
2020年08月04日 10:56


III英译汉 Read and Understand all passages we’ve covered this semester. Then find
the English version of the following sentences. (From Reading Passage in Unit
12456 and Unit 5 Case Study)
只是 给你们参考。反正总比不准备好~还有,英语是我照着书上手打的,中文是他给的,所以,
英文有打错的 话就将就看。
1 Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already
manufacturing in Asia or thinking of it.
除顶级奢侈品牌外几乎所有的时尚品牌都或者已经在亚洲生产, 或者正考虑这么做。
2 The “Made in Italy” label is important but what we are really offering is a style,
and style is an expression of culture.
“意大利制造” 的标签很重要, 但我们真正提供的是一种风格,风格是文化的体现。
3 A brand is a set of associations in the mind of the consumer and one of these is
the country of origin. For luxury goods, the role of the brand is crucial. To damage
it is a cardinal sin and no brand manager will want to get the balance between
manufacturing location and the brand image wrong.
品牌是消费者心中的一系列联想, 其中之一就是原产地。 对于奢侈品而言, 品牌的作用至
关重要。 破坏它是一种弥天大罪。 没有哪个品牌经理愿意将产地和品牌形象之间的关系搞
4 Airlines and their long-suffering customers are reporting a steep climb in air rage
incidents. Some incidents are apparently caused by problems which are familiar to
many regular travellers.
航空公司与长期受罪的乘客们都在提及急剧增加的机上冲突事件。 有些事件的发生显然是由
5 To cut costs, they are cramming ever more passengers into their aircraft, while
reducing cabin crew, training and quality of service, all of which increase passenger
为了削减成本, 他们把更多的乘客塞进机舱, 同时又减少机组人员、缩短培训时间和降低
服务质量, 所有这些都令乘客更加沮丧。
6 As consumers demand better value and a more interesting and stimulating experience
while shopping, department stores face a clear choice: adapt or die.
由于消费者要求购物更划算, 购物经历更有趣和更刺激, 百货公司面临着一个明确的选择:
要么主动适应, 要么关门大吉。
7 ‘My concern is that they will become retail museums ,’ says Britt Breemer, chairman
of America’s Research Group. ‘The bottom line is that they have to admit they are
in trouble and figure out some way to reinvent themselves.’
“我担心他们将成为零售业的博物馆。” 美国调研集团主席布里特说。 “解决问题的底线是
他们必须承认自己有麻烦了, 并找到方法来改造自己。”

8 This may help to explain why four times as many households
visit discount stores as department stores.
9 Department stores face mounting competition from speciality retailers and
discounters, such as Wal-Mart and Target. Their steady loss of market share may be
partly because the concept was born in a different era, a time when, for families,
a trip to the stores combined shopping with entertainment.
百货公司面对的是来自专业零售商和折扣店如沃尔玛和塔吉特的激烈竞争。 他们的市场份额
持续下跌的部分原因可能是因为“百货” 这个概念诞生在一个不同的时代,在当时对一个家
庭来说, 去商店购物就是将采购和娱乐相结合。
10 It has brought back excitement and novelty and is really seducing customers by
developing the right merchandise, in the right quantities at the right time.
它重新让人们感到兴奋和新奇, 并通过在恰当的时间里以合适的数量开发适销对路的商品来
11 Forty-two stores are being upgraded with the latest components of its ‘reinvent’
strategy, including enhanced fitting rooms, convenient price-check devices,
comfortable lounge areas, computer kiosks and shopping carts.
四十二家店面正在运用“重塑” 策略的最新理念进行升级改造, 包括优化试衣间, 提供方
便的价格查验设备, 舒适的休息区, 公用电脑亭和购物车。
12 But Knight admits the company then lost its way as it failed to cope with its success.
It experimented unsuccessfully with expansion into non-athletic shoes, and lost its
number one position to Reebok in 1986.
但奈特也承认公司在成功之后迷失了方向。 公司尝试将业务拓展到非运动鞋领域, 结果未
能成功, 并在1986年将老大的位置拱手让给了锐步。
13 It is willing to take risks by buying stakes in start-up or small companies, but
also puts money into larger companies which have good prospects for growth.
公司愿意冒险购买新创立公司或小公司的股本, 同时也投资发展前景良好的大公司。
14.The new laser printer could be a market leader, but outsourcing components is
unpopular with the unions who are threatening industrial action.
新的激光打印机有可能成为市场领先产品, 但零部件生产外包遭到工会的反对,他们威胁要
15 (该句别的老师没有给但 是有个标号,我个人估计就是第七课里任意的一句,因为李红波
说要考一句,但是前面14句未涉及第七 单元。所以这句大家就自己看看第七课吧。)

I. 汉译英Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 我们很遗憾你们的发盘比美国供应商的价格高出5%。
We regret to say that your offer is 5% higher than that of American suppliers.
2. 羊毛行市

As the wool market is slack currently, there is no possibility of closing making
the deal unless you lower your price by 5%.
3. 兹遗憾通知你方,本地买主认为你方报价太高。
We regret to inform you that buyers at our end regard your price much too high.
4. 我们的报价相当合理,且已为你地其他客户所接受。
Our offer quotation is quite reasonable and has been accepted by customers in your
5. 至于男式衬衫,我们盼望能够按接近我们的价格达成交易。
As for men’s shirts, we hope that the deal could be made at a price close to our
6. 我公司经营轻工产品已有20年。
We have handled specialized in light industrial products for over 20 years.
7. 我们从商会得知你公司有意购买大量红茶。
We learn from the Chamber of Commerce that you intend to purchase are in the market
for large amount of black tea.
8. 如果你认为我方的价格合理,请与我方联系。
Please contact us if you consider find regard our price reasonable.
Should you consider our price reasonable, please contact us.
9. 我们将非常乐意收到你方寄来的最新商品录。
We are much pleaseddelighted to receive your latest catalogue.
10. 我们从互联网上得知贵公司的名称和地址。
We have learn of your name and address on from the web.
11. 小企业由于资金不足或管理能力有限而难以扩展。
It is difficult for small-sized enterprises to expand due to inadequate finance and
poor incapable management.
12. 到2005年,在发达国家,雇员平均工作时间超过半数的时间将在家里度过。
By 2005, over half of the average working hours for employees in developed countries
will be spent at home.
13. 上海是中国通向世界的东大门,是中国最大的海港城市。
Shanghai, the largest seaport city, is China’s eastern gate to the outside world.
14. 上海是现代中国城市的象征,是地球上最具活力、最有希望的城市之。
Shanghai, the symbol of modern metropolis in China, is one of the most dynamic and
promising cities around the world.
15. 浦东开发是中国改革开放的重要标志,未来的浦东将变得更加光彩夺目。
Development of Pudong is a prominent milestone of China’s reform and opening up.
The future of Pudong will be more splendid brilliant.

16. 我们为自己的技术手艺感到自豪。
We take great pride in our craftsmanship.
17. 你们的鞋子在我们市场将会大受欢迎。
Your shoes will enjoy great popularity will be well received in our market.
18. 商品质量好才能不断有销路。
Only goods with fine quality can will haveenjoy a good market.

19. 如果畅销,生意肯定会做大的。
You are sure to expand your business if the goods sell well in our area.
20. 我希望你方能给我们最优惠的条件。

We hope that you could offer us the most favorable terms.
II 写作Business Letter Writing
Directions: In this section, you are required to write an English letter in the full
correct layout based on the information given below. Then write down the letter on
the paper. This section totals 20 points.

1 对方公司名称和地址:Tiddie Somer, Inc.
900 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
收件人姓名和头衔:Fred Johns Purchase Manager
2 写信日期:2008年5月18日
3 确认收到对方5月12日的来函,询购你方的“永久牌”自行车。
4 谨告知,你方的自行车是为各个年龄层次的群体制作的,因此,提供对方所要的货肯定
5 对方要求的数量折扣可以满足,对于金额在50,000美元以上的订单我们可以给5%的折
6 此外,你方一直是以即期信用证付款做生意的。但是,一旦与对方公司建立起牢固的贸
易关 系,对于付款条件你方愿意重新考虑。
7 兹附你方的夏季商品目录和报有CIF Cost Insurance and freight (Port of Destination)
8 盼望很快得到您的回音。
9 写信人为Huang Tao Sales Manager
公司名称和地址:Dalian Trading Co. Ltd.
689 Huayuan Road, Dalian 116000,Liaoning, China

Dalian Trading Co. Ltd.
689 Huayuan Road, Dalian 116000,Liaoning, China

May 18, 2008

Fred Johns
Purchase Manager
Tiddie Somer, Inc.
900 Richards Street
Vancouver, B.C

Dear Mr. Johns,

Thank you for your letter of May 12th, enquiring about our “Forever” Bicycles.

We are pleased to inform you that we are able to supply the goods you required as
our products are made for users of different ages. In addition What’s more, as to
quantity discount we could offer a 5% discount on orders over US$$50,000.

Please note that We’d like to let you know that our business has always been based
on sight LC. However, we will reconsider the terms of payment new terms of payment
could be renegotiated reconsidered once a solid business relationship is established
between us.

Enclosed please find our summer season catalogue and CIF Vancouver price list. We
hope to close the deal on the terms quoted therein.

Your early reply is expected awaited. We look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours sincerely

Huang Tao
Sales Manager

1. 对方公司名称和地址:Kiddie Korner, Inc. (#202-418 Richards Street, Vancouver,
B.C. Canada V6B 3A7)
收信人姓名与职务: Mr. Fred Johns Chief Buyer
2. 得悉对方昨天传真发来的信函,要求以30天付款交单(DP)方式付款。
3. 告知对方,本公司财务政策规定新客户须以即期信用证支付货款。
4. 待双方建立起牢固的贸易关系后,可重新考虑付款条件。
5. 我公司一般给贸易折扣10%,对于金额在20,000美元以上的订单另

6. 盼回复。
写信人职务: 市场部经理
ABC Corporation

December 12th, 2013

Mr. Fred Johns
Chief Buyer
Kiddie Korner, Inc. (#202-418 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C.

Canada V6B 3A7)

Dear Mr. Johns,

Thank you for your faxed letter of yesterday, in which you required payment by 30
days DP.

We would like to inform you that Please note that it is our corporate policy that
new customers should make payment by sight LC. However, new terms of payment will
be renegotiated reconsidered after the establishment of a solid business
relationship between us.

We usually offer our customers a trade discount of 5% and another quantity discount
of 5% is allowed on orders over US$$20,000.

Your early reply prompt response is expected awaited.

Yours sincerely,
Sylvia Green
Market Manager

III英译汉 Read and Understand all passages we’ve covered this semester. Then find
the English version of the following sentences. (From Reading Passage in Unit
12456 and Unit 5 Case Study)
只是 给你们参考。反正总比不准备好~还有,英语是我照着书上手打的,中文是他给的,所以,
英文有打错的 话就将就看。
1 Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already
manufacturing in Asia or thinking of it.
除顶级奢侈品牌外几乎所有的时尚品牌都或者已经在亚洲生产, 或者正考虑这么做。
2 The “Made in Italy” label is important but what we are really offering is a style,
and style is an expression of culture.
“意大利制造” 的标签很重要, 但我们真正提供的是一种风格,风格是文化的体现。
3 A brand is a set of associations in the mind of the consumer and one of these is
the country of origin. For luxury goods, the role of the brand is crucial. To damage
it is a cardinal sin and no brand manager will want to get the balance between
manufacturing location and the brand image wrong.
品牌是消费者心中的一系列联想, 其中之一就是原产地。 对于奢侈品而言, 品牌的作用至
关重要。 破坏它是一种弥天大罪。 没有哪个品牌经理愿意将产地和品牌形象之间的关系搞
4 Airlines and their long-suffering customers are reporting a steep climb in air rage
incidents. Some incidents are apparently caused by problems which are familiar to
many regular travellers.
航空公司与长期受罪的乘客们都在提及急剧增加的机上冲突事件。 有些事件的发生显然是由
5 To cut costs, they are cramming ever more passengers into their aircraft, while
reducing cabin crew, training and quality of service, all of which increase passenger
为了削减成本, 他们把更多的乘客塞进机舱, 同时又减少机组人员、缩短培训时间和降低
服务质量, 所有这些都令乘客更加沮丧。
6 As consumers demand better value and a more interesting and stimulating experience
while shopping, department stores face a clear choice: adapt or die.
由于消费者要求购物更划算, 购物经历更有趣和更刺激, 百货公司面临着一个明确的选择:
要么主动适应, 要么关门大吉。
7 ‘My concern is that they will become retail museums ,’ says Britt Breemer, chairman
of America’s Research Group. ‘The bottom line is that they have to admit they are
in trouble and figure out some way to reinvent themselves.’
“我担心他们将成为零售业的博物馆。” 美国调研集团主席布里特说。 “解决问题的底线是
他们必须承认自己有麻烦了, 并找到方法来改造自己。”

8 This may help to explain why four times as many households
visit discount stores as department stores.
9 Department stores face mounting competition from speciality retailers and
discounters, such as Wal-Mart and Target. Their steady loss of market share may be
partly because the concept was born in a different era, a time when, for families,
a trip to the stores combined shopping with entertainment.
百货公司面对的是来自专业零售商和折扣店如沃尔玛和塔吉特的激烈竞争。 他们的市场份额
持续下跌的部分原因可能是因为“百货” 这个概念诞生在一个不同的时代,在当时对一个家
庭来说, 去商店购物就是将采购和娱乐相结合。
10 It has brought back excitement and novelty and is really seducing customers by
developing the right merchandise, in the right quantities at the right time.
它重新让人们感到兴奋和新奇, 并通过在恰当的时间里以合适的数量开发适销对路的商品来
11 Forty-two stores are being upgraded with the latest components of its ‘reinvent’
strategy, including enhanced fitting rooms, convenient price-check devices,
comfortable lounge areas, computer kiosks and shopping carts.
四十二家店面正在运用“重塑” 策略的最新理念进行升级改造, 包括优化试衣间, 提供方
便的价格查验设备, 舒适的休息区, 公用电脑亭和购物车。
12 But Knight admits the company then lost its way as it failed to cope with its success.
It experimented unsuccessfully with expansion into non-athletic shoes, and lost its
number one position to Reebok in 1986.
但奈特也承认公司在成功之后迷失了方向。 公司尝试将业务拓展到非运动鞋领域, 结果未
能成功, 并在1986年将老大的位置拱手让给了锐步。
13 It is willing to take risks by buying stakes in start-up or small companies, but
also puts money into larger companies which have good prospects for growth.
公司愿意冒险购买新创立公司或小公司的股本, 同时也投资发展前景良好的大公司。
14.The new laser printer could be a market leader, but outsourcing components is
unpopular with the unions who are threatening industrial action.
新的激光打印机有可能成为市场领先产品, 但零部件生产外包遭到工会的反对,他们威胁要
15 (该句别的老师没有给但 是有个标号,我个人估计就是第七课里任意的一句,因为李红波
说要考一句,但是前面14句未涉及第七 单元。所以这句大家就自己看看第七课吧。)

I. 汉译英Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 我们很遗憾你们的发盘比美国供应商的价格高出5%。
We regret to say that your offer is 5% higher than that of American suppliers.
2. 羊毛行市

As the wool market is slack currently, there is no possibility of closing making
the deal unless you lower your price by 5%.
3. 兹遗憾通知你方,本地买主认为你方报价太高。
We regret to inform you that buyers at our end regard your price much too high.
4. 我们的报价相当合理,且已为你地其他客户所接受。
Our offer quotation is quite reasonable and has been accepted by customers in your
5. 至于男式衬衫,我们盼望能够按接近我们的价格达成交易。
As for men’s shirts, we hope that the deal could be made at a price close to our
6. 我公司经营轻工产品已有20年。
We have handled specialized in light industrial products for over 20 years.
7. 我们从商会得知你公司有意购买大量红茶。
We learn from the Chamber of Commerce that you intend to purchase are in the market
for large amount of black tea.
8. 如果你认为我方的价格合理,请与我方联系。
Please contact us if you consider find regard our price reasonable.
Should you consider our price reasonable, please contact us.
9. 我们将非常乐意收到你方寄来的最新商品录。
We are much pleaseddelighted to receive your latest catalogue.
10. 我们从互联网上得知贵公司的名称和地址。
We have learn of your name and address on from the web.
11. 小企业由于资金不足或管理能力有限而难以扩展。
It is difficult for small-sized enterprises to expand due to inadequate finance and
poor incapable management.
12. 到2005年,在发达国家,雇员平均工作时间超过半数的时间将在家里度过。
By 2005, over half of the average working hours for employees in developed countries
will be spent at home.
13. 上海是中国通向世界的东大门,是中国最大的海港城市。
Shanghai, the largest seaport city, is China’s eastern gate to the outside world.
14. 上海是现代中国城市的象征,是地球上最具活力、最有希望的城市之。
Shanghai, the symbol of modern metropolis in China, is one of the most dynamic and
promising cities around the world.
15. 浦东开发是中国改革开放的重要标志,未来的浦东将变得更加光彩夺目。
Development of Pudong is a prominent milestone of China’s reform and opening up.
The future of Pudong will be more splendid brilliant.

16. 我们为自己的技术手艺感到自豪。
We take great pride in our craftsmanship.
17. 你们的鞋子在我们市场将会大受欢迎。
Your shoes will enjoy great popularity will be well received in our market.
18. 商品质量好才能不断有销路。
Only goods with fine quality can will haveenjoy a good market.

19. 如果畅销,生意肯定会做大的。
You are sure to expand your business if the goods sell well in our area.
20. 我希望你方能给我们最优惠的条件。

We hope that you could offer us the most favorable terms.
II 写作Business Letter Writing
Directions: In this section, you are required to write an English letter in the full
correct layout based on the information given below. Then write down the letter on
the paper. This section totals 20 points.

1 对方公司名称和地址:Tiddie Somer, Inc.
900 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
收件人姓名和头衔:Fred Johns Purchase Manager
2 写信日期:2008年5月18日
3 确认收到对方5月12日的来函,询购你方的“永久牌”自行车。
4 谨告知,你方的自行车是为各个年龄层次的群体制作的,因此,提供对方所要的货肯定
5 对方要求的数量折扣可以满足,对于金额在50,000美元以上的订单我们可以给5%的折
6 此外,你方一直是以即期信用证付款做生意的。但是,一旦与对方公司建立起牢固的贸
易关 系,对于付款条件你方愿意重新考虑。
7 兹附你方的夏季商品目录和报有CIF Cost Insurance and freight (Port of Destination)
8 盼望很快得到您的回音。
9 写信人为Huang Tao Sales Manager
公司名称和地址:Dalian Trading Co. Ltd.
689 Huayuan Road, Dalian 116000,Liaoning, China

Dalian Trading Co. Ltd.
689 Huayuan Road, Dalian 116000,Liaoning, China

May 18, 2008

Fred Johns
Purchase Manager
Tiddie Somer, Inc.
900 Richards Street
Vancouver, B.C

Dear Mr. Johns,

Thank you for your letter of May 12th, enquiring about our “Forever” Bicycles.

We are pleased to inform you that we are able to supply the goods you required as
our products are made for users of different ages. In addition What’s more, as to
quantity discount we could offer a 5% discount on orders over US$$50,000.

Please note that We’d like to let you know that our business has always been based
on sight LC. However, we will reconsider the terms of payment new terms of payment
could be renegotiated reconsidered once a solid business relationship is established
between us.

Enclosed please find our summer season catalogue and CIF Vancouver price list. We
hope to close the deal on the terms quoted therein.

Your early reply is expected awaited. We look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours sincerely

Huang Tao
Sales Manager

1. 对方公司名称和地址:Kiddie Korner, Inc. (#202-418 Richards Street, Vancouver,
B.C. Canada V6B 3A7)
收信人姓名与职务: Mr. Fred Johns Chief Buyer
2. 得悉对方昨天传真发来的信函,要求以30天付款交单(DP)方式付款。
3. 告知对方,本公司财务政策规定新客户须以即期信用证支付货款。
4. 待双方建立起牢固的贸易关系后,可重新考虑付款条件。
5. 我公司一般给贸易折扣10%,对于金额在20,000美元以上的订单另

6. 盼回复。
写信人职务: 市场部经理
ABC Corporation

December 12th, 2013

Mr. Fred Johns
Chief Buyer
Kiddie Korner, Inc. (#202-418 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C.

Canada V6B 3A7)

Dear Mr. Johns,

Thank you for your faxed letter of yesterday, in which you required payment by 30
days DP.

We would like to inform you that Please note that it is our corporate policy that
new customers should make payment by sight LC. However, new terms of payment will
be renegotiated reconsidered after the establishment of a solid business
relationship between us.

We usually offer our customers a trade discount of 5% and another quantity discount
of 5% is allowed on orders over US$$20,000.

Your early reply prompt response is expected awaited.

Yours sincerely,
Sylvia Green
Market Manager







