
2020年08月03日 21:55




Taihang mountain ith its majesti imposing manner, in
beteen the hebei, henan and Shanxi Provine. Is one of the
important mountains in eastern China, and geographi
boundaries. North Beijing learane groove, south to the Yello
River valle, est shanxi plateau, north China plain in the
east. To the north north east, more than 4000 kilometers long,
ide lOO km or so.
North of the estern hills onstitute the main bod in the
estern mountain of Beijing. The mountain is made up of old
metamorphi roks and magmati roks. Give priorit to ith sun at-
sen, in l000 meters on average. At an altitude of 201X meters
above the peak has small utai mountain, lingshan, taibai
mountain, DongLingShan, south from the mountains, urve
angshan, hite marble, et. Steep landform of east est slo, est
ing onneting shanxi plateau, east ing from zhongshan, lo
mountains and hills the transition to the plain. The
mountains rih oal resoures, and there are iron, opper,
molbdenum, gold, tungsten metal, et. Most of natural
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vegetation has been destroed, 201X metres from top to bottom
in alpine meado. The eastern piedmont line of anient and
modern important traffi arteries.
Wei taihang stands in the north of the motherland, the
anient and modern ho man poets praise her verses. Comrade
Chen i s taihang book huai , sai
d: the taihang mountains, as the sea aves and the heavens
and the earth. Gorge, qifeng stand fae to fae , vividl
depited the brave lines of the tai.
Taihang mountain is the natural dividing line beteen the
loess plateau and north China plain. Northern song dnast era
of outstanding sientist shen kua see beteen taihang mountain
liff orship roal snail shells and stones suh as bird eggs,
hih rok suh as belt , he pointed out through researh: this is
the beah of the past, toda nearl thousands of miles east of
the sea. Modern geolog researh onfirmed his assertion. Before
six hundred million, is a sea in taihang mountain area,
frequent rustal ativit after the later, rising and falling on
the ground, the ater into the bak hen, hen hen regressive,
samp all here, arm and humid limate, ith dense forests, thus
formed toda taihang mountain is rih in oal resoures. Later
tetoni ativities, make the taihang mountains graduall uplift.
After the north China plain rupture, and things form the east
taihang steep, gentl morpholog in the estern onferene.
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The taihang mountains, peaks standing everhere, at an
altitude of more than a kilometer. In the northern part of
small utai mountain is the highest peak of she, as high as to
thousand eight hundred and sevent meters. Xingtai three peaks
in the est of the mountain, grandma and laoe mountain et, is
famous in the entre of taihang mountain peak, elevation in
more than a kilometre.
Taihang mountain natural landsape majesti, magnifient, is
ver rih in resoures. Here the thik trees, is rih in alnut,
hestnut, persimmons, zizphus jujube all kinds of dr fields.
The underground is rih in oal, iron and other mineral
Taihang mountain has the glorious histor. Man farmers
insurgents had amped in the taihang mountains in anient times.
With the ello turban insurretionar arm of the eastern han
dnast and sui end prine of xia still rebel ativit remains.
During the Anti- Japanese War, the taihang mountains is the
important base of our arm, the eighth route arm headquarters
and the BeiFangJu are loated in the taihang mountains. Anti-
japanese militar and politial universit site, loated in
xingtai ount ater in est sihuan. Taihang mountain under the
leadership of the part, the arm and the people made the
immortal feats for national liberation.
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Taihang grand anon sener tourist area is loated in the
JinYu provines border, is loated in the southeast of huguan
of hangzhi it, Shanxi Provine, overing a total area of about
225 square kilometers. Suessivel on the national forest park,
national geologial park, China s most beautiful ten grand
anon, the national AAAA level seni area seni area, rok
limbing base in China, Shanxi Provine and other honorar
Taihang mountain , is the seni spot of of olleting rare .
Celebrate it poetr in the histor of more than hundred and 36
landsape poetr handed don from anient times. There are mainl
eight sener: xian eng, loud over temple, zhaobi mountain liff,
lean on xiufeng, south and garden, Tang Ya tablet, general
peak, and hite longtan CuiWei hole. Cloud over temple on the
mountain, also alled the loud temple, have to into the
ourtard of south buddhist temple onstrution, stone laer of
the hall, oodiness handiork, espeiall in the
four groups of drama brik arvings. Chinese hih is also alled
purple ball hole, hole road flover is the Chinese side all.
Hole like a maze, size is, the top of more than 50 meters,
more than 30 meters at its idest point, the loest point is
just let one side in. Hole has a god , oean s , sea , ulong
holds shou lava laer spots in 151, has developed 1500 meters,
the reeption of the guests. True ze palae seni spot in jerse
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palae as the enter, in a purple mountain ton of palm tree god
rural village. Intrauterine honours s to fair, also knon as
the seond fair grandmother temple , to Confuian temple . The
magnifient palae aross solemn, internal dao, ingenious
struture, overs an area of 7000 square meters, built build b
laing briks or stones into five mountain into the ard, a
shool than a ourt. Are teahers, memorial arh, entrane, entral
temple, Wan Shouting, drum toer, on either side of the
bedroom, the male female hall and in the palae, ith Yang
palae, Yin house, bab palae, the palae of milk, dressing
floor, et., make the hole building unified in the environment
of primitive simpliit and elegant, stren at random disretion.
Taihang mountain valle, anient have the laudator title of
land of undisovered talent . Taihang anon forest park, soon
ill be shon ith the atmosphere of nature in front of the orld,
for visitors to appreiate and favor.
Taihang mountains strethes far XX, like a green dragon,
entrenhed in henan, shanxi, hebei provines on the vast earth.
Loated in linzhou it a knon as the south in the est of the
taihang Lin Lvshan. Knon as artifiial tianhe - the red flag
anal, build in lei mountain liffs. As a result, the seni spot
named as the red flag anal, Lin Lvshan seni area . Here is
the state-level seni Mei area, also is first in Asia, the
orld first-lass gliding base. The main seni spot is the area
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of 100 square kilometers. Jin tonship in China as knon as the
north male south sho and Lin Lvshan is the north ind and the
light the most ins.
Lin Lvshan is a arm temperate semi-humid ontinental
monsoon limate, its highest peak 1675 meters above sea level,
form the unique mountain limate harateristis. The average
annual rainfall of 670 mm or so. Less distint seasons,
suffiient sunlight, spring rain, the air ool autumn, the
average temperature of 1
7. C. Lin Lvshan has a long histor and the unique natural
landsape and human landsape in one, there are 10 ultural
relis protetion units at or above the provinial level, it and
ount more than 71 of ultural relis protetion units, rih
tourism resoures. From the northern and southern dnasties,
there has been a high-profile tourist resort.
Taihang grand anon had left ever emperor group, a rih,
ise men riters, martial arts, elebrities monk, offering a
skillful raftsman, footprints have their beautiful and magial
legend stor. In shang dnast king sripts, 22 provines b his
father to Wang Xiangan and ivilian slaves live together, in
the slaves met fu said, found his ver talented, he aeded to
the throne after three ears of silene, the ourtiers to
persuade, please sa mountain and orshipped as prime minister,
fu fu said assisted the sripts, realized the Renaissane Yin
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road, in the histor of China. In the eastern han dnast, the
son of a Xia Fu under the imperial palae, this to the name of
an refuge, ruins remain no. Zhao road flover jiajing ears to
travel to sho in the mountains, in aordane ith liff built,
hard elixir and toer is still save the teaher and pupil s
Taihang grand anon great momentums, sener. After reent
ears of development, has formed the artifiial tianhe red flag
anal, the taihang grand anon, the soul of the tai Wang
Xiangan, summer and inter inversion peah blossom valle, Lin
Lvshan international gliding base, TianKaiTuHua ello mountain,
ultural reli treasure GuHongGu mountain, the north ind and
light da hirXXma, press garden Long Fengshan, shek mun,
ongquan Wan Quanshan, longdong overpass king longdong
landsape as the main bod of the unique seni spot. This book
fouses on the taihang grand anon sener.
The taihang grand anon rih natural landsape and ultural
landsape attration for visitors quartet. Ever ear reeption
tourist amping, Hugh reuperate, hang gliding, rok limbing et.
Large Numbers of tourists. No Beijing, henan, Shanghai,
guangzhou and other various television stations, film studios
to the outside, television, movies, famous brand shuang-
shuang li and sho the stor unforgettable ears - the red flag
anal is taken here. For ever ear a large number of fine arts
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olleges and universities teahers and students, to the sketh
draing, reate numerous exellent art orks.
The taihang grand anon, the anient have the laudator
title of land of undisovered talent . Taihang grand anon
forest park, soon ill be shon ith the atmosphere of nature in
front of the orld, for visitors to appreiate and favor. Wele
all visitors to shanxi taihang grand anon tourist.


70公里,是龙泉峡风景区旅游景点 之一。
青龙峡风景区位于安宁市西北郊青龙镇,距安宁市区2 9公里,距
站点。景区总 面积约19平方公里。区内森林密布,植被完好,古藤缠
绕,溪流吟唱,瀑布飞溅,水车旋转,日照炊烟 ,民风淳朴,游览景
⑴漂流游览区。青龙峡漂流,有 滇中第一漂 之称,是最富有情
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⑶溪谷揽胜片区。有水踞 山房、芳溪静流、溪谷探源等12个景
点;⑷彝寨风景区。有彝寨风光、弓箭狩猎、骑马等6个景点和游 乐项
目;⑸有玲珑花界、花溪春早、染香亭等9个景点。 景区内设有饮食
餐馆、停车场、客房 、露宿帐篷。住在景区,晚上还可以参加具有民
昆明的气候四季不分明, 但干湿季分明。1-2月气候温和,是旅
游的好季节。7月下旬是彝、白、纳拉、蒙古等族的 火把节 可去昆明
酷热,而昆明 气温在20-25℃之间,这里是避暑胜地。昆明一年四季皆
公里,其中点缀着青龙潭 、莲花台、狐仙洞、马奇寨等4个景点。因
峡内有青龙潭,故名青龙峡。青龙峡自然风光优美,是休闲、 度假旅
松、 柏、柿、枣树,花草丛生,遍地青翠,万紫千红。谷底到处是奇
形怪状的灵石,最小的可拿到手中把玩, 最大的一块灵石为长方形,
峡谷底部有一个河床断层,溪水从 断层悬崖峭壁顶端跌入深潭,形成
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布冲刷形成水潭。水潭面积200余平方 米,深10余米,深水青翠碧绿
古时青龙潭内有一条青龙,温顺可爱 ,乖巧伶俐,喜欢与人嬉
游客前行至青龙峡中 部,发现在悬崖峭壁的顶端,有大、小不同
的两个洞口,大洞口有外、里两个洞窟,泉水从洞中流出,这 就是狐
为正方形,长、 宽均为3米;大、小洞口相距3米,因狐狸偶尔在洞中
出没,故名狐仙洞。狐仙洞是5亿年前至4亿年前 形成的天然石灰岩
洞口,有 外、里两个洞窟,外洞右侧洞壁上有形似各种花卉的钟乳石
图案,左侧洞壁上有形似游龙飞舞的钟乳石图 案,一直延伸到旁边的
似青 蛙,蛙口喷出高20余米、宽2米的瀑布,落在洞窟底部,缓缓流
治疗疾病,强身健体,延年益寿。 离开狐仙洞继续前行,便来到青龙峡尽头。在悬崖峭壁上,有一
个巨大的天然石台。石台坐北朝南, 台中间有石灰岩天然溶洞,洞口
花初萌于春,盛开于夏,衰落 于秋,枯萎于冬。同时随日照强度变
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< p>
长官是总兵马奇,故称马总 兵寨。马总兵寨雄踞在药王山巅高地上,
海拔1190米,居高临下,地势险要,易守难攻。马总兵寨四 周垒有坚
于驻兵防守,出征 打仗。另外也没有春臼、碾盘等生活设施,又使营
寨具备了生活功能。马总兵寨西有古寺院遗址,里面留 有佛堂、石碑
残垣断壁、瓦 砾成堆的废墟,变成今天留给世人的旅游景点,到这里
参观游览的客人络绎不绝,倾听导游讲述着马总兵 寨的古老民间传
古时候,马奇总兵驻守山寨,清正廉洁,爱民如子。他 听说寨西
院,杀掉僧侣,受到 百姓的爱戴。

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