Morgan Stanley Quant Finance 笔试

2020年08月04日 01:13


Morgan Stanley Quant Finance 笔试 来源: 王汉宁的日志
个项目。他们的招聘现在有了笔试,今天刚笔完这个,吐血,离“去华尔街的 资
格”还有好远,权当 练习了。。90分钟100道单选,4选1,选错了扣14的分。
不让用计算器,所以碰到神马ln(2 ),正态分布各种区间点这种东西 之前没记过
就无比蛋疼。如果不是知识十分全面且熟练度犹如高考, 应该很难做完吧。。。
而且据说有A,B,C,D四套题,我没看我的是哪套。几套题之间有交 叉,感 觉他
半!)贴出 来供大家娱乐,有些题目没看懂,有的也没记住,所以难免有 叙述
1. (x+2y)在平面上两条曲线间的积分,没记住
2. int(0,pi12) of (cosx-sinx) (sinx + cosx) 还是神马的
3. Extrema of f(x)=x^2+1x
4. Derivative of x^lnx
5. Derivative of cos(x^2)
6. x'(t)=ax+by, y'(t)=cx+dy, (forgot coefficients),x(0)=4, y(0)=3, x(1)?
(Maybe need to solve two ODEs and determine coefficients?)
7. Fastest growing direction of f(x)=1(1+ax^2+by^2+cz^2) at (1,1,-2)
8. int(0,inf) of exp(x^22)也可能是我看错题了是exp(-x^22)
9. Similar to the question: What is the intersection volume of two unit

Linear Algebra
1. 解二元一次方程组。。。
2. Under which situation will a linear system has no solutions.
3. 6 variable,3 equation,in general how many dims do the solutions have?

4. (Can't remember clearly) Positive definite matrix doesn't necessarily
have property: 1)all strict positive diagonaleigenvalue 2)all strict
positive diagonal of Cholesky decomposition 3)all data positive

Probability & Stat
1. Two regular coins, one fake coin with both sides are heads. Toss one
coin u got heads, what's that prob of tossing same coin and getting heads
2. One regular coin, one fake coin. Pick one, toss it twice and get 2 heads.
Prob of picking the fake coin?
3. 52 poker cards => 4 piles,13 in each. 2 Aces in one pile,the other
2 Aces in two different piles, the rest pile doesn't have an Ace. Prob?
4. X,Y,Z have equal corr, the lower bound of this corr? (-0.5)
5. Random variable X,Y,Z, corr(X,Y)=corr(Y,Z)=c>0, what is the minimum
correlation between X and Z? (2c^2-1)
6. Given data and some statistics, what is the regression function?
7. Uniform distribution, MLE estimator of a in U[0,a] ( (n+1)n*max(xi) )
8. 10000 coins, prob of more than 4950 heads? (1-N(-1))
9. 100 coins, prob of more than 60 heads? (1-N(-2))
10.100 uniform variables, ...another central limit theory question
11.18 socks, 12 in one color, 6 in the other color, prob of pick 2 to form
a pair?
g 2 from 52 poker cards, prob of a pair?
13.X have 0 mean and 1 var, E(x+2)^2?
14.X,Y have 0 mean and 1 var, E(X|X+Y=1)? or undetermined?
in blank: X1 X2 are iid, if for any a,b we can find c,d so that
aX1+bX2 has same distribution of cX+d, then the distribution is: normal,
Poisson, stable, (forgot the last choice)

people (one from Harvard and one from MIT...) arrive uniformly
between 12pm - 1pm, the prob of one person waiting another for less than
15 min? (14, 18, 116, ...绿皮书)
bution of sample volatility divided by sample mean?(chi-square,
gamma, F, t)
of (11,11,29,41,41,41)
rd diviation of (11,11,29,41,41,41)
20.25 people are assigned seats but they sitted randomly, what is the
expected number of people having original assigned seats: 1, 5, 25?

Stochastic Process & Math Finance
1. Expected time for Wt to hit boundary +-1 (1)
2. Given zero bond price P(0,T)=1(1+T^2), forward rate between (T1,T2)?
3. An asset, (following GBM?) has $$0 dollar value now, $$1 in a year, what
is the price at t=0.5: 0.5^(0.5), 0.5^(0.75), 0.5, 0.5^(1.25)?
4. Radon-Nikodym derivative from real prob measure to forward measure,
with respective of bond price P(0,t)
5. Two independent Brownian motion (Bt, Wt), starting at point (1,1), what
is the Probability of this curve hitting positive X-axis before hitting
negative X-axis? (34)
6. (Can't remember clearly) Given the process GBM(r,sigma?) of USDGBP
price in USD risk neutral measure, what is the GBPUSD in GBP? Drift term
in choices are (-r, -r-sigma^2, -r+sigma^2)
7. dudt-5u=0, backward Euler- method, what choices of dt can make u
unstable: 3,5,8,11,(Can't remember clearly) or all above?
8. X=exp(Wt), E[X] at t=2? (e)
9. Stock price follows GBM, r = 0.05, sigma = 0.3, spot = 100, prob of
price<50 in one year from now?
call option, European price = 0.1, American price: 0.1, 0.2,
0.3, 0.4

equivalent measure, P and P', P(A)=0.5, P(A')=? ( (0,1) )
spot is 10, if you think one-month later, the price will be 8 and
10 with equal probability, risk-free interest rate is 5%, what is the price
of call option strike at 10? (between 51.05 and 101.05 because of
risk-free probability.)
an copula: hazard rate of A and B are 1% and 2%. A contract pay
you $$1 if A defaults earlier than B. The price of the contract has lowest
price when the correlation is (0, 75%, 100%, ...)?
Carlo: to find out the mean of A, find a variable B, corr(A,B)=c,
and simulate A + B(E(B)-B) instead of A. What is B? ( cov(a,b)var(a),
cov(a,b)var(b), 1, -1 )
Carlo: need to simulate some rare event, so u need to simulate
in a different measure. What is the name of this technique? (sequential
ce of int(t1,t2) of Wt^2dWt, and some other ito’s integral
nd-paying stock (discrete dividend), the price difference of
modeling in GBM and jump-diffusion

Finance (FI and options)
1. Bond: 5% coupon, (10year?) 1000 face, 6% yield, price?
2. Bond: 3% coupon 10 year bond traded at par(100), what is the price if
rate goes up 1bp: (99.91, 99.99, 100.01, ...)
3. Which is higher? FRA vs. Eurodollar futures
4. At 2009, a trader believes that dividend in 2011 is lower than
expectation, strategy? longshort 2010 forward and longshort 2011
5. (Can't remember clearly) A trader observed that implied vol of OTM calls
and puts are higher than that of ATM option, strategy: calendar spread,
bull spread, bear spread, butterfly? (I guessed butterfly..)
6. If asset price positive correlated with interest rate, future price
is higherlower than forward price? (higher)

7. If interest rate is deterministic, future price is higherlower than
forward price? (equal)
8. Long long-term ATM call and short short-term ATM call, adjust the ratio
to make total vega zero. If before expiry of the short-term option, spot
= strike again, vega: positive, negative, zero? (positive?)
trader wants to do a delta-hedge strategy, but he plugs wrong
sigma1>implied vol, assume the portfolio is -C+delta*S, what will the
portfolio value change? when the stock increasedecrease, the value
option, increase of delta: (positive, negative, it
depends, ...)
is the partial derivative of (time)
of the following is not Black Scholes assumption: (free borrow
and lending at risk-free rate, no transaction cost, same tax rate?...)
lity surface: on the strike dimension is flat, on the other
dimension, the vol shape is: 1) increasing function of strike 2)
decreasing with strike 3)frown 4)smile
14.(Can't remember clearly) Condition of American call being exercised
(I forgot whether dividend=0 or not)
15.A default protection seller is longshort credit risk
hedge interest rate risk of 7 year bond of 100MM, you need to short
2 year bond of? 350MM?

1. The format of
2. static member initialization: simple case (choose the one initialized
out of the class)
3. static member initialization: In template class, how many instances?
1) Cannot have static member in template class 2) only one instance 3)
as many as instances of classes 4) as many as instantiations of classes

4. static member initialization: multi-thread case
5. 32-bit computer, non- optimized code: uint-32 a =16, c = 32, Q:
6. space needed to store the number 1,000,000? 17,18,19,20? (20?)
7. Time complexity of merge sort? ( O(nlogn) )
8. (Can't remember clearly) Binary tree searching time with respect of
9. How many comparisons are needed to sort 5 elements? (4)
ing in 10,000 data costs 1ns, 100,000 data? (10,35,100,350)
use [ ] in: string, vector, list, ...(list)
of the following does not store multiple elements contiguously?
List, deque, vector, string(list)
* in C is? (null pointerpointer to nothing?)








