
2020年08月03日 21:45




山、观音山、卧云山、大观楼、 白鱼口等著名旅游景点,大小17个公
园、300余户农家乐,是昆明公园最多的主城区,境内90余公 里的滇
与秀 美的自然风光相得益彰的是被誉为昆明市标志性建筑的金马
碧鸡坊、中国十大日用品批发市场之一的 螺蛳湾 ,两条8车道的城
市一级景观大道滇池路、春雨路和昆明城市最大的开放式森林广场 碧
西山风景名胜区位于昆明西郊有高原明珠之称的滇池湖畔, 距市
平山、罗汉山等山峰 组成,由北向南逶迤升高,最高峰海拔250
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< br>7.5米,最高的罗汉山高出滇池水面约620多米。西山风景名胜
区东濒滇池,西迤长坡,占地 约889公顷。
音乐聂耳的 墓园,全国重点文物保护单位;罗汉山龙门石窟,云南省重
点文物保护单位;华亭寺、太华寺、三清阁等 佛寺道观建筑群,以及张
西山风景名胜区 ,有登山健身旅游、宗教朝山拜佛旅游、文物鉴
赏旅游、瞻仰聂耳墓、南洋机工纪念馆的爱国主义教育红 色旅游、观
卉观赏旅游、三 月
遗址的考古旅游、有观赏龙 门断崖和小石林喀斯特地貌的地质旅游。
西山位于昆明市西郊15 公里,由华亭山、太华山、罗汉山等组
成。它峰峦连绵40多公里,海拔1900米至2350米。是一 个峰峦起
西山相传古时有凤凰停歇,见者不 识,呼为碧鸡,故唐代称为碧
鸡山;元明以来,称太华山;因其在城西,群众习惯称它为西山。西山森林茂密,花草繁盛,清幽秀美,景致极佳,在古代就有 滇中第一佳
境 之誉。远眺西山群峰,宛若一位仰卧于滇池之滨的 睡美人 ,她的
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西山绝壁之上有一石坊叫 龙门 ,在此五百里滇池碧波帆影,尽< br>收眼底。沿着新修的栈道可直上山顶的小石林。小石林虽无路南石林
气势,亦别有情趣。整个西山 风景区由香火旺盛的华亭寺,人民音乐
家、国歌作曲者聂耳墓、花木茂盛的太华寺、道教景观三清阁及巧 夺
除了上述景点,在西山森林公园,最难得的就是森林里清 新无比
好地方,每年阳春三 月,昆明人有 三月
三,耍西山 的习俗,届时四方士民云集聚会,唱山歌,对小调,耍
远古时一位公主耐不住宫中的寂寞 ,偷偷出了王宫与一小伙结为
夫妇。 后来,国王拆散了这一美满姻缘,并用计将小伙子害死。公主
悲痛欲绝,痛哭不止,泪水化作了滇池,她 也仰面倒下化作了西山。
西山位于昆明市西郊15公里,由华亭山 、太华山、罗汉山等组
卧佛山。西山森林茂密,花草繁 盛,清幽秀美,景致极佳,在古代就
有 滇中第一佳境 之誉。从昆明城东南一眺望,西山宛如一位美女卧
她的头、胸、腹、腿部历历在 目,青丝飘洒在滇池的波光浪影之
中,显得丰姿绰约,妩媚动人,所以又叫睡美人。民间传说,远古时< br>一位公主耐不住宫中寂寞,偷偷出了王宫与一小伙结为夫妇。后来,
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一座森林公园, 景点较多。每年阳春三月,昆明人有 三月
三,耍西山 的习俗,届时四方士民云集聚会,唱山歌,对小调,
除了上述景点,在西山森林公园,最难得的应该是森 林里清新无
是春季踏青的好 地方。
西山坐落在滇池的西岸,又称碧鸡山,元代为 滇南八景 之首。
明代居 云南四大名山 之冠。 滇阳六景 中被誉为 碧鸡秋色 清代 昆
明八景 中 滇池夜月 即滇池西山夜月;而在当代又是 昆明十六景 之
睡美人山,龙门飞峙 。远眺西山群峰,既像一尊庞 大的睡佛,又似一
个美丽曲腿仰卧在滇池畔,象青丝垂海的睡美人。因此西山称为 卧佛
山 ,又称为 睡美人山 。
处, 龙门石窟嵌缀千仞峭壁之上,千亩小石林攒列罗汉山飞云奇秀飞
巅,气势磅礴的湖光山色,丰富厚重的千 年历史文化,使西山独具神
西山,昆明 金碧湖山 的象征,雄、险、奇、秀、美尽在西山!
看过 昆明西山导游词 。

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Xishan belongs to subtropial semi-humid monsoon limate,
annual average temperature 1
4.9 ℃, extreme maximum temperature 3
1.5 ℃, extreme minimum temperature of
7.8 ℃. An average annual rainfall is about 1000.5 mm,
the monthl rainfall 20
8.3 mm, dail maximum rainfall 15
3.3 mm, rainfall mainl onentrated in Ma to September.
When sunshine 232
7.5 hours, annual evaporation apait of5
6.4 mm. Maximum ind speed 40 ms, southest inds. Relative
humidit of 76%.
The mountain est onferene ithin the territor of mountains
and rivers beautiful, seni spots, temples, gardens, xishan,
hessboard hill, kuaninshan, ling unshan, grand vie pavilion,
hite fish mouth famous tourist attrations, suh as the size of
park, more than 300 households farmhouse, kunming park is one
of the most main, ithin the territor of more than 90
kilometers of the dianhi lake strandline and 12 square
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kilometers of dianhi lake in the grass sea aters onstitutes a
bright eologial sener line.
With beautiful natural sener bring out the best in eah
other is knon as the kunming it landmark JinMaBiJi fang,
China s top ten modit holesale market spiral lions ba, one of
the to 8 lanes of the it level landsape avenue road and
kunming dianhi lake road, the spring rain it green hiken -
the largest open forest square park, et. A large number of
urban ultural landsape.
Xishan seni spot is loated in the estern suburbs of
kunming have plateau pearl dianhi lake, 15 km XX from donton,
from the green hiken, ba, south of ash b brigitte hiken,
huating mountain, mt huashan mountain, Vitoria peak, Luo
Hanshan peaks, from north to south metropolis, elevation 250
7.5 meters, the highest peak of the highest Luo Hanshan
dianhi lake ater about 620 meters higher. Xishan seni area
east faes the dianhi lake, est impressive long slope, overs
an area of about 889 hetares.
Xishan distrit a total of 11 ountries, provines and ities
of ultural relis protetion units. West mountain foothills too
China people s musi nie er emeter, national ke ultural relis
protetion units; Luo Hanshan longmen grottoes, in unnan
provine ke ultural relis protetion units; Huating temple,
temple, sanqing too China pavilion and the buddhist temple
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Taoist temple buildings, emeter, and a da, et, are it-level
ke units to be proteted; And a bath of ount distrit BaiXiWen
tomb, tomb Yang jie ke ultural relis protetion units. West
mountain national seni spot.
Xishan seni spot, there are mountain fitness tourism,
religious pilgrimage pa tourism, ultural appreiation, nie er
s tomb, nanang mehani memorial patrioti eduation onept of red
tourism, dianhi lake vie of sunrise, sunset sener tourism
limate, too hua temple in unnan provine famous floers and
green hiken ulan garden floers ornamental tourism, festival,
folk ustoms tourism ativities in the estern hills, examine
the uan dnast thousand step push to the liff and Liang Wang
summer ruins of arhaeologial tourism, ith ornamental longmen
bluffs and small stone forest karst geologial tourism.
Western hills is loated in the estern suburbs of kunming
it 15 kilometers, b the huating, mt huashan mountain, Luo
Hanshan, et. It more than 40 kilometers,00 meters to 2350
meters above sea level. Is a jagged, forest green, hite bird
shools of thought ontend, beautiful sener of the forest park.
Xishan legend in anient times there phoenix, see not, all
for green hiken, therefore, the tang dnast is alled blue
mountain hiken; Sine the uan and Ming, alled mt huashan; In
the est, people used to all it. Xishan dense oods, floers and
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plants flourish, beautiful beautiful, seni, in anient times
there is something first in unnan of reputation. Overlooking
the est mountain peaks, like a lie on our bak to the shore of
dianhi lake sleeping beaut , her fae, hest, abdomen, legs,
and drooping hair into the ater, all in the mind, hiseled.
West mountain liffs above a Shi Fang named dragon , in
the five hundred dianhi lake blue aves FanYing, panorami vie.
Along the nel built road an be straight to the top of the
mountain of the small stone forest. Small stone forest,
though ithout the lunan stone forest, it s ver fun also. The
entire xishan seni spot b the legend behind huating temple,
people s musiian, hose a national anthem poser nie er s tomb,
the lush floers and trees too hua temple, Taoist sanqing
landsape pavilion and longmen stone arvings, a total of five
onderful artial exelling nature landsape.
In addition to the above seni spots in the est mountain
forest park, the most rare is the forest of fresh air, from a
height overlooking kunming dianhi lake and the hole feeling.
Is also a good plae for an outing in spring, ever ear in Marh,
kunming people have the ustom of marh third, pla xishan , hen
the four sergeants together at a part, sing folk songs, minor,
pla the dragon lion dane, the pini to admire the vie, ver bus.
Anient hen a priness ould not stand loneliness of palae,
sneak out of the palae ith a small group of married ouples.
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Later, breaking up a happ marriage, the king and to the oung
man to death. Priness grieving, and ept, tears into dianhi
lake, she also fall on his bak into the estern hills.
Western hills is loated in the estern suburbs of kunming
it 15 kilometers, b the huating, mt huashan mountain, Luo
Hanshan, et. It more than 40 kilometers,00 meters to 2350
meters above sea level. Legend in anient times there phoenix,
see not, all for green hiken, so also knon as the green
mountain hiken. And beause the shaped like a sleeping Buddha,
also alled lie in foshan. Xishan dense oods, floers and
plants flourish, beautiful beautiful, seni, in anient times
has the reputation of the first state in the unnan . From a
look to the southeast of kunming, xishan just like a
beautiful oman ling in dianhi lake on both sides.
Her head, hest, abdomen, legs, hair floats in dianhi lake
sparkling aves of shado, appear outline and graeful,
enhanting and moving, so also alled sleeping beaut. Folklore,
anient hen a priness to bear palae lonel, sneak out of the
palae ith a small group of married ouples. Later, breaking up
a happ marriage, the king and to the oung man to death.
Priness grieving, and ept, tears remit the dianhi lake, she
also fall on his bak into the estern hills. Xishan are bi is
a forest park, attrations. Ever ear in Marh, kunming people
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have the ustom of marh third, pla xishan , hen the four
sergeants gathered part, sing folk songs, to minor, pla the
dragon lion dane, the pini to admire the vie, ver bus.
Xishan longmen the sunrise, in front of the dianhi lake
in five hundred ide, is invigorating, brings endless reverie.
Famous people s musiian nie er Ying grave in the garden,
In addition to the above seni spots in the est mountain
forest park, the most rare is supposed to be in the forest of
fresh air, from a height overlooking kunming dianhi lake and
the hole feeling, are different. Also is a great plae for
spring outing.
West mountain loated in the est bank of dianhi lake, also
knon as green hiken mountain, the uan dnast as the first of
eight sights south unnan. In the Ming dnast in the four
famous mountains of unnan . Dian Yang six sene is knon as the
green hiken autumn In qing dnast eight sights in kunming
dianhi lake night moon namel dianhi lake xishan night.; And
in the ontemporar kunming 16 sene of sleeping beaut mountain,
longmen fl seneries. Overlooking the est mountain peaks, like
a giant sleeping Buddha statue, is like a beautiful song legs
lie on our bak in dianhi lake Banks, like the sea of moss
hanging sleeping beaut. Xishan alled lie in foshan , also
knon as the sleeping beaut mountain .
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Xishan huating temple, temple, sanqing too China pavilion,
nie er s tomb, ulan hidden deep in the south of longmen
grottoes is embedded ith toering liffs, one thousand mu of
small stone forest saved olumn Luo Hanshan feiun under top fl,
majesti beaut of lakes and mountains, the massive one
thousand rih histor and ulture, the estern hills ith
msterious harm, attrating Chinese and foreign tourists.
Jinbi xishan, kunming lake mountain , the smbol of the
male, insurane, strange, sho, beaut is in the est!
看过 昆明西山英语导游词 。

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