学生发挥合理想象,组成一个故事。对于此类作
文必须要注意:人称和时态。一般 而言通常是用第三人称和一般过去时。
最后: 故事的结局。点明人物的心情感受或故事带给读者的启示等。
【高考作文搜索】92,97, 99,2000年全国卷;02,03,07北京卷;04,05年广东
Once upon a time,there was a farmer who worked hard in the field every
day,while he was plowing the fields,he heard a bumping saw a rabbit lying
by a tree stump. He picked it up and found it was a fat thought to
himself:it is so easy toget a rabbit like that,why should I work so hard all
day long- threw his hoe away and lay by the tree every day,hoping for more rabbits
to he finally realized his foolishness and returned to his,field ,he found

that all his crops had died. This story tells us that if you want to get something,you
must work hard for er:(05广东卷)
此类作文的时 候,一定要注意事物的顺序,方位等,注意连接词的运用。
Dear Bob,
I'm so gald to learn that you're coming in September.I've found a place for
's a small flat of 25 spuare meters,with a bathroom and a the bedroom
there is a bed,a sofa,a desk and a rent is 500yuan per flat is
in a building on Fangcao Street,which is not far from Jianxin Chinese
No.11can take you straight to the fact,it's only one you think
you'd like it-If not,I can try and find another place for let me know.
Li Hua
( 03年全国卷)
这类作文一般都是给出一些图表数据(包括Chart graph table diagram等),然后
1 描述图表
Recently a survey has been done to find out....As can be seen from the
2 分析图表
As far as the reasons are concerned,several factors are one
thing,...;For another...
3 发表感想或看法,或预测未来发展变化
From the table,we have every reason to look forward to still brighter future
【高考作文搜索】 04年北京春季卷;06年湖北卷;07广东卷。
Recently a survey has been done to find out the amount of time the students
of the school spend on after-class can be seen from Chart 1 that
students put the most time-93 minutes-into their homework,and next in line is
watching TV,whicj takes up 46 put in about the same amount of time
listening to music and working on the computer,34 minutesand 30minutes
25 minutes is spent on sports,only 12 minutes 2 shows only
10% of their time is taken up by sports activities.I think the school should encourage
the students to exerisemore after. This will make them healthier and more energetic.
这类型作文包括观点对比,利弊选 择对比和图表对比。近几年高考英语作文经常考查

在高中英语作文里,我们经常可以看到这 种类型的作文:就某一问题现象近行讨论,
出现两种截然不同的观点。这类做作文可以先引出讨论话题, 然后分别列举两种不同的观点
1 摆出现象,引出话题
(1) People's viewsideasopinions on...vary from people to people.
(2) Different people have different views on...It is held that...;But it
is also held that...
(3) --- is known as one of the most serious problems in today's wold.
(4) With the rapid development of market ecnomoy...
(5) Recently, our class held a heated dicussion about ...
2 摆出不同观点,分析各自原因
(1) Some people think that...They hold this opinion
becouse...;However,others believe that...
(2) Some people think...;But others believe...
(3) There are some possible reasons for the present situatioin.
(4) In general,there are two main reasons leading to the question摆出
(5) Several factors contribute to the phenonenon.
3 发表个人观点看法
(1) In my opinion,...I believe...
(2) As to me,I am in favor of the firstsecond followings are
the reasons for my ,...Next,...;Therefore,In a word...
(3) As to me, I agree with the latter opinion because...
【高考作文搜索】 02年全国卷;04年湖北卷;06浙江卷,江苏卷,福建卷;07陕
Recently, our school held a heated dicussion about whether an entrance fee
should be charged for ent people have different views on the
60% of the students are against the idea of entrance hold
this opinion becouse they believe a public park should be free of need
a place where they can rest and enjoy ng entrance fees will no doubt
keep some people 's more,it will become necessory torebuild gates and
wallls, which will do harm to the iamge of the r,nearly 40% students think
that fees should be charged since you need money to pay gardeners and other
workers,and to buy plants and young suggestthat the fees should be low.

生活中,各种事物都有利有弊,此类作文,同样我们要先引出要写话题,然后分 别列
1 摆出要讨论话题:
(1) Nowadays,___plays an important rolepart in our life。Like everything
else has both advantages and disadvantages.
(2) With the development of science and technology,___is widely used in our
lifeis very popular around has good points and bad points
2 分析各自利弊及原因
Generally,the advantages can be listed as follows. First,...;Next,....;Most
important of all,... But every coin has two sides. The disadvantages are also
obvious. To begin with_____,To make matters worse,___;Wost of all,___;
3 比较后自己的看法选择
Though above analysis,I believe that the advantagespostive aspects outweigh
the disadvantagesnegatives ones. Therefore,if give me a chane,I will choose to...
Recently,our class have held a dicussion about what to do during
are in favour of staying at home, They think it's both convenient and
's more,they can save money for other they will lose
chance of getting to know the outside world.
However,others prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their
knowledge and broaden their they will spend more money and meet some
difficulties while traveling.
In my opinion,it would be much better to stay at home. for I can do what I
like,such as reading books, watchingTV,and helping my parents with the housework.
通过图画或数据,展示事物表化发展情况。此类作文,一般 要先描述图表,展现古今
或前后的巨大变化差异;再简析原因;最后发表感想看法或于此未来的更大变化 。需要注意
Dear Dick,
How nice to hear from you again!You want to know what is going onin Chinese
short,things hace begun to improve since schoolswere called on to reduce
the learning load. Like most other other students, I used to have to work even on
weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have more free
time. I can pursue my own interests,such as reading books,visting museums, and taking
computer the evenings, I can watch the news on TV or read newspapers.I

can evergo to bed earlier than far as I know,everyone is happy about this
new arragement.(01全国卷)
三 材料介绍类
这类作文一般都会给出许多材料,介绍人物活动。此类作文 学生应该有话可写。但这
类作文学生往往都得分不高,究其原因就是一:学生容易受材料的束缚,逐条翻 译。这是很
忌讳的;第二,学生容易犯时态的错误。对于此类作文,首先应认真阅读材料,确定好材料< br>的general idea ;接着构思好结构安排,切忌逐条翻译。尤其是要想好开头。这也是这类< br>文章出彩的地方。为此要好好想想怎样开头,如人物介绍类的作文可以这位样开头:(1)
概括介 绍人物 As we all know,Yang Liwei is the first astronaut of china.(2)设疑
开头Do you want to know more things about ...-(3)倒叙开头:以人物某一突出成就
开透。Sun Shu wei,a World Champion in Diving,won the gold mental at the 11th Asian
Games .Do you want to get more things about him-中间可具体介绍人物事迹,要注意时
态和顺序 。要适当发挥想象。一般如言,按照时间先后顺序,叙述过去的事情用一般过去时。
最后总结全文,即可 谈谈他现在的情况,也可发表你从中获得的感想。
【高考作文搜索】91,94,96,04 ,全国卷;06北京卷;06四川卷;07全国卷II;07
辽宁卷;07江苏卷;07福建卷;;07 湖北卷07重庆卷;07四川卷。
四 常用应用文经典句型
应用文的考查 是高中英语书面表达的一重点内容,近几年借助书信这一文体考查学生
的英语表达能力的作文题目类见不 鲜,因此掌握一些常见的应用文表达句型很有必要。
1 回信常用开头语:
I am pleasedgladdelightedhappy that ...
2 感谢信开头 :
I am really grategul for accept my thanks for your help.
Thank you so much for ...
3 介绍信开头:
I have the honor to introuce___to you.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce___to you.
4 推荐信开头:
It gives me great pleasure to recommend__to you.
If you could give him that opportunity,I would be very grateful to
I would believe this gratitude is no less and he will work as hard as possible to
reward you.
5 求助信开头:
I am sorry that I have to ask a favor of you ,with the hope that you will be
good enough to help me-
6 申请信开头:
I am seeking an opportunity to...
I should be very grateful to you if you...

7 请假条开头:
I beg to apply for oane week's leave of absence from the 1st to 7th instant
in order to return home to ...
I will apppreciate you for your permission, your kindness and care will
encourage me to study harder than before. Thank youn again!
8 欢迎辞:
Today,we feel very honored to stay with ....;First of all, let me ,on behalf
of all present students ,extend our warm welcome and cordinal greetings to our
distinguished let___to give us a lecture.
9 欢送词:
How time flies! It was here that we gave___a hearty welcome two years ago.
we are now here again to have to say good-bye to him.
10 投诉信开头:
I am writing to complain about the poor service at your___quality of your
I am not satisfied with your...
I expect to hear from you very soon,please give this matter your
immediate attention.
We expect to receive your reply shortly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.I'm looking forward to your
高三英语作文的复习,我们穷尽不了所有的作 文题目,但我们应力争达到举一反三,
触类旁通的效果。但愿上述高考作文类型的归纳和句型的储备对于 广大的高三备战学子有所
启发。更希望大家能够在复习时多总结多反思多实践。只有这样,自己的书面表 达能力才会

高考英 语作文常见的几大类有哪些?作为准备参加高考英语作文的考生而言,熟练掌握这部
分信息,是十分有必 要的。高考英语作文,通常是借助某一给定材料考查学生书面英语的表
达和运用能力,是一项主观性和应 用性都很强的考试题型。它能综合反映考生运用英语知识
进行分析并解决问题的能力。高三英语的复习除 了强调平时的知识积累和运用之外,对不同
类型题材的高考英语作文进行一些认真研究.归纳和总结是很 有必要的,能起到举一反三触
类旁通的效果。笔者通过长期学习研究发现:高中英语作文基本可归纳为以 下几种类型模块
这类作文特点是通常借助一到两幅图片或漫画,让大家描写画面内容并谈感想看 法。
写好此类作 文有一定难度,但本人通过长期的实践.分析和归纳发现此类作文其实有规律可
1 描述画面内容:
(1) As can be seen from the picture,...
(2) As is depicted in the above picture,...
(3) There is a picture which is both interesting and instructive,from the
cartoon,we can see that...
(4) Take a close look at the picture,we'll find...
2 揭示画面寓意:
漫 画类作文通常都隐含一定寓意,反应某一社会问题。因此在描述画面内容之后可用
一到两句概括性的句子 揭示画面寓意,并为下文的联系实际谈感想看法过渡。这类句子也有:
(1) By drawing the picture,the drawer,in much the same way, tries to
tell encourage us...
(2) Simply designed as it is,the symbolic meaning the picture conveys is
and as the picture describesthe Chinese characters say...
(3) The same is ture that...
(4) The moral of the cartoon for us is that...
(5) The purpose of this picture is to show us that...
(6) It is most likely that the drawer of the picture intends not only to
tell us the fact, but also to set us thinking more about the
3 结合现实谈感想:
在描述了画面内容,揭示其隐含的含义之后不能泛泛而谈,最好结合现实生 活实际谈
(1) So it is high time that we took measures to put an end to the phenomenon.

(2) To solve the problem mentioned above,I suggest that the government
should take some strong and effective measures to...And what's more,why can't
these people be strict with themselves and draw a lesson from the cartoon.
(3) As far as I am concerned,I firmly believe...
(4) In short,I am confident that with the improvementdevelopment
of ...the...will certainly be solved in one day.
(5) To solve the problem,both the government and the citizens should make
efforts government,most important of all, needs to take some measures
to control...;The citizens too,should develop their awareness of...
【高考作文搜索】 1 03年北京卷; 2 04年广东卷;3 06年山东卷、江西卷 北京
卷; 4 07天津卷、北京卷;
There is a picture which is both interesting and instructive,from
the cartoon,we can see that a boy holding a book titled Civic virtue
in the air cries,”Just in front of the boy a man is throwing banana
skin onto the at the same time,a well-dressed couplebehing the boy are
spitting. It is most likely that the drawer of the picture intends not only to tell
us the fact, but also to set us thinking more about the fact that nowadays many people
ignore the civic virtue in of us have got into the bad habits of
littering and spitting in public places and unfortunately we dodn't relize that it
is shameful to do it is high time that we took measures to put an end to the
solve the problem mentioned above,I suggest that the government
should take some strong and effective measures those what's
more,why can't these people be strict with themselves and draw a lesson from the
这类作文,通 常是借助几幅图片,让学生发挥合理想象,组成一个故事。对于此类作
文必须要注意:人称和时态。一般 而言通常是用第三人称和一般过去时。
最后: 故事的结局。点明人物的心情感受或故事带给读者的启示等。
【高考作文搜索】92,97, 99,2000年全国卷;02,03,07北京卷;04,05年广东
Once upon a time,there was a farmer who worked hard in the field every
day,while he was plowing the fields,he heard a bumping saw a rabbit lying
by a tree stump. He picked it up and found it was a fat thought to
himself:it is so easy toget a rabbit like that,why should I work so hard all
day long- threw his hoe away and lay by the tree every day,hoping for more rabbits
to he finally realized his foolishness and returned to his,field ,he found

that all his crops had died. This story tells us that if you want to get something,you
must work hard for er:(05广东卷)
此类作文的时 候,一定要注意事物的顺序,方位等,注意连接词的运用。
Dear Bob,
I'm so gald to learn that you're coming in September.I've found a place for
's a small flat of 25 spuare meters,with a bathroom and a the bedroom
there is a bed,a sofa,a desk and a rent is 500yuan per flat is
in a building on Fangcao Street,which is not far from Jianxin Chinese
No.11can take you straight to the fact,it's only one you think
you'd like it-If not,I can try and find another place for let me know.
Li Hua
( 03年全国卷)
这类作文一般都是给出一些图表数据(包括Chart graph table diagram等),然后
1 描述图表
Recently a survey has been done to find out....As can be seen from the
2 分析图表
As far as the reasons are concerned,several factors are one
thing,...;For another...
3 发表感想或看法,或预测未来发展变化
From the table,we have every reason to look forward to still brighter future
【高考作文搜索】 04年北京春季卷;06年湖北卷;07广东卷。
Recently a survey has been done to find out the amount of time the students
of the school spend on after-class can be seen from Chart 1 that
students put the most time-93 minutes-into their homework,and next in line is
watching TV,whicj takes up 46 put in about the same amount of time
listening to music and working on the computer,34 minutesand 30minutes
25 minutes is spent on sports,only 12 minutes 2 shows only
10% of their time is taken up by sports activities.I think the school should encourage
the students to exerisemore after. This will make them healthier and more energetic.
这类型作文包括观点对比,利弊选 择对比和图表对比。近几年高考英语作文经常考查

在高中英语作文里,我们经常可以看到这 种类型的作文:就某一问题现象近行讨论,
出现两种截然不同的观点。这类做作文可以先引出讨论话题, 然后分别列举两种不同的观点
1 摆出现象,引出话题
(1) People's viewsideasopinions on...vary from people to people.
(2) Different people have different views on...It is held that...;But it
is also held that...
(3) --- is known as one of the most serious problems in today's wold.
(4) With the rapid development of market ecnomoy...
(5) Recently, our class held a heated dicussion about ...
2 摆出不同观点,分析各自原因
(1) Some people think that...They hold this opinion
becouse...;However,others believe that...
(2) Some people think...;But others believe...
(3) There are some possible reasons for the present situatioin.
(4) In general,there are two main reasons leading to the question摆出
(5) Several factors contribute to the phenonenon.
3 发表个人观点看法
(1) In my opinion,...I believe...
(2) As to me,I am in favor of the firstsecond followings are
the reasons for my ,...Next,...;Therefore,In a word...
(3) As to me, I agree with the latter opinion because...
【高考作文搜索】 02年全国卷;04年湖北卷;06浙江卷,江苏卷,福建卷;07陕
Recently, our school held a heated dicussion about whether an entrance fee
should be charged for ent people have different views on the
60% of the students are against the idea of entrance hold
this opinion becouse they believe a public park should be free of need
a place where they can rest and enjoy ng entrance fees will no doubt
keep some people 's more,it will become necessory torebuild gates and
wallls, which will do harm to the iamge of the r,nearly 40% students think
that fees should be charged since you need money to pay gardeners and other
workers,and to buy plants and young suggestthat the fees should be low.

生活中,各种事物都有利有弊,此类作文,同样我们要先引出要写话题,然后分 别列
1 摆出要讨论话题:
(1) Nowadays,___plays an important rolepart in our life。Like everything
else has both advantages and disadvantages.
(2) With the development of science and technology,___is widely used in our
lifeis very popular around has good points and bad points
2 分析各自利弊及原因
Generally,the advantages can be listed as follows. First,...;Next,....;Most
important of all,... But every coin has two sides. The disadvantages are also
obvious. To begin with_____,To make matters worse,___;Wost of all,___;
3 比较后自己的看法选择
Though above analysis,I believe that the advantagespostive aspects outweigh
the disadvantagesnegatives ones. Therefore,if give me a chane,I will choose to...
Recently,our class have held a dicussion about what to do during
are in favour of staying at home, They think it's both convenient and
's more,they can save money for other they will lose
chance of getting to know the outside world.
However,others prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their
knowledge and broaden their they will spend more money and meet some
difficulties while traveling.
In my opinion,it would be much better to stay at home. for I can do what I
like,such as reading books, watchingTV,and helping my parents with the housework.
通过图画或数据,展示事物表化发展情况。此类作文,一般 要先描述图表,展现古今
或前后的巨大变化差异;再简析原因;最后发表感想看法或于此未来的更大变化 。需要注意
Dear Dick,
How nice to hear from you again!You want to know what is going onin Chinese
short,things hace begun to improve since schoolswere called on to reduce
the learning load. Like most other other students, I used to have to work even on
weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have more free
time. I can pursue my own interests,such as reading books,visting museums, and taking
computer the evenings, I can watch the news on TV or read newspapers.I

can evergo to bed earlier than far as I know,everyone is happy about this
new arragement.(01全国卷)
三 材料介绍类
这类作文一般都会给出许多材料,介绍人物活动。此类作文 学生应该有话可写。但这
类作文学生往往都得分不高,究其原因就是一:学生容易受材料的束缚,逐条翻 译。这是很
忌讳的;第二,学生容易犯时态的错误。对于此类作文,首先应认真阅读材料,确定好材料< br>的general idea ;接着构思好结构安排,切忌逐条翻译。尤其是要想好开头。这也是这类< br>文章出彩的地方。为此要好好想想怎样开头,如人物介绍类的作文可以这位样开头:(1)
概括介 绍人物 As we all know,Yang Liwei is the first astronaut of china.(2)设疑
开头Do you want to know more things about ...-(3)倒叙开头:以人物某一突出成就
开透。Sun Shu wei,a World Champion in Diving,won the gold mental at the 11th Asian
Games .Do you want to get more things about him-中间可具体介绍人物事迹,要注意时
态和顺序 。要适当发挥想象。一般如言,按照时间先后顺序,叙述过去的事情用一般过去时。
最后总结全文,即可 谈谈他现在的情况,也可发表你从中获得的感想。
【高考作文搜索】91,94,96,04 ,全国卷;06北京卷;06四川卷;07全国卷II;07
辽宁卷;07江苏卷;07福建卷;;07 湖北卷07重庆卷;07四川卷。
四 常用应用文经典句型
应用文的考查 是高中英语书面表达的一重点内容,近几年借助书信这一文体考查学生
的英语表达能力的作文题目类见不 鲜,因此掌握一些常见的应用文表达句型很有必要。
1 回信常用开头语:
I am pleasedgladdelightedhappy that ...
2 感谢信开头 :
I am really grategul for accept my thanks for your help.
Thank you so much for ...
3 介绍信开头:
I have the honor to introuce___to you.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce___to you.
4 推荐信开头:
It gives me great pleasure to recommend__to you.
If you could give him that opportunity,I would be very grateful to
I would believe this gratitude is no less and he will work as hard as possible to
reward you.
5 求助信开头:
I am sorry that I have to ask a favor of you ,with the hope that you will be
good enough to help me-
6 申请信开头:
I am seeking an opportunity to...
I should be very grateful to you if you...

7 请假条开头:
I beg to apply for oane week's leave of absence from the 1st to 7th instant
in order to return home to ...
I will apppreciate you for your permission, your kindness and care will
encourage me to study harder than before. Thank youn again!
8 欢迎辞:
Today,we feel very honored to stay with ....;First of all, let me ,on behalf
of all present students ,extend our warm welcome and cordinal greetings to our
distinguished let___to give us a lecture.
9 欢送词:
How time flies! It was here that we gave___a hearty welcome two years ago.
we are now here again to have to say good-bye to him.
10 投诉信开头:
I am writing to complain about the poor service at your___quality of your
I am not satisfied with your...
I expect to hear from you very soon,please give this matter your
immediate attention.
We expect to receive your reply shortly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.I'm looking forward to your
高三英语作文的复习,我们穷尽不了所有的作 文题目,但我们应力争达到举一反三,
触类旁通的效果。但愿上述高考作文类型的归纳和句型的储备对于 广大的高三备战学子有所
启发。更希望大家能够在复习时多总结多反思多实践。只有这样,自己的书面表 达能力才会







