什么是fsk调制 fsk调制是什么意思?

2020年08月04日 02:32


什么是fsk调制 fsk调制是什么意思?

什么是fsk调制? fsk调制是什么意思?
信号而 变化的一种调制方式。利用基带数字信号离散取值特
点去键控载波频率以传递信息的一种数字调制技术。 除具有
制频移键控,简称多频调制。 一种用多个载波频率承载数字
的双频 FSK系统。
FSK (频移键控) ,也称为移频调制和移频信号。
Frequency Shift Keying is a data signal converted into a
specific frequency or tone in order to transmit it over wire,
cable, optical fiber or wireless media to a destination point.
频移键控是一个数 据信号转换成特定频率或音调,以便将其
The history of FSK dates back to the early 1900s, when
this technique was discovered and then used to work
alongside teleprinters to transmit messages by radio
(RTTY).历史上的FSK可以追溯到 20世纪初叶,当这一技
术被发现,然后用并肩工作, teleprinters传递信息,由电
台( rtty ) 。 But FSK, with some modifications, is still

effective in many instances including the digital world
where it is commonly used in conjunction with computers
and low speed modems.但在FSK ,作出一些修改,但 仍
电脑和低速调制解调器。 In fact, the contributions of FSK
are much more far reaching.事实上,在捐款的FSK更为深
远。 For example, the principle of FSK has laid the path to
the development of other similar techniques such as the
Audio Frequency Shift Keying (AFSK) and Multiple
Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK) just to name a few.举例来
移键控( afsk )及多频移键控(多进制频移键控)刚刚仅
In Frequency Shift Keying, the modulating signals shift the
output frequency between predetermined levels.在频移键
控,调制信号转移输出频率之间预定的水平。 Technically
FSK has two classifications, the non-coherent and
coherent FSK.技术上的FSK有两个分类,非相干和相干的
FSK 。 In non-coherent FSK, the instantaneous frequency
is shifted between two discrete values named mark and
space frequency, respectively.在非相干的FSK ,瞬时频率
是转移双方离散值命名为马克和空间频率,分别为。 On the

other hand, in coherent Frequency Shift Keying or binary
FSK, there is no phase discontinuity in the output signal.在
另一方面,在相干频移键控或二进制的FSK ,是没有间断
In this digital era, the modulation of signals are carried out
by a computer, which converts the binary data to FSK
signals for transmission, and in turn receives the incoming
FSK signals and converts it to corresponding digital low
and high, the language the computer understands best.在
这数字化时代,调制的信号是由一台电脑, 而转换为二进制
相应的数字低及高 ,语言的计算机理解最好的。
There are Frequency Shift Keying standards, used in
various countries across the globe.有频移键控标准,可应用
在许多国家,在全球各地。 They are the ETSI FSK, Bellcore
FSK, BT (British Telecom) FSK and CCA (Cable
Communication Association) FSK.他们是欧洲电信标准协
会的FSK ,贝尔的FSK ,英国电信(英国电信)的FSK
及文建会(电缆通信协会)的FSK 。 The Bellcore standard
is used in United States, Australia, China, Hong Kong and
港和新加坡。 It uses the 1200 baud Bell 202 tone

modulation and the first bit of data is transferred after
receiving the first ring tone.它使用1200波特率贝尔202音
The BT FSK or British Telecom Frequency Shift Keying is
an original standard that was developed by the British
Telecom.英国电讯的FSK或英国电信 的频移键控,是原来
的标准,这是由英国电信公司。 This standard wakes up the
display with a line reversal and transmits the data as CITT
V23 modem tones, a format similar to MDMF.这个标准醒
来,展示同一条线扭转和传递数据,作为citt v23调制解调
器铃声,格式相似mdmf 。 British Telecom itself uses this
standard as well as some wireless networks such as the
late Lonica and some cable companies as well.英国电信本
身使用这个标准,以及部分无线网络, 如已故lonica及一些
有线电视公司以及。 More details about the British Telecom
Frequency Shift Keying standards can be obtained from
the document Designing Caller Identification Delivery
Using XR-2211 for B.T.更详细了解英国电信频移键控标准,
可以直接从该文件中的设计来电识别交付使用XR型- 2211
为英国电信 or the Supplier Information Notes (SINs) 227
and 242.或供应商的资料,笔记(罪过) 227和242 。
In Cable Communication Association standard, data is

sent after a short first ring, either as Bell 202 or V23 tones.
在有线通信协会标准,使数据发 送经过短暂的第一环,无论
是贝尔202或v23铃声。 Here the transport layer is more
like Bellcore even though the data format looks much like
British Telecom's, because of this, European or North
American kits are more likely to detect it.这里交通层更象是
贝尔即使 数据格式看起来很像英国电讯公司的,正因为如此,
The basic principle of Frequency Shift Keying is at least a
century old.基本原则的频移键控是至少一个世纪老人。
Despite its age, FSK has successfully maintained its use
during more modern times and has adapted well to the
digital domain, and continues to serve those that need to
transfer data via computer, cable, or wire.尽管其年龄,
适应良 好,数位领域,并继续服务于那些需要传输的数据通
过计算机,电缆,电线。 There is no doubt that FSK will be
around as long as there is a need to transmit information in
a highly effective and affordable manner.这是毫无疑问的
FSK会期约, 只要有需要,以传递信息,在一个高效和负担
得起的方式。 FSK就是这个意思。







