
2020年08月04日 10:38


Hugh Jackman
The academy likes to salute range-
Kate Winslet-an English who plays a German in the reader,
Robert Downny Jr.-an American who plays an Australian who plays
an African American, nominated
Whereas me, an Australian who plays an Australian in a movie
called Australia, hosting.
So I am the host this year but that's not the only thing that
is different. Everything has been downsized because of the
recession. So next year, I am going to be playing in a movie
called New Zealand
Mickey Rourke -I want you to say whatever is on you mind. You
know we have a 7 seconds delay tonight but if you win, we will
switch to a 20 min delay.
I actually don't have a joke for them. I am just contractually
obligated to mention their names at least 5 times tonight.
-Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
Meryl Streep-15 nominations -that's a record. when someone
puts up numbers like that it is high enough to think steroids.
Steroids- performance enhancing drugs used and abused in

Best supporting actress-- Penelope Cruz
Whoopi Goldberg --It's not easy being a nun-take it from one
who is been there and back(很显然,她指的是他从前的那部影片
修女也疯狂 sister act)-first of all, your face never look thin;
you never get to wear pants and your love interest is always
off screen. But in spite of this, Amy Adams showed us how a
woman could sum up the courage she didn't know she had and place
herself in the middle of a deeply troubling moral mystery. She
was compelling and moving without a doubt.

Penelope Cruz-it's not going to be 45 seconds. has anyone
fainted before? Cause I think I might be the first one. thank
you woody for trusting me with this beautiful character.
Thanking you for having written all these years some of the
greatest characters for women. …I always felt that this
ceremony is a moment of unity for the world because art in any
form is, has been and will always be a universal language and
we should do everything we can to protect its survival.
Best original screen play-adapted screen play
Tina Fay and Steve Martin

The two incredible presenters walk out to center stage. The
crowd is amazed by the star power and beauty of the two
presenters. The audience members are too stunned to leap to
their feet except for those consumed by bitter jealousy. The
audience breaks into wild, uncontrollable applause.
It has been said that to write is to live forever. And man who
wrote that is dead.
Every great movie starts with a great screenplay. Or a very
good idea for the poster, but usually a screen play.
And every writer starts with a blank page and every blank page
was once a tree.
And every tree was once a tiny seed and every tiny seed was
placed on earth by the alien king.

Milk -Dustin Lance Black-we will have equal rights federally
in this great nation of ours.
Best animated feature
Jennifer AnistonJack Black-kungfu panda
The nominees in this category are a reminder that we are
becoming quickly obsolete.
Jack-each year I do one Dreamworks project and I take all the

money to the Oscars and bet it on Pixar (Disney and Pixar)
A lot of people mistakenly think it is easier to win the best
short animated film.
But that is not true. The shorter your movie, the less time
you panda has to work its way into America's heart.
Best supporting actor
Seymour Phillip Hoffman-fortunately for us, Phillip, your
commitment for the truth in every moment keeps us exactly where
we should be-unsettled, unsure, and uncertain. For this again
this year, we sing your praises.
Heath ledger
Premature death-posthumously
Reese Witherspoon
There is one person we have yet honored. For those of you at
home, they are the ceo, the head honcho, the grand poobah, the
big cheese. (cheesy) on site they can be you mother, your father
and your therapist. They can even manage hostage negotiations
when certain actoractress having trouble coming out of their
trailer-not I am speaking about myself but you know who you
are. Ben stiller.

The director is a grand collaborator taking inspiration from
all artists around them to create one singular vision,
clarifying the screen writer's words, creating a visual
language with the cinematographer, helping each actor find a
true emotional connection to their character, designing each
shot so that everything in the frame adds to the immediacy of
the story telling, making sure that every creative aspects work
together to elevate craft to the level of art.
Danny Boyle: My kids are too old to remember this-but I swore
to them, if this mircal even happens, I would receive it in
the spirit of tiger from Winnie the pooh. For the beautiful
show you have done, but in the room it is bloody beautiful.
Best actress-
Sophia Loren-it is hard to know where to begin with the next
nominee, her name itself has come to represent a whole world
of unmatched excellence. So it is probably best to simply start
there. Meryl Streep. 15 nominations 2 wins
Shirley MacLaine (terms of endearment, in her shoes, steel
magnolia)-anna Hathaway
You fearlessly stepped into the shoes of someone struggling
with addiction and grief. I think you are an amazing example

of every young actress in this business because you are not
afraid to show both your dark and your bright side.
Rachel's weddingfuneral at a weddingthe family stone
Grant Me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the thingsI can, and the wisdom to know the
May you live to be a hundred and I a hundred minus a day so
I would never know beautiful people like you passed away.
Kate Winslet -5 nominations at Oscar and GG
Dad, whistle or something cauz I don't know where you are.
To be surrounded by a remarkable group of people who provided
unbroken chain of support
Acknowledge my fellow nominees-I think we all can't believe
we are in a category with Meryl Streep at all. I am sorry Meryl
but you will have to just suck that up.

Best actor-
Robert De Niro-how did he do it? How for so many years did Sean
Penn get his job playing straight man? Being a movie star can
get in the way of acting but not for Sean Penn, Sean loses

himself in every role. Sean brings his commitment to his off
screen life-you see him campaigning for human rights,
respectfully advises the world leaders and gently, gently
reasons the paparazzi. Tonight it is important to be a great
actor and in life, it is great to be a human being.
Sean Penn-you commie, homo-loving sons of guns. I did not
expect this but i want it to be very clear that I do know how
hard I make it to appreciate me often. I am touched by the







