
2020年08月04日 10:45




全国 教师资格证(以下简称“教资证”)改革从近两年才开始。不管是在笔试的考试范
围和题型上,还是在面 试的题型和要求上面,都和往年有了很大的区别。比如普遍反映改
革后的笔试后考试的范围和内容更加的 偏,更加的难,“都想有一种想要扔掉购买的资料书
的冲动”,因为所购买的资料书的封面上所写的什么 “考点覆盖率100%”的广告根本就是
个幌子,实际考试考的内容和书上所列的考点很难挂钩。而教师 资格证考试的面试很大的
一个变革就是采取了结构化面试和情景模拟相结合的方法,通过抽题,备课,试 讲,答辩
质三科。成 绩是在12月1日出来的,当时没有想过三门都会过,因为自己在考试之前根本
从没有复习过,可是最后 查了成绩之后发现教育知识与能力以70分的成绩险过之后(120
分的满分,70分及格),自己都有 点欣喜若狂,感觉自己太幸运了!对于教资证的笔试,我
真的没有什么经验可以传授,只能说自己高中是 学文科的,可能训练的那些答辩技巧的运
用再加上自己的一点幸运险过了。如果真的想下定决心想拿到教 资证的同学还是好好的背
背书,做做题,那样更有把握一些。好吧,闲扯了那么多,我还是回到我们的主 题吧,那
PS:我今 年大三,就读的是华中师范大学英语系专业。(以下黑色表示我的主观的心理活动,
红色表示题目或者真 实讲课以及对话)


One day, a man called the taxi company to get a taxi to go to the airport, but after a very
long time, the taxi did not come. He called the girl in the taxi company again. The girl in the
taxi company said, “ the taxi has not come, but you need not to worry about it as the
airplane is always late.” the man answered, “certainly, the airplane will be late this morning,
because I happen to be flying it.”

但是实际情况是 只是给你一道指定的题目。这种做法在一定程度是有点不公平,因为用全
英文来教授语法显然比全英文教 授口语或者阅读要难的多,因为语法中那一大推的专业名
词用中文你都不一定能够说的出来,更别说英文 了。但是不管是网上传言还是从我的实际
参考来看,抽到的类似上面我所抽到的阅读题型的学生是最多的 。因此大家要重视这种题
OK,在提前二十分钟抽到题后,我和其他的 同学一起在一个教室里面写教案。我旁边
的一个华师的女生抽到的是听力题。当然了,这是她自己说的, 写教案的时候是不许交谈,
不许带参考资料,也不许打开手机,违者属于作弊,这个监考人员一再强调过 的,所以只

Teaching Plan
Teaching Aims:
Knowledge aim: let students master the useful word and expressions in the reading
Ability aim: let the students learn how to communicate with other persons in a more
polite way. Learn the reading skills of skim and scan.
Emotional aim: let the students to know the importance of respecting other people and
communicate with other people in a good manner.

Teaching Procedures:
Step one: lead-in (1 minutes)
Show the students some pictures about the vehicles such as bike, taxi, and airplane and
let them match the names with the pictures.

Step two: new words and phrases (2 minutes)
Write the new words and expressions from the reading material such as taxi, airport and

let the students read after the teachers.

Step three: while-reading(4 minutes)
Ask the students about the main idea about the text through a quick reading about the
whole text. Let the students do “T” or “F” exercise. Let the students conclude the main idea
about each paragraph.

Step Four: consolidation(2 minutes)
Divide the whole class into two groups. Choose a team leader of each group. Let the
group one act the whole scenario based on the reading material faithfully. And let group two
have some adaptations of the scenario based on the reading material.

Step Five: Homework(1 minutes)
Let the students to write a composition about the ending of this story.

这就是我在考场上面写的一个大概的教案了。大家对于给定的这20分 钟到底应该怎么分
配呢?我的建议是:花10-15分钟用来写上面的教案,另外的5-10分钟用来想 自己在接下
来的10分钟试讲的环节把这堂课真正的上好。显然,如果考前有准备过教案的写法的话,< br>在10分钟左右把上面的东西写出来并不难,还有一点就是教案基本上是不会被纳入到评分
的标准 里面去,因为我们在笔试的时候已经在《英语学科知识与能力》里面最后一道题就
是写这样的教案。在结 构化面试中,你写的上面这个东西并不是重点,尽管你走的时候要
是不是这 20分钟一到,你马上就要上去讲了呢?答案是否定的,至少在我们的那个考场
不是那样的。就我个人来 说,20分钟之后,从备课室里面出来,我至少又花了20分钟的时
间在那里模拟10分钟的试讲,觉得 自己练的很熟了之后又花了10分钟站在窗户外面看里
面的考生讲课(其实也没有必要看,我就是好奇而 已,你还不如把自己的10分钟试讲再多
练一遍)。就这样,从拿到我的题目到我真的进入考室面试,大 概有50分钟的时间,充分
高效的利用这50分钟的时间构思出一堂精彩绝伦的10分钟试讲,你的面试 基本上也就通
面对这宝贵的10分钟试讲的时间,很多人都不知道怎么取舍:到底 是走完我在教案中所
写的10分钟计划还是在那里面挑选一个片段讲十分钟呢? 对于这个问题,也没有 标准答
情况。如果 所给的材料当中,有一个特别突出的重点和难点,你把它单独抽出来讲10分钟
也无妨,比如说你抽到的 是语法题,材料里面反复出现的是虚拟语气的话,10分钟就重点
应付这个就行了。但是,如果抽到例如 我上面所抽到的阅读题的话,材料本身其实真的非
常简单,也没有很突出的一个阅读点,我采取的就是把 45分钟的课堂全部压缩进10分钟
的试讲,也就是说那10分钟就是一堂完整的课堂。下面是我的整个 面试的20分钟的文字
首先,看到里面的考生从考室里出来后,一定要先记得敲 门,得到允许之后再推门进去。
因为有时候老师还在忙着统计成绩,还没有准备好,没有得到允许就进去 一个是不礼貌,
面试我的是三个女老师,年龄分别在25, 35,45岁左右。其中两个老师面容慈善的,另外
一个板着脸,像谁欠她钱一样,无论我讲的好不好, 她都是一脸严肃的样子。

老师:我们的是结构化的面试,你将有总共 20分钟的时间,其中10分钟的时间用来回
答问题,5分钟回答我们从电脑里面随机抽取的关于师德师 能的问题,另外5分钟用来你
以前在网上看到说会给你时间思考,实 际情况是问完就答了。这部分我在面试前还是
有准备的。因此感觉题目也不是太偏太难,需要注意的是, 别以为这两道题是主观题,没
有标准答案,实际上在面试老师前面的电脑里有一个大概的参考答案,她们 会拿你回答的

一,首先,一名人 民教师应该爱岗敬业。老师的本职工作是教书育人,教好学生。教
师应该在自己的工作岗位之上兢兢业业 ,辛勤耕耘。教师育人的前提就是教师自己本身应
该具有较高的专业水准。俗话说的好,想要交给学生一 碗水,自己得先有一桶水。因此,
良好的专业素养是培养高素质学生重要的一个品质。教师除了自己的专 业能力素养之外,
还应该不断的提高自己的品德素养,在生活当中给学生树立良好的品德模范和榜样。这 就
二,其次 ,我认为教师应该拥有的核心价值观念是爱国。首先,教师不仅仅是作为一
种职业,更加的是整个社会的 一份子。教师应该牢牢的记住自己做为公民的义务与责任—
—热爱我们的祖国母亲。而且教师这一职业的 爱国又拥有其本身的特殊性,因为只有老师
身上体现的是一种强烈的爱国情怀,才能够把这种精神传染给 自己的学生,才能够真正的
培养出爱国爱党的学生,才能够为我们的祖国培养栋梁之才,实现中华民族的 伟大复兴。
心底里面接纳 自己,喜欢自己。对周边的同事友善才能够创造出一个更加良好的环境,激

我首先会分析班上成绩好的同学不愿意参加班集体活动的原因 :到底是成绩好的同学
打从心底里面不愿意参加,不喜欢参加集体活动,还是说我作为班主任,没有给学 生创造
如果优等生不愿意参加班集体活动是因为本身只是顾着自己 的学习而忽略了参加班级
活动的话,我会采取下面的措施:首先,我会找优等生进行谈心,询问他们不愿 意参加集
集体活动不仅 能够帮助你们减轻自己的学业上面的压力,让你们更好的融入到集体,还能
够发展你们的综合能力和素养 ,因为只会学习和考试的学生是没有发展前途的。
如果优等生认为班级活动是非常的无趣乏味而不想参 加的话,我会反思自己的工作。
自己的是否营造了一个良好的积极的团结的班级氛围?自己是否有足够的 关心爱护学生,


我在讲的时候,老师时不时的 点点头,我自己觉得自己这一部分作答的还一般吧。其
实这部分并不难,关键是你要了解结构化面试它要 考察你的什么能力。一般来说,无非是
师德,管理,思辨逻辑能力等等。只要从这几个大的方面入手,平 时自己多积累一下这方
面的经验,不在面试的时候说什么反动的话,一般都会没有问题的,当然如果你能 够答的

Good morning, class, in the previous class, we have learned a reading text about the
manner and ways of communication, do you still remember? And in this class, we are going
to learn another text about manner and ways of communication as well as some names of
vehicles in the reading material. Firs of all, I’d like you do the match exercise on the
As you can see that, on the left part of this blackboard, there are some names of
automobiles, and on the right part of the blackboard, there are some pictures. Can you
match the names on the left with the pictures on the right. Who can have a try? OK, Mike,
tell me your choice. Great, your answer is right, this can be matched with this picture, and
this name represents the taxi, and this is a picture about a plane. Very good,class, you have
done a very good job.
Then,I will read this text for you, please listen carefully, and try to get the main idea
about the reading material. OK, after I read this text, I’d show you some new words and
expressions in the reading material. The first word is “taxi”(在黑板上板书写上这个单词),
this word means “出租车” in Chinese. And the second word is “airport”, before I tell you
the meaning of this word, can you guess the meaning of this word? Class, who can have a try?
We can combine what we have learned with what we are going to learn today. I will give you
some hints, we say “by air” in English which means “乘飞机”, and “air” is related with “飞
机”, and “port” is a place where we park a ship or other vehicles. So, class, after you have
understood these, can anyone tell me the Chinese meaning of this word? Maria, please, Yes,
very good. It means “飞机场” in Chinese. OK, since you have mastered the new words and
expressions in the reading material, I will give you 2 minutes to read this whole text, and
then I will check whether you understand it or not, now let’s start.
Time is up, now, class, please listen to my statements carefully and judge whether it is
true or false. OK, the first statement is that “one day, a woman called the taxi company to
get a taxi to get him to go to the airport”, who can tell me whether this statement is right or
wrong? Yes, great, Mike did a very good job. This statement is wrong, a man rather than a
woman called the taxi company to get a taxi for him. Now, I will give my second statement,
“ the man called the taxi company three times”, class, whether this statement is true or false?
OK, Julia, yes, you are right, this is false. You two have done very well. Now, please listen to
my final statement, “the man is a pilot”, who can tell me whether this statement is true or
false. OK, Joe, your answer is “?”, I am afraid, you do not understand the whole text yet.
Actually the man is a pilot in this story. Why I draw this conclusion? If you look at the final

sentence in this reading material, you will find that “it” in this sentence means “airplane”, so
the man is going to call a taxi to drive him to go to the airport, because he is a pilot, if he
doesn’t not arrive at this airport on time, he will not be able to fly an airplane. 也就是说,这
个男人就是一个飞行员,如果他所呼叫的出租车没有准时到的话,他 也就不能准时达到机
场,他所开的航班也会延误。Now, can you understand the whole text? Class. If we must
understand this reading material thoroughly, we should pay more attention to each and very
fact in this reading material in order to get further understanding about this text.
OK, in the following part, we will do a role play game. I will divide the whole class into
two groups, the first group will act the whole scenario based on the plot in this reading
material faithfully. The other group will make some adaptation based on this reading
material to make the communication between the man and the woman in the text more
polite and proper. Now I will give you three minutes, ready go!
Time is up, class, now, I will check your work, can you act you play in front of the
class? ....OK, both groups have done a very good job. Class, have you noticed that if we
communicate with each other in a way the group two did, we will have more understanding
and mutual respect in our daily life. For example, in their adaptation, they changed the girl’s
words. The girl said,“we will arrange another taxi for you instead of saying that as the
airplane will be late.”from this example, we can see that we should pay attention to our
behavior in communication with other people, if we want to get respects from other people,
we should respect others first. Only by doing that, can we communicate with each other
more politely and properly.
OK, class, our class is going to be over, our homework is to write a story about the end of
this story. What will happen to the man and the girl in the story? You can think about it
after class. You can have a rest now.
老师:讲的很棒!你虽然是今天我们面试 的人当中最后一个,但你是讲的最好的一个。
我 :(头脑空白了两秒,有这么好吗?天哪?!?>>)真的吗?老师,我从前从来没有上讲
我:(已经飘起来了,但是还是得记得把黑板擦了), 老师再见。。。。。。

以上 就是我教师资格证面试中学英语的全部内容了,希望你们看完后也能从中收益。码
字不易,请给好评。如 有这方面的疑问可以百度私信我,有时间一定回复。祝大家也能够
早日通过教师资格证的考试,真正的成 为一名人民教师。哦,对了,再附上往年考过的几
道英语面试的真题吧,纯属从自己购买的资料书里面手 打到这里的,很辛苦啊,请珍惜,







