
2020年08月04日 17:10


Once upon a time, there was a mother pig. She
had three little pigs. The three little pigs grew up
and their mother said to them,
live here any longer.
house. But beware, the wolf cannot catch you.

The three little pigs set off.
wolves don't catch us,
man with straw. Can I have some straws, please?
The first little pig asked.
for myself.
little pig some straw.

Then the first little pig built a straw house for
himself. He is satisfied with his house. He said,

to build a house stronger than the
second little pigs. going to build a house
stronger than you, too,

The second little pigs and the third little pigs walk
along the road. Soon they met a man with a stick.
Could you give me some sticks, please? Asked the
second little pig. want to build a house for
pigs some sticks.

Then the second little pigs built a small house for
themselves. It's stronger than a straw house. The
second little pig is satisfied with his house. He
want to build a house stronger than you,
third little pig.

The third little pigs were walking alone on
the road. Soon, he met a man with some
bricks. Can I have some bricks, please?
Asked the third little pig.
house for myself.
gave third little pigs some bricks.

Then the third little pigs built a brick house for
themselves. It took him a long time to build it
because it was a very strong house. The third little
pig is satisfied with his house. He said,
wolf can't catch me. I ate me.

Second days, the wolf came to the road. He came
to the straw house where the first little pig was
built. When the first little pig saw the wolf coming,
he ran into the house and closed the door. The
wolf knocked on the door and said,
pig, let me in.

angry, I'll blow, and I'll blow your house,
wolf. Then the wolf blew the straw house down,
and the wolf ate the first pig.

On the second day, the wolf walked along the road.
He came to the house built by the second little
pigs. When the second little pig saw the wolf
coming, he ran into the house and closed the door.
The wolf knocked on the door and said,
little pig, let me in.

angry, I'll blow, and I'll blow your house,
wolf. The wolf knocked the stick off and the wolf
ate the second little pigs.

On the second day, the wolf walked along the road.
He came to the house built by the third little pigs.
When the third little pig saw the wolf coming, he
ran into the house and closed the door. The wolf
knocked on the door and said,
let me in.

angry, I'll blow, and I'll blow your house,
wolf. The wolf beat desperately, but the brick house
did not collapse.

The wolf was angry, but he did not pretend. He
thought, is a clever little pig.I want to
catch him, I must pretend to be his friend.
wolf said,
ready, I will take you to the farmer Smith farm.
We're going to eat and find some good radishes.

little pig. He knew the wolf wanted to eat him. So
the second morning, the third little pig left for
farmer Smith's farm at the age of five. He filled his
basket with radishes. Then he hurried home at six.

Six, the wolf knocked on the door of the pig. Piglet,
are you ready? He said, I went to Smith
farm,said piglet piglet. I filled my basket with
radishes and they cooked meals for me.
was angry, but he did not pretend.

Then the wolf said,
morning, I'll take you to the farmer Brown's apple

the pig set off at four. He found the apple tree.
When the wolf came, he was picking apples from
the tree.

The piglet was scared, but he pretended not to be
afraid. are good apples, Mr. Borov,he
you an
apple, but it rolled down the road. The wolf ran
after him. Then the little pig jumped out of the
tree. He ran home all the way and closed the door

The wolf was angry, but he still pretended not to
be angry. He went to the little pig's house and
knocked at the door.
four this afternoon is ready, I will take you to the

The pig set out for the market. He had a lot of fun.
He bought himself an ice cream machine. It looks
like a big barrel. When the little pig came home, he
saw the wolf climb the mountain. Piglet is afraid to
jump into the cream mixer.

The butter mixer began rolling around the
mountains. It rolls faster and faster. It knocked the
wolf down. The wolf did not know what had
brought him down. He was so frightened that he
could run as fast as possible. The pig jumped out
of the butter mixer and brought it home.

On the second day, the wolf came and knocked on
the door of the pig. He said,
the market yesterday.
the hill and knocked me down. Piggy said. This is
me, my butter mixer!

When the wolf heard this, he was very, very angry.
He said,
climb down your chimney to find you.

The wolf climbed onto the roof. Then he began to fall off the chimney. A pot with
a lid on a pig. In the pot, the wolf fell and gave a splash. This is the end of the
wolf. The third little pig is too clever for him.







