
2020年08月04日 01:29


英文数字 ----- Part 3 序数
First 第一
Second 第二
Third 第三
Fourth 第四
Fifth 第五
Sixth 第六
Seventh 第七
Eighth 第八
Ninth 第九
Tenth 第十
Eleventh 第十一
Twelfth 第十二
Thirteenth 第十三
Fourteenth 第十四
Fifteenth 第十五
Sixteenth 第十六
Seventeenth 第十七
Eighteenth 第十八
Nineteenth 第十九
Twentieth 第二十
Twenty-first 第二十一
Twenty-second 第二十二
Twenty-third 第二十三
Thirtieth 第三十
Thirty-first 第三十
Fortieth 第四十
Fiftieth 第五十
Sixtieth 第六十
Seventieth 第七十
Eightieth 第八十
Ninetieth 第九十
(one)hundredth 第一百
hundred and thirty-fourth 第一百三十四
(one)hundred and first 第一百零一
Two-hundredth 第二百
Three-hundredth 第三百
four-hundredth 第四百
five-hundredth 第五百
six-hundredth 第六百
seven-hundredth 第七百
eight- hundredth 第八百
nine-hundredth 第九百
(one)thousandth 第一千

thousand and first 第一千零一
two thousand and thirty-fourth 第二千零三十四
ten thousandth 第一万
(one)millionth 第一百万
英文数字------Part 4 电话号码
62374881 six two three seven four double- eight one
97868120 nine seven eight six eight one two 0
Part 5 百分比
one hundred percent 100%
thirty percent 30%
point five percent 0.5%
0.5% percent 百分比
four point o three
four point O three 4.03
4.03 point 点
forty-five point two one 45.21
英文数字------ Part 6 日期
大前天 (ago以前) three days ago
前天 (before在……之前) the day before yesterday
昨天 yesterday
今天 today
明天 tomorrow
后天 (after在……之后) the day after tomorrow
大后天 three days from now (from从 now现在)
英文数字------ Part 7 月份
上上个月 before last month
上个月 last month
这个月 this month
下个月 next month
下下个月 after next month
January Jan. 一月
February Feb. 二月
March Mar. 三月
April Apr. 四月
May 五月
June Jun. 六月
July Jul. 七月
August Aug. 八月
September Sep. 九月
October Oct. 十月
November Nov. 十一月
December Dec. 十二月
英文数字 ------ Part 8 星期,周
Monday Mon. 星期一

Tuesday Tues. 星期二
Wednesday Wed. 星期三
Thursday Thur. 星期四
Friday Fri. 星期五
Saturday Sat. 星期六
Sunday Sun. 星期日
英文数字 ------ Part 9 时间
year 年
new year 新年
this year 今年
the beginning of a year 年初
next year 明年
the end of a year 年底
last year 去年
this year 今年
next year 明年
nineteen ninety—nine 1999
spring 春季
summer 夏季
autumn/fall 秋季
winter 冬季
weekend 周末
this week 这周
last week 上周
next week 下周
time 时间
O’clock 点钟
hour 小时
minute 分
second 秒
six 0’clock 6点
six a.m. 上午6点
six p.m. 下午6点
seven ten 7点10分
ten to nine 8点50分
nine twenty-five 9点25分
the eighth of March 3月8日
the first of May 5月1日
the twenty—third of July 7月23日
英文方向------ Part 10 方向
east 东方 east东方,东,东部地区
west 西方 west西方,两部
south 南方 south南部,南方 南部southern
north 北方 north北,北方,北部

northeast 东北
northwest 西北
southwest 西南
southeast 东南
front 前面
forward 向前地, 向将来
forward 向前方
back 背部,后面
backward 向后地(的)
left 左.左边
right 右边
right 正确。右边
up 向上
down 向下
up 上面
down 下面
英文颜色------- Part 11 颜色
白色 white
黑色 black
蓝色 blue
深蓝色 dark blue
淡蓝色 light blue
绿色 green
青绿色 blue green
紫色 purple
灰色(枪色) gray
粉红色 pink
橙色 orange
金色 gold
银色 silver
黄色 yellow
红色 red
暗红色 dark red
褐色,棕色 brown
咖啡色 dark brown
象牙色 ivory
橙红色 salmon pink
蓝绿色,青色 cyan
英文颜色---- 颜色二
暗宝石绿 dark turquoise
暗橄榄绿色 dark olive green
暗海蓝色 dark sea green
暗红 garnet
暗红色 dark red

暗灰蓝色 dark slate blue
暗灰色 dark gray,dim gray
暗金黄色 dark goldenrod
暗桔色 dark orange
暗卡其色 dark khaki
暗蓝色 dark blue
暗绿色 dark green
暗青色 dark cyan
暗肉色 dark salmon
暗深红色 crimson
暗洋红色 dark magenta
暗紫色 dark orchid, dark violet
白垩 chalky
白色 white
白杏色 blanched almond
半透明 translucent
宝蓝色 royal blue
宝石红 rubine
宝石蓝 sapphire
保护色 protective color
鼻烟色 rust brown
碧绿色 aquamarine,azure green
薄荷色 mint cream
不透明 opaque
彩虹色 rainbow
苍黄 sallow
苍绿色 pale green,pale turquoise
苍麒麟色 pale goldenrod
苍紫罗蓝色 pale violet
草绿色,橄榄绿 lawn green,olive green
茶色 tan
橙红 salmon
橙红色 orange red,salmon pink
橙绿色 lime green
橙色 orange
赤褐色 auburn
春绿色 spring green
翠蓝色 turquoise blue
翠绿色 jade green
大红 jester red
单色 monochromatic
淡茶色 sandy
淡褐色 hazel
淡红 reddish

淡灰分 light grey
淡蓝色 calamine blue
淡紫红 lavender blush, lavender, orchid
蛋黄色 york yellow
底色 bottom
靛蓝色 benzo blue,indigo
豆绿色 pea green
法国红 French rose
绯缀,猩红 scarlet
粉红 candy pink,pink
粉蓝色 powder blue
橄榄色 olive
钢蓝色 steelblue
古董白 antique white
古铜色 antique bronze
古紫色 antique violet
钴蓝色,艳蓝色 cobalt blue
海贝色 seashell
海绿色 sea green
海水蓝 navy blue
海水绿 marine green
褐玫瑰红 rosy brown
褐色,茶色,棕色 brown
黑色 black
红古铜色 bronze
红褐色,赭石色 chocolate
红色 red
红棕色 sorrel
湖色 acid blue
琥珀色 amber
花白色 floral white
花色 designed color
黄褐色 tawny
黄绿色 chartreuse,green yellow
黄色 tulip yellow,yellow
黄棕色 coco
灰 grey,gray
灰白 offwhite
灰褐色,灰棕色 beige
灰石色 slate gray
混合色 secondary colour
火砖色 firebrick

蓟色 thistle
间暗蓝色 medium slate blue
间春绿色 medium spring green
间海蓝色 medium sea green
间蓝色 medium blue
间绿宝石色 medium turquoise
间绿色 medium aquamarine
间紫罗兰色 medium violet red
间紫色 medium orchid,medium purple
酱色 caramel
娇色,柔和的颜色 delicate color
焦茶色 dun
金色 gold
金麒麟色 goldenrod
酒红色 wine
桔红,朱砂红 vermilion
菊蓝色 cornflower blue
橘红 tiger lily
橘黄 Jaffa orange,bisque,orange
军蓝色 cadet blue
咖啡色 coffee
卡其色 khaki
孔雀蓝 peacock blue
蓝灰色 blue grey
蓝绿色 aquamarine blue, turquoise
蓝色 blue
蓝紫色 Lyons blue
老花色 old lace
栗褐色 chestnut
鹿皮色 moccasin
绿色 green
玫瑰红 rose
米绸色 cornsilk
米黄色 cream
米灰 oyster grey
米色 beige
蜜色 honeydew
墨绿色 deep green
奶油白 crystal cream
介词不能单独作句子成分,通常放在名词或代词前构成介词短 语。介词没有词态变化,
永远保持原形。介词的使用主要是一个习惯问题,必须熟记才能正确使用。本文 每部分的结
构主要是通过例子,介绍介词的用法、其常用词组以及在句子中所在的位置。文中所收录的< br>介词通过26个字母的顺序排列,清晰明了,方便学习和记忆。

1. about
关于:This is a book about China.
大概:My boyfriend is about 195cm tall.
about 常用词组
curious about : I am curious about you.
concerned about : You are concerned about me.
depressed about : She is depressed about her future.
happy about : He is happy about his new job.
worried about : We are worried about the test.
care about : Have you ever cared about anyone?
complain about : He always complains about his neighbors.
forget about : I forgot about your birthday party.
lie about : She lied about yesterday.
talk about : She is talking about the weather.
think about : I have never thought about killing myself.
worry about : Don’t worry about it!
2. across
从一边到另一边:I walked across the street.
在另一边:My house is across river.
3. after
在……以后:Come to my room after 9pm. after the movie. after lunch
随……之后、在……后面(顺序):You are after me.
搜寻寻找:She is after a new boyfriend.
依照……的名字:Mel was named after his father.
4. around
环绕:They are going to walk around the building.
向相反方向转:Don’t turn around!
到处:He looked around for a parking place.
附近:Is there a 7-11around here?
大概……左右:I need around one hundred dollars.
5. at
在……地点:Let’s meet at the MRT station.
at school at work at 155 Hoping East Road
在……几点时刻:The movie starts at 12pm. at night
在……方面:She is good at math.
对着向: Why are you screaming at me?
at a time : Let’s go in one at a time.
at first : At first, I was afraid.
at the moment : You’re arrived at last!
at once: I can’t see you at the moment.
at risk: AIDS is spreading quickly, and everyone is at risk.
at that time: At that time, I didn’t know he was a murderer.
at this point: At this point, I don’t care anymore.

shocked at: We were shocked at the news.
surprised at: I am surprised at you.
shoot at : Don’t shoot at me!
smile at: The baby is smiling at me.
6. before
在……以前: I will be back before Thanksgiving.
在……之前、先于:January comes before February.
7. between
在(时间、空间、顺序)之间:The table is between the two sofas.
He will call me between 2pm and 3pm
在(数量、距离、程度等)之间:Her cat is between five and seven years old.
为……所分享分担:We saved about 100 dollars between us.
由于……的共同影响:Between tuition and I am almost broke.
8. by
被、由:It was done by me.
靠、用:We came by bus.
在……之前:Please finish this report by 5pm.
旁边:I want a room by the lake.
以……计:I charge by the hour. These apples are sold by weight.
由于:My friend hit me by accident.
by accident: I hit her by accident.
by hand: She can do it by hand.
by heart: Please learn this by heart.
by mistake: I took your coat by mistake.
one by one: He killed them one by one.
by oneself: I am going to go by myself.
by the way : By the way, are you tired.
caused by: The fire was caused by lightning.
manufactured by: This product is manufactured by that company.
written by: That book was written by Jeff.
9. during
在……的整个期间:I had to work during Chinese New Year vacation.
在……期间的某个事后:During the soccer someone was killed.
10. except
除了之外:I have slept with everyone here except your older sister.
11. for
为了:She did it for you!
因为、由于:I am sorry for hurting you.
对于、就……而言:He is too old for me.
支持、赞成:Are you for the death penalty?
往:Sunny left for Taipei.
表示时间、距离等:We made out for 3 hours!
代替:Can I exchange this shirt for that one?

for example: For example, if you need money, you should ask!
for fun: I took off my clothes for fun.
for good: I’m back for good.
for instance(见for example)
for a living: She sells betel nuts for a living.
for now: For now, don’t say anything!
for sale: Is this car for sale?
ask for trouble: If you go near the dog you’re asking for trouble!
for a while: Let’s sit for a while.
have respect for: I have much respect for teachers.
an excuse for: Saying he’s sick is just an excuse for being late.
blamed for: I was blamed for his death!
famous for: She is famous for her cooking.
known for: He is known for his her cooking.
known for: He is known for his sleaziness.
late for: Don’t be late for the wedding!
ready for:I’m ready for the quiz.
sorry for: We are sorry for being so mean.
suitable for: This movie is not suitable for children.
apply for: I am applying for a scholarship.
hope for: The child is hoping for a new bike.
pay for: Let me pay for dinner!
pray for: Please pray for us.
prepare for: Did you prepare for the meeting?
shop for: I’m shopping for a birthday present.
wait for: What are you waiting for?
12. from
从……来:I am from Taiwan.
从……起:The store is from Monday to Friday.
From now on
离……:He lives 5 miles from Taipei.
因为、由于:She died from AIDS.
由:This dress is made from dead worms!
from head to toe: He is wet from head to toe!
from scratch: I made this cake from scratch.
from time to time: We come here from time to time.
absent from: He was absent from class again.
different from: He and his wife are different from each other.
protect from: Please protect us from that monster!
run from: Some kids run from home.
suffer from: He is suffering from cancer.

13. in
在(地方):Do you live in Taiwan?
在……里:He is in his bedroom.
在……(多少时间)以后:We will return in a month.
在……(哪一年):He died in 1955.
在……(几月)的时候:They got divorced in March.
在……(早晚上、下午的时间):He goes to work in the morning.
在(情形):I am in a hurry!
用……来:Can you say this word in English?
某组织的会员等:John is in the military.
从事于:Alan is in show business.
穿着:The kid in the white jeans is disgusting.
in advance: I’ll let you know in advance.
in any case: In any case, I’m still here.
in charge of: Who is in charge of the water?
in common: We have a lot in common.
in debt: I am in debt!
in the end: In the end, everyone was happy.
in fact: In fact, I am really a woman!
in favor: Are you in favor of this idea?
in general: In general, I don’t like coffee.
in a hurry: We’re in a hurry!
in a minute: I’ll be there in a minute!
in no time: You’ll be able to walk in no time!
in order to: In order to get there on time, we must walk faster.
in private: I want to speak to you in private.
in touch (with): Please stay in touch with me.
in trouble: Are you in trouble?
once in a while: Once in a while, we go fishing.
have confidence in: I have confidence in you.
disappointed in: I am disappointed in you.
involved in: She is involved in this case.
believe in: You must believe in me!
invest in: Would you like to invest in the stock market?
participate in: She has participated in many school activities.
succeed in: I must succeed in everything I do.
14. into
到……里(表示动作的方向): She walked into the mall.
向、触及:I ran into a wall.
成为、变成(表示变化):The man changed into a monster.
迷(口语化)、对……有兴趣:That girl is really into video games.
Get into trouble: If you go out, you’ll get into trouble!

15. like
像:You look like President Bush.
一样(个性、样子等):He is just like his father.
表示心情:I feel like going home.
16. near
谈“位置”时, “near”的用法跟“close to”类似
离……很近、在……附近:My motorcycle is parked near the police station.
17. of
属于、……的:The top of my sandwich is missing.
You are a friend of mine.
装有……的:Give me a cup of water.
……之成员:Jack is a member of this club.
表示方位:Beijing is north of Guangzhou.
of course:Of course I love you!
one’s point of view: Tell us from your point of view.
take advantage of: You took advantage of me!
make a fool of: I will make a fool of you.
make fun of: Don’t make fun of short people!
a possibility of: There is a possibility of rain tonight.
ashamed of: You shouldn’t be ashamed of your children.
jealous of : She is really jealous of her sister.
proud of: My mom is proud of me.
sure of: I am not very sure of myself.
tired of: I am tired of you!
approve of : Do you approve of our relationship?
aware of: He was not aware of the dangers of smoking.
die of: It died of loneliness.
18. off
……掉: Please take off your shoes.
……起: He lifted the car off the ground.
表示不在上面:Keep off the grass!
戒掉:He is off drugs.
低于……折价:This lamp is 20% off.
off and on: It has been raining off and on lately.
off the record: The man wants to speak to the reporter off the record.
19. on
在……上: The TV is on his foot.
挂在……上: The painting is on the wall.
靠近、在……旁: Who is on my right?
关于、有关: I gave a lecture on learning English.
在(星期几): They got into a fight on Sunday.
在(几号): I will leave on January 1st.

在(特定的日子): I will on leave on my birthday.
在(路名):We live on Locker Road.
on business: She’s here on business.
on fire: The school is on fire!
on one’s own: The child fixed his toy on his own.
on purpose: Did you do that on purpose.
on the one hand: On the one hand, she is my sister.
on the other hand: On the other hand, she stole my money.
on sale: Is this on sale?
on schedule: The flight will arrive on schedule.
on second thought: On second thought, maybe I should not lend you the money.
on time: We will be there on time!
make an impression on: Did you make a good impression on her dad?
play a joke on: She played a joke on her boyfriend.
based on: This book is based on a true story.
dependent on: You are too dependent on him!
blame on: I blame my failure on my partner.
concentrate on: Could you please concentrate on your work?
depend on: You can always depend on me.
insist on: He insisted on another cup of tea.
20. onto
到……之上: Our neighbor’s pig climbed onto our car.
发现了(口语化): I’m onto you.
21. out of
自……离开: Get out of here!
在……(几个)中: Four out of five doctors recommend this medicine.
用……(材料): This house is made out of paper.
脱离了(状态):You are out of control.
You are out of danger.
由于(动机、原因): She hit me out of anger.
out of fashion: Her clothes are really out of fashion.
out of hand: The meeting got out of hand last night.
out of it: I feel a little out of it today.
out of order: This coffee machine is out of order.
out of place: I felt out of place at the party.
out of the question: Your request is out of the question.
out of shape: He is really out of shape!
out of town: My boss is out of town on business.
out of work: There are a lot of people out of work.
22. to
向、往、到: I never walk to the office.
Go to hell!

(表示时间)直到、差……: I am off from Saturday to Monday.
表示位置: Give it to me!
为了: She came here to kiss you.
(表示比较)比: I prefer men to women.
不定词用的: Do you like to chat online?
to a certain extent: I can take this to a certain extent.
see eye to eye: We do not see eye to eye.
keep something to oneself: Please keep your gossip to yourself!
to the point: Get to the point!
pay attention to: Pay attention to your teacher!
addicted to: He is addicted to drugs.
close to: My house is close to yours.
due to: The performance was cancelled due to the typhoon.
kind to: Chinese are very kind to foreigners.
next to : My house is next to yours.
opposed to : Are you opposed to this policy?
related to: I am related to Tom Cruise!
similar to: Your excuse is quite similar to the last one.
adjust to: Some foreigners have trouble adjusting to the climate.
belong to: Do you belong to this club?
listen to: I was listening to the radio when you called me.
refer to: This article does not refer to you.
relate to: Is the fire related to the storm?
respond to: The patient should be able to respond to us.
subscribe to: I subscribed to that magazine.
23. under
在……下面下方: Let’s sit under the bridge.
少于、低于: Under one hundred people signed up.
正在……之中、处于……情况之下: The case is under discussion.
Under wayunder repair
归入、属于: The reservation is under my name.
under age: This kid is definitely under age.
under arrest: She is under arrest.
under the circumstances: Under the circumstances, I don’t think you should see him.
under the impression that: She is under the impression that I hate her!
24. over
在……之上、在正上方: There is a picture over my bed.
(覆盖)在……上面: We put a sheet over his corpse.
越过: She flew over the ocean.
超过: Over fifty people came to my birthday party.
在……期间: What are you going to do over Christmas vacation?
通过……媒介: Jane broke up with her over the phone.

25. through
穿过: The thief ran through my garden.
从……开始至终: He slept through the movie.
以、 用、凭借、通过: I got this TV show through my agent.
从……直至: I have to work Monday through Friday.
26. up
向……上、往……上: They went up the mountain.
在……之上: The bathroom is up those stairs.
27. up to
一直到……: Up to now, I haven’t said anything.
看(谁):It’s up to you.
28. with
和……、与……一起: She is living with him.
Do you have an umbrella with you?
带戴着……、有……的: The man with the glasses is not my father.
用(工具、材料): Can you eat with chopsticks?
和……在同一边、赞成: We are with you!
在……身上: Do you have any cash with you?
以……(表示做事的态度、感觉等): I’ll do it with pleasure.
fall in love with: He fell in love with the anchorwoman.
change places with: I would love to change places with you.
covered with: Her little brother is covered with mud.
familiar with: Are you familiar with Chinese customs?
finished with: I’m finished with my homework.
infatuated with: My dog is infatuated with my turtle!
patient with: Please be patient with me.
satisfied with: I am satisfied with the food here.
communicate with: You need to learn how to communicate with others.
cooperate with: He wouldn’t cooperate with the police.
cope with: How do you cope with do much stress?
share with: I’d like to share a story with you.
29. within
在……范围内、不超过: He might die within 10 minutes.
30. without
没有、不: I am not going without you .
You left without saying goodbye.
Go without saying: Some things just go without saying!
你尝试过说出一 个词后别人却理解成另外一个意思,然后你不得已要重新解析一遍吗?
相信很多人都遇到过这种情况,为 此,不少人都不得不“多费唇舌”。这种情况下,最便捷的
方法是用词用在最正确的地方,这才不会让听 的人产生误会。因此,将最常用的异义同音词
记忆下来对避免出错是极为有用的。本文为着这一目的,为 学员收录了最常用的异义同音词,

接受 except 除....之外
广告 add 增加
影响 effect 结果,效果
出声地、大声地 allowed allow的过去式过去分词,允许、准许
蚂蚁 aunt 伯母、阿姨
eat的过去时,吃 eight 八
动词助动词Be bee 蜜蜂
承受;生(小孩);熊 bare 裸的,空的
莓果 bury 埋葬
bill的过去式,开账单 build 建筑、建立;体型
blow的过去式,吹 blue 蓝色(的)
木板;董事会 bored bored 的过去时,令人讨厌;无聊
煞车 break 打破、打断;休
购买 by 被、由;经过
单人牢房;细胞 sell 卖、销售
sent send 的过去时过去分词,发送、寄
cent的复数,一分钱 scents scent的复数,气味
sense 感官;感觉到
麦片 serial连续的;连续影片、电视连续剧
ches(爵)的第三人称单数 choose选择、挑选
关闭;结束 clothes 衣服
亲爱的 deer 鹿
抛弃,逃走 dessert 甜点
死 dye 染色
做、完成 due 该支付的;该得之物
票价;进展 fair 公平的
找到;发现 fined fine的过去式过去分词,处罚
fly 的过去式,飞 flu 流行性感冒
面粉 flower 花
为..... four 四
油脂、润滑脂;涂油 Greece 希腊
d guess的过去式,猜 guest 客人
听见 here 这里
嗨(hello的意思) high 高;高水准的
洞 whole 全部
小时 our 我们的
36.I 我 eye 眼睛;注视
`s it isit has 的缩写 its 它的
吉姆(男子名) gym 体育馆、健身房
know 的过去式,知道、了解 new 新的

(绳等的)结 not 不
知道,了解 no 不,不是,没有
know 的现在时第三人称 nose 鼻
铅 led lead 的过去式过去分词,引导
maid 女仆、女佣
娶、嫁、和....结婚 Mary 玛莉(女子名)
肉 meat 遇见、相会
北美麋 mousse 奶油甜点(幕丝)
肌肉 mussel 贻贝
一点没有(的) nun 修女
哦 owe 欠(钱)
一 won win的过去式过去分词
pass 的过去式过去分词,经过、穿过、超过
past 过去的;越过
ce 耐心 patients patient的复数,病人
和平 piece 一张片块
一对双件,配对 pear 洋梨
简朴的;平常的 plane 飞机
贫穷 pour 倒
pore 毛孔
ce 存在 presents present的复数,礼物
pal 主要的,校长 principle 原则
(俚)责备;饶舌 wrap 包;缠绕
read的过去式过去分词,读 red 红色(的)
右边的;权力 write 写
路 rowed row 的过去式过去分词,划船 road ride 的过去式,骑
rise 的过去式,升起、上涨、增加;玫瑰
rows row 的第三人称单数动词,划船;
帆:航行 sail 出售
seen see 的过去分词,看见、看到
海 see 看到,看见
边、面;旁边的 sighed sigh 的过去式过去分词,叹气
某一个;某些 sum 总数
儿子 sun 太阳
偷 steel 钢
圣代 Sunday 星期日
尾巴 tale 故事、传说
他她它们的 they`re 他她它们是
there 在那里;那个地方
他她它们的 (东西) there`s there isthere has 的缩写
throw 的过去式,投、丢、举办

through 穿过、越过
向、往、到 two 二、两个
too 太、过分
脚趾 tow 拖、拉
腰 waste 浪费;废弃的
等待 weight 重量,体重
`d we hadwe would 的缩写 weed 杂草;除掉(杂草)
虚弱 week 一星期
穿着、戴着 where (在)哪里
r 天气 whether 是否
哪一个些 witch 巫婆
`s who iswho has 的缩写 whose 谁的
木头 would will 的过去式
爱虚荣的 vein 血管
使多样化的、变更 very 很
`re you are的缩写 your 你你们的







