GAC011 AE1

2020年08月04日 01:11


GAC011 AE1
GAC011 Assessment Project1: Spreadsheets-Cover Sheet

Mobile Phone Analysis Report

Student’s Name:
Student ID:
Due Date: January 9, 2014
Word Count: 1,032
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GAC011 AE1
Mobile Phone Analysis Report

 Smith
Firstly, I choose the Westend and Optical mobile for Smith, because most of her friends are on
Optical and Westend; she use Westend and Optical mobile to call her friends is free.
Secondly, she sends very few SMS messages, and then I decide to choose the mobile have
less SMS rates. All Westend mobiles of SMS rates are $$0.28, one of Optical mobile SMS
rates is free, and others are $$0.25. I check the Optical mobile which is free for SMS rate, but I
think that is unfit for Smith, because of the plan cap and included call credit of that are
expensive. The Optical mobile of plan cap has $$49 and the Westend mobile of plan cap has
$$59 also unfit for Smith; I think the included call credits are too high, and the max. No. of
calls per mouth are too much for her; because of she makes minimal calls of only short
Lastly, there still have three mobile. In my opinion, I recommended her to choose the Westend
mobile of plan cap has &19, the reason is it has the least number of calls per
mouth, although it just free to other Westend mobile users from 8pm-12pm and Saturdays and
Sundays. She also can choose the rest of mobile. The plan cap of other Westend mobile is
medium, and it is free to other Westend mobile users all day. The Optical mobile has cheap
plan cap and SMS rate, but it is free to other Optical mobile users on Saturdays and Sundays.
This is the suitable mobile for Smith in my opinion.
The Plan Cap and calls per mouth of Different Companies
$$20 0.00
P lan Cap
calls per month
Optical Mobile
Plan Cap
Westend Mobile
calls per month
Westend Mobile

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GAC011 AE1
 Mitchell
Mitchell is a business man and he runs a business, it means he needs to use mobile phone to
contract his business. So I think the mobile of the calls per mouth less than one
hundred times are unfit for him, the times is not enough for his business.
He needs to see his emails, so he needs a mobile has higher data per mouth. Then the Optical
mobile just have 200MB data included, the Tess mobile and the Volt mobile just have 250MB
data included are unfit for him. Those are not enough for his business.
He uses social networking sites, we both know, uses social networking sites needs to spending
lots of data. It means he will use lots of data per mouth. Then the Westend mobile has
500MB data included is unfit for him, 500MB is too less, absolutely.
He makes many long phone calls, so he uses the mobile of low call rates per min is more
affordable. And I find that of the Optical mobile and the Tess mobile are least, both of that are
$$0.90 per min. Those mobiles also have lower flagfall cost. Although the Volt mobile and the
Westend mobile have 2GB data included, but their call rates per min and flagfall cost more
higher. Although just a few cents, but he will have many calls and this cents multiplied by a
few times will be expensive. So I didn’t think about that.
Although the Optical mobile has 2GB data included, but its calls per mouth is less
than the other one. The Tess mobile has 1098 times calls per mouth, but it just has 1GB data
included. So I guess the Optical mobile and the Tess mobile both fit for him.
The Plan Cap and calls per mouth of Different Companies
$$ 400.00
Plan Cap
calls per month
Optical Mobile
Plan calls per month
Tess Mobile

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GAC011 AE1
 Pia
Pia uses social networking sites like Mitchell, he will spending lots of data per mouth. So he
needs the mobile have lots of data included. The mobile of data less than 500MB should
delete. So the rest of the mobile is only five.
Pia sends lots of SMS messages, then he needs to use the mobile has lower SMS rates, the
SMS rates of the Optical mobile and the Tess mobile are more cheaper. We should give
priority to choose the mobile of two companies.
Most of his friends are on Westend and Tess, if he uses the mobile of the two companies, he
calls his friends is free. Then we also should give to choose the mobile of the two companies.
He is on a tight budget, so the mobile has high plan cap is not suit his requirements.
To sum up, I delete two mobile not suit his requirements. The Optical mobile and the Volt
mobile call his friends are not free, and the SMS rate of the Volt mobile is more expensive.
He works part-time. If he can’t use mobile when he working, the best choose for him is the
Westend mobile of plan cap is $$39; because he can’t using mobile, he won’t sends SMS or
calls to his friend, he also won’t using social networking sites. If he needs using mobile to
contract with costumers like courier, the best choose for him is the Tess mobile of plan cap is
$$79. Although the plan cap is higher, but its SMS rate and calls rates per min are cheaper, and
it has 1GB data included.

The Plan Cap and calls per mouth of I choose
$$1,20 0.00
Plan Cap
calls per month
Plan Cap
calls per month
Tess Mobile
Westend Mobile

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GAC011 AE1

 Cheng
Cheng minimal use of social networking sites, so the mobile have more than 250MB data
included are not suit her requirement, so I delete them.
She likes to make calls and send SMS messages, it means the mobile her needs is low SMS
rates, low call rates per mouth and low flagfall cost. The values of them, the values of the Volt
mobile are higher. So the Volt mobile are not suit her requirement.
She is on a tight budget, it means she can’t pay the mobile has high plan cap; so the Tess
mobile and Optical mobile of the plan cap are $$49 both is not suiting her requirement.
She works part-time, may she will work at night or on weekends, so the Optical mobile and
the Westend mobile are not suiting her requirement, because if she choose them is not
affordable, she can’t enjoy enough free calls. And the flagfall cost, calls rate per mouth and
SMS rates of the Westend mobile are more expensive.
The Plan Cap and . of per mouth in I choose
Plan Cap
calls per month
Tess Mobile
Plan Cap
calls per month

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